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To compete over limited parental resources, young animals communicate with their parents and siblings by producing honest vocal signals of need. Components of begging calls that are sensitive to food deprivation may honestly signal need, whereas other components may be associated with individual‐specific attributes that do not change with time such as identity, sex, absolute age and hierarchy. In a sib–sib communication system where barn owl (Tyto alba) nestlings vocally negotiate priority access to food resources, we show that calls have individual signatures that are used by nestlings to recognize which siblings are motivated to compete, even if most vocalization features vary with hunger level. Nestlings were more identifiable when food‐deprived than food‐satiated, suggesting that vocal identity is emphasized when the benefit of winning a vocal contest is higher. In broods where siblings interact iteratively, we speculate that individual‐specific signature permits siblings to verify that the most vocal individual in the absence of parents is the one that indeed perceived the food brought by parents. Individual recognition may also allow nestlings to associate identity with individual‐specific characteristics such as position in the within‐brood dominance hierarchy. Calls indeed revealed age hierarchy and to a lower extent sex and absolute age. Using a cross‐fostering experimental design, we show that most acoustic features were related to the nest of origin (but not the nest of rearing), suggesting a genetic or an early developmental effect on the ontogeny of vocal signatures. To conclude, our study suggests that sibling competition has promoted the evolution of vocal behaviours that signal not only hunger level but also intrinsic individual characteristics such as identity, family, sex and age.  相似文献   

It is common in birds that the sizes of nestlings vary greatly when multiple young are produced in one nest. However, the methods used by parents to establish size hierarchy among nestlings and their effect on parental provisioning pattern may differ between species. In the Azure‐winged Magpie Cyanopica cyanus, we explored how and why parents controlled the sizes of nestlings. Asynchronous hatching was the main cause of size hierarchy within the brood, although the laying of larger eggs later in the laying sequence reduced this effect. Parents with asynchronous broods produced more eggs and fledged more nestlings than those with synchronous broods but their brood provisioning rates, food delivery per feeding bout and feeding efficiency did not differ. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to synchronize some asynchronous broods. Provisioning rates of asynchronous broods were lower than those of synchronized broods, but the daily growth rates and fledging body mass of their nestlings were not different. Our findings indicate that parents of asynchronous broods can achieve higher reproductive success than those of synchronous broods based on the same parental care, and the same reproductive success as those of synchronized broods based on less parental care. It appears that parent birds can better trade off reproductive success and parental care by establishing a size hierarchy among nestlings.  相似文献   

In many bird species, eggs in a brood hatch within days of each other, leading to a size asymmetry detrimental to younger siblings. Hatching asynchrony is often thought of as an adaptive strategy, and the most widely studied hypothesis in relation to this is the ‘brood reduction hypothesis’. This hypothesis states that when food resources are unpredictable, hatching asynchrony will allow the adjustment of the brood size maximizing fledging success and benefitting parents. The Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus is an appropriate species to test this hypothesis because it has a 2‐egg clutch that hatches over a 2‐d interval with a broad range of variation (–1 to 4 d), it shows facultative brood reduction, and food abundance between breeding seasons is variable. We performed a manipulative study at Isla Quiroga, Argentina, during three breeding seasons (2010–2012) by forcing broods to hatch synchronously (0 d) or asynchronously (2 or 4 d). Years were categorized based on estimated food abundance. Our study provided mixed results because in the low estimated food abundance year asynchronous broods did not have higher nestling survival than synchronous broods, and the second‐hatchling in asynchronous broods did not die more often than those in synchronous broods. On the other hand, younger siblings of 4‐d asynchronous broods starved earlier than those of synchronous broods, and 2‐d asynchronous broods fledged heavier young than synchronous broods. Asynchronous hatching would seem to benefit reproduction in this species, not with respect to survival, but in terms of the advantages it can accord to nestlings and, in terms of lower costs, for parents raising nestlings.  相似文献   

Relationships between group-living primates depend strongly on their position in the group dominance hierarchy and on their relationships with other group members. The influence of various behaviours on social relationships of immature rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) was investigated here. Dominance ranks were established and related to the degree of affiliation in a dyad. Older monkeys were mostly dominant to the younger ones, regardless of kinship. Subordinate monkeys left proximity of their dominant members more often than they were left by them both among siblings and non-siblings, but the effect of dominance rank on the amount of play initiation and grooming in a dyad differed between these two types of dyads. The amount of agonistic help two individuals provided for each other was low among immatures. Nevertheless, pairs of siblings gave help to each other in agonistic conflicts more often than non-siblings, and such help was more often reciprocated between siblings than between non-siblings. Help in agonistic conflicts was positively correlated with the amount of time monkeys spent playing, grooming, or in proximity. Adults tended to interfere less in conflicts of frequent sibling play partners or non-sibling grooming partners. No evidence was found for young monkeys to exchange reciprocally grooming for agonistic help. It is argued that the time monkeys spend interacting with each other in affiliative interactions increases their familiarity and thus promotes close relationships between them. On the whole, young monkeys' relationships, like those between adults, are influenced strongly by their kinship, and position in the dominance hierarchy.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based coloration of nestling plumage is generally considered a reliable signal of quality and has consistently been related to habitat structure. The main hypothesis proposed to explain this correlation is that high quality habitats contain high quality food, which in return affects the expression of carotenoid‐based plumage. It therefore assumes that, at the population level, the link between habitat structure and food composition is consistent and more relevant than inter‐individual differences in foraging ability or parental investment. In addition, it is assumed by default that food and habitat produce concordant effects on nestling coloration. In this work we evaluated habitat structure and prey composition in addition to several measures of parental investment. We investigated their relative effect on carotenoid‐based plumage coloration (lightness, chroma and hue) of great tit Parus major nestlings. We found a low correlation between carotenoid‐based coloration of nestlings and that of their parents. Nestling coloration, especially lightness and chroma, increased with the intake of more spiders. The time of breeding was positively correlated with lightness and chroma and negatively correlated with hue. Finally, the maturity of oak trees surrounding nest‐boxes correlated negatively with lightness, and the size of all tree species surrounding nest‐boxes correlated positively with hue of chick plumage. Our findings support the view that habitat structure and prey composition may produce divergent effects on feather pigmentation, and that prey proportions and variables related to parental investment should be assessed when considering carotenoid‐based coloration of chicks. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 547–555.  相似文献   

Is hatching asynchrony beneficial for the brood?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain why female birdsstart to incubate before clutch completion (IBCC). Some of thosesuggest that the resulting hatching asynchrony (HA) is adaptivebecause it increases the size hierarchy among offspring andin turn reduces nestling competition and energy demands duringthe peak feeding period. Others argue that IBCC is a good strategyin unpredictable environments. When food conditions deteriorate,the large size hierarchy quickly results in the death of thelast hatched nestlings, allowing the remaining ones to surviveand fledge in better condition. In comparison, under favorableconditions, all nestlings can fledge independent of hatchingorder. To test these hypotheses, we performed a brood size manipulationexperiment (as a simulation of good and bad years) in collaredflycatchers Ficedula albicollis and examined the effect of sizehierarchy on offspring and brood performance. We found thatchicks with an initial size disadvantage experienced reducedbody mass growth and had shorter feathers at fledging in bothreduced and enlarged broods. In enlarged broods, they also fledgedwith a smaller skeletal size. Although broods on average orparents could possibly still benefit from HA when food is scarce,this was not seen in the current study. Parental survival wasnot related to the size hierarchy in the broods, and the averagebody mass growth of the nestlings was slower in broods witha high initial size variance. We therefore conclude that HAand the resulting size hierarchy are probably detrimental forthe growth of nestlings in both good and bad years, at leastin species where nestling mortality does not occur early inlife.  相似文献   

Several studies on birds have proposed that a lack of invertebrate prey in urbanized areas could be the main cause for generally lower levels of breeding success compared to rural habitats. Previous work on house sparrows Passer domesticus found that supplemental feeding in urbanized areas increased breeding success but did not contribute to population growth. Here, we hypothesize that supplementary feeding allows house sparrows to achieve higher breeding success but at the cost of lower nestling quality. As abundant food supplies may permit both high‐ and low‐quality nestlings to survive, we also predict that within‐brood variation in proxies of nestling quality would be larger for supplemental food broods than for unfed broods. As proxies of nestling quality, we considered feather corticosterone (CORTf), body condition (scaled mass index, SMI), and tarsus‐based fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Our hypothesis was only partially supported as we did not find an overall effect of food supplementation on FA or SMI. Rather, food supplementation affected nestling phenotype only early in the breeding season in terms of elevated CORTf levels and a tendency for more variable within‐brood CORTf and FA. Early food supplemented nests therefore seemed to include at least some nestlings that faced increased stressors during development, possibly due to harsher environmental (e.g., related to food and temperature) conditions early in the breeding season that would increase sibling competition, especially in larger broods. The fact that CORTf was positively, rather than inversely, related to nestling SMI further suggests that factors influencing CORTf and SMI are likely operating over different periods or, alternatively, that nestlings in good nutritional condition also invest in high‐quality feathers.  相似文献   

In some passerines, parents allocate more food to offspringwith the brightest red gapes, but the function of parental decisionsbased on offspring gape coloration is unknown. We hypothesizethat gape coloration is part of a communication system wherenestlings reveal their condition to attending parents, whichmay thus base their decisions on reliable signals of offspringreproductive value. We analyze the effects of brood size manipulation,injection with an immunogen and food deprivation, on gape coloration,morphology, and T-cell–mediated immunocompetence of nestlingbarn swallows (Hirundo rustica). For each gape we measured threecomponents of coloration (hue, saturation, and brightness) andobtained an overall color score by principal component analysis.Enlargement of brood size and injection with an antigen resultedin less red and less saturated and brighter gape color. Nestlingsin enlarged broods had smaller body mass and T-cell–mediatedimmunocompetence compared to those in reduced broods. A positivecovariation existed between redness and saturation of gape colorand T-cell–mediated immunocompetence. Gape color siblingsraised in different nests did not depend on parentage. Thus,condition-dependent gape coloration can reveal different componentsof nestling state on which parents may base their adaptive decisionsabout allocation of care to the offspring.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question of whether maternal condition during egg laying or the rearing environment has a greater effect on offspring testosterone levels. We tested this in field experiments on a population of tawny owls Strix aluco in Duna‐Ipoly National Park, Hungary. In the experiments with females of poor condition, when broods were supplied with extra food none of the nestlings died, whereas in control broods, which were not supplied with extra food, some nestlings did die. Large differences in testosterone levels were correlated positively with hatching order both in experimental and control broods. However, it was only in control broods that the later‐hatched nestlings with low testosterone concentrations, died. In the experiments with females of good condition, the males were removed and females and their broods were supplied with restricted amounts of food. In these broods starving nestlings, whose growth had stopped, were considered as having died and were removed from the nest and hand‐reared. In control broods all nestlings fledged, and both in experimental and control broods testosterone concentrations were more even between siblings. Both types of trials confirmed a maternal influence on offspring testosterone concentration: large between‐sibling differences in concentrations in the broods of females of poor condition, where some nestlings died, could not be reduced with increased food supply, and the more even concentrations in the broods of females in good condition, where all nestlings survived, could also not be increased by restricting the food supply.  相似文献   

In lek‐breeding systems where many males gather at display sites, males benefit from the establishment of dominance hierarchies to reduce intrasexual aggression and the associated risk of injuries. Long‐tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia linearis) exhibit an exploded lek‐breeding system wherein the two top‐ranking males at each display site team up to perform elaborate coordinated courtship displays for females. Young males undergo delayed plumage maturation whereby they acquire distinct pre‐definitive plumage patterns each year until they attain definitive plumage in their fifth year. This unique characteristic is thought to have evolved as a status‐signalling mechanism to aid in the establishment of an age‐graded dominance hierarchy in which older males are dominant to younger males. Previous research has shown evidence for such a dominance hierarchy among alpha and beta males; however, the presence of this hierarchy among males of other age classes has never been quantified. In this study, we investigated the presence of an age‐graded dominance hierarchy by determining whether older males direct more aggressive behaviours towards younger males. We also investigated whether status signalling is less clear within age classes than between age classes, by determining whether males within the same age class exhibit more aggression towards each other. We found that older males performed aggressive behaviours towards younger males much more frequently than younger males performed aggressive behaviours towards older males. We also found that some aggressive interactions occurred between males within the same age class more frequently than between males from different age classes. Our study provides some evidence for an age‐graded dominance hierarchy among male long‐tailed manakins of all age classes and also provides some support for the status‐signalling hypothesis. However, further research is needed to conclusively establish the presence of a linear dominance hierarchy among younger male manakins. This research may help us better understand the evolution of complex hierarchical systems in animals.  相似文献   

The conflict between siblings over how parental resources are divided has promoted the evolution of specific behaviour to outcompete each other. Young animals look out for parents’ arrival in order to start begging as quickly as possible, since a rapid begging reaction increases the likelihood of being fed before nestmates. If the young can physically intercept the parents, selection might be operating on the offspring ability to monitor parent arrival (vigilance towards parents) and any sudden modifications in siblings’ behaviour (vigilance towards siblings). To investigate the adaptive value of nestling vigilance in the context of family interactions, we recorded which direction barn owl Tyto alba siblings were facing in 89 two‐chick broods before the first parental feeding visit of the night. Nestlings were more vigilant towards nest entrance than expected by chance suggesting that vigilance towards parents is an important component of sibling competition. When positioned near the nest‐box entrance where parents predictably deliver food, the younger individual (i.e. junior) looked more towards the entrance than its older sibling. Thus, when the likelihood of obtaining a food item is relatively high, juniors are more vigilant than seniors to detect the incoming parent. When positioned at the back of the nest, the senior looked relatively more frequently towards its sibling than the junior did in the same situation. This suggests that when the likelihood of obtaining a food item is relatively low, seniors are more vigilant than juniors to observe their sibling. Because vigilance was not related to hunger level and prey obtaining, we propose the hypothesis that vigilance towards parents and siblings only indirectly influences the outcome of sibling competition.  相似文献   

In species with biparental care, males and females share the benefits of investing in offspring but pay the costs individually. As a result of these evolutionary conflicts of interest between the sexes, it is expected that the two parents should follow different behavioural rules when providing food to the young. Such a discrepancy may be accentuated when parents have to choose between different subsets of offspring (e.g. large and small nestlings). We manipulated the degree of hatching asynchrony in Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus and quantified male and female feeding behaviour when nestlings were 7 and 10 days old. First, we tested for a difference in the role of the sexes during the nestling rearing period between experimentally asynchronous and synchronous control broods. We then used experimentally asynchronous broods to assess differences between the sexes in the pattern of food distribution in terms of number of feedings and prey types, between junior and senior siblings. When nestlings in experimental nests were 7 days old, females fed young more often than did males despite facing a trade‐off between brooding the smallest nestlings and bringing food to the nest. At this age, there was also a skew in food delivery in favour of senior siblings, whereas food was more evenly distributed across the brood when nestlings were 10 days old. We found no difference in how male and female Blue Tits distributed feeding visits among junior and senior nestlings. However, females fed the smallest nestlings with more spiders in comparison with their senior siblings. This could be related to their more suitable size relative to other prey types, their high content of essential nutrients, or both, and may represent a more cryptic form of parentally biased favouritism. We compare these findings with previous work on other species and discuss why parents did not feed junior siblings more frequently.  相似文献   

Siblings in a diversity of species are facultatively aggressive,yet the proximate control of the aggressive response and theecological conditions selecting for such systems are poorlyunderstood. In this study, we investigated the effects of foodamount (food amount hypothesis) and competitive asymmetry onsibling aggression in black guillemot broods. Parental provisioningrates were experimentally manipulated in broods comprisinga range of hatching intervals over a 12-h period. Aggressionbecame evident only after parental provisioning rates wereexperimentally reduced. When parental provisioning resumed,adults did not increase their feeding rate to compensate forthe induced food deficit, and the result of sibling rivalry was a change in the allocation of parental deliveries from oneof equality to one in favor of the dominant chick. Food-deprivedchicks from synchronous broods were more aggressive than thosefrom asynchronous broods, suggesting that one benefit of hatchingasynchrony in the black guillemot is to establish an efficientcompetitive hierarchy among siblings which minimizes the needfor costly aggressive interactions. On the following day, siblingaggression ceased, and chicks regained an equal share of parentalfeeds. Our results provide the first evidence that short-termfood shortage per se acts as an initial trigger for aggressionand also show that the aggressive response is complicated byfactors associated with hatching and laying order.  相似文献   

Melanin‐based coloration reflects mostly social status and dominance in males of several species. However, the relation of melanism with other suites of behavioral traits has received less attention. Here, we examined whether the melanic coloration of the shell of male Spanish terrapins Mauremys leprosa was related to several behavioral patterns. To test this, we simulated predatory attacks of different risk levels and measured the time that the turtles spent hiding entirely in their own shells (i.e. appearance times). We also measured the activity level of the turtles in a novel‐environment test. The results showed that melanin‐based coloration was related to antipredatory behavior. Male terrapins with a greater extent of black coloration in their shells demonstrated shorter appearance times after a predator attack. However, this pattern was significant only when turtles were subjected to a high risk. In addition, darker turtles had longer latency times in a novel environment. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that melanin‐based coloration may be associated with some behavioral functions. Our study provides a good framework for future studies concerning the effect of melanin‐coloration on multiple behavioral traits that could be applied to further research using other animal models.  相似文献   

Through extrapair matings, males can sire additional offspring with low cost and females may look for direct benefits in form of food or additional paternal care or gain genetic benefits that increase offspring fitness. We studied the patterns of female mate choice and frequency of extrapair paternity in the socially monogamous willow tit Parus montanus using microsatellites. We also examined the effect of heterozygosity on the growth rate and survival of the chicks. We found 25 mixed‐paternity broods out of 117 broods of which both parents were sampled. Altogether, 6.7% of sampled chicks were classified as extrapair young. The pairwise relatedness of social pairs did not correlate with the percentage of extrapair young in the brood and there was no difference in heterozygosity between promiscuous and monogamous parents. However, the extrapair young were more heterozygous than the within‐pair young in the mixed‐paternity broods. The maternal half‐siblings in mixed paternity broods were similar in body size. Thus, there was no indication for different growth rate between the siblings, but there were indications that heterozygosity affects survival.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that melanin‐based coloration is associated with the ability to cope with stressful environments, potentially explaining why coloration covaries with anti‐predator behaviours, boldness and docility. To investigate whether these relationships are consistent across species, we performed a study in the European kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus). Similar to our results found previously in the barn owl ( Tyto alba), nestling kestrels displaying a larger sub‐terminal black tail band stayed on their back longer (tonic immobility test) and breathed at a lower rate than individuals with a smaller black band when handled. However, in contrast to barn owls, nestling kestrels with a larger black tail band were more aggressive and more agitated. Our results strengthen the hypothesis that melanin coloration is related to stress response and in turn to the reaction to predators, a very important personality trait (i.e. boldness).  相似文献   

Dependent offspring influence allocation of parental investment using specialized traits thought to contain information about offspring condition. To test this hypothesis, we examined the relationship between one component of avian begging, the phenotype of the nestling mouth, and the density of a haematophagous mite, Pellonyssus reedi, in nestling House Sparrows Passer domesticus. Ectoparasite density in broods was negatively associated with average nestling mass and flange colour intensity and positively associated with mouth width, but was not related to the intensity of blood‐based gape coloration or flange width. These results support the hypothesis that components of offspring solicitations signal high quality, and highlight the diverse selective pressures shaping offspring–parent communication.  相似文献   

Although the condition‐dependence and signaling function of ornamental plumage coloration among adult males is well studied, less research has focused on the information content of ornamental coloration among juvenile birds. Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis) nestlings grow their nuptial plumage while in the nest and dependent on parents for food, making them an ideal species for studying the development and function of elaborate plumage. Previous research suggests that plumage brightness of Eastern Bluebirds functions, in the juvenile stage, in parent–offspring interactions as a sexually selected trait in adults. Using an experimental approach, we tested the effects of supplemental food on the structural plumage coloration (i.e., tips of primary feathers) of Eastern Bluebird nestlings in Watauga County, North Carolina, during the 2011 breeding season. We provided supplemental mealworms daily to breeding pairs from the onset of incubation through the nestling period, and measured plumage brightness, UV chroma, and mass of nestlings (N = 89 males and 71 females). Male nestlings of supplementally fed parents exhibited brighter plumage. The mass and UV chroma of young bluebirds were not significantly affected by food supplementation. However, the relationship between mass and brightness differed between male nestlings in the control and supplementally fed treatments. Males reared in food‐supplemented territories exhibited a positive relationship between color and mass. Nestlings in control territories, however, exhibited a negative relationship between size and brightness, suggesting that reduced food availability results in a tradeoff between allocating resources toward somatic growth and development of bright plumage. Our results suggest that UV‐blue structural plumage in male juvenile Eastern Bluebirds is at least partially condition‐dependent and may help to explain why plumage color can influence social interactions in Eastern Bluebirds.  相似文献   

Manipulations of brood size measure the willingness or ability of parents to invest in offspring and different reproductive roles may lead to differences in feeding effort between the sexes. Parental investment in birds is usually assessed by quantifying feeding rates, but this provides an incomplete picture of parental effort because it fails to account for how parents collect food on the landscape. We studied northern flickers (Colaptes auratus), a woodpecker in which males provide the majority of parental care and used a repeated measures design and short‐term (24 h) brood enlargements (N = 35) and reductions (N = 27) to assess effects of treatment on feeding rates to nestlings and parental foraging behaviour. Parents of enlarged broods did not significantly increase feeding rate, resulting in a decline in nestling mass. Parents of reduced broods decreased their feeding rates by 84%, but increased per capita feeding rates, resulting in nestling mass gain. The variation in feeding rates to enlarged broods was not influenced by feather corticosterone, body condition, feather re‐growth rate or mass change between the incubation and nestling periods. Foraging pattern on the landscape remained the same during the enlarged treatment for both sexes. We conclude that flickers respond to proximate cues in brood demands, but do not increase feeding rates to enlarged broods, at least in the short term. A literature review suggested that this lack of response is atypical for short‐lived species. We hypothesize that parents in species with large home ranges and long nestling periods face energetic limitations that constrain their ability to respond to enlarged broods. We encourage future studies to assess foraging behaviour on the landscape to document important trade‐offs for parents such as predation risk and energy expenditure while feeding offspring.  相似文献   

Ewa W&#x;grzyn 《Ibis》2013,155(1):156-164
Among various begging stimuli, mouth coloration has received increasing attention in recent years, and previous research has demonstrated that mouths of nestling Canaries Serinus canaria get redder with the extent of food deprivation and that parents preferentially feed nestlings of redder gapes. This study assesses whether the intensity of red mouth colour in nestling Blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla is a signal in parent–offspring communication. This is one of the few species with a naturally red gape in which the function of mouth redness has been tested. Three predictions were experimentally tested: (1) reddening the gape of a single nestling within a brood increases its provisioning in relation to other siblings; (2) reddening the gapes of all nestlings within a brood increases parental feeding rate; and (3) food deprivation increases nestling mouth redness. The effect of nestling quality on mouth redness was also assessed. The intensity of gape coloration affected food distribution, but in a way opposite to that expected: an increase in mouth redness of the nestling caused reduced feeding by parents. However, reddening the gapes of all nestlings had no effect on provisioning of the whole brood, suggesting that Blackcap parents use different cues for provisioning particular nestlings and the whole brood. Intensity of mouth redness in Blackcap nestlings was not affected either by food deprivation or by nestling quality in terms of mass and rank in the nest.  相似文献   

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