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ftsZ基因是控制细胞分裂的关键基因,其蛋白能够在分裂位点形成一个环状结构而影响细胞分裂.为了研究木薯质体分裂与木薯淀粉品质形成的关系,根据木薯基因组数据库上的预测序列,设计引物,从木薯基因组中分离了与质体分裂相关的ftsZ家族3个新基因(ftsZ1,ftsZ2,ftsZ3).分别将它们与荧光蛋白基因(GFP)融合,构建了3个原核表达载体pET-fisZ1-GFP、pET-fisZ2-GFP、pET-fisZ3-GFP,并转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3).通过荧光显微镜观察菌体的表型和分裂,初步鉴定了木薯质体分裂相关基因ftsZ家族对细胞分裂的作用.结果显示:尽管木薯与大肠杆菌的亲缘关系较远,ftsZ基因的同源性较低,但是两者表现出相似的功能,木薯ftsZ基因的表达能严重影响大肠杆菌细胞分裂.这一结果为进一步研究木薯ftsZ家族基因的功能奠定了基础.  相似文献   

水稻抗白叶枯病基因及其应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由黄单胞菌水稻变种Xanthomonas oryzae pv.Oryzae(Xoo)引起的白叶枯病是水稻重要病害之一。目前,已有37个水稻白叶枯抗性基因被鉴定并报道,其中28个被定位到染色体上,7个被克隆。本文简要综述了水稻白叶枯抗性基因的鉴定、定位和克隆的进展,并讨论了合理利用抗性基因防治白叶枯病的前景。  相似文献   

Populations of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis and X. axonopodis pv. vignicola, causal agents of cassava and cowpea bacterial blight, respectively, were quantified in insects. The pathogens were found in the faeces, the intestines, and on the legs and mandibles of Zonocerusvariegatus. Additionally, X. axonopodis pv. manihotis was localized in the insect gut by immunofluorescence microscopy. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis survived at least 1 week in the insect intestines and at least 5 weeks in faeces kept under controlled conditions, while survival in faeces exposed to sunlight was <2 weeks. Five percentage [e.g. 5.8 × 107 colony‐forming units (CFU)/g faeces] of the fed population of X. axonopodis pv. manihotis in cassava leaves were recovered viable in the faeces after passage through the insect. The transmission of cassava bacterial blight by pathogen‐contaminated insect faeces to intact, healthy cassava leaves was demonstrated for the first time. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignicola was isolated from organs and faeces of the grasshopper Pyrgomorpha cognata, the Senegalese grasshopper (Oedaleus senegalensis), bee (Apis mellifera) and three Coleoptera (Ootheca mutabilis, Mylabris spp., Exochomus troberti) collected in bacterial blight‐infected cowpea fields. Cowpea belonged to the diet of 19 grasshopper species collected in cowpea fields as demonstrated by residues in their faeces. Pathogen‐contaminated Z. variegatus initiated an epiphytic population of 8.9 × 104 CFU/g on healthy cowpea leaves. Spraying cassava and cowpea leaves with 102 and 104 CFU/ml of their respective pathogen was sufficient to evoke symptoms. A possible role of insects in the transmission of X. axonopodis pvs. vignicola and manihotis is discussed.  相似文献   

Severe attacks of bacterial blight were observed on young plants throughout the hazelnut growing areas in Chile. The incidence of the disease in nurseries and fields ranged from 60–90%. The causal agent was identified as Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina, based on phenotypic and genetic tests.  相似文献   

采用菲律宾10个代表菌株和我国V型菌代表菌株在植株的分蘖初期和孕穗期人工接种,鉴定和评价近年选育的26个“绿色超级稻”品种(系)对白叶枯病的抗性。结果表明多数品种在分蘖初期和孕穗期对病菌的抗感水平相同,少数品种接种在孕穗期接种部分菌株后的病斑长度小于苗期。此外,新黄占、华201S-1 和XF10450在分蘖初期和孕穗期接种10个菌株后的病斑长度均小于5cm,具有高度的广谱抗性;其它品种对不同菌株的抗性水平不同,黄华占、旱优113、新两优3411和天优145对4-5个菌株表现抗病,旱优75、旱优715和009067对测试的10-11个菌株高度感病;其它品系对所有菌株表现中度感病或感病。 关键词:水稻品种;白叶枯病;抗性  相似文献   

Recent advances in genomic and post-genomic technologies have provided the opportu- nity to generate a previously unimaginable amount of information. However, biological knowledge is still needed to improve the understanding of complex mechanisms such as plant immune responses. Better knowledge of this process could improve crop production and management. Here, we used holistic analysis to combine our own microarray and RNA-seq data with public genomic data from Arabidopsis and cassava in order to acquire biological knowledge about the relationships between proteins encoded by immunity-related genes (IRGs) and other genes. This approach was based on a kernel method adapted for the construction of gene networks. The obtained results allowed us to propose a list of new IRGs. A putative function in the immunity pathway was predicted for the new IRGs. The analysis of networks revealed that our predicted IRGs are either well documented or recognized in previous co-expression studies. In addition to robust relationships between IRGs, there is evidence suggesting that other cellular processes may be also strongly related to immunity.  相似文献   

利用“Lemont/特青”重组自交系(RI)群体研究了水稻对白叶枯病致病菌株CR6的水平抗性。双亲和F1均为感病,重组自交系(RILs)的病斑长度(LL)为带有明显双向超亲的连续变异,显示出典型的多基因遗传特征。部分重组自交系(约占总数90%)对CR6表现高水平抗性(LL≤3cm)。利用由178个良好分离的RFLP标记构建的饱和连锁图,鉴定出11个数量形状位点(QTLs)和3对互作位点解释了RI群体的大部分病斑变异。抗性QTLs定位于水稻第2、3、4、8、9、10、11、12等8条染色体。在来自特青的Xa-4位点上检测到一个有很大加性效应的QTL。其余10个QTLs的抗性等位基因有7个来自特青,3个来自Lemont。研究结果表明多个数量性状位点和失效主基因(Xa-4)残效的累加效应构成了对白叶枯病水平抗性的遗传基础,是重要的抗性组成部分。可以预期在DNA标记的辅助下,这些数量性状位点与主效抗性基因的组合将使水稻品种具有持久抗病性。  相似文献   

Bacterial Blight is an important disease of cassava, causing losses that have resulted in historical famines in certain growing zones. The disease is caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis, a gram-negative rod that belongs to the gammaproteobacteria. In this review, we describe the pathosystem and the recent studies that have been undertaken to elucidate both susceptibility and resistance mechanisms in cassava, with the hope of generating resistant plants using biotechnology. We first describe studies of the pathogen, including pathogen population changes through time as well as genomic tools that have recently been generated to determine pathogenicity factors. Secondly, we discuss mechanisms of disease resistance that have been elucidated in recent years and how these mechanisms could be used for the generation of improved plants resistant to CBB.  相似文献   

A triplex PCR method has been developed for the race‐specific detection of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), the bacterial blight (BB) pathogen of rice. For this, three primer sets were designed: for specific internal regions of two genes (hpaA and XorII very‐short‐patch‐repair endonuclease) and for a genomic locus derived from an amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fragment specific for the K3 and K5 races. The sizes of the PCR products when using XOOF/XOOR, XRMF/XRMR and XAF3F/XAF3R primer pairs were 327, 427 bp and 1 kb, respectively, when the assay was applied to detect the pathogen in solution and lesion exudates, and as a template. Amplicons were obtained without the need for any prior processing (e.g. DNA preparation from infected leaf or bacterial cell isolation from the lesion). Furthermore, the pathogen could be quickly detected in the asymptomatic rice leaf 3 days after inoculation and at a distance of 6 cm from the lesion site. This PCR‐based simple and rapid assay will be a useful method for the detection and identification of Xoo as well as for disease forecasting in paddy fields.  相似文献   

Disease surveys conducted in Trinidad between 1985—1987 showed that Cassava Bacterial Blight (CBB) is present in all but one county of the country with disease severity ratings varying from 1—5 depending on day/night temperatures. Field and greenhouse screening identified varieties such as Point Fortin fine leaf and CMC 40 as being resistant whereas M col 22 was moderately resistant to susceptible. Using a combination of antiserum produced to whole cells of Xanthomonas campestris pv. manibotis and a broth enrichment technique, dissemination of the pathogen by flood water was confirmed. The pathogen was detected at distances of up to 300 meters from infected fields. The significance of this mode of pathogen dissemination in initiating primary infection in Trinidad is discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨水稻白叶枯病成株抗性是否与防卫基因相关 ,通过RT PCR研究了几种防卫基因PAL、LOX、PBZ1、Cht 1和PR1a的表达 ,同时也分析了PAL和LOX的酶活性变化 .结果表明 ,苗期PAL受病原菌诱导上调表达 ,而成株期病原菌和伤害均可诱导PAL上调表达 ,且成株期诱导表达强于苗期 .LOX在苗期和成株期都可受病原菌诱导表达 ,但成株期表达强于苗期且更持久 .PBZ1在苗期和成株期均受病原菌和伤害诱导表达 ,但成株期表达较苗期早且更强 .PR1a和Cht1没检测到期望的扩增片段 .PAL和LOX的酶活性分析结果与基因表达分析结果一致 .因此 ,PAL、LOX和PBZ1在苗期和成株期的表达差异可能与水稻白叶枯病成株抗性相关 .  相似文献   

Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is a major disease of rice in the tropics for which genetic resistance in the host plants is the only effective solution. This study aimed at identification of resistance gene combinations effective against Xoo isolates and fingerprinting of the Xoo isolates of Andaman Islands (India). Here, we report the reaction of 21 rice BB differentials possessing Xa1 to Xa21 genes individually and in different combinations to various isolates of pathogen collected from Andaman Islands. Pathological screening results of 14 isolates revealed that among individual genes tested across 2 years, Xa4, Xa7 and Xa21 conferred resistance reaction across all isolates, whereas among combinations, IRBB 50 (Xa4 + xa5), IRBB 52 (Xa4 + Xa21) and IRBB 60 (Xa4 + xa5 + xa13 + Xa21) conveyed effective resistance against tested isolates. The nature of genetic diversity among four isolates selected on the basis of geographical isolation in the islands was studied through DNA finger printing. The RAPD primers S111, S119, S1117, S1109, S1103, S109 and S105 were found to be better indicators of molecular diversity among isolates than JEL primers. The diversity analysis grouped 14 isolates into three major clusters based on disease reaction wherein isolate no. 8 was found the most divergent as well as highly virulent. The remaining isolates were classified into two distinct groups. The importance of the study in the context of transfer of resistance gene(s) in the local cultivars specifically for tropical island conditions is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

由水稻黄单胞菌水稻变种Xoo引起的水稻白叶枯病是全球性的重要病害之一。已有31个水稻白叶枯抗性基因被鉴定并报道,其中18个被定位到染色体上,5个被克隆。简要综述了水稻白叶枯抗性基因的鉴定、定位和克隆的进展,并讨论了合理利用抗性基因防治白叶枯病的前景。  相似文献   


Polymerase chain reaction of Cassava mosaic virus revealed that out of the 50 samples analysed only two samples, one from Musiri (Trichy district) and other from Mallur (Salem district), were detected with ICMV infection as 904 bp fragment of DNA-A amplified. All the other samples from various districts of Tamil Nadu were detected invariably with SLCMV as they amplified 599 bp of DNA-A. A 599 bp fragment of DAN-A was cloned and sequenced from the sample collected from Mallur. The nucleotide sequence has been submitted to GenBank under the accession number DQ303479. The nucleotide sequence was compared with other cassava infecting geminiviruses and other geminiviruses in GenBank. Cluster dendrogram revealed that the cloned sequence was most closely related to ICMV, Maharastra strain rather than SLCMV, forming one cluster. Comparative sequence analyses showed that the cloned fragment shared a maximum sequence identity with ICMV at nucleotide levels (93%) than with SLCMV (88%).  相似文献   

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