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The inaccessibility of open ocean habitat and the cryptic nature of small animals are fundamental problems when assessing the distribution of oceanic-stage sea turtles and other marine animals sharing similar life-history traits. Most methods that estimate patterns of abundance cannot be applied in situations that are extremely data limited. Here, we use a movement ecology framework to generate the first predicted distributions for the oceanic stage of the Kemp''s ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii). Our simulations of particle dispersal within ocean circulation models reveal substantial annual variation in distribution and survival among simulated cohorts. Such techniques can help prioritize areas for conservation, and supply inputs for more realistic demographic models attempting to characterize population trends.  相似文献   

The Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill in the spring of 2010 resulted in an input of ∼4.1 million barrels of oil to the Gulf of Mexico; >22% of this oil is unaccounted for, with unknown environmental consequences. Here we investigated the impact of oil deposition on microbial communities in surface sediments collected at 64 sites by targeted sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, shotgun metagenomic sequencing of 14 of these samples and mineralization experiments using 14C-labeled model substrates. The 16S rRNA gene data indicated that the most heavily oil-impacted sediments were enriched in an uncultured Gammaproteobacterium and a Colwellia species, both of which were highly similar to sequences in the DWH deep-sea hydrocarbon plume. The primary drivers in structuring the microbial community were nitrogen and hydrocarbons. Annotation of unassembled metagenomic data revealed the most abundant hydrocarbon degradation pathway encoded genes involved in degrading aliphatic and simple aromatics via butane monooxygenase. The activity of key hydrocarbon degradation pathways by sediment microbes was confirmed by determining the mineralization of 14C-labeled model substrates in the following order: propylene glycol, dodecane, toluene and phenanthrene. Further, analysis of metagenomic sequence data revealed an increase in abundance of genes involved in denitrification pathways in samples that exceeded the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)''s benchmarks for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared with those that did not. Importantly, these data demonstrate that the indigenous sediment microbiota contributed an important ecosystem service for remediation of oil in the Gulf. However, PAHs were more recalcitrant to degradation, and their persistence could have deleterious impacts on the sediment ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the deepest and largest offshore spill in the United State history and its impacts on marine ecosystems are largely unknown. Here, we showed that the microbial community functional composition and structure were dramatically altered in a deep-sea oil plume resulting from the spill. A variety of metabolic genes involved in both aerobic and anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation were highly enriched in the plume compared with outside the plume, indicating a great potential for intrinsic bioremediation or natural attenuation in the deep sea. Various other microbial functional genes that are relevant to carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and iron cycling, metal resistance and bacteriophage replication were also enriched in the plume. Together, these results suggest that the indigenous marine microbial communities could have a significant role in biodegradation of oil spills in deep-sea environments.  相似文献   

Marine oil spills may have extensive and deleterious effects on coastal waterbirds, but pre‐spill data sets are often not available for making comparisons of demographics to the period following a spill. The 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill allowed us to compare Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis) demographics during pre‐ and post‐spill years. We banded 1114 pelicans on Louisiana barrier islands from 2007 to 2009, tracked their distribution via band re‐sighting surveys from 2008 to 2011, and conducted age‐structure surveys. Across Louisiana coastal islands in 2011, we detected 7% of pelicans that had been oiled during the 2010 spill and released following rehabilitation. Similarly, 6% of pelicans (not oiled) banded at the same release site in 2007 were observed across coastal islands 1 yr after banding. We observed variation in proportions of pelicans that were 1, 2, and 3 or more years old among years (2008–2011) and across islands, but little variation could readily be assigned to spill‐related mortality. These Brown Pelican demographic trends one year following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are contrary to other assessments of the impacts of oil contamination on marine birds. However, additional research is required to evaluate potential long‐term population trends.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have been carried out on the impacts of oil spills on coral physiology, most have relied on laboratory assays. This scarcity is partly explained by the difficulty of reproducing realistic conditions in a laboratory setting or of performing experiments with toxic compounds in the field. Mesocosm systems provide the opportunity to carry out such studies with safe handling of contaminants while reproducing natural conditions required by living organisms. The mesocosm design is crucial and can lead to the development of innovative technologies to mitigate environmental impacts. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a mesocosm system for studies simulating oil spills with several key advantages, including true replication and the use of gravity to control flow‐through that reduces reliance on pumps that can clog thereby decreasing errors and costs. This adaptable system can be configured to (a) have continuous flow‐through; (b) operate as an open or closed system; (c) be fed by gravity; (d) have separate mesocosm sections that can be used for individual and simultaneous experiments; and (e) simulate the migration of oil from ocean oil spills to the nearby reefs. The mesocosm performance was assessed with two experiments using the hydrocoral Millepora alcicornis and different configurations to simulate two magnitudes of oil spills. With few exceptions, physical and chemical parameters remained stable within replicates and within treatments throughout the experiments. Physical and chemical parameters that expressed change during the experiment were still within the range of natural conditions observed in Brazilian marine environments. The photosynthetic potential (Fv/Fm) of the algae associated with M. alcicornis decreased in response to an 1% crude‐oil contamination, suggesting a successful delivery of the toxic contaminant to the targeted replicates. This mesocosm is customizable and adjustable for several types of experiments and proved to be effective for studies of oil spills.  相似文献   

The permanent eastward current at the Straits of Gibraltar may trap small Atlantic loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) inside the western Mediterranean until their swimming and diving skills improve enough to allow them counter-current swimming abilities through the current. A captivity experiment with twelve loggerhead sea turtles (straight carapace length or SCL range: 25.3-48.0 cm) revealed that the average critical velocity of this species within the considered length range was 0.38 ± 0.16 m s− 1 or 1.01 ± 0.24 bl s− 1. As a consequence, loggerhead sea turtles are predicted to require a minimum SCL of 36.0 cm to swim counter-current through the Straits of Gibraltar, where the water velocity ranges 0.31-0.37 m s− 1. Genetic analysis of 105 specimens using one mitochondrial marker and seven microsatellites, as well as the recapture of three tagged individuals, support this conclusion; all Mediterranean individuals found in the Atlantic side of the Straits were not smaller than 36.0 cm SCL and the average length (47.3 cm SCL) was significantly higher than that of the Mediterranean turtles in the Mediterranean side of the Straits (31.6 cm SCL). Furthermore, the average length of the turtles of any origin moving from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic was much larger than 36.0 cm (SCL: 54.5 cm SCL), which may indicate the intervention of a different, yet unidentified mechanism restricting east-westward movement. The Algerian current, running along northern Africa, may at least partially explain the delayed departure of loggerhead sea turtles from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, as it would force the eastward drift of loggerheads occupying the southwestern Mediterranean. Exchange through the Straits is asymmetrical, and Atlantic turtles are found to enter the Mediterranean at a length of about 20.5 cm. However, once in the Mediterranean they would be retained there for up to 7.9 years, due to the surface circulation pattern. This increases the time span at which turtles are exposed to a high mortality rate, caused by fishing.  相似文献   

The massive influx of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) disaster triggered dramatic microbial community shifts in surface oil slick and deep plume waters. Previous work had shown several taxa, notably DWH Oceanospirillales, Cycloclasticus and Colwellia, were found to be enriched in these waters based on their dominance in conventional clone and pyrosequencing libraries and were thought to have had a significant role in the degradation of the oil. However, this type of community analysis data failed to provide direct evidence on the functional properties, such as hydrocarbon degradation of organisms. Using DNA-based stable-isotope probing with uniformly 13C-labelled hydrocarbons, we identified several aliphatic (Alcanivorax, Marinobacter)- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (Alteromonas, Cycloclasticus, Colwellia)-degrading bacteria. We also isolated several strains (Alcanivorax, Alteromonas, Cycloclasticus, Halomonas, Marinobacter and Pseudoalteromonas) with demonstrable hydrocarbon-degrading qualities from surface slick and plume water samples collected during the active phase of the spill. Some of these organisms accounted for the majority of sequence reads representing their respective taxa in a pyrosequencing data set constructed from the same and additional water column samples. Hitherto, Alcanivorax was not identified in any of the previous water column studies analysing the microbial response to the spill and we discuss its failure to respond to the oil. Collectively, our data provide unequivocal evidence on the hydrocarbon-degrading qualities for some of the dominant taxa enriched in surface and plume waters during the DWH oil spill, and a more complete understanding of their role in the fate of the oil.  相似文献   

Fatty acid concentrations found in the yolk of green sea turtles reflect differences in the diet of the mothers. All of the 12 fatty acids measured in yolk samples were significantly different between eggs produced from the pellet and wild-type diets. However, the relative pattern of yolk fatty acids in the green turtle mirrored those of other reptiles. Yolk samples contained mostly (63–67%) 14:0. 16:0, 16:1n-7 and 18:1n-9. Yolks from captive animals on pellet diet contained an additional 17.64% of the total yolk lipid as 12:0 and 18:2n-6. Wild yolks contained an extra 11.41% of lipid as 18:0 and 18:1n-7. Selection of fatty acids for the yolk should balance the energetic and anabolic needs of the embryo. Eggs are provisioned based on maternal metabolism of available nutrients and subtle differences between natural foods and those available in captivity could affect the viability of future eggs.  相似文献   

Environmental factors shape the spatial distribution and dynamics of populations. Understanding how these factors interact with movement behavior is critical for efficient conservation, in particular for migratory species. Adult female green sea turtles, Chelonia mydas, migrate between foraging and nesting sites that are generally separated by thousands of kilometers. As an emblematic endangered species, green turtles have been intensively studied, with a focus on nesting, migration, and foraging. Nevertheless, few attempts integrated these behaviors and their trade‐offs by considering the spatial configurations of foraging and nesting grounds as well as environmental heterogeneity like oceanic currents and food distribution. We developed an individual‐based model to investigate the impact of local environmental conditions on emerging migratory corridors and reproductive output and to thereby identify conservation priority sites. The model integrates movement, nesting, and foraging behavior. Despite being largely conceptual, the model captured realistic movement patterns which confirm field studies. The spatial distribution of migratory corridors and foraging hot spots was mostly constrained by features of the regional landscape, such as nesting site locations, distribution of feeding patches, and oceanic currents. These constraints also explained the mixing patterns in regional forager communities. By implementing alternative decision strategies of the turtles, we found that foraging site fidelity and nesting investment, two characteristics of green turtles' biology, are favorable strategies under unpredictable environmental conditions affecting their habitats. Based on our results, we propose specific guidelines for the regional conservation of green turtles as well as future research suggestions advancing spatial ecology of sea turtles. Being implemented in an easy to learn open‐source software, our model can coevolve with the collection and analysis of new data on energy budget and movement into a generic tool for sea turtle research and conservation. Our modeling approach could also be useful for supporting the conservation of other migratory marine animals.  相似文献   

基于资源等价分析法的海洋溢油生物资源损害评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李京梅  侯怀洲  姚海燕  王晓玲 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3762-3770
评估海洋溢油造成的生物资源损害,对我国目前迫切需要制定的海洋生态补偿政策以及生态修复计划具有重要的现实意义。针对我国2011年渤海蓬莱19-3油田溢油事故,评估生物资源受损程度,利用资源等价分析法计算修复工程规模。结果表明,底栖生物和非底栖生物(包括浮游幼虫幼体、鱼卵、仔稚鱼等)的受损程度分别为30%和71.4%,受损面积分别为1600 km2和6400 km2。若以修建海洋生态保护区作为补偿修复工程,在修复期为20 a、贴现率为3%条件下,修复工程规模应为1059km2,才能补偿溢油造成的底栖和非底栖生物资源损失。其结论可以作为海洋管理部门进行溢油生物资源损害评估和生态修复管理的技术依据。  相似文献   

The Sea Empress oil spill resulted in the release of vast quantities of potentially genotoxic contaminants into the coastal environment of the county of Pembrokeshire (UK). We are at present attempting to determine the potential genotoxic impact of the incident upon the native marine species of the area. Here we describe the levels of DNA adducts in specimens of the intertidal teleost, Lipophrys pholis, exposed to extensive oil contamination as an indication of exposure to potential genotoxins. We detected elevated levels of adducts in L. pholis specimens from an area that underwent heavy oil contamination as compared to specimens from a clean reference area devoid of oil contamination. These preliminary studies indicated that the oil contamination induced DNA adducts in the L. pholis specimens, which could potentially cause genetic damage in this native marine species. Further studies are now required to assess the full extent of the genotoxic impact of the oil spill upon the Pembrokeshire area's native marine life.  相似文献   

The coastline of the Gulf of Mexico in the United States is an important wintering and stopover region for migratory shorebirds. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill (April–August 2010) impacted more than 1700 km of this coastline and could potentially affect shorebirds through long‐term exposure to toxins, degraded habitats, and altered food chains. We investigated the exposure to Deepwater Horizon oil of seven species of shorebirds that winter or stopover along the northern Gulf of Mexico. From October 2010 to May 2012, we captured and banded 691 shorebirds at six sites that experienced varying levels of oil contamination. Of birds sampled, 22 were lightly oiled, with species that forage on the coast having higher rates of oiling than those that forage in more estuarine habitats. Although only 8.6% of birds captured from October 2010 to May 2011 and 0.6% of the birds captured from August 2011 to June 2012 showed signs of oiling, an unknown, but potentially larger, number of shorebirds were likely exposed to indirect effects of the spill, such as decreased foraging time due to oiling of sites or disturbance from cleanup activities. Fuel stores and fattening rates of Dunlins (Calidris alpina) during spring migration, as measured using plasma metabolites, were not influenced by site oiling level. However, the level of disturbance at study sites was a significant predictor of both fuel stores and glycerol levels, suggesting that Dunlins stopping over during spring migration may have had difficulty reaching necessary fuel stores in spring 2011 due to disturbance from cleanup activity on oiled beaches. These effects from disturbance were only observed at sites with high cleanup activity, suggesting that the impact of oil‐spill cleanup on shorebirds may be minimized by limiting cleanup activities to specific areas and times of day.  相似文献   

Nearly all microbes require iron for growth. The low concentration of iron found in the ocean makes iron acquisition a particularly difficult task. In response to these low iron conditions, many bacteria produce low-molecular-weight iron-binding molecules called siderophores to aid in iron uptake. We report herein the isolation and structural characterization of a suite of amphiphilic siderophores called the ochrobactins-OH, which are produced by a Vibrio species isolated from the Gulf of Mexico after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The citrate-based ochrobactins-OH are derivatives of aerobactin, replacing the acetyl groups with fatty acid appendages ranging in size from C8 to C12, and are distinctly different from the ochrobactins in that the fatty acid appendages are hydroxylated rather than unsaturated. The discovery of the marine amphiphilic ochrobactin-OH suite of siderophores increases the geographic and phylogenetic diversity of siderophore-producing bacteria.  相似文献   

海洋溢油生态环境损害因果关系判定方法与模型研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔冰  兰儒  李涛  陈明波  聂宁  石敬  任利利  段君雅  俞博凡 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5266-5278
海洋溢油对生态环境造成污染损害,构成了对海洋环境安全和人体健康的重大威胁,科学地评估溢油污染损害可以发挥为损害修复和赔偿仲裁提供依据的重要作用,为成就这一目标,亟待加强有关溢油污染损害的因果关系及其判定方法与准则的相关理论、技术方法和业务化应用的研究。为此,在对不同原油的各馏分占比和分类组分及含量进行统计分析的基础上,构建了溢油成分统计均值指标体系,基于WHO/IARC化学物质引起人类癌症危险性评价,揭示了不同种类溢油所造成的海洋生态环境损害类型和程度有所不同的因果关系,进而研究提出了基于溢油环境归宿和POPs毒性理论的损害机理分析方法,构建了包括事故发生、成分含量、分类后果、时空分布4类判定准则及其相应指标体系的海洋生态环境损害因果关系判定方法,提出了包括因果关系判定模型、多类型辅助评估模型、调查试验诊断评估方法及业务化流程、以及损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的海洋生态损害评估模型体系总体架构,设计阐述了多类型辅助评估模型、损害基线与程度判定准则及指标体系的构建方案。针对辅助评估模型中具有代表性的易受损因子--海水水质指标的损害因果关系判定和损害程度量化问题,构建了基于溢油风化缩比仿真试验的溢油风化水质影响评估模型,采用溢油事故引起海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积,以及事故发生前后实测的相关海域海水水质超过不同等级水质标准的超标面积发生变化以及出现峰值的状况,作为判定损害因果关系存在和评估损害程度的量化指标,通过开展"塔兹曼海"、大连"7.16"等发生于渤海和黄海的溢油及危化品事故案例调查,实施了判定方法与模型的应用研究,对模型参数进行了率定,模型和实测结果均显示,在具有连通性的渤海和黄海海域,不同时段超过不同等级海水水质标准的超标面积增量与该海域实际发生溢油事故的时间存在显著的关联响应关系。综合判断,溢油污染损害与污染事故发生的时间和位置、所处海域的连通性及扩散条件、入海溢油的总量及环境污染持久性呈密切相关的因果关系。  相似文献   

This research examines how information about an oil spill, its impacts, and the use of dispersants to treat the oil, moved through social media and the surrounding Internet during the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Using a collection of tweets captured during the spill, we employ a mixed-method approach including an in-depth qualitative analysis to examine the content of Twitter posts, the connections that Twitter users made with each other, and the links between Twitter content and the surrounding Internet. This article offers a range of findings to help practitioners and others understand how social media is used by a variety of different actors during a slow-moving, long-term, environmental disaster. We enumerate some of the most salient themes in the Twitter data, noting that concerns about health impacts were more likely to be communicated in tweets about dispersant use, than in the larger conversation. We describe the accounts and behaviors of highly retweeted Twitter users, noting how locals helped to shape the network and the conversation. Importantly, our results show the online crowd wanting to participate in and contribute to response efforts, a finding with implications for future oil spill response.  相似文献   

The depletion of fish stocks from global fisheries has been a long‐standing concern. More recently, incidental catch of non‐target (termed bycatch) vertebrates also has been proposed as a serious conservation issue. Here we present a bycatch assessment for loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles that are incidentally caught by global pelagic longlines. We integrate catch data from over 40 nations and bycatch data from 13 international observer programmes. Despite infrequent rates of encounter, our analyses show that more than 200 000 loggerheads and 50 000 leatherbacks were likely taken as pelagic longline bycatch in 2000. Our analyses suggest that thousands of these turtles die each year from longline gear in the Pacific Ocean alone. Given 80–95% declines for Pacific loggerhead and leatherback populations over the last 20 years, this bycatch level is not sustainable. Adopting a large‐scale, synthetic approach is critical to accurately characterize the influence of global fisheries bycatch on globally distributed and imperilled pelagic vertebrates.  相似文献   

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