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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae Jen1p is a lactate/proton symporter belonging to the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily (TC#2.A.1.12.2) of the Major Facilitator Superfamily. We investigated structure-function relationships of Jen1p using a rational mutational analysis based on the identification of conserved amino acid residues. In particular, we studied the conserved sequence 379NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT391. Substitution of amino acid residues N379, H383 or D387, even with very similar amino acids, resulted in a dramatic reduction of lactate and pyruvate uptake, but conserved measurable acetate transport. Acetate transport inhibition assays showed that these mutants conserve the ability to bind, but do not transport, lactate and pyruvate. More interestingly, the double mutation H383D/D387H, while behaving as a total loss-of-function allele for lactate and pyruvate uptake, can fully restore the kinetic parameters of Jen1p for acetate transport. Thus, residues N379, H383 or D387 affect both the transport capacity and the specificity of Jen1p. Substitutions of Q386 and T391 resulted in no or moderate changes in Jen1p transport capacities for lactate, pyruvate and acetate. On the other hand, Q386N reduces the binding affinities for all Jen1p substrates, while Q386A increases the affinity specifically for pyruvate. We also tested Jen1p specificity for a range of monocarboxylates. Several of the mutants studied showed altered inhibition constants for these acids. These results and 3D in silico modelling by homology threading suggest that the conserved motif analyzed is part of the substrate translocation pathway in the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily.  相似文献   

The protozoan Leishmania donovani has a myo-inositol/proton symporter (MIT) that is a member of a large sugar transporter superfamily. Active transport by MIT is driven by the proton electrochemical gradient across the parasite membrane, and MIT is a prototype for understanding the function of an active transporter in lower eukaryotes. MIT contains two duplicated 6- or 7-amino acid motifs within cytoplasmic loops, which are highly conserved among 50 members of the sugar transporter superfamily and are designated A(1), A(2) ((V)(D/E)(R/K)PhiGR(R/K)), and B(1) (PESPRPhiL), B(2) (VPETKG). In particular, the three acidic residues within these motifs, Glu(187)(B(1)), Asp(300)(A(2)), and Glu(429)(B(2)) in MIT, are highly conserved with 96, 78, and 96% amino acid identity within the analyzed members of this transporter superfamily ranging from bacteria, archaea, and fungi to plants and the animal kingdom. We have used site-directed mutagenesis in combination with functional expression of transporter mutants in Xenopus oocytes and overexpression in Leishmania transfectants to investigate the significance of these three acidic residues in the B(1), A(2), and B(2) motifs. Alteration to the uncharged amides greatly reduced MIT transport function to 23% (E187Q), 1.4% (D300N), and 3% (E429Q) of wild-type activity, respectively, by affecting V(max) but not substrate affinity. Conservative mutations that retained the charge revealed a less pronounced effect on inositol transport with 39% (E187D), 16% (D300E) and 20% (E429D) remaining transport activity. Immunofluorescence microscopy of oocyte cryosections confirmed that MIT mutants were expressed on the oocyte surface in similar quantity to MIT wild type. The proton uncouplers carbonylcyanide-4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone and dinitrophenol inhibited inositol transport by 50-70% in the wild type as well as in E187Q, D300N, and E429Q, despite their reduced transport activities, suggesting that transport in these mutants is still proton-coupled. Furthermore, temperature-dependent uptake studies showed an increased Arrhenius activation energy for the B(1)-E187Q and the B(2)-E429Q mutants, which supports the idea of an impaired transporter cycle in these mutants. We conclude that the conserved acidic residues Glu(187), Asp(300), and Glu(429) are critical for transport function of MIT.  相似文献   

UapA, a member of the NAT/NCS2 family, is a high affinity, high capacity, uric acid-xanthine/H+ symporter of Aspergillus nidulans. We have previously presented evidence showing that a highly conserved signature motif ([Q/E/P]408-N-X-G-X-X-X-X-T-[R/K/G])417 is involved in UapA function. Here, we present a systematic mutational analysis of conserved residues in or close to the signature motif of UapA. We show that even the most conservative substitutions of residues Q408, N409 and G411 modify the kinetics and specificity of UapA, without affecting targeting in the plasma membrane. Q408 substitutions show that this residue determines both substrate binding and transport catalysis, possibly via interactions with position N9 of the imidazole ring of purines. Residue N409 is an irreplaceable residue necessary for transport catalysis, but is not involved in substrate binding. Residue G411 determines, indirectly, both the kinetics (K(m), V) and specificity of UapA, probably due to its particular property to confer local flexibility in the binding site of UapA. In silico predictions and a search in structural databases strongly suggest that the first part of the NAT signature motif of UapA (Q(408)NNG(411)) should form a loop, the structure of which is mostly affected by mutations in G411. Finally, substitutions of residues T416 and R417, despite being much better tolerated, can also affect the kinetics or the specificity of UapA. Our results show that the NAT signature motif defines the function of the UapA purine translocation pathway and strongly suggest that this might occur by determining the interactions of UapA with the imidazole part of purines.  相似文献   

The developmental profiles of the neurotransmitter recognition site, labeled by [3H]muscimol, and of the two main modulatory sites, labeled by [3H]flunitrazepam and [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate, respectively, within the GABAA receptor complex, have been determined in chick tectal lobes between embryonic day 8 and postnatal day 20. The consonance among the rates of appearance and accumulation of the three receptor sites in tectal membranes suggests a coordinated expression and assembly of the protein subunits involved in the spatial configuration of the complex and its three binding sites, although the existence of isolated muscimol binding subunits during early embryogenesis cannot be excluded at the present time. Furthermore, the total number of binding sites of each kind, per pair of lobes, is compatible with a 1/1/I stoichiometry. The GABAA receptor complex reaches a maximum of expression, relative to total membrane protein, immediately after hatching, suggesting that the tectal GABAergic system may be instrumental in damping the effects of sudden exposure to light of the chick visual system upon eye opening.  相似文献   

We examine here the dynamics of forming the Michaelis complex of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase by characterizing the binding kinetics and thermodynamics of oxamate (a substrate mimic) to the binary lactate dehydrogenase/NADH complex over multiple timescales, from nanoseconds to tens of milliseconds. To access such a wide time range, we employ standard stopped-flow kinetic approaches (slower than 1 ms) and laser-induced temperature-jump relaxation spectroscopy (10 ns-10 ms). The emission from the nicotinamide ring of NADH is used as a marker of structural transformations. The results are well explained by a kinetic model that has binding taking place via a sequence of steps: the formation of an encounter complex in a bimolecular step followed by two unimolecular transformations on the microsecond/millisecond timescales. All steps are well described by single exponential kinetics. It appears that the various key components of the catalytically competent architecture are brought together as separate events, with the formation of strong hydrogen bonding between active site His(195) and substrate early in binding and the closure of the catalytically necessary protein surface loop over the bound substrate as the final event of the binding process. This loop remains closed during the entire period that chemistry takes place for native substrates; however, motions of other key molecular groups bringing the complex in and out of catalytic competence appear to occur on faster timescales. The on-enzyme K(d) values (the ratios of the microscopic rate constants for each unimolecular step) are not far from one. Either substantial, approximately 10-15%, transient melting of the protein or rearrangements of hydrogen bonding and solvent interactions of a number of water molecules or both appear to take place to permit substrate access to the protein binding site. The nature of activating the various steps in the binding process seems to be one overall involving substantial entropic changes.  相似文献   

We and others have shown previously the existence of high and low affinity systems for oligopeptide transport in kidney brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV). In the present study we investigated the relationship between the structure of substrates and their affinity for interaction with the high-affinity oligopeptide/H+ transporter in kidney BBMV. Based on competition experiments using [3H]Gly-Gln as a probe we determined the Ki values for more than 60 selected peptides. For a high-affinity interaction with the carrier site the following structural features of substrates are required: (a) both a free amino and carboxyl terminus; (b) the amino group and peptide bond nitrogen located in the alpha-position; (c) a trans peptide bond rather than the cis configuration; (d) L-alpha-amino acid isomers in both COOH and NH2 termini, although D-isomers of hydrophobic amino acids are acceptable in the NH2 terminus; and (e) a backbone of less than 3 amino acid residues. A striking finding of the present study is that, for peptides satisfying these minimal structural requirements, the primary determinant of affinity is hydrophobicity. The fact that there is a highly significant (p less than 0.001) correlation between Ki and hydrophobicity allows the prediction of the affinity for any di- or tripeptide composed of alpha-amino acids in the L-form.  相似文献   

R J Hinton 《Acta anatomica》1988,131(2):136-139
The response of the condylar cartilage to alterations in compressive joint reaction forces in vivo has been little studied. In an attempt to reduce or eliminate the occlusal forces resulting from mastication or incision, male weanling rats were fed a soft diet requiring little chewing and/or had their incisors clipped every other day. Incorporation (dpm/micrograms DNA) of [3H]-thymidine and [35S]-sulfate was significantly decreased relative to controls in the incisor-clipped group, but not in the soft-diet group. Animals having both treatments also exhibited significantly lower incorporation values than controls, suggesting the importance of incision for loading at the mandibular joint. These data corroborate in vitro studies which suggest that compressive forces can affect mitotic activity and synthesis of proteoglycans in the condylar cartilage. However, additional factors, both hormonal and biomechanical in nature, may be important in the in vivo environment.  相似文献   

Portions of adult Hymenolepis diminuta were exposed to a fixed concentration of colchicine (5 X 10(-4) M) in order to determine its effect upon incorporation of [3H] L-proline. Additional studies of the effect of colchicine upon tegumental morphology were performed. Autoradiographs showed a significant decrease in amount of incorporated label in the distal tegument of colchicine tissue and a heavy accumulation of label in the parenchyma. Radioassays indicated that the effect of colchicine on proline-incorporated protein was qualitative rather than quantitative suggesting that colchicine inhibits translocation in the tegument. It was hypothesized that microtubules within the internuncial processes facilitate movement of cell products from tegumentary cytons to the body surface.  相似文献   

Lactate metabolism in the adult rat brain was investigated in relation with the concept of lactate trafficking between astrocytes and neurons. Wistar rats were infused intravenously with a solution containing either [3-(13)C]lactate (534 mM) or both glucose (750 mM) and [3-(13)C]lactate (534 mM). The time courses of both the concentration and (13)C enrichment of blood glucose and lactate were determined. The data indicated the occurrence of [3-(13)C]lactate recycling through liver gluconeogenesis. The yield of glucose labeling was, however, reduced when using the glucose-containing infusate. After a 20-min or 1-h infusion, perchloric acid extracts of the brain tissue were prepared and subsequently analyzed by (13)C- and (1)H-observed/(13)C-edited NMR spectroscopy. The (13)C labeling of amino acids indicated that [3-(13)C]lactate was metabolized in the brain. Based on the alanine C3 enrichment, lactate contribution to brain metabolism amounted to 35% under the most favorable conditions used. By contrast with what happens with [1-(13)C]glucose metabolism, no difference in glutamine C2 and C3 labeling was evidenced, indicating that lactate was metabolized in a compartment deprived of pyruvate carboxylase activity. This result confirms, for the first time from an in vivo study, that lactate is more specifically a neuronal substrate.  相似文献   

Nine enzyme activity variants of liver/erythrocyte pyruvate kinase have been found amongst laboratory and wild mice. Four of these variants have been shown by biochemical and immunological criteria to be mutations of the structural gene, Pk-1s. These four structural gene mutations, and two regulatory gene mutations, define the gene complex, [Pk-1]. One allele of the structural gene, Pk-1sl, found in the inbred strain C57BL, has an unusual phenotype and affects the expression of pyruvate kinase in the liver but not erythrocyte. A possible mechanism for this tissue-specific structural gene mutation is suggested.  相似文献   

Calcium signals are essential for diverse cellular functions in the immune system. Sustained Ca2+ entry is necessary for complete and long-lasting activation of calcineurin/NFAT pathways. A growing number of studies have emphasized that Ca2+/calcineurin/NFAT pathway is crucial for both development and function of regulatory T cells.  相似文献   

A novel gene, FSY1, encoding a permease involved in active fructose uptake by a proton symport mechanism in the type strain of Saccharomyces carlsbergensis has been isolated. Fsy1p is only distantly related to the Hxt proteins that mediate facilitated diffusion of glucose and fructose in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and related species.  相似文献   

The thiol oxidase Erv1 and the redox-regulated receptor Mia40/Tim40 are components of a disulfide relay system which mediates import of proteins into the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria. Here we report that Erv1 requires Mia40 for its import into mitochondria. After passage across the translocase of the mitochondrial outer membrane Erv1 interacts via disulfide bonds with Mia40. Erv1 does not contain twin “CX3C” or twin “CX9C” motifs which are crucial for import of typical substrates of this pathway and it does not need two “CX2C” motifs for import into mitochondria. Thus, Erv1 represents an unusual type of substrate of the Mia40-dependent import pathway.  相似文献   

Nine enzyme activity variants and one charge variant of liver/erythrocyte pyruvate kinase have been found amongst laboratory and wild mice. Four of the enzyme activity variants were previously reported to be caused by allelic differences in the structural gene, Pk-1s. Analysis of two putative regulatory gene mutations is now reported, both of which map at, or close to, the structural gene on chromosome 3. One of these mutations, in the inbred strain SWR, is tissue specific, affecting enzyme concentration in the liver but not the erythrocyte the other, which arose in a mutation experiment, doubles the enzyme concentration in both tissues. The organization and the nomenclature in the [Pk-1] gene complex are discussed and are compared with the organization of other comprehensively analysed gene complexes in the mouse.  相似文献   

The gene of a novel prokaryotic member (Tyt1) of the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter (NSS) family has been cloned from Fusobacterium nucleatum. In contrast to eukaryotic and some prokaryotic NSSs, which contain 12 transmembrane domains (TMs), Tyt1 contains only 11 TMs, a characteristic shared by approximately 70% of prokaryotic NSS homologues. Nonetheless upon heterologous expression in an engineered Escherichia coli host, Tyt1 catalyzes robust Na+-dependent, highly selective l-tyrosine transport. Genetic engineering of Tyt1 variants devoid of cysteines or with individually retained endogenous cysteines at positions 18 or 238, at the cytoplasmic ends of TM1 and TM6, respectively, preserved normal transport activity. Whereas cysteine-less Tyt1 was resistant to the inhibitory effect of sulfhydryl-alkylating reagents, N-ethylmaleimide inhibited transport by Tyt1 variants containing either one or both of the endogenous cysteines, and this inhibition was altered by the substrates sodium and tyrosine, consistent with substrate-induced dynamics in the transport pathway. Our findings support a binding model of Tyt1 function in which an ordered sequence of substrate-induced structural changes reflects distinct conformational states of the transporter. This work identifies Tyt1 as the first functional bacterial NSS member putatively consisting of only 11 TMs and shows that Tyt1 is a suitable model for the study of NSS dynamics with relevance to structure/function relationships of human NSSs, including the dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and gamma-aminobutyric acid transporters.  相似文献   

Coenzymes introduced in the ratio, peculiar for pyruvate dehydrogenase complex into the medium containing fresh-isolated mitochondria and oxidation substrate--pyruvate increase accumulation of [35S] lipoate by these organelles. This process is highly stimulated by introducing either the only CoA or a coenzyme mixture (CoA, thiamine pyrophosphate, FAD, NAD). Addition of phosphate-extracted components of mitochondria and their protein fraction with coenzymes in the ratio indicated above provides maximum accumulation of [35S] lipoate by liver mitochondria. An equimolar mixture of coenzymes as well as protein components evoke no reliable variations in [35S] lipoate accumulation by albino rat liver mitochondria, while addition of the only thiamine pyrophosphate decreases this accumulation. Reconstruction of multienzyme complexes of coenzymes and apoenzymes on mitochondrion membranes accounts for the results obtained.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T7 gene 4 protein is an essential component of the T7 DNA replication system, acting as both a primase and a helicase. The gene 4 protein has been shown to translocate along single-stranded DNA in the 5'----3' direction, using an energy source for this movement the hydrolysis of nucleoside 5'-triphosphates, preferably dTTP. Thus, measuring the rate and extent of dTTP hydrolysis provides a means to directly measure translocation. We have determined that the hydrolysis of dTTP by the gene 4 protein is strongly inhibited by the presence of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) adducts on the DNA. Time course experiments on adduct-containing DNA show that after an initial burst of hydrolysis, which parallels what is observed on unmodified DNA, further hydrolysis abruptly ceases. Addition of excess unmodified DNA does not restore the hydrolysis activity. These data suggest that the gene 4 protein is blocked and sequestered on the DNA at the site of the adduct. This was confirmed by experiments in which gene 4 protein preferentially protected the radiolabeled adduct-containing DNA but not randomly labeled M13 DNA. The gene 4 protein bound to the B[a]P-modified DNA was isolated, and the complex was found only to contain dTTP. These results have been used to formulate a model for gene 4 protein translocation in which we speculate that the power stroke for unidirectional movement along the single-stranded DNA is the displacement of dTDP by dTTP. Finally, we observe a constant ratio of DNA synthesis to dTTP hydrolysis regardless of the number of B[a]P adducts in the template suggesting that a significant portion of the inhibition of DNA synthesis is a direct consequence of the inhibition of gene 4 translocation.  相似文献   

Incubation of [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine with bovine albumin, globulin, catalase, hemoglobin, or human globulin resulted in incorporation of the 35S label into each of these proteins. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation revealed that the percentage of label incorporated ranged from 1 to 15%. The 35S labeling was resistant to dissociation by reducing SDS-PAGE, prolonged dialysis against 4 M urea, heating, TCA precipitation, and dilution by gel filtration. The labeling effect was more efficient with [35S]cysteine than [35S]methionine. Incubation of 35S label with proteins differing in methionine and cysteine content revealed no requirement for sulfur-containing amino acids in the target protein. Protein carboxymethylation reduced but did not prevent 35S label incorporation. Amino acid analysis of labeled proteins revealed that the radioactive label was not consistently associated with an individual amino acid. Differences in the ability of various proteins to spontaneously label with these amino acids suggest caution in the interpretation of metabolic labeling experiments and the necessity for inclusion of additional controls. Alternatively, our experience indicates a potentially useful method for labeling proteins in the absence of cells.  相似文献   

The Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome (WHS) is caused by a partial deletion in the short arm of chromosome 4 band 16.3 (4p16.3). A unique-sequence human DNA probe (39 kb) localized within this region has been used to search for sequence homology in the apes' equivalent chromosome 3 by FISH-technique. The WHS loci are conserved in higher primates at the expected position. Nevertheless, a control probe, which detects alphoid sequences of the pericentromeric region of humans, is diverged in chimpanzee, gorilla, and orangutan. The conservation of WHS loci and divergence of DNA alphoid sequences have further added to the controversy concerning human descent.  相似文献   

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