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Prior to this report, heat treatment (32.5°C, 24 h) was the method used to induce embryogenesis fromBrassica napus microspores. Continuous culture at 25°C results in pollen development. This study shows that colchicine alone, at the non-inductive temperature of 25°C, can induce embryogenesis, thus demonstrating that heat shock is not required for embryogenic induction inB. napus cv. Topas. Embryogenic frequencies of over 15% were obtained by culturing isolated microspores with 25 M colchicine for 42 h at 25°C. The microspore developmental stages responsive to colchicine were unicellular vacuolate and late unicellular, somewhat earlier stages than the population responsive to heat induction. Other groups have reported that heat-shock proteins are essential to the induction of embryogenesis. The present study offers a method of embryogenic induction without the use of heat which will allow discrimination between the factors associated with response to heat shock and those involved with changing cell development.Abbreviations LU Late-unicellular - PPB Preprophase band - UV unicellular-vacuolate The authors wish to thank C. Bornman for his interest and encouragement. We gratefully acknowledge support from the School of Graduate Studies and Research, Queen's University to J.-P. Z., from Hilleshog AB, Sweden to D.H.S., and from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to D.H.S. and W.N. Plant Research Centre contribution No. 1595.  相似文献   

Summary The organization of actin microfilaments (MFs) was studied during pollen development ofBrassica napus cv. Topas. Cells were prepared using three techniques and double labelled for fluorescence microscopy with rhodamine-labelled phalloidin for MFs and Hoechst 33258 for DNA. Microfilaments are present at all stages of pollen development with the exception of tricellular pollen just prior to anthesis. Unicellular microspores contain MFs which radiate from the surface of the nuclear envelope into the cytoplasm. During mitosis MFs form a network partially surrounding the mitotic apparatus and extend into the cytoplasm. Both cytoplasmic and phragmoplast-associated MFs are present during cytokinesis. Nuclear associated-, cytoplasmic, and randomly oriented cortical MFs appear in the vegetative cell of the bicellular microspore. Cortical MFs in the vegetative cell organize into parallel MF bundles (MFBs) aligned transverse to the furrows. The MFBs disappear prior to microspore elongation. At anthesis MFs are restricted to the cortical areas subjacent to the furrows of the vegetative cell. The use of cytochalasin D to disrupt MF function resulted in: (1) displacement of the acentric nucleus in the unicellular microspore; (2) displacement of the spindle apparatus in the mitotic cell; (3) symmetrical growth of the bicellular microspore rather than elongation and (4) inhibition of pollen tube germination in the mature pollen grain. This suggests that MFs play an important role in anchoring the nucleus in the unicellular microspore as well as the spindle apparatus during microspore mitosis, in microspore shape determination and in pollen tube germination.Abbreviations MF microfilament - MFB microfilament bundle - rhph rhodamine phalloidin Dedicated to the memory of Professor John G. Torrey  相似文献   

This report describes a very high genome doubling efficiency of Brassica napus cv. Topas plants, derived from microspores induced to undergo embryogenesis with a colchicine treatment, without the use of a heat treatment. The plants showed normal growth and development, and 90% were fertile. In contrast, only 6% of the plants derived from heat-induced embryos were fertile diploids. All cytological analysis of the progeny of fertile plants showed 2n=38 chromosomes. These results show that colchicine can simultaneously induce microspore embryogenesis and double the ploidy level to produce doubled haploid plants.  相似文献   

The dynamics of nuclear DNA synthesis were analysed in isolated microspores and pollen of Brassica napus that were induced to form embryos. DNA synthesis was visualized by the immunocytochemical labelling of incorporated Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), applied continuously or as a pulse during the first 24 h of culture under embryogenic (32 °C) and non-embryogenic (18 °C) conditions. Total DNA content of the nuclei was determined by microspectrophotometry. At the moment of isolation, microspore nuclei and nuclei of generative cells were at the G1, S or G2 phase. Vegetative nuclei of pollen were always in G1 at the onset of culture. When microspores were cultured at 18 °C, they followed the normal gametophytic development; when cultured at 32 °C, they divided symmetrically and became embryogenic or continued gametophytic development. Because the two nuclei of the symmetrically divided microspores were either both labelled with BrdU or not labelled at all, we concluded that microspores are inducible to form embryos from the G1 until the G2 phase. When bicellular pollen were cultured at 18 °C, they exhibited labelling exclusively in generative nuclei. This is comparable to the gametophytic development that occurs in vivo. Early bicellular pollen cultured at 32 °C, however, also exhibited replication in vegetative nuclei. The majority of vegetative nuclei re-entered the cell cycle after 12 h of culture. Replication in the vegetative cells preceded division of the vegetative cell, a prerequisite for pollen-derived embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the actin filament and microtubule cytoskeleton were examined during heat- and cytochalasin D-induced embryogenesis in microspores ofBrassica napus cv. Topas by rhodamine phalloidin and immunofluorescence labelling respectively. The nucleus was displaced from its peripheral to a more central position in the cell, and perinuclear actin microfilaments and microtubules extended onto the cytoplasm. Heat treatment induced the formation of a preprophase band of microtubules in microspores; preprophase bands are not associated with the first pollen mitosis. Actin filament association with the preprophase band was not observed. The orientation and position of the mitotic spindle were altered, and it was surrounded with randomly oriented microfilaments. The phragmoplast contained microfilaments and microtubules, as in pollen mitosis I, but it assumed a more central position. Cytoskeletal reorganisation also occurred in microspores subjected to a short cytochalasin D treatment, in the absence of a heat treatment. Cytochalasin D treatment of microspores resulted in dislocated mitotic spindles, disrupted phragmoplasts, and symmetric divisions and led to embryogenesis, confirming that a normal actin cytoskeleton has a role in preventing the induction of embryogenesis.Abbreviations CD cytochalasin D - MF actin microfilament - MT microtubule - PPB preprophase band  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic microspore and pollen culture followed by subculture of microspore-derived plantlets enabled the production of clones ofBrassica napus cv. Topas. Flow-cytometric analysis revealed that most microspore- and pollen-derived embryos (pEMs) were haploid initially. Spontaneous diploidization occurred at the globular stage of the pEMs, and was expressed as the relative increase of the 2C and 4C nuclear DNA content. Diploidization occurred throughout various organs of the pEMs and resulted in the formation of haploid and doubled haploid chimerics. In some embryos, nearly all cells were doubled haploid. From early cotyledon stage onward, pure haploid embryos were not observed anymore. At late cotyledon and germination stages, pure doubled haploid embryos and plantlets increased in number. Tetraploid pEMs were found occasionally. A culture regime was established to induce somatic embryos on the pEM-derived young plantlets. The ploidy of the somatic embryos varied highly and tended to be the same as that of the tissue at the initiation site on the pEM-plant. The results show that during the embryogenic development ofB. napus microspores, spontaneous diploidization occurs at globular stage, and increases progressively, resulting in the formation of chimerical haploid and doubled haploid plants as well as pure doubled haploid plants; ploidy neither affects pEM development at embryo developmental stages nor somatic embryogenesis, that starts on young pEM-derived plantlets; doubled haploid somatic embryos can be cloned from single pEM-derived plantlets; and doubled haploid embryos develop to fertile plants.  相似文献   

Summary The monoclonal antibody MPM-2, which interacts with a mitosis-specific phosphorylated epitope, has been used to study phosphorylation of proteins in microspores and pollen ofBrassica napus. One- (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) immunoblots revealed that MPM-2 recognized a family of phosphorylated proteins in freshly isolated microspores and pollen. The same set of phosphorylated proteins was found after 8 h of culture at embryogenie (32 °C) and non-embryogenic (18 °C) conditions. Two major spots were observed on 2-D immunoblots, one of which (Mr75 kDa, pI5.1) co-localized with the 70 kDa heat shock protein. Immunolabelling of sectioned microspores and pollen showed that MPM-2 reactive epitopes were predominantly observed in the nucleoplasm from G1 until G2-phase, and in the cytoplasm during mitosis. This may be due to a cell cycle related translocation of phosphoproteins from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, or alternate phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in nucleus and cytoplasm. Detectability of epitopes on sections depended on the embedding procedure. Cryo processing revealed epitope reactivity in all stages of the cell cycle whereas polyethylene glycol embedded material showed no labelling in the cytoplasm during mitosis. Processing might reduce the antigenicity of cytoplasmic MPM-2 detectable proteins, probably due to dephosphorylation. The MPM-2 detectable epitope was observed in all cells investigated, irrespective of culture conditions, and its intracellular distribution depended on the cell cycle stage and was not related to the developmental fate of the microspores and pollen.  相似文献   

Summary The study of the formation of pollen in plants has been the focus of extensive morphologic and cytologic observations. This complex developmental process requires the coordinated activity of both gametophytic and sporophytic tissues. The events that occur during microspore development represent a carefully orchestrated program of physiologic, biochemical, and genetic activities. Genes expressed specifically in pollen or in sporophytic tissues that support pollen development have only recently been identified and desribed. In the present paper we describe several genes expressed during pollen development in the important oil seed speciesBrassica napus (oil seed rape/canola). The characterization of three gene families expressed during microspore development is reviewed which provides a basis for comparison with other genes expressed during pollen maturation. The, potential value of these genes for the development of novel plant breeding strategies and hybrid seed production is discussed. Presented in the Session-In-Depth In vitro, Gametophyte Biology at the 1991 World Congress on Cell and Tissue Culture held in Anaheim, CA, June 16–20, 1991.  相似文献   

Elevation of the culture temperature to 32°C for approximately 8 h can irreversibly change the developmental fate of isolatedBrassica napus microspores from pollen development to embryogenesis. This stress treatment was accompanied by de-novo synthesis of a number of heat-shock proteins (HSPs) of the 70-kDa class: HSP68 and HSP70. A detailed biochemical and cytological analysis was performed of the HSP68 and HSP70 isoforms. Eight HSP68 isoforms, one of which was induced three fold by the stress treatment, were detected on two-dimensional immunoblots. Immunocytochemistry revealed a co-distribution of HSP68 with DNA-containing organelles, presumably mitochondria. Six HSP70 isoforms were detected, one of which was induced six fold under embryogenic culture conditions. During normal pollen development, HSP70 was localized in the nucleoplasm during the S phase of the cell cycle, and predominantly in the cytoplasm during the remainder. Induction of embryogenic development in late unicellular microspores was accompanied by an intense anti-HSP70 labeling of the nucleoplasm during an elongated S phase. In early bicellular pollen the nucleus of the vegetative cell, which normally does not divide and never expresses HSP70, showed intense labeling of the nucleoplasm with anti-HSP70 after 8 h of culture under embryogenic conditions. These results demonstrate a strong correlation between the phase of the cell cycle, the nuclear localization of HSP70 and the induction of embryogenesis. As temperature stress alone is responsible for the induction of embryogenic development, and causes an altered pattern of cell division, there might be a direct involvement of HSP70 in this process.Abbreviations HSP heat-shock protein - 2-D two-dimensional - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. 1-D = one-dimensional - pI isoelectric point  相似文献   

Brassica napus L. microspores at the late uninucleate to early binucleate stage of development can be induced in vitro to alter their development from pollen to embryo formation. High temperatures or other stress treatments are required to initiate this redirection process. The critical period for induction of microspore embryogenesis is within the first 8 h of temperature-stress imposition. During this period, which precedes the first embryogenic nuclear division, the process regulating the induction and sustainment of microspore embryogenesis is activated. A number of mRNAs and proteins, some of them possibly heat-shock proteins, appear in microspores during the commitment phase of the induction process.Abbreviations SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores isolated and cultured near the first pollen mitosis and subjected to a heat treatment develop into haploid embryos at a frequency of about 20%. In order to obtain a greater understanding of the induction process and embryogenesis, transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of pollen from the mid-uninucleate to the bicellular microspore stage. The effect of 24 h of high temperature (32.5 °C) on microspore development was examined by heat treating microspore cultures or entire plants. Mid-uninucleate microspores contained small vacuoles. Late-uninucleate vacuolate microspores contained a large vacuole. The large vacuole of the vacuolate stage was fragmented into numerous small vacuoles in the late-uninucleate stage. The late-uninucleate stage contained an increased number of ribosomes, a pollen coat covering the exine and a laterally positioned nucleus. Prior to the first pollen mitosis the nucleus of the lateuninucleate microspore appeared to be appressed to the plasma membrane; numerous perinuclear microtubules were observed. Microspores developing into pollen divided asymmetrically to form a large vegetative cell with amyloplasts and a small generative cell without plastids. The cells were separated by a lens-shaped cell wall which later diminished. At the late-bicellular stage the generative cell was observed within the vegetative cell. Starch and lipid reserves were present in the vegetative cell and the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi were abundant. The microspore isolation procedure removed the pollen coat, but did not redistribute or alter the morphology of the organelles. Microspores cultured at 25 °C for 24 h resembled late-bicellular microspores except more starch and a thicker intine were present. A more equal division of microspores occurred during the 24 h heat treatment (32.5 °C) of the entire plant or of cultures. A planar wall separated the cells of the bicellular microspores. Both daughter cells contained plastids and the nuclei were of similar size. Cultured embryogenie microspores contained electron-dense deposits at the plasma membrane/cell wall interface, vesicle-like structures in the cell walls and organelle-free regions in the cytoplasm. The results are related to embryogenesis and a possible mechanism of induction is discussed.Abbreviations B binucleate - LU late uninucleate - LUV late uninucleate vacuolate - M mitotic - MU mid-uninucleate - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - TEM transmission electron micrograph  相似文献   

Summary Populations of highly homogeneous uninucleate and binucleate microspores ofBrassica napus cv. Topas were obtained by bud selection and percoll fractionation. The development of the uninucleate and the binucleate microspores in culture was compared to thosein vivo using the fluorochrome DAPI to stain DNA. The major developmental pathway of the uninucleate microsporesin vitro resulted in embryo formation. The characteristic of this pathway was that the first division produced two diffusely stained nuclei and subsequent divisions gave rise to a multinucleate embryoid. The second pathway which occurred in a small number of the uninucleate microspores led to callus formation. The majority of the binucleate microsporesin vitro followed the developmental pattern of their counterpartsin vivo and were not embryogenic. The embryogenic binucleate microspores produced embryos through the divisions of the vegetative nucleus.Plant Research Centre Contribution # 1147  相似文献   

Summary Vacuole-like structures were found in the nuclei of root tip cells ofBrassica napus. The cells containing the unusual nuclear inclusions were found to be adjacent to zones of degenerating cells. Such groups of cells occurred irregularly in the meristematic regions of the young root tips. The possibility that they represent changes which have occurred in old seeds is discussed.The vacuole-like structures seen in the cells adjacent to the degenerating zones were bounded by a membranous layer 12 nm thick. This is thicker than most cellular membranes. The vacuoles frequently contained inclusions and showed similarities to protein bodies reported elsewhere. The structures are thought to represent rearrangements of cell products which may have accumulated through an imbalance of metabolism in consequence of the imminent cell degeneration.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural and cytochemical features of embryo development during anther and free microspore culture inBrassica napus have been followed from the late uninucleate microspore stage through the first embryonic division. On transfer to culture, the microspore cytoplasm possesses a large vacuole, often containing electron opaque aggregates, and a peripheral nucleus. Mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and starch-free plastids are distributed throughout the cytoplasm. The conditions of culture induce a number of major changes in the cytoplasmic organisation of the microspore. First, the central vacuole becomes fragmented allowing the nucleus to assume a central position within the cell. Secondly, starch synthesis commences in the plastids which, in turn, are seen to occupy a domain investing the nucleus. Thirdly, the cell develops a thick fibrillar wall, situated immediately adjacent to the intine of the immature pollen wall. Finally, the microspores develop large cytoplasmic aggregates of globular material. The nature of this substance remains unknown, but it remains present until the young embryos have reached the 30 cell stage. The first division of cultured microspores destined to become embryos is generally symmetrical, in contrast to the asymmetric division seen in normal development in vivo. Consideration is given to the differences observed between embryos developing from anthers and free microspores in culture.  相似文献   

The effect of colchicine on embryogenesis induction and chromosomedoubling during microspore culture was evaluated in two F1 hybridsofwinter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Colchicinetreatment (50 and 500 mg/L) of isolated microspores during thefirst 15 h in culture stimulated embryogenesis and produced large amounts ofhealthy-looking embryos. These normal embryos germinated well at 24°C after being transferred to solid regeneration medium and aninitial period of low temperature (2 °C) for 10 days, andcoulddirectly and rapidly regenerate vigorous plants. A high doubling efficiency of84–88% was obtained from 500 mg/L colchicine treatment for15h with low frequency of polyploid and chimeric plants. Acolchicinetreatment duration of 6 h was less effective on embryogenesis anddoubling efficiency. The present experiment also showed that changing of induction medium 15h after microspore isolation produced higher spontaneous doublingefficiency, as compared with medium change 6 h after isolation.  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus pollen development during the formation of the generative cell and sperm cells is analysed with light and electron microscopy. The generative cell is formed as a small lenticular cell attached to the intine, as a result of the unequal first mitosis. After detaching itself from the intine, the generative cell becomes spherical, and its wall morphology changes. Simultaneously, the vegetative nucleus enlarges, becomes euchromatic and forms a large nucleolus. In addition, the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell develops a complex ultrastructure that is characterized by an extensive RER organized in stacks, numerous dictyosomes and Golgi vesicles and a large quantity of lipid bodies. Microbodies, which are present at the mature stage, are not yet formed. The generative cell undergoes an equal division which results in two spindle-shaped sperm cells. This cell division occurs through the concerted action of cell constriction and cell plate formation. The two sperm cells remain enveloped within one continuous vegetative plasma membrane. One sperm cell becomes anchored onto the vegetative nucleus by a long extension enclosed within a deep invagination of the vegetative nucleus. Plastid inheritance appears to be strictly maternal since the sperm cells do not contain plastids; plastids are excluded from the generative cell even in the first mitosis.  相似文献   

A stress treatment of 32 degrees C for at least 8h was able to change the gametophytic program of the microspore, switching it to embryogenesis in Brassica napus, an interesting model for studying this process in vitro. After induction, some microspores started symmetric divisions and became haploid embryos after a few days, whereas other microspores, not sensitive to induction, followed their original gametophytic development. In this work the distribution and ultrastructural localization of two heat-shock proteins (Hsp70 and Hsp90) throughout key stages before and after embryogenesis induction were studied. Both Hsp proteins are rapidly induced, localizing in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Immunogold labeling showed changes in the distribution patterns of these proteins, these changes being assessed by a quantitative analysis. Inside the nucleus, Hsp70 was found in association with RNP structures in the interchromatin region and in the nucleolus, whereas nuclear Hsp90 was mostly found in the interchromatin region. For Hsp70, the accumulation after the inductive treatment was accompanied by a reversible translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, in both induced (embryogenic) and noninduced (gametophytic) microspores. However, the translocation was higher in embryogenic microspores, suggesting a possible additional role for Hsp70 in the switch to embryogenesis. In contrast, Hsp90 increase was similar in all microspores, occurring faster than for Hsp70 and suggesting a more specific role for Hsp90 in the stress response. Hsp70 and Hsp90 colocalized in clusters in the cytoplasm and the nucleus, but not in the nucleolus. Results indicated that stress proteins are involved in the process of microspore embryogenesis induction. The differential appearance and distribution of the two proteins and their association at specific stages have been determined between the two systems coexisting in the same culture: embryogenic development (induced cells) and development of gametes (noninduced cells).  相似文献   

E. Maquoi  D. E. Hanke  R. Deltour 《Protoplasma》1993,174(3-4):147-157
Summary A comparison of embryos, cultured for increasing periods of time with and without abscisic acid (ABA), was undertaken to investigate, at the ultrastructural level, the influence of this growth regulator on the maturation of rapeseed (Brassica napus) somatic embryos. In the absence of ABA, the embryos germinated precociously while lipid bodies (LB), which were not numerous, soon degraded, as revealed by a depletion process associated with the appearance of morphologically mature glyoxysomes and an increase in the number of mitochondria. Moreover, a lack of protein bodies indicated that storage protein accumulation was not initiated under these conditions. On the contrary, the addition of ABA (10 M) induced marked modification of embryo metabolism. Indeed, ABA completely prevented precocious embryo germination and inhibited lipid reserve catabolism. Moreover, the formation of small vacuoles and proliferation of rough endoplasmic reticulum in their vicinity suggested the onset of storage protein accumulation. After 15 days in the presence of ABA, the embryos contained abundant lipid and protein bodies. Nevertheless, these somatic embryos were not exactly the same as their mature zygotic counterparts since differences were found in chloroplasts, amyloplasts, and nuclear structures. These observations suggest that additional factors might be required to obtain fully mature somatic embryos.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ABM ABA medium - BM basal medium - LB lipid bodies - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - PB protein bodies - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum  相似文献   

 Until now it has been considered that in rape seed (Brassica napus) only late uninucleate microspores and early bicellular pollen are competent for induction of in vitro embryogenesis. Here we describe that pollen isolated at the late bicellular stage can also be induced to undergo embryogenesis. By the application of an additional short and more severe heat stress treatment, DNA synthesis was initiated in both generative and vegetative nuclei, but only vegetative cells were able to complete the cell cycle and to divide further. The ability of late bicellular pollen to respond to embryogenic induction treatment was accompanied by rearrangements of the microtubulular cytoskeleton and by the nuclear localization of 70 kDa heat shock proteins (HSP70). These findings confirm earlier observations that there is a strong correlation between the induction of embryogenesis and the synthesis and nuclear localization of HSP70. Received: 9 January 1997 / Revision accepted: 23 May 1997  相似文献   

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