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The abundance of terrestrial pteridophytes was studied in eight sites in Western Amazonia, all representing lowland tropical rain forest in non-inundated terrain ( tierra firme ). In each site, a sample plot ranging from 0.25 ha to 1.00 ha in area was inventoried and all terrestrial pteridophytes were recorded. In total, 27,000 individuals representing sixty-four species were encountered, with each plot having between fourteen and thirty-three species. The plots represented a gradient from nutrient-poor sandy soils to relatively fertile clay soils, and it was found that their floristic compositions clearly correlated with the differences in the soils. Two-thirds of the species were restricted either to poor, intermediate or rich soils, while less than a tenth were found growing on all soil types. Analyses of species lists from another twenty neotropical localities supported the result that some pteridophyte species associate, whereas other species are never found growing together. The floristic similarities among sites showed no relationship to the geographical distances between them, but rather reflected similarities in soils. It is concluded that pteridophytes are good indicators of such ecological conditions, and that when interpreting biogeographical patterns in the neotropical rain forests, it is important to take into account the distribution of edaphically different habitats.  相似文献   

Nematode-trapping fungi are ubiquitous in terrestrial habitats in dung, soils, litter and woody debris and they also occur in freshwater, but only one species has been found in marine habitats. The purpose of this study was therefore to investigate whether nematode-trapping fungi occurred in mangrove habitats. To achieve this we assessed the diversity of nematode-trapping fungi on decaying litter from mangroves, freshwater and terrestrial habitats (22 sites) in Hong Kong. Composite samples (n = 1,320) of decaying litter (wood and leaves) were examined and a total of 31 species of nematode-trapping fungi belonging to four genera, Arthrobotrys, Monacrosporium, and Dactylella were recorded. Twenty-nine species reported in this study are new records for Hong Kong and 16 species are new records from mangrove habitats worldwide. Nematode trapping fungi are therefore present in marine environments. Commonly encountered taxa were Arthrobotrys oligospora and Monacrosporium thaumasium which are abundant in all habitats. A. oligospora, M. thaumasium and Arthrobotrys musiformis were frequent (> 10%). Twenty-six species were rare (0.16–9.32%). Species richness and diversity was higher in terrestrial than in freshwater and mangrove habitats (ANOVA, < 0.001). A higher mean diversity was observed on decaying leaves as compared to decaying wood in all habitats (< 0.001). Based on Shannon diversity index, it was also observed that taxa characterized by adhesive nets were more frequent in all habitats. This can be explained by the fact that these taxa may have a better competitive saprotrophic ability which would allow them to compete favourably in nutrient limited environments. Abiotic factors that could be linked to differences in species diversity between decaying wood and leaves are also discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed the diversity of terrestrial isopods according to habitat and altitude in the wadi of Moula‐Bouterfess catchment area. The most representative habitat types for the area were selected within altitudinal range from 6 to 550 m a.s.l. In total nine sites were sampled: four with maquis and garrigue vegetation, one at a meadow and four sites with forest vegetation. In each sampled habitat, individuals were collected by hand in April 2005 using 30 replicates of a quadrate of 0.5 × 0.5 m. During the study, 582 individuals belonging to 11 terrestrial isopod species from five families were collected. Among these, three species were newly mentioned in Tunisia. The genus Armadillidium was the most abundant genus (60% of the total number of collected specimens) and P. variabilis was the most common species as it was sampled in eight of the nine studied habitats. Terrestrial isopod community structure differs among the nine sampling habitats. Abundance and species richness values are low in the different studied habitats. The Shannon–Wiener H′ varied from 0.67 to 2.06. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) applied to our data showed that the majority of terrestrial isopod species seem to be more sensitive to vegetal associations than to altitude. No relationship was found between species richness/diversity (Shannon–Wiener index H’) and altitude. The studied sites were separated into open and closed areas based on the Bray–Curtis index for similarity.  相似文献   

Patterns of plant trait variation across spatial scales are important for understanding ecosystem functioning and services.However, habitat-related drivers of these patterns are poorly understood. In a conceptual model, we ask whether and how the patterns of within-and among-site plant trait variation are driven by habitat type(terrestrial vs. wetland) across large climatic gradients. We tested these through spatial-hierarchical-sampling of leaves in herbaceous-dominated terrestrial and wetland communities within each of 26 sites across China. For all 13 plant traits, within-site variation was larger than among-site variation in both terrestrial and wetland habitats. Within-site variation was similar in most leaf traits related to carbon and nutrient economics but larger in specific leaf area and size-related traits(plant height, leaf area and thickness) in wetland compared to terrestrial habitats. Among-site variation was larger in terrestrial than wetland habitats for 10 leaf traits but smaller for plant height, leaf area and leaf nitrogen. Our results indicate the important role of local ecological processes in driving plant trait variation among coexisting species and the dependence of functional variation across habitats on traits considered. These findings will help to understand and predict the effects of climatic or land-use changes on ecosystem functioning and services.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the world has witnessed an array of harmful invasions by exotic marine organisms. To provide the public and policymakers with better information on the status of exotic species in southern California waters, and to assess differences between port and non-port areas, a Rapid Assessment Survey of selected habitat types in sheltered waters between San Diego and Oxnard was conducted in the summer of 2000. The objectives included comparing the prevalence of exotic species among habitats and regions and between recent and past surveys; obtaining reference data for future assessments of changes in invasion status and the effectiveness of prevention or control efforts; detecting new invasions; and documenting significant range extensions. Twenty-two sites were sampled to include the three major commercial port areas in southern California, non-port-area marinas and lagoon sites. Sampling included dock fouling and adjacent soft-bottom benthos, nearby intertidal sites, and selected subtidal lagoon habitats. Samples were collected by a variety of manual techniques. Sixty-nine of the species collected are exotic, including representatives from two algal divisions and six invertebrate phyla. Ascidians are especially well-represented (14 exotic species) and widely occurring, and some bivalves and bryozoans also occur very widely. The numbers and proportions of exotic taxa were not significantly greater in port areas than in non-port areas.  相似文献   

Fungal biodiversity in freshwater, brackish and marine habitats was estimated based on reports in the literature. The taxonomic groups treated were those with species commonly found on submerged substrates in aquatic habitats: Ascomycetes (exclusive of yeasts), Basidiomycetes, Chytridiomycetes, and the non-fungal Saprolegniales in the Class Oomycetes. Based on presence/absence data for a large number and variety of aquatic habitats, about 3,000 fungal species and 138 saprolegnialean species have been reported from aquatic habitats. The greatest number of taxa comprise the Ascomycetes, including mitosporic taxa, and Chytridiomycetes. Taxa of Basidiomycetes are, for the most part, excluded from aquatic habitats. The greatest biodiversity for all groups occurs in temperate areas, followed by Asian tropical areas. This pattern may be an artifact of the location of most of the sampling effort. The least sampled geographic areas include Africa, Australia, China, South America and boreal and tropical regions worldwide. Some species overlap occurs among terrestrial and freshwater taxa but little species overlap occurs among freshwater and marine taxa. We predict that many species remain to be discovered in aquatic habitats given the few taxonomic specialists studying these fungi, the few substrate types studied intensively, and the vast geographical area not yet sampled.  相似文献   

In semiarid Mediterranean ecosystems, epiphytic plant species are practically absent, and only some species of palm trees can support epiphytes growing in their lower crown area, such as Phoenix dactylifera L. (date palm). In this study, we focused on Sonchus tenerrimus L. plants growing as facultative epiphytes in P. dactylifera and its terrestrial forms growing in adjacent soils. Our aim was to determine the possible presence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in these peculiar habitats and to relate AMF communities with climatic variations. We investigated the AMF community composition of epiphytic and terrestrial S. tenerrimus plants along a temperature and precipitation gradient across 12 localities. Epiphytic roots were colonized by AMF, as determined by microscopic observation; all of the epiphytic and terrestrial samples analyzed showed AMF sequences from taxa belonging to the phylum Glomeromycota, which were grouped in 30 AMF operational taxonomic units. The AMF community composition was clearly different between epiphytic and terrestrial root samples, and this could be attributable to dispersal constraints and/or the contrasting environmental and ecophysiological conditions prevailing in each habitat. Across sites, the richness and diversity of terrestrial AMF communities was positively correlated with rainfall amount during the most recent growing season. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between climate variables and AMF richness and diversity for epiphytic AMF communities, which suggests that the composition of AMF communities in epiphytic habitats appears to be largely determined by the availability and dispersion of fungal propagules from adjacent terrestrial habitats.  相似文献   

Well characterized and cultivated archaea are prokaryotic specialists that thrive in habitats of elevated temperature, low pH, high salinity, or strict anoxia. Recently, however, new groups of abundant, uncultivated archaea have been found to be widespread in more pedestrian biotopes, including marine plankton, terrestrial soils, lakes, marine and freshwater sediments, and in association with metazoa. Research efforts are presently focused on characterizing the physiology, biochemistry and genetics of these abundant and cosmopolitan but poorly understood archaea.  相似文献   

Dung beetles (Scarabaeinae) are conspicuous components in most terrestrial ecosystems, performing important ecological functions and services. Being sensitive to several types of disturbance, they have been successfully used as indicators of habitat change. Dung beetle communities in tropical rainforests have been well studied, but considerably less information is available for tropical dry forests. In this study I sampled dung beetles in two undisturbed habitats, deciduous forest and semideciduous forest, and two disturbed habitats, secondary forest and open area habitat, in the Chamela-Cuixmala region of western Mexico. Dung beetle species with high indicator value for each habitat were identified. Beetle abundance, observed species richness and estimated species richness were similar in the three forest habitats, but significantly lower in the open area habitat. A more detailed analysis of species-specific abundances in the three forest habitats revealed some differences. Transects of one of the undisturbed habitats, the deciduous forest, were more similar to the non-adjacent transects of disturbed secondary forest, than to the adjacent undisturbed semideciduous forest transects. Unlike studies in other tropical sites that have found a decrease in equitability in Scarabaeinae assemblages between undisturbed forest and disturbed habitat (particularly open habitats), in the Chamela-Cuixmala region all four habitats showed similar low equitability in community structure, with two or three very dominant species.  相似文献   

Fifty-nine species of gut fungi in the orders Harpellales and Asellariales, Class Trichomycetes, have been collected in eight tropical regions of the world, some species occurring in more than one geographic region. Regarding the Harpellales, the rather low number of taxa, compared to reports in more temperate localities, is due primarily to relatively few collections in the tropics, as well as the usually warmer waters found in tropical regions that often have a lower species richness of potential immature insect hosts. Asellariales in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial habitats, likewise, have been seldom inventoried in the tropics. Nonetheless, it is clear that the tropics are fertile grounds for discovering new genera and species, and future investigations will undoubtedly reveal many new taxa that will lead to a better understanding of the evolution and biogeography of Trichomycetes.  相似文献   

At least 26 species of crocodylian populate the globe today, but this richness represents a minute fraction of the diversity and disparity of Crocodyliformes. Fossil forms are far more varied, spanning from erect, fully terrestrial species to flippered, fully marine species. To quantify the influence of a marine habitat on the directionality, rate, and variance of evolution of body size in Crocodyliformes and thereby identify underlying selective pressures, we compiled a database of body sizes for 264 fossil and modern species of crocodyliform covering terrestrial, semi-aquatic, and marine habitats. We find increases in body size coupled with increases in strength of selection and decreases in variance following invasions of marine habitats but not of semiaquatic habitats. A model combining constraints from thermoregulation and lung capacity provides a physiological explanation for the larger minimum and average sizes of marine species. It appears that constraints on maximum size are shared across Crocodyliformes, perhaps through factors such as the allometric scaling of feeding rate versus basal metabolism with body size. These findings suggest that broad-scale patterns of body size evolution and the shapes of body size distributions within higher taxa are often determined more by physiological constraints than by ecological interactions or environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

Understanding the biology of rare species is a very important part of conservation biology. Most of our current understanding of rarity has, however, come from studies of terrestrial plants, birds, mammals and some insects. Freshwater and marine habitats are underrepresented in published studies of rare species or conservation biology. We therefore have little knowledge about how well our understanding of what makes particular species rare and how rare species persist applies to marine invertebrates which form a major component of coastal biodiversity. In this review, I examine some theories about rarity with respect to intertidal and shallow subtidal invertebrates to identify whether there are adequate data to apply these theories to marine invertebrates and how well such theories apply. The general conclusions are that the lack of quantitative data on abundances, ranges, habitat-requirements, dispersal and connectedness among populations for marine invertebrates means that their status as rare species cannot really be assessed appropriately. It is also unlikely that, without extensive sampling programmes and considerable expense, adequate data could be obtained for these small, cryptic animals, which typically have very patchy, variable and unpredictable patterns of distribution and abundance. Intertidal and subtidal assemblages are diverse, including species with many different life-histories from many phyla, occupying the same suite of habitats. It is therefore suggested that future research on rare organisms in marine habitats should build upon the long and successful history of experimental marine studies to test specific hypotheses about processes influencing rarity in the field. Such studies would not only add a new dimension to our current understanding of rarity, but would also provide badly-needed data on the status of rare marine invertebrates. abundances, invertebrates, marine, range, rarity  相似文献   

The Enchytraeidae are essentially terrestrial oligochaetes but many species have marked aquatic tendencies. Over two thirds of recorded Irish species were found in soils which were submerged or frequently flooded and 35% showed a distinct preference for these conditions. Relatively few species were living in soils subject to drought. Red blood was present in 28 species, all but one from soils with more than 55% water. Cognettia sphagnetorum and C. glandulosa developed red blood in very wet conditions. In a survey of Irish wetlands, samples were taken from bog, heath, marsh, fen, margins of lakes and rivers, and saltmarsh. The influence of various environmental parameters was determined using ordination techniques. Magnesium and pH were found to be the most important factors. A high level of magnesium distinguished coastal sites and pH 5.2 separated two clusters representing acid peat and marsh-fen-aquatic sites. Groups of indicator species characterized each of the three clusters. The ecological distribution of the indicator species is described, and their usefulness in classifying enchytraeid communities is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract We examined 11 non‐linear regression models to determine which of them best fitted curvilinear species accumulation curves based on pit‐trapping data for reptiles in a range of heterogeneous and homogenous sites in mesic, semi‐arid and arid regions of Western Australia. A well‐defined plateau in a species accumulation curve is required for any of the models accurately to estimate species richness. Two different measures of effort (pit‐trapping days and number of individuals caught) were used to determine if the measure of effort influenced the choice of the best model(s). We used species accumulation curves to predict species richness, determined the trapping effort required to catch a nominated percentage (e.g. 95%) of the predicted number of species in an area, and examined the relationship between species accumulation curves with diversity and rarity. Species richness, diversity and the proportion of rare species in a community influenced the shape of species accumulation curves. The Beta‐P model provided the best overall fit (highest r2) for heterogeneous and homogeneous sites. For heterogeneous sites, Hill, Rational, Clench, Exponential and Weibull models were the next best. For homogeneous habitats, Hill, Weibull and Chapman–Richards were the next best models. There was very little difference between Beta‐P and Hill models in fitting the data to accumulation curves, although the Hill model generally over‐estimated species richness. Most models worked equally well for both measures of trapping effort. Because the number of individuals caught was influenced by both pit‐trapping effort and the abundance of individuals, both measures of effort must be considered if species accumulation curves are to be used as a planning tool. Trapping effort to catch a nominated percentage of the total predicted species in homogeneous and heterogeneous habitats varied among sites, but even for only 75% of the predicted number of species it was generally much higher than the typical effort currently being used for terrestrial vertebrate fauna surveys in Australia. It was not possible to provide a general indication of the effort required to predict species richness for a site, or to capture a nominated proportion of species at a site, because species accumulation curves are heavily influenced by the characteristics of particular sites.  相似文献   

Species reliant on both the terrestrial and marine realms present a challenge for conventional species distribution models (SDMs). For such species, standard single‐realm SDMs may omit key information that could result in decreased model accuracy and performance. Existing approaches to habitat suitability modeling typically do not effectively combine information from multiple realms; this methodological gap can ultimately hamper management efforts for groups such as seabirds, seals, and turtles. This study, for the first time, jointly incorporates both terrestrial information and marine information into a single species distribution model framework. We do this by sampling nearby marine conditions for a given terrestrial point and vice versa using parameters set by each species’ mean maximum foraging distance and then use standard SDM methods to generate habitat suitability predictions; therefore, our method does not rely on post hoc combination of several different models. Using three seabird species with very different ecologies, we investigate whether this new multi‐realm approach can improve our ability to identify suitable habitats for these species. Results show that incorporating terrestrial information into marine SDMs, or vice versa, generally improves model performance, sometimes drastically. However, there is considerable variability between species in the level of improvement as well as in the particular method that produces the most improvement. Our approach provides a repeatable and transparent method to combine information from multiple ecological realms in a single SDM framework. Important advantages over existing solutions include the opportunity to, firstly, easily combine terrestrial and marine information for species that forage large distances inland or out to sea and, secondly, consider interactions between terrestrial and marine variables.  相似文献   

The empidid fauna of four small adjacent biotopes bordering a pond was investigated for 2 consecutive years in Brittany (France). Adult activity was studied using yellow water traps, whereas suitable larval habitats were determined using emergence traps. While 24 species emerged from the soils, 45 flew above the four sites. The number of species emerging from each site was nearly identical. However, the highest number of individuals emerged from the heathland and numbers rapidly declined towards the pond banks. On the contrary, the greatest aerial activity occurred in the woodlot and near the pond banks. Fourteen times less flying activity was found above the dry heathland. The latter appeared to be a site of larval growth but mating and feeding of the adults took place in the woodlot. Reproduction sites and space used by the adults differed among the dominant species. The species assemblage could not be fully explained within the spatial limits of the four sites. Considering the species'behaviour, it is suggested that immigration of species and individuals from other sites should explain these differences. The study, which is supported by four other research works, emphasizes the role of key resource played by ecotonal zones between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems in the persistence of species over a larger set of habitats. Considering the complementarity of habitats is essential to explain diversity patterns in species which need different space units to complete their life-cycle.  相似文献   

Sea-level pools are found in most of Bermuda's known caves. Although the terrestrial fauna of the caves is sparse, a rich aquatic fauna inhabits the pools. While many of the marine cave animals are more or less regular immigrants from open littoral habitats, a number of new species have been discovered, including blind and probably subterranean ones. Zoogeographical connections exist between Bermuda's cave fauna and those of the West Indies and the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

The systematics of the Prasiolales was investigated by phylogenetic inference based on analyses of the rbcL and 18S rRNA genes for representatives of all four genera currently attributed to this order (Prasiococcus, Prasiola, Prasiolopsis, Rosenvingiella), including all type species. The rbcL gene had higher sequence divergence than the 18S rRNA gene and was more useful for phylogenetic inference at the ranks of genus and species. In the rbcL gene phylogeny, three main clades were observed, corresponding to Prasiola, Prasiolopsis, and Rosenvingiella. Prasiococcus was nested among species of Prasiola occurring in subaerial and supralittoral habitats. Trichophilus welckeri Weber Bosse, a subaerial alga occurring in the fur of sloths in Amazonia, was closely related to Prasiolopsis ramosa Vischer. The species of Prasiola were grouped into three well‐supported clades comprising (i) marine species, (ii) freshwater and terrestrial species with linear blades, and (iii) terrestrial species with rounded or fan‐shaped blades. Sequence divergence was unexpectedly low in the marine group, which included species with different morphologies. For the 18S rRNA gene, the phylogenetic analyses produced several clades observed for the rbcL gene sequence analysis, but, due to very little sequence variation, it showed considerably lower resolution for inference at the species and genus levels. Due to the low support of some internal branches, the results of the analyses did not allow an unambiguous clarification of the origin and the early evolution of the Prasiolales.  相似文献   

Frogs in the genus Xenopus are ubiquitous in sub‐Saharan Africa, yet very little is recorded on their ecology. They are commonly found in anthropogenically disturbed habitats, but how do these compare to conspecifics from natural habitats? The diet of Xenopus borealis from three different sites in Taita Hills, Kenya was established based on a sample of 77 (54 females and 23 males) specimens from two disturbed and one pristine sites. Xenopus borealis from all the sites was found to be a dietary generalist, feeding predominantly on invertebrates. A total of twelve invertebrate orders both terrestrial and aquatic were recorded in addition to amphibian eggs, tadpoles and fish. Frogs from the pristine forest were smaller and had ingested more terrestrial prey items than frogs in the disturbed open habitat ponds. The stomach content (both by mass and quantity) was independent of body size. The results suggest that X. borealis is an opportunistic generalist predator which may be constrained by food availability in its natural habitat. However, disturbed habitats provide abundant food items which are enough to significantly increase the mean size of the population.  相似文献   

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