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Action of high temperature (36°C) on the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans organism was manifested in errors of the motor program of swimming induced by a mechanical stimulus (37 ± 2 min), the complete, but reversible cessation of locomotion (57 ± 3 min), while damage—in thermal death (215 ± 5 min). Addition into medium of atropine (10?8–10?9 M) and chemical stimuli (10?8–10?6 cAMP or lysine) causes considerable changes of thermal stability of the worm locomotion. Analysis of these data has shown that the cause of the reversible thermal disturbance of the C. elegans locomotion is disintegration of neurons in the nervous centers regulating behavior. The obtained data indicate the presence in the simple organism of C. elegans of adaptations increasing stability of processes of integration of neurons to a high temperature, which were found earlier in arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

One of the looming mysteries in signal transduction today is the question of how mechanical signals, such as pressure or mechanical force delivered to a cell, are interpreted to direct biological responses. All living organisms, and probably all cells, have the ability to sense and respond to mechanical stimuli. At the single-cell level, mechanical signaling underlies cell-volume control and specialized responses such as the prevention of poly-spermy in fertilization. At the level of the whole organism, mechanotransduction underlies processes as diverse as stretch-activated reflexes in vascular epithelium and smooth muscle; gravitaxis and turgor control in plants; tissue development and morphogenesis; and the senses of touch, hearing, and balance. Intense genetic, molecular, and elecrophysiological studies in organisms ranging from nematodes to mammals have highlighted members of the recently discovered DEG/ENaC family of ion channels as strong candidates for the elusive metazoan mechanotransducer. Here, we discuss the evidence that links DEG/ENaC ion channels to mechanotransduction and review the function of Caenorhabiditis elegans members of this family called degenerins and their role in mediating mechanosensitive behaviors in the worm.  相似文献   

Extensive in silico search of the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans revealed the presence of 33 genes coding for globins that are all transcribed. These globins are very diverse in gene and protein structure and are localized in a variety of cells, mostly neurons. The large number of C. elegans globin genes is assumed to be the result of multiple evolutionary duplication and radiation events. Processes of subfunctionalization and diversification probably led to their cell-specific expression patterns and fixation into the genome. To date, four globins (GLB-1, GLB-5, GLB-6, and GLB-26) have been partially characterized physicochemically, and the crystallographic structure of two of them (GLB-1 and GLB-6) was solved. In this article, a three-dimensional model was designed for the other two globins (GLB-5 and GLB-26), and overlays of the globins were constructed to highlight the structural diversity among them. It is clear that although they all share the globin fold, small variations in the three-dimensional structure have major implications on their ligand-binding properties and possibly their function. We also review here all the information available so far on the globin family of C. elegans and suggest potential functions.  相似文献   

Paramyosin of Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Paramyosin has been isolated from the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. Its identity has been established by a variety of criteria, including purification, molecular weight, immunological cross reactivity with known paramyosin and formation of characteristic paracrystals. The presence of paramyosin in both pharyngeal and body-wall musculature was shown by a technique that allows analysis by sodium dodecyl sulphate gels of the protein in a single worm. The possibility of defining the role of paramyosin in the structure and function of the invertebrate muscle through the isolation of mutants in this protein is discussed.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, the decision to develop as a hermaphrodite or male is controlled by a cascade of regulatory genes. These genes and other tissue-specific regulatory genes also control sexual fate in the hermaphrodite germline, which makes sperm first and then oocytes. In this review, we summarize the genetic and molecular characterization of these genes and speculate how they mutually interact to specify sexual fate.  相似文献   

We have looked at the effects of the cryoprotectant M22 upon viability in the model organism C. elegans. M22 is a well-known vitrification solution which has been successfully used in the laboratory to preserve organs destined for transplantation. M22 reduces survival of C. elegans in a concentration-dependent manner. M22 at concentrations of 10% (v/v) or higher inhibits progeny production and development. A few mutants in the ILS (insulin-like signaling) pathway of C. elegans are more resistant to the toxic effect of M22 compared to wild-type worms. Afatinib, an anti-cancer drug, protects against M22 toxicity. Afatinib by itself does not increase longevity.  相似文献   

We discuss in this review recent studies using the worm Caenorhabditis elegans to decipher endocytic trafficking in a multicellular organism. Recent advances, including in vivo assay systems, new genetic screens, comparative functional analysis of conserved proteins, and RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) in C. elegans, are being used to study the functions of known membrane trafficking factors and to identify new ones. The ability to monitor endocytosis in vivo in worms allows one to test current endocytosis models and to demonstrate the physiological significance of factors identified by genetic and biochemical methods. The available human genome sequence facilitates comparative studies where human homologs of new factors identified in C. elegans can be quickly assayed for similar function using traditional cell biological methods in mammalian cell systems. New studies in C. elegans have used a combination of these techniques to reveal novel metazoan-specific trafficking factors required for endocytosis. Many more metazoan-specific trafficking factors and insights into the mechanisms of endocytosis are likely to be uncovered by analysis in C. elegans .  相似文献   

The nematode C. elegans exhibits a variety of reponses to touch. When specific sets of mechanosensory neurons are killed with a laser, specific touch responses are abolished. Many mutations that result in defective mechanosensation have been identified. Some of the mutations define genes that specify the fate of a set of mechanoreceptors called the touch cells, which mediate response to light touch to the body of the worm. Genes specifying touch cell fate appear to regulate genes that encode touch-cell differentiation proteins, including apparent subunits of a touch-cell-specific ion channel, rare mutant forms of which lead to swelling and lysis of the touch cells. Molecular attachments of the ion channel, both to extracellular matrix components and, intracellularly, to a special large-diameter microtubule, may be required for mechanical gating of the channel. A mechanoreceptor-interneuron-motorneuron reflex circuit for response to light touch has been proposed.  相似文献   

Identification of five laboratory strains (1-5) of putative Caenorhabditis briggsae was undertaken. Examination of the male bursal ray arrangement, mating tests with males of Caenorhabditis elegans, malate dehydrogenase zymograms, and SDS polyacrylamide electrophoresis demonstrated that strain 4 was C. briggsae and the others were C. elegans.  相似文献   

A proteome of a model organism, Caenorhabditis elegans, was analyzed by an integrated liquid chromatography (LC)-based protein identification system, which was constructed by microscale two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DLC) coupled with electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) on a high-resolution hybrid mass spectrometer with an automated data analysis system. Soluble and insoluble protein fractions were prepared from a mixed growth phase culture of the worm C. elegans, digested with trypsin, and fractionated separately on the 2DLC system. The separated peptides were directly analyzed by on-line ESI-MS/MS in a data-dependent mode, and the resultant spectral data were automatically processed to search a genome sequence database, wormpep 66, for protein identification. The total number of proteins of the composite proteome identified in this method was 1,616, including 110 secreted/targeted proteins and 242 transmembrane proteins. The codon adaptation indices of the identified proteins suggested that the system could identify proteins of relatively low abundance, which are difficult to identify by conventional 2D-gel electrophoresis (GE) followed by an offline mass spectrometric analysis such as peptide mass fingerprinting. Among the approximately 5,400 peptides assigned in this study, many peptides with post-translational modifications, such as N-terminal acetylation and phosphorylation, were detected. This expression profile of C. elegans, containing 571 hypothetical gene products, will serve as the basic data of a major proteome set expressed in the worm.  相似文献   

In the small nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, mutants with a disorganized myofilament lattice structure have been identified by polarized light and electron microscopy. Genetic analysis places the mutations in 12 complementation groups which are distributed over the six linkage groups of C. elegans. The phenotypes are described for the mutants from the 9 complementation groups not previously reported on in detail. Most are paralyzed, but some exhibit essentially normal movement; mutants of two loci show changes only in later larval stages and adulthood. Morphological studies show that, in general, all the members of a complementation group show similar changes in muscle structure and that these changes are distinctive for that group. In mutants of several genes, disorganization of the myofilament lattice is general with no one component of the lattice more obviously altered than others. In mutants of other genes specific structures are prominently altered. In one of the instances where thick filaments appear to be abnormal, double mutants combining mutations in this gene (unc-82 IV) with mutations in the gene for a myosin heavy chain (MacLeod et al., 1977a,b) or paramyosin (Waterston et al., 1977) were used to show that the unc-82 gene product probably affects thick filament assembly through its actions on paramyosin. Some possible implications of the morphological features of the mutants as well as the conclusions derived from the genetic studies are discussed.  相似文献   

RNAi mechanisms in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Grishok A 《FEBS letters》2005,579(26):5932-5939

To date, 9 FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) have been structurally characterised from Caenorhabditis elegans. Radioimmunometrical screening of an ethanolic extract of C. elegans revealed the presence of two additional FaRPs that were purified by reverse-phase HPLC and subjected to Edman degradation analysis and gas-phase sequencing. Unequivocal primary structures for the two FaRPs were determined as Ala-Ala-Asp-Gly-Ala-Pro-Leu-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH(2) and Ser-Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Leu-Arg-Phe-NH(2). Using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, the molecular masses of the peptides were found to be 1032 Da (MH) and 875 Da (MH)(+), respectively. Two copies of AADGAPLIRFamide are predicted to be encoded on the precursor gene termed flp-13, while one copy of SVPGVLRFamide is located on flp-18. Synthetic replicates of the peptides were tested on Ascaris suum somatic muscle to assess bioactivity. ADDGAPLIRFamide had inhibitory effects on A. suum muscle strips, which occurred over a range of concentrations from a threshold for activity of 10 nM to 10 microM. SVPGVLRFamide was excitatory on A. suum somatic musculature from a threshold concentration for activity of 1 nM to 10 microM. The inhibitory and excitatory effects of AADGAPLIRFamide and SVPGVLRFamide, respectively, were the same for dorsal and ventral muscle strips as well as innervated and denervated preparations, suggesting that these physiological effects are not nerve cord dependent. Addition of ADDGAPLIRFamide (10 microM) to muscle strips preincubated in high-K(+) and -Ca(2+)-free medium resulted in a normal inhibitory response. Peptide addition to muscle strips preincubated in Cl(-)-free medium showed no inhibitory response, suggesting that the inhibitory response of the peptide may be chloride mediated. A normal excitatory response was noted following the addition of 10 microM SVPGVLRFamide to muscle strips preincubated in high-K(+), Ca(2+)- and Cl(-)-free media.  相似文献   

Completion of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome sequencing project in 1998 has provided more insight into the complexity of nematode neuropeptide signaling. Several C. elegans neuropeptide precursor genes, coding for approximately 250 peptides, have been predicted from the genomic database. One can, however, not deduce whether all these peptides are actually expressed, nor is it possible to predict all post-translational modifications. Using two dimensional nanoscale liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry and database mining, we analyzed a mixed stage C. elegans extract. This peptidomic setup yielded 21 peptides derived from formerly predicted neuropeptide-like protein (NLP) precursors and 28 predicted FMRFamide-related peptides. In addition, we were able to sequence 11 entirely novel peptides derived from nine peptide precursors that were not predicted or identified in any way previously. Some of the identified peptides display profound sequence similarities with neuropeptides from other invertebrates, indicating that these peptides have a long evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Antebi A 《PLoS genetics》2007,3(9):1565-1571
A dissection of longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals that animal life span is influenced by genes, environment, and stochastic factors. From molecules to physiology, a remarkable degree of evolutionary conservation is seen.  相似文献   

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