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【目的】本研究旨在明确无鼓膜发音器的华蝉族(Sinosenini)昆虫在蝉总科(Cicadoidea)的系统发育地位。【方法】依据在陕西宁陕采集的合哑蝉Karenia caelatata成虫标本,对华蝉族的合哑蝉K. caelatata线粒体基因组进行测序、注释和生物信息学分析;并与蝉总科其他类群的线粒体基因组进行了比较,然后利用最大似然法(ML)和贝叶斯法(BI)分别构建了蝉总科分子系统发育树。【结果】合哑蝉线粒体基因组长14 960 bp (GenBank登录号: MN922304),其基因组成、蛋白编码基因的核苷酸组成和密码子使用等,与蝉总科其他类群具相似特征。核苷酸多样性分析表明,atp8, nad6和nad2为易变基因,而cox1比较保守。非同义替换率和同义替换率比表明,蝉总科昆虫线粒体基因组进化处于高水平的纯化选择下。系统发育分析结果支持蝉次目(Cicadomorpha)的单系性,该次目3个总科的关系为:角蝉总科Membraciodea+(蝉总科Cicadoidea+沫蝉总科Cercopodidea)。无鼓膜发音器的哑蝉属与蝉亚科(Cicadinae)的蜩蝉族(Dundubiini)相关类群聚在一起,且与寒蝉属Meimuna关系最近;黑蝉族(Cicadatrini)的草蝉属Mogannia和音蝉属Vagitanus则与姬蝉亚科(Cicadettinae)相关类群聚在一起;日宁蝉属Yezoterpnosia并非一个单系群。【结论】华蝉族应从姬蝉亚科转移至蝉亚科并与蜩蝉族(Dundubiini)合并,而黑蝉族应从蝉亚科转移至姬蝉亚科。研究结果为进一步解析具有不同发声机制的蝉科昆虫系统演化提供了新信息。 相似文献
Molecular Biology Reports - The cicada species Cryptotympana atrata and Hyalessa fuscata are abundant in metropolitan Seoul where their population densities are positively correlated with local... 相似文献
Mating aggregations of three species of periodical cicadas were monitored during the emergence of Brood XIX at a 16-ha study site in northwest Arkansas, May–June 1985. Magicicada tredecassiniappeared first and formed the most choruses. M. tredecimand M. tredeculachoruses formed next, and M. tredeculachoruses outnumbered those of M. tredecim.Of the 268 choruses seen, 84% were composed of M. tredecassini. M. tredecassiniwere often found chorusing in the same trees with the other two species. Such multispecies mating aggregations apparently are unique to periodical cicadas. Choruses were dynamic with respect to their locations and durations. Initially, choruses were located near areas of high cicada emergence densities. One week later, cicadas chorused in trees throughout the forest and at the forest edge. Many choruses were seen only once at a location. Although cicadas chorused for almost 4 weeks, individual choruses persisted only approximately 8 days, on average. Sound intensities under chorus centers ranged from 50 to 80 dh and were correlated with arena sizes during times of peak chorus activity. No distinct habitat preferences of the three species were observed, however, the tree species used by chorusing cicadas differed among the species. 相似文献
【目的】本研究通过合哑蝉Karenia caelatata成虫消化道的形态学、组织学和超微结构研究,进一步了解蝉科(Cicadidae)代表种类的消化道形态和功能分化。【方法】利用光学显微镜和透射电子显微镜技术,对合哑蝉雄成虫消化道的整体形态以及食道、滤室(中肠前端及后端、马氏管基部、后肠基部)、滤室外中肠(锥形体、中肠环)、后肠(回肠、直肠)的一般形态和超微结构进行了详细观察,同时对滤室的组织结构进行了研究。【结果】结果表明,合哑蝉消化道由食道、滤室、滤室外中肠及后肠组成。食道狭长,被有上表皮和内表皮。中肠前端、中肠后端、马氏管基部以及后肠基部被一肌肉鞘包围形成滤室构造。组成中肠前端和后端的细胞基膜高度内褶,顶端的微绒毛发达。中肠后端分布许多线粒体和高电子密度的分泌颗粒。滤室外的中肠包括膨大的锥形体、中肠环。其中,锥形体由两种细胞组成;中肠环分为前、中、后3个不同的区段。前中肠细胞包含大量的分泌颗粒、线粒体、粗面内质网和溶酶体;中中肠细胞含有分泌颗粒;后中肠细胞包括许多低电子密度的分泌颗粒和滑面内质网。类铁蛋白颗粒零星分布于中肠环的前、中区段。组成锥形体和中肠环前端的细胞顶端微绒毛被... 相似文献
Abraham S. Chawanji Alan N. Hodgson Martin H. Villet Allen F. Sanborn Polly K. Phillips 《Acta zoologica》2007,88(4):337-348
Spermiogenesis in three species of cicadas representing one cicadettine (Monomatapa matoposa Boulard) and two cicadines (Diceroprocta biconica [Walker] and Kongota punctigera [Walker]) was investigated by light and electron microscopy. Although spermiogenesis was occurring in the testis of adult males of all species, earlier spermiogenic stages were observed in D. biconica only. While spermiogenesis was similar to that described for other insects, some differences were noted. For example granular material did not assemble around the centriole to form a centriolar adjunct but did accumulate in the cytoplasm of early spermatids adjacent to a region of the nuclear membrane where nuclear pores were aggregated. In late spermatids this material accumulated anterior to the mitochondrial derivatives in a developing postero‐lateral nuclear groove. While this material has been named the ‘centriolar adjunct’ by previous authors, its formation away from the centriole raises questions about its true identity. Second, during acrosome maturation an ante‐acrosomal region of cytoplasm develops. Although present in later spermatids, this region is lost in spermatozoa. Interspecific variations in chromatin condensation patterns and the number of microtubule layers encircling the spermatid nucleus during spermiogenesis were noted. 相似文献
A F Sanborn 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology》2001,130(1):9-19
The operative muscle temperature and contraction kinetics are described for the endothermic cicada Tibicen winnemanna (Davis). Measurements of timbal muscle temperature in the field demonstrate that timbal muscle temperature is elevated above ambient temperature during activity. Timbal muscle temperature increases as the acoustic output progresses from a 'warm-up' buzz (27.9-29.7 degrees C) to full song production (36.3-39.5 degrees C). Mean muscle-ambient temperature difference increases from 5.8 degrees C in buzzing animals to 13.1 degrees C in animals producing a full calling song. Twitch rise time and onset to 50% relaxation time decrease while tension production increases with increasing temperature to 40 degrees C. Mean force production at 20 degrees C was determined to be 0.22+/-0.06 N/cm(2). The characteristics of T. winnemanna muscle are similar to those reported in other cicada species. Analysis of the songs produced by animals with one timbal destroyed and the sounds produced by mechanical manipulation suggest that the timbals alternately contract and relax in the sequence IN(1)-IN(2)-OUT(1)-OUT(2). Measurements of the inferred period of muscle contraction from song recordings and the contraction kinetics of isolated timbal muscles measured in the laboratory show that the temperature of the timbal muscle must be elevated in order for the cicada to be able to produce the calling song. 相似文献
Cicadas (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) use acoustic signalling for mate attraction and perceive auditory signals by a tympanal organ in the second abdominal segment. The main structural features of the ear are the tympanum, the sensory organ consisting of numerous scolopidial cells, and the cuticular link between sensory neurones and tympanum (tympanal ridge and apodeme). Here, a first investigation of the postembryonic development of the auditory system is presented. In insects, sensory neurones usually differentiate during embryogenesis, and sound-perceiving structures form during postembryogenesis. Cicadas have an elongated and subterranian postembryogenesis which can take several years until the final moult. The neuroanatomy and functional morphology of the auditory system of the cicada Okanagana rimosa (Say) are documented for the adult and the three last larval stages. The sensory organ and the projection of sensory afferents to the CNS are present in the earliest stages investigated. The cuticular structures of the tympanum, the tympanal frame holding the tympanum, and the tympanal ridge differentiate in the later stages of postembryogenesis. Thus, despite the different life styles of larvae and adults, the neuronal components of the cicada auditory system develop already during embryogenesis or early postembryogenesis, and sound-perceiving structures like tympana are elaborated later in postembryogenesis. The life cycle allows comparison of cicada development to other hemimetabolous insects with respect to the influence of specially adapted life cycle stages on auditory maturation. The neuronal development of the auditory system conforms to the timing in other hemimetabolous insects. 相似文献
Comparative thermal adaptation in cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) inhabiting Mediterranean ecosystems
The thermal responses of cicadas inhabiting the Mediterranean ecosystems in Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia are investigated. A total of 37 species and two subspecies from 17 genera representing eight tribes and three subfamilies of cicadas are investigated. The analysis includes species that are restricted to the Mediterranean ecosystem as well as those which also inhabit additional environments. The data suggest that cicadas adapt to the climate type regardless of particular types of plants within the various Mediterranean communities. Similarly, cicada thermal responses are independent of body size or taxonomic affinities. There is a wider range of body temperatures for the maximum voluntary tolerance temperature than for heat torpor or minimum flight temperatures. This diversity seems to be determined by the subdivision of the habitat used and the behavior of the species. All species possess relatively elevated heat torpor temperatures adapting to the general thermal characteristics of the Mediterranean ecosystem. The data suggest that cicadas adapt to the Mediterranean climate type regardless of the diversity of particular types of plants within the various communities, of body size or of taxonomic position. 相似文献
Eric C. Toolson Elizabeth K. Toolson 《Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology》1991,161(1):109-115
Summary The thermobiology of a cicada, Magicicada tredecem, from a warm, high humidity environment was investigated. Thoracic temperature (Tth) of M. tredecem in the field was strongly dependent on, and consistently higher than, ambient temperature (Tam), averaging 33.0±0.19°C on warm sunny days (Tam=28–29°C, rh=60–75%). Laboratory studies documented cuticle water fluxes high enough ( 5mg · cm–2 · h–1 in dry air at 40°C) to result in a significant degree of passive evaporative cooling, but the ability of M. tredecem to actively facilitate evaporative water loss during thermal stress is comparatively limited: water loss rates (WLR) of live M. tredecem at 40°C (dry air) were only 35–45% greater than those of dead cicadas. The limited ability of M. tredecem to facilitate transcuticular WLR is associated with limited surface distribution of the cuticular ducts through which water is actively extruded during evaporative cooling. In the laboratory, active extrusion of water had no appreciable effect on Tth, demonstrating that evaporative cooling was due largely to passive water flux through the highly permeable cuticle. The location of the abdominal pore tracts is such that extrusion of water through the ducts may preferentially cool the heart and perhaps other abdominal tissues. Long-term climatological data indicate that M. tredecem rarely encounters Tam levels high enough (i.e., above its apparent Tth setpoint of 34–35°C) to require evaporative cooling. Inactive M. tredecem can endothermically increase Tth. An hypothesis is proposed to account for the diversity of body temperature setpoints in cicadas.Abbreviations
relative humidity
standard operating temperature
ambient temperature
body temperature
body temperature setpoint
thoracic temperature
transcuticular water flux
water loss rate 相似文献
The first record of the genus Semia Matsumura (Cicadidae: Cicadinae, Cicadini) from Vietnam is presented. One new species, Semia spinosasp. n., is described from southern Vietnam. Photos of the adult, illustrations of the male genitalia, a distribution map and biological data are provided. A key to the species of Semia based on the male adults is also given. 相似文献
A new species of cicada, Cicadatra ziaraticasp. n., is described from Pakistan. Male genitalia, timbal and opercula are described and illustrated as important diagnostic characters. Biological notes are also provided. A key to the known Cicadatra of Pakistan is provided. 相似文献
Mature spermatozoa from five species of cicadas of the subfamily Cicadettinae (Quintilia wealei, Melampsalta leucoptera, Stagira simplex, Xosopsaltria thunbergi and Monomatapa matoposa) were examined by light and electron microscopy. In each species sperm are elongate, aggregated into organized bundles with their heads embedded in a homogenous matrix to form spermatodesmata, and exhibit polymegaly. The head of the sperm consist of an anteriorly positioned conical acrosome that has a tubular substructure and a deep, posterior invagination that forms the subacrosomal space (eccentrically positioned anteriorly). The acrosome is flattened anteriorly; posteriorly it extends along either side of the nucleus as two tubular processes that gradually decrease in diameter. The filiform nucleus tapers anteriorly and intrudes into the subscrosomal space. Posteriorly the nucleus has a lateral invagination that houses material of the so-called centriolar adjunct. Posterior to the centriolar adjuct and the nucleus are two crystalline mitochondrial derivatives and a centriole, respectively, the latter giving rise to the axoneme, which has a 9 + 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules. In these respects the sperm are similar to those of platypleurine cicadas. However, some features seem unique to cicadettines, including the structural organization of an enlarged centriolar adjunct and the dimensions of the tails. The enlarged centriolar adjunct has a lamella-like substructure and can be considered a synapomorphic character in the Cicadettinae. It is, therefore, potentially useful in the separation of this subfamily from the Cicadinae. In addition, the great length of the sperm nucleus of long-headed sperm in M. matoposa could be a synapomorphy of this genus and related taphurine and cicadettine species. 相似文献
Allen F. Sanborn 《Journal of Asia》2009,12(4):307-312
Two species of Vietnamese cicadas are described as new. Pomponia daklakensis sp. nov. is described from Daklak Province and Haphsa bicolora sp. nov. is described from Gai Lai Province. Pomponia daklakensis has become a pest of coffee in Vietnam. 相似文献
The timing of egg hatching in Cryptotympana facialis was examined in relation to short-term weather conditions. The brief underwater submergence, once a week, of dead twigs bearing cicada egg nests resulted in high hatching rates both at 25 degrees C and under outdoor conditions protected from rainfall. Under outdoor conditions with natural rainfall, most eggs hatched on rainy days. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of hatching eggs and daily relative humidity (RH). When eggs picked from twigs were exposed to various humidity levels, many eggs hatched quickly at higher humidity without direct contact with liquid water. Newly hatched nymphs showed a low tolerance to desiccation; at 81% RH at 25 degrees C, most of them died within 6 h. Under outdoor conditions, most nymphs died within 2 h on sunny days, whereas nymphs survived longer on rainy days. When newly hatched nymphs were released on dry ground, only 24% of them succeeded in burrowing into the soil, and many were killed by ants or desiccation. However, 92% of nymphs released onto wet ground successfully burrowed into it. The direct induction of hatching by high humidity ensures the survival and establishment in the soil of newly hatched nymphs in this species. 相似文献