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Experiments were designed to investigate whether three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus can use direction of water flow as an orientation cue. The fish had to learn the location of a food patch in a channel where water flow direction was the only reliable indicator of the food patch position. Fish from two ponds and two rivers were trained and tested in the spatial task to determine whether river three-spined sticklebacks are more adept at using water flow as a spatial cue than fish from ponds. All fish were able to use water flow to locate the food patch but one of the two river groups was significantly faster at learning the patch location. When the task was reversed so that fish that had formerly been trained to swim downstream now had to learn to swim upstream and vice versa both river groups learned the reversed task faster than the two pond groups. In a second experiment, to investigate whether fish from ponds or rivers vary in the type of spatial cue that they prefer to use, fish from one pond and one river were given a choice between two different types of spatial cue: flow direction or visual landmarks. A test trial in which these two cues were put into conflict revealed that the river population showed a strong preference for flow direction whilst the pond population preferred to use visual landmarks.  相似文献   

Nature has developed a stunning diversity of sensory systems. Humans and many animals mainly rely on visual information. In addition, they may use acoustic, olfactory, and tactile cues for object detection and spatial orientation. Beyond these sensory systems a large variety of highly specialized sensors have evolved. For instance, some buprestid beetles use infrared organs for the detection of forest fires. The infrared sensors of boid and crotalid snakes are used for prey detection at night. For object detection and spatial orientation many species of nocturnal fish employ active electrolocation. This review describes certain aspects of the detection and processing of infrared and electrosensory information. We show that the study of natural exotic sensory systems can lead to discoveries that are useful for the construction of technical sensors and artificial control systems. Comparative studies of animal sensory systems have the power to uncover at least a small fraction of the gigantic untapped reservoir of natural solutions for perceptive problems.  相似文献   

Although much is now known about the mechanisms that insects, birds and mammals use to orient within familiar areas, our knowledge of such mechanisms in fish is scant. I used the transformational approach to test whether the blind Mexican cave fish can encode shape and size in an internal representation of space. These fish are excellent study animals, as they swim at high velocities (presumably to enhance lateral line organ stimulation) when faced with unfamiliar landmarks or environments. As they are blind, potentially confounding cues from visual global landmarks are unavailable. The fish learnt a square configuration of four landmarks and so must have been be able to encode spatial relationships between the elements within this configuration. After learning landmark arrays, the cave fish showed significant dishabituation (swimming velocity was increased) when exposed to landmark transformations. The fish must therefore have been comparing the environment that they perceived with an internal representation of the environment that they had learnt. The results show that blind Mexican cave fish can encode size (absolute distance between landmarks) and possibly also shape within their spatial maps.  相似文献   

A review of studies, mainly experimental, on modifications of fish behavior caused by microscale habitat heterogeneity. Elements or units of heterogeneity influence on decision making in fish either as contestable physical resources, or as information cues or signals. Habitat heterogeneity arises from abiotic physical objects, aggregations of prey, and grouping fish. Feeding behavior of fish including food search, choice, and consumption are significantly dependent on the structure of heterogeneity of the habitat, where fish are foraging. Depending on the parameters of heterogeneity, prey characteristics and a predator foraging mode, heterogeneous habitats can either facilitate feeding behavior, or makes it more difficult. Habitat heterogeneity plays significant and, as a rule, positive role providing various refuges for fish hiding from predators. Landmarks help fish to find the shortest route to shelters. If a habitat is rather homogeneous or in a novel habitat, which appears to be homogeneous, shoaling of fish makes surroundings of each individual in the school structured providing fish with a substitute of shelters and landmarks. Recent experimental and field results convincingly demonstrate that the effects of main biotic and abiotic factors can be significantly modified by the structure (level of spatial heterogeneity) of habitats. When a habitat is physically structured, tendencies to disperse and establish individual territories prevail. In uniform, poorly structured habitats, fish tend to gather in schools or shoals and maintain larger aggregations. Food is considered the major contestable resource, but fish often demonstrate interference competition not for food, but for heterogeneous sites in the habitat, where they vigorously fight either for a shelter or just for visually non-uniform area. Visually heterogeneous sites can be used by fish as a template of a future individual territory, where fish can find not only food but also a refuge from predators. Fish use individual territories for much longer period than food patches. Just the presence of either physical refuge or “social refuge” neutralized the inhibiting effect of kairomons and allowed fish to feed more intensively despite the potential danger. We suggest that the decision-making was influenced only by available information of possibility to use a refuge. Habitat complexity is almost always accompanied by visual and other types of heterogeneity. Adaptive significance of fish attraction to the units of heterogeneity is probably related to the fact that under natural situations vital for fish objects are often tightly coupled with heterogeneous sites. Thus, units of habitat heterogeneity can be reliable signals or information cues in uncertain, i.e. changeable and poorly predictable, habitats.  相似文献   

Animals use different behavioral strategies to maximize their fitness in the natural environment. Learning and memory are critical in this context, allowing organisms to flexibly and rapidly respond to environmental changes. We studied how the physical characteristics of the native habitat influence the spatial learning capacity of Anabas testudineus belonging to four different populations collected from two streams and two ponds, in a linear maze. Stream fish were able to learn the route faster than pond fish irrespective of the presence or absence of landmarks in the maze. However, climbing perch collected from ponds learned the route faster in the maze provided with landmarks than in Plain maze. The results indicate that fish inhabiting a lotic ecosystem use egocentric cues in route learning rather than visual cues like landmarks. A local landmark may be a more reliable cue in route learning in a relatively stable habitat like a pond. In flowing aquatic systems, water flow may continually disrupt the visual landscape and thus landmarks as visual cues become unreliable. Spatial learning is thus a fine-tuned response to the complexity of the habitat and early rearing conditions may influence the spatial learning ability in fish.  相似文献   

It is well-known that weakly electric fish can exhibit extreme temporal acuity at the behavioral level, discriminating time intervals in the submicrosecond range. However, relatively little is known about the spatial acuity of the electrosense. Here we use a recently developed model of the electric field generated by Apteronotus leptorhynchus to study spatial acuity and small signal extraction. We show that the quality of sensory information available on the lateral body surface is highest for objects close to the fish's midbody, suggesting that spatial acuity should be highest at this location. Overall, however, this information is relatively blurry and the electrosense exhibits relatively poor acuity. Despite this apparent limitation, weakly electric fish are able to extract the minute signals generated by small prey, even in the presence of large background signals. In fact, we show that the fish's poor spatial acuity may actually enhance prey detection under some conditions. This occurs because the electric image produced by a spatially dense background is relatively “blurred” or spatially uniform. Hence, the small spatially localized prey signal “pops out” when fish motion is simulated. This shows explicitly how the back-and-forth swimming, characteristic of these fish, can be used to generate motion cues that, as in other animals, assist in the extraction of sensory information when signal-to-noise ratios are low. Our study also reveals the importance of the structure of complex electrosensory backgrounds. Whereas large-object spacing is favorable for discriminating the individual elements of a scene, small spacing can increase the fish's ability to resolve a single target object against this background.  相似文献   

The capacity to learn enables animals to match their phenotypic response to a changing environment on the basis of experience but learning is likely to incur costs such as the cost of making mistakes or the energetic cost of processing information. Little is known about how animals optimize the use of learned behaviour within their natural environments such that potential costs are minimized. We investigated whether the use of local landmarks in learning orientation routes by the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, varied in response to the visual stability of their natural habitats. Sticklebacks collected from five fast-flowing rivers and five ponds were trained to locate a hidden reward in a T-maze. Locating the reward required the fish to learn a body-centred algorithmic behaviour (turn left or right) or to follow plant landmarks. Probe trials, in which these cues conflicted, revealed which spatial cue the fish was using. Pond fish appeared to rely more than river fish on visual landmarks, which is consistent with the suggestion that even within a species, learned behaviour is fine-tuned in response to local environmental conditions. Landmarks may be reliable indicators of location only in stable pond habitats. In rivers, turbulence and flow may continually disrupt the visual landscape such that river fish may benefit from learning orientation routes only if learning is constrained so that unreliable visual cues are ignored. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

  1. Researchers have used multiple methods to understand spatial mapping memory used by arboreal mammals for orientation: the change-point test, measures of path tortuosity, field experiments with feeding platforms, nearest-neighbour feeding tree methods, complex calculations of travel route parameters, and theoretical models.
  2. This literature review provides details of all of these methods, highlights previous results from spatial mapping memory studies, and discusses perspectives for future studies.
  3. Previous studies have shown that various arboreal mammals, mostly in the order Primates, can memorise spatial environments using a cognitive map. Two types of maps are characterised: the topological map, based on landmarks and reused routes, and the Euclidean map, including the ability to create shortcuts by measuring distances and distinguishing between directions. Most of the studies showed that mammals do not travel randomly but, due to the difficulty of determining which spatial map is used, the use of cognitive maps remains hypothetical.
  4. When studying spatial mapping memory, data collection and analysis should account for the species’ characteristics, such as the home-range size, food preferences, and types of movements. The role of sensory cues (visual, auditory, olfactory) is crucial to understanding spatial orientation. The most relevant way to determine how arboreal mammals orientate themselves in space is by using a mix of methods: random theoretical models, collecting data in a controlled environment, measuring different parameters of travel patterns, and considering the use of sensory cues and environmental factors of the study sites.
  5. Research pertaining to spatial mapping memory in arboreal mammals and forest-dwelling mammals is important for understanding cognitive abilities in mammal species, and more studies are needed in mammals of various orders.

A survey of 280 fish biologists from a diverse pool of disciplines was conducted in order to assess the use made of biodiversity collections and how collections can better collect, curate and share the data they have. From the responses, data for how fish biologists use collections, what data they find the most useful, what factors influence the decisions to use collections, how they access the data and explore why some fish biologists make the decision to not use biodiversity collections is collated and reported. The results of which could be used to formulate sustainability plans for collections administrators and staff who curate fish biodiversity collections, while also highlighting the diversity of data and uses to researchers.  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish use active electrolocation for orientation at night. They emit electric signals (electric organ discharges) which generate an electrical field around their body. By sensing field distortions, fish can detect objects and analyze their properties. It is unclear, however, how accurately they can determine the distance of unknown objects. Four Gnathonemus petersii were trained in two-alternative forced-choice procedures to discriminate between two objects differing in their distances to a gate. The fish learned to pass through the gate behind which the corresponding object was farther away. Distance discrimination thresholds for different types of objects were determined. Locomotor and electromotor activity during distance measurement were monitored. Our results revealed that all individuals quickly learned to measure object distance irrespective of size, shape or electrical conductivity of the object material. However, the distances of hollow, water-filled cubes and spheres were consistently misjudged in comparison with solid or more angular objects, being perceived as farther away than they really were. As training continued, fish learned to compensate for these 'electrosensory illusions' and erroneous choices disappeared with time. Distance discrimination thresholds depended on object size and overall object distance. During distance measurement, the fish produced a fast regular rhythm of EOD discharges. A mechanisms for distance determination during active electrolocation is proposed.  相似文献   

Patterns of fish community composition in a south-central Chile river were investigated along the altitudinal-spatial and environmental gradient and as a function of anthropogenic factors. The spatial pattern of fish communities in different biocoenotic zones of the Chillan River is influenced by both natural factors such a hydrologic features, habitat, and feeding types, and also by water quality variables which can reduce the diversity and abundance of sensitive species. A principal component analysis incorporating both water quality parameters and biomarker responses of representative fish species was used to evaluate the status of fish communities along the spatial gradient of the stream. The abundance and diversity of the fish community changed from a low in the upper reaches where the low pollution-tolerant species such as salmonid dominated, to a reduced diversity in the lower reaches of the river where tolerant browser species such as cypriniformes dominated. Even though the spatial pattern of fish community structure is similar to that found for the Chilean Rivers, the structure of these communities is highly influenced by human disturbance, particularly along the lower reaches of the river. Handling editor: C. Sturmbauer  相似文献   

Weakly electric fish use active electrolocation for orientation at night. They emit electric signals (electric organ discharges) which generate an electrical field around their body. By sensing field distortions, fish can detect objects and analyze their properties. It is unclear, however, how accurately they can determine the distance of unknown objects. Four Gnathonemus petersii were trained in two-alternative forced-choice procedures to discriminate between two objects differing in their distances to a gate. The fish learned to pass through the gate behind which the corresponding object was farther away. Distance discrimination thresholds for different types of objects were determined. Locomotor and electromotor activity during distance measurement were monitored. Our results revealed that all individuals quickly learned to measure object distance irrespective of size, shape or electrical conductivity of the object material. However, the distances of hollow, water-filled cubes and spheres were consistently misjudged in comparison with solid or more angular objects, being perceived as farther away than they really were. As training continued, fish learned to compensate for these 'electrosensory illusions' and erroneous choices disappeared with time. Distance discrimination thresholds depended on object size and overall object distance. During distance measurement, the fish produced a fast regular rhythm of EOD discharges. A mechanisms for distance determination during active electrolocation is proposed.  相似文献   

The ability to integrate multisensory information is a fundamental characteristic of the brain serving to enhance the detection and identification of external stimuli. Weakly electric fish employ multiple senses in their interactions with one another and with their inanimate environment (electric, visual, acoustic, mechanical, chemical, thermal, and hydrostatic pressure) and also generate signals using some of the same stimulus energies (electric, acoustic, visual, mechanical). A brief overview provides background on the sensory and motor channels available to the fish followed by an examination of how weakly electric fish 'benefit' from integrating various stimulus modalities that assist in prey detection, schooling, foraging, courtship, and object location. Depending on environmental conditions, multiple sensory inputs can act synergistically and improve the task at hand, can be redundant or contradictory, and can substitute for one another. Over time, in repeated encounters with familiar surrounds, loss of one modality can be compensated for through learning. Studies of neuronal substrates and an understanding of the computational algorithms that underlie multisensory integration ought to expose the physiological corollaries to widely published concepts such as internal representation, sensory expectation, sensory generalization, and sensory transfer.  相似文献   

In the concerted effort to discover the mechanisms that animals use to orient through space, little attention has been given to the role of the sensory system on shaping orientational strategy. This study tests whether animals with different sensory systems use different mechanisms to orient. The characin fish Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) exists in two morphs in the same species – a number of populations of blind cave fish that rely on their lateral line to gain fine-scale information from their surroundings, and eyed surface populations that can also use visual cues. Both forms of the species were trained to orient to a goal signalled by landmarks and by egocentrically based cues (turn left or right) in a T-maze. When these cues were placed in conflict by switching the landmark position, only the eyed fish used the landmarks to orient, reflecting a difference in the way that the two sensory systems of these animals operate. Our results have implications for the evolution of the mechanisms of orientation, suggesting that these mechanisms may be constrained by the sensory cues that are available and hence the type of information that animals are able to glean from their surroundings.  相似文献   

Animals foraging in a heterogeneous environment may combine prior information on patch qualities and patch sample information to maximize intake rate. Prior information dictates the long-term expectations, whereas prior information in combination with patch sample information determines when to leave an individual food patch. We examined patch use behaviour of benthic feeding fish in their natural environment at different spatial scales to test if they could determine patch quality and if patch use behaviour was correlated with environmental quality. In seven lakes along a gradient of environmental quality (measured as maximum benthivore size), we made repeated measurements of giving-up density (GUD) in artificial food patches of different qualities. At the largest spatial scale, between lakes, we tested if giving-up densities revealed the long-term growth expectation of benthic fish. At the local scale of patches and micro patches we tested for the ability of benthic fish to assess patch quality, and how this ability depended on the patch exploitation levels between the different lakes. We found that GUD was positively related to maximum size of bream, suggesting that short-term behavioural decisions reflected long-term growth expectations. Benthic fish discriminated between nearby rich and poor patches, but not between rich and poor micropatches within a food patch. This suggests that the foraging scale of benthic fish lies between the patch and micro patch scale in our experiments. We conclude that patch use behaviour of benthic fish can provide a powerful measure of habitat quality that reveals how benthic fish perceive their environment.  相似文献   

Our ability to model spatial distributions of fish populations is reviewed by describing the available modelling tools. Ultimate models of the individual's motivation for behavioural decisions are derived from evolutionary ecology. Mechanistic models for how fish sense and may respond to their surroundings are presented for vision, olfaction, hearing, the lateral line and other sensory organs. Models for learning and memory are presented, based both upon evolutionary optimization premises and upon neurological information processing and decision making. Functional tools for modelling behaviour and life histories can be categorized as belonging to an optimization or an adaptation approach. Among optimization tools, optimal foraging theory, life history theory, ideal free distribution, game theory and stochastic dynamic programming are presented. Among adaptation tools, genetic algorithms and the combination with artificial neural networks are described. The review advocates the combination of evolutionary and neurological approaches to modelling spatial dynamics of fish.  相似文献   

Genetic ablation and restoration of the olfactory topographic map   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Gogos JA  Osborne J  Nemes A  Mendelsohn M  Axel R 《Cell》2000,103(4):609-620
In the olfactory sensory system, neurons expressing a given odorant receptor project with precision to two of 1800 spatially invariant glomeruli creating a topographic map within the olfactory bulb. Olfactory sensory neurons have a half-life of about 90 days and are continually renewing. This poses the problem of how this precise spatial map is maintained throughout the life of the organism. We have developed a genetic approach to effect the synchronous ablation of subpopulations of neurons expressing a given receptor. The axons of newly generated neurons can then be followed as they enter the brain and converge on glomerular targets during adult life. The observation that following neuronal cell killing, the spatial map is faithfully restored, demonstrates that the information necessary for the establishment of the sensory map persists throughout the life of the organism.  相似文献   

Landmark learning and visuo-spatial memories in gerbils   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The aim of this study is to understand what a rodent (Meriones unguiculatus) learns about the geometrical relations between a goal and nearby visual landmarks and how it uses this information to reach a goal. Gerbils were trained to find sunflower seeds on the floor of a light-tight, black painted room illuminated by a single light bulb hung from the ceiling. The position of the seed on the floor was specified by an array of one or more landmarks. Once training was complete, we recorded where the gerbils searched when landmarks were present but the seed was absent. In such tests, gerbils were confronted either with the array of landmarks to which they were accustomed or with a transformation of this array. Animals searched in the appropriate spot when trained to find seeds placed in a constant direction and at a constant distance from a single cylindrical landmark. Since gerbils look in one spot and not in a circle centred on the landmark, the direction between landmark and goal must be supplied by cues external to the landmark array. Distance, on the other hand, must be measured with respect to the landmark. Tests in which the size of the landmark was altered from that used in training suggest that distance is not learned solely in terms of the apparent size of the landmark as seen from the goal. Gerbils can still reach a goal defined by an array of landmarks when the room light is extinguished during their approach. This ability implies that they have already planned a trajectory to the goal before the room is darkened. In order to compute such a trajectory, their internal representation of landmarks and goal needs to contain information about the distances and bearings between landmarks and goal. For planning trajectories, each landmark of an array can be used separately from the others. Gerbils trained to a goal specified by an array of several landmarks were tested with one or more of the landmarks removed or with the array expanded. They then searched as though they had computed an independent trajectory for each landmark. For instance, gerbils trained with an array of two landmarks were tested with the distance between two landmarks doubled. The animals then searched for seeds in two positions, which were at the correct distance and in the right direction from each landmark.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the use of landmarks by capuchins to solve spatial search tasks. In Experiment 1 one subject learned to find a hidden reward in the middle of a 4-landmark configuration. During probe trials, with the landmark configuration expanded and no reward, the capuchin mainly searched near 2 of the 4 landmarks, thus showing it used the landmarks as beacons. In Experiment 2 two subjects learned to find a reward halfway between 2 landmarks, with the inter-landmark line variously oriented with respect to the room. During probe trials, with the landmark configuration expanded and no reward, the capuchins no longer searched in the middle of the landmark configuration. The capuchins searched between the landmarks, but at the training distance from each landmark separately. To do so, the capuchins may have memorized a certain distance to cover, beginning from a landmark, or exploited different types of perceptual information. Therefore, the capuchins use nearby landmarks to locate a goal, but not configurationally. We compare the results with those of previous studies with other animal species and discuss them in relation to issues of spatial cognition.  相似文献   

The existence of biologically differentiated populations has been credited with a major role in conferring sustainability and in buffering overall productivity of anadromous fish population complexes where evidence for spatial structure is uncontroversial. Here, we describe evidence of correlated genetic and life history (spawning season linked to spawning location) differentiation in an abundant and highly migratory pelagic fish, Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, in the North Sea (NS) and adjacent areas. The existence of genetically and phenotypically diverse stocks in this region despite intense seasonal mixing strongly implicates natal homing in this species. Based on information from genetic markers and otolith morphology, we estimate the proportional contribution by NS, Skagerrak (SKG) and Kattegat and western Baltic (WBS) fish to mixed aggregations targeted by the NS fishery. We use these estimates to identify spatial and temporal differences in life history (migratory behaviour) and habitat use among genetically differentiated migratory populations that mix seasonally. Our study suggests the existence of more complex patterns of intraspecific diversity than was previously recognized. Sustainability may be compromised if such complex patterns are reduced through generalized management (e.g. area closures) that overlooks population differences in spatial use throughout the life cycle.  相似文献   

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