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We investigated experience acquisition (alpha-conditioning) by females of the parasitoid Trichogramma australicum using host eggs of the noctuid moth Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner). We compared the acceptance of a host egg by females with different levels of ovipositional experience. The level of experience was designated using the standard oviposition sequence: (1) host contact (C); (2) host examination (E); (3) drilling (D); (4) full insertion (FI); and (5) oviposition (O). Each treatment consisted of a single experience level, but together these consituted a qualitative behavioural continuum of oviposition experience from naive (N) to experienced wasps. We found that host experience by adult T. australicum females can modify their behaviour. Mean duration of host finding was: N = C > E = D > FI = O. Mean duration of host examination and full insertion were: N = C > E = D = FI = O. Drilling was constant for all experience levels. Experience in drilling of the chorion during the previous host-exposure process represents a critical experience for a female and results in efficient handling and more ready acceptance of a subsequently encountered host egg.  相似文献   

We studied ovipositional synergists and artificial diets for rearing Trichogramma australicum. Artificial "diet A" included 40% haemolymph of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) final instar larvae, 30% of a 10% malt solution in deionised water, 20% chicken egg yolk and 10% Neisenheimer's salt solution with 76 units Penicillin and 76 units Streptomycin/ml diet. Artificial "diet B" was identical except Grace's insect medium® replaced Neisenheimer's salt solution. the number of T. australicum larvae in artificial eggs filled with diet A and diet B was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Significantly fewer (P < 0.05) larvae developed to pupae and adults in artificial eggs filled with diet A. Quantity and quality of artificial diet affected the mortality of T. australicum larvae reared in vitro. Ovipositional synergists included 10% gelatine solution, 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution or 1% agar solution in deionised water. Synergist test-solutions were individually smeared on the external surface of artificial eggs (hemispherical depressions in plastic membrane). Eggs laid and number of T. australicum larvae produced were significantly higher in artificial eggs smeared with gelatine than artificial eggs smeared with polyvinyl alcohol, agar or non-smeared (control) eggs.  相似文献   

Biotypes of Trichogramma australicum were reared on artificial diet "A", Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (natural host) eggs and Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier) (factitious host) eggs. We evaluated the quality of these biotypes by comparing their oviposition behaviour and reproductive performance on H. armigera eggs. Female T. australicum reared in vitro accepted H. armigera eggs for oviposition and displayed similar behavioural components of oviposition to females reared on natural hosts. However, handling time during oviposition in H. armigera eggs by females from in vitro rearing was significantly longer than handling time of females reared on the natural host because the females needed a significantly longer time for host feeding. In vitro reared females produced significantly more progeny and parasitised more H. armigera eggs than the females reared on S. cerealella. Improvements to the artificial diet for T. australicum may reduce handling time of the in vitro reared females and increase the female population. These improvements may include changes in nutrient content and size of the artificial eggs.  相似文献   

Abstract Morphological studies of development of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma australicum Girault in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), were conducted to provide benchmarks for assessing developmental rates in both natural hosts and artificial diets. Observations of living embryos and histological sections show that embryos proceed rapidly through cleavage and blastoderm formation and show a characteristic pinching or rotation 8 h after deposition. Eggs progressively increase in volume, primarily by increasing in diameter at the widest point. At 29 ± 1°C the duration of the egg stage is 22−24 h, the larval stage 27 h, the prepupal stage 50−52 h, and pupa 85 h. Larvae undergo dramatic shape changes as they ingest food but do not show signs of larval moults, reinforcing observations that there is only one larval instar. Criteria for staging the embryonic and postembryonic development in natural hosts will be used for future studies aimed at developing and refining artificial diets for Trichogramma.  相似文献   

Continuous mass rearing of Trichogramma brassicae (Bezdenko) at commercial mass-rearing insectaries may affect both quality and performance of natural enemies. In the present study, we studied the quality and performance of a colony of T. brassicae reared for over 45 generations (G) on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller using two-sex life table parameters and parasitism capacity. Our results revealed that although different generations showed no significant difference in terms of female longevity or total life span until G35, G5 and G10 had the highest values of fecundity, gross reproductive rate (GRR), net reproductive rate (R0), intrinsic rate of natural increase (r), and finite rate of increase (λ). No significant difference in male adult longevity was found among different generations. The longest and shortest mean generation times (T) were found in G10 (13.65 ± 2.31 d) and G45 (13.25 ± 3.37 d), respectively. The finite rate of parasitism (ω) ranged from 0.355 ± 2.332 host/parasitoid/day in G5 to 0.242 ± 0.017 host/parasitoid/day in G45. However, ω did not show any significant difference until G20. These results indicate that T. brassicae wasps held under continuous laboratory rearing declined in quality after 20 generations, and therefore periodical rejuvenation of the colony by adding feral parasitoids is strongly recommended.  相似文献   

Polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed for the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma dendrolimi. Forty-four microsatellites were isolated from a (TCG)8-enriched genomic library and characterised. Twenty-six of these loci were polymorphic and could be used for evaluation of the genetic variation of T. dendrolimi.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Several parameters influence sperm allocation by males, including their size and sperm stock, intra-specific variability, quality of females', as well as the risk and intensity of sperm competition.
2. Models predict that males should invest the maximum ejaculate size when sperm competition intensity is low. As sperm competition intensity increases, males should decrease the number of sperm transferred during mating.
3. This decrease in sperm transfer to females occurs because the benefits gained by males with each extra unit of expenditure on sperm decrease. When sperm supply is not unlimited, males could expect a better return by keeping some or all sperm for mating under lower competition intensity.
4. In this study, the ejaculate size of males that were kept in groups of one, five or 10 males prior to mating, has been investigated in the haplodiploid egg parasitoid Trichogramma turkestanica Meyer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
5. As predicted by theory, the number of sperm transferred decreased significantly with an increase in the number of rivals.
6. This is the first study showing strategic sperm allocation depending on sperm competition intensity in a parasitoid.  相似文献   

Abstract Trichogramma australicum larvae develop most rapidly in younger eggs of its host, the pest lepidopteran Helicoverpa armigera . To establish how the developmental stage of the host affects the diet of T. australicum , larvae were fixed in situ in eggs of H. armigera of different ages and the structure of the egg contents and parasitoid gut contents examined histologically. Larvae feeding on newly laid host eggs contain primarily yolk particles in their gut, while larvae feeding on older hosts contain necrotic cells and yolk particles. The gut of T. australicum larvae does not contain organised tissue remnants, indicating that larvae feed primarily by sucking food into their pharynx and feed best on a mixture of particulate semisolids in a liquid matrix. Secretory structures of T. australicum larvae that could be involved in modifying the host environment were examined. The hindgut is modified to form an anal vesicle with a number of attributes suggesting that it may be a specialised secretory structure. The paired salivary glands open to the exterior via a common duct.  相似文献   

Trichogramma brassicae(Bezdenko)is an important biological control agent that has been used widely against many lepidopteran pests.Commonly,colonies of Tri-chog...  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2005,32(2):311-318
Polyandry implies costs (i.e., time, energy, predation risk, etc.) especially in short-lived parasitoid species but females of several hymenopteran parasitoid species, mostly gregarious, do mate with multiple males. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the benefits of polyandry but controversy remains, especially in facultative gregarious species that bridge the gap between solitary and gregarious development. In this study, we investigated the possibility that polyandry may bring material benefits to Trichogramma evanescens Westwood (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) females, a short-lived and facultative gregarious egg parasitoid. Females mated several times with different males both at emergence and throughout their life. No significant difference was found in the offspring sex ratio and the fecundity of multiple mated and single mated females and pre-mating duration increased with the female’s age. The longevity of females did vary significantly with the number of matings but only in the presence of hosts. Female T. evanescens received enough sperm from one mating to allocate an optimal offspring sex ratio and we found no evidence of either nutritional resources or convenience polyandry in this species. Polyandry in facultative gregarious parasitoids might be an adaptive strategy to minimize the risk of mating with males that have already emptied their sperm bank or to accumulate sperm from several partially sperm-depleted males. Polyandry may also increase the probability of non-sib mating in patches exploited by several females.  相似文献   

We produced an ethogram for and investigated effects of physiological condition and experience on oviposition behaviour for Trichogramma australicum on Helicoverpa armigera eggs. The data, coupled with the ethogram, have enabled the establishment of standard behavioural categories which can be used to assess acceptability of H. armigera eggs to T. australicum reared in vitro or in eggs of other species. Physiological and experiential conditions were investigated using females of three different ages (0–24, 24–48 and 48–72 h old), two types of sexual states (mated and unmated) and two types of ovipositional experience (naive and experienced). Durations of host finding, host examination, and post-ovipositional re-examination were reduced by oviposition experience and were shorter in younger females (0–48 h old). Oviposition experience reduces the duration of the drilling and percentage of females host-feeding. Being mated and young reduces the host examination time in subsequent oviposition bouts. Only ovipositionally inexperienced females host-feed before oviposition and host-fed more frequently than experienced individuals after oviposition. Host-feeding needs consideration for optimal culture.  相似文献   

The main biological attributes of two Neotropical egg parasitoids, the arrhenotokous Trichogramma nerudai and the thelytokous Trichogramma sp., were assessed under controlled laboratory conditions. Developmental time from egg to adult, and parasitoid survival, fecundity and fertility were studied using life tables. Results showed that T. nerudai had a faster developmental time than Trichogramma sp. (13.014±0.4019 and 13.595±0.4931 days, respectively). Both species showed similar life table statistics, rm was 0.222 and 0.225 for T. nerudai and Trichogramma sp., respectively. Parasitoid survival averaged 95% for both species. The results obtained are discussed in the context of selecting one of these natural enemies as a potential biological control agent for the European pine shoot moth Rhyacionia buoliana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in pine forests and the codling moth Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in apple orchards in Argentina.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101883
The egg parasitoid, Trichogramma spp., is an important biological control agent used against a broad range of Lepidopteran pests in agriculture and forestry. The biology of Trichogramma has been studied in details. Further studies should focus on the molecular mechanisms of Trichogramma by qualifying the expression of related genes It is critical to select appropriate reference genes for normalizing RT-qPCR results and establishing a robust method for quantifying target gene expression. This study aimed to identify and validate appropriate reference genes for use in RT-qPCR analysis of Trichogramma dendrolimi. Ten candidate housekeeping genes, namely beta-actin (ACTIN), forkhead box O (FOXO), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), ribosomal protein L10a (RPL10a), L18 (RPL18), L28 (RPL28), S13 (RPS13), S15 (RPS15), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), were tested for their suitability as reference genes for developmental stage (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th day after parasitization), tissue (head, thorax, and abdomen of adults), sex of adults (male and female), and temperature (17℃, 25℃, and 32℃). According to the GeNorm analysis, a robust analysis should involve using an appropriate combination of reference genes, namely, at least three genes for different development stages, two genes for different tissues, two genes for different sex, and two genes for different temperatures, respectively. According to the RelFinder method by the integrated results of GeNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and the ΔCt method, we identified the developmental stage-specific reference genes SOD, GAPDH, and ACTIN; tissue-specific reference genes RPL18 and RPS15; sex-specific reference genes RPL18 and SOD; and temperature-specific reference genes RPL18 and RPL10a. This study provides a standardized procedure for the quantification of gene expression in T. dendrolimi and will be helpful for future biological control programs using Trichogramma wasps.  相似文献   

A strain of T. chilonis, an egg parasitoid of lepidopteran pests tolerant to the most commonly used cyclodiene insecticide--endosulfan was developed in the laboratory. Tolerance to endosulfan was induced by exposing adult parasitoids sequentially from a sub-lethal concentration (0.004%) to the field recommended concentration (0.09%). The strain acquired tolerance to the insecticide after 341 generation of continuous exposure with LC50 values of 1074.96 ppm as compared to LC50 of (70.91 ppm) in susceptible strain. The genetical study showed that F1 crosses exhibited a semi-dominant response to endosulfan with degree of dominance value (D) of 0.58. The resistant factor of tolerant strain was 15.1 folds and of F1 cross were 8.53 folds over susceptible strain. Under net house conditions, the tolerant strain parasitised 56% Helicoverpa armigera eggs on potted cotton plants immediately after an insecticide spray, compared to 3% by the susceptible strain. High percentage survival of the immature stages of the tolerant strain proved their ability to withstand the insecticide load. Breakdown of insecticide tolerance in the strain occurred after four generations in absence of insecticide load. Use of the tolerant strain as a component of bio-intensive IPM in various crops where insecticide use is higher is discussed.  相似文献   

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