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A detailed morphometric study has been made of the air-sacs of this air-breathing catfish using whole mounts, light and electron microscopy, of six specimens, body weight 40±2 g. Measurements of surface areas of the gas exchange and non-respiratory surfaces have taken into account foldings of the surface at macro and ultramicroscopic levels. Area of the gas exchange surface was estimated as 23.915cm2 (=0.598cm2/g) which is 67%of the total surface area of the two air-sacs. Significant differences were found in some morphometric parameters which were related to the three antero-posterior regions into which air-sacs were divided. Harmonic mean thickness of the tissue component of the air/blood barrier was estimated for the whole air-sac as 0.342 μ m. These and other measurements enabled the diffusing capacity for the air-sacs to be calculated as 0.0638 m1O2/min/mmHg/kg.
These results show that Heteropneustes has an air-breathing organ which is superior to that of Amphipnous cuchia , similar to that of Lepidosiren , but less well developed than that of Protopterus . In addition, Heteropneustes is well adapted to obtain oxygen directly from water by means of its gills and skin as indicated by both morphometric and physiological measurements which also correlate with its life in ponds and streams which are Iiable to dry up.  相似文献   

An accurate mathematical model of transmucosal gas exchange is prerequisite to understanding middle ear (ME) physiology. Current models require experimentally measured gas species time constants for all extant conditions as input parameters. However, studies on pulmonary gas exchange have shown that a morphometric model that incorporates more fundamental physiochemical and anatomic parameters accurately simulates transport from which the species time constants can be derived for all extant conditions. Here, we implemented a variant of that model for ME gas exchange that requires the measurement of diffusional length (tau) for the ME mucosa. That measure contributes to the mucosal diffusing capacity and reflects the resistance to gas flow between air space and capillary. Two methods for measuring tau have been proposed: linear distance between the air-mucosal boundary and capillary and the harmonic mean of all contributing pathway lengths. Oxygen diffusing capacity was calculated for different ME mucosal geometries by using the two tau measures, and the results were compared with those predicted by a detailed, two-dimensional finite element analysis. Predictive accuracy was improved by incorporating the harmonic tau measure, which captures important information regarding variations in capillary shape and distribution. However, compared with the oxygen diffusing capacity derived from the finite element analysis, both measures yielded nonlinear, positively biased estimates. The morphometric techniques underestimate diffusion length by failing to account for the curvilinear gas flow pathways predicted by the finite element model.  相似文献   

The chronic stimulation of predominantly fast-twitch mammalian skeletal muscle causes a transformation to physiological characteristics of slow-twitch skeletal muscle. Here, we report the effects of chronic stimulation on the protein components of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and transverse tubular membranes which are directly involved in excitation-contraction coupling. Comparison of protein composition of microsomal fractions from control and chronically stimulated muscle was performed by immunoblot analysis and also by staining with Coomassie blue or the cationic carbocyanine dye Stains-all. Consistent with previous experiments, a greatly reduced density was observed for the fast-twitch isozyme of Ca(2+)-ATPase, while the expression of the slow-twitch Ca(2+)-ATPase was found to be greatly enhanced. Components of the sarcolemma (Na+/K(+)-ATPase, dystrophin-glycoprotein complex) and the free sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca(2+)-binding protein sarcalumenin and a 53-kDa glycoprotein) were not affected by chronic stimulation. The relative abundance of calsequestrin was slightly reduced in transformed skeletal muscle. However, the expression of the ryanodine receptor/Ca(Ca2+)-release channel from junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum and the transverse tubular dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channel, as well as two junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins of 90 kDa and 94 kDa, was greatly suppressed in transformed muscle. Thus, the expression of the major protein components of the triad junction involved in excitation-contraction coupling is suppressed, while the expression of other muscle membrane proteins is not affected in chronically stimulated muscle.  相似文献   

After pneumonectomy (Pnx), mechanical strain on the remaining lung is an important signal for adaptation. To examine how mechanical lung strain alters gas exchange adaptation after Pnx, we replaced the right lung of adult dogs with a custom-shaped inflatable silicone prosthesis. The prosthesis was kept 1) inflated (Inf) to reduce mechanical strain of the remaining lung and maintain the mediastinum in the midline, or 2) deflated (Def) to allow lung strain and mediastinal shift. Gas exchange was studied 4-7 mo later at rest and during treadmill exercise by the multiple inert gas elimination technique while animals breathed 21 and 14% O2 in balanced order. In the Inf group compared with Def group during hypoxic exercise, arterial O2 saturation was lower and alveolar-arterial O2 tension difference higher, whereas O2 diffusing capacity was lower at any given cardiac output. Dispersion of the perfusion distribution was similar between groups at rest and during exercise. Dispersion of the ventilation distribution was lower in the Inf group at rest, associated with a much higher respiratory rate, but rose to similar levels in both groups during hypoxic exercise. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure at a given cardiac output was higher in the Inf group, whereas peak cardiac output was similar between groups. Thus creating lung strain by post-Pnx mediastinal shift primarily enhances diffusive gas exchange with only minor effects on ventilation-perfusion matching, consistent with the generation of additional alveolar-capillary surfaces but not conducting airways and blood vessels.  相似文献   

Although evidence for muscle O(2) diffusion limitation of maximal O(2) uptake has been found in the intact organism and isolated muscle, its relationship to diffusion distance has not been examined. Thus we studied six sets of three purpose-bred littermate dogs (aged 10-12 mo), with 1 dog per litter allocated to each of three groups: control (C), exercise trained for 8 wk (T), or left leg immobilized for 3 wk (I). The left gastrocnemius muscle from each animal was surgically isolated, pump-perfused, and electrically stimulated to peak O(2) uptake at three randomly applied levels of arterial oxygenation [normoxia, arterial PO(2) (Pa(O(2))) 77 +/- 2 (SE) Torr; moderate hypoxia, Pa(O(2)): 33 +/- 1 Torr; and severe hypoxia, Pa(O(2)): 22 +/- 1 Torr]. O(2) delivery (ml. min(-1). 100 g(-1)) was kept constant among groups for each level of oxygenation, with O(2) delivery decreasing with decreasing Pa(O(2)). O(2) extraction (%) was lower in I than T or C for each condition, but calculated muscle O(2) diffusing capacity (Dmus(O(2))) per 100 grams of muscle was not different among groups. After the experiment, the muscle was perfusion fixed in situ, and a sample from the midbelly was processed for microscopy. Immobilized muscle showed a 45% reduction of muscle fiber cross-sectional area (P < 0.05), and a resulting 59% increase in capillary density (P < 0.05) but minimal reduction in capillary-to-fiber ratio (not significant). In contrast, capillarity was not significantly different in T vs. C muscle. The results show that a dramatically increased capillary density (and reduced diffusion distance) after short-term immobilization does not improve Dmus(O(2)) in heavily working skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Lungfish (Dipnoi) may represent the sister group to all land vertebrates and are therefore important for reconstructing the conquest of land by tetrapods. We determined venous and arterial blood gases, pulmonary O(2) uptake, and the form of the hemoglobin-O(2) dissociation curves in the South American lungfish Lepidosiren paradoxa. Measurements were performed at 25 degrees and 35 degrees C. Based on this information, we calculated its pulmonary O(2) diffusing capacity (D(L)O(2)), using the Bohr integration procedure. D(L)O(2) increased with temperature to reach about 0.04 mL stpd kg(-1) min(-1) mmHg(-1) at 35 degrees C. This value represents about 40% of the morphometric diffusing capacity and is similar to physiological values in some amphibians and reptiles.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of norepinephrine (NE) on oxygen consumption ( ) of perfused (constant flow) muscle in cold acclimated (CA) and control rats. Infusion of NE for a five minute period caused an increase in of similar magnitude in both groups. Infusion of NE for 30 min resulted in an elevated steady state in the cold acclimated group, while the control group showed only an initial increase in followed by a continual decline during the remainder of the 30 min infusion period. These results suggest that when rats are challenged by cold exposure, the magnitude of the initial muscle response to NE by control and acclimated rats is the same, but a useful sustained higher muscle oxygen consumption is found only in the cold acclimated animals.Abbreviations CA cold acclimated - NE norepinephrine  相似文献   

Steady state estimates of the pulmonary diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) require measurement of the uptake and the average alveolar partial pressure of carbon monoxide (PACO). The expired alveolar sample obtained by different experimental methods and/or breathing patterns rarely represents the actual PACO. It is widely accepted that nonuniform distribution of ventilation, diffusion and perfusion causes discrepancies in the measurement of diffusing capacity. tan additional source of error in choosing PACO arises in the sampling time chosen by the experimental method. A theoretical study of a ramp-with-pause and a square breathing pattern demonstrates that the sample-time error exists even in the homogeneous lung. The study shows for the homogeneous lung that the correct fractional concentration of alveolar carbon monoxide (FAV) occurs at a time (TAV), one-half of a breathing period after the effective inspiration time (TI) for the two very different breathing patterns. TI is well-defined in relation to any breathing pattern which can be approximated by ramps and pauses. If TAV and the sample time chosen by the experimental method are known, then the measured DLCO can be corrected to the actual diffusing capacity (DL). The theory agrees with experimental results and computer simulations of inhomogeneous lungs from the literature. This agreement suggests that the theory for the homogeneous lung is also relevant to the inhomogeneous lung.  相似文献   

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