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The effect of calcium on pregnenolone formation from endogenous precursors has been studied in mitochondria from rat decapsulated and capsular adrenal glands. In the presence of succinate, addition of calcium chloride in the concentration range 20-150 muM caused an inhibition of pregnenolone formation in both decapsulated and capsular adrenal mitochondria. 11beta-hydroxylation of added deoxycosticosterone in decapsulated adrenal mitochondria was also inhibited. Under these conditions, calcium inhibited the reduction of adrenodoxin, a component of the cytochrome P-450 reductase system, presumably because uptake of calcium by the mitochondria competes with energy-linked transhydrogenase for high-energy intermediates. For this reason, incubations were carried out in the presence of succinate plus isocitrate plus NADP+. Under these conditions, calcium chloride in the concentration range 120-875 muM caused a 2-4-fold stimulation of pregnenolone formation, but had no effect on corticosterone formation from added deoxycorticosterone. The effect of calcium on the optical spectra of cytochrome P-450 has also been examined in mitochondria from decapsulated and capsular rat adrenals. In the presence of succinate, calcium induced a spectral change resembling a type I difference spectrum of cytochrome P-450. Thus it appears that uptake of calcium by adrenal mitochondria can stimulate pregnenolone formation by increasing the interaction of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 with endogenous substrate.  相似文献   

Adrenal ferredoxin, the iron-sulfur protein associated with cytochromes P-450 in adrenocortical mitochondria, has been localized immunohistochemically at the light microscopic level in rat adrenals by employing rabbit antiserum to bovine adrenal ferredoxin in both an unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method and an indirect fluorescent antibody method. When sections of rat adrenals were exposed to the adrenal ferredoxin antiserum in both procedures, positive staining for adrenal ferredoxin was observed in parenchymal cells of the three cortical zones but not in medullary chromaffin cells. Marked differences in the intensity of staining, however, where observed among the three cortical zones: the most intense staining being found in the zona fasciculata, less in the zona reticularis, and least in the zona glomerulosa. Furthermore, differences in staining intensity were also observed among cells within both the zona fasciculata and the zona reticularis. In agreement with these immunohistochemical observations, determinations of adrenal ferredoxin contents by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrometry in homogenates prepared from capsular and decapsulated rat adrenals revealed that the concentration of adrenal ferredoxin in the zona glomerulosa was lower than that in the zona fasciculata-reticularis. Similar results were obtained when the contents of cytochrome P-450 were determined in capsular adn decapsulated rat adrenal homogenates. These observations indicate that adrenal ferrodoxin and cytochrome P-450 are not distributed uniformly throughout the rat adrenal cortex.  相似文献   

Three groups of isomeric nitrogen heterocycles, phenylpyridines, phenylimidazoles and pyridylimidazoles were studied in relation to the effect of steric factors on type II binding to cytochrome P-450 and inhibition of aryl hydrocarbon (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase (AHH) activity in hepatic microsomes from phenobarbital(PB)- and β-naphthoflavone(βNF)-induced rats. Type II binding affinity was lower (higher Ks) in compounds with substituents on the carbon adjacent to the nitrogen undergoing ligand interaction than in those where steric hindrance near the nitrogen was minimal. Binding affinities of the compounds as measured by their Ks values, were quite similar in both PB- and βNF-induced microsomes. In PB-induced microsomes, type II binding affinity was generally reflected by the ability of the compounds to inhibit AHH activity. In contrast, most of the compounds evaluated were inactive as AHH inhibitors in βNF-induced microsomes.  相似文献   

Hydroxylation of androstenedione was studied in rat hepatocytes in primary monolayer culture following induction with phenobarbital. Six days after addition of phenobarbital and seven days after isolation of cells from liver, a maximal induction of total androstenedione hydroxylation of 5–6 times was seen at a phenobarbital concentration of 1·10−4 M. The 6β-, 7α- and 16α-hydroxylase activities showed different responses towards phenobarbital in agreement with the contension that different forms of cytochrome P-450 with different sensitivity towards phenobarbital participate in hepatic steroid hydroxylation. These results were obtained with cells supplemented with 1% (v/v) rat serum. The present cell culture system should be suitable for in vitro studies on mechanisms of induction of cytochrome P-450-dependent enzymes in normal liver cells.  相似文献   

Intraperitoneal administration of the volatile hydrocarbon, naphthalene, resulted in severe bronchiolar epithelial cell necrosis in mice, while hepatic or renal necrosis was not observed. Pulmonary damage and mortality by naphthalene were increased by prior treatment with diethyl maleate and decreased by prior treatment with piperonyl butoxide (1600 mg/kg). SKF 525A pretreatment had no effect on naphthalene-induced pulmonary damage. Administration of [14C]naphthalene resulted in the covalent binding of radiolabel to tissue macromolecules. Highest levels of binding occurred in lung, liver and kidney. Levels of covalent binding reached a maximum 2–4 h after treatment and corresponded to rapid glutathione depletion in lung and liver. Covalent binding was dose-dependent and showed a threshold between 200 and 400 mg/kg which coincided with almost total depletion of tissue glutathione levels. Covalent binding of reactive metabolites was increased 3–4-fold by prior treatment with diethyl maleate, and was decreased 3–4-fold by pretreatment with piperonyl butoxide. These studies support the view that naphthalene-induced pulmonary damage is mediated by the cytochrome P-450-dependent metabolism of naphthalene and that glutathione plays an important role in the detoxification of the lung damaging metabolite(s).  相似文献   

Using a classical methodlogy of purification consisting of three chromatographic steps (Octyl-Sepharose, DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulos) we have purified a new cytochrome P-450 from human liver microsomes. It was called cytochrome P-4509. It has been proven to be different from all preceedingly purified human liver microsomal cytochrome P-450 isozymes by its immunological and electrophoretical properties. It does not cross-react with any rat liver cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-4509, does not recognize rat liver microsomes; thus this cytochrome P-4509 is specific to humans. This cytochrome P-450 isozyme exists in low amounts in human liver microsomes and exhibits an important quatitative polymorphism. In reconstituted system, cytochrome P-4509 is able to hydroxylate all substrates tested but is not specific on any; its exatc role in xenobiotic metabolism in man remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Different forms of cytochrome P-450 from untreated male rats were simultaneously purified to homogeneity using the HPLC technique. The absorption maximum, molecular weight, NH2-terminal sequence and catalytic activity of them were determined. The NH2-terminal sequences of six forms of cytochrome P-450 (designated P450 UT-1, UT-2, UT-4, UT-5, UT-7 and UT-8) indicate that these cytochrome P-450 isozymes are of different molecular species. The hydrophobicity values of the NH2-terminal sequences of P450 UT-1 and P450 UT-8 were lower than that of other forms. P450 UT-8 has the highest molecular weight, 54 000, of the six forms of P-450. P450 UT-2 was active in demethylation of benzphetmaine, 450 UT-4 was active in the metabolism of 7-ethoxycoumarin and p-nitroanisole. P450 UT-1 ad P450 UT-2 were active in the 2α- and 16α-hydroxylation of testosterone, whereas P450 UT-4 was active in the 6β-, 7α- and 15α-hydroxylation of the same steroid. We believe that P450 UT-1, P450 UT-7 and P450 UT-8 are as yet unrecognized forms of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

The effects of acute and therapeutic doses of phenobarbital and sodium salicylate on cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxygenase (EC and glutathione S-transferase (EC activities have been studied in rat brain and compared with those of rat liver. P-450 enzymic activity was assayed by N-demethylation of p-chloro-N-methylaniline and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene was used as substrate for glutathione S-transferase activity. The acute effects of a single daily dose of phenobarbital (75 mg/kg/day;i.p.) and sodium salicylate (500 mg/kg/day;i.p.) for 3 days increased cytochrome P-450 as well as glutathione S-transferase in rat liver. But the same doses of both drugs decreased glutathione S-transferase levels in rat brain and increased cytochrome P-450 dependent N-demethylation of p-chloro-N-methylaniline. The therapeutic doses of sodium salicylate (50 mg/kg/day;i.p.) and phenobarbital (10 mg/kg/day;i.p.) daily for 21 days increased cytochrome P-450 in rat liver as well as in brain. The increase in brain glutathione S-transferase by prolonged treatment of phenobarbital was significant compared to the control values.  相似文献   

In the rat adrenal cortex, two isozymes of cytochrome P-45011β (CYP11B1 and CYP11B2) have been identified. They are encoded by two different genes with a homology much higher in their coding than in their 5′-flanking regions. CYP11B1 is found in all the zones of the gland and catalyzes a single hydroxylation of deoxycorticosterone (DOC) in the 11β- or the 18-position. CYP11B2 is produced exclusively in the zona glomerulosa and catalyzes all three reactions involved in the conversion of DOC to aldosterone. In vivo and in vitro, the expression of the genes encoding CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 is regulated by two separate control systems which appear to operate both independently and interdependently. In vivo, zona glomerulosa expression of CYP11B1 was enhanced by ACTH treatment or potassium depletion and was lowered by potassium repletion. CYP11B2 expression disappeared upon potassium depletion or ACTH treatment, but reappeared during potassium repletion. In vitro, only CYP11B1 activity was detectable and responsive to ACTH treatment in zona glomerulosa cells cultured at a potassium concentration of 6.4 mmol/1. Aldosterone biosynthetic activity and mRNA encoding CYP11B2 could be detected only after at least 1 day of exposure to a high extracellular potassium concentration ( 12 mmol/1).  相似文献   

A microspectrophotometric method for assaying cytochrome P-450 in fresh 24 μm unfixed cryostat sections of rat liver has been developed. When used to assay this cytochrome in sections of microsomal preparations it has yielded results equivalent to those obtained by the conventional spectrophotometric assay of the same preparations. Random measurements made throughout sections of liver have given mean values for cytochrome P-450 concentrations which are twice those measured in microsomes prepared from the livers of the same animals (not corrected for the yield in the homogenate).

Measurements of the cytochrome P-450 content of liver cells by the microspectrophotometric method show that in liver from male Wistar rats, cells nearer to the central veins contain up to twice as much cytochrome P-450 as those nearer to the portal tract (mean cell concentrations of 26.4 (±4.4) μmol/l and 17.5 (±3.0) μmol/l respectively). In the livers from similar rats, killed at the same time, but which had received 1 mg/ml sodium phenobarbitone in their drinking water for one week, the cells near the central vein contained up to five times as much cytochrome P-450 as those near the portal tract (mean cell concentrations of 77.3 (±25.0) μmol/l and 28.3 (±9.6) μmol/l respectively).

The results show a selective increase in cytochrome P-450 content by the cells in the centrilobular region after treatment with sodium phenobarbitone and a smaller increase by some of the cells in the periportal region.  相似文献   

In a previous study (Vanden Bossche et al., Breast Cancer Res. Treat. 30 (1994) 43) the interaction between (+)-S-vorozole and the I-helix of cytochrome P450 19 (P450 aromatase) has been reported. In the present study we extended the “I-helix model” by incorporating the C-terminus of P450 aromatase. The crystal structures of P450 101 (P450 cam), 102 (P450 BM-3) and 108 (P450 terp) reveal that the C-terminus is structurally conserved and forms part of their respective substrate binding pocket. Furthermore, the present study is extended to the interaction between P450 aromatase and its natural substrate androstenedione and the non-steroidal inhibitors (−)-R-vorozole, (−)-S-fadrozole, R-liarozole and (−)-R-aminoglutethimide. It is found that (+)-S-vorozole, (−)-S-fadrozole and R-liarozole bind in a comparable way to P450 aromatase and interact with both the I-helix (Glu302 and Asp309) and C-terminus (Ser478 and His480). The weak activity of (−)-R-aminoglutethimide might be attributed to a lack of interaction wit the C-terminus.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 inducers phenobarbitone and β-naphthoflavone and cytochrome P-450 inhibitor ketoconazole were examined for their effect on Catharanthus roseus. Treatment was during growth on medium M3 which supports alkaloid synthesis. The inhibitor ketoconazole was found to inhibit serpentine accumulation prior to an effect on growth, while the inducers inhibited growth and in the case of phenobarbitone increased serpentine accumulation. No direct evidence of induction or inhibition of plant cytochrome P-450 is shown and the results are discussed in relation to possible effects on geraniol hydroxylase and other plant cytochromes P-450.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of rat adrenal zona fasciculata mitochondria showed peaks corresponding to low spin ferric cytochrome P-450 with apparent g values of 2.424, 2.248 and 1.917, and weak signals due to high spin ferric cytochrome P-450 with gx values of 8.08 and 7.80. The former is attributed to cholesterol side chain cleavage cytochrome P-450, the latter to 11β-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450. On addition of deoxycorticosterone the g = 7.80 signal was elevated and there was an associated drop in the low spin signal. As the pH was reduced from 7.4 to 6.1, the g = 8.08 signal increased with again a drop in intensity of the low spin signal. Mitochondria from the zona glomerulosa showed similar spectral properties to those described above. Addition of succinate, isocitrate or pregnenolone caused a loss of the g = 8.08 signal. Addition of calcium increased the magnitude of the g = 8.08 signal, and caused a slight reduction in the magnitude of the low spin signal. Also, addition of deoxycorticosterone, pregnenolone, succinate or isocitrate caused slight shifts of the outer lines of the low spin spectrum. Interaction of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 with metyrapone and aminoglutethimide modified the low spin parameters. Adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 had low spin ferric g values of 2.417, 2.244 and 1.919 and high spin ferric gxy values of 7.90 and 3.85, distinct from the values obtained with mitochondria.  相似文献   

In the adult rat, the duodenal tissue of both sexes can convert progesterone to 17-hydroxyprogesterone, androstenedione and testosterone. The transition from C21 to C19 steroids is apparently controlled by the same cytochrome P450c17 expressed in the testis, which catalyzes both 17-hydroxylation and C-17,20 bond scission at a single bifunctional active site. The kinetic parameters of this enzyme were measured at the steady state for both reactions using [1,2-3H]progesterone and [1,2-3H]17-hydroxyprogesterone as substrates. In the testis and male and female duodena, the Km values for progesterone 17-hydroxylation were 14.2, 23.8 and 23.2 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 105, 3.5 and 3.1 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. With respect to C-17,20 lyase activity, the Km values for exogenous 17-hydroxyprogesterone were 525, 675 and 637 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 283, 7.8 and 7.8 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. However, when the Km values were calculated with respect to intermediate 17-hydroxyprogesterone formed from progesterone, they were similar to the Km values for 17-hydroxylase, being 15, 31.4 and 24.8 nM, whereas the Vmax values were 26.3, 2 and 1.8 pmol/mg protein/min, respectively. The similarity of Km values is due to the fact that the relative androgen formation efficiency (bond scission events/total 17-hydroxylation events ratio) was remarkably constant in both testicular and duodenal incubates, irrespective of progesterone concentration. Efficiency values were 2-fold higher in duodenal tissue (0.54) than in testis (0.25). Estradiol-17β inhibited 17-hydroxylation but not bond scission on intermediate 17-hydroxyprogesterone, because it did not affect the efficiency value. Rat duodenal P450c17 has the same substrate affinity, a lower specific activity and a higher androgen formation efficiency than testicular P450c17.  相似文献   

To investigate the production of steroid hormones by Schwann cells and to examine the regulation of steroid hormone production during myelination, cultures of rat Schwann cells were differentiated into their myelinating phenotype in the absence of neurons with dibutyryl cAMP (db-cAMP). During this process, the expression of P450scc (involved in steroid biosynthesis) was elevated at both the mRNA and protein levels as evident in RT-PCR, Western blots, and immunostaining. Labeling of the cells with [14C] acetate revealed enhanced production of pregnenolone during differentiation into the myelinating phenotype. Disruption of P450scc's activity with an inhibitor diminished the extent of differentiation into the myelinating phenotype as levels of mRNA and protein expression of myelin protein zero (P0) declined. However, the effect was reversed with the addition of pregnenolone. Furthermore, when the differentiating cultures were treated with pregnenolone, mRNA expression of P0 was upregulated, suggesting the stimulation of the differentiation process. Together, these results provide evidence for Schwann cells as a major producer of steroid hormones and pregnenolone production by P450scc as an important regulatory step during myelination.  相似文献   

C.A. Appleby  G.L. Turner  P.K. Macnicol 《BBA》1975,387(3):461-474
Cellular ATP level, ATP/ADP ratio and nitrogenase activity rise when oxyleghaemoglobin is added to respiring suspensions of Rhizobium japonicum bacteroids from soybean root nodules. Increased gaseous O2 tension is much less efficient than oxyleghaemoglobin in stimulation of bacteroid ATP production. Studies with the inhibitor carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone show this ATP to be generated as a consequence of oxidative phosphorylation. N-Phenylimidazole, a specific cytochrome P-450 inhibitor, also lowers the efficiency of bacteroid oxidative phosphorylation. An approximately linear relationship is observed between ATP/ADP ratio and nitrogenase activity as N-phenylimidazole concentration is lowered. It is suggested that cytochrome P-450 is a component of the leghaemoglobin-facilitated respiration pathway and that it may act as intracellular O2 carrier rather than terminal oxidase. A less efficient oxidase appears to function when cytochrome P-450 is inhibited.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of rat adrenal zona fasciculate mitochondria showed peaks corresponding to low spin ferric cytochrome P-450 with apparent g values of 2.424, 2.248 and 1.917, and weak signals due to high spin ferric cytochrome P-450 with gx values of 8.08 and 7.80. The former is attributed to cholesterol side chain cleavage cytochrome P-450, the latter to 11beta-hydroxylase cytochrome P-450. On addition of deoxycorticosterone the g = 7.80 signal was elevated and there was an associated drop in the low spinal signal. As the pH was reduced from 7.4 to 6.1, the g = 8.08 signal increased with again a drop in intensity of the low spin signal. Mitochondria from the zona glomerulosa showed similar spectral properties to those described above. Addition of succinate, isocitrate or pregnenolone caused a loss of the g = 8.08 signal. Addition of calcium increased the magnitude of the g = 8.08 signal, and caused a slight reduction in the magnitude of the low spin signal. Also, addition of deoxycorticosterone, pregnenolone, succinate or isocitrate caused slight shifts of the outer lines of the low spin spectrum. Interaction of mitochondrial cytochrome P-450 with metyrapone and aminoglutethimide modified the low spinal parameters. Adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 had low spin ferric g values of 2.417, 2.244 and 1.919 and a high spin ferric gxy values of 7.90 and 3.85, distinct from the values obtained with mitochondria.  相似文献   

7α-Hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone (7α-OHDHA) is a major metabolite of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) using adipose stromal cells. To gain a better understanding of the factors regulating DHA metabolism, we examined the effect of dexamethasone and cytochrome P 450 inhibitors on the formation of 7α-OHDHA. Dexamethasone (10−9 to 10−7 M) stimulated 7α-OHDHA formation in a dose-dependent manner with a 2- to 5-fold stimulation at 10−7 M. The dexamethasone stimulated 7α-OHDHA formation was inhibited by RU486 in a dose-dependent manner with suppression to basal levels at 10−6 M. Progesterone (10−7 M) had no effect on 7α-OHDHA formation suggesting that the dexamethasone stimulation was acting through the glucocorticoid receptor. Conversion of DHA to 7α-OHDHA was inhibited by ketoconazole and metyrapone. An inhibition of 70–80% was obtained with ketoconazole and 25–60% with metyrapone at concentrations of 10−5 M. Aminoglutethimide phosphate was less effective than either ketoconazole or metyrapone in inhibiting 7α-OHDHA formation with <30% inhibition at 10−5 M. These studies indicate that 7-hydroxylation provides an alternative pathway for the metabolism of DHA in peripheral tissues. This pathway, which is regulated by glucocorticoids, may influence the amount of DHA available for conversion to androstenedione and its subsequent aromatization to estrone. The biological role of the 7-oxygenated metabolites and their effects on other steroidogenic pathways have not been established.  相似文献   

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