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Khokhlov AN 《Tsitologiia》2002,44(12):1143-1148
The overwhelming majority of research in the field of cytogerontology (i.e. investigating mechanisms of aging in experiments with cultured cells) has been done using the widely applied Hayflick's model. More than 40 years have passed since the appearance of the model, and during this time numerous data were obtained on its basis. The data significantly contributed to our knowledge of the behavior of cultured animal and human cells. In particular, we know enough about the in vitro aging phenomenon. But in my opinion, little has changed in our knowledge of aging in the whole organism. This may be, presumably, because Hayflich's model, like many other models used in experimental gerontology, is correlative, i.e. based on a great variety of detected correlations. In Hayflick's model these are correlations between the cell mitotic potential (cell population doubling potential) and the number of "gerontological" parameters and indices, such as the species life span, donor's age, evidence of progeroid syndromes, etc, and also correlations between various changes of normal (diploid) cells during a long-term cultivation and in the course of organismal aging. However, it is well known that a good correlation does not frequently have anything in common with the essence (gist) of the phenomenon under investigation. For example, the amount of grey hair in the individual is known to excellently correlate with his or her age, being, however, in no way associated with mechanisms of aging or probability of death. In this case, the absence of cause-effect relationships is evident. But it is these particular relationships that are totally indispensable for gist models developing. Such models, different from the correlative ones, are based on a definite concept of aging phenomenon. With the Hayflick's model, such a concept is absent, since using "Hayflick's limit" one cannot explain why the human organism is aging eventually. This can be exemplified by a discovery of a telomere mechanism, which is claimed to determine cell aging in vitro. This discovery triggered an outburst of theories aimed to explain on its basis as well the process of aging in vivo. However, now it is clear that mechanisms of the whole organism aging, hidden, presumably, in its postmitotic cells (neurons or cardiomyocytes) cannot be accounted for by this approach. In view of all stated above, we consider as indispensable the elaboration of "gist" models of aging using cultured cells. Mechanism of cell aging in these models must be similar to those in the whole organism. We believe that one of such models may be our "stationary phase aging" model, based on an assumption of the leading role of cell proliferation restriction in aging. We assume that accumulation of "senile" damage may by caused by the restriction of cell proliferation due to both the formation of differentiated cell populations in the course of development, and the existence of saturation density phenomenon (in vitro). Cell proliferation changes by themselves do not induce any aging processes, but lead only to accumulating macromolecular defects, which in their turn generate deterioration of tissues, organs, and eventually of the whole organism, thus increasing the probability of its death. Within the framework of our model, we define cell aging as the accumulation in a cell population of different types of damage identical to the damage arising in senscencing multicellular organism. And finally, we consider as very important the future studies aimed to determine the process of cell dying and cell death in general. Availability of such definitions would help to draw real parallels between the "genuine" cell aging (i.e. the increased probability of cell destruction with "age") and aging of the multicellular organism.  相似文献   

Twenty years of research into medicinal plants: Results and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the years 1981 to 2001 there has been a rapid evolution of research into medicinal plants. The major improvement has been the introduction of simple and predictive bioassays for bioactivity-guided isolation. Radical developments in separation methods have also taken place. Another important addition has been the development of hyphenated techniques involving HPLC: LC/UV, LC/MS, LC/MSn and LC/NMR. These are indispensable nowadays for the early detection and identification of new compounds in crude plant extracts. Hyphenated techniques allow an efficient targeted isolation approach for the discovery of new lead compounds. Other areas of increasing importance include the investigation of toxic constituents of plants and phytomedicines, and the effects of genetic modifications on plant secondary metabolites. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been recognized as the main etiologic agent of cervical cancer and other anogenital neoplasms, and a leading cause of death from cancer worldwide. In the last twenty years, extensive research has contributed to document the molecular mechanisms of virus persistence and malignant transformation, confirming a direct role of viral proteins in these processes. A clear understanding of the molecular epidemiology of HPVs and the availability of powerful molecular diagnostic techniques have provided the background for prevention strategies of HPV-related carcinomas. Since these viruses are highly prevalent in the general population, strict screening programs are still necessary. Recently, major breakthroughs have emerged from immunological studies. Indeed, these studies have paved the way for medical treatment of HPV infections and provided the first highly effective preventive vaccines. For these principal reasons, the time has come for a great effort towards the eradication of these important human pathogens. The present review summarizes the main aspects of the virology, molecular epidemiology and molecular biology of HPV infection and highlights the recent perspectives of prevention and treatment of the HPV-related disease.  相似文献   

Antiplatelet agents are a cornerstone in the treatment of acute arterial thrombotic events and in the prevention of thrombus formation. However, existing antiplatelet agents (mainly aspirin, the combination of aspirin and dipyridamole and clopidogrel) reduce the risk of vascular events only by about one quarter compared with placebo. As a consequence, more efficacious antiplatelet therapies with a reduced bleeding risk are needed. We give an overview of several new antiplatelet agents that are currently investigated in secondary stroke prevention: adenosine 5′-diphosphonate receptor antagonists, cilostazol, sarpogrelate, terutroban and SCH 530348. There are unique features in secondary stroke prevention that have to be taken into account: ischaemic stroke is a heterogeneous disease caused by multiple aetiologies and the blood–brain barrier is disturbed after stroke which may result in a higher intracerebral bleeding risk. Several small randomized trials indicated that the combination of aspirin and clopidogrel might be superior to antiplatelet monotherapy in the acute and early post-ischaemic phase. There is an ongoing debate about antiplatelet resistance. Decreasing response to aspirin is correlated independently with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. However, there is still no evidence from randomized trials linking aspirin resistance and recurrent ischaemic events. Similarly, randomized trials have not demonstrated a clinical significantly decreased antiplatelet effect by the concomitant use of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors. Nevertheless, a routine use of this drug combination is not recommended.  相似文献   

This paper describes the trends in tobacco sales and smoking prevalence in the Tunisian population, estimates the consequences of smoking on mortality of this population, and discusses anti-tobacco actions: educational actions, legislative measures and price increases. Sales Data were collected from the Tunisia tobacco company. Smoking prevalence data from surveys, conducted by several institutes, and numbers of deaths by causes have been estimated from WHO for the year 1998. Tobacco sales increased from 4.96 g per adult per day in 1981, to 6.3 g, in 1993, then decreased widely. The proportion of smokers was 30% in 1996. 55% among men versus 5.6% among women. Among 17 to 24 years old young adults, the proportion of smokers was 29.2% in 1994 (50% among men versus 3.9%, among women). Mortality attributable to tobacco in Tunisia has been estimated to 6430 deaths in 1997 (5580 among men versus 850 among women). These deaths represent 22% of the total male deaths and 4% of the female ones. Anti-tobacco measures have been reinforced by the enactment of anti-tobacco law. Proportion of young smokers remaining elevated, it is expected that consequences of the tobacco addiction in Tunisia, in term of mortality, will be even heavier in the next two decades, if efficient anti-tobacco actions are not implemented.  相似文献   

Some scientific-organizational problems of coordinating work within the framework of CMEA and the perspectives of further unification of hygienic standards of chemical factors in industrial environment are expounded.  相似文献   

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