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Analysis of the molecular properties of proteins extracted from organisms living under extreme conditions often highlights peculiar features. We investigated by UV-visible spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography the oxidation process, promoted by air or ferricyanide, of five hemoglobins extracted from Antarctic fishes (Notothenioidei). Spectroscopic analysis revealed that these hemoglobins share a common oxidation pathway, which shows striking differences from the oxidation processes of hemoglobins from other vertebrates. Indeed, simple exposure of these hemoglobins to air leads to the formation of a significant amount of the low-spin hexacoordinated form, denoted hemichrome. This hemichrome form, which is detected under a variety of experimental conditions, can be reversibly transformed to either carbomonoxy or deoxygenated forms with reducing agents. Interestingly, the spectra of the fully oxidized species, obtained by treating the protein with ferricyanide, show the simultaneous presence of peaks corresponding to different hexacoordinated states, the aquomet and the hemichrome. In order to assign the heme region state of the alpha and beta chains, the air-oxidized and ferricyanide-oxidized forms of Trematomus bernacchii hemoglobin were crystallized. Crystallographic analysis revealed that these forms correspond to an alpha(aquomet)-beta(bishistidyl-hemichrome) state. This demonstrates that the alpha and beta chains of Antarctic fish hemoglobins follow very different oxidation pathways. As found for Trematomus newnesi hemoglobin in a partial hemichrome state [Riccio, A., Vitagliano, L., di Prisco, G., Zagari, A. & Mazzarella, L. (2002) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA99, 9801-9806], the quaternary structures of these alpha(aquomet)-beta(bishistidyl-hemichrome) forms are intermediate between the physiological R and T hemoglobin states. Together, these structures provide information on the general features of this intermediate state.  相似文献   

Yeast cells derepress their biosynthetic enzymes for arginine, histidine, lysine and tryptophan upon starvation for any one of these amino acids. This concerted derepression appears to be a manifestation of a general control over amino acid biosynthesis. Two classes of mutation that destroy this control are described in detail. Both classes are recessive to the wild-type allele. One class, aas, is unable to derepress the enzymes of arginine, histidine, lysine or tryptophan biosynthesis. The other class, tra, is fully derepressed for the enzymes of all these pathways of amino acid biosynthesis. This latter class is temperature-sensitive for growth. Analysis of the temperature-sensitive lesion indicates that tra3 mutants, when grown at 36 °C, are defective in the cell cycle early in the G1 phase. Strains carrying the tra3 mutation arrest as single, unbudded cells at the non-permissive temperature regardless of their position in the cell cycle at the time of the shift to the restrictive temperature. The position of the tra3 step in the cell cycle has been determined with respect to other cell-cycle events, and has been found to act at the same point in the cycle as the α factor-sensitive step. The dual role of the TRA3 gene product in general regulation and in cell division suggests that information on the state of amino acid biosynthesis is part of the signal for “start” in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The heme prosthetic group in hemoglobins is most often attached to the globin through coordination of either one or two histidine side chains. Those proteins with one histidine coordinating the heme iron are called "pentacoordinate" hemoglobins, a group represented by red blood cell hemoglobin and most other oxygen transporters. Those with two histidines are called "hexacoordinate hemoglobins", which have broad representation among eukaryotes. Coordination of the second histidine in hexacoordinate Hbs is reversible, allowing for binding of exogenous ligands like oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitric oxide. Research over the past several years has produced a fairly detailed picture of the structure and biochemistry of hexacoordinate hemoglobins from several species including neuroglobin and cytoglobin in animals, and the nonsymbiotic hemoglobins in plants. However, a clear understanding of the physiological functions of these proteins remains an elusive goal.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to establish the binding of N-(2,4-diphosphobenzyl)-1-amino-5-naphthalenesulfonic acid, DIPANS, as an estimator of conformation in the carbonmonoxy (CO)-hemoglobins (Hbs) of several vertebrates. DIPANS failed to bind menhaden I, trout I or tuna Hbs which are ligand insensitive. Below a pH of 7.0, DIPANS bound menhaden II, Bufo, Xenopus, and human Hbs with a binding stoichiometry greater than one. The charge of the DIPANS molecule does not control its binding to these Hbs. The binding to human CO-Hb can not be due to Hb conformation. For Xenopus Hbs and menhaden II, conformation predominates DIPANS binding. The binding to CO-Hb of DIPANS, can not be unambiguously attributed to the Hb's quaternary conformation.  相似文献   

Prompted by the reported lack of solvation effects on the oxygen affinity of fish (trout I) hemoglobin that questioned allosteric water binding in human hemoglobin A (Bellelli, A., Brancaccio, A., and Brunori, M. (1993) J. Biol. Chem. 268, 4742-4744), we have investigated solvation effects in fish and human hemoglobins by means of the osmotic stress method and allosteric analysis. In contrast to the earlier report, we demonstrate that water potential does affect oxygen affinity of trout hemoglobin I in the presence of inert solutes like betaine. Moreover, we show that upon oxygenation electrophoretically anodic hemoglobin from trout and eel bind a similar number of water molecules as does human hemoglobin A, whereas the cathodic hemoglobins of trout and eel bind smaller, but mutually similar, numbers of water molecules. Addition of cofactors strongly increases the number of water molecules bound to eel hemoglobin A (as in human hemoglobin) but only weakly affects water binding to eel hemoglobin C.  相似文献   

Blood samples from domestic cats, representing the parents (26) and offspring (91) from 33 matings, were analyzed to determine the proportions of hemoglobins A and B. Evidence is presented that the proportions of the two hemoglobins are genetically determined and that cats may be divided into three groups on the basis of this characteristic. Family data and Hardy-Weinberg analysis support the hypothesis that the three groups represent the possible combinations of an allelic gene pair. In an attempt to explain the observed phenotypic differences, possible points of action of this gene pair are discussed, including effects on rates of synthesis or epigenetic modification of globin chains.  相似文献   

Destro Bisol G 《Parassitologia》1999,41(1-3):203-204
I describe a model which posits the molecular basis of some malaria-resistance genes in the interaction between oxidized hemoglobin and membrane components. The model is supported by a considerable body of evidence which indicates that erythrocytes of genetically protected individuals (carriers of sickle cell trait, alpha- and beta-thalassemia, and G6PD deficiency) are susceptible to the increase of oxidation of hemoglobin following H2O2 release in the host cell by Plasmodium falciparum. I suggest that the irreversible interaction between oxidized hemoglobin and the red cell membrane could trigger mechanisms that: (i) reduce invasion of erythrocytes by the falciparum parasite; (ii) impair parasite survival and development within the cell; (iii) accelerate infected erythrocyte clearance by phagocytosis.  相似文献   

This report describes the occurrence, study and molecular diagnostics of 40 Hb O Arab beta 121 Glu Lys cases and 4 Hb D punjab beta 121 Glu Gln cases in Bulgaria. Hematological, morphological and clinical data for 12 patients with Hb O arab are listed. Among them we observed 7 simple heterozygotes for Hb O Arab/Hb A, two double heterozygotes-compounds for Hb O/beta+-thalassemia and three compounds for Hb O/beta 0-thalassemia (the latter assumed). Also, general hematological, morphological and clinical data are presented for 4 Hb D Punjab carriers, from which two are simple heterozygotes and two are assumed, as compounds for Hb D/beta 0-thalassemia. The consideration of heterozygosity, homozygosity for both abnormal hemoglobins and of the compound state of Hb O or Hb D/beta-thalassemia or HbS types let us suggest the relative neutrality of the variants and the limitation in their distribution, depending on genetic structure of populations, where they spread. It may be concluded that human hemoglobin is characterized by marked monomorphism. At the same time, the high frequency of HbS, HbE and HbC in some populations can be well explained by contemporary selectionism; the distribution of relatively neutral Hb D Punjab and Hb O Arab with some limitations can follow Kimura's neutralism concept.  相似文献   

The blood of the teleost Notothenia angustata contains a major hemoglobin (Hb 1, over 95% of the total), accompanied by a minor component (Hb 2). The two hemoglobins have identical beta chains and differ in their alpha chains. The primary structure of both hemoglobins has been established through the elucidation of the complete amino acid sequence of the three chains. The study of the oxygen-binding properties shows that Hb 1 displays the Bohr and Root effects and has high affinity for organic phosphates. N. angustata belongs to the family Nototheniidae, suborder Notothenioidei. Unlike the vast majority of nototheniid species, which live in isolation in the Antarctic Ocean and have developed cold adaptation, N. angustata inhabits the waters of southern New Zealand and is not cold adapted. Although some hematological parameters typically favour oxygen transport in a temperate environment, the hemoglobin multiplicity and structural and functional features closely resemble those of the Antarctic species of the same family and suborder. Thus, N. angustata may be considered as a link between temperate and Antarctic habitats. The hypothetical separation history of N. angustata from the Antarctic species of the same family is discussed in the light of the present findings.  相似文献   

In vitro, and possibly in vivo, hemoglobin polymerization and red blood cell sickling appear to be widespread in codfish. In this article, we show that the hemoglobins of the two Arctic fish Lycodes reticulatus and Gadus morhua also have the tendency to polymerize, as monitored by dynamic light scattering experiments. The elucidation of the primary structure of the single hemoglobin of the zoarcid L. reticulatus shows the presence of a large number of cysteyl residues in α and β chains. Their role in eliciting the ability to produce polymers was also addressed by MALDI-TOF and TOF-TOF mass spectrometry. The G.morhua globins are also rich in Cys, but unlike in L. reticulatus, polymerization does not seem to be disulfide driven. The widespread occurrence of the polymerization phenomenon displayed by hemoglobins of Arctic fish supports the hypothesis that this feature may bea response to stressful environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Osteocalcin (bone Gla protein) is an extracellular matrix protein synthesized by osteoblasts that is a marker of bone. Osteocalcin probably originated in the ancestors of Teleostei or bony fish and of the Tetrapoda or amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. We have characterized the Cyprinus carpio (carp) osteocalcin for mineral binding to hydroxyapatite, amino acid sequence, and extent of secondary structure. Hydroxyapatite binding is enhanced in the presence of calcium. The alpha-helical content of teleost osteocalcin increases and beta-sheet structure decreases upon calcium binding, similar to findings in calf osteocalcin. The gene structure and primary sequence of prepro-osteocalcin from 2 pufferfish compared with carp shows that there are many conserved features in teleost osteocalcin genes. Using an immunoassay for carp osteocalcin, we determined that the relative content of osteocalcin is highest in dorsal fin spines and other bones and lowest in scales. The carp osteocalcin antibodies, cross-reactive to other species of fish, were used to study the role of osteocalcin in teleost model systems.  相似文献   

Many fish hemoglobins exhibit a marked dependence of oxygen affinity and cooperativity on proton concentration, called Root effect. Both tertiary and quaternary effects have been evoked to explain the allosteric regulation brought about by protons in fish hemoglobins. However, no general rules have emerged so far. We carried out a complementary crystallographic and microspectroscopic characterization of ligand binding to crystals of deoxy-hemoglobin from the Antarctic fish Trematomus bernacchii (HbTb) at pH 6.2 and pH 8.4. At low pH ligation has negligible structural effects, correlating with low affinity and absence of cooperativity in oxygen binding. At high pH, ligation causes significant changes at the tertiary structural level, while preserving structural markers of the T state. These changes mainly consist in a marked displacement of the position of the switch region CD corner towards an R-like position. The functional data on T-state crystals validate the relevance of the crystallographic observations, revealing that, differently from mammalian Hbs, in HbTb a significant degree of cooperativity in oxygen binding is due to tertiary conformational changes, in the absence of the T–R quaternary transition. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxygen Binding and Sensing Proteins.  相似文献   

Plants,humans and hemoglobins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
New developments have forced a re-evaluation of our understanding of the structure and function of hemoglobins. Leghemoglobins regulate oxygen affinity through a mechanism different from that of myoglobin using a novel combination of heme pocket amino acids that lower the oxygen affinity. The hexacoordinate hemoglobins are characterized by intramolecular coordination of the ligand binding site at the heme iron, and were first identified in plants as the 'non-symbiotic plant hemoglobins'. They are now known to be present in animals and bacteria. Many of these proteins are upregulated in both plants and animals during hypoxia or similar stresses. Therefore, there might be a common physiological function for hexacoordinate hemoglobins in plants and animals.  相似文献   

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