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In the present study, structural aspects of the two soluble transducers, HtrX and HtrXI, from the archaeon H. salinarum have been examined using UV circular dichroism and steady-state fluorescence spectroscopies. Circular dichroism (CD) data indicate that both HtrX and HtrXI exhibit salt-dependent protein folding. Under low-ionic-strength conditions (0.2 M NaCl or KCl) the CD spectra of HtrXI is similar to that of the Gdn-HCl- or urea-denatured forms and is indicative of random coil structure. In contrast, the CD spectrum of HtrX under low-ionic-strength conditions contains roughly 85% α-helical character, indicating a significant degree of folding. Addition of NaCl or KCl to solutions of HtrX or HtrXI results in CD features consistent with predominately α-helical character (>95%) for both proteins. In addition, the transition points (i.e., ionic strengths at which the protein converts from random coil to α-helical character) are quite distinct and dependent upon the type of salt present (i.e., either NaCl or KCl). Accessibility of tryptophan residues to the solvent was also examined for both HtrX and HtrXI in both folded and unfolded states using Kl quenching. The Stern–Volmer constants obtained suggest that the tryptophans (Trp35 in HtrX and both Trp47 and Trp74 in HtrXI) are partially exposed to the solvent, indicating that they are located near the surface of the protein in all three cases. Furthermore, fluorescence quenching with the single Trp mutants Trp74AIa and Trp47AIa of HtrXI indicates different environments for these two residues.  相似文献   

Temperature effect of the photocyle of sensory rhodopsin (sR) was studied by nanosecond spectroscopy. Though the formation yield of sRM (sR370) was sharply decreased with temperature, those of sRK (sR680) and sRL were insensitive to temperature changes. These results show the existence of the branching process back to sR from sRL. The absorption maxima for sRK and sRL were 595 ± 5 and 555 ± 15 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

Iron-uptake is well studied in a plethora of pro- and eukaryotic organisms with the exception of Archaea, which thrive mainly in extreme environments. In this study, the mechanism of iron transport in the extremely halophilic Euryarchaeon Halobacterium salinarum strain JW 5 was analyzed. Under low-iron growth conditions no siderophores were detectable in culture supernatants. However, various xenosiderophores support growth of H. salinarum. In [55Fe]–[14C] double-label experiments, H. salinarum displays uptake of iron but not of the chelator citrate. Uptake of iron was inhibited by cyanide and at higher concentrations by Ga. Furthermore, a KM for iron uptake in cells of 2.36 μM and a Vmax of approximately 67 pmol Fe/min/mg protein was determined. [55Fe]-uptake kinetics were measured in the absence and presence of Ga. Uptake of iron was inhibited merely at very high Ga concentrations. The results indicate an energy dependent iron uptake process in H. salinarum and suggest reduction of the metal at the membrane level.  相似文献   



The genome of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum NRC-1 encodes for homologs of MutS and MutL, which are key proteins of a DNA mismatch repair pathway conserved in Bacteria and Eukarya. Mismatch repair is essential for retaining the fidelity of genetic information and defects in this pathway result in the deleterious accumulation of mutations and in hereditary diseases in humans.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We calculated the spontaneous genomic mutation rate of H. salinarum NRC-1 using fluctuation tests targeting genes of the uracil monophosphate biosynthesis pathway. We found that H. salinarum NRC-1 has a low incidence of mutation suggesting the presence of active mechanisms to control spontaneous mutations during replication. The spectrum of mutational changes found in H. salinarum NRC-1, and in other archaea, appears to be unique to this domain of life and might be a consequence of their adaption to extreme environmental conditions. In-frame targeted gene deletions of H. salinarum NRC-1 mismatch repair genes and phenotypic characterization of the mutants demonstrated that the mutS and mutL genes are not required for maintenance of the observed mutation rate.


We established that H. salinarum NRC-1 mutS and mutL genes are redundant to an alternative system that limits spontaneous mutation in this organism. This finding leads to the puzzling question of what mechanism is responsible for maintenance of the low genomic mutation rates observed in the Archaea, which for the most part do not have MutS and MutL homologs.  相似文献   

Microbial rhodopsins are a family of seven-helical transmembrane proteins containing retinal as chromophore. Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) triggers two very different responses upon light excitation, depending on the presence or the absence of its cognate transducer HtrII: Whereas light activation of the NpSRII/NpHtrII complex activates a signalling cascade that initiates the photophobic response, NpSRII alone acts as a proton pump.Using single-molecule force spectroscopy, we analysed the stability of NpSRII and its complex with the transducer in the dark and under illumination. By improving force spectroscopic data analysis, we were able to reveal the localisation of occurring forces within the protein chain with a resolution of about six amino acids. Distinct regions in helices G and F were affected differently, depending on the experimental conditions. The results are generally in line with previous data on the molecular stability of NpSRII. Interestingly, new interaction sites were identified upon light activation, whose functional importance is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

An iron-rich protein was isolated from the Archaeon Halobacterium salinarum sharing a sequence identity of 35% with the starvation-induced DNA-binding protein, DpsA, of Synechecoccus sp. PCC 7942. It consists of 20 kDa subunits, forming a dodecameric structure. The protein exhibits a ferric iron loading of up to 103 Fe ions/mol of holoprotein. CD spectra are consistent with an alpha-helical contribution of 58%. The UV/visible spectrum provides no evidence for the presence of haem groups. This protein exhibits features of a non-haem-type bacterial ferritin although it shares only little sequence homology with non-haem bacterial ferritin.  相似文献   

In Halobacterium salinarum mutants containing either of the light-driven ion pumps bacteriorhodopsin (H(+)) or halorhodopsin (Cl(-)) as their only retinal protein, a decrease of irradiance in the absence of respiration causes a phototactic response. The conversion of the causal event, a decrease of proton motive force across the cell membrane, into a reversal of flagellar motor rotational direction was expected to involve a transducer. Via deletion analysis of all 18 known and putative halobacterial transducer (htr) genes, we found that Htr14, a methylatable membrane-bound transducer lacking an extracellular domain, mediates the biological response, which includes adaptive methylation. Based on a minimal stimulus length of 200 ms and the determined cytoplasmic buffering capacity, we conclude that the change in the membrane potential (DeltaPsi), and not that of the internal pH, is the signal-generating event. Htr14 was therefore renamed to Membrane potential change Transducer, or MpcT. It is the first transducer for which the causative stimulus could be narrowed to a change in DeltaPsi, as opposed to a change in pH or cellular redox state.  相似文献   

Sensory rhodopsin II (SRII) from Halobacterium salinarum is heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli with a yield of 3-4 mg of purified SRII per liter cell culture. UV/Vis absorption spectroscopy display bands characteristic for native SRII. The resonance Raman spectrum provides evidence for a strongly hydrogen-bonded Schiff base like in mammalian rhodopsin but unlike to the homologous pSRII from Natronobacterium pharaonis. Laser flash spectroscopy indicates that SRII in detergent as well as after reconstitution into polar lipids shows its typical photochemical properties with prolonged photocycle kinetics. The first functional heterologous expression of SRII from H. salinarum provides the basis for studies with its cognate transducer HtrII to investigate the molecular processes involved in phototransduction as well as in chemotransduction.  相似文献   

HAMP domain is a ubiquitous module of bacterial and archaeal two-component signaling systems. Considerable progress has been made recently in studies of its structure and conformational changes. However, the mechanism of signal transduction through the HAMP domain is not clear. It remains a question whether all the HAMPs have the same mechanism of action and what are the differences between the domains from different protein families. Here, we present the results of unbiased molecular dynamics simulations of the HAMP domain from the archaeal phototaxis signal transducer NpHtrII. Two distinct conformational states of the HAMP domain are observed, that differ in relative position of the helices AS1 and AS2. The longitudinal shift is roughly equal to a half of an α-helix turn, although sometimes it reaches one full turn. The states are closely related to the position of bulky hydrophobic aminoacids at the HAMP domain core. The observed features are in good agreement with recent experimental results and allow us to propose that the states detected in the simulations are the resting state and the signaling state of the NpHtrII HAMP domain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first observation of the same HAMP domain in different conformations. The simulations also underline the difference between AMBER ff99-SB-ILDN and CHARMM22-CMAP forcefields, as the former favors the resting state and the latter favors the signaling state.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress occurs when the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds the capacity of the cell's endogenous systems to neutralize them. Our analyses of the cellular damage and oxidative stress responses of the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum exposed to ionizing radiation (IR) revealed a critical role played by nonenzymatic antioxidant processes in the resistance of H. salinarum to IR. ROS-scavenging enzymes were essential for resistance to chemical oxidants, yet those enzymes were not necessary for H. salinarum's resistance to IR. We found that protein-free cell extracts from H. salinarum provided a high level of protection for protein activity against IR in vitro but did not protect DNA significantly. Compared with cell extracts of radiation-sensitive bacteria, H. salinarum extracts were enriched in manganese, amino acids, and peptides, supporting an essential role in ROS scavenging for those small molecules in vivo. With regard to chemical oxidants, we showed that the damage caused by gamma irradiation was mechanistically different than that produced by hydrogen peroxide or by the superoxide-generating redox-cycling drug paraquat. The data presented support the idea that IR resistance is most likely achieved by a "metabolic route," with a combination of tightly coordinated physiological processes.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for time-lapse video photography and line scanning of optical densities for analysis of aerotactic responses of Halobacterium salinarum. This automated digital technique, along with line scan analysis of selected frames, gives a unique profile of the aerotactic migration of halobacterial cells.  相似文献   

Biogenesis of the light-driven proton pump bacteriorhodopsin in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum requires coordinate synthesis of the bacterioopsin apoprotein and carotenoid precursors of retinal, which serves as a covalently bound cofactor. As a step towards elucidating the mechanism and regulation of carotenoid metabolism during bacteriorhodopsin biogenesis, we have identified an H. salinarum gene required for conversion of lycopene to beta-carotene, a retinal precursor. The gene, designated crtY, is predicted to encode an integral membrane protein homologous to lycopene beta-cyclases identified in bacteria and fungi. To test crtY function, we constructed H. salinarum strains with in-frame deletions in the gene. In the deletion strains, bacteriorhodopsin, retinal, and beta-carotene were undetectable, whereas lycopene accumulated to high levels ( approximately 1.3 nmol/mg of total cell protein). Heterologous expression of H. salinarum crtY in a lycopene-producing Escherichia coli strain resulted in beta-carotene production. These results indicate that H. salinarum crtY encodes a functional lycopene beta-cyclase required for bacteriorhodopsin biogenesis. Comparative sequence analysis yields a topological model of the protein and provides a plausible evolutionary connection between heterodimeric lycopene cyclases in bacteria and bifunctional lycopene cyclase-phytoene synthases in fungi.  相似文献   

Cho CW  Lee SH  Choi J  Park SJ  Ha DJ  Kim HJ  Kim CW 《Proteomics》2003,3(12):2325-2329
Inherent problems exist in the use of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) for sample preparation and separation of proteins from Halobacterium salinarum. In particular, proteins from cells grown in 25% NaCl are difficult to resolve by 2-DE due to the abundance of salt. To remove salts, a 3 kDa molecular weight cut-off column was used. When soluble proteins were separated by 2-DE, most of the proteins were concentrated in the acidic range. For separation of proteins in the pH 3-6 range, ultrazoom immobilized pH gradient strips were used. In addition, sample separation using a IPGphor/Multiphor combined system was a more effective method for the proteome analysis of acidic proteins than using IPGphor for the isoelectric focusing step.  相似文献   

A new metabolic signaling pathway for arginine, both a chemoeffector and a fermentative energy source, is described for Halobacterium salinarum. Systematic screening of 80+ potentially chemotactic compounds with two behavioral assays identified leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine, cysteine, arginine and several peptides as strong chemoattractants. Deletion analysis of a number of potential halobacterial transducer genes led to the identification of Car, a specific cytoplasmic arginine transducer which lacks transmembrane helices and was biochemically shown to be localized in the cytoplasm. Flow assays were used to show specific adaptive responses to arginine and ornithine in wild-type but not Deltacar cells, demonstrating the role of Car in sensing arginine. The signaling pathway from external arginine to the flagellar motor of the cell involves an arginine:ornithine antiporter which was quantitatively characterized for its transport kinetics and inhibitors. By compiling the chemotactic behavior, the adaptive responses and the characteristics of the arginine:ornithine antiporter to arginine and its analogs, we now understand how the combination of arginine uptake and its metabolic conversion is required to build an effective sensing system. In both bacteria and the archaea this is the first chemoeffector molecule of a soluble methylatable transducer to be identified.  相似文献   

Halophilic archaea, such as eubacteria, use methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) to sense their environment. We show here that BasT is a halobacterial transducer protein (Htp) responsible for chemotaxis towards five attractant amino acids. The C-terminus of the protein exhibits the highly conserved regions that are diagnostic for MCPs: the signalling domain for communication with the histidine kinase and the methylation sites that interact with the methylation/demethylation enzymes for adaptation. Hydropathy analysis predicts an enterobacterial-type transducer protein topology for BasT, with an extracellular putative ligand-binding domain flanked by two transmembrane helices and a cytoplasmic domain. BasT-inactivated mutant cells are missing a membrane protein radiolabelled with L-[methyl-3H]-methionine in wild-type cells, confirming that BasT is methylatable and membrane bound. Behavioural analysis of the basT mutant cells by capillary and chemical-in-plug assays demonstrates complete loss of chemotactic responses towards five (leucine, isoleucine, valine, methionine and cysteine) of the six attractant amino acids for Halobacterium salinarum, whereas they still respond to arginine. The volatile methyl group production assays also corroborate these findings and confirm that BasT signalling induces methyl group turnover. Our data identify BasT as the chemotaxis transducer protein for the branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine as well as for methionine and cysteine. Thus, BasT and the arginine sensor Car cover the entire spectrum of chemotactic responses towards attractant amino acids in H. salinarum.  相似文献   

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