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Cell adhesion is required for many cellular processes. In fungi, cell-cell contact during mating, flocculation or virulence is mediated by adhesins, which typically are glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol (GPI)-modified cell wall glycoproteins. Proteins with internal repeats (PIR) are surface proteins involved in the response to stress. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe no adhesins or PIR proteins have been described. Here we study the S. pombe Map4p, which defines a new class of surface protein that is not GPI-modified and has a serine/threonine rich domain and internal repeats that differ from those present in PIR proteins. Map4p is a mating type-specific adhesin required for mating in h(+) cells and enhances cell adhesion when overexpressed.  相似文献   

We have identified splicing variants of the mouse a4 subunit which have the same open reading frame but have a different 5′-noncoding sequence. Further determination of the 5′-upstream region of the a4 gene in mouse indicated the presence of two first exons (exon 1a and exon 1b) which include the 5′-noncoding sequence of each variant. The mRNAs of both splicing variants (a4-I and a4-II) show a similar expression pattern in mouse kidney by in situ hybridization. However, tissue and developmental expression patterns of the variants are different. In addition to strong expression in kidney, a4-I expression was detected in heart, lung, skeletal muscle, and testis, whereas a4-II is expressed in lung, liver, and testis. During development, a4-I was expressed beginning with the early embryonic stage, but a4-II mRNA was detected from day17. These results suggest that each a4 variant has both a tissue and developmental stage specific function.  相似文献   

Genes of the Schlafen family, first discovered in mouse, are expressed in hematopoietic cells and are involved in immune processes. Previous results showed that they are candidate genes for two major phenomena: meiotic drive and embryonic lethality (DDK syndrome). However, these genes remain poorly understood, mostly due to the limitations imposed by their similarity, close location and the potential functional redundancy of the gene family members.  相似文献   

Mariner-like elements (MLEs) are class-II transposable elements that move within the genome of their hosts by means of a DNA-mediated "cut and paste" mechanism. MLEs have been identified in several organisms, from most of the phyla. Nevertheless, only a few of the sequences characterized contain an intact open reading frame. Investigation of the genome of a coastal crab, Pachygrapsus marmoratus, has identified nine Pacmmar elements, two of which have an open reading frame encoding a putatively functional transposase. Nucleic acid analyses and comparison with the previous data showed that the GC contents of MLEs derived from coastal organisms such as P. marmoratus are significantly higher than those of terrestrial MLEs and significantly lower than those of hydrothermal ones. Furthermore, molecular phylogeny analyses have shown that Pacmmar elements constitute a new lineage of the irritans subfamily within the mariner family.  相似文献   

Translating ribosomes often stall during elongation. The stalled ribosomes are known to be recycled by tmRNA (SsrA)-mediated trans-translation. Another process that recycles the stalled ribosomes is characterized by peptidyl-tRNA release. However, the mechanism of peptidyl-tRNA release from the stalled ribosomes is not well understood. We used a defined system of an AGA-minigene containing a small open reading frame (ATG AGA AGA). Translation of the AGA-minigene mRNA is toxic to Escherichia coli because it stalls ribosomes during elongation and sequesters tRNAArg4 as a short-chain peptidyl-tRNAArg4 in the ribosomal P-site. We show that a ribosome recycling factor (RRF)-mediated process rescues the host from the AGA-minigene toxicity by releasing the peptidyl-tRNAArg4 from the ribosomes. The growth phenotypes of E. coli strains harboring mutant alleles of RRF and initiation factor 3 (IF3) genes and their consequences on λimmP22 phage replication upon AGA-minigene expression reveal that IF3 facilitates the RRF-mediated processing of the stalled ribosomes. Additionally, we have designed a uracil DNA glycosylase gene construct, ung-stopless, whose expression is toxic to E. coli. We show that the RRF-mediated process also alleviates the ung-stopless construct-mediated toxicity to the host by releasing the ung mRNA from the ribosomes harboring long-chain peptidyl-tRNAs.  相似文献   

Nakayashiki H  Awa T  Tosa Y  Mayama S 《FEBS letters》2005,579(2):488-492
MAGGY is a Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposon, which was identified in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Some Ty3/Gypsy retrotransposons, including MAGGY, contain a chromodomain-like module (CLM) in the C-terminus of the integrase domain. We have made a series of MAGGY mutants to examine the role of the CLM in the transposition activity of the element. Introduction of a mutation at different positions in the MAGGY integrase revealed that a loss or alteration of the CLM resulted in a drastic decrease in the transposition activity of the element. Our results indicate that the CLM may confer high transposition activity to the element.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae monothiol glutaredoxin Grx5 participates in the mitochondrial biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters. Grx5 homologues exist in organisms from bacteria to humans. Chicken (cGRX5) and human (hGRX5) homologues contain a mitochondrial targeting sequence, suggesting a mitochondrial localization for these two proteins. We have compartmentalized the Escherichia coli and Synechocystis sp. homologues, and also cGRX5 and hGRX5, in the mitochondrial matrix of a yeast grx5 mutant. All four heterologous proteins rescue the defects of the mutant. The chicken cGRX5 gene was significantly expressed throughout the embryo stages in different tissues. These results underline the functional conservation of Grx5 homologues throughout evolution.  相似文献   

RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase catalyses the ATP-dependent conversion of the 3'-phosphate to a 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester at the end of RNA. The physiological function of the cyclase is not known, but the enzyme could be involved in the maintenance of cyclic ends in tRNA splicing intermediates or in the cyclization of the 3' end of U6 snRNA. In this work, we describe cloning of the human cyclase cDNA. The purified bacterially overexpressed protein underwent adenylylation in the presence of [alpha-32P]ATP and catalysed cyclization of the 3'-terminal phosphate in different RNA substrates, consistent with previous findings. Comparison of oligoribonucleotides and oligodeoxyribonucleotides of identical sequence demonstrated that the latter are approximately 500-fold poorer substrates for the enzyme. In Northern analysis, the cyclase was expressed in all analysed mammalian tissues and cell lines. Indirect immunofluorescence, performed with different transfected mammalian cell lines, showed that this protein is nuclear, with a diffuse nucleoplasmic localization. The sequence of the human cyclase has no apparent motifs in common with any proteins of known function. However, inspection of the databases identified proteins showing strong similarity to the enzyme, originating from as evolutionarily distant organisms as yeast, plants, the bacterium Escherichia coli and the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii. The overexpressed E. coli protein has cyclase activity similar to that of the human enzyme. The conservation of the RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase among Eucarya, Bacteria and Archaea argues that the enzyme performs an important function in RNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Trehalose is a disaccharide with two glucose mole-cules linked in an α,α-1,1-glycosidic linkage. The onlyreducing group in each of its glucose molecules has beenused up for the formation of α,α-1,1-glycosidic linkage,therefore trehalose is a nonreducing disaccharide withhigh stability against the disruption caused by such factorsas temperature and extreme pH of environment [1]. Ithas been well established that many organisms will copewith external stress conditions by increasing the levelo…  相似文献   

The 20 S proteasome is regulated at multiple levels including association with endogenous activators. Two activators have been described for the yeast 20 S proteasome: the 19 S regulatory particle and the Blm10 protein. The sequence of Blm10 is 20% identical to the mammalian PA200 protein. Recent studies have shown that the sequences of Blm10 and PA200 each contain multiple HEAT-repeats and that each binds to the ends of mature proteasomes, suggesting a common structural and biochemical function. In order to advance structural studies, we have developed an efficient purification method that produces high yields of stoichiometric Blm10-mature yeast 20 S proteasome complexes and we constructed a three-dimensional (3D) model of the Blm10-20 S complex from cryo-electron microscopy images. This reconstruction shows that Blm10 binds in a defined orientation to both ends of the 20 S particle and contacts all the proteasome alpha subunits. Blm10 displays the solenoid folding predicted by the presence of multiple HEAT-like repeats and the axial gates on the alpha rings of the proteasome appear to be open in the complex. We also performed a genetic analysis in an effort to identify the physiological role of Blm10. These experiments, however, did not reveal a robust phenotype upon gene deletion, overexpression, or in a screen for synthetic effects. This leaves the physiological role of Blm10 unresolved, but challenges earlier findings of a role in DNA repair.  相似文献   

Fe/S clusters are co-factors of numerous proteins with important functions in metabolism, electron transport and regulation of gene expression. Presumably, Fe/S proteins have occurred early in evolution and are present in cells of virtually all species. Biosynthesis of these proteins is a complex process involving numerous components. In mitochondria, this process is accomplished by the so-called ISC (iron-sulfur cluster assembly) machinery which is derived from the bacterial ancestor of the organelles and is conserved from lower to higher eukaryotes. The mitochondrial ISC machinery is responsible for biogenesis iron-sulfur proteins both within and outside the organelle. Maturation of the latter proteins involves the ABC transporter Atm1p which presumably exports iron-sulfur clusters from the organelle. This review summarizes recent developments in our understanding of the biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins both within bacteria and eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Although mariner transposons are widespread in animal genomes, the vast majority harbor multiple inactivating mutations and only two naturally occurring elements are known to be active. Previously, we discovered a mariner-family transposon, Mboumar, in the satellite DNA of the ant Messor bouvieri. Several copies of the transposon contain a full-length open reading frame, including Mboumar-9, which has 64% nucleotide identity to Mos1 of Drosophila mauritiana. To determine whether Mboumar is currently active, we expressed and purified the Mboumar-9 transposase and demonstrate that it is able to catalyze the movement of a transposon from one plasmid to another in a genetic in vitro hop assay. The efficiency is comparable to that of the well-characterized mariner transposon Mos1. Transposon insertions were precise and were flanked by TA duplications, a hallmark of mariner transposition. Mboumar has been proposed to have a role in the evolution and maintenance of satellite DNA in M. bouvieri and its activity provides a means to examine the involvement of the transposon in the genome dynamics of this organism.  相似文献   

Onion can be used in experimental observation of mitotic cell division in plant science because its chromosome is large and easy to observe. However, molecular genetic studies are difficult in onion because of its large genome size, and only limited information of onion genes has been available to date. Here we cloned and characterized an onion homologue of mitotic RAD21 gene, AcRAD21-1, to develop a molecular marker of mitosis. The N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal regions of deduced AcRAD21-1 protein sequence were conserved with Arabidopsis SYN4/AtRAD21.3 and rice OsRAD21-1, whereas three characteristic types of repetitive motifs (Repeat-1, Repeat-2/2′, and Repeat-3) were observed between the conserved regions. Such inserted repetitive amino acid sequences enlarge the AcRAD21-1 protein into almost 200 kDa, which belongs to the largest class of plant proteins. Genomic organization of the AcRAD21-1 locus was also determined, and the possibility of tandem exon duplication in Repeat-2 was revealed. Subsequently, the polyclonal antiserum was raised against the N-terminal region of AcRAD21-1, and purified by affinity chromatography. Immunohistochemical analysis with the purified antibody successfully showed localization of AcRAD21-1 in onion mitosis, suggesting that it can be used as a molecular marker visualizing dynamic movement of cohesin.  相似文献   

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