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The external morphology, anatomy and histology of the Antarctic notaspidean Bathyberthella antarctica Willan & Bertsch, 1987 is described and the intraspecific variability presented. The species is compared with the only other known pleurobranch from the high Antarctic zone, Tomthompsonia antarctica (Thiele, 1912).  相似文献   

Recent collections of living material of all the known British species of the family Tergipedidae have enabled a re-evaluation of the significant taxonomic features. Precuthona peachi (Alder & Hancock 1848) is shown to be the fully adult form of Cuthona nana (Alder & Hancock, 1842), although there is evidence of geographical divergence in behaviour and development processes near the western limit of its range on the North American seaboard. Cuthona pustulata (Alder & Hancock, 1852) is found to possess a penial stylet. The investigation of abundant European material of C. pustulata and seven further species of Cuthona provides a new basis for interspecific discrimination.  相似文献   

F. -S. Chia  R. Koss 《Zoomorphology》1984,104(3):131-139
Summary The cephalic sensory organ in the veliger larva of Rostanga pulchra is situated dorsally between the rhinophores, emerging as a tuft of cilia. This organ is made up of three types of sensory cells, and based on their morphology have been termed ampullary, parampullary and ciliary tuft cells. The cell bodies of the organ originate in the cerebral commissure, and their dendrites pass to the epidermis as three tracts. Dendrites terminate in the epidermis to form a sectorial field. Axons of these cells run into the mass of neurites in the cerebral commissure but no synapses were observed in this area. Morphological evidence suggests that the cephalic sensory organ may function in chemoreception and mechanoreception related to substrate selection at settlement, feeding, or other behaviors.  相似文献   

The external morphology and anatomy of the Antarctic nudibranchs Tritonia vorax Odhner, 1926, and Tritonia antarctica Pfeffer in Martens & Pfeffer, 1886, is redescribed in detail and compared with other nominal tritoniids from the Antarctic and Subantarctic waters. Tritonia appendiculata Eliot, 1905, T. challengeriana Eliot, 1907a, non Bergh, 1884, T. chalkngeriana Odhner 1926, non Bergh, 1884, and Marionia cmullata Vicente & Arnaud 1974, non (Couthouy, in Gould 1852), are shown to be synonymous with T. antarctica. Only Tritonia antarctica is a true High Antarctic species, with a distribution around the continental shelf, Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia. T. vorax is confined to South Georgia and Subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

In the past, the different genera of the family Arminidae have been diagnosed (mostly) on the basis of plesiomorphic characters and therefore their monophyly is questionable. The Arminidae are characterized by the autapomorphies 'possession of marginal sacs' and 'rhinophores with longitudinal lamellae'. The genus Heterodoris is excluded from the family. Two possible hypotheses about the phylogenetic relationships within the Arminidae are presented.
The Arminidae probably originated in the western Pacific, near Japan and have distributed in a westerly direction. The most primitive species ( Dermatobranchus ) are restricted mainly to the western Pacific region while the more derived species ( Armina ) have a world-wide distribution.  相似文献   

Digeneans of the family Campulidae occur exclusively in marine mammals, particularly in cetaceans. Their taxonomy is confused, being based on adult morphology only. We used a multivariate discriminant analysis of morphometric data to provide new evidence on the taxonomy of the Campulidae. Measurements of 217 specimens from 21 species of all seven genera of the family were taken. The percentage of specimens correctly assigned into their own species was 96.3%. The first three discriminant functions accounted for most of the variation between the species, which were grouped together in suprageneric groups along the first and the second function. The ordination pattern observed conforms partly with the established taxonomy of the Campulidae. Variation along the first discriminant function can be interpreted as a gradient of the vitelline extension and the maximum width to length ratio. This function separates three groups of species, corresponding to the Hunterotrematinae, Orthosplanchninae and Campulinae-Lecithodesminae. The last two subfamilies are separated along the second axis, the Lecithodesminae having longer bodies and suckers than the Campulinae. This study also provides some evidence at the generic and specific level.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a refined hypothesis of evolution for the tropical Indo-Pacific nudibranch genus Halgerda . Numerous specimens from 31 species were examined anatomically and literature from four additional species was reviewed, bringing to 33 the ingroup taxa. Fifty-three characters were considered from these examinations. The outgroup Asteronotus was used to polarize the characters. The phylogeny obtained from the analysis of the characters supports the hypothesis that Halgerda is a monophyletic group. A species previously placed with the genus Sclerodoris is examined and determined to be a member of the genus Halgerda . Phylogenetic analysis places this species, H. paliensis , as a basal member of the genus . Halgerda paliensis appears to be restricted to the Hawaiian Islands. Specimens previously identified as Sclerodoris paliensis from the Marshall Islands actually represent H. dalanghita Fahey & Gosliner, 1999. A new species, Halgerda onna , is described and presented as the sister taxon to a basal member of the genus. A range and depth extension of a previously described species, H. malesso , is presented. The present phylogeny is then compared to previous studies, in particular those of Fahey & Gosliner (1999a,b) .  相似文献   

Summary Rich material of the genus Tritoniella (Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia) from the Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Ocean demonstrates that the features of the internal anatomy are fairly constant in contrast to those of the external morphology and the cuticularized structures (radula and jaws). There are specimens intermediate between the two known species of the genus: T. belli Eliot, 1907 and T. sinuata Eliot, 1907. These specimens either show a combination of features characteristic for T. belli and T. sinuata, or of features which lie in between. Therefore T. sinuata is considered to be synonymous with T. belli. The monotypic genus Tritoniella has a circumpolar distribution with an extension of its range to the Subantarctic (South Georgia).  相似文献   

Skeletal muscles of the North American harvestman Leiobunum aldrichi are exhaustively surveyed and compared with other chelicerates to clarify the evolutionary morphology and phylogenetic relationships of arachnids. Representatives of 104 muscle groups are described and illustrated, and their possible functions are proposed. Comparisons of the feeding apparatus of L. aldrichi with that of other opilions, especially Sim (Cyphophthalmi) and Acromares (Laniatores), and two scorpion genera ( Centruroides, Pandinus ) indicate that the pharyngeal apparatus in L. aldrichi is derived and that its ability to accommodate large food particles is a secondary rather than primitive condition. Comparisons reveal several possible synapomorphies between Opiliones and Scorpiones suggesting that these orders may be sister groups. Apparently unique synapomorphies include an extrinsic cheliceral muscle that arises from the carapace and inserts on the second cheliceral article (deutomerite); an epistome divided into distal and proximal parts by a transverse sulcus; pharyngeal dilator muscles supported by a peripharyngeal skeleton formed by one dorsomedial and two ventrolateral epistomal processes, the latter also with muscular attachments to the endosternite; a specialized preoral chamber (stomodieca) derived from extensions (coxapophyses) of the coxae of the pedipalp and first two leg pairs; internal processes associated with the coxapophyses that serve, in part, as an attachment for muscles operating the coxa-trochanter joints, and lateral endosternal suspensor muscles that insert on the arthrodial membrane between the leg coxae. These are the first observations providing explicit support for an Opiliones-Scorpiones clade.  相似文献   

The floral anatomy of threeHypseocharis spp. has been studied. The genus resemblesOxalidaceae as well asMonsonia andSarcocaulon of theGeraniaceae. As it is closer toGeraniaceae than toOxalidaceae, it perhaps serves as a connecting link between them.  相似文献   

Digeneans of the lepocreadioid families Lepocreadiidae Odhner, 1905 and Aephnidiogenidae Yamaguti, 1934 from Moreton Bay, off southern Queensland, Australia, are recorded, along with the erection of a new family, Gibsonivermidae. Molecular data were generated for all representatives of these families collected during this study and a phylogram for members of the superfamily was generated based on the partial 28S rDNA dataset, placing these species in context with those previously sequenced. This phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that the monotypic Gibsonivermis Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1997 is isolated from all other lepocreadioids and supports the erection of Gibsonivermidae n. fam., which is defined morphologically, based particularly on the uniquely elongated male terminal genitalia, the distribution of the uterus in the forebody and the presence of a uroproct. Mobahincia teirae n. g., n. sp. is reported from Platax teira (Forsskål) in Moreton Bay and off Heron Island and New Caledonia. Recognition of this new genus is based on molecular results and the combination of caeca abutting the posterior body wall and the lack of an anterior body scoop or flanges. The following lepocreadioid species are reported from Moreton Bay for the first time: Bianium arabicum Sey, 1996 in Lagocephalus lunaris (Bloch & Schneider), Diploproctodaeum cf. monstrosum Bray, Cribb & Justine, 2010 in Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus), Multitestis magnacetabulum Mamaev, 1970 and Neomultitestis aspidogastriformis Bray & Cribb, 2003 in Platax teira and Opechona austrobacillaris Bray & Cribb, 1998 in Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus). Bianium plicitum (Linton, 1928) is reported from Torquigener squamicauda (Ogilby) for the first time. Sequences of newly collected specimens of Austroholorchis sprenti (Gibson, 1987) indicate that the species forms a clade with other members of the Aephnidiogenidae, agreeing with its morphology. The phylogenetic status of all newly sequenced species is discussed.  相似文献   

An account of the anatomy of Chelidonura inornata Baba, C. electro Rudmao, "Navanax" inermis (Cooper) and Aglaja ocelligera Bergh. Navanax Pilsbry is shown to be a junior synonym of Aglaja Renier. A detailed comparative study of the anatomy, and in particular, the external body form, diaphragm, labial glands, alimentary canal, reproductive system, penis structure and shell, show that the described species of the Aglajidae can be divided into four distinct genera: Aglaja Renier, Chelidonura A. Adams, Philinopsis Pease and Melanochlamys Cheeseman. All described species, with available anatomical information, are listed; 10 species in Aglaja , 17 species in Chelidonura , 12 species in Philinopsis , and 8 species in Melanochlamys .
Twenty-three other species are listed, but insufficient published information is available to determine their correct generic position.  相似文献   

The content of catecholamines and dihydroxyphenylalanine in larvae of the nudibranch Phestilla sibogae was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Dihydroxyphenylalanine, norepinephrine and dopamine were identified in larvae of all ages examined (5 through 12 days post-fertilization). Dihydroxyphenylalanine could be accurately quantified only in larvae of ages 8 through 12 days, when its average concentration increased from 0.62 to 6.71 × 10−2 pmol μg protein−1. Between ages 5 and 12 days dopamine rose from 0.081 to 0.616 pmol μg protein−1, and norepinephrine from 0.45 to 2.17 × 10−2 pmol μg protein−1. Dihydroxyphenylalanine, dopamine and norepinephrine were also measured at different stages of metamorphic progress in 10- to 12-day larvae. Dihydroxyphenylalanine increased by a factor of 2.4 between the onset and completion of metamorphosis, but levels of dopamine and norepinephrine remained stable. One millimolar alpha-methyl-dl-m-tyrosine, an inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis, inhibited natural metamorphosis and depleted endogenous norepinephrine and especially dopamine, respectively, to 75% and 35% of control values. The existence of unexpectedly high levels of catecholamines in metamorphically competent larvae, and the association of catecholamine depletion with inhibition of metamorphosis, indicate that these compounds may participate in the control of gastropod development. Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Leaf morphology and anatomy of Camellia section Camellia (Theaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The delimitations of species in Camellia section Camellia have been disputed for many years, resulting from uncertain relationships among species. Leaf morphological and anatomical characters for 54 species and three varieties in this section were investigated to reveal the relationships. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis were conducted using the transformed data for quantitative and qualitative characters from leaf morphology and anatomy. Combining the results of statistical analysis with comparative leaf characters of morphology and anatomy, we discussed the taxonomic treatment of section Camellia by Chang compared with that of Ming and we conclude that section Camellia consists of c. 50 species. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159 , 456–476.  相似文献   

The status of subfamilies and genera within Chondracanthidae Milne Edwards, 1840 has recently been revised. Forty four genera are currently recognised as valid for the Chondracanthidae and a comprehensive catalogue to the valid genera and species of the family is presented here. In addition, numerous supplementary observations are presented on existing taxa for which incomplete or inadequate data were previously available.  相似文献   

Previously undescribed cystophorous cercariae which develop in sporocyst germinal sacs in the tectibranch opisthobranch Philine denticulata (Adams) are shown to be cercariae of Hemiurus luehei Odhner, 1905 (Hemiuridae), a common stomach parasite of clupeid and salmonid fishes off the Atlantic coast of Europe, in the Baltic and the Mediterranean Sea. The free-swimming cercariae are seized by calanoid copepods. Temora longicornis (Müller) and Acartia tonsa Dana acted as suitable experimental intermediate hosts. Pressure by the copepod mouth appendages causes delivery tube eversion and the injection of the cercarcial body into the haemocoel. Sagitta sp. was found naturally infected with a metacercaria of H. luehei. The cystophorous cercaria and metacercaria are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. Adults from herring were examined under the stereoscan electron microscope.  相似文献   

Twenty-two species of ascophoran cheilostome Bryozoa are described and figured from Antarctic and sub-Antarctic localities. Ten new species are described in the genera Exochella, Buffonellodes and Hippadenella. Ralepria gen. nov. is introduced for Ralepria conforma sp. nov., and Trilochites gen. nov. is introduced for Escharoides biformata Waters, 1904. Five species described by Jullien (1888) and Calvet (1909) are redescribed following re-examination of type specimens.  相似文献   

A new subsection, Pandanus section Cauliflora subsection Paniculiflora, is described to contain P. halleorum, on the grounds of the paniculate structure of its staminate inflorescence, a feature not known elsewhere within the genus Pandanus. Both leaf anatomy and pollen morphology appear to support this taxonomic separation.  相似文献   

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