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Eggs of Xenopoecilus sarasinorum possess two distinct types of filaments on the surface of the egg envelope (chorion), long, attaching filaments restricted to the vegetal pole and weak, nonattaching filaments around the animal pole (micropyle). Both types are formed during oogenesis. After mature eggs were spawned through the urogenital pore, they were fertilized and hung in an abdominal concavity of the female. Oviposition never took place in the presence of embryos in the concavity because of the retardation of oogenesis. The loosely tangled tips of the attaching filaments that are retained within the ovarian cavity plug the urogenital pore by forming a hard complex with the epithelial cells. Into this plug structure that fuses with the inner wall of the urogenital pore, capillaries are provided. Within 5 days after the initiation of hatching, this plug degenerates and is released from the urogenital pore. Thus, in female X. sarasinorum, the reproductive cycle seems to be regulated by the physiological function ofthe plug structure formed by the attaching filaments in response to the presence of developing embryos.  相似文献   

Observations of a novel behavioural tactic employed by egg-eating male Telmatherina sarasinorum are described. Four T. sarasinorum males were observed actively courting females of closely related Telmatherina antoniae , enticing the female to spawn, and then eating the eggs. The possible evolutionary implications of sneaky egg-eating behaviour are discussed.  相似文献   

Comparative scanning electron microscope studies have been performed on the skin of two oviparous and two viviparous freshwater fish embryos and larvae in order to investigate eventual morphological differences. In the early larval stages, temporary microvilli-like structures (MVLS) were detected in oviparous fish larvae which were later replaced by raicroridge formations. In viviparous fish larvae, only'fingerprint-like'pattern microridge formations were observed. Light microscope slides showed that the disappearance of these MVLS were found to be chronologically related with the development of functional gill lamellae and yolk sac resorption.  相似文献   

In fishes, like in amphibians, it is well established that variations in rRNA activity occur during oogenesis. Contrary to amphibians, however, little is known about the ultrastructural changes of the nucleolus during fish oogenesis. Evolution of the nucleolus has been followed during oogenesis in the teleost fish Barbus barbus (L.) using light and transmission electron microscopies. We show that the behaviour of the nucleolus during B. barbus oogenesis resembles that reported in amphibians but also presents several peculiarities. The most striking feature is the marked vacuolization of nucleoli occurs at the beginning of the growth during previtellogenesis. The results obtained by means of the in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-immunogold method for detecting DNA seem further to indicate that the chromatin cap becomes integrated into developing nucleoli during previtellogenesis and then segregate at the periphery of nucleoli at the end of glycoproteinic vitellogenesis. Our study also shows that the nucleoli of germ cells, like that of follicle cells, are devoid of fibrillar centre but comprise a fibrillar and a granular component whatever the oogenetic stage. Ultrastructural detection of DNA and nucleolar proteins (AgNOR proteins, fibrillarin, and pp135) supports further the view that the Barbus nucleolus is a bipartite structure.  相似文献   

Sponges have evolved a variety of chemical and structural defense mechanisms to avoid predation. While chemical defense is well established in sponges, studies on structural defense are rare and with ambiguous results. We used field and laboratory experiments to investigate predation patterns and the anti-predatory defense mechanisms of the sponge Melophlus sarasinorum, a common inhabitant of Indo-pacific coral reefs. Specifically, we aimed to investigate whether M. sarasinorum is chemically or structurally defended against predation and if the defenses are expressed differently in the ectosomal and choanosomal tissue of the sponge. Chemical defense was measured as feeding deterrence, structural defense as feeding deterrence and toughness. Our results demonstrated that chemical defense is evenly distributed throughout the sponge and works in conjunction with a structurally defended ectosome to further reduce predation levels. The choanosome of the sponge contained higher protein levels, but revealed no structural defense. We conclude that the equal distribution of chemical defenses throughout M. sarasinorum is in accordance with Optimal Defense Theory (ODT) in regards to fish predation, while structural defense supports ODT by being restricted to the surface layer which experiences the highest predation risks from mesograzers.  相似文献   

Summary InStegodyphus sarasinorum Karsch the adult stage is attained after twelve instars. The secondary sexual characters become manifest in the twelfth instar. There is only one generation per year. Normally only one cocoon is made and taken care of by a fertilized female during her life-time.The various aspects of the bionomics and behaviour of this social spider, viz., the nest architecture, repair of webs, activity rhythm, food and feeding behaviour, population density at different stages, sex-ratio, sexual behaviour, maternal behaviour, dispersal and colony foundation, are discussed. Besides feeding her young ones during the second instar by regurgitation and by providing them with captured prey, the mother spider finally offers herself as a living food depot for her young ones which suck out her body fluids and she slowly dies.New colonies are formed after emigration over silken threads by either groups of spiderlings at various times in colonies during the fourth to ninth instars (sociotomy), or by individual fertilized females. In a second method of colony foundation, emigration of spiderlings of fourth to eighth instars takes place either by individuals or by small groups by means of silken threads produced and wafted in the wind (aerial navigation).
Résumé ChezStegodyphus sarasinorum Karsh, l'état adulte est atteint après 12 stades. Les caractères sexuels secondaires deviennent visibles au douzième. Il y a seulement une génération par an. Normalement, durant sa vie, une femelle ne tisse et soigne qu'un seul cocon.On a analysé les différents aspects de la bionomie et du comportement de cette araignée sociale, c'est-à-dire l'architecture du nid, réparation de la toile, rythme d'activité, nourriture et comportement alimentaire, densité de population aux différents stades, sex-ratio, comportement sexuel, comportement maternel, dispersion et fondation de colonies. En plus du nourrissage de ses enfants au deuxième stade par régurgitation et apport de proies capturées, la mère s'offre finalement comme réserve vivante de nourriture pour ses enfants qui pompent la lymphe et elle meurt lentement.De nouvelles colonies apparaissent par migration sur fils de soie ou bien de jeunes du quatrième au neuvième stade à différents moments de la colonie, ou bien de femelles fécondées seules. Dans une deuxième méthode de fondation de colonie, la migration des jeunes du quatrième au huitième stade se fait seule ou en petits groupes par production de fils de soie et transport aérien.

The ovarian follicles of Ctenosaura pectinata exhibit a clear seasonal cycle in morphology. Early in development, each oocyte is surrounded by a granulosa composed of a single layer of cuboidal or squamous cells and thin thecal layers. As folliculogenesis progresses, the granulosa becomes multilayered and composed of three distinct cell types. After vitellogenesis begins and active sequestration of yolk into the ooplasm is initiated, the granulosa is reduced to a single cell type. We observed a striking change in the appearance of the ooplasm during folliculogenesis. Early ovarian development is characterized by an ooplasm with homogeneously distributed fine fibrils, but as development progresses, the ooplasm contains dense clumps of fibers aggregated into distinctive bundles. The ooplasm displays further complexity in morphology as previtellogenic growth continues and as different regions exhibit various combinations of fibers and vacuoles. Yolk platelet formation is complex, with distinctive stages generating platelets with varying morphologies. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Monthly studies on the seasonal parasite fauna dynamics of pike, minnow and perch were carried out from May, 1974 to September, 1977. It was found out that the myxosporidian Henneguya creplini has a one-year life cycle. The infection of perch with this parasite takes place at a water temperature not exceeding 13 degrees. In other species (Chloromyxum esocinum, Ch. mitenevi, Myxobolus cybinae) the life cycle is shorter, in consequence of which fishes can be infected with these parasites several times a year and in different seasons. The nature of seasonal changes in abundance of myxosporidians depends to a great extent on weather conditions of each concrete year.  相似文献   

Histologically derived estimates and ink suspension vascular casts were used to examine oviducal vascular changes. Vascularity peaked during gravidity and was correlated with maximal plasma progesterone concentrations. The vascular increase in the oviducal tissue was attributed exclusively to increased capillary densities. The greatest change occurred in the anterior uterus where incubation and egg shell secretion occur. Similar patterns of change in vascularity occurred in the infundibulum, although not as extreme as that seen in the anterior uterus, whereas no significant alterations were noted in the posterior uterus. These modifications mimic the pattern of vascular change occurring in viviparous lizards during simple placentation. We suggest that major changes in uterine vascularity may not be required for the evolution of simple chorioallantoic placentae in lizards.  相似文献   

In birds and oviparous reptiles, hatching is often a lengthy and exhausting process, which commences with pipping followed by lung clearance and pulmonary ventilation. We examined the composition of pulmonary surfactant in the developing lungs of the chicken, Gallus gallus, and of the bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps. Lung tissue was collected from chicken embryos at days 14, 16, 18 (prepipped), and 20 (postpipped) of incubation and from 1 day and 3 wk posthatch and adult animals. In chickens, surfactant protein A mRNA was detected using Northern blot analysis in lung tissue at all stages sampled, appearing relatively earlier in development compared with placental mammals. Chickens were lavaged at days 16, 18, and 20 of incubation and 1 day posthatch, whereas bearded dragons were lavaged at day 55, days 57-60 (postpipped), and days 58-61 (posthatched). In both species, total phospholipid (PL) from the lavage increased throughout incubation. Disaturated PL (DSP) was not measurable before 16 days of incubation in the chick embryo nor before 55 days in bearded dragons. However, the percentage of DSP/PL increased markedly throughout late development in both species. Because cholesterol (Chol) remained unchanged, the Chol/PL and Chol/DSP ratios decreased in both species. Thus the Chol and PL components are differentially regulated. The lizard surfactant system develops and matures over a relatively shorter time than that of birds and mammals. This probably reflects the highly precocial nature of hatchling reptiles.  相似文献   

The review provides information on adaptive responses of fish metabolic processes in response to temperature reduction of habitat, including the direction of adjustment of energy metabolism and mechanisms to improve the adaptive capacity and reparative capacity of tissues in response to lower temperatures. It presents data on the effect of temperature on the reproductive function of fish and fish development processes in the early stages of ontogeny.  相似文献   

The metabolic cost of reproduction in an oviparous lizard   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Stream-dwelling fish populations have long served as important models of animal movement. Populations of adult stream-dwelling fishes are generally composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals. However, we do not know whether this pattern that we typically observe among adults is indicative of patterns of movement that occur throughout the life cycle. Therefore, we do not know whether we can apply these patterns to understanding or predicting processes such as migration and thus the potential for the evolution of genetic differences among populations. We test the general hypothesis that patterns of movement throughout the life cycle are consistent with patterns of movement inferred by indirect genetic methods and, more specifically, that the characteristics of the mobile fraction of the population are consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. We used parentage analyses to infer the movements of alevin brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, Canada, and a capture-recapture study of one cohort in this population to infer movement throughout the rest of the life cycle. We found that alevins move large distances shortly after emergence, primarily in the downstream direction, and that the population is composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals throughout all other intervals of the life cycle. In contrast, when we considered movements of individuals first captured as juveniles and eventually recovered as reproductively mature adults, we found relatively large and uniform distributions of net movement distance. Thus, heterogeneity in individual movement of adults is not representative of patterns of movement throughout the life cycle and therefore may provide only limited inference of population-level processes such as gene flow.  相似文献   

Oviposition aggregation pheromones occur in a range of insect groups including Diptera, where they mediate oviposition in four different families of disease vectors. In this paper, Philip McCall and Mary Cameron discuss the selection pressures favouring oviposition pheromones and speculate on their potential applications in disease monitoring and control.  相似文献   

From ovulation to oviposition, the corpora lutea of the oviparous lizards Crotaphytus collaris and Eumeces obsoletus exhibit three stages of luteal development: 1) luteogenesis, 2) luteal maturity, and 3) luteal regression. Each stage exhibits distinct characteristics, involving changes in: 1) luteal volume, 2) nuclear diameter of cells within the luteal cell mass, and 3) thecal development. Plasma progesterone concentration is greatest during luteogenesis and is positively correlated with ovarian atresia, although atresia occurred throughout the period of gravidity. These data suggest that in these two species, the corpora lutea secrete high amounts of progesterone immediately following ovulation and exhibit morphologically distinct stages of growth and regression.  相似文献   

In reptiles, as in the other oviparous vertebrates, vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis is stimulated in the liver by ovarian estrogens. In this article, the presence of VTG precursors was detected in liver subcellular fractions of the oviparous lizard, Podarcis sicula, in the reproductive period. The rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the smooth microsomal fraction (SMF), which includes smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex, were separated by means of two different sucrose gradients. The successful separation was controlled at the electron microscope. The contents of the different compartments were extracted by means of n-octyl-beta-D-glucopiranoside detergent and subjected to SDS-PAGE. Western Blotting with homologous anti/VTG antibody revealed two immunoreactive proteins of about 84 and 70 kDa in the RER, and four proteins of about 180, 150, 60, 50 kDa in the SMF; all these proteins appeared phosphorylated and glycosylated. The differences in the molecular weight of these VTG precursors are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. Communal oviposition by the Simulium damnosum complex of Afrotropical blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions, using wild-caught flies in Sierra Leone. Volatile compounds emitted by Simulium eggs were trapped using a closed collection system, and their attractiveness to gravid flies was tested in a two-choice behavioural bioassay. Significantly more female blackflies oviposited on substrates baited with freshly laid eggs (100% chose the baited substrate), or with the volatiles collected from freshly laid eggs (85% chose the baited substrate), in preference to the relevant control substrates. Substrates baited with volatiles from 12-h-old eggs were not significantly more attractive than controls (only 31% chose the baited substrates; P = 0.33). Gas chromatographic analysis of the egg volatiles consistently showed two peaks emanating from fresh eggs, but significantly lower amounts from 12-h-old eggs ( P <0.05). A novel system for collecting the volatiles from this and other blackfly species, as they laid eggs on a substrate in flowing water, is described. Volatiles collected using this method showed identical gas chromatographic profiles to those of fresh eggs alone, indicating that the flies themselves produced no other volatile chemical signals during oviposition. Evidently communal oviposition by S. damnosum s.l . was mediated by a pheromone emanating from fresh eggs. The role of pheromone-mediated egg aggregation in blackfly ecology is discussed, and its possible manipulation is considered.  相似文献   

The effect of fish predation on Cyclops life cycle   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Papi  `nska  Katarzyna 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):449-453
Two populations of Cyclops abyssorum tatricus studied in neighbouring alpine lakes in Tatra Mountains (southern Poland) differed in their life cycles. In the lake with planktivorous fishes, Cyclops was typically monocyclic, with highly synchronized reproduction during two winter months, while in the fishless lake its reproduction was asynchronous and continued for six months. Direct and indirect effects of fish predation on Cyclops life cycles are discussed.  相似文献   

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