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胶东半岛苹果绵蚜的扩散为害及防治研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究结果表明:胶东半岛苹果绵蚜的扩散原因,主要是部分果园管理粗放,其次是气候适宜,寄主种类多,天敌不能有效控害,传播途径多。经测定苹果绵蚜为害苹果的产量损失率为4.10—38.81%。防治苹果绵蚜主要采用刮除树干、枝粗翘皮,铲除根蘖,药波喷树干、枝和蓓根,药泥堵树洞,高倍内吸药液涂刷树干、枝等。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂——对苹果绵蚜有控制潜能的寄生蜂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂是苹果绵蚜的重要寄生蜂。本文综述了苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的研究概况,包括该寄生蜂的引种与分布、寄主范围、生物学特性、控制效果与影响因素、重寄生蜂及合理利用等,指出应加快苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的规模化生产,充分发挥其对苹果绵蚜的控制作用。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜防治技术研究简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果绵蚜 ( Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann)俗称绵虫、棉花虫、血色蚜虫 ,是我国规定的植物检疫性有害生物 ,也是苹果属 ( Malus)果树的重要害虫。该虫在烟台发生较普遍 ,为害较严重 ,并有逐渐向非发生地区扩散蔓延为害趋势。为寻找经济、快速、有效的防治方法 ,笔者多年进行了这方面的研究 ,取得显著的效果 ,现简报如下 :1材料与方法在山东海阳、蓬莱、莱州等选择苹果绵蚜发生较重的老果园 ,树龄 2 0 - 30年之间 ,树势中等。供试药剂为 4 0 %氧化乐果乳油 (山东张店农药厂 )。设 5个处理 ,分别是 :( 1 )涂干 :在距地面 50 cm左右的主干处 …  相似文献   

果树抗苹绵好Eriosomalanigerum性与多种因素有关。其中营养成分α-氨基氮(α-N)的含量,以及毒性成分多酚(φ)的含量尤为重要[1]。邓家棋等为筛选抗虫性强的品系,采用核梢罩微型笼饲养等方法[2]对本地区多种品系果树进行测试。同时开展了对许多品系枝梢的α-N和φ含量的分析测试工作。结果表明,枝消的总酚含量与α-氨基氮的含量之比(φα-N)与用核稍微型笼饲养法测得的抗虫性具一定的相关性。因此,化学成分的分析对于抗虫性品系的选育具有一定的参考价值。1材料与方法1.1材料:湖北海棠(龙王1,龙王2,龙王3,房县3,房县8…  相似文献   

温度对苹果绵蚜生长发育的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum(Hausm.)是云南苹果树的毁灭性害虫。苹果栽培面积不断扩大,由于检疫措施不严和防治工作跟不上,苹果绵蚜仍在蔓延。但云南过去未对苹果绵蚜生物学进行过系统研究。作者根据生产需要,对苹果绵蚜的有关生物学进行了观察研究。  相似文献   

本文在生物学特性研究的基础上,组建了苹果绵蚜(Eriosoma lanigerum)及其日光蜂(Aphelinus mali)寄主——天敌作用系统的Boxcar train模型,对苹果绵蚜猖獗期的二种群数量进行了模拟,其结果与果园调查基本吻合。用此模型做系统的灵敏度分析,结果表明系统的内部因子(如蚜蜂的基数比例)和外部因子(温湿度)对系统均有影响。温度升高,二种群数量增加,反之则下降。湿度增加,苹果绵蚜日光蜂种群数量上升,反之则下降。湿度变化对苹果绵蚜无不良影响。比较而言,温度对系统的影响比湿度大得多。减少苹果绵蚜基数比增加日光蜂基数对系统的影响大,据此可从理论上估计生物防治的局限性。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜在苹果树上空间分布型的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用6种空间分布型聚集度指标,测楚了苹果绵蚜在苹果树新梢、侧枝、树干(环剥处)和根部的空间分布型。结果表明均呈聚集分布,据此提出了适宜的调查取样技术。  相似文献   

报道了用1年生海棠苗作为寄主植物饲养苹果绵蚜Eriosomalanigerum(Hausmann)的方法,包括寄主植物的选取、栽培管理、接虫方法及试验结果。该方法既能为苹果绵蚜提供长期新鲜的寄主植物,又能使仔蚜很快定殖成活,十分有利于试验的连续进行,且简单经济。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜在中国适生区预测及发生影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苹果绵蚜是苹果上一种重要的检疫性害虫,每年给苹果产区造成严重的经济损失.预测苹果绵蚜适生性区域和影响其定殖扩散的环境因子,能够开展苹果绵蚜分布区域测报、制定有效的检疫措施并为防治决策提供依据.本研究基于最大熵算法的生态位模型MaxEnt和地理信息系统软件ArcGIS对苹果绵蚜进行适生区分析及预测,用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)对预测模型和预测结果进行评估,并用Jackknife方法分析影响绵蚜发生的重要因子.结果表明,苹果绵蚜在我国适生范围很广,其中,辽宁、山东、河南、河北、安徽、江苏、陕西等省的适生性指数较高,对苹果绵蚜发生具有重要影响的是与温度相关的环境因子.  相似文献   

【背景】在我国,苹果绵蚜对苹果等寄主的危害日益严重,发生面积不断扩大,而品种抗性是害虫治理的一种重要手段。【方法12007—2009年于山东莱阳地区系统调查了苹果绵蚜在不同寄主果园的发生动态规律,比较了不同寄主对苹果绵蚜的抗性差异。【结果】苹果绵蚜在红富士、乔纳金、新红星苹果园和西府海棠果园中1a有2个发生高峰,5月底到7月下旬是第1个高峰,也是全年发生的最高峰,9月初到10月底是全年发生的第2个高峰,而7月底到8月底是苹果绵蚜发生的低谷期。苹果绵蚜在红富士苹果上的发生数量显著高于在乔纳金、新红星苹果和西府海棠上的发生数量。在3a的调查时间内,苹果绵蚜在红富士、乔纳金、新红星苹果上每次平均发生量分别为153.2、31.6、30.3头·株^-1。越冬前调查表明,苹果绵蚜对红富士的为害率显著高于青香蕉、乔纳金、新红星和小国光,小国光的被害率以及虫落数量最低。【结论与意义】红富士是苹果绵蚜的感虫品种,而小国光、乔纳金和新红星相对抗虫。文中讨论了苹果绵蚜抗性品种的筛选方法,为掌握不同寄主对苹果绵蚜的抗性差异以及制定苹果绵蚜的抗性治理策略提供了依据。  相似文献   

入侵性害虫——苹果绵蚜田间种群数量的调查方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年6月中旬到10底在山东省莱阳市对苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum(Hausmann)的田间发生数量进行调查研究。在田间定点调查5株苹果树上苹果绵蚜虫落数量和虫落面积,并在其它苹果树上随机选择20个虫落,计数每个虫落中苹果绵蚜的活体数,从而计算单位面积虫落中苹果绵蚜的平均数量。分析指出,以计算法求得的虫落中苹果绵蚜的实际数量为指标,既考虑了苹果绵蚜虫落的数量和大小,也考虑了单位面积虫落中苹果绵蚜活体数,并且把被苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂寄生的僵蚜排除在外,能较客观地反映出田间实际情况,是一种比较准确的表示苹果绵蚜田间数量的方法。  相似文献   

杨勤民    程二东  王希国  卢增全  孙绪艮   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2635-2635~2644
通过田间蚜块计数、黄色粘虫板诱集、室内镜检等方法统计苹果绵蚜Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann)及其寄生性天敌日光蜂Aphelinus mali Haldeman种群数量,分析比较了它们的消长动态.利用群落结构特征指数研究比较了不同时期苹果绵蚜及其天敌群落多样性.连续2a调查发现,苹果绵蚜种群在鲁西南地区全年发生两个高峰,其中5月中、下旬~7月上旬为第一高峰期,8月下旬~10月中旬为第二高峰期.有翅蚜发生在4月上旬~6月上旬和9月上旬~10月上旬.不同时期,苹果绵蚜在苹果树体不同部位的种群数量存在差异,上半年,苹果绵蚜在根、树干及主枝部位分布密集,发生危害较重;7月中、下旬之后,苹果绵蚜在根及树干部位基本不再发生或发生较轻,而在枝干部位,包括主枝、侧枝和新梢,发生危害较重.7月份之前,日光蜂滞后于苹果绵蚜的发生高峰,其控制作用不很明显,7月份以后日光蜂跟随现象才比较明显,与苹果绵蚜的第二个发生高峰前期基本吻合,可以很好地控制苹果绵蚜的危害.鲁西南地区苹果绵蚜及其天敌群落多样性低,群落稳定性差,发现天敌23种,捕食性天敌亚群落中七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus、二星瓢虫Adalia bipunctata (Linnaeus)和叶色草蛉Chrysopa phyllochroma Waesmael等为优势种,特别是4、5月份,七星瓢虫和叶色草蛉可以很好地弥补因日光蜂跟随滞后而对苹果绵蚜控制作用的影响.这为保护利用自然天敌、可持续控制苹果绵蚜危害奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

Landscape genetics have been particularly relevant when assessing the influence of landscape characteristics on the genetic variability and the identification of barriers to gene flow. Linking current practices of area-wide pest management information on pest population genetics and geographical barriers would increase the efficiency of these programs. The woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann), an important pest of apple orchards worldwide, was collected on apple trees (Malus domestica Borkh) from different locations in a 400 km north-south transect trough central Chile. In order to determine if there was population structure, diversity and flow were assessed. A total of 215 individuals from these locations were analysed using Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. Four ISSR primers generated a total of 114 polymorphic loci. The percentage of molecular variation among locations was 18%. As the algorithm used by structure may be poorly suited for inferring the number of genetic clusters in a data set that has an IBD relationship, the number of genetic clusters in the samples was also analyzed using a Bayesian clustering method implemented in software Baps version 4.14. We inferred the presence of four genetic clusters in the study region. Clustering of individuals followed a pattern explained by some geographical barriers. Using partial Mantel tests, we detected barriers to gene flow other than distance, created by a combination of main rivers and mountains. Although landscape genetics are rarely used in pest management, our results suggest that these tools may be suitable for the design of area-wide pest management programs.  相似文献   

Woolly apple aphid (WAA, Eriosoma lanigerum Hausmann) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a major pest of apple trees (Malus domestica, order Rosales) and is critical to the economics of the apple industry in most parts of the world. Here, we generated a chromosome‐level genome assembly of WAA—representing the first genome sequence from the aphid subfamily Eriosomatinae—using a combination of 10X Genomics linked‐reads and in vivo Hi‐C data. The final genome assembly is 327 Mb, with 91% of the assembled sequences anchored into six chromosomes. The contig and scaffold N50 values are 158 kb and 71 Mb, respectively, and we predicted a total of 28,186 protein‐coding genes. The assembly is highly complete, including 97% of conserved arthropod single‐copy orthologues based on Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs (busco ) analysis. Phylogenomic analysis of WAA and nine previously published aphid genomes, spanning four aphid tribes and three subfamilies, reveals that the tribe Eriosomatini (represented by WAA) is recovered as a sister group to Aphidini + Macrosiphini (subfamily Aphidinae). We identified syntenic blocks of genes between our WAA assembly and the genomes of other aphid species and find that two WAA chromosomes (El5 and El6) map to the conserved Macrosiphini and Aphidini X chromosome. Our high‐quality WAA genome assembly and annotation provides a valuable resource for research in a broad range of areas such as comparative and population genomics, insect–plant interactions and pest resistance management.  相似文献   

Abstract Woolly aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum , is an important pest of apples that infests both the aerial and root parts of the tree. Root colonies are protected from the pesticide sprays applied during the growing season and the climatic effects of winter. Consequently, root colonies are a major source of aerial re-infestation in the following spring. Imidacloprid, the first of a new group of insecticides from the chloronicotinyl family, is known to provide excellent control of woolly aphid on trees up to 7-years-old when applied as a root soil drench. This study compared the effects of a single application of chlorpyrifos, imidacloprid, pirimicarb or vamidothion, applied as a root drench over four growing seasons. A soil wetting agent was added to each chemical to improve soil saturation and penetration. Imidacloprid provided excellent control of woolly aphid on the trees that were 17-years-old at the start of the study and continued to do so for four seasons. Pirimicarb appeared to offer some suppression of woolly aphid during the first season but not in subsequent seasons, while chlorpyrifos and vamidothion failed to control woolly aphid in any season. The potential role for imidacloprid in IPM programs is discussed.  相似文献   

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