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Petaloid organs are a major component of the floral diversity observed across nearly all major clades of angiosperms. The variable morphology and development of these organs has led to the hypothesis that they are not homologous but, rather, have evolved multiple times. A particularly notable example of petal diversity, and potential homoplasy, is found within the order Ranunculales, exemplified by families such as Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, and Papaveraceae. To investigate the molecular basis of petal identity in Ranunculales, we used a combination of molecular phylogenetics and gene expression analysis to characterize APETALA3 (AP3) and PISTILLATA (PI) homologs from a total of 13 representative genera of the order. One of the most striking results of this study is that expression of orthologs of a single AP3 lineage is consistently petal-specific across both Ranunculaceae and Berberidaceae. We conclude from this finding that these supposedly homoplastic petals in fact share a developmental genetic program that appears to have been present in the common ancestor of the two families. We discuss the implications of this type of molecular data for long-held typological definitions of petals and, more broadly, the evolution of petaloid organs across the angiosperms.  相似文献   

Fisher's theory predicts equal sex ratios at the end of parentalcare if the costs and benefits associated with raising eachsex of offspring are equal. In raptors, which display variousdegrees of reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD; females thelarger sex), sex ratios biased in favor of smaller males areonly infrequently reported. This suggests that offspring ofeach sex may confer different fitness advantages to parents.We examined the relative returns associated with raising eachsex of offspring of the brown falcon Falco berigora, a medium-sizedfalcon exhibiting RSD (males approximately 75% of female bodymass) and subsequent sex ratios. Female nestlings hatched eitherfirst or second did not receive more food nor did they hatchfrom larger eggs or remain dependent on parents for longer periodsthan male offspring from these hatch orders. Together with previousstudies this result indicates that even in markedly dimorphicspecies, the required investment to raise the larger sex islikely to be less than that predicted by body size differencesalone. Moreover, among last-hatched nestlings, both sexes faceda reduced food allocation and suffered a slower growth rateand thus final body size, with a concurrent increased probabilityof mortality. For last-hatched females the reduction in foodallocation was more marked, with complete mortality of all last-hatchedfemale nestlings monitored in this study. Once independent,males of any size but only larger females are likely to be recruitedinto the breeding population. The sex-biased food allocationamong last-hatched offspring favoring males thus reflects therelative returns to parents in raising a small member of eachsex.  相似文献   

Most studies of factors that limit the number of eggs that birds lay have focused on the disadvantages of having too many young to feed. Less attention has been paid to the consequences of having a large number of eggs to incubate. The incubation‐capacity hypothesis proposes that females lay as many eggs as they can effectively incubate. We tested this hypothesis in 2018 in a montane population of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides). Most females in this population lay five or six eggs; clutches of seven occur, but are rare. We added eggs to some nests, forcing females to incubate seven eggs, while leaving other nests as controls. Among females completing incubation, those with enlarged clutches hatched as many eggs as did control females, and did so in the same amount of time. This was despite an extended period of unusually cold and often wet weather that occurred when many females were incubating. Our results firmly reject the suggestion that females typically lay no more than six eggs because they cannot effectively heat seven eggs. One or more other factors must limit clutch size. One possible factor is suggested by the fact that during the period of inclement weather, more females with enlarged clutches than control females appeared to abandon nests before completing incubation. Because larger clutches require more energy to incubate, females with seven eggs during energetically stressful conditions could more quickly reach the point where they lack sufficient energy for both incubation and self‐maintenance. Such conditions may occur frequently enough in the montane environment that, on average, laying seven eggs results in reduced lifetime reproductive success.  相似文献   

Carlos M. Herrera 《Oikos》2002,97(3):426-432
The astounding morphological diversity exhibited by the fruits of vertebrate-dispersed plants has been traditionally interpreted as the adaptive outcome of divergent selective pressures exerted on plants by the broad array of frugivorous animals involved in seed dispersal. Although the selective capacity of frugivores provides support to this interpretation, recent studies have challenged it by documenting a strong phylogenetic component associated to interspecific variation in most fruit characteristics. Size-related fruit traits provide a conspicuous exception to this pattern, because they exhibit considerable variation at the between-species level which is largely independent of phylogeny and is correlated with consumption by differently-sized dispersal agents. Substantial species-level variance in size-related traits may reflect genuine disperser-driven diversification, but may also be partly influenced by correlated evolution of fruit size with the size of other plant structures. This latter possibility is tested here for bird-dispersed plants of the Iberian Peninsula using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Results demonstrate the existence of correlated evolution of fruit and leaf size at the species level. As all the plant taxa considered have their fruits eaten, and seeds dispersed, by the same relatively reduced set of frugivorous bird species, results suggest that a significant fraction of the variation in fruit size represented in the species sample may be explained as an indirect consequence of variation in leaf size, rather than being associated with adaptive divergence related to seed dispersal agents.  相似文献   

A typical feature of most vertical orb webs is that the upper web region is smaller and contains less silk than the lower web region, creating an asymmetrical web. The degree of web asymmetry changes during the spider's development: small juveniles construct more symmetrical webs, but older and larger individuals decrease the upper web region. This implies that weight may control the extent of web asymmetry. Using two species, Argiope keyserlingi and Larinioides sclopetarius, we tested the effect of weight increase on web asymmetry by naturally increasing weight through feeding and by artificially adding lead weights to the abdomen of the spiders. Weight increase (natural or artificial) resulted in more asymmetric webs through a reduction of the upper web region. Added weight may interfere with spiral placement in the upper region, because the spider has to lift its abdomen above the carapace during the process. In the lower region, however, the position of the spider is mostly head up during spiral placement. Therefore, amongst other factors, weight and gravitational forces may be physical constraints during web construction. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of colour polymorphisms in animals has received extensive scientific attention. In snakes, a generally accepted hypothesis is that melanistic individuals enjoy thermal advantages compared to normal coloured individuals. Elaphe quadrivirgata on Yakushima Island exhibits a distinct melanistic/striped colour dimorphism. To test this hypothesis, the thermal biology of free‐ranging E. quadrivirgata was investigated using temperature‐sensitive radio transmitters. The thermal quality of habitats was also evaluated using physical models of the snake. In addition, the species' set‐point range (Tset) was estimated using a laboratory experiment. In July, thermal environments appear to be benign because snakes were able to maintain their body temperature (Tb) within Tset from the midday to evening by using average thermal habitats. By contrast, later months of the year were severe in thermoregulation, and snakes had difficulty maintaining their Tb within Tset by using average thermal habitats. There were no significant intermorph differences in thermoregulation indices in any months, whereas slight differences were detected in hourly comparisons. Most of these comparisons indicated active and precise thermoregulation (with respect to Tset) in striped individuals by using thermally favourable but rare microhabitats such as forest gap. Thus, the obtained values do not support the prediction that melanistic individuals are precise thermoregulators. Yet, melanistic individuals do modify their thermoregulation strategy with respect to the available thermal environments in contrast to striped individuals. Together with the fact that body heating is slower in striped individuals than in melanistic individuals under experimental conditions, it is concluded that melanistic individuals have the potential to enjoy thermal advantages but that this might be of no practical use in terms of Tb in the wild because of the greater thermoregulatory efforts of striped individuals, and because melanistic individuals may use forest gap rarely due to conspicuousness to visually orientated predators under the exposed habitat. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 309–322.  相似文献   

Group‐living requires a compromise between safety and direct/indirect costs for individuals. The larger is the group, the greater is the collective vigilance, leading to a greater net food intake per forager because of the time saved individually from scanning behaviour. In turn, individual alertness usually decreases with increasing group size (“group‐size effect”). Information on the occurrence of group‐size effect is still unclear. Previous studies have shown that it may fail to occur or even reverse, for example when costs of interference between conspecifics are high. In turn, assessing whether the group‐size effect would occur in weakly or seasonally gregarious species may help to understand its drivers. We evaluated the occurrence and the extent of group‐size effect in a seasonally nongregarious herbivore, the roe deer Capreolus capreolus. We examined the roles of sex/age class and season as drivers of vigilance behaviour. In roe deer, the group‐size effect did not depend on sex/age class: time spent foraging increased with increasing group size; in turn, vigilance increased with decreasing group size, in all sex/age classes. Females with fawns were the most vigilant sex/age class, thus revealing the cost of offspring protection. Accordingly, the higher spring vigilance levels of does could be related to reproductive costs (e.g., defence of newborn fawns). Conversely, the greater summer vigilance of bucks could result from patrolling/defence of territories. Both adult males and females also showed the higher vigilance in winter, likely because of an increase in the perception of predation risk and/or, possibly, hormones linked to an increase in intolerance of conspecifics, in males. However, the group‐size effect occurred in all the seasons, for adult males and females. Our findings suggest that foraging benefits provided by the group‐size effect may have overcome costs of group‐living, even in a weakly gregarious forager.  相似文献   

1. Functional wing polymorphism in insects is an intriguing topic, especially with respect to the adaptive advantage of each wing morph. The common pygmy grasshopper in Germany, Tetrix subulata, displays wing polymorphism skewed towards macropterous (LW) individuals capable of flight. Furthermore, T. subulata is known to undergo adult diapause in winter and reproduce in spring. 2. Morphometric and biochemical parameters were examined in field‐collected grasshoppers during autumn and spring to obtain a ‘snapshot’ from the same/one cohort of grasshoppers in the wild. 3. Flight muscles are largely reduced in brachypterous (SW) specimens, whereas they are well developed in LW individuals. Body mass measurements indicated gain in female T. subulata in spring, especially in LW morphs, which could be attributed to increased reproductive activity (egg production). 4. Metabolic fuel in haemolymph is differentially distributed in autumn: the concentration of lipids is highest in males, while carbohydrates are most abundant in LW specimens. The metabolic data imply that dispersal in T. subulata is predominantly in autumn, by flight in the case of LW specimens and by hopping/walking in males. 5. The season seems to be an important factor for the reproductive versus dispersal trade‐off in this species. Moreover, this study shows that morphological differences in T. subulata individuals are reflected in physiological differences that may ultimately affect behaviour and ecology.  相似文献   

The question of whether there are shape differences between populations of Littorina saxatilis living in different environments is examined by multivariate analyses of 13 morphological characters. Principal component analysis reveals that morphologic differences between populations from habitats with contrasting degrees of wave exposure are mainly due to a general size factor, including shell thickness. Utilizing the group structure among the snails, canonical variate analysis discloses that the main character excluding size that influences subpopulation differentiation is pointedness.  相似文献   

Shin‐ichi Kudo 《Oikos》2001,92(2):208-214
If there are differences in predation risk among the offspring within a clutch, parents may allocate less resources to the offspring facing higher risk. I examined parental investment in terms of egg size within clutches in five species of stink bugs (Heteroptera, Acanthosomatidae). In subsocial Elasmucha and Sastragala species, the female guards her eggs and first-instar nymphs against invertebrate predators by covering her clutch with her body. Large differences in survival from predation between offspring at the centre and offspring at the periphery of the clutch have been reported in such subsocial insects. I found that Elasmucha and Sastragala females laid significantly smaller eggs in the peripheral (and thus more vulnerable) part of the clutch. Phenotypic trade-offs between egg size and clutch size were detected in these subsocial species. Egg size was positively correlated with hatched first-instar nymph size: smaller nymphs hatched from smaller peripheral eggs. In asocial Elasmostethus humeralis , however, no significant difference in size was detected between the eggs at the centre of and those at the periphery of the clutch. Thus, in subsocial acanthosomatid bugs, females seem to allocate their resources according to the different predation risks faced by the offspring within the clutch.  相似文献   

Stable core microbial communities have been described in numerous animal species and are commonly associated with fitness benefits for their hosts. Recent research, however, highlights examples of species whose microbiota are transient and environmentally derived. Here, we test the effect of diet on gut microbial community assembly in the spider Badumna longinqua. Using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing combined with quantitative PCR, we analyzed diversity and abundance of the spider's gut microbes, and simultaneously characterized its prey communities using nuclear rRNA markers. We found a clear correlation between community similarity of the spider's insect prey and gut microbial DNA, suggesting that microbiome assembly is primarily diet‐driven. This assumption is supported by a feeding experiment, in which two types of prey—crickets and fruit flies—both substantially altered microbial diversity and community similarity between spiders, but did so in different ways. After cricket consumption, numerous cricket‐derived microbes appeared in the spider's gut, resulting in a rapid homogenization of microbial communities among spiders. In contrast, few prey‐associated bacteria were detected after consumption of fruit flies; instead, the microbial community was remodelled by environmentally sourced microbes, or abundance shifts of rare taxa in the spider's gut. The reshaping of the microbiota by both prey taxa mimicked a stable core microbiome in the spiders for several weeks post feeding. Our results suggest that the spider's gut microbiome undergoes pronounced temporal fluctuations, that its assembly is dictated by the consumed prey, and that different prey taxa may remodel the microbiota in drastically different ways.  相似文献   

Ibanez S 《Oecologia》2012,170(1):233-242
Using functional traits together with abundance effects strengthens the prediction of interactions between pairs of species in ecological networks. Insights into the way species interact as well as prediction accuracy can be gained when thresholds for trait value combinations that make interactions possible are optimized through model selection. I present novel data of two subalpine plant–pollinator communities and build several stochastic models integrating flower abundance and morphological threshold rules that allow or restrict interactions between species. The number of correctly predicted interactions was highest when thresholds were set so that the insect’s proboscis was not shorter than the nectar-holder depth minus 1–1.6 mm, and not wider than the nectar-holder width minus 0.5 mm. In comparison with models based solely on plant abundance effects, the model incorporating optimized size thresholds better predicted the distribution of the trait differences between plants and insects. This indicates that a mechanistic approach of interaction webs based on optimized size thresholds provides valuable information on community structure. The possible implications for community functioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that sperm traits influencing male fertilizing ability will evolve adaptively. However, it has been suggested that some sperm traits may be at least partly encoded by mitochondrial genes. If true, this may constrain the adaptive evolution of such traits because mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is maternally inherited and there is thus no selection on mtDNA in males. Phenotypic variation in such traits may nevertheless be high because mutations in mtDNA that have deleterious effects on male traits, but neutral or beneficial effects in females, may be maintained by random processes or selection in females. We used backcrossing to create introgression lines of seed beetles (Callosobruchus maculatus), carrying orthogonal combinations of distinct lineages of cytoplasmic and nuclear genes, and then assayed sperm viability and sperm length in all lines. We found sizeable cytoplasmic effects on both sperm traits and our analyses also suggested that the cytoplasmic effects varied across nuclear genetic backgrounds. We discuss some potential implications of these findings for sperm competition theory.  相似文献   

Cancer viewed as a programmed, evolutionarily conserved life-form, rather than just a random series of disease-causing mutations, answers the rarely asked question of what the cancer cell is for, provides meaning for its otherwise mysterious suite of attributes, and encourages a different type of thinking about treatment. The broad but consistent spectrum of traits, well-recognized in all aggressive cancers, group naturally into three categories: taxonomy ("phylogenation"), atavism ("re-primitivization") and robustness ("adaptive resilience"). The parsimonious explanation is not convergent evolution, but the release of an highly conserved survival program, honed by the exigencies of the Pre-Cambrian, to which the cancer cell seems better adapted; and which is recreated within, and at great cost to, its host. Central to this program is the Warburg Effect, whose malign influence permeates well beyond aerobic glycolysis to include biomass interconversion and genomic heuristics. Warburg-type metabolism and genomic instability are targets whose therapeutic disablement is a major priority.  相似文献   

Sexual selection involving genetically disassortative mate choice is one of several evolutionary processes that can maintain or enhance population genetic variability. Examples of reproductive systems in which choosers (generally females) select mates depending on their major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes have been reported for several vertebrate species. Notably, the role of MHC‐dependent choice not in mating contexts, but in other kinds of social interactions such as in the establishment of complex social systems, has not yet drawn significant scientific interest and is virtually absent from the literature. We have investigated male and female MHC‐dependent choice in an invasive population of North American raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Germany. Both male and female raccoons rely on olfaction for individual recognition. Males have an unusually complex social system in which older individuals choose unrelated younger ones to form stable male coalitions that defend territories and a monopoly over females. We have confirmed that females perform MHC‐disassortative mate choice and that this behaviour fosters genetic diversity of offspring. We have also observed that males build coalitions by choosing male partners depending on their MHC, but in an assortative manner. This is the first observation of antagonistic MHC‐dependent behaviours among sexes. We show that this is the only combination of MHC‐dependent partner choice that leads to outbreeding. In the case of introduced raccoons, such behaviours can act together to promote the invasive potential of the species by increasing its adaptive genetic divergence.  相似文献   

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