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Interferons are proteins of cellular origin capable of conferring virus resistance to vertebrate cells. Most cells do not produce interferons except in response to proper stimulation. Clearly, the stimulation of interferon production encompasses two phenomena. When stimulated, some cell systems produce their interferons by synthesizing new proteins. Other cell systems do not require the synthesis of new proteins to produce interferons, and still other cell systems may produce interferons by both means. Before much can be learned from the detailed study of the nature of the molecules which stimulate interferons, the type of phenomenon which the stimulus induces must be identified. Chick embryo tissues apparently make interferons by synthesizing new proteins. Many viruses stimulate interferon production in chick embryo tissues. Data available suggest that neither the protein nor nucleic acid moieties of the added virions act as inducing molecules. Also, double-stranded replicative form is probably not responsible. It is suggested that the inducer molecule may be cellular in nature and may be produced in response to a wide variety of insults among which are viral infections.  相似文献   

Interferon production in cultures of rabbit kidney cells (RKC) stimulated with 10 to 250 mug of polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I.poly C) per ml peaked at 3 to 4 hr after the exposure of cells to inducer and rapidly declined thereafter. On the other hand, RKC stimulated with poly I.poly C (10 or 2 mug/ml) in the presence of diethylaminoethyl (DEAE)-dextran (100 or 20 mug/ml, respectively) produced a protracted interferon response, with the release of interferon continuing for over 24 hr. The kinetics of interferon production in RKC stimulated with lower concentrations of the mixture of poly I.poly C and DEAE-dextran were similar to the response produced by poly I.poly C alone (10 to 250 mug/ml). Only the responses that terminated early were paradoxically enhanced by treatment with low doses of actinomycin D or with cycloheximide. Cells stimulated with 50 mug of poly I.poly C/ml showed hyporesponsiveness to a second interferon induction with poly I.poly C when restimulated 7 hr after primary induction. This hyporesponsiveness could be overcome by restimulating with higher concentrations of the poly I.poly C-DEAE-dextran complex. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that the early termination of interferon production and hyporesponsiveness to repeated induction with poly I.poly C are due to a cellular repressor exerting negative control on interferon synthesis, and that the increased cellular uptake of poly I.poly C in the presence of DEAE-dextran may effectively neutralize the repressor. These results also suggested that the often observed different kinetics and the varied effects of inhibitors of ribonucleic acid or protein synthesis on interferon responses in various cells and in cells stimulated with different inducers (such as with viruses as compared with polynucleotides) need not imply the existence of fundamentally different mechanisms of interferon production.  相似文献   

Virus-induced interferon formation depends on the presence within the cell of a viral ribonucleic acid. This RNA may either be double stranded or, in certain cases, single stranded. The double-stranded RNA can be derived from a virus, such as reovirus, which contains this type of RNA, or it may be synthesized within the cell using viral single-stranded RNA as a template. Single-stranded RNA must possess a stable configuration in solution to be active, and certain viral RNA molecules appear to be active for this reason. The presence of this RNA triggers a derepression event, which is probably nuclear, by an unknown mechanism, and this is followed by the production of an interferon messenger RNA and its translation. Little is known of the derepression event or the events that follow it.  相似文献   

Abstract. Poliovirus is a small icosahedral particle consisting of only five species of macromolecules: 60 copies each of the capsid protein VP1-4; and one copy of single-stranded RNA, approximately 7500 nt long. The genome, linked at the 5′ end to a small protein VPg and 3′ polyadenylylated, is of plus strand polarity. After receptor-mediated uptake of the virus and release of the RNA into the cytoplasm, the genome serves as mRNA, encoding only a single polypeptide, the polyprotein. The polyprotein is cleaved co-translationally into numerous polypeptides by its own, internal proteinases 2Apro, 3Cpro and 3CDpro. Initiation of translation is mediated by a novel genetic element, called internal ribosomal entry site (IRES). IRES elements, which are 400 nt long RNA segments located within the 5′ non-translated region of the viral genome, are common to all picornaviruses. Their function renders translation of picornavirus mRNAs cap- and 5′-independent, an observation that has upset the dogma of cap-dependent translation in eukaryotic cells. IRES elements have also been used to genetically dissect the viral genome and to construct novel expression vectors. Genome replication is not fully understood, the major conundrum being the initiation of RNA synthesis by the primer-dependent viral RNA polymerase 3Dpol, a process leading to VPg-linked RNA products. Nearly all non-structural proteins appear to be involved in initiation, the proteinases 2Apro and 3CDpro included. A HeLa cell-free system has been developed that, on programming with plasmid-transcribed viral RNA, will perform viral translation, protein processing, RNA replication, and assembly of capsid protein and newly made genomic RNA. The final yield is infectious poliovirus. This result has nullified the dictum that no virus can replicate in a cell-free medium.  相似文献   

Inhibition of Arbovirus Protein Synthesis by Interferon   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Infection of cells treated with guanidine and actinomycin D and then washed to remove the guanidine inhibition of virus growth had no effect on antiviral activity already established by interferon. Protein synthesis in interferon-treated cells infected under these conditions was decreased as compared to control cells similarly treated but not exposed to interferon. In these control cells, analysis by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that six proteins were produced during the first hour after guanidine reversal. Five of these proteins have been previously identified as probably being viral in origin. In interferon-treated cells, only a single major protein was produced. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis by Semliki Forest virus during the first hour after guanidine reversal was markedly depressed by incubation at 42 C, but no inhibition of total virus protein synthesis was seen; this finding suggested that much of the virus protein produced in the first hour after guanidine reversal was carried out by input virus RNA. Interferon was fully active in cells incubated at 42 C. The results suggested that interferon inhibits the production of Semliki Forest virus proteins ordinarily produced under the direction of the virus genome.  相似文献   

Two lines of Friend virus (FV)-transformed mouse spleen cells have been analyzed in respect to their interferon production capacity: neither F4 cells, which liberate infectious FV when kept under tissue culture conditions, nor the thymidine kinase-deficient B8 cells, which do not produce significant amounts of FV, release detectable amounts of autogenous interferon into cell supernatants. However, interferon is produced in these cells in amounts comparable to that in L-929 cells when interferon induction is initiated with UV-inactivated Newcastle disease virus. Conversely poly(I) · poly(C), a potent interferon inducer in L-929 cells, proved ineffective in this capacity in F4 or B8 cells. When erythropoietic differentiation is induced in these cells by dimethyl sulfoxide, no autogenous interferon production occurs, but with NDV-induction a four- to fivefold increase of interferon production is observed. A similar elevation of interferon production is achieved during 5-bromodeoxyuridine stimulation of differentiation in the thymidine kinase-deficient B8 cells. The refractiveness against poly(I) · poly(C) displayed in unstimulated cells is not overcome at any stage of differentiation, indicating major differences of Newcastle disease virus and poly(I) · poly(C) induction mechanisms.  相似文献   

In cell cultures previously treated with homologous interferon, the magnitude of antiviral activity and the degree of stimulation of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase induction appear to be directly related. In a highly purified mouse interferon preparation, the factor stimulating hydroxylase induction and the factor directing antiviral activity are inactivated by heating to 70 C or by treating with trypsin. Also, both activities demonstrate species specificity.  相似文献   

Our main objective of this study was to determine how Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) avoids induction of the antiviral Type I Interferon (IFN) system. To limit viral infection, the innate immune system produces important antiviral cytokines such as the IFN. IFN set up a critical roadblock to virus infection by limiting further replication of a virus. Usually, IFN production is induced by the recognition of viral nucleic acids by innate immune receptors and subsequent downstream signaling. However, the importance of IFN in the defense against viruses has lead most pathogenic viruses to evolve strategies to inhibit host IFN induction or responses allowing for increased pathogenicity and persistence of the virus. While the adaptive immune responses to HIV infection have been extensively studied, less is known about the balance between induction and inhibition of innate immune defenses, including the antiviral IFN response, by HIV infection. Here we show that HIV infection of T cells does not induce significant IFN production even IFN I Interferon production. To explain this paradox, we screened HIV proteins and found that two HIV encoded proteins, Vpu and Nef, strongly antagonize IFN induction, with expression of these proteins leading to loss of expression of the innate immune viral RNA sensing adaptor protein, IPS-1 (IFN-β promoter stimulator-1). We hypothesize that with lower levels of IPS-1 present, infected cells are defective in mounting antiviral responses allowing HIV to replicate without the normal antiviral actions of the host IFN response. Using cell lines as well as primary human derived cells, we show that HIV targeting of IPS-1 is key to limiting IFN induction. These findings describe how HIV infection modulates IFN induction providing insight into the mechanisms by which HIV establishes infection and persistence in a host.  相似文献   

In poliovirus-infected HeLa-S3 cells, the protease inhibitors tolylsulfonyl-phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone and iodoacetamide cause an accumulation of large precursor proteins, and they block viral RNA synthesis most probably via these products. Viral RNA polymerase activity can, however, be extracted by detergent containing buffer (Tris/Nonidet P-40, deoxycholate) from the inhibited cells. Only cytoplasmic extracts from infected cells treated with tolylsulfonyl-phenylalanyl chloromethyl ketone or iodoacetamide contain a protein which inhibits the in vitro polymerase reaction.  相似文献   

Post-Transcriptional Control of Interferon Synthesis   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Low to moderate doses of cycloheximide had a stimulatory effect on interferon production in rabbit kidney cell cultures treated with double-stranded polyinosinate-polycytidylate (poly I:poly C). A very marked stimulation occurred in the presence of a dose of cycloheximide inhibiting amino acid incorporation into total cellular protein by about 75%. Higher doses of cycloheximide caused a shift in interferon release towards later intervals and a gradual decrease in the overall degree of stimulation. An even greater increase in the amount of interferon produced was observed if cells were treated with cycloheximide for only 3 to 4 hr immediately after their exposure to poly I:poly C. Under the latter conditions, a rapid burst of interferon production occurred after the reversal of cycloheximide action. Treatment with a high dose of actinomycin D before the reversal of cycloheximide action caused a further increase and a marked prolongation of interferon production. It is postulated that inhibitors of protein synthesis suppress the accumulation of a cellular regulatory protein (repressor) which interacts with the interferon messenger ribonucleic acid mRNA and thereby prevents its translation. Therefore, active interferon mRNA can apparently accumulate in rabbit kidney cells which, after exposure to poly I:poly C, are kept in the presence of an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Some of this accumulated interferon mRNA can be translated during a partial block of cellular protein synthesis, but its most efficient translation occurs after the reversal of the action of the protein synthesis inhibitor.  相似文献   

Poliovirus infection induces an overall inhibition of host protein synthesis, although some mRNAs continue to be translated, suggesting different translation requirements for cellular mRNAs. It is known that ribosomal protein mRNAs are translationally regulated and that the phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 is involved in the regulation. Here, we report that the translation of ribosomal protein mRNAs resists poliovirus infection and correlates with an increase in p70(s6k) activity and phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6.  相似文献   

Type I interferons (IFNs) play a critical role in the host defense against viruses. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection induces robust type I IFN production in its natural host, the mouse. However, the mechanisms underlying the induction of type I IFNs in response to LCMV infection have not yet been clearly defined. In the present study, we demonstrate that IRF7 is required for both the early phase (day 1 postinfection) and the late phase (day 2 postinfection) of the type I IFN response to LCMV, and melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5)/mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) signaling is crucial for the late phase of the type I IFN response to LCMV. We further demonstrate that LCMV genomic RNA itself (without other LCMV components) is able to induce type I IFN responses in various cell types by activation of the RNA helicases retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) and MDA5. We also show that expression of the LCMV nucleoprotein (NP) inhibits the type I IFN response induced by LCMV RNA and other RIG-I/MDA5 ligands. These virus-host interactions may play important roles in the pathogeneses of LCMV and other human arenavirus diseases.Type I interferons (IFNs), namely, alpha interferon (IFN-α) and IFN-β, are not only essential for host innate defense against viral pathogens but also critically modulate the development of virus-specific adaptive immune responses (6, 8, 28, 30, 36, 50, 61). The importance of type I IFNs in host defense has been demonstrated by studying mice deficient in the type I IFN receptor, which are highly susceptible to most viral pathogens (2, 47, 62).Recent studies have suggested that the production of type I IFNs is controlled by different innate pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) (19, 32, 55, 60). There are three major classes of PRRs, including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) (3, 40), retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs) (25, 48, 51), and nucleotide oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (9, 22). TLRs are a group of transmembrane proteins expressed on either cell surfaces or endosomal compartments. RLRs localize in the cytosol. Both TLRs and RLRs are involved in detecting viral pathogens and controlling the production of type I IFNs (52, 60). In particular, the endosome-localized TLRs (TLR3, TLR7/8, and TLR9) play important roles in detecting virus-derived double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), single-stranded RNA (ssRNA), and DNA-containing unmethylated CpG motifs, respectively. In contrast, RIG-I detects virus-derived ssRNA with 5′-triphosphates (5′-PPPs) or short dsRNA (<1 kb), whereas melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 (MDA5) is responsible for recognizing virus-derived long dsRNA as well as a synthetic mimic of viral dsRNA poly(I):poly(C) [poly(I·C)] (24, 60). Recognition of viral pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) ultimately leads to the activation and nuclear translocation of interferon regulatory factors (IRFs) and nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), which, in turn, switches on a cascade of genes controlling the production of both type I IFNs and other proinflammatory cytokines (10, 11, 60).Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in its natural host, the mouse, is an excellent system to study the impact of virus-host interactions on viral pathogenesis and to address important issues related to human viral diseases (1, 45, 49, 67). LCMV infection induces type I IFNs as well as other proinflammatory chemokines and cytokines (6, 41). Our previous studies have demonstrated that TLR2, TLR6, and CD14 are involved in LCMV-induced proinflammatory chemokines and cytokines (66). The mechanism by which LCMV induces type I IFN responses, however, has not been clearly defined (7, 8, 31, 44). The role of the helicase family members RIG-I and MDA5 in virus-induced type I IFN responses has been recently established. RIG-I has been found to be critical in controlling the production of type I IFN in response to a number of RNA viruses, including influenza virus, rabies virus, Hantaan virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), Sendai virus (SeV), etc. In contrast, MDA5 is required for responses to picornaviruses (15, 25, 63).In the present study, we demonstrated that LCMV genomic RNA strongly activates type I IFNs through a RIG-I/MDA5-dependent signaling pathway. Our present study further demonstrated that the LCMV nucleoprotein (NP) blocks LCMV RNA- and other viral ligand-induced type I IFN responses.  相似文献   

Viral infections are detected in most cases by the host innate immune system through pattern-recognition receptors (PRR), the sensors for pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), which induce the production of cytokines, such as type I interferons (IFN). Recent identification in mammalian and teleost fish of cytoplasmic viral RNA sensors, RIG-I-like receptors (RLRs), and their mitochondrial adaptor: the mitochondrial antiviral signaling (MAVS) protein, also called IPS-1, highlight their important role in the induction of IFN at the early stage of a virus infection. More recently, an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) adaptor: the stimulator of interferon genes (STING) protein, also called MITA, ERIS and MPYS, has been shown to play a pivotal role in response to both non-self-cytosolic RNA and dsDNA. In this study, we cloned STING cDNAs from zebrafish and showed that it was an ortholog to mammalian STING. We demonstrated that overexpression of this ER protein in fish cells led to a constitutive induction of IFN and interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). STING-overexpressing cells were almost fully protected against RNA virus infection with a strong inhibition of both DNA and RNA virus replication. In addition, we found that together with MAVS, STING was an important player in the RIG-I IFN-inducing pathway. This report provides the demonstration that teleost fish possess a functional RLR pathway in which MAVS and STING are downstream signaling molecules of RIG-I. The Sequences presented in this article have been submitted to GenBank under accession numbers: Zebrafish STING (HE856619); EPC STING (HE856620); EPC IRF3 (HE856621); EPC IFN promoter (HE856618).  相似文献   

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