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Song divergence between closely related taxa may play a critical role in the evolutionary processes of speciation and hybridization. We explored song variation between two Ecuadorian subspecies of the gray‐breasted wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) and tested the impact of song divergence on response behaviors. Songs were significantly different between the two subspecies, even between two parapatric populations 10 km apart. Playback experiments revealed an asymmetric response pattern to these divergent subspecies specific songs; one subspecies responded more to songs of its own subspecies than to the other subspecies’ songs, whereas the second responded equally strongly to songs of both subspecies. While song parameters revealed a mixed pattern of divergence between allopatric and parapatric populations, the majority of spectral characteristics showed increased divergence in parapatry, suggestive of character displacement. This increased song divergence in parapatry appeared to affect behavioral responses to playback as discriminating responses were most prominent in parapatry and against parapatric songs. The clear behavioral impact of subspecies‐specific song differences supports a potential role for song as an acoustic barrier to gene flow. The asymmetric nature of the responses suggests that song divergence could affect the direction of gene flow and the position of the subspecies‐specific transition.  相似文献   

Divergence in sexual signals may drive reproductive isolation between lineages, but behavioural barriers can weaken in contact zones. Here, we investigate the role of song as a behavioural and genetic barrier in a contact zone between two subspecies of white‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys). We employed a reduced genomic data set to assess population structure and infer the history underlying divergence, gene flow and hybridization. We also measured divergence in song and tested behavioural responses to song using playback experiments within and outside the contact zone. We found that the subspecies form distinct genetic clusters, and demographic inference supported a model of secondary contact. Song phenotype, particularly length of the first note (a whistle), was a significant predictor of genetic subspecies identity and genetic distance along the hybrid zone, suggesting a close link between song and genetic divergence in this system. Individuals from both parental and admixed localities responded significantly more strongly to their own song than to the other subspecies song, supporting song as a behavioural barrier. Putative parental and admixed individuals were not significantly different in their strength of discrimination between own and other songs; however, individuals from admixed localities tended to discriminate less strongly, and this difference in discrimination strength was explained by song dissimilarity as well as genetic distance. Therefore, we find that song acts as a reproductive isolating mechanism that is potentially weakening in a contact zone between the subspecies. Our findings also support the hypothesis that intraspecific song variation can reduce gene flow between populations.  相似文献   

Sexual selection on multiple signals may lead to differential rates of signal introgression across hybrid zones if some signals contribute to reproductive isolation but others facilitate gene flow. Competition among males is one powerful form of sexual selection, but male behavioral responses to multiple traits have not been considered in a system where traits have introgressed differentially. Using playbacks, mounts, and a reciprocal experimental design, we tested the hypothesis that male responses to song and plumage in two subspecies of red‐backed fairy‐wren (Malurus melanocephalus) explain patterns of differential signal introgression (song has not introgressed, whereas plumage color has introgressed asymmetrically). We found that males of both subspecies discriminated symmetrically between subspecies’ songs at a long range, but at a close range, we found that aggression was equal for both subspecies’ plumage and songs. Taken together, our results suggest that male behavioral responses hinder the introgression of song, but allow for the observed asymmetrical introgression of plumage. Our results highlight how behavioral responses are a key component of signal evolution when recently divergent taxa come together, and how differential responses to multiple signals may lead to differential signal introgression and novel trait combinations.  相似文献   

Little is known about how important social behaviors such as song vary within and among populations for any of the endemic Hawaiian honeycreepers. Habitat loss and non‐native diseases (e.g., avian malaria) have resulted in isolation and fragmentation of Hawaiian honeycreepers within primarily high elevation forests. In this study, we examined how isolation of Hawai'i ‘amakihi (Chlorodrepanis virens) populations within a fragmented landscape influences acoustic variability in song. In the last decade, small, isolated populations of disease tolerant ‘amakihi have been found within low elevation forests, allowing us to record ‘amakihi songs across a large elevational gradient (10–1800 m) that parallels disease susceptibility on Hawai'i island. To understand underlying differences among populations, we examined the role of geographic distance, elevation, and habitat structure on acoustic characteristics of ‘amakihi songs. We found that the acoustic characteristics of ‘amakihi songs and song‐type repertoires varied most strongly across an elevational gradient. Differences in ‘amakihi song types were primarily driven by less complex songs (e.g., fewer frequency changes, shorter songs) of individuals recorded at low elevation sites compared to mid and high elevation populations. The reduced complexity of ‘amakihi songs at low elevation sites is most likely shaped by the effects of habitat fragmentation and a disease‐driven population bottleneck associated with avian malaria, and maintained through isolation, localized song learning and sharing, and cultural drift. These results highlight how a non‐native disease through its influence on population demographics may have also indirectly played a role in shaping the acoustic characteristics of a species.  相似文献   


Nuttall's white-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli and the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow Z. i. pugetensis intergrade through a zone of hybridization in northern California. The songs of the two differ in the sequence of syllable types and in the phonology of the complex syllables. We did a playback experiment to males of both subspecies in the field and to females of both subspecies in the laboratory to determine their response to the two subspecies songs. By making alterations of features of the songs, we also attempted to identify characteristics that account for subspecific recognition. Males of both subspecies were more responsive to their own subspecies song than to that of the other subspecies. Substitution of Puget Sound complex syllables into the Nuttall's song caused a reduction in response by male Nuttall's, but alteration of a Nuttall's song to a Puget Sound sequence of syllables had no effect. Females of both subspecies gave more sexual displays when played a song of their own subspecies than when played that of the other subspecies. Female Nuttall's gave an intermediate response when played Nuttall's songs with Puget Sound complex syllables or when played Nuttall's songs altered to a Puget Sound sequence. Puget Sound females did not discriminate between their own subspecies song and either of the altered stimulus songs separately. They did respond less to a song that combined both alterations than to their own subspecies song.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in birdsong and differential responses of territorial males to local and non‐local song variants have been documented in a number of songbird species in which males learn their songs through imitation. Here, we investigated geographic song variation and responses to local and non‐local song in the grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), a species in which males develop song by improvisation rather than imitation, as a first step toward understanding how the extent and salience of geographic song variation is related to the mode of song development. To describe the geographic variation in song, we compared songs from populations in eastern Maryland and central Ohio, USA, using multiple acoustic analysis techniques. We then conducted a playback experiment in Maryland using local and non‐local (Ohio) songs to test how territorial males responded to this geographic variation. We found acoustic differences between songs from the two sites. However, males responded similarly to playback of these songs, suggesting that this geographic variation is not behaviorally salient in a territorial context. Together with previous studies, our results suggest that across species, geographic song variation and the extent to which this variation functions in communication may be correlated with the accuracy with which song models are imitated during song development.  相似文献   

The behavioural signals used in mate selection are a key component in the evolution of premating isolating barriers and, subsequently, the formation of new species. The importance of mating signals has a long tradition of study in songbirds, where many species differ in their song characteristics. In oscine songbirds, individual birds usually learn their songs from a tutor. Mistakes during learning can help generate geographic dialects, akin to those within human language groups. In songbirds, dialect differences can often be substantial and there is an intuitive connection between the evolution of song amongst populations at a small scale, and the more substantive song differences between bird species and presumably used in species recognition. However, studies investigating the concordance between putative genetic and behavioural boundaries have generated mixed results. In many cases, this is possibly a function of the poor resolving power of the genetic markers employed. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Lipshutz et al. ( 2017 ) combine genomic markers with a robust behavioural assay to address the importance of song variation amongst white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies.  相似文献   

To examine the processes that maintain genetic diversity among closely related taxa, we investigated the dynamics of introgression across a contact zone between two lineages of California voles (Microtus californicus). We tested the prediction that introgression of nuclear loci would be greater than that for mitochondrial loci, assuming ongoing gene flow across the contact zone. We also predicted that genomic markers would show a mosaic pattern of differentiation across this zone, consistent with genomes that are semi‐permeable. Using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and genome‐wide loci developed via ddRAD‐seq, we analyzed genetic variation for 10 vole populations distributed along the central California coast; this transect included populations from within the distributions of both parental lineages as well as the putative contact zone. Our analyses revealed that (1) the two lineages examined are relatively young, having diverged ca. 8.5–54 kya, (2) voles from the contact zone in Santa Barbara County did not include F1 or early generation backcrossed individuals, and (3) there appeared to be little to no recurrent gene flow across the contact zone. Introgression patterns for mitochondrial and nuclear markers were not concordant; only mitochondrial markers revealed evidence of introgression, putatively due to historical hybridization. These differences in genetic signatures are intriguing given that the contact zone occurs in a region of continuous vole habitat, with no evidence of past or present physical barriers. Future studies that examine specific isolating mechanisms, such as microhabitat use and mate choice, will facilitate our understanding of how genetic boundaries are maintained in this system.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits such as songs are important in species recognition. Variation in acoustic traits can form barriers to gene flow and promote speciation. Therefore, understanding song divergence is crucial in groups with controversial taxonomy such as Olive Sparrows (Arremonops rufivirgatus), a widespread Neotropical species of songbird with multiple allopatric populations. Taxonomic authorities disagree on the number of Olive Sparrow subspecies, placing them into either two or three main groups. These groups may represent separate species based on morphological traits, but trait divergence within the complex has not been examined. We studied geographic variation in the characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows at two geographical levels: among three proposed groups and among five allopatric populations. In a second analysis, we evaluated the strength of acoustic divergence within the complex by comparing acoustic distances among groups and allopatric populations of Olive Sparrows with the acoustic distance among three recognized species in the genus Arremonops. We analyzed 802 songs from 174 individuals across 81 locations and measured 12 variables to describe the fine structural characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows, Green-backed Sparrows (A. chloronotus), Black-striped Sparrows (A. conirostris), and Tocuyo Sparrows (A. tocuyensis). We found significant acoustic variation in the Olive Sparrow complex at both geographical levels. Our divergence analysis also revealed that vocal divergence within the complex is similar to or greater than that found between recognized species in the genus. Together, these results suggest that acoustic diversity within the Olive Sparrow complex probably originated by isolation in tandem with selective and/or non-selective factors.  相似文献   

Successful geographic range expansion by parasites and parasitoids may also require host range expansion. Thus, the evolutionary advantages of host specialization may trade off against the ability to exploit new host species encountered in new geographic regions. Here, we use molecular techniques and confirmed host records to examine biogeography, population divergence, and host flexibility of the parasitoid fly, Ormia ochracea (Bigot). Gravid females of this fly find their cricket hosts acoustically by eavesdropping on male cricket calling songs; these songs vary greatly among the known host species of crickets. Using both nuclear and mitochondrial genetic markers, we (a) describe the geographical distribution and subdivision of genetic variation in O. ochracea from across the continental United States, the Mexican states of Sonora and Oaxaca, and populations introduced to Hawaii; (b) demonstrate that the distribution of genetic variation among fly populations is consistent with a single widespread species with regional host specialization, rather than locally differentiated cryptic species; (c) identify the more‐probable source populations for the flies introduced to the Hawaiian islands; (d) examine genetic variation and substructure within Hawaii; (e) show that among‐population geographic, genetic, and host song distances are all correlated; and (f) discuss specialization and lability in host‐finding behavior in light of the diversity of cricket songs serving as host cues in different geographically separate populations.  相似文献   

The song learning process may lead to small‐scale geographical variation in vocalizations of oscine birds. This variation can be further enhanced by the effects of habitat fragmentation or hybridization. Populations of the endangered Yellow Cardinal Gubernatrix cristata are now patchily distributed in the southern South American thorny shrubland forests and are small as a consequence of the pressure exerted by increased habitat transformation and illegal trade. We study the Yellow Cardinal's vocalizations throughout its distribution and assess how habitat characteristics and fragmentation, as well as hybridization with the Common Diuca Diuca diuca, have affected song patterns of different populations. We expected to find song differences among populations and songs to be more similar to those of the Common Diuca in areas where hybridization occurs. Multivariate analyses revealed significant differences in song between the four populations studied and confirmed that songs are more similar to those of Common Diuca where hybridization takes place. These results, in conjunction with genetic studies, can help to establish management units that preserve genetic and cultural variation in this endangered species.  相似文献   

The bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, is an important pollinator commercially used on a global scale. The exported subspecies B. t. terrestris has colonised diverse environments, in some cases displacing wild pollinators to the verge of local extinction. In this sense, the native Iberian subspecies B. t. lusitanicus may be threatened by the subspecies B. t. terrestris, naturally distributed from the Pyrenees to Central Europe but also observed in southern Spain due to escapes from commercial nests. Mitochondrial genomes have a low recombination rate and a small effective population size owing to their maternal inheritance, thus providing an accurate approach to study hybridisation events between populations. Therefore, we present the sequences of the mitogenomes of both subspecies as a molecular framework to select suitable markers to detect possible introgression events between them. We used metagenomics to obtain approximately 17 kbp of the mitogenome from both subspecies. Their mitogenomes differed in 358 bp (excluding the AT-rich region). Four mitogenomic fragments were selected to be tested as subspecific diagnostic markers. A RFLP detected in the gene nad2 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) has proven to be an efficient, quick and cost-effective tool to assess the dispersion of the non-endemic subspecies into Iberian native populations. Subspecific haplotypes were observed in both morphological subspecies, suggesting introgression events in the northern natural contact area and in the new human-mediated contact area in the south of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

Song divergence among populations can theoretically lead to reproductive divergence and speciation. Despite many studies, this theory is still controversial. Habitat differences have been shown to shape songs, but few studies have looked for a link between ecologically driven acoustic and genetic divergence. We tested whether environmental selection has driven song divergence in two genetically distinct, but hybridizing, subspecies of the grey-breasted wood-wren (Henicorhina leucophrys) in Ecuador. Several acoustic features showed significant divergence between the subspecies. Spectral song divergence correlated with ambient noise profiles which differed significantly between the habitats of both subspecies. Temporal song divergence also corresponded as expected to vegetation density. However, in terms of quantified levels of reverberations, we found no significant differences in habitat-dependent sound transmission properties. We conclude that ecological niche segregation may explain acoustic divergence among the two wren subspecies. The resulting habitat-dependent song divergence may have contributed to reproductive divergence by guiding assortative mating in parapatric conditions or just currently contribute to maintenance of reproductive isolation upon secondary contact.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones between divergent populations sieve genomes into blocks that introgress across the zone, and blocks that do not, depending on selection between interacting genes. Consistent with Haldane's rule, the Y chromosome has been considered counterselected and hence not to introgress across the European house mouse hybrid zone. However, recent studies detected massive invasion of M. m. musculus Y chromosomes into M. m. domesticus territory. To understand mechanisms facilitating Y spread, we created 31 recombinant lines from eight wild‐derived strains representing four localities within the two mouse subspecies. These lines were reciprocally crossed and resulting F1 hybrid males scored for five phenotypic traits associated with male fitness. Molecular analyses of 51 Y‐linked SNPs attributed ~50% of genetic variation to differences between the subspecies and 8% to differentiation within both taxa. A striking proportion, 21% (frequencies of sperm head abnormalities) and 42% (frequencies of sperm tail dissociations), of phenotypic variation was explained by geographic Y chromosome variants. Our crossing design allowed this explanatory power to be examined across a hierarchical scale from subspecific to local intrastrain effects. We found that divergence and variation were expressed diversely in different phenotypic traits and varied across the whole hierarchical scale. This finding adds another dimension of complexity to studies of Y introgression not only across the house mouse hybrid zone but potentially also in other contact zones.  相似文献   

The soundscape acts as a selective agent on organisms that use acoustic signals to communicate. A number of studies document variation in structure, amplitude, or timing of signal production in correspondence with environmental noise levels thus supporting the hypothesis that organisms are changing their signaling behaviors to avoid masking. The time scale at which organisms respond is of particular interest. Signal structure may evolve across generations through processes such as cultural or genetic transmission. Individuals may also change their behavior during development (ontogenetic change) or in real time (i.e., immediate flexibility). These are not mutually exclusive mechanisms, and all must be investigated to understand how organisms respond to selection pressures from the soundscape. Previous work on white‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) found that males holding territories in louder areas tend to sing higher frequency songs and that both noise levels and song frequency have increased over time (30 years) in urban areas. These previous findings suggest that songs are changing across generations; however, it is not known if this species also exhibits immediate flexibility. Here, we conducted an exploratory, observational study to ask whether males change the minimum frequency of their song in response to immediate changes in noise levels. We also ask whether males sing louder, as increased minimum frequency may be physiologically linked to producing sound at higher amplitudes, in response to immediate changes in environmental noise. We found that territorial males adjust song amplitude but not minimum frequency in response to changes in environmental noise levels. Our results suggest that males do not show immediate flexibility in song minimum frequency, although experimental manipulations are needed to test this hypothesis further. Our work highlights the need to investigate multiple mechanisms of adaptive response to soundscapes.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization between closely related mammalian species, including various species of the genus Mus, is commonly associated with abnormal growth of the placenta and hybrid foetuses, a phenomenon known as hybrid placental dysplasia (HPD). The role of HPD in speciation is anticipated but still poorly understood. Here, we studied placental and foetal growth in F1 crosses between four inbred mouse strains derived from two house mouse subspecies, Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus. These subspecies are in the early stage of speciation and still hybridize in nature. In accordance with the maternal–foetal genomic conflict hypothesis, we found different parental influences on placental and foetal development, with placental weight most affected by the father's body weight and foetal weight by the mother's body weight. After removing the effects of parents’ body weight, we did not find any significant differences in foetal or placental weights between intra‐subspecific and inter‐subspecific F1 crosses. Nevertheless, we found that the variability in placental weight in inter‐subspecific crosses is linked to the X chromosome, similarly as for HPD in interspecific mouse crosses. Our results suggest that maternal–foetal genomic conflict occurs in the house mouse system, but has not yet diverged sufficiently to cause abnormalities in placental and foetal growth in inter‐subspecific crosses. HPD is thus unlikely to contribute to speciation in the house mouse system. However, we cannot rule out that it might have contributed to other speciation events in the genus Mus, where differences in the levels of polyandry exist between the species.  相似文献   

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