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Several lines of evidence suggest that the extraembryonic endoderm of vertebrate embryos plays an important role in the development of rostral neural structures. In mice, neural inductive signals are thought to reside in an area of visceral endoderm that expresses the Hex gene. Here, we have conducted a morphological and lineage analysis of visceral endoderm cells spanning pre- and postprimitive streak stages. Our results show that Hex-expressing cells have a tall, columnar epithelial morphology, which distinguishes them from other visceral endoderm cells. This region of visceral endoderm thickening (VET) is found overlying first the distal and then one side of the epiblast at stages between 5.5 and 5.75 days post coitum (d.p.c.). In addition, we show that the epiblast has an anteroposterior-compressed appearance that is aligned with the position of the VET. Intracellular labeling of VET/Hex-expressing cells reveals an anterior and anterolateral shift from their distal epiblast position. VET/Hex-expressing cells are first localized to the anterior side of the epiblast by 5.75 d.p.c. and form a crescent on the anterior half of the embryo at the onset of gastrulation. Subsequently, VET descendants are distributed along the embryonic/extraembryonic boundary by headfold stages at 7.5 d.p.c. The morphological characteristics and position of VET/Hex-expressing cells distinguishes the future anteroposterior axis of the embryo and provide landmarks to stage mouse embryos at preprimitive streak stages. Moreover, the morphological characteristics of pregastrulation mouse embryos together with the stereotyped shift in the position of visceral endoderm cells reveal similarities among amniote embryos that suggest an evolutionary conservation of the mechanisms that pattern the rostral neurectoderm at pregastrula stages.  相似文献   

Although much remains unknown about how the embryonic axis is laid down in the mouse, it is now clear that reciprocal interactions between the extraembryonic and embryonic lineages establish and reinforce patterning of the embryo. At early post-implantation stages, the extraembryonic ectoderm appears to impart proximal-posterior identity to the adjacent proximal epiblast, whereas the distal visceral endoderm signals to the underlying epiblast to restrict posterior identity as it moves anteriorward. At gastrulation, the visceral endoderm is necessary for specifying anterior primitive streak derivatives, which, in turn, pattern the anterior epiblast. Polarity of these extraembryonic tissues can be traced back to the blastocyst stage, where asymmetry has been linked to the point of sperm entry at fertilization.  相似文献   

Using H253 mouse stock harboring X-linked HMG-lacZ transgene, we examined X chromosome inactivation patterns in sectioned early female embryos. X-gal staining patterns were generally consistent with the paternal X inactivation in the trophectoderm and the primitive endoderm cell lineages and random inactivation in the epiblast lineages. The occurrence of embryonic visceral endoderm cells apparently at variance with the paternal X chromosome inactivation in 7.5 dpc embryos was explained by the replacement of visceral endoderm cells with cells of epiblast origin. The frequency of cells negative for X-gal staining in 4.5-5.5 dpc XmXp* embryos fluctuated considerably especially in the extraembryonic ectoderm and the primitive endoderm, whereas it was less variable in the embryonic ectoderm. We could not, however, determine whether it is a normal phenomenon revealed for the first time by the use of HMG-lacZ transgene or an abnormality caused by the multicopy transgene.  相似文献   

Investigation of the developmental fates of cells in the endodermal layer of the early bud stage mouse embryo revealed a regionalized pattern of distribution of the progenitor cells of the yolk sac endoderm and the embryonic gut. By tracing the site of origin of cells that are allocated to specific regions of the embryonic gut, it was found that by late gastrulation, the respective endodermal progenitors are already spatially organized in anticipation of the prospective mediolateral and anterior-posterior destinations. The fate-mapping data further showed that the endoderm in the embryonic compartment of the early bud stage gastrula still contains cells that will colonize the anterior and lateral parts of the extraembryonic yolk sac. In the Lhx1(Lim1)-null mutant embryo, the progenitors of the embryonic gut are confined to the posterior part of the endoderm. In particular, the prospective anterior endoderm was sequestered to a much smaller distal domain, suggesting that there may be fewer progenitor cells for the anterior gut that is poorly formed in the mutant embryo. The deficiency of gut endoderm is not caused by any restriction in endodermal potency of the mutant epiblast cells but more likely the inadequate allocation of the definitive endoderm. The inefficient movement of the anterior endoderm, and the abnormal differentiation highlighted by the lack of Sox17 and Foxa2 expression, may underpin the malformation of the head of Lhx1 mutant embryos.  相似文献   

The murine visceral endoderm is an extraembryonic cell layer that appears prior to gastrulation and performs critical functions during embryogenesis. The traditional role ascribed to the visceral endoderm entails nutrient uptake and transport. Besides synthesizing a number of specialized proteins that facilitate uptake, digestion, and secretion of nutrients, the extraembryonic visceral endoderm coordinates blood cell differentiation and vessel formation in the adjoining mesoderm, thereby facilitating efficient exchange of nutrients and gases between the mother and embryo. Recent studies suggest that in addition to this nutrient exchange function the visceral endoderm overlying the egg cylinder stage embryo plays an active role in guiding early development. Cells in the anterior visceral endoderm function as an early organizer. Prior to formation of the primitive streak, these cells express specific gene products that specify the fate of underlying embryonic tissues. In this review we highlight recent investigations demonstrating this dual role for visceral endoderm as a provider of both nutrients and developmental cues for the early embryo.  相似文献   

The extraembryonic endoderm of mammals is essential for nutritive support of the fetus and patterning of the early embryo. Visceral and parietal endoderm are major subtypes of this lineage with the former exhibiting most, if not all, of the embryonic patterning properties. Extraembryonic endoderm (XEN) cell lines derived from the primitive endoderm of mouse blastocysts represent a cell culture model of this lineage, but are biased towards parietal endoderm in culture and in chimeras. In an effort to promote XEN cells to adopt visceral endoderm character we have mimicked different aspects of the in vivo environment. We found that BMP signaling promoted a mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition of XEN cells with up-regulation of E-cadherin and down-regulation of vimentin. Gene expression analysis showed the differentiated XEN cells most resembled extraembryonic visceral endoderm (exVE), a subtype of VE covering the extraembryonic ectoderm in the early embryo, and during gastrulation it combines with extraembryonic mesoderm to form the definitive yolk sac. We found that laminin, a major component of the extracellular matrix in the early embryo, synergised with BMP to promote highly efficient conversion of XEN cells to exVE. Inhibition of BMP signaling with the chemical inhibitor, Dorsomorphin, prevented this conversion suggesting that Smad1/5/8 activity is critical for exVE induction of XEN cells. Finally, we show that applying our new culture conditions to freshly isolated parietal endoderm (PE) from Reichert's membrane promoted VE differentiation showing that the PE is developmentally plastic and can be reprogrammed to a VE state in response to BMP. Generation of visceral endoderm from XEN cells uncovers the true potential of these blastocyst-derived cells and is a significant step towards modelling early developmental events ex vivo.  相似文献   

Pten, the potent tumor suppressor, is a lipid phosphatase that is best known as a regulator of cell proliferation and cell survival. Here we show that mouse embryos that lack Pten have a striking set of morphogenetic defects, including the failure to correctly specify the anterior-posterior body axis, that are not caused by changes in proliferation or cell death. The majority of Pten null embryos express markers of the primitive streak at ectopic locations around the embryonic circumference, rather than at a single site at the posterior of the embryo. Epiblast-specific deletion shows that Pten is not required in the cells of the primitive streak; instead, Pten is required for normal migration of cells of the Anterior Visceral Endoderm (AVE), an extraembryonic organizer that controls the position of the streak. Cells of the wild-type AVE migrate within the visceral endoderm epithelium from the distal tip of the embryo to a position adjacent to the extraembryonic region. In all Pten null mutants, AVE cells move a reduced distance and disperse in random directions, instead of moving as a coordinated group to the anterior of the embryo. Aberrant AVE migration is associated with the formation of ectopic F-actin foci, which indicates that absence of Pten disrupts the actin-based migration of these cells. After the initiation of gastrulation, embryos that lack Pten in the epiblast show defects in the migration of mesoderm and/or endoderm. The findings suggest that Pten has an essential and general role in the control of mammalian collective cell migration.  相似文献   

Furin, the mammalian prototype of a family of serine proteases, is required for ventral closure and axial rotation, and formation of the yolk sac vasculature. Here we show additionally that left-sided expression of pitx2 and lefty-2 are also perturbed in Furin-deficient embryos. These tissue abnormalities are preceded by a marked delay in the expansion of the definitive endoderm during gastrulation. Using a chimera approach, we show that Furin activity is required in epiblast derivatives, including the primitive heart, gut and extraembryonic mesoderm, whereas it is nonessential in the visceral endoderm. Thus, chimeric embryos, derived by injecting wild-type embryonic stem (ES) cells into fur(-/-) blastocysts, develop normally until at least 9.5 d.p.c. In contrast, Furin-deficient chimeras developing in the context of wild-type visceral endoderm fail to undergo ventral closure, axial rotation and yolk sac vascularization. Fur(-/-) cells are recruited into all tissues examined, including the yolk sac vasculature and the midgut, even though these structures fail to form in fur mutants. The presence of wild-type cells in the gut strikingly correlates with the ability of chimeric embryos to undergo turning. Overall, we conclude that Furin activity is essential in both extraembryonic and precardiac mesoderm, and in definitive endoderm derivatives.  相似文献   

In amniotes, ventral folding morphogenesis achieves gut internalization, linear heart tube formation, ventral body wall closure, and encasement of the fetus in extraembryonic membranes. Impairment of ventral morphogenesis results in human birth defects involving body wall, gut, and heart malformations and in mouse misplacement of head and heart. Absence of knowledge about genetic pathways and cell populations directing ventral folding in mammals has precluded systematic study of cellular mechanisms driving this vital morphogenetic process. We report tissue-specific mouse mutant analyses identifying the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) pathway as a key regulator of ventral morphogenesis. BMP2 expressed in anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) signals to epiblast derivatives during gastrulation to orchestrate initial stages of ventral morphogenesis, including foregut development and positioning of head and heart. These findings identify unanticipated functions for the AVE in organizing the gastrulating embryo and indicate that visceral endoderm-expressed BMP2 coordinates morphogenetic cell behaviors in multiple epiblast lineages.  相似文献   

The visceral endoderm (VE) is an epithelial tissue in the early postimplantation mouse embryo that encapsulates the pluripotent epiblast distally and the extraembryonic ectoderm proximally. In addition to facilitating nutrient exchange before the establishment of a circulation, the VE is critical for patterning the epiblast. Since VE is derived from the primitive endoderm (PrE) of the blastocyst, and PrE-derived eXtraembryonic ENdoderm (XEN) cells can be propagated in vitro, XEN cells should provide an important tool for identifying factors that direct VE differentiation. In this study, we demonstrated that BMP4 signaling induces the formation of a polarized epithelium in XEN cells. This morphological transition was reversible, and was associated with the acquisition of a molecular signature comparable to extraembryonic (ex) VE. Resembling exVE which will form the endoderm of the visceral yolk sac, BMP4-treated XEN cells regulated hematopoiesis by stimulating the expansion of primitive erythroid progenitors. We also observed that LIF exerted an antagonistic effect on BMP4-induced XEN cell differentiation, thereby impacting the extrinsic conditions used for the isolation and maintenance of XEN cells in an undifferentiated state. Taken together, our data suggest that XEN cells can be differentiated towards an exVE identity upon BMP4 stimulation and therefore represent a valuable tool for investigating PrE lineage differentiation.  相似文献   

In the postimplantation mouse embryo, axial patterning begins with the restriction of expression of a set of genes to the distal visceral endoderm (DVE). This proximodistal (PD) axis is subsequently transformed into an anteroposterior axis as the VE migrates anteriorly to form the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE). Both Nodal and Wnt signaling pathways are involved in these events. We show here that loss of function in the adenomatous polyposis coli gene (Apc) leads to constitutive beta-catenin activity that induces a proximalization of the epiblast with the activation of a subset of posterior mesendodermal genes, and loss of ability to induce the DVE. The loss of some DVE genes such as Hex and goosecoid is rescued in chimeras where only the epiblast was wild type; however, these DVE markers were no longer restricted distally but covered the entire epiblast. Thus, the Apc gene is needed in both embryonic and extraembryonic lineages for normal PD patterning around implantation, suggesting that early restricted activation of the Wnt pathway may be important for initiating axial asymmetries. In addition, we found that nuclear beta-catenin and other molecular markers are asymmetrically expressed by 4.5 days.  相似文献   

During development, the growth of the embryo must be coupled to its patterning to ensure correct and timely morphogenesis. In the mouse embryo, migration of the anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) to the prospective anterior establishes the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. By analysing the distribution of cells in S phase, M phase and G2 from the time just prior to the migration of the AVE until 18 hours after its movement, we show that there is no evidence for differential proliferation along the A-P axis of the mouse embryo. Rather, we have identified that as AVE movements are being initiated, the epiblast proliferates at a much higher rate than the visceral endoderm. We show that these high levels of proliferation in the epiblast are dependent on Nodal signalling and are required for A-P establishment, as blocking cell division in the epiblast inhibits AVE migration. Interestingly, inhibition of migration by blocking proliferation can be rescued by Dkk1. This suggests that the high levels of epiblast proliferation function to move the prospective AVE away from signals that are inhibitory to its migration. The finding that initiation of AVE movements requires a certain level of proliferation in the epiblast provides a mechanism whereby A-P axis development is coordinated with embryonic growth.  相似文献   

In recent years the multipotent extraembryonic endoderm (XEN) stem cells have been the center of much attention. In vivo, XEN cells contribute to the formation of the extraembryonic endoderm, visceral and parietal endoderm and later on, the yolk sac. Recent data have shown that the distinction between embryonic and extraembryonic endoderm is not as strict as previously thought due to the integration, and not the displacement, of the visceral endoderm into the definitive embryonic endoderm. Therefore, cells from the extraembryonic endoderm also contribute to definitive endoderm. Many research groups focused on unraveling the potential and ability of XEN cells to both support differentiation and/or differentiate into endoderm‐like tissues as an alternative to embryonic stem (ES) cells. Moreover, the conversion of ES to XEN cells, shown recently without genetic manipulations, uncovers significant and novel molecular mechanisms involved in extraembryonic endoderm and definitive endoderm development. XEN cell lines provide a unique model for an early mammalian lineage that complements the established ES and trophoblast stem cell lines. Through the study of essential genes and signaling requirements for XEN cells in vitro, insights will be gained about the developmental program of the extraembryonic and embryonic endodermal lineage in vivo. This review will provide an overview on the current literature focusing on XEN cells as a model for primitive endoderm and possibly definitive endoderm as well as the potential of using these cells for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

We report the novel observation that a biphasic, parieto-visceral (PYS/VYS) yolk sac carcinoma can develop from the isolated epiblast of the pre-primitive streak rat embryo in a prolonged cultivation in vivo as a renal isograft. Late 7-day rat egg cylinders were dissected free of the ectoplacental cone and the Reichert's membrane. The middle segment of the cylinder, in which the embryonic and the extraembryonic cell layers partly overlap, were also removed. From the rest of the cylinder the 4 cell layers were isolated and transplanted separately under the kidney capsule of isogenic adult males. After 4 weeks the hypoblast was resorbed, the extraembryonic ectoderm gave rise to hemorrhagic cysts and trophoblastic giant cells, the extraembryonic (visceral yolk sac) endoderm formed benign cystic PYS/VYS tumors, and the epiblast developed into a benign teratoma. After prolonged (7-30 weeks) development of these teratomas as isografts, a malignant yolk sac carcinoma (YSC) developed in 45% of them. It destroyed the teratoma and the recipient's kidney, metastasized to peritoneum and other sites, and caused abundant ascites containing clustered tumor cells. The primary tumor was retransplantable subcutaneously as well as intraperitoneally, and displayed the characteristics of the mixed or biphasic PVYS carcinoma, with a progressive loss of the VYS component with time. Several data are apparently in favor of its origin by transdifferentiation rather than from undifferentiated cells.  相似文献   

The inner cell mass of the blastocyst has differentiated into epiblast and hypoblast (primitive endoderm) prior to implantation. Since endoderm cells extend beyond the epiblast, it can be considered that both parietal and visceral endoderm are present. At implantation, epiblast cells begin to show marked evidence of polarity. They form a spherical aggregate with their basal ends toward the basal lamina and apical ends toward the interior. The potential for an internal space is formed by this change in polarity of the cells. No cytological evidence of separation of those cells that will form amniotic epithelium from the rest of the epiblast is seen until a cavity begins to form. The amniotic epithelium is originally contiguous with overlying cytotrophoblast, and a diverticulum remains in this position during early development. Epiblast forms a pseudostratified columnar epithelium, but dividing cells are situated toward the amniotic cavity rather than basally. The first evidence of a trilaminar disc occurs when a strand of cells contiguous with epiblast is found extending toward visceral endoderm. These presumptive mesoderm cells are undifferentiated, whereas extraembryonic mesoderm cells are already a distinct population forming extracellular materials. After implantation, visceral endoderm cells proliferate forming an irregular layer one to three cells thick. Visceral endoderm cells have smooth apical surfaces, but very irregular basal surfaces, and no basal lamina. At the margins of the disc, visceral endoderm is continuous with parietal endoderm and reflects back over the apices of the marginal visceral endoderm cells. This sacculation by visceral endoderm cells precedes pinching off of the secondary yolk sac from the remaining primary yolk sac.  相似文献   

The prevailing view of the functions of the extraembryonic lineages of the mammalian embryo has been that they serve solely to support its intrauterine development. In recent years, a number of studies have suggested that the extraembryonic mesoderm and visceral endoderm in fact contribute cells to tissues of the developing animal. In this mini‐review, we discuss evidence that the yolk sac is an early source of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells and that the cells of the visceral endoderm, once thought to be segregated solely to the yolk sac, constitute a subpopulation of cells within the developing gut tube and perhaps other endodermal structures. Fascinating questions remain to be addressed and are likely to establish a new paradigm for studying early mammalian development. Understanding the processes that give rise to stem cell populations in development may lead to advances in stem cell therapies and regenerative medicine. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 586–591, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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