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Poliovirus in fecal homogenates was used to determine the protection against inactivation by chlorination afforded virus that was occluded within particulates. Virus that was closely associated with or occluded within small fecal particulates was protected. A fourfold increase in combined residual chlorine was required to achieve the same degree of inactivation for occluded virus as for free or secondarily adsorbed virus. A combined chlorine residual of 6.6 mg/liter was necessary to achieve 50% inactivation in 15 min at pH 8.0 and 22 degrees C in a particulate suspension containing occluded virus compared to 1.4 mg/liter for free virus. These differences were found to be relatively small compared to differences due to the presence of dissolved organics or between free and combined chlorine residuals. The results suggest different mechanisms of protection due to adsorption and occlusion.  相似文献   

Survival of poliovirus within organic solids during chlorination.   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Poliovirus in fecal homogenates was used to determine the protection against inactivation by chlorination afforded virus that was occluded within particulates. Virus that was closely associated with or occluded within small fecal particulates was protected. A fourfold increase in combined residual chlorine was required to achieve the same degree of inactivation for occluded virus as for free or secondarily adsorbed virus. A combined chlorine residual of 6.6 mg/liter was necessary to achieve 50% inactivation in 15 min at pH 8.0 and 22 degrees C in a particulate suspension containing occluded virus compared to 1.4 mg/liter for free virus. These differences were found to be relatively small compared to differences due to the presence of dissolved organics or between free and combined chlorine residuals. The results suggest different mechanisms of protection due to adsorption and occlusion.  相似文献   

Summary The threat caused by intracellular pathogens increases as conventional drag treatments are less and less effective against a wide range of microorganisms. Understanding the molecular mechanisms used by intracellular pathogens to avoid killing and degradation in their host cells is likely to point at new ways to threat infectious diseases. We discuss some of the strategies used by various microorganisms to avoid killing and degradation in phagolysosomes. Interestingly, it appears that microbes have a lot to teach us about the cell biology and molecular mechanisms of organelle sorting in macrophages.  相似文献   

The survival of strains of bacterial enteric pathogens was investigated in two traditional fermented foods (mahewu and sour porridge) and in unfermented porridge. The foods were inoculated with cell suspensions of Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Aeromonas species and pathogenic Escherichia coli which had a final concentration of 10(6)-10(7) cfu/ml of food. None of the strains of Aeromonas and Campylobacter were detected in mahewu and sour porridge 20 min after inoculation. The salmonellas were not found 4 h after inoculation in either fermented foods but the shigellas and pathogenic E. coli strains were more tolerant to the low pH of the fermented foods. Some of the shigellas and pathogenic E. coli strains survived for 24 h after inoculation but showed a sharp decrease in numbers. All the strains of the enteric pathogens survived for 24 h in the unfermented porridge and increased in the numbers except for campylobacters, the numbers of which declined. These results suggest that the traditional fermented foods have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties and are unlikely to play a major role in the transmission of bacterial enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Under starvation conditions, 50% survivorship times displayed no significant relationship with cell size in 2 ciliate species in this study and 5 protozoan species from the literature. Differences in survival ability were attributed to differences in weight-specific respiratory rate and relative motility among these 7 species. At low bacterial levels, 4 ciliate species in this study displayed significant differences in survivorship. High survivorship ofEuplotes patella relative to that ofParamecium caudatum andParaurostyla sp. at low ciliate densities was attributed to the lower individual energy requirements of this smaller species. High survivorship ofStentor coeruleus was interpreted as an effect of its large quantity of reserves and low respiratory rate. The survivorship ofE. patella was reduced at a higher population density. Four ciliate species survived longer at 15C than at 22C. Q10 values based on 50% survivorship times at these 2 temperatures were much lower than Q10 values based on respiratory rates and growth rates of well-fed ciliates over a similar temperature range.  相似文献   

Survival of bacterial enteric pathogens in traditional fermented foods   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The survival of strains of bacterial enteric pathogens was investigated in two traditional fermented foods (mahewu and sour porridge) and in unfermented porridge. The foods were inoculated with cell suspensions of Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter, Aeromonas species and pathogenic Escherichia coli which had a final concentration of 106-107 cfu/ml of food. None of the strains of Aeromonas and Campylobacter were detected in mahewu and sour porridge 20 min after inoculation. The salmonellas were not found 4 h after inoculation in either fermented foods but the shigellas and pathogenic E. coli strains were more tolerant to the low pH of the fermented foods. Some of the shigellas and pathogenic E. coli strains survived for 24 h after inoculation but showed a sharp decrease in numbers. All the strains of the enteric pathogens survived for 24 h in the unfermented porridge and increased in the numbers except for campylobacters, the numbers of which declined. These results suggest that the traditional fermented foods have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties and are unlikely to play a major role in the transmission of bacterial enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

The dry-composting toilet, which uses neither water nor sewage infrastructure, is a practical solution in areas with inadequate sewage disposal and where water is limited. These systems are becoming increasingly popular and are promoted to sanitize human excreta and to recycle them into fertilizer for nonedible plants, yet there are few data on the safety of this technology. This study analyzed fecal coliform reduction in approximately 90 prefabricated, dry-composting toilets (Sistema Integral de Reciclamiento de Desechos Orgánicos [SIRDOs]) that were installed on the U.S.-Mexico border in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The purpose of this study was to determine fecal coliform reduction over time and the most probable method of this reduction. Biosolid waste samples were collected and analyzed at approximately 3 and 6 months and were classified based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency standards. Results showed that class A compost (high grade) was present in only 35.8% of SIRDOs after 6 months. The primary mechanism for fecal coliform reduction was found to be desiccation rather than biodegradation. There was a significant correlation (P = 0.008) between classification rating and percent moisture categories of the biosolid samples: drier samples had a greater proportion of class A samples. Solar exposure was critical for maximal class A biosolid end products (P = 0.001). This study only addressed fecal coliforms as an indicator organism, and further research is necessary to determine the safety of composting toilets with respect to other pathogenic microorganisms, some of which are more resistant to desiccation.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion is continually gaining importance for the processing of the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. Although methods for studying the survival of pathogen exist, these methods often need adaptations, are expensive, time consuming or generally not well suited for the harsh conditions within an anaerobic digestion system. In the present study we investigated the applicability of commercially available, mechanically stable and inexpensive pathogen carriers to validate in situ pathogen inhibition within a 750,000l thermophilic, bio-waste treating anaerobic digester. None of the pathogens investigated (Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter jejuni) was capable of survival under the conditions of the biogas reactor for more than 24 h indicating that the temperature and physico-chemical properties of the sludge of the fermenter were effective in inhibiting the survival of these microorganisms.  相似文献   

It is becoming apparent that several intracellular bacterial pathogens of humans can also survive within protozoa. This interaction with protozoa may protect these pathogens from harsh conditions in the extracellular environment and enhance their infectivity in mammals. This relationship has been clearly established in the case of the interaction between Legionella pneumophila and its protozoan hosts. In addition, the adaptation of bacterial pathogens to the intracellular life within the primitive eukaryotic protozoa may have provided them with the means to infect the more evolved mammalian cells. This is evident from the existence of several similarities, at both the phenotypic and the molecular levels, between the infection of mammalian and protozoan cells by L. pneumophila . Thus, protozoa appear to play a central role in the transition of bacteria from the environment to mammals. In essence, protozoa may be viewed as a 'biological gym', within which intracellular bacterial pathogens train for their encounters with the more evolved mammalian cells. Thus, intracellular bacterial pathogens have benefited from the structural and biochemical conservation of cellular processes in eukaryotes. The interaction of intracellular bacterial pathogens and protozoa highlights this conservation and may constitute a simplified model for the study of these pathogens and the evolution of cellular processes in eukaryotes. Furthermore, in addition to being environmental reservoirs for known intracellular pathogens of humans and animals, protozoa may be sources of emerging pathogenic bacteria. It is thus critical to re-examine the relationship between bacteria and protozoa to further our understanding of current human bacterial pathogenesis and, possibly, to predict the appearance of emerging pathogens.  相似文献   

The ability of a pathogenic microorganism to cause a disease is conditioned by its ability to colonise a given niche and implicates the expression of specific determinants, i.e. virulence factors, that allow the pathogen to adhere to or to invade epithelial cells. Diseases may be induced by bacteria that replicate extracellularly and alter the epithelial mucosa by producing toxins. Ca2+ signalling has been implicated in various steps of bacterial infection. Bacterial toxins can induce an increase in free cytosolic Ca2+ in host cells, itself required for the toxin-mediated effects. Such toxins, by diffusing in the extracellular media, can act at a distance from the site of infection and have a global effect on the integrity of the epithelium by promoting the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Independent on toxins, bacteria can induce Ca2+ responses that play a role in cytoskeletal rearrangements required for cell binding or internalisation of the microorganism. In some instances, invasion of the epithelium may be followed by bacterial access to deeper tissue, dissemination to other organs, and sometimes persistence in host cells in a parasitic-like mode. Such strategies underline the pathogen abilities to control innate defence cells such as professional phagocytes, and may implicate the diversion of Ca(2+)-dependent cellular processes that normally result in killing of the ingested bacteria. Finally, bacterial pathogens can also induce the cell release of ATP, a Ca2+ agonist, that may expand bacterial cell signalling by a paracrine or autocrine route, leading to enhanced colonisation or enhanced host cell responses to the invading microorganism.  相似文献   

Survival of protozoa in cooling tower biocides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Protozoa from cooling towers may serve as hosts for legionellae, but such protozoa have not been examined with respect to effects of cooling tower biocides. In this study, two ciliate species,Tetrahymena sp andColpoda sp, and two amoebae species,Vannella miroides andAcanthamoeba hatchetti, were isolated from a cooling tower and tested for survival in the presence of four cooling tower biocides. The protozoa were exposed for 24 h to a thiocarbamate compound, an isothiazolone compound, quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC), and tributyltin neodecanoate with quarternary ammonium compounds (TBT/QAC). After exposure, cells were examined for viability. The highest concentration of each biocide in which cells could survive was compared to the manufacturers' recommended maintenance dosage (MRMD) of the biocides.Tetrahymena andColpoda survived concentrations within the range of the MRMD of thiocarbamate and QAC.Vannella andAcanthamoeba survived concentrations within the MRMD of thiocarbamate, isothiazolone, and QAC.Colpoda cysts andAcanthamoebae cysts remained viable after exposure to concentrations much greater than the MRMD of thiocarbamate, isothiazolone, and QAC. None of the protozoa in any stage could survive the MRMD of TBT/QAC. These results show that protozoa indigenous to cooling towers may survive the recommended concentration of certain biocides, and this information may be important in devising procedures for eradicating hosts for legionellae.  相似文献   

The failure to reduce the Campylobacter contamination of intensively reared poultry may be partially due to Campylobacter resisting disinfection in water after their internalization by waterborne protozoa. Campylobacter jejuni and a variety of waterborne protozoa, including ciliates, flagellates, and alveolates, were detected in the drinking water of intensively reared poultry by a combination of culture and molecular techniques. An in vitro assay showed that C. jejuni remained viable when internalized by Tetrahymena pyriformis and Acanthamoeba castellanii for significantly longer (up to 36 h) than when they were in purely a planktonic state. The internalized Campylobacter were also significantly more resistant to disinfection than planktonic organisms. Collectively, our results strongly suggest that protozoa in broiler drinking water systems can delay the decline of Campylobacter viability and increase Campylobacter disinfection resistance, thus increasing the potential of Campylobacter to colonize broilers.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach, termed the 'phage amplification assay', for the rapid detection and identification of specific bacteria. The technique is based on the phage lytic cycle with plaque formation as the assay end-point. It is highly sensitive, quantitative and gives results typically within 4 h. The assay comprises four main stages : (1) phage infection of target bacterium ; (2) destruction of exogenous phage ; (3) amplification of phage within infected host and (4) plaque formation from infected host with the aid of helper bacteria. A key component of this assay is a potent virucidal agent derived from natural plant extracts, pomegranate rind extract (PRE). In combination with ferrous sulphate PRE can bring about an 11 log-cycle reduction in phage titre within 3 min. This is achieved without any injury to the infected target bacteria. Subsequently, any resulting plaques are derived only from infected target organisms. Data are presented for a range of bacterial hosts including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus. The detection limit for Ps. aeruginosa was 40 bacteria ml−1 in a time of 4 h and 600 bacteria m−1 for Salm. typhimurium. Application of the principles of this technology to other bacterial genera is discussed.  相似文献   

Lipid inclusions play an important role in several pathological processes. Intracellular bacterial pathogens, such as members of the Mycobacterium and Chlamydia species are able to trigger the formation of lipid-laden foamy macrophages. Lipid droplet accumulation in the host constitutes a reservoir used by the bacilli for long-term persistence. Viruses need lipid droplets as assembly platform. We present the current knowledge about structural, functional and regulatory aspects of lipid inclusions.  相似文献   

The survival of Salmonella enterica was recently shown to increase when the bacteria were sequestered in expelled food vacuoles (vesicles) of Tetrahymena. Because fresh produce is increasingly linked to outbreaks of enteric illness, the present investigation aimed to determine the prevalence of protozoa on spinach and lettuce and to examine their interactions with S. enterica, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes. Glaucoma sp., Colpoda steinii, and Acanthamoeba palestinensis were cultured from store-bought spinach and lettuce and used in our study. A strain of Tetrahymena pyriformis previously isolated from spinach and a soil-borne Tetrahymena sp. were also used. Washed protozoa were allowed to graze on green fluorescent protein- or red fluorescent protein-labeled enteric pathogens. Significant differences in interactions among the various protist-enteric pathogen combinations were observed. Vesicles were produced by Glaucoma with all of the bacterial strains, although L. monocytogenes resulted in the smallest number per ciliate. Vesicle production was observed also during grazing of Tetrahymena on E. coli O157:H7 and S. enterica but not during grazing on L. monocytogenes, in vitro and on leaves. All vesicles contained intact fluorescing bacteria. In contrast, C. steinii and the amoeba did not produce vesicles from any of the enteric pathogens, nor were pathogens trapped within their cysts. Studies of the fate of E. coli O157:H7 in expelled vesicles revealed that by 4 h after addition of spinach extract, the bacteria multiplied and escaped the vesicles. The presence of protozoa on leafy vegetables and their sequestration of enteric bacteria in vesicles indicate that they may play an important role in the ecology of human pathogens on produce.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis is an evolutionarily ancient, receptor-driven process, by which phagocytic cells recognize invading microbes and destroy them after internalization. The phagocytosis receptor Eater is expressed exclusively on Drosophila phagocytes and is required for the survival of bacterial infections. In a recent study, we explored how Eater can defend fruit flies against different kinds of bacteria. We discovered that Eater bound to certain types of bacteria directly, while for others bacterial binding was dependent on prior disruption of the bacterial envelope. Similar to phagocytes, antimicrobial peptides and lysozymes are ancient components of animal immune systems. Our results suggest that cationic antimicrobial peptides, as well as lysozymes, can facilitate Eater binding to live Gram-negative bacteria. Both types of molecules promote surface-exposure of bacterial ligands that otherwise would remain buried and hidden under an outer membrane. We propose that unmasking ligands for phagocytic receptors may be a conserved mechanism operating in many animals, including humans. Thus, studying a Drosophila phagocytosis receptor may advance our understanding of innate immunity in general.  相似文献   

Chung YS  Kocks C 《Fly》2012,6(1):21-25
Phagocytosis is an evolutionarily ancient, receptor-driven process, by which phagocytic cells recognize invading microbes and destroy them after internalization. The phagocytosis receptor Eater is expressed exclusively on Drosophila phagocytes and is required for the survival of bacterial infections. In a recent study, we explored how Eater can defend fruit flies against different kinds of bacteria. We discovered that Eater bound to certain types of bacteria directly, while for others bacterial binding was dependent on prior disruption of the bacterial envelope. Similar to phagocytes, antimicrobial peptides and lysozymes are ancient components of animal immune systems. Our results suggest that cationic antimicrobial peptides, as well as lysozymes, can facilitate Eater binding to live Gram-negative bacteria. Both types of molecules promote surface-exposure of bacterial ligands that otherwise would remain buried and hidden under an outer membrane. We propose that unmasking ligands for phagocytic receptors may be a conserved mechanism operating in many animals, including humans. Thus, studying a Drosophila phagocytosis receptor may advance our understanding of innate immunity in general.  相似文献   

Shellfish production is often affected by bacterial pathogens that cause high losses in hatcheries and nurseries. We evaluated the relative survival of larvae and juveniles of 3 Crassostrea virginica oyster lines: (1) GHP, a Rhode Island line; (2) NEHY, a line resistant to dermo and multinucleated sphere X diseases; and (3) FLOWERS, a line resistant to Roseovarius oyster disease, experimental challenge with Vibrio spp. isolates RE22 and RE101, causative agents of bacillary necrosis in Pacific oyster larvae, and the type strain of Roseovarius crassostreae, causative agent of Roseovarius oyster disease. All of the isolates were able to induce significant mortalities in oyster larvae and juveniles. Susceptibility to bacterial challenge in larvae was significantly higher at 25 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. Susceptibility decreased with oyster age; mean survival time ranged from 24 h in oyster larvae to more than 6 wk in juveniles. Significant differences in susceptibility to bacterial challenge were observed between oyster lines; NEHY was the most resistant line overall. Extracellular products (ECPs) from Vibrio sp. RE22 and R. crassostreae, as well as viable bacteria, were toxic to hemocytes from the 3 oyster lines, suggesting that ECPs are involved in pathogenesis and that external and mucosal barriers to infection are major contributors to resistance to bacterial challenge. These protocols will be useful in the elucidation of mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis and resistance to infection in oysters.  相似文献   

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