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In this work we discover that a specific recognition of the N-terminal lectin domain of FimH adhesin by the usher FimD is essential for the biogenesis of type 1 pili in Escherichia coli. These filamentous organelles are assembled by the chaperone-usher pathway, in which binary complexes between fimbrial subunits and the periplasmic chaperone FimC are recognized by the outer membrane protein FimD (the usher). FimH adhesin initiates fimbriae polymerization and is the first subunit incorporated in the filament. Accordingly, FimD shows higher affinity for the FimC/FimH complex although the structural basis of this specificity is unknown. We have analysed the assembly into fimbria, and the interaction with FimD in vivo, of FimH variants in which the N-terminal lectin domain of FimH was deleted or substituted by different immunoglobulin (Ig) domains, or in which these Ig domains were fused to the N-terminus of full-length FimH. From these data, along with the analysis of a FimH mutant with a single amino acid change (G16D) in the N-terminal lectin domain, we conclude that the lectin domain of FimH is recognized by FimD usher as an essential step for type 1 pilus biogenesis.  相似文献   

The generation of intense inflammation in the subarachnoid space in response to meningitis-causing bacteria contributes to brain dysfunction and neuronal injury in bacterial meningitis. Microglia, the major immune effector cells in the central nervous system (CNS), become activated by bacterial components to produce proinflammatory immune mediators. In this study, we showed that FimH adhesin, a tip component of type 1 fimbriae of meningitis-causing Escherichia coli K1, activated the murine microglial cell line, BV-2, which resulted in the production of nitric oxide and the release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha. Mitogen-activated protein kinases, ERK and p-38, and nuclear factor-kappaB were involved in FimH adhesin-mediated microglial activation. These findings suggest that FimH adhesin contributes to the CNS inflammatory response by virtue of activating microglia in E. coli meningitis.  相似文献   

Abstract The gene encoding the Escherichia coli FimH adhesin of type 1 fimbriae has been subjected to linker insertion mutagenesis. Amino acid changes were introduced at a number of positions spanning the entire sequence in order to probe the structure-function relationship of the FimH protein. The effect of these mutations on the ability of bacteria to express a D-mannose binding phenotype was assessed in a fimH null mutant (MS4) constructed by allelic exchange in the E. coli K-12 strain PC31. Mutations mapping at amino acid residues 36, 58 and 279 of the mature FimH protein were shown to completely abolish binding to D-mannose receptors. Differences in the level of fimbriation were also observed as a result of some of the mutations in the fimH gene. These mutants may prove useful in dissecting receptor-ligand interactions by defining regions of the FimH protein that are important in erythrocyte binding.  相似文献   

Fimbrial ushers are the largest β-barrel outer membrane proteins (OMPs) known to date, which function in the polymerization of fimbriae and their translocation to the bacterial surface. Folding and assembly of these complex OMPs are not characterized. Here, we investigate the role of periplasmic chaperones (SurA, Skp, DegP, and FkpA) and individual components of the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex (BamA, BamB, BamC, and BamE) in the folding of the Escherichia coli FimD usher. The FimD level is dramatically reduced (~30-fold) in a surA null mutant, but a strong cell envelope stress is constitutively activated with upregulation of DegP (~10-fold). To demonstrate a direct role of SurA, FimD folding was analyzed in a conditional surA mutant in which SurA expression was controlled. In this strain, FimD is depleted from bacteria in parallel to SurA without significant upregulation of DegP. Interestingly, the dependency on SurA is higher for FimD than for other OMPs. We also demonstrate that a functional BAM complex is needed for folding of FimD. In addition, FimD levels were strongly reduced (~5-fold) in a mutant lacking the accessory lipoprotein BamB. The critical role of BamB for FimD folding was confirmed by complementation and BamB depletion experiments. Similar to SurA dependency, FimD showed a stronger dependency on BamB than OMPs. On the other hand, folding of FimD was only marginally affected in bamC and bamE mutants. Collectively, our results indicate that FimD usher follows the SurA-BamB pathway for its assembly. The preferential use of this pathway for the folding of OMPs with large β-barrels is discussed.  相似文献   

Several TLR ligands of bacterial origin induce innate immune responses. Although FimH, the adhesin portion of type 1 fimbria, plays an important role in the pathogenicity of some gram-negative bacteria, its ability to stimulate the innate immune system via TLR signaling remains unclear. In this study we report that FimH induces potent innate responses in a MyD88-dependent fashion. The FimH-induced innate activity was restricted to cells expressing TLR4. In addition, FimH was able to bind directly to TLR4. More importantly, cells unresponsive to LPS were responsive to FimH and the presence or absence of MD-2 and CD14 had no effect on FimH activity. Our data suggest that TLR4 is a functional receptor for the adhesin portion of bacterial type 1 fimbria.  相似文献   

FimH is a mannose-specific adhesin located on the tip of type 1 fimbriae of Escherichia coli that is capable of mediating shear-enhanced bacterial adhesion. FimH consists of a fimbria-associated pilin domain and a mannose-binding lectin domain, with the binding pocket positioned opposite the interdomain interface. By using the yeast two-hybrid system, purified lectin and pilin domains, and docking simulations, we show here that the FimH domains interact with one another. The affinity for mannose is greatly enhanced (up to 300-fold) in FimH variants in which the interdomain interaction is disrupted by structural mutations in either the pilin or lectin domains. Also, affinity to mannose is dramatically enhanced in isolated lectin domains or in FimH complexed with the chaperone molecule that is wedged between the domains. Furthermore, FimH with native structure mediates weak binding at low shear stress but shifts to strong binding at high shear, whereas FimH with disrupted interdomain contacts (or the isolated lectin domain) mediates strong binding to mannose-coated surfaces even under low shear. We propose that interactions between lectin and pilin domains decrease the affinity of the mannose-binding pocket via an allosteric mechanism. We further suggest that mechanical force at high shear stress separates the two domains, allowing the lectin domain to switch from a low affinity to a high affinity state. This shift provides a mechanism for FimH-mediated shear-enhanced adhesion by enabling the adhesin to form catch bond-like interactions that are longer lived at high tensile force.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae contain in association with the major structural protein a lectin-like adhesin moiety that mediates attachment of E. coli to mannose-containing receptors on the surface of host cells. We have investigated the lymphocyte mitogenic activity of this mannose-specific adhesin by comparing the ability of purified wild type type 1 fimbriae containing the adhesin and mutant type 1 fimbriae lacking the adhesin to stimulate proliferation in human lymphocytes. Both fimbriae stimulated a peak of proliferation at 8 days whereas only the wild type fimbriae stimulated an additional peak of proliferation occurring at 3 days. Proliferation at 3 days but not at 8 days could be blocked by the addition of alpha-methyl-D-mannoside. Neonatal lymphocytes from umbilical cord blood responded to both wild type and mutant fimbriae in a fashion similar to adult cells. Stimulation of separated T and non-T cell populations indicated that the proliferation seen at 3 days was solely due to non-T cells whereas the 8-day response was due to T cell proliferation. The addition of gamma-irradiated T cells did not appear to enhance the 3-day response of the non-T cells. However, the 8-day response by T cells was dependent on the presence of gamma-irradiated non-T cells. In cultures of unseparated cells, wild type fimbriae stimulated more than 75% of the B cells to enter the S and G2 phase at 3 days whereas at 8 days cycling T cells were present in both wild type and mutant fimbriae-stimulated cultures. Taken together, our observations suggest that the adhesin molecule stimulates a polyclonal mitogenic response in B cells that peaks at 3 days, and other structural components of the fimbriae are responsible for evoking an 8-day (probably immune) response in T cells.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding type 1 pili are important virulence factors for the establishment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections (UTIs). These infections are initiated by adhesion of uropathogenic E. coli to uroplakin receptors in the uroepithelium via the FimH adhesin located at the tips of type 1 pili. Blocking of bacterial adhesion is able to prevent infection. Here, we provide for the first time binding data of the molecular events underlying type 1 fimbrial adherence, by crystallographic analyses of the FimH receptor binding domains from a uropathogenic and a K-12 strain, and affinity measurements with mannose, common mono- and disaccharides, and a series of alkyl and aryl mannosides. Our results illustrate that the lectin domain of the FimH adhesin is a stable and functional entity and that an exogenous butyl alpha-D-mannoside, bound in the crystal structures, exhibits a significantly better affinity for FimH (Kd = 0.15 microM) than mannose (Kd = 2.3 microM). Exploration of the binding affinities of alpha- d-mannosides with longer alkyl tails revealed affinities up to 5 nM. Aryl mannosides and fructose can also bind with high affinities to the FimH lectin domain, with a 100-fold improvement and 15-fold reduction in affinity, respectively, compared with mannose. Taken together, these relative FimH affinities correlate exceptionally well with the relative concentrations of the same glycans needed for the inhibition of adherence of type 1 piliated E. coli. We foresee that our findings will spark new ideas and initiatives for the development of UTI vaccines and anti-adhesive drugs to prevent anticipated and recurrent UTIs.  相似文献   

FimH is the adhesive subunit of type 1 fimbriae of the Escherichia coli that is composed of a mannose-binding lectin domain and a fimbria-incorporating pilin domain. FimH is able to interact with mannosylated surface via a shear-enhanced catch bond mechanism. We show that the FimH lectin domain possesses a ligand-induced binding site (LIBS), a type of allosterically regulated epitopes characterized in integrins. Analogous to integrins, in FimH the LIBS epitope becomes exposed in the presence of the ligand (or "activating" mutations) and is located far from the ligand-binding site, close to the interdomain interface. Also, the antibody binding to the LIBS shifts adhesin from the low to high affinity state. Binding of streptavidin to the biotinylated residue within the LIBS also locks FimH in the high affinity state, suggesting that the allosteric perturbations in FimH are sustained by the interdomain wedging. In the presence of antibodies, the strength of bacterial adhesion to mannose is increased similar to the increase observed under shear force, suggesting the same allosteric mechanism, a shift in the interdomain configuration. Thus, an integrin-like allosteric link between the binding pocket and the interdomain conformation can serve as the basis for the catch bond property of FimH and, possibly, other adhesive proteins.  相似文献   

The adhesive organelles (type 1 fimbriae) of K-12 and other isolates of Escherichia coli are composed of identical 17,000-dalton subunits. We examined the assembly of these subunits into fimbrial organelles. After synthesis, the nascent subunits were first processed and then assembled into the organelles; the assembly step took almost 3 min in log-phase cultures at 37 degrees C. Even during blockage of protein synthesis, the free subunits continued to assemble until the pool was depleted. This pool was small in comparison with the amount of total fimbrial protein already assembled into surface organelles and was not sufficient to regenerate new detectable organelles after the removal of preexistent ones by blending. Assembly appeared to slow when the metabolic rate of the bacterial cells slowed, since subunits took longer to appear in the organelles at lower than optimal temperatures or as a culture entered the stationary phase. The synthetic rate of subunits slowed sooner than that of total cellular proteins as a culture approached the stationary phase and ceased completely as the culture entered the stationary phase. The amount of fimbrial antigen expressed on the surface of the cells remained relatively constant during growth of a culture.  相似文献   

Spread of biological species from primary into novel habitats leads to within-species adaptive niche differentiation and is commonly driven by acquisition of point mutations in individual genes that increase fitness in the alternative environment. However, finding footprints of adaptive niche differentiation in specific genes remains a challenge. Here we describe a novel method to analyze the footprint of pathogenicity-adaptive, or pathoadaptive, mutations in the Escherichia coli gene encoding FimH-the major, mannose-sensitive adhesin. Analysis of distribution of mutations across the nodes and branches of the FimH phylogenetic network shows (1) zonal separation of evolutionary primary structural variants of FimH and recently derived ones, (2) dramatic differences in the ratio of synonymous and nonsynonymous changes between nodes from different zones, (3) evidence for replacement hot-spots in the FimH protein, (4) differential zonal distribution of FimH variants from commensal and uropathogenic E. coli, and (5) pathoadaptive functional changes in FimH brought by the mutations. The selective footprint in fimH indicates that the pathoadaptive niche differentiation of E. coli is either in its initial stages or undergoing an evolutionary "source/sink" dynamic.  相似文献   

Common type 1 fimbriae were isolated from Escherichia coli and their length distribution profile was determined before and after treatment with ultrasound. As fimbriae were shortened, so their haemagglutinating capacity decreased, but their ability to bind to erythrocytes did not decrease to the same extent. Isolated fimbriae did not agglutinate inside-out vesicles prepared from horse erythrocytes or liposomes, suggesting that the binding mechanism was not based on non-specific hydrophobic interactions. The results support a lateral rather than a terminal location for the fimbrial binding site responsible for haemagglutination.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Escherichia coli often carry determinants for several different adhesins. We show a direct communication between two adhesin gene clusters in uropathogenic E.coli: type 1 fimbriae (fim) and pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap). A regulator of pap, PapB, is a key factor in this cross-talk. FimB recombinase turns on type 1 fimbrial expression, and PapB inhibited phase transition by FimB in both off-to-on and on-to-off directions. On-to-off switching requiring FimE was increased by PapB. By analysis of FimB- and FimE-LacZ translational fusions it was concluded that the increase in on-to-off transition rates was via an increase in FimE expression. Inhibition of FimB-promoted switching was via a different mechanism: PapB inhibited FimB-promoted in vitro recombination, indicating that FimB activity was blocked at the fim switch. In vitro analyses showed that PapB bound to several DNA regions of the type 1 fimbrial operon, including the fim switch region. These data show that Pap expression turns off type 1 fimbriae expression in the same cell. Such cross-talk between adhesin gene clusters may bring about appropriate expression at the single cell level.  相似文献   

Valency conversion in the type 1 fimbrial adhesin of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FimH protein is a lectin-like adhesive subunit of type 1, or mannose-sensitive, fimbriae that are found on the surface of most Escherichia coli strains. All naturally occurring FimH variants demonstrate a conserved mannotriose-specific (i.e. multivalent) binding. Here, we demonstrate that replacement of residues 185-279 within the FimH pilin domain with a corresponding segment of the type 1C fimbrial adhesin FocH leads to a loss of the multivalent mannotriose-specific binding property accompanied by the acquisition of a distinct monomannose-specific (i.e. monovalent) binding capability. Bacteria expressing the monovalent hybrid adhesins were capable of binding strongly to uroepithelial tissue culture cells and guinea pig erythrocytes. They could not, however, agglutinate yeast or bind human buccal cells -- functions readily accomplished by the E. coli-expressing mannotriose-specific FimH variants. Based on the relative potency of inhibiting compounds of different structures, the receptor binding site within monovalent FimH-FocH adhesin has an extended structure with an overall configuration similar to that within the multivalent FimH of natural origin. The monomannose-only specific phenotype could also be invoked by a single point mutation, E89K, located within the lectin domain of FimH, but distant from the receptor binding site. The structural alterations influence the receptor-binding valency of the FimH adhesin via distal effects on the combining pocket, obviously by affecting the FimH quaternary structure.  相似文献   

The outer membrane protein FimD represents the assembly platform of adhesive type 1 pili from Escherichia coli. FimD forms ring-shaped oligomers of 91.4 kDa subunits that recognize complexes between the pilus chaperone FimC and individual pilus subunits in the periplasm and mediate subunit translocation through the outer membrane. Here, we have identified a periplasmic domain of FimD (FimD(N)) comprising the N-terminal 139 residues of FimD. Purified FimD(N) is a monomeric, soluble protein that specifically recognizes complexes between FimC and individual type 1 pilus subunits, but does not bind the isolated chaperone, or isolated subunits. In addition, FimD(N) retains the ability of FimD to recognize different chaperone-subunit complexes with different affinities, and has the highest affinity towards the FimC-FimH complex. Overexpression of FimD(N) in the periplasm of wild-type E.coli cells diminished incorporation of FimH at the tip of type 1 pili, while pilus assembly itself was not affected. The identification of FimD(N) and its ternary complexes with FimC and individual pilus subunits opens the avenue to structural characterization of critical type 1 pilus assembly intermediates.  相似文献   

Binding of the Escherichia coli type 1 fimbriae to frozen sections of human kidney was examined by indirect immunofluorescence. The purified fimbriae bound specifically to the luminal and cytoplasmic aspects of proximal tubules and to the connective tissue layer of veins and arteries. Distal tubules, collecting ducts, glomeruli and vascular endothelium were not stained by the fimbriae. The results do not support a role for type 1 fimbriae in invasion of E. coli into the renal parenchyma.  相似文献   

Riboflavin synthase from Escherichia coli is a homotrimer of 23.4 kDa subunits and catalyzes the formation of one molecule each of riboflavin and 5-amino-6-ribitylamino- 2,4(1H,3H)-pyrimidinedione by the transfer of a 4-carbon moiety between two molecules of the substrate, 6,7- dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine. Each subunit comprises two closely similar folding domains. Recombinant expression of the N-terminal domain is known to provide a c(2)-symmetric homodimer. In this study, the binding properties of wild type as well as two mutated proteins of N-terminal domain of riboflavin synthase with various ligands were tested. The replacement of the amino acid residue A43, located in the second shell of riboflavin synthase active center, in the recombinant N-terminal domain dimer reduces the affinity for 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine. The mutation of the amino acid residue C48 forming part of activity cavity of the enzyme causes significant (19)F NMR chemical shift modulation of trifluoromethyl derivatives of 6,7-dimethyl-8-ribityllumazine in complex with the protein, while substitution of A43 results in smaller chemical shift changes.  相似文献   

Cysteine bonds are found near the ligand-binding sites of a wide range of microbial adhesive proteins, including the FimH adhesin of Escherichia coli. We show here that removal of the cysteine bond in the mannose-binding domain of FimH did not affect FimH-mannose binding under static or low shear conditions (< or = 0.2 dyne cm(-2)). However, the adhesion level was substantially decreased under increased fluid flow. Under intermediate shear (2 dynes cm(-2)), the ON-rate of bacterial attachment was significantly decreased for disulphide-free mutants. Molecular dynamics simulations demonstrated that the lower ON-rate of cysteine bond-free FimH could be due to destabilization of the mannose-free binding pocket of FimH. In contrast, mutant and wild-type FimH had similar conformation when bound to mannose, explaining their similar binding strength to mannose under intermediate shear. The stabilizing effect of mannose on disulphide-free FimH was also confirmed by protection of the FimH from thermal and chemical inactivation in the presence of mannose. However, this stabilizing effect could not protect the integrity of FimH structure under high shear (> 20 dynes cm(-2)), where lack of the disulphide significantly increased adhesion OFF-rates. Thus, the cysteine bonds in bacterial adhesins could be adapted to enable bacteria to bind target surfaces under increased shear conditions.  相似文献   

Type-1 fimbriae are important virulence factors for the establishment of Escherichia coli urinary tract infections. Bacterial adhesion to the high-mannosylated uroplakin Ia glycoprotein receptors of bladder epithelium is mediated by the FimH adhesin. Previous studies have attributed differences in mannose-sensitive adhesion phenotypes between faecal and uropathogenic E. coli to sequence variation in the FimH receptor-binding domain. We find that FimH variants from uropathogenic, faecal and enterohaemorrhagic isolates express the same specificities and affinities for high-mannose structures. The only exceptions are FimHs from O157 strains that carry a mutation (Asn135Lys) in the mannose-binding pocket that abolishes all binding. A high-mannose microarray shows that all substructures are bound by FimH and that the largest oligomannose is not necessarily the best binder. Affinity measurements demonstrate a strong preference towards oligomannosides exposing Manalpha1-3Man at their non-reducing end. Binding is further enhanced by the beta1-4-linkage to GlcNAc, where binding is 100-fold better than that of alpha-d-mannose. Manalpha1-3Manbeta1-4GlcNAc, a major oligosaccharide present in the urine of alpha-mannosidosis patients, thus constitutes a well-defined FimH epitope. Differences in affinities for high-mannose structures are at least 10-fold larger than differences in numbers of adherent bacteria between faecal and uropathogenic strains. Our results imply that the carbohydrate expression profile of targeted host tissues and of natural inhibitors in urine, such as Tamm-Horsfall protein, are stronger determinants of adhesion than FimH variation.  相似文献   

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