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The late onset of neurodegeneration in humans indicates that the survival and function of cells in the nervous system must be maintained throughout adulthood. In the optic lamina of the adult Drosophila, the photoreceptor axons are surrounded by multiple types of glia. We demonstrated that the adult photoreceptors actively contribute to glia maintenance in their target field within the optic lamina. This effect is dependent on the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligands produced by the R1-6 photoreceptors and transported to the optic lamina to act on EGFR in the lamina glia. EGFR signaling is necessary and sufficient to act in a cell-autonomous manner in the lamina glia. Our results suggest that EGFR signaling is required for the trafficking of the autophagosome/endosome to the lysosome. The loss of EGFR signaling results in cell degeneration most likely because of the accumulation of autophagosomes. Our findings provide in vivo evidence for the role of adult neurons in the maintenance of glia and a novel role for EGFR signaling in the autophagic flux.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence suggests that histamine might be the synaptic transmitter used by invertebrate photoreceptors. In the present study, we have examined whether histamine is a transmitter candidate for Drosophila photoreceptors. Our findings are as follows: (a) Large amounts of histamine are synthesized by wild-type heads, whereas heads from the eye-deficient mutants, eyes absent and sine oculis, show reduced histamine synthesis. (b) Histidine decarboxylase activity is approximately 10-fold higher in extracts of normal heads compared with that in the mutants. (c) Histamine taken up by fly heads is metabolized into N-acetylhistamine and imidazole-4-acetic acid. (d) Immunostaining of normal and sevenless heads with histamine-specific antisera demonstrates that histamine is present in photoreceptors R1-6 and R8. (e) Histamine synthesized from exogenously supplied [3H]histidine can be released by depolarization with 50 mM K+, and the release is Ca2+ dependent. These observations strongly suggest that histamine is a major neurotransmitter used by Drosophila photoreceptors.  相似文献   

In animals, visual pigments are essential for photoreceptor function and survival. These G-protein-coupled receptors consist of a protein moiety (opsin) and a covalently bound 11-cis-retinylidene chromophore. The chromophore is derived from dietary carotenoids by oxidative cleavage and trans-to-cis isomerization of double bonds. In vertebrates, the necessary chemical transformations are catalyzed by two distinct but structurally related enzymes, the carotenoid oxygenase β-carotenoid-15,15′-monooxygenase and the retinoid isomerase RPE65 (retinal pigment epithelium protein of 65 kDa). Recently, we provided biochemical evidence that these reactions in insects are catalyzed by a single enzyme family member named NinaB. Here we show that in the fly pathway, carotenoids are mandatory precursors of the chromophore. After chromophore formation, the retinoid-binding protein Pinta acts downstream of NinaB and is required to supply photoreceptors with chromophore. Like ninaE encoding the opsin, ninaB expression is eye-dependent and is activated as a downstream target of the eyeless/pax6 and sine oculis master control genes for eye development. The requirement for coordinated synthesis of chromophore and opsin is evidenced by analysis of ninaE mutants. Retinal degeneration in opsin-deficient photoreceptors is caused by the chromophore and can be prevented by restricting its supply as seen in an opsin and chromophore-deficient double mutant. Thus, our study identifies NinaB as a key component for visual pigment production and provides evidence that chromophore in opsin-deficient photoreceptors can elicit retinal degeneration.  相似文献   

Mechanotransduction modulates cellular functions as diverse as migration, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. It is crucial for organ development and homeostasis and leads to pathologies when defective. However, despite considerable efforts made in the past, the molecular basis of mechanotransduction remains poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the genetic basis of mechanotransduction in Drosophila. We show that the fly heart senses and responds to mechanical forces by regulating cardiac activity. In particular, pauses in heart activity are observed under acute mechanical constraints in vivo. We further confirm by a variety of in situ tests that these cardiac arrests constitute the biological force-induced response. In order to identify molecular components of the mechanotransduction pathway, we carried out a genetic screen based on the dependence of cardiac activity upon mechanical constraints and identified Painless, a TRPA channel. We observe a clear absence of in vivo cardiac arrest following inactivation of painless and further demonstrate that painless is autonomously required in the heart to mediate the response to mechanical stress. Furthermore, direct activation of Painless is sufficient to produce pauses in heartbeat, mimicking the pressure-induced response. Painless thus constitutes part of a mechanosensitive pathway that adjusts cardiac muscle activity to mechanical constraints. This constitutes the first in vivo demonstration that a TRPA channel can mediate cardiac mechanotransduction. Furthermore, by establishing a high-throughput system to identify the molecular players involved in mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular system, our study paves the way for understanding the mechanisms underlying a mechanotransduction pathway.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(2):264-275.e8
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肿瘤常对临床上传统使用的多种化学治疗显示其内源性或获得性的药物耐受性即多药耐药性(multidrug resistance,MDR).这种多药耐药性主要是由一类称为ABC(ATP-binding cassette)转运体蛋白超家族的跨膜蛋白引起的,它们结合并利用水解ATP提供的能量来转运药物,导致肿瘤细胞呈现抗药性.半分子转运蛋白ABCG2是近年来才发现的可归于ABC转运体大家族中的一个新成员,在肠、肝、胎盘和血脑屏障等部位大量表达,与全分子转运蛋白如P-gp (P-glycoprotein)和多药耐药蛋白(multi-drug resistance protein,MRP)相似,可以主动地把具有不同化学结构和作用于细胞内不同靶位点的化疗药物泵出胞外,从而引起肿瘤对多种抗癌药物(包括最新开发的药物)产生抗性.最近的一些十分有趣的研究还表明,ABCG2可能与干细胞分化状态和保护干细胞发育过程中免受周围环境的影响有关,而且还发现,它在侧群骨髓和神经干细胞内大量存在,因此,ABCG2可能在基因治疗中作为选择性的蛋白质标记正受到研究者们的极大关注.同时,ABCG2的单核苷酸多态性影响其结合并转运不同的底物/药物.鉴于ABCG2在肿瘤抗药性研究中的重要性以及它的一些新功能的初步研究表明,对ABCG2的生物学功能和作用机理以及在医学实践中的应用研究必将受到更大的关注.主要阐述了半分子ABC转运蛋白ABCG2的发现、重要的生化特性和生理功能及其相关的新研究进展和问题.  相似文献   

Polarized membrane trafficking is essential for the construction and maintenance of multiple plasma membrane domains of cells. Highly polarized Drosophila photoreceptors are an excellent model for studying polarized transport. A single cross-section of Drosophila retina contains many photoreceptors with 3 clearly differentiated plasma membrane domains: a rhabdomere, stalk, and basolateral membrane. Genome-wide high-throughput ethyl methanesulfonate screening followed by precise immunohistochemical analysis identified a mutant with a rare phenotype characterized by a loss of 2 apical transport pathways with normal basolateral transport. Rapid gene identification using whole-genome resequencing and single nucleotide polymorphism mapping identified a nonsense mutation of Rab6 responsible for the apical-specific transport deficiency. Detailed analysis of the trafficking of a major rhabdomere protein Rh1 using blue light-induced chromophore supply identified Rab6 as essential for Rh1 to exit the Golgi units. Rab6 is mostly distributed from the trans-Golgi network to a Golgi-associated Rab11-positive compartment that likely recycles endosomes or transport vesicles going to recycling endosomes. Furthermore, the Rab6 effector, Rich, is required for Rab6 recruitment in the trans-Golgi network. Moreover, a Rich null mutation phenocopies the Rab6 null mutant, indicating that Rich functions as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rab6. The results collectively indicate that Rab6 and Rich are essential for the trans-Golgi network–recycling endosome transport of cargoes destined for 2 apical domains. However, basolateral cargos are sorted and exported from the trans-Golgi network in a Rab6-independent manner.  相似文献   

Histamine is known to be the neurotransmitter of insect photoreceptors. Histamine-like immunoreactivity is also found in a number of interneurons in the central nervous system of various insects. Here, we demonstrate by immunohistochemical techniques that, in Drosophila melanogaster (Acalypterae), most or all mechanosensory neurons of imaginal hair sensilla selectively bind antibodies directed against histamine. The histamine-like staining includes the cell bodies of these neurons as well as their axons, which form prominent fibre bundles in peripheral nerves, and their terminal projections in the central neuropil of head and thoracic ganglia. The specificity of the immunostaining is demonstrated by investigating a Drosophila mutant unable to synthesize histamine. Other mechanosensory organs, such as campaniform sensilla or scolopidial organs, do not stain. In the calypteran flies, Musca and Calliphora, we find no comparable immunoreactivity associated with either hair sensilla or the nerves entering the central nervous system, observations in agreement with earlier studies on Calliphora. Thus, histamine seems to be a major mechanosensory transmitter candidate of the adult nervous system of Drosophila, but apparently not of Musca or Calliphora.  相似文献   

Klebsiella pneumoniae M5a1 is capable of utilizing 3-hydroxybenzoate via gentisate, and the 6.3-kb gene cluster mhbRTDHIM conferred the ability to grow on 3-hydroxybenzoate to Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida PaW340. Four of the six genes (mhbDHIM) encode enzymes converting 3-hydroxybenzoate to pyruvate and fumarate via gentisate. MhbR is a gene activator, and MhbT is a hypothetical protein belonging to the transporter of the aromatic acid/H(+) symporter family. Since a transporter for 3-hydrxybenzoate uptake has not been characterized to date, we investigated whether MhbT is responsible for the uptake of 3-hydroxybenzoate, its metabolic intermediate gentisate, or both. The MhbT-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein was located on the cytoplasmic membrane. P. putida PaW340 containing mhbRΔTDHIM could not grow on 3-hydroxybenzoate; however, supplying mhbT in trans allowed the bacterium to grow on the substrate. K. pneumoniae M5a1 and P. putida PaW340 containing recombinant MhbT transported (14)C-labeled 3-hydroxybenzoate but not (14)C-labeled gentisate and benzoate into the cells. Site-directed mutagenesis of two conserved amino acid residues (Asp-82 and Asp-314) and a less-conserved residue (Val-311) among the members of the symporter family in the hydrophilic cytoplasmic loops resulted in the loss of 3-hydroxybenzoate uptake by P. putida PaW340 carrying the mutant proteins. Hence, we demonstrated that MhbT is a specific 3-hydroxybenzoate transporter.  相似文献   

<正>Nitrogen(N)is one of most important nutrients for crop production,which makes up 1%-5%of total plant dry matter(Marschner,2012).Due to the limited availability of N in soil,application of N fertilizers has been an important agronomic practice to increase crop yield.However,over-application of N fertilizers has caused pollution of N in soil,water and air.It  相似文献   

F. M. Sheen  J. K. Lim    M. J. Simmons 《Genetics》1993,133(2):315-334
Eight independent recessive lethal mutations that occurred on derivatives of an unstable X chromosome (Uc) in Drosophila melanogaster were analyzed by a combination of genetic and molecular techniques. Seven of the mutations were localized to complementation groups in polytene chromosome bands 6E; 7A. In situ hybridization and genomic Southern analysis established that hobo transposable elements were associated with all seven of the mutations. Six mutations involved deletions of DNA, some of which were large enough to be seen cytologically, and in each case, a hobo element was inserted at the junction of the deletion's breakpoints. A seventh mutation was associated with a small inversion between 6F and 7A-B and a hobo element was inserted at one of its breakpoints. One of the mutant chromosomes had an active hobo-mediated instability, manifested by the recurrent production of mutations of the carmine (cm) locus in bands 6E5-6. This instability persisted for many generations in several sublines of an inbred stock. Two levels of instability, high and basal, were distinguished. Sublines with high instability had two hobo elements in the 6E-F region and produced cm mutations by deleting the segment between the two hobos; a single hobo element remained at the junction of the deletion breakpoints. Sublines with low instability had only one hobo element in the 6E-F region, but they also produced deletion mutations of cm. Both types of sublines also acquired hobo-mediated inversions on the X chromosome. Collectively, these results suggest that interactions between hobo elements are responsible for the instability of Uc. It is proposed that interactions between widely separated elements produce gross rearrangements that restructure the chromosome and that interactions between nearby elements cause regional instabilities manifested by the recurrence of specific mutations. These regional instabilities may arise when a copy of hobo transposes a short distance, creating a pair of hobos that can interact to produce small rearrangements.  相似文献   

Copper is an essential co-factor in many important physiological processes, but at elevated levels it is toxic to cells. Thus at both the organism and cellular level mechanisms have evolved to finely tune copper homeostasis. The protein responsible for copper entry from the circulation in most human cells is hCTR1, a small protein (190 amino acid residues) that functions as a trimer in the plasma membrane. In the present work we employ cell surface biotinylation and isotopic copper uptake studies of overexpressed hCTR1 in HEK293 cells to examine the acute (minutes) response of hCTR1 to changes in extracellular copper. We show that within 10 min of exposure to copper at 2.5 μm or higher, plasma membrane hCTR1 levels are reduced (by ∼40%), with a concomitant reduction in copper uptake rates. We are unable to detect any degradation of internalized hCTR1 in the presence of cycloheximide after up to 2 h of exposure to 0–100 μm copper. Using a reversible biotinylation assay, we quantified internalized hCTR1, which increased upon the addition of copper and corresponded to the hCTR1 lost from the surface. In addition, when extracellular copper is then removed, internalized hCTR1 is promptly (within 30 min) recycled to the plasma membrane. We have shown that in the absence of added extracellular copper, there is a small but detectable amount of internalized hCTR1 that is increased in the presence of copper. Similar studies on endogenous hCTR1 show a cell-specific response to elevated extracellular copper. Copper-dependent internalization and recycling of hCTR1 provides an acute and reversible mechanism for the regulation of cellular copper entry.Copper is an essential micronutrient and plays an important function as a co-factor for a number of cellular processes including oxidative phosphorylation, free radical detoxification, neurotransmitter synthesis, iron metabolism, and maturation of connective tissue (1). Copper in excess of cellular requirements is toxic; therefore cells have developed sophisticated mechanisms for regulating copper acquisition and secretion, thus maintaining a critical copper homeostasis (2, 3). In eukaryotes a family of transporters known as the copper transporter (Ctr) proteins mediate cellular copper uptake (4). Ctr proteins are integral membrane proteins that are structurally conserved with three membrane-spanning domains and a number of methionine rich motifs in the N terminus (5). They contain a sequence of conserved cysteine and histidine residues at or close to the C terminus and are predominantly located at the plasma membrane (6). In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the first high affinity copper transporters, yCtr1 and yCtr3, were identified (7, 8), and this facilitated the identification of the human copper transporter gene, hCTR1,2 by functional complementation of yeast high affinity copper uptake mutant, ctr1 (9). The mouse CTR1 is 92% identical to hCTR1 (10), and the deletion of mCTR1 results in early embryonic lethality, suggesting an essential role for the high affinity copper transporter in mammalian growth and development (11).hCTR1 has 190 amino acid residues, three membrane-spanning domains, an extracellular N terminus (of 66 amino acids), a large cytoplasmic loop (of 46 amino acid residues), and a short C-terminal tail (of 15 amino acids) and has been shown to form stable dimers and trimers (1214). The hCTR1 protein has been shown in 64Cu uptake experiments to mediate copper transport with a Km of 1–5 μm and is thought to transport the reduced form, Cu(I) (12, 13, 15). The extracellular N terminus has both N- and O-linked glycosylation at residues Asn15 and Thr27, respectively (12, 16, 17), and contains two histidine-rich regions and two methionine motifs that are thought to function in copper binding/sensing. Recent studies showed that mutation or deletion of the methionine residues closest to the first transmembrane domain (Met43 and Met45) and the conserved methionine residues in the second transmembrane domain (Met150 and Met154) had a large inhibitory effect on 64Cu uptake (18, 19). Mutational analysis provided no evidence for the tight binding of copper at any specific residues, and it was proposed that hCTR1 provided a pore for the permeation of copper across the membrane (18). Structural confirmation of such a mechanism was provided in the low resolution structure obtained by cryo-electron microscopy studies on recombinant protein (20, 21).Considerable progress has been made in understanding the biochemical, structure-functional, and molecular aspects of hCTR1-mediated copper transport, although many questions remain unanswered (22). It is also important to determine whether or not hCTR1 has a regulatory role preventing the accumulation of toxic levels of copper and maintaining cellular copper homeostasis. Previous reports on whether or not hCTR1 is involved in an acute response to elevated copper have been somewhat controversial. It has been reported that elevated extracellular copper (1–100 μm) stimulates rapid endocytosis and degradation of hCTR1-Myc-tagged protein in HEK293 cells (23), but also high copper levels had no effect on endogenous hCTR1 localization in both HeLa and Caco-2 cells (14). In a study of overexpressed hCTR1 in insect cells, no evidence was seen of internalization in response to elevated copper (24). Imaging studies have shown that the cellular location of hCTR1 varies among cell lines, CTR1 in MDCK and HEK293 cells resides mainly at the plasma membrane (13, 15, 23, 24). Endogenous hCTR1 is located in cytoplasmic vesicular compartments in HeLa, Caco-2, and HepG2 cell lines with some plasma membrane staining in Caco-2 (14). In intestinal sections, basolateral and subapical staining is seen (15).Previous studies (see above) have utilized internalization of prebound antibody (23) or imaging methods (14) to characterize the response of hCTR1 to elevated copper. In the present work we employed HEK cells overexpressing hCTR1 and used cell surface biotinylation, a sensitive and quantitative measure of CTR1 at the cell surface (15, 17). We have combined this with measurements of hCTR1-mediated 64Cu uptake as a functional measure of plasma membrane hCTR1 levels. We find that a fraction (∼40%) of hCTR1 is rapidly internalized in the presence of elevated copper and that there is a concomitant reduction in the hCTR1-mediated copper uptake rate. The internalized transporter is not degraded and can be detected in the cytosol. On removal of extracellular copper, the transporter is recycled promptly to the plasma membrane. Internalization of endogenous CTR1 is also observed in MDCK and HepG2 cells, and no reduction is seen in T47D cells. This is, to our knowledge, the first such report of copper-dependent recycling of hCTR1 in response to copper and represents an acute regulatory mechanism that reversibly modulates cellular copper entry.  相似文献   

Synthesis and hydrolysis of septal peptidoglycan (PG) are critical processes at the conclusion of cell division that enable separation of daughter cells. Cleavage of septal PG is mediated by PG amidases, hydrolytic enzymes that release peptide side chains from the glycan strand. Most gammaproteobacteria, including Escherichia coli, encode several functionally redundant periplasmic amidases. However, members of the Vibrio genus, including the enteric pathogen Vibrio cholerae, encode only a single PG amidase, AmiB. Here, we show that V. cholerae AmiB is crucial for cell division and growth. Genetic and biochemical analyses indicated that AmiB is regulated by two activators, EnvC and NlpD, at least one of which is required for AmiB''s localization to the cell division site. Localization of the activators (and thus of AmiB) is dependent upon the cell division protein FtsN. These factors mediate septal PG cleavage in E. coli as well; however, their precise roles vary between the two organisms in a number of ways. Notably, even though V. cholerae EnvC and NlpD appear to be functionally redundant under most growth conditions tested, NlpD is specifically required for intestinal colonization in the infant mouse model of cholera and for V. cholerae resistance against bile salts, perhaps due to environmental regulation of AmiB or its activators. Collectively, our findings reveal that although the cellular components that enable cleavage of septal PG appear to be generally conserved between E. coli and V. cholerae, they can be combined into diverse functional regulatory networks.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to characterize the role of the glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) in the glutathione (GSH) efflux induced by glutamate. Our results demonstrated that retinal cell cultures exhibit two mechanisms of GSH release, one Na+-independent and other Na+-dependent. Glutamate and aspartate induced GSH efflux only in presence of Na+. Treatment with PCD (L-trans-Pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylate), a transportable glutamate uptake blocker, increased GSH release indicating that GSH can be carried by glutamate transporters in retinal cell cultures. Added to this, treatment with zinc ion cultures, a recognized inhibitor of GLAST blocked GSH efflux evoked by glutamate. Treatment with NMDA antagonist (MK-801) did not have any effect on the GSH release induced by glutamate. These results suggest that glutamate induces GLAST-mediated release of GSH from retinal cell cultures and this could represent an important mechanism of cellular protection against glutamate toxicity in the CNS.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic RNA localization is a key biological strategy for establishing polarity in a variety of organisms and cell types. However, the mechanisms that control directionality during asymmetric RNA transport are not yet clear. To gain insight into this crucial process, we have analyzed the molecular machinery directing polarized transport of RNA to the vegetal cortex in Xenopus oocytes. Using a novel approach to measure directionality of mRNA transport in live oocytes, we observe discrete domains of unidirectional and bidirectional transport that are required for vegetal RNA transport. While kinesin-1 appears to promote bidirectional transport along a microtubule array with mixed polarity, dynein acts first to direct unidirectional transport of RNA towards the vegetal cortex. Thus, vegetal RNA transport occurs through a multistep pathway with a dynein-dependent directional cue. This provides a new framework for understanding the mechanistic basis of cell and developmental polarity.  相似文献   



Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive, incurable fibrotic interstitial lung disease with a prognosis worse than many cancers. Its pathogenesis is poorly understood. Activated platelets can release pro-fibrotic mediators that have the potential to contribute to lung fibrosis. We determine platelet reactivity in subjects with IPF compared to age-matched controls.


Whole blood flow cytometry was used to measure platelet-monocyte aggregate formation, platelet P-selectin expression and platelet fibrinogen binding at basal levels and following stimulation with platelet agonists. A plasma swap approach was used to assess the effect of IPF plasma on control platelets.


Subjects with IPF showed greater platelet reactivity than controls. Platelet P-selectin expression was significantly greater in IPF patients than controls following stimulation with 0.1 µM ADP (1.9% positive ±0.5 (mean ± SEM) versus 0.7%±0.1; p = 0.03), 1 µM ADP (9.8%±1.3 versus 3.3%±0.8; p<0.01) and 10 µM ADP (41.3%±4.2 versus 22.5%±2.6; p<0.01). Platelet fibrinogen binding was also increased, and platelet activation resulted in increased platelet-monocyte aggregate formation in IPF patients. Re-suspension of control platelets in plasma taken from subjects with IPF resulted in increased platelet activation compared to control plasma.


IPF patients exhibit increased platelet reactivity compared with controls. This hyperactivity may result from the plasma environment since control platelets exhibit increased activation when exposed to IPF plasma.  相似文献   

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