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The reflex connections made by Cuticular Stress Detector afferents (CSD1 and CSD2) with motorneurones of the four proximal muscle groups in the 5th walking legs of crayfish (Procambarus clarkii, Pacifastacus leniusculus) have been studied in an in vitro preparation. Reflex responses to mechanical stimulation of the CSDs were studied in single neurones by means of intracellular techniques. Within each motorneurone pool, both excitatory and inhibitory reflex responses occurred, although sometimes no reflex connections were found. When present, they could be classified into levation and depression reflexes, corresponding to negative and positive feedback effects respectively. Each motorneurone receives input from a number of different CSD afferents (mean values between 3.0 and 5.8). Using electrophysiological and pharmacological tests, it was demonstrated that at least 32% of all connections were monosynaptic. In preparations showing fictive locomotion, phasic CSD stimulation was shown to be able to entrain anterior levator and depressor motorneurone activity in 95% of cases. The results thus demonstrate the importance of sensory feedback from the CSDs in shaping the final motor output.Abbreviations CPG Central pattern generator - CSDs (CSD1 and CSD2) Cuticular stress detector organs  相似文献   

The circadian oscillator in Xenopus retinal photoreceptor layers can be reset in similar ways by light and agonists of D2-like dopamine receptors. Treatments that increase cyclic AMP levels act on this oscillator in an opposite fashion, mimicking darkness in the induction of phase shifts. Light and dopamine have each been reported to inhibit adenylate cyclase in photoreceptors. Together, these data suggest that the transduction pathways for entrainment by dopamine and/or light include suppression of cyclic AMP or a cyclic AMP-sensitive step. In these studies, we examined this hypothesis by measuring the effects of treatment with a cyclic AMP analogue on the phase shifts induced in photoreceptor melatonin rhythms by light or a D2 receptor agonist (quinpirole). When photoreceptor layers were treated simultaneously with 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)cyclic AMP (8-CPT-cAMP) and quinpirole at any of three different phases of the circadian cycle, the resulting phase shifts of the melatonin rhythm were always the same as those caused by 8-CPT-cAMP alone. This indicates that there is a cyclic AMP-sensitive step in the dopamine entrainment pathway. In contrast, light pulses did reset the oscillator in the presence of elevated cyclic AMP. This suggests a separate cyclic AMP-insensitive transduction pathway for entrainment by light. Quinpirole reduced basal levels of cyclic AMP in photoreceptors, but light did not. These data suggest that cyclic AMP plays a role in the entrainment pathway activated by dopamine but not in the entrainment pathway activated by light.  相似文献   

The sensory function plays an important role for successful motor performance. We investigated the modulating effects of high frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on sensory discrimination and motor coordination. Twenty healthy participants were assigned into two random groups; the real- and sham-rTMS group. Total of 900 rTMS pulses at a frequency of 10 Hz (stimulus intensity of 90% RMT) were given over deltoid representational areas of the somatosensory cortex. Sensory discrimination ability was evaluated using two-point discrimination test. Motor coordination was measured by the latency difference between the synchronized contraction of deltoid and abductor pollicis brevis muscles before and after rTMS. The sensory discrimination was significantly increased only in the deltoid area and the difference in the latency of synchronized contraction of two muscles was significantly shortened after real-rTMS compared sham condition, which had tendency of negative correlation following real-rTMS condition. The results of this study demonstrated rTMS-induced enhancement of sensorimotor integration, which may contribute to develop effective therapeutic strategies for rehabilitation of various sensorimotor disorders in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

The diurnal modulation of circatidal activity was studied in freshly caught Eurydice pulchra of different feeding states. Apparently fully fed specimens displayed definite circadian modulation, with greatest tidal activity at the time of expected night‐time high tides, and apparently starved animals showed no circadian variation. Circatidal activity was also entrained in the laboratory using cycles of artificial agitation and the subsequent pattern of free‐running rhythmicity was studied. Animals fed prior to entrainment displayed definite diurnal modulation of the pattern of ciractidal swimming activity. Those fed after the entrainment regime, or not at all, displayed no apparent diurnal inequality of tidal activity peaks. No relationship between diurnal inequality and phototactic behaviour of freshly collected specimens was detected.  相似文献   

Extraneuronal application of db-cAMP or intraneuronal injection of cAMP were found to increase the neural membrane excitability and synaptic facilitation in neural responses to sensory stimulation of Lpl1 and Rpl1 neurones. The db-cAMP exerted no effects on neural responses to tactile stimulation of the snail foot or mantle. The intraneuronal injection of cAMP produced synaptic facilitation only in neural responses to quinine application to the snail head. The findings suggest the cAMP selective involvement in postsynaptic mechanisms of inducing the long-term facilitation transient stage.  相似文献   

《Developmental biology》1985,111(1):62-72
Explants of cranial sensory ganglia and dorsal root ganglia from embryonic chicks of 4 to 16 days incubation (E4 to E16) were grown for 24 hr in collagen gels with and without nerve growth factor (NGF) in the culture medium. NGF elicited marked neurite outgrowth from neural crest-derived explants, i.e., dorsal root ganglia, the dorsomedial part of the trigeminal ganglion, and the jugular ganglion. This response was first observed in ganglia taken from E6 embryos, reached a maximum between E8 and E11, and gradually declined through E16. Explants in which the neurons were of placodal origin varied in their response to NGF. There was negligible neurite outgrowth from explants of the ventrolateral part of the trigeminal ganglion and the vestibular ganglion grown in the presence of NGF. The geniculate, petrosal, and nodose ganglia exhibited an early moderate response to NGF. This was first evident in ganglia taken from E5 embryos, reached a maximum by E6, and declined through later ages, becoming negligible by E13. Dissociated neuron-enriched cultures of vestibular, petrosal, jugular, and dorsal root ganglia were established from embryos taken at E6 and E9. At both ages NGF elicited neurite outgrowth from a substantial proportion of neural crest-derived neurons (jugular and dorsal root ganglia) but did not promote the growth of placode-derived neurons (vestibular and petrosal ganglia). Our findings demonstrate a marked difference in the response of neural crest and placode-derived sensory neurones to NGF. The data from dissociated neuron-enriched cultures suggest that NGF promotes survival and growth of sensory ganglionic neurons of neural crest origin but not of placodal origin. The data from explant cultures suggest that NGF promotes neurite outgrowth from placodal neurons of the geniculate, petrosal, and nodose ganglia early in their ontogeny. However, we argue that this fibre outgrowth emanates not from the placodal neurons but from neural crest-derived cells which normally give rise only to satellite cells of these ganglia.  相似文献   

The brain’s biological clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), is synchronised with the cyclic environment by photic and non-photic cues. Photic information to the SCN is mediated by pituitary adenylate-cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP)-containing retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), whereas non-photic input originates primarily from neuropeptide Y (NPY) cells in the ipsilateral thalamic intergeniculate leaflet (IGL). RGCs also seem to project to the IGL, indicating a role for this structure in the integration of photic and non-photic inputs related to the resetting of the biological clock. In the present study, we have used anterograde tracing from both eyes, bilateral eye enucleation, double-immunofluorescence histochemistry, high-resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy and three-dimensional computer analysis to show that (1) PACAP-containing RGCs project to the IGL and are the only source for the PACAP-immunoreactive fibres in the IGL; (2) a few NPY-containing neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal nerve fibres and the contacts are both axodendritic and axosomatic; (3) most enkephalin-immunoreactive neurons in the IGL are innervated by PACAP-containing retinal afferents and the contacts are mainly axodendritic; (4) light stimulation at various time points activates (as evidenced by c-Fos induction) enkephalin-positive neurons but not NPY-immunoreactive neurons. The findings suggest that PACAP-immunoreactive retinal afferents in the IGL primarily innervate enkephalin-immunoactive neurons and that the enkephalin-containing neurons, which project locally and to the contralateral IGL, are activated by light independent of diurnal time. This study was supported by the Danish Biotechnology Centre for Cellular Communication and The Danish Medical Research Council (no. 22-04-0667).  相似文献   

Apperley  L. W.  Raudkivi  A. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,172(1):39-49
This paper attempts to clarify the role of fluid turbulence in the entrainment process of particles from the flat bed of an alluvial channel. A 6 mm diameter sphere, placed in an array of similar particles on the bed of a laboratory flume, was connected to a 3-component force transducer. Dynamic measurements of longitudinal, lift and lateral force components were made with the particle at a number of positions above the bed. Detailed measurements of velocity and turbulence were also made. The velocity and force spectral measurements showed similarities in the longitudinal (streamwise) direction but the lift force component spectra were significantly different.An analytical model of the entrainment process is proposed, in which the impulse required to lift a sediment particle from the channel bed may be calculated. The experimental data has been used to evaluate the constants in the analytical expressions, and a relationship between the forces and turbulence intensity established. The analysis shows that the impulse required to entrain a particle may be expressed as a function of a dimensionless entrainment parameter, the turbulence intensity, and the initial angle of repose of the particle.  相似文献   

Functional recovery following a sciatic nerve crush in rats was investigated by measuring the reflex withdrawal of the hindpaw to a hot air stream. The ACTH(4–9) analog Org 2766 accelerated recovery when administered subcutaneously (two-daily injections: 10 μg/animal; minipumps: 20–40 μg/animal per 24 hr; biodegradable microspheres: 40 μg/animal per 24 hr), but oral administration (1.5–20 mg/animal daily, in the drinking water; 1.5–15 mg/animal daily, by gavage) was not effective.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(11):2442-2453.e4
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The monoclonal antibody, SN1, binds to the cell surface of a subpopulation of avian sensory neurons. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) that innervate different peripheral fields contain significantly different proportions of SN1(+) neurons. Moreover, the developmental time of appearance of these neurons suggests that they normally express SN1 immuno-reactivity only after they have made contact with their normal peripheral targets (Marusich et al., 1986). In the present paper, we test the hypothesis that the proportion of SN1(+) neurons within DRG is regulated by interactions between the developing neurons and their peripheral targets. Thus, immature DRG explanted into a defined medium show an age-dependent increase in the proportion of cells able to become SN1(+), but fail to show the large increase in number of immunoreactive neurons that occurs in vivo. Moreover, unilateral wing bud extirpations performed at E3 (prior to wing innervation) resulted in a dramatic selective decrease in the number of SN1(+) neurons within DRG that normally innervate the wing. These results support the hypothesis that peripheral targets regulate the appearance of SN1(+) neurons.  相似文献   

Culture medium with elevated K+ has been shown to enhance the survival of neurons isolated from several different regions of the nervous system. Nerve growth factor binds to binding sites on sensory and sympathetic neurons through two sites, one of high-affinity (K d13×10–11 M) and the other of low-affinity (K d22×10–9 M). Equilibrium binding data generated on dissociated cells derived from E9 chicken embryo dorsal root ganglia, has shown that there is a two-fold increase in the number of high affinity (type I) receptors, with no effect on the affinity, when cells are incubated for 2 hours in buffer containing 59 mM K+. There does not appear to be a significant change in the affinity or the number of low-affinity binding sites. This two-fold increase in type I receptors is dependent on temperature, Ca2+, and active protein synthesis. There does not appear to be an intracellular pool of the type I receptor sufficient to account for this increase. The induction is not observed on sensory nerve cells cultured in 59 mM K+ for 24 hours, either in the presence or absence of nerve growth factor. Additionally, the induction in the number of type I receptors requires that both nerve growth factor and K+ be present simultaneously. Taken in total, this data suggests that there may be a critical period in which the sensory neurons require nerve growth factor exposure to respond. Evidence is presented which indicates that nerve growth factor responsive cells are able to elicit neurites after an acute exposure to nerve growth factor of as little as 4 hours. Finally, there is an approximate two-fold decrease in the concentration of nerve growth factor needed to elicit maximal fiber outgrowth, consistent with the two-fold increase in the number of type I receptors.Abbreviations NGF nerve growth factor - 7S NGF the high molecular weight form of NGF - NGF the -subunit of 7S NGF - 125I-NGF 125I-labeled NGF - mNGF–rAb polyclonal rabbit IgG raised against mouse NGF - DRG dorsal root ganglia - Kd the equilibrium dissociation constant - N the maximal number of binding sites for the ligand NGF - NGFR the biologically relevant receptor through which the neurite outgrowth and neuron survival are mediated - GBS Gey's balanced salts - HKGBS high K+ GBS - PBG phosphate buffered GBS - HKPBG high K+ PBG - CFHKPBG Ca+2 free high K+ PBG - PBG-cyt c PBG containing 2 mg/ml cytochrome c - HKPBG-cyt c HKPBG containing 2 mg/ml cytochrome c - AbU antibody unit - BU biological unit PBS, phosphate buffered saline - HKPBS high K+ PBS Special Issue dedicated to Dr. E. M. Shooter and Dr. S. Varon.  相似文献   

In 28 subjects the cardiovascular response to repeated stimulation was monitored during six daily sessions. Calf blood flow was measured with mercury-in-silastic venous occlusion plethysmography, blood pressure with electronic sphygmomanometer. The stimuli used were: 1 kHz sound of 90 dB and 100 dB intensity and immersion of one foot for 60 s in water at 4 degrees C. Initially sounds induced large vasodilatation in the calf, immersion of one foot in the water induced in the contralateral calf vasodilatation in one group and vasoconstriction in another group of subjects. The blood pressure changes were less prominent and less consistent. After the first session of repeated stimulation the vascular response during the second session was significantly diminished. The reduction of the vasodilatation was the most rapid. During the remaining 5 days the responses were suppressed. It has been established that in the patients in the initial stage of hypertension the ability to habituate vascular response is impaired (Zbrozyna and Krebbel 1985). It is therefore suggested that the test of the ability for long-term vascular habituation could be used as a supplementary diagnostic test.  相似文献   

On the level of snail command neurones of the defensive behaviour an increase was revealed of the amplitude of summary EPSP recorded in command neurones in response to nerve stimulation, an increase of probability of appearance of action potential in the reaction and, under certain conditions, a significant decrease of habituation speed at rhythmic (0.1 Hz) nerve stimulation against the background of peptide. The latter effect was found during comparison of groups of neurones--control neurones and those to which the peptide was presented before the first series of stimulation in the test, i. e. without preliminary elaboration of habituation. The decrease of the speed of habituation concerned both the amplitude of summary EPSP and the probability of action potential appearance in the reaction. All these changes against the background of vasopressin analogue may be the basis of the increase of spike reactions of command neurones of the defensive behaviour and thus the basis of the initiation or the increase of behavioural defensive reactions. The obtained effects were not protracted and took place only in the presence of the peptide in the extracellular medium.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of cereal sensilla, the cereal nerve and the central projections of the cereal sensory nerve of a notopteran (Grylloblatta sp.) are described and compared with other orthopteroid insects in which the cereal sensory system and central connections are well known. The cereal sensilla are similar to those of gryllids and blattids, but the gross structure of the cerci and distribution of cereal sensilla more closely resemble those of the Thysanura. The elements of the cereal sensory nerves and the central nervous system are similar to those of other orthopteroid insects, but extracellular material is present in greater quantity, and more extensive glial bundling of axons occurs in both the cereal nerve and central connectives. Glial structure, extracellular material and large multicristate mitochondria may be adaptations to life near 0° C. The form of central projections of the cereal nerve and the configuration of the largest abdominal interneurons are unlike those of gryllids and Dictyoptera; they are similar to those of Dermaptera.  相似文献   

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