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中国西藏兰科植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王喜龙  李剑武  王程旺  金效华 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1440-1445
中国西藏东南地区位于东喜马拉雅和印缅的交接处,是全球生物多样性的热点地区,尤其是位于该地区的墨脱,由于巨大的海拔高差,使该地区的植被类型呈显著的垂直地带性,且植物种类繁多、植被结构复杂。该文报道了西藏野生兰科植物新记录属3个,即线柱兰属(Zeuxine)、爬兰属(Herpysma)和槽舌兰属(Holcoglossum);新记录种27个,即白肋线柱兰(Zeuxine goodyeroides)、爬兰(Herpysma longicaulis)、小花槽舌兰(Holcoglossum himalaicum)、西南齿唇兰(Anoectochilus elwesii)、窄唇蜘蛛兰(Arachnis labrosa)、短足石豆兰(Bulbophyllum stenobulbon)、尖角卷瓣兰(B. forrestii)、南方虾脊兰(Calanthe lyroglossa)、泰国牛角兰(Ceratostylis siamensis)、金唇兰(Chrysoglossum ornatum)、格力贝母兰(Coelogyne griffithii)、云南贝母兰(C. assamica)、斑舌兰(Cymbidium tigrinum)、梳唇石斛(Dendrobium strongylanthum)、狭叶金石斛((D. angustifolium)、厚唇兰(D. mariae)、粗茎苹兰(Pinalia amica)、垂叶斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula)、绿花斑叶兰(G. viridiflora)、狭叶羊耳蒜(Liparis perpusilla)、小花羊耳蒜(L. platyrachis)、三裂羊耳蒜(L. mannii)、镰叶鸢尾兰(Oberonia falcata)、阔瓣鸢尾兰(O. latipetala)、凹唇石仙桃(Pholidota convallariae)、大苞兰(Sunipia scariosa)、滇南矮柱兰(Thelasis khasiana)。这些植物新资料的发现,对于丰富西藏植物种类以及对该地区物种多样性的保护和研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国兰科植物研究杂记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科植物一个新记录属和三个新记录种,短距兰属(Penkimia)、短距兰(P.na-galandensis)、长序大苞兰(Sunipia cirrhata)、白花叉喙兰(Uncifera thailandica).短距兰属(Penkimia)区别与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)在于侧萼片合抱蕊柱,唇瓣没有任何附属物以及锥形的距;长序大苞兰的花序长于叶,唇瓣基部具一个胼胝体;白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房.  相似文献   

中国兰科二新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国西藏兰科植物二新记录种:无叶沼兰(Crepidium aphyllum(King&Pantl.)A.N.Rao)和矮生白点兰Thrixspermum pygmaeum(King&Pantl.)Holttum。无叶沼兰和本属另一腐生种C.saprophytum(King&Pantl.)A.N.Rao的主要区别为假鳞茎圆柱形,唇瓣平展,顶端圆形,中萼片直立。矮生白点兰与T.masciflorum A.S.Rao&J.Joseph相似,但本种花序短于叶,苞片螺旋排列、花瓣匙形、唇瓣下凹且3裂、中裂片顶端下凹、胼胝体有毛。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物的三个新记录种,裂唇卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum picturatum),长柄虾脊兰(Calan-the allizettei)和绿花毛兰(Eria lanigera)。裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物,唇瓣基部两侧具耳。长柄虾脊兰的中裂片非常小并具三条褶片。黄花毛兰的花黄绿色,唇瓣不裂。  相似文献   

中国兰科植物资料增补   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae植物4个新种——短距叉柱兰Cheirostylis calcarata X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、麻栗坡叉柱兰C. malipoensis X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、膜翅盆距兰Gastrochilus alatus X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen、麻栗坡盆距兰G. malipoensis X. H. Jin & S. C. Chen和7个新记录种——高山卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum rolfei、卵唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum ovatilabellum、三脊毛兰Eria cristata、二脊盆距兰Gastrochilus affinis、三裂对叶兰Listera micrantha、紫唇钗子股Luisia macrotis、圆柱叶鸢尾兰Oberonia teres。短距叉柱兰C. calcarata与扇唇叉柱兰C. spathulata相似, 但本种的根状茎直立, 唇瓣具距, 蕊柱附属物长于蕊喙等与后者区别; 麻栗坡叉柱兰C. malipoensis与云南叉柱兰C. yunnanensis相似, 不同之处在于该种的根状茎节间两端收狭, 后唇具纵向的隔膜, 蕊柱附属物短于蕊喙; 膜翅盆距兰G. alatus与列叶盆距兰G. distichus形态上相似, 但以花黄色, 前唇宽、膜质并且中部具纵向的脊而易与列叶盆距兰区别; 麻栗坡盆距兰G. malipoensis与盆距兰G. calceolaris相似, 但该种具总状花序, 前唇光滑并为半圆形而易与后者进行分别。高山卷瓣兰Bulbophyllum rolfei的中萼片为侧萼片的一半长, 花序与叶等长或超过叶长, 侧萼片至少有一部分贴生; 卵唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum ovatilabellum中萼片的侧脉分叉, 唇瓣具一U形的胼胝体; 三脊毛兰Eria cristata的花苞片紫色反折, 唇瓣白色到乳黄色并具3条褶片; 二脊盆距兰Gastrochilus affinis的前裂片边缘具齿, 并具2条从基部到顶部的脊; 三裂对叶兰Listera micrantha的唇瓣前部三裂; 紫唇钗子股Luisia macrotis的侧萼片与唇瓣等长, 花瓣不宽于5 mm, 唇瓣紫色, 前唇心形; 圆柱叶鸢尾兰Oberonia teres叶子圆柱形, 唇瓣中裂片先端2裂.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)植物二新记录种,即镰叶鸢尾兰(Oberonia falcata King & Pantl.)和坎布里鸢尾兰(O.kanburiensis Seidenf.)。镰叶鸢尾兰茎较长,叶镰曲状,萼片反折,唇瓣中裂片二裂呈锐角,先端尖;坎布里鸢尾兰花瓣及唇瓣边缘流苏状,唇瓣中部缢缩,在中裂片先端最宽。  相似文献   

中国兰科二新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国兰科2新记录种,大花大苞兰(Sunipia grandiflora (Rolfe) P.F. Hunt)及小花石豆兰(Bulbophyllum parviflorum C.S.P. Parish &; Rchb.f.)。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科2新记录种,大花大苞兰(Sunipia grandiflora (Rolfe) P.F.Hunt)及小花石豆兰(Bulbophyllum parviflorum C.S.P.Parish&Rchb.f.).  相似文献   

陕西鸟巢兰属一新种--太白山鸟巢兰   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对中国陕西产的兰科新种太白山鸟巢兰Neottia taibaishanensis P H.Yang & K.Y.Lang作了描述和绘图。本新种与尖唇鸟巢兰N acuminata相似,但整个植株为灰黑色,花序轴被贴伏银灰色长柔毛,萼片、花瓣和唇瓣灰黑色而边缘为灰白色,唇瓣宽倒卵形或近圆形,先端具短尖而不同。  相似文献   

通过野外考察和标本研究,将Gastrochilus fuscopuntuatus和Oberonia pumila分别处理为Gastrochilus pseudodistichus和Oberonia insularis的异名;将Gastrochilus somai处理为一个独立的种;并报道了中国兰科4个新记录种:毛唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum gyrochilum、独龙石斛Dendrobium praecintum、高山阔蕊兰Peristylus superanthus和狭瓣大苞兰Sunipia angustipetala。  相似文献   

Eight new species from China, Cheirostylis chuxiongensis, C. yei, Myrmechis lingulata, M. longii, Bulbophyllum ximaense, B. xizangense, B. retusum and B. pulcherissimum, are described and illustrated. Cheirostylis chuxiongensis differs from C. thailandica by having 5–9 irregular and papillae-like calli on each side in the sac of the lip, epichile with entire lobes, petals narrowly obliquely obovate and an apex that is not recurved. Cheirostylis yei is easily distinguished from its relatives similar by having a long stem, pubescent ovary and sepals, epichile lobes with irregular and undulate margins, a subquadrate callus without teeth in the saccate hypochile. Myrmechis lingulata differs from M. chinensis by having a simple and lanceolate to ligulate lip, glabrous bracts and ovary, oblique and narrowly ovate petals. Myrmechis longii differs from M. pumila by having white-veined leaves, oblong-lanceolate epichile lobes, and viscidium attached to the middle of the caudicle. Bulbophyllum ximaense is easily distinguished from its relatives similar by having distant pseudobulbs, shorter scape, an inflorescence with 9–16 orange-red flowers, shorter lateral sepals with a long acuminate apex, incurved and tubular apical margins, a papillate lip disk and triangular-subulate stelidia. Bulbophyllum xizangense is easily distinguished from its relatives similar by having narrow lanceolate leaves, shorter inflorescence with 1–3 greenish-yellow flowers, falcate-ovoid lateral sepals, a lip with small lateral lobes and 3 keels at the base. Bulbophyllum retusum differs from B. spathulatum by having shorter inflorescence, peduncles with 2 tubular sheaths, dorsal sepals with a retuse apex, lateral sepals with lower edges that are connate to each other and free and divergent toward the apex, obovate petals with an acute or slightly retuse apex. Bulbophyllum pulcherissimum differs from B. lopalanthum by its 5-veined dorsal sepal, ovate-lanceolate lateral sepals, obliquely ovate-oblong petal, erose-toothed margins and obovate lip with a large, oblong basal callus, and an obtuse base. In addition, three species (Bulbophyllum frostii, B. raskotii and B. nematocaulon) are reported for the first time in China.  相似文献   

报道中国兰科叉柱兰属一新记录种——匍匐叉柱兰(Cheirostylis serpens Aver.)。该种以附生小草本,茎匍匐状,叶无柄,唇瓣白色,及向内卷缩的肉质边缘增生将唇瓣分为明显的上下两个唇而与其他种类相区别。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)一新记录种——白苞石豆兰(Bulbophyllum albibracteum Seidenf.),它的主要特征是花苞片白色,大且显著,外弯,边缘具细锯齿;萼片背面沿中脉具短毛;蕊柱齿直立细长,长达1 mm。鞍唇沼兰(Malaxis matsudai (Yamamoto) Hatusima)与全唇叉柱兰(Cheirostylis takeoi(Hayata) Schltr.)为中国大陆新记录。  相似文献   

Cheirostylis seidenfadeniana is described from Kerala in India. The new species appears to be related to C. parvifolia and shares some characteristics with C. thailandica and C. montana , but differs in floral characters.  相似文献   

Jin XiaoHua  Li Heng 《Brittonia》2007,59(3):243-244
Listera fugongensis, a new species from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related to Listera nipponica, but differs from it by having green flowers, petals slightly wider than lateral sepals, and a toothed lip with ciliate margins.  相似文献   

Didymodon mesopapillosus J. Kou, X.‐M. Shao & C. Feng is described and illustrated as a new species from Tibet, China. It is characterized mainly by its ovate to ovate‐lanceolate leaves appressed to weakly erect when dry, margins recurved from leaf base to apex, laminal cell superficial walls markedly thicker than the internal walls, laminal papillae present only on both sides of costa, short‐excurrent costa, undifferentiated basal cells and differentiated perichaetial leaves. This species is compared with similar species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

The longevity and fecundity of adult Phoracantha recurva and Phoracantha semipunctata were strongly affected by diet. Female P. recurva fed a diet of Eucalyptus pollen and sucrose solution lived 34-56% longer than females fed diets containing other types of pollen, ground dog chow, or sucrose solution alone. Diet had no significant effect on longevity of P. recurva males. Similarly, longevities of P. semipunctata females were increased 48-71% on the Eucalyptus pollen diet compared with the other diets. Male P. semipunctata also lived longer on the Eucalyptus pollen diet than most of the other diets. Fecundity was dramatically affected by diet, with P. recurva females fed the Eucalyptus pollen diet laying approximately 4-8 times more eggs than females on the other diets. Eucalyptus pollen also increased the fecundity of P. semipunctata females approximately 3-5-fold. Diet resulted in only minor effects on egg size and percent egg hatch for both beetle species.  相似文献   

中国兰科杓兰属一新种及一新变种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对云南东南部兰科新种麻栗坡杓兰(Cypripodium,malipoense)和新变种大围山杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense var.datveishanense)作了描述。麻栗坡杓兰与文山杓兰(C.lentiginosum)相近,区别点在于新种叶淡黄色而有紫斑,色泽与花瓣及唇瓣极为相似;花瓣明显较短,仅稍长于唇瓣。新变种大围山杓兰与原变种的不同在于中萼片黄绿色,疏生紫红色斑点;花瓣仅稍长于唇瓣;唇瓣囊口有一黑色圈。  相似文献   


A new Inner Mongolian endemic species, Bryoerythrophyllum neimonggolicum X.-L.Bai & C.Feng is described and illustrated from China. It is characterized by lingulate to broad-lanceolate leaves with obtuse or rounded apex, leaf margins broadly recurved to revolute to near the apex, bulging laminal cells, basal cells with thickened walls and the absence of lax and enlarged basal cells. This species is compared with closely related species and its ecology is discussed.  相似文献   

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