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The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive agricultural pest of fruit trees and vegetables. Egg parasitoids play a key role in the reducing of H. halys populations. Ooencyrtus kuvanae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) can parasitize H. halys and complete its life cycle in this host species. Many factors can influence this parasitoid–host relationship. Of these factors, we evaluated the effect of female age, exposure time, and host species on the biological characteristics and fecundity of O. kuvanae reared on eggs of H. halys as well as another previously known host Philosamia ricini (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). In this study, we used a 3-year-old laboratory colony of O. kuvanae. Parasitism rates positively affected by exposure time in P. ricini. The highest parasitism rates were obtained in 5- and 7-day-old females of both hosts. The highest emergence rates were recorded on P. ricini for 5- and 7-day-old female P. ricini (81.8% and 84.8%, respectively). The development time of O. kuvanae ranged from 18.4 to 19.1 days on H. halys and 17.7 to 18.3 days on P. ricini. The longevity of O. kuvanae that were provided honey was 38.5 and 47.8 days on H. halys and P. ricini, respectively. The longevity of O. kuvanae that were not provided honey was 2.3 and 2.8 days on H. halys and P. ricini, respectively. The sex ratio was male-biased (36.5% female) on H. halys and female-biased (55.2% female) on P. ricini. Fecundity of O. kuvanae was 37.7 and 59.6 progeny per female for H. halys and P. ricini, respectively. The performance of O. kuvanae was lower when compared with its performance on the host P. ricini. Our results suggest that O. kuvanae has potential as new biological control agent for H. halys.  相似文献   

Ooencyrtus kuvanae is a key egg parasitoid of Lymantria dispar (L.), an important defoliating pest in China and North America. We have developed mass rearing techniques for O. kuvanae and in this study compared the reproductive capacity of O. kuvanae when it was previously reared on the natural host, L. dispar or the factitious host, Antheraea pernyi Guerin‐Meneville. There was no significant difference in the oviposition period or total number of eggs laid between L. dispar‐reared and A. pernyi‐reared females. However, the mean number of offspring successfully emerging from those eggs was significantly larger from the A. pernyi‐reared females compared with L. dispar‐reared females. From this, we can conclude that, with respect to reproductive capability, eggs of A. pernyi are suitable factitious hosts for mass rearing of O. kuvanae.  相似文献   

Host acceptance and suitability of Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. for Trichogramma maidis Pint. et Voeg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were studied, after rearing the parasitoids on O. nubilalis or Ephestia kuehniella Oliv. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for various numbers of generations. In cages, containing two maize plants with in total 30 egg masses of the natural host (O. nubilalis), wasps continuously reared on either E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis found egg masses in equal proportions. The former however, did not parasitize the eggs successfully, due to either low degree of host acceptance or insufficient host suitability or both. Subsequently, host acceptance behaviour of individual females from different strains was studied by means of direct observations after releasing them into a small arena containing eggs of O. nubilalis or E. kuehniella. Wasps continuously reared on O. nubilalis or 1–3 generations on E. kuehniella accepted egg masses of the natural host better than wasps continuously reared on E. kuehniella. Acceptance of O. nubilalis by the wasps gradually decreased with increasing numbers of generations reared on E. kuehniella. By rearing T. maidis, previously cultured on E. kuehniella, for five generations on O. nubilalis, acceptance of egg masses of this host species did not change. Host suitability of O. nubilalis appears to correspond with host acceptance of the strains. Contrary to the observations on O. nubilalis, acceptance and suitability of E. kuehniella were not influenced by the host on which T. maidis was reared. Results of this study show that host acceptance and suitability of the natural host are important quality factors for T. maidis when mass produced on a factitious host.
Zusammenfassung Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung von Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. für den Eiparasitoiden, Trichogramma maidis Pint. et. Voeg., wurden untersucht nach der Zucht auf dem natürlichen Wirt, O. nubilalis, oder auf dem Ersatzwirt, der Mehlmotte, Ephestia kühniella Zell.. Versuche mit Käfigen, in denen je zwei Maispflanzen mit insgesamt 30 Eigelegen von O. nubilalis und 40 Weibchen von T. maidis eingesperrt waren, zeigten, dass Weibchen, die seit über 150 Generationen auf O. nubilalis bzw. E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege gleich gut fanden. Während die auf O. nubilalis gezüchteten Parasitoide die Eigelege zu 80% parasitierten, war die Parasitierungsrate der auf E. kühniella gezüchteten Parasitoide gleich Null. Die Ursachen dieses Phänomens wurden in weiteren Versuchen durch direkte Beobachtungen über Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung untersucht. Einzelne Weibchen von Stämmen, die nur auf O. nubilalis oder während einer zunehmenden Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, untersuchte man während 15 Minuten unter der Stereoskoplupe in einer kleinen Arena, die ein Eigelege des Maiszünslers oder Eier der Mehlmotte enthielt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Wespen, die ausschliesslich auf Maiszünslereiern oder nur 1–3 Generationen auf Mehlmotteneiern gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege von O. nubilalis besser akzeptierten als solche, die seit vielen Generationen auf E. kühniella vermehrt worden waren. Die Wirtsakzeptanz verschlechterte sich mit zunehmender Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella. Wenn T. maidis nach 23 Generationen auf E. kühniella wieder während 5 Generationen auf O. nubilalis gezüchtet wurde, verbesserte sich die Akzeptanz der Eigelege von O. nubilalis nicht. Die Wirtseignung der Eigelege von O. nubilalis, stimmt überein mit der Wirtsakzeptanz der verschiedenen Stämme. Dies ergaben Versuche mit 15 Minuten Direktbeobachtung und bei 24 Stunden Expositionszeit. Im Gegensatz zu den Beobachtungen auf Eigelegen von O. nubilalis wurde die Akzeptanz und Eignung der Eier von E. kühniella durch die Zucht auf verschiedenen Wirten nicht beeinflusst. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigt, dass Akzeptanz und Eignung des natürlichen Wirtes wichtige Qualitätsfaktoren für T. maidis in der Massenzucht auf Ersatzwirten sind.

Successful complete development of Trichogramma species on artificial media is also related to the presence and proportions of ingredients other than host insect‐derived components. In this study, an orthogonal array with six factors at three levels was performed and parameters of parasitism, larval development, pupation, and adult emergence were monitored to reveal the most important components of an artificial medium and to improve the medium for in vitro mass rearing of Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Results indicated that biological parameters of T. dendrolimi were affected differently by six ingredients of the artificial medium: pupal hemolymph of Antheraea pernyi (Guérin‐Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), egg yolk, 10% malted milk solution, Neisenheimer's salt solution, trehalose, and sterile water. Statistical analysis indicated that trehalose and Neisenheimer's salt solution, 10% malted milk solution, and pupal hemolymph of A. pernyi were the main ingredients of the artificial medium based on rates of parasitism and pupation, the number of larvae developing in each artificial egg, adult emergence rate, and the number of normal adults produced. A follow‐up bioassay with a selection of optimized formulas confirmed the validity of the optimization as predicted by the orthogonal array analysis, indicating the usefulness of this method for selecting artificial diets for entomophagous insects. Adult emergence rate of the parasitoid and total number of normal adults produced per egg card (each containing 20 artificial eggs) averaged 88.8% and 956 females on the best performing optimized artificial medium, consisting of 3 ml pupal hemolymph of A. pernyi, 2.5 ml egg yolk, 1 ml 10% malted milk solution, 1 ml Neisenheimer's salt solution, 0.1 g trehalose, and 1.5 ml sterile water. The latter medium was superior to any formerly developed medium and may thus have potential for the in vitro mass rearing of T. dendrolimi.  相似文献   

The omnivorous anthocorid predator Orius laevigatus is an economically important biological control agent of several small arthropod pests including the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis. Mass rearing systems for Orius bugs typically make use of plant materials such as bean pods as an oviposition substrate and moisture source. Omission of plant materials from the mass rearing system of these beneficial arthropods could drastically improve the cost‐effectiveness of their production and thus stimulate their use in augmentative biological control. This study investigated the effect of a plantless rearing system, using wax paper as a walking substrate, water encapsulated in Parafilm domes, and an artificial oviposition substrate made of Parafilm and moist cotton wool, on the developmental and reproductive fitness of O. laevigatus. Plantless rearing during four generations resulted in females with an 11% lower body weight and a pre‐oviposition period that was prolonged by 29%. However, other biological parameters were not negatively affected by the absence of plants. In addition, plantless‐reared females had similar predation rates on F. occidentalis larvae as their peers maintained on plants. Our study indicates that the omission of plant material from the production cycle of O. laevigatus is possible when Ephestia kuehniella eggs are provided as a nutritionally optimal food source.  相似文献   

Biological control approaches such as seeding and augmentation releases of populations of natural enemies mostly rely on the indoor production of predator or parasitoid species, often with the use of alternative prey/host species. In this study, we investigated several development parameters of four egg parasitoid species: Ooencyrtus fecundus, O. near fecundus, O. pityocampae and O. telenomicida, and compared their performance on their natural host, the variegated caper bug (CB) Stenozygum coloratum, and on an alternative, factitious host, the silk moth (SM) Bombyx mori. Survival was higher and development duration shorter in CB eggs, making the CB a better host for these congeners. However, adult longevity was generally longer for individuals that developed in SM eggs. Moreover, O. fecundus and O. pityocampae females that had developed in SM eggs displayed higher fecundity than all other female/host combinations. Survival also varied according to the age of the SM eggs: parasitoid survival rates were significantly higher in 9‐ to 12‐month‐old (post‐diapausing) eggs than in young (about 1 month old) ones. These results were probably influenced by differences among the egg sizes of the studied hosts. The number of non‐laying females and self‐superparasitism rates were exceptionally high in O. near fecundus. These findings suggest that SM eggs, and especially those which are being utilized after a long storage, could serve for mass rearing of the studied Ooencyrtus spp.  相似文献   

Classical biological control programmes rely on mass production of high‐quality beneficial insects for subsequent releases into the field. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of tephritid flies that is being reared to support a classical biological control programme for olive fruit fly in California. The mass‐rearing system for a P. lounsburyi colony, initiated with insects originally collected in Kenya, was evaluated with the goal of increasing production, while at the same time reducing time requirements for rearing in a quarantine facility. We tested the effect of exposure time of a factitious host Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), on parasitization, adult production, superparasitism, and sex ratio of P. lounsburyi and survival of the host. Parasitization rates were highest (31%) at 3‐ and 4‐hr exposure times, while adult production (i.e., emergence of wasp progeny) was highest (16%) at the 2‐hr exposure time. Superparasitism over the course of the study was 1.5% and did not appear to be a factor affecting parasitoid production. The sex ratio of wasp progeny was male‐biased and did not vary significantly over different exposure times. The rate of stings on host larvae increased with exposure time and was consistent with decreases in pupal eclosion from larvae and emergence rate of adult flies. When compared to current rearing procedures, the 2‐hr exposure time resulted in an overall 2.8‐fold increase in P. lounsburyi production when standardized for time.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), is a significant citrus pest and the parasitoid Tamarixia radiata (Waterston) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) has been released in various citrus‐producing areas in classical biological control programs targeting D. citri. We investigated the effect of host deprivation on the foraging behavior and patch utilization by T. radiata. In the laboratory, females deprived of hosts for 3 days tended to leave patches of 12 nymphs without parasitizing hosts during the ca. 30 min they spent in the patch before leaving. Moreover, half of these females failed to host feed, and those that did host feed, on average, needed more than 15 min to complete feeding. Conversely, non‐host‐deprived females parasitized on average three nymphs before leaving patches without host feeding during the ca. 39 min they spent in the patch. These laboratory observations were compared to mass‐reared female T. radiata that were released onto colonies of D. citri nymphs infesting citrus in the field. Release vials were provisioned with honey and these females had no opportunities to host feed over the 1‐ to 2‐day containment period prior to release. When introduced onto D. citri colonies, 68% T. radiata females abandoned D. citri patches prior to probing hosts, in part, because Argentine ants, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), tending colonies disturbed searching parasitoids. These results from laboratory and field studies are discussed in the context of classical biological control, with the aim of understanding how to manipulate host availability and ant activity so establishment rates and impact of T. radiata can be improved.  相似文献   

舞毒蛾Lymantria dispar (L.)是国际性检疫害虫。大蛾卵跳小蜂Ooencyrtus kuwanae (Howard)是舞毒蛾卵的重要寄生蜂, 对舞毒蛾有一定的控制作用。为了在规模化繁育大蛾卵跳小蜂时控制小蜂的发育进度, 设置不同的温度梯度研究了该蜂发育与温度的关系; 同时, 为了对替代寄主繁育出的天敌质量进行评价, 对利用其自然寄主舞毒蛾卵和替代寄主柞蚕Antheraea pernyi卵繁育出的子代成蜂的寿命、 胸宽、 雌雄性比进行了比较。结果显示: 大蛾卵跳小蜂的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为10.50±1.41℃和260.74±25.09日·度, 温度与发育速率的关系为T=10.50+260.74V。当采用30%的蜂蜜水饲喂成蜂时, 柞蚕卵繁育出的大蛾卵跳小蜂雌、 雄蜂的平均寿命分别为15.01和10.38 d, 采用原寄主舞毒蛾卵繁育出的雌、 雄蜂平均寿命分别为20.94和15.95 d, 两者差异显著; 采用柞蚕卵繁育出的雌蜂个体显著大于用舞毒蛾卵繁育出的雌蜂个体; 柞蚕卵和舞毒蛾卵繁育出的大蛾卵跳小蜂雌雄性比没有显著差异, 分别为2.42∶1和2.57∶1。结果表明, 在野外开展舞毒蛾的生物防治时, 释放利用柞蚕卵繁育出的大蛾卵跳小蜂具有可行性。  相似文献   

An improved method for mass rearing Paratheresia claripalpis Van der Wulp (Diptera: Tachinidae), for biological control of lepidopteran stalk borers is described and compared to the commonly used method. The improved method was found to be superior by being less labour intensive and by producing 2.25 times more parasites from the same number of hosts.
Amélioration de la technique d'élevage de masse de Paratheresia claripalpis pour la lutte biologique contre Diatraea saccharalis
Résumé Une technique d'élevage de massa de la tachinaire, P. claripalpis Van der Wulp, est décrite et comparée à la technique classique. Cette technique correspond à une amélioration puisqu'elle demande moins de travail et produit 2.25 fois plus de parasites pour le même nombre d'hôtes.

Predators as well as parasitoids native to Europe accept the exotic horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimi? 1986 (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), either as prey or as host. However, the influence of these antagonists on the populations of the pest insect is so far very low. Therefore, efforts to develop an integrated pest management system against C. ohridella should include methods which foster the natural enemy complex. In the present study we developed a laboratory rearing method and investigated several biological parameters of Pnigalio agraules (Walker 1839) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a dominant species in the horse chestnut leafminer’s parasitoid complex in many European regions. This native parasitoid satisfies three basic requirements for successful use as a biocontrol agent with regard to C. ohridella. The parasitoid’s fecundity, longevity and the speed of juvenile development by far exceeds that of the leafminer, enabling the parasitoid population to increase faster than that of the host. Furthermore, our results show that the impact of this species on C. ohridella populations has been previously underestimated, because non‐reproductive killing (i.e. host‐feeding and host‐stinging) of the hosts, resulting in considerable larval mortality of the leafminer, has not been quantitatively assessed. However, naturally occurring parasitoid populations have negligible impact on C. ohridella populations. Further studies, including experimental releases of P. agraules, are necessary to understand the constraints limiting the parasitoid’s performance in the field and to assess the potential benefits of releases for the control of C. ohridella.  相似文献   

Chinese tallowtree, Triadica sebifera (L.) Small (Euphorbiaceae), is one of the worst invasive weeds of the southeastern USA impacting coastal wetlands, forests, and natural areas. Traditional mechanical and chemical controls have been unable to limit the spread, and this invasive species continues to expand its range. A proposed biological control candidate, the flea beetle Bikasha collaris (Baly) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), shows high specificity for the target weed Chinese tallowtree. Results from a series of no‐choice and choice feeding tests of B. collaris adults and larvae indicated that this flea beetle was highly specific to Chinese tallowtree. The larvae of B. collaris feed by tunneling in the roots, whereas the adults feed on the leaves of Chinese tallowtree. A total of 77 plant taxa, primarily from members of the tallow plant family Euphorbiaceae, were tested in numerous test designs. Larval no‐choice tests indicated that larvae completed development only on two of the non‐target taxa. Of 80 B. collaris larvae fed roots of Hippomane mancinella L. and 50 larvae fed roots of Ricinus communis L., two and three larvae completed development, respectively. The emerging adults of these five larvae died within 3 days without reproducing. Larval choice tests also indicated little use of these non‐target taxa. Adult no‐choice tests indicated little leaf damage by B. collaris on the non‐targets except for Ditrysinia fruticosa (Bartram) Govaerts & Frodin and Gymnanthes lucida Sw. When given a choice, however, B. collaris adults consumed much less of the non‐targets D. fruticosa (7.4%) and G. lucida (6.1%) compared with the control leaves. Finally, no‐choice oviposition tests indicated that no eggs were produced when adults were fed all non‐target taxa, except those fed G. lucida. These B. collaris adults fed G. lucida leaves produced an average of 4.6 eggs compared with 115.0 eggs per female when fed Chinese tallowtree. The eggs produced from adults fed G. lucida were either inviable or the emerging larvae died within 1 day. These results indicate that the flea beetle B. collaris was unable to complete its life cycle on any of the non‐target taxa tested. If approved for field release, B. collaris will be the first biological control agent deployed against Chinese tallowtree in the USA. This flea beetle may play an important role in suppressing Chinese tallowtree and contribute to the integrated control of this invasive weed.  相似文献   

Host age is an important determinant of host acceptance and suitability for egg parasitoids. As host embryonic development advances, the quality of resources available to the parasitoid offspring typically declines, usually resulting in reduced acceptance levels by foraging females and lower offspring fitness. We examined the ability of the parasitoid Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) to parasitize and develop in Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) eggs of different ages. In laboratory experiments, we measured the effect of host age (6, 24, 48, 72, 96, or 120 h old) on parasitism rate and offspring fitness parameters such as survival, development time, sex ratio, and size. Contrary to our expectations, parasitism rate did not differ between host age treatments, nor did sex ratio allocation, offspring size, or the fecundity of newly emerged female offspring. However, parasitoid offspring had a longer development time with increasing host age. This trend was stronger for males than for females, which we suggest could reduce the degree of protandry among offspring emerging from older host eggs, thus increasing the rate of virginity upon leaving the emergence patch and resulting in more frequent off‐patch mating by female offspring in nature. Overall, our results suggest that all stages of P. maculiventris embryonic development are suitable for acceptance and development of T. podisi. Unlike most species of egg parasitoids, T. podisi has evolved mechanisms to utilize host resources, regardless of host developmental stage, with relatively minor fitness consequences.  相似文献   

Associative learning is well documented in Hymenopteran parasitoids, where it is thought to be an adaptive mechanism for increasing successful host location in complex environments. Based on this learning capacity, it has been suggested that providing prerelease training to parasitoids reared for inundative release may lead to a subsequent increase in their efficacy as biological control agents. Using the fruit fly parasitoid Diachasmimorpha krausii we tested this hypothesis in a series of associative learning experiments which involved the parasitoid, two host fruits (tomatoes and nectarine), and one host fly (Bactrocera ttyoni). In sequential Y-tube olfactometer studies, large field-cage studies, and then open field studies, naive wasps showed a consistent preference for nectarines over tomatoes. The preference for nectarines was retained, but not significantly increased, for wasps which had prior training exposure to nectarines. However, and again consistently at all three spatial scales, prior experience on tomatoes led to significantly increased attraction to this fruit by tomato-trained wasps, including those liberated freely in the environment. These results, showing consistency of learning at multiple spatial scales, gives confidence to the many laboratory-based learning studies which are extrapolated to the field without testing. The experiment also provides direct experimental support for the proposed practice of enhancing the quality of inundatively released parasitoids through associative learning.  相似文献   

Coffee leaf rust (CLR), caused by the fungal pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, has plagued coffee production worldwide for over 150 years. Hemileia vastatrix produces urediniospores, teliospores, and the sexual basidiospores. Infection of coffee by basidiospores of H. vastatrix has never been reported and thus far, no alternate host, capable of supporting an aecial stage in the disease cycle, has been found. Due to this, some argue that an alternate host of H. vastatrix does not exist. Yet, to date, the plant pathology community has been puzzled by the ability of H. vastatrix to overcome resistance in coffee cultivars despite the apparent lack of sexual reproduction and an aecidial stage. The purpose of this study was to introduce a new method to search for the alternate host(s) of H. vastatrix. To do this, we present the novel hypothetical alternate host ranking (HAHR) method and an automated text mining (ATM) procedure, utilizing comprehensive biogeographical botanical data from the designated sites of interests (Ethiopia, Kenya and Sri Lanka) and plant pathology insights. With the HAHR/ATM methods, we produced prioritized lists of potential alternate hosts plant of coffee leaf rust. This is a first attempt to seek out an alternate plant host of a pathogenic fungus in this manner. The HAHR method showed the highest‐ranking probable alternate host as Psychotria mahonii, Rubus apetalus, and Rhamnus prinoides. The cross‐referenced results by the two methods suggest that plant genera of interest are Croton, Euphorbia, and Rubus. The HAHR and ATM methods may also be applied to other plant–rust interactions that include an unknown alternate host or any other biological system, which rely on data mining of published data.  相似文献   

Legumes can preferentially select beneficial rhizobial symbionts and sanction ineffective strains that fail to fix nitrogen. Yet paradoxically, rhizobial populations vary from highly beneficial to ineffective in natural and agricultural soils. Classic models of symbiosis focus on the single dimension of symbiont cost‐benefit to sympatric hosts, but fail to explain the widespread persistence of ineffective rhizobia. Here, we test a novel framework predicting that spatio‐temporal and community dynamics can maintain ineffective strains in rhizobial populations. We used clonal and multistrain inoculations and quantitative culturing to investigate the relative fitness of four focal Bradyrhizobium strains varying from effective to ineffective on Acmispon strigosus. We found that an ineffective Bradyrhizobium strain can be sanctioned by its native A. strigosus host across the host's range, forming fewer and smaller nodules compared to beneficial strains. But the same ineffective Bradyrhizobium strain exhibits a nearly opposite pattern on the broadly sympatric host Acmispon wrangelianus, forming large nodules in both clonal and multistrain inoculations. These data suggest that community‐level effects could favour the persistence of ineffective rhizobia and contribute to variation in symbiotic nitrogen fixation.  相似文献   

Onion weed, Asphodelus fistulosus L., (Liliaceae) a weed of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern origin is widespread in southern Australia where it invades pastures making them unsuitable for grazing. A program of research is underway to discover natural enemies of this plant and to study their possible role in the biological control of onion weed. A rust fungus Puccinia barbeyi (Roum.) Magnus has been found to severely attack A. fistulosus . Observations on the biology of the rust confirmed that it is monoecious and microcyclic and multiplied essentially by aecial and telial stages, although occasionally urediniospores also appeared among teliospores. Several members of the Liliaceae exposed to the aeciospores of the rust remained unattacked indicating that it is most probably specific to Asphodelus spp. and thus its potential for the biological control of A. fistulosus in Australia should be studied further.  相似文献   

白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的生物学和生态学特性及繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内测定并结合林间实地调查的方法,研究了新发现的寄生于蛀干害虫白蜡窄吉丁的外寄生蜂——白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao的生物学特性及其人工繁殖技术。结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂外寄生于白蜡窄吉丁的幼虫和蛹及预蛹,是自然控制该害虫的一种重要寄生蜂,自然寄生率为13.9%左右。该蜂在天津1年发生5代,世代重叠明显,寿命长。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的卵、幼虫、茧蛹期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为(16.89±0.79)℃,(17.03±1.42)℃,(16.90±1.68)℃和(15.31±0.47)℃。有效积温分别为(33.82±4.13)日·度、(49.11±7.93)日·度、(128.88±27.87)日·度和(277.00±14.15)日·度。雌性成蜂易于低温保存,对寄主有较强的搜索力和攻击力。繁蜂寄主容易大量获得,是生物防治白蜡窄吉丁的重要理想天敌之一。  相似文献   

Oomyzus sokolowskii, an important parasitoid of Plutella xylostella, has great potential for use in biological control. Storage at suboptimal temperature is valuable for increasing the shelf‐life of insect parasitoids. In this study, O. sokolowskii larvae were reared at 30/25, 25/25 and 25/20°C light/dark (65 ± 5% RH, 16 : 8 h L : D) until pupation. The pupae were then cold‐stored at 4 ± 1°C (60 ± 5% RH, full darkness). The pupae were removed out from the storage at 10, 20, 30 and 40 days after storage (DAS) and maintained at 25 ± 2°C until adults emerged or pupae died. Quality of the emerging adults and their F1 offspring were assessed. Incidence of parasitism by O. sokolowskii was higher at 30/25°C than at 25/20°C. Cold storage of O. sokolowskii pupae greatly affected the fitness of the parasitoid: adult emergence rates were lower in the 40 DAS treatment than in other treatments; when O. sokolowskii larvae developed at 25/25°C, female proportions of the emerged adults were lower in the 40 DAS treatment than in the 0 and 10 DAS treatments. Larval rearing temperature mildly affected the adult emergence rate, post‐storage developmental time and female proportion with a few exceptions. Number of parasitoids emerged per host pupa, and incidence of parasitism by the females were neither affected by larval rearing temperature nor cold storage duration. Trans‐generational effects on F1 offspring were evident in adult emergence rate, egg‐adult developmental time and female proportion which were negatively affected by long duration of storage (40 days), but not by larval rearing temperature with a few exceptions. In conclusion, O. sokolowskii pupae could be stored at 4°C for up to 30 days without significant fitness loss.  相似文献   

Lepidium draba (Brassicaceae) is a clonal herb, originating from Eurasia, which is invasive in North America. A classical biological control project was initiated in 2001, and the gall‐forming weevil Ceutorhynchus cardariae was prioritized as a candidate agent. We studied its biology and field host range between 2003 and 2014 in the laboratory and a common garden in Switzerland and in the field in Romania. Ceutorhynchus cardariae is a univoltine to bivoltine species. In Switzerland, oviposition usually started at the beginning of March and can occur at temperatures as low as 2.5°C. Galls are formed on stems, leaf stalks and midribs of L. draba rosettes and bolting plants. Gall size increased with an increasing number of larvae per gall. The three larval instars feed inside the galls and leave the plant to pupate in the soil once mature. In Switzerland, development from egg to adult took about 12 weeks in spring. Adults emerged from May to July. After a brief feeding period, adults aestivate. From late summer, feeding recommenced and females may oviposit, forming a partial second generation. Eggs and all larval instars can be found in galls throughout winter. The rate of larval ectoparasitism reached 78%, while endoparasitism was low with a maximum of 2.3%. Lepidium draba populations differed in their suitability for development (number of C. cardariae produced), indicating that effectiveness of C. cardariae – in case released – may be variable. In the field, we observed that gall formation by C. cardariae can severely stunt or even kill shoots. Investigations on the field host range of C. cardariae indicated that only the closely related Lepidium campestre may act as an alternative host for the weevil in Europe. Host‐specificity tests are underway to determine its environmental safety before field release in North America is being considered.  相似文献   

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