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Efficient transfection and expression of cDNA libraries in human cells has been achieved with an Epstein-Barr virus-based subcloning vector (EBO-pcD). The plasmid vector contains a resistance marker for hygromycin B to permit selection for transformed cells. The Epstein-Barr virus origin for plasmid replication (oriP) and the Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen gene have also been incorporated into the vector to ensure that the plasmids are maintained stably and extrachromosomally. Human lymphoblastoid cells can be stably transformed at high efficiency (10 to 15%) by such plasmids, thereby permitting the ready isolation of 10(6) to 10(7) independent transformants. Consequently, entire high-complexity EBO-pcD expression libraries can be introduced into these cells. Furthermore, since EBO-pcD plasmids are maintained as episomes at two to eight copies per cell, intact cDNA clones can be readily isolated from transformants and recovered by propagation in Escherichia coli. By using such vectors, human cells have been stably transformed with EBO-pcD-hprt to express hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase and with EBO-pcD-Leu-2 to express the human T-cell surface marker Leu-2 (CD8). Reconstruction experiments with mixtures of EBO-pcD plasmids demonstrated that one clone of EBO-pcD-hprt per 10(6) total clones or one clone of EBO-pcD-Leu-2 per 2 x 10(4) total clones can be recovered intact from the transformed cells. The ability to directly select for expression of very rare EBO-pcD clones and to then recover these episomes should make it possible to clone certain genes where hybridization and immunological screening methods are not applicable but where a phenotype can be scored or selected in human cell lines.  相似文献   

A runaway vector for mammalian cells was constructed from the simian virus 40 (SV40) genome with a temperature-sensitive mutation of the large T antigen and bacterial neo r gene. Replication of this plasmid was repressed above 39°C and vigorous DNA propagation was observed below 33°C in simian CV-1 cells. The human erythropoietin gene was inserted downstream of the SV40 late promoter of the plasmid and the recombinant plasmid was introduced into CV-1 cells. By a temperature shift from 37 to 33°C, the plasmid copy number increased from 5 × 102 to 5 × 103 copies per cell and the specific production rate of erythropoietin increased more than ten-fold. The bacterial-derived sequences such as the neo r gene and vector pUC sequences were prone to delete but the main body of the recombinant plasmid such as SV40 and the erythropoietin-coding sequences were stably maintained at either 33 or 37°C.  相似文献   

Episomal maintenance and DNA replication of EBV origin of plasmid replication (OriP) plasmid maintenance is mediated by the viral encoded origin binding protein, EBNA1, and unknown cellular factors. We found that telomeric repeat binding factor 2 (TRF2), TRF2-interacting protein hRap1, and the telomere-associated poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (Tankyrase) bound to the dyad symmetry (DS) element of OriP in an EBNA1-dependent manner. TRF2 bound cooperatively with EBNA1 to the three nonamer sites (TTAGGGTTA), which resemble telomeric repeats. Mutagenesis of the nonamers reduced plasmid maintenance function and increased plasmid sensitivity to genotoxic stress. DS affinity-purified proteins possessed poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activity, and EBNA1 was subject to NAD-dependent posttranslational modification in vitro. OriP plasmid maintenance was sensitive to changes in cellular PARP/Tankyrase activity. These findings imply that telomere-associated proteins regulate OriP plasmid maintenance by PAR-dependent modifications.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-based plasmids containing the origin of replication (oriP) and EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA-1) are well known for the stable episomal maintenance in human cells. In order to clarify whether an EBV-based plasmid can be maintained stably in the porcine pancreatic cells which are the primary candidate sources of islet xenotransplantation, we constructed pEBVGFP encoding the green fluorescent protein (GFP). Monolayer culture of the porcine neonatal pancreatic cells was lipofected with pEBVGFP or pGFP which was derived from pEBVGFP by deleting out oriP and EBNA-1. pEBVGFP significantly prolonged GFP expression not only in human cell lines but also in the primary porcine pancreatic cells compared with pGFP. Interestingly, the duct cells that are believed as the pancreatic precursor cells were preferentially transfected and conveniently enriched among the mixed primary cell populations using a hygromycin B selection. To our knowledge, this is the first report suggesting the potential application of an EBV-based plasmid for the extended gene expression in the primary porcine pancreatic duct cells.  相似文献   

High-level and stable production of a protein of interest is one of the most important parameters when considering the development of an efficient vector system for heterologous gene expression. In order to achieve this goal, we have used episomal vector elements derived from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or BK virus (BKV) in combination with the strictly regulated interferon-inducible Mx promoter.Here we demonstrate that EBV-derived vectors replicate efficiently in all cell lines tested (i.e. HEK293, HeLaH21 and Vero), yielding stable transfectants with a high, inducible expression level and almost no background. In contrast, BKV-derived vectors are much more restricted to particular cell types and hampered by DNA rearrangements, which is a serious drawback for use over a longer timespan.  相似文献   

M Jost  C Kari    U Rodeck 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(15):3131-3134
The recently introduced tetracycline (Tc)-regulatable eukaryotic gene expression system based on the Escherichia coli Tn 10 tetracycline operon has proven to be a powerful tool for controlled expression of a variety of genes in vitro as well as in vivo . Control elements of this expression system are contained in two separate plasmid vectors. The tTA vector encodes a transactivator protein and the tetP vector contains a responsive operator-promoter element (tetP) that controls gene expression depending on tTA binding. Establishment of cell lines expressing a gene of interest under tetP control requires two subsequent rounds of transfection and clonal selection after each transfection. Here we describe a modification of this system in which the tetP element is placed in an episomal EBNA-based plasmid that can be stably maintained in primate but not in rodent cells. Using HeLa and human melanoma cells, we show that upon transient or stable transfection a reporter gene is expressed in a Tc-regulated manner similar to the original system. Thus, this expression system combines the advantages of episomal vectors, such as high efficiency of transfection and time-efficient selection of mass cultures, with tight control of gene expression provided by the Tc-regulatable system.  相似文献   

An EcoRI fragment (1.83 Kb) of human DNA containing B1-interferon coding sequences was cloned in the episomal eukaryotic vector pBK-TK. The recombinant plasmid was transfected into thymidine kinase-deficient HeLa cells. Thymidine kinase-positive transformants were obtained and the cells were found to express B-interferon both constitutively and after induction with Newcastle Disease Virus or poly(rI)-poly(rC). The recombinant plasmid was present in stably transformed HeLa cells in an episomal state in hundreds of copies per cell.  相似文献   

Immediate glycosylation of Sindbis virus membrane proteins   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
B M Sefton 《Cell》1977,10(4):659-668
The mechanism by which the membrane proteins of Sindbis virus are initially glycosylated during growth of the virus in chick cells was studied. The experiments suggest strongly that the two viral glycoproteins are glycosylated before release from the polysome, and that this glycosylation involves transfer of a large 1800 dalton oligosaccharide to the polypeptide chains. The donor of the oligosaccharide is most probably a lipid.  相似文献   

We have constructed an improved DNA expression vector based on the Sindbis virus. Several DNA-based Sindbis virus vectors were constructed to investigate the efficiency of transgene expression. These vectors, when transfected into mammalian cells, have been used to express heterologous genes. A recombinant genome of Sindbis plasmid DNA, in which the structural genes were replaced by a polylinker cassette to allow for insertion of heterologous genes, was placed under the control of a simian virus (SV 40) promoter with a hepatitis delta virus (HDV) antigenomic ribozyme and a polyadenylation signal. Transfection of mammalian cells with this Sindbis-based plasmid vector, pSin-SV40-HDV-SV40pA, resulted in transient high-level expression of the beta-galactosidase reporter gene. The expression level of beta-galactosidase from pSin-SV40-HDV-SV40pA was more than 16-fold higher than that of pSin-Lux originally reported by Herweijer et al. In vivo expression was also detected after injection of plasmid DNA into mouse quadriceps. In vivo expression was transient and undetectable after day 14. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the transfection of cells with this Sindbis virus vector results in apoptotic death on glioma cells. We have demonstrated a high-level expression of the exogenous beta-galactosidase gene from the pSin-SV40-HDV-SV40pA construct using a Sindbis replication system.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genome is maintained as an extrachromosomal episome during latent infection of B lymphocytes. Episomal maintenance is conferred by the interaction of the EBV-encoded nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) with a tandem array of high-affinity binding sites, referred to as the family of repeats (FR), located within the viral origin of plasmid replication (OriP). How this nucleoprotein array confers episomal maintenance is not completely understood. Previous studies have shown that DNA replication forks pause and terminate with high frequency at OriP. We now show that cellular DNA replication fork pausing and protection factors Timeless (Tim) and Tipin (Timeless-interacting protein) accumulate at OriP during S phase of the cell cycle. Depletion of Tim inhibits OriP-dependent DNA replication and causes a complete loss of the closed-circular form of EBV episomes in latently infected B lymphocytes. Tim depletion also led to the accumulation of double-strand breaks at the OriP region. These findings demonstrate that Tim is essential for sustaining the episomal forms of EBV DNA in latently infected cells and suggest that DNA replication fork protection is integrally linked to the mechanism of plasmid maintenance.  相似文献   

Here we report the construction of an alternative episomal vector, pBGP3, which allows the expression of heterologous proteins with N-terminal hexahistidine and myc-epitope tags in Pichia pastoris. To test the usefulness of pBGP3, four cellulases from termites were expressed. Production was confirmed by activity assays and Western blot using anti-c-Myc antibody. Purification was performed by single-step Ni(2+)-affinity chromatography, which confirmed the efficiency of pBGP3.  相似文献   

Inducible microRNA expression by an all-in-one episomal vector system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here we describe an episomal, one-vector system which allows the generation of cell populations displaying homogenous, inducible gene inactivation by RNA interference in a one step procedure. A dual tet-repressor/activator system tightly controls a bi-directional promoter, which simultaneously drives expression of microRNAs and a fluorescent marker protein. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this vector by knockdown of p53 expression in a human cell line which resulted in the expected loss of G1-arrest after DNA damage. The generation of a cell pool homogenously expressing the ectopic microRNAs was achieved in 1 week without the need for viral infections. Induction of microRNA expression did not elicit an interferon response. Furthermore, the vector was adapted for convenient ligation-free transfer of microRNA cassettes from public libraries. This conditional knockdown-system should prove useful for many research and gene therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Screening mutant gene libraries for isolating improved enzyme variants is a powerful technique that benefits from effective and reliable biological expression systems. Pichia pastoris is a very useful organism to express proteins that are inactive in other hosts such as Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, most P. pastoris expression plasmids are designed to integrate into the host chromosome and hence are not as amenable to high-throughput screening projects. We have designed a P. pastoris expression vector, pBGP1, incorporating an autonomous replication sequence that allows the plasmid to exist as an episomal element. This vector contains the alpha-factor signal sequence to direct secretion of the mutant enzymes. Expression of the genes is driven by the constitutive GAP promoter, thus eliminating the need for timed or cell density-specific inductions. The pBGP1 plasmid was used to screen a xylanase gene library to isolate higher activity mutants.  相似文献   

The structure of the lipid-enveloped Sindbis virus has been determined by fitting atomic resolution crystallographic structures of component proteins into an 11-A resolution cryoelectron microscopy map. The virus has T=4 quasisymmetry elements that are accurately maintained between the external glycoproteins, the transmembrane helical region, and the internal nucleocapsid core. The crystal structure of the E1 glycoprotein was fitted into the cryoelectron microscopy density, in part by using the known carbohydrate positions as restraints. A difference map showed that the E2 glycoprotein was shaped similarly to E1, suggesting a possible common evolutionary origin for these two glycoproteins. The structure shows that the E2 glycoprotein would have to move away from the center of the trimeric spike in order to expose enough viral membrane surface to permit fusion with the cellular membrane during the initial stages of host infection. The well-resolved E1-E2 transmembrane regions form alpha-helical coiled coils that were consistent with T=4 symmetry. The known structure of the capsid protein was fitted into the density corresponding to the nucleocapsid, revising the structure published earlier.  相似文献   

Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors are capable of mediating long-term gene expression following administration to skeletal muscle. In rodent muscle, the vector genomes persist in the nucleus in concatemeric episomal forms. Here, we demonstrate with nonhuman primates that rAAV vectors integrate inefficiently into the chromosomes of myocytes and reside predominantly as episomal monomeric and concatemeric circles. The episomal rAAV genomes assimilate into chromatin with a typical nucleosomal pattern. The persistence of the vector genomes and gene expression for years in quiescent tissues suggests that a bona fide chromatin structure is important for episomal maintenance and transgene expression. These findings were obtained from primate muscles transduced with rAAV1 and rAAV8 vectors for up to 22 months after intramuscular delivery of 5 × 1012 viral genomes/kg. Because of this unique context, our data, which provide important insight into in situ vector biology, are highly relevant from a clinical standpoint.  相似文献   

The genomic localization of two immunodominant genes encoding two proteins of the Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigen (VCA) complex, VCA-p18 and VCA-p40, has been identified. For that purpose, lambda gt11-based cDNA libraries were constructed from HH514.c16 cells induced for virus production. The libraries were screened with a monoclonal antibody, EBV.OT41A, directed against VCA-p40 or with affinity-purified human antibodies against VCA-p18. Sequencing of the inserts of positive plaques showed that VCA-p18 and VCA-p40 are encoded within open reading frames (ORFs) BFRF3 and BdRF1, respectively. Peptide scanning analysis of the predicted protein of ORF BdRF1 resulted in defining the epitope of monoclonal antibody EBV.OT41A at the C-terminal region. The dominant VCA-p18 reactivity of human sera can be completely inhibited by preadsorption with Escherichia coli-expressed BFRF3-beta-galactosidase. Serum of a rabbit immunized with BFRF3-beta galactosidase reacts with a VCA-specific protein of 18 kDa. In addition, BFRF3-beta-galactosidase affinity-purified antibodies react with VCA-p18 of virus-producing cells (HH514.c16). Complete inhibition of viral DNA polymerase activity by phosphonoacetic acid is associated with the absence of RNAs and protein products of both ORFs, indicating that VCA-p18 and VCA-p40 are true late antigens.  相似文献   

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