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The polarized morphology of neurons poses a particular challenge to intracellular signal transduction. Local signals generated at distal sites must be retrogradely transported to the nucleus to produce persistent changes in neuronal function. Such communication of signals between distal neuronal compartments and the nucleus occurs during axon guidance, synapse formation, synaptic plasticity and following neuronal injury. Recent studies have begun to delineate a role for the active nuclear import pathway in transporting signals from axons and dendrites to the nucleus. In this pathway, soluble cargo proteins are recognized by nuclear transport carriers, called importins, which mediate their translocation from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. In neurons, importins might serve an additional function by carrying signals from distal sites to the soma.  相似文献   

Smad proteins are intracellular mediators of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) and related cytokines. Although ligand-induced nuclear translocation of Smad proteins is clearly established, the pathway mediating this import is yet to be determined. We previously identified a nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the N-terminal region of Smad 3, the major Smad protein involved in TGF-beta signal transduction. This basic motif (Lys(40-)Lys-Leu-Lys-Lys(44)), conserved among all the pathway-specific Smad proteins, is required for Smad 3 nuclear import in response to ligand. Here we studied the nuclear import pathway of Smad 3 mediated by this NLS. We demonstrate that the isolated Smad 3 MH1 domain displays significant specific binding to importin beta, which is diminished or eliminated by mutations in the NLS. Full-size Smad 3 exhibits weak but specific binding to importin beta, which is enhanced after phosphorylation by the type I TGF-beta receptor. In contrast, no interaction was observed between importin alpha and Smad 3 or its MH1 domain, indicating that nuclear translocation of Smad proteins may occur through direct binding to importin beta. We propose that activation of all of the pathway-specific Smad proteins (Smads 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 9) exposes the conserved NLS motif, which then binds directly to importin beta and triggers nuclear translocation.  相似文献   

Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; E.C. functions as a glycolytic enzyme within the cytoplasm, but beside its metabolic function it is involved in early steps of apoptosis, which trigger the translocation of GAPDH into the nucleus. As apoptosis can be induced by serum withdrawal, which otherwise causes cell cycle arrest, the linkage between serum deprivation, cell cycle and nuclear transport of GAPDH has been investigated. The intracellular distribution of GAPDH was monitored by confocal laser scanning microscopy of either immuno-stained NIH 3T3 fibroblasts or of cells overexpressing GFP-tagged GAPDH. Serum withdrawal led to an accumulation of GAPDH in the nucleus. In contrast to investigations published so far, this nuclear translocation was a reversible process: cytoplasmic location of endogenous GAPDH or of GFP-GAPDH could be recovered upon serum addition to arrested cells and was not inhibited by cycloheximide treatment. In addition, the nuclear import upon serum depletion had no influence neither on the catalytic activity nor on the expression level of GAPDH. The nuclear export of GFP-GAPDH in serum-deprived cells could be stimulated by serum or directly by the growth factors EGF or PDGE The transport process is not regulated via an initiation of cell cycle arrest, as olomoucine, which causes G1-arrest neither stimulated nuclear accumulation nor prevented nuclear export after serum addition to serum-depleted cultures. Moreover, SV40-transformed 3T3 cells transported GAPDH into the nucleus upon serum deprivation, though the expression of the viral large T-antigen enabled growth factor-independent cell proliferation in this cell line. The recruitment of GAPDH to the cytoplasm upon serum stimulation of arrested cells was not impaired by the inhibition of the MAPK signalling pathway with PD 098059. However, further analysis of the growth factor signalling pathway with specific inhibitors revealed that nuclear export was prevented by LY 294002, an inhibitor of the PI-3 kinase. PI3K links the growth factor signalling pathway with cell death via the repression of an apoptotic inducer. Thus, the nuclear accumulation of GAPDH upon growth factor depletion is a reversible process not related directly to cell cycle and likely triggered by survival signals.  相似文献   

Galectin-3 has been suspected of modulating cell to extracellular matrix interactions in a novel fashion ever since it was first described. However, the rapid accumulation of research data in just the last 8 years alone has completely changed our perspective of this multifunctional protein. Its chimeric nature (consists of carbohydrate recognition and collagen like domains) somehow makes it suited to interact with a plethora of interesting extracellular matrix proteins some of which might enable it to cross the plasma membrane despite its lack of appropriate signal peptides. It is now becoming established as a mediator of signal transduction events on the cell surface as well as a mediator of a variety of extra-cellular processes such as kidney development, angiogenesis, neuronal functions, tumor metastasis, autoimmune disorders, endocytosis and possibly exocytosis. Nevertheless, it still retains its unique position as a mediator/modulator of cell to extracellular matrix adhesive interactions. Cells, particularly epithelial cells which lack galectin-3 expression, interact poorly with their extracellular matrices. In some of these processes, it functions as a matricellular protein, displaying both pro- and anti-adhesive properties. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

Extracellular functions of galectin-3   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Galectin-3 has been suspected of modulating cell to extracellular matrix interactions in a novel fashion ever since it was first described. However, the rapid accumulation of research data in just the last 8 years alone has completely changed our perspective of this multifunctional protein. Its chimeric nature (consists of carbohydrate recognition and collagen like domains) somehow makes it suited to interact with a plethora of interesting extracellular matrix proteins some of which might enable it to cross the plasma membrane despite its lack of appropriate signal peptides. It is now becoming established as a mediator of signal transduction events on the cell surface as well as a mediator of a variety of extra-cellular processes such as kidney development, angiogenesis, neuronal functions, tumor metastasis, autoimmune disorders, endocytosis and possibly exocytosis. Nevertheless, it still retains its unique position as a mediator/modulator of cell to extracellular matrix adhesive interactions. Cells, particularly epithelial cells which lack galectin-3 expression, interact poorly with their extracellular matrices. In some of these processes, it functions as a matricellular protein, displaying both pro- and anti-adhesive properties.  相似文献   

Galectins are a growing family of animal lectins with common consensus sequences that bind beta-Gal and LacNAc residues. There are at present 14 members of the galectin family; however, certain galectins possess different structures as well as biological properties. Galectin-1 is a dimer of two homologous carbohydrate recognition domains (CRDs) and possesses apoptotic and proinvasive activities. Galectin-3 consists of a C-terminal CRD and an N-terminal nonlectin domain implicated in the oligomerization of the protein and is often associated with antiapoptotic activity. Because many cellular oligosaccharide receptors are multivalent, it is important to characterize the interactions of multivalent carbohydrates with galectins-1 and -3. In the present study, binding of bovine heart galectin-1 and recombinant murine galectin-3 to a series of synthetic analogs containing two LacNAc residues separated by a varying number of methylene groups, as well as biantennary analogs possessing two LacNAc residues, were examined using isothermal titration microcalorimetry (ITC) and hemagglutination inhibition measurements. The thermodynamics of binding of the multivalent carbohydrates to the C-terminal CRD domain of galectin-3 was also investigated. ITC results showed that each bivalent analog bound by both LacNAc residues to the two galectins. However, galectin-1 shows a lack of enhanced affinity for the bivalent straight chain and branched chain analogs, whereas galectin-3 shows enhanced affinity for only lacto-N-hexaose, a naturally occurring branched chain carbohydrate. The CRD domain of galectin-3 was shown to possess similar thermodynamic binding properties as the intact molecule. The results of this study have important implications for the design of carbohydrate inhibitors of the two galectins.  相似文献   

Insulin (Ins) and various other hormones and growth factors have been shown to be rapidly internalized and translocated to the cell nucleus. This review summarizes the mechanisms that are involved in the translocation of Ins to the nucleus, and discusses its possible role in Ins action, based on observations by the authors and others. Ins is internalized to endosomes by both receptor-mediated and fluid-phase endocytosis, the latter occurring only at high Ins concentrations. The authors recently demonstrated the caveolae are the primary cell membrane locations responsible for initiating the signal transduction cascade induced by Ins. Once Ins is internalized, Ins dissociates from the Ins receptor in the endosome, and is translocated to the cytoplasm, where most Ins is degraded by Ins-degrading enzyme (IDE), although how the polypeptides cross the lipid bilayer is unknown. Some Ins escapes the degradation and binds to cytosolic Ins-binding proteins (CIBPs), in addition to IDE. IDE and some CIBPs are known to be binding proteins for other hormones or their receptors, and are involved in gene regulation, suggesting physiological relevance of CIBPs in the signaling of Ins and other hormones. Ins is eventually translocated through the nuclear pore to the nucleus, where Ins tightly associates with nuclear matrix. The role of Ins internalization and translocation to the nucleus is still controversial, although there is substantial evidence to support its role in cellular responses caused by Ins. Many studies indicate that nuclear translocation of various growth factors and hormones plays an important role in cell proliferation or DNA synthesis. It would be reasonable to suggest that tial for the regulation of nuclear events by Ins.  相似文献   

Sulfur Mustard (SM) is a vesicant chemical warfare agent, which is acutely toxic to a variety of organ systems including skin, eyes, respiratory system and bone marrow. The underlying molecular pathomechanism was mainly attributed to the alkylating properties of SM. However, recent studies have revealed that cellular responses to SM exposure are of more complex nature and include increased protein expression and protein modifications that can be used as biomarkers. In order to confirm already known biomarkers, to detect potential new ones and to further elucidate the pathomechanism of SM, we conducted large-scale proteomic experiments based on a human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) exposed to SM. Surprisingly, our analysis identified glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate-dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as one of the up-regulated proteins after exposure of HaCaT cells to SM. In this paper we demonstrate the sulfur mustard induced nuclear translocation of GAPDH in HaCaT cells by 2D gel-electrophoresis (2D GE), immunocytochemistry (ICC), Western Blot (WB) and a combination thereof. 2D GE in combination with MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis identified GAPDH as an up-regulated protein after SM exposure. Immunocytochemistry revealed a distinct nuclear translocation of GAPDH after exposure to 300 μM SM. This finding was confirmed by fractionated WB analysis. 2D GE and subsequent immunoblot staining of GAPDH demonstrated two different spot locations of GAPH (pI 7.0 and pI 8.5) that are related to cytosolic or nuclear GAPDH respectively. After exposure to 300 μM SM a significant increase of nuclear GAPDH at pI 8.5 occurred. Nuclear GAPDH has been associated with apoptosis, detection of structural DNA alterations, DNA repair and regulation of genomic integrity and telomere structure. The results of our study add new aspects to the pathophysiology of sulfur mustard toxicity, yet further studies will be necessary to reveal the specific function of nuclear GAPDH in the pathomechanism of sulfur mustard.  相似文献   

Insects can effectively and rapidly clear microbial infections by a variety of innate immune responses including the production of antimicrobial peptides. Induction of these antimicrobial peptides in Drosophila has been well established to involve NF-kappaB elements. We present evidence here for a molecular mechanism of Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced signaling involving Drosophila NF-kappaB, RELISH, in Drosophila S2 cells. We demonstrate that LPS induces a rapid processing event within the RELISH protein releasing the C-terminal ankyrin-repeats from the N-terminal Rel homology domain (RHD). Examination of the cellular localization of RELISH reveals that the timing of this processing coincides with the nuclear translocation of the RHD and the retention of the ankyrin-repeats within the cytoplasm. Both the processing and the nuclear translocation immediately precede the expression of antibacterial peptide genes cecropin A1, attacin, and diptericin. Over-expression of the RHD but not full-length RELISH results in an increase in the promoter activity of the cecropin A1 gene in the absence of LPS. Furthermore, the LPS-induced expression of these antibacterial peptides is greatly reduced when RELISH expression is depleted via RNA-mediated interference. In addition, loss of cactus expression via RNAi revealed that RELISH activation and nuclear translocation is not dependent on the presence of cactus. Taken together, these results suggest that this signaling mechanism involving the processing of RELISH followed by nuclear translocation of the RHD is central to the induction of at least part of the antimicrobial response in Drosophila, and is largely independent of cactus regulation.  相似文献   

We have shown that galectin-1 and galectin-3 are functionally redundant splicing factors. Now we provide evidence that both galectins are directly associated with spliceosomes by analyzing RNAs and proteins of complexes immunoprecipitated by galectin-specific antisera. Both galectin antisera co-precipitated splicing substrate, splicing intermediates and products in active spliceosomes. Protein factors co-precipitated by the galectin antisera included the Sm core polypeptides of snRNPs, hnRNP C1/C2 and Slu7. Early spliceosomal complexes were also immunoprecipitated by these antisera. When splicing reactions were sequentially immunoprecipitated with galectin antisera, we found that galectin-1 containing spliceosomes did not contain galectin-3 and vice versa, providing an explanation for the functional redundancy of nuclear galectins in splicing. The association of galectins with spliceosomes was (i) not due to a direct interaction of galectins with the splicing substrate and (ii) easily disrupted by ionic conditions that had only a minimal effect on snRNP association. Finally, addition of excess amino terminal domain of galectin-3 inhibited incorporation of galectin-1 into splicing complexes, explaining the dominant-negative effect of the amino domain on splicing activity. We conclude that galectins are directly associated with splicing complexes throughout the splicing pathway in a mutually exclusive manner and they bind a common splicing partner through weak protein–protein interactions.  相似文献   

Antisera raised against galectin-1 exhibit crossreactivities with other galectins or related molecules. In order to overcome this problem, a monoclonal antibody to human brain galectin-1 was obtained by selecting clones without reactivity toward galectin-3. This mAb specifically bound galectin-1 of various animal origins but neither galectin-2 nor galectin-3. Western-blotting analysis of soluble human brain extracts after 2D gel electrophoresis revealed only the two most acidic isoforms of galectin-1. The ability of this mAb to bind galectin-1/asialofetuin complexes indicates that its epitope is not localized in the carbohydrate recognition domain of galectin-1. This particularity induces with efficiency its monospecificity.   相似文献   

Non-muscle myosin II (NMII) is reported to play multiple roles during cell migration and invasion. However, the exact biophysical roles of different NMII isoforms during these processes remain poorly understood. We analyzed the contributions of NMIIA and NMIIB in three-dimensional (3D) migration and in generating the forces required for efficient invasion by mammary gland carcinoma cells. Using traction force microscopy and microfluidic invasion devices, we demonstrated that NMIIA is critical for generating force during active protrusion, and NMIIB plays a major role in applying force on the nucleus to facilitate nuclear translocation through tight spaces. We further demonstrate that the nuclear membrane protein nesprin-2 is a possible linker coupling NMIIB-based force generation to nuclear translocation. Together, these data reveal a central biophysical role for NMIIB in nuclear translocation during 3D invasive migration, a result with relevance not only to cancer metastasis but for 3D migration in other settings such as embryonic cell migration and wound healing.  相似文献   

High levels of expression of galectin-1 and galectin-3, the beta-galactoside-binding proteins, have been recently described in malignant thyroid tumors but not in adenomas nor in normal thyroid tissue. However, there are no data about the expression of these galectins during fetal thyroid development. In this study we analyzed immunohistochemically the presence of galectin-1 and galectin-3 in human fetal thyroid glands (16-37 weeks of gestation). Weak to moderate cytoplasmic staining for galectin-1 was observed in follicular cells of all fetal thyroids. Galectin-3 could not be detected in thyroid follicular cells of any fetal thyroid investigated. Both galectins were detected in stromal tissue, but staining for galectin-1 was more intense. The absence of galectin-3 in thyroid cells during fetal development suggests that galectin-3 is expressed de novo during malignant transformation of thyroid epithelium, and that galectin-1 could be considered an oncofetal antigen. The results obtained indicated potential roles for galectin-1 and galectin-3 during the investigated period of human fetal thyroid gland development. Both galectins might participate in developmental processes regarding stromal fetal thyroid tissue organization, whereas galectin-1 might have a function in thyroid epithelium maturation.  相似文献   

Possible mechanism of nuclear translocation of proteasomes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Proteasomes (multicatalytic proteinase complexes), which are identical to the ubiquitous eukaryotic 20S particles, are localized in both the cytoplasm and the nucleus, but the mechanism of their co-localization in the two compartments is unknown. On examination of the primary structures of subunits of proteasomes, a consensus sequence for nuclear translocation of proteins, X-X-K-K(R)-X-K(R) (where X is any residue), was found to be present in some subunits and to be highly conserved in the subunits of a wide range of eukaryotes. In addition, proteasomal subunits were found to bear a cluster of acidic amino acid residues and also a potential tyrosine phosphorylation site that was located in the same polypeptide chain as the nuclear location signal. These structural properties suggest that two sets of clusters with positive and negative charges serve to regulate the translocation of proteasomes from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and that phosphorylation of tyrosine in certain subunits may play an additional role in transfer of proteasomes into the nucleus.  相似文献   

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