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Dose conversion coefficients for teeth of children were computed for external photon sources by means of Monte Carlo methods using a modified MIRD-type mathematical phantom of a 5-year-old child. The tooth region is separated into eight smaller regions that represent incisors, canines, first and second molars. Each of these sub-regions is separated into enamel and dentin parts. Dose conversion coefficients were computed as ratio of absorbed dose in the enamel and air kerma. They are given for unidirectional (AP, PA, RLAT, LLAT), rotational (ROT) and isotropic (ISO) photon sources in the energy range from 10 keV to 10 MeV. All computations were performed with the MCNP4 code including coupled electron-photon transport. The computed coefficients demonstrate a significant non-linearity versus photon energy, which is more pronounced than that observed for adult phantoms. Due to this non-linearity, use of the EPR-measured doses in human teeth requires information on the incident photon fluence spectra. The data presented can be used for assessment of public exposure.  相似文献   

Between 1948 and 1960, the Mayak nuclear weapons facility in Ozyorsk, Russia discharged relatively high levels of radionuclides, primarily (131)I, into the atmosphere, resulting in appreciable exposure to the residents of Ozyorsk. To evaluate the association between thyroid diseases and childhood exposure to radioiodines, we screened 894 Ozyorsk residents born between 1952 and 1953. The study population was comprised of 581 exposed individuals living in Ozyorsk during the years of heaviest exposure and 313 nonexposed individuals who moved to Ozyorsk when radiation exposure from Mayak largely had ended. The screening protocol included a patient interview, palpation of the thyroid, cervical lymph nodes and salivary glands, an ultrasound examination, and measurement of fT4, TSH and TPOAb. Twenty-eight percent of the study group was diagnosed with a thyroid abnormality. The prevalence of nodular disease was significantly higher in the exposed group (20.7%) compared with the nonexposed (14.4%) group (relative risk = 1.4, 95% CI = 1.1; 1.9). Risks were larger for solitary nodules and for nodules > or = 10 mm in diameter. Expansion of the study to increase the number of persons screened as well as detailed dose estimation would offer an unique opportunity to evaluate thyroid disease in relation to chronic exposure to radioiodines during childhood.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated in various murine tumor models that radiolabeled RGD-peptides can be used for noninvasive determination of alphavbeta3 integrin expression. Introduction of sugar moieties improved the pharmacokinetic properties of these peptides and led to tracer with good tumor-to-background ratios. Here we describe the synthesis, radiolabeling, and the metabolic stability of a glycosylated RGD-peptide ([18F]Galacto-RGD) and give first radiation dose estimates for this tracer. The peptide was assembled on a solid support using Fmoc-protocols and cyclized under high dilution conditions. It was conjugated with a sugar amino acid, which can be synthesized via a four-step synthesis starting from pentaacetyl-protected galactose. For radiolabeling of the glycopeptide, 4-nitrophenyl-2-[18F]fluoropropionate was used. This prosthetic group allowed synthesis of [18F]Galacto-RGD with a maximum decay-corrected radiochemical yield of up to 85% and radiochemical purity >98%. The overall radiochemical yield was 29 +/- 5% with a total reaction time including final HPLC preparation of 200 +/- 18 min. The metabolic stability of [18F]Galacto-RGD was determined in mouse blood and liver, kidney, and tumor homogenates 2 h after tracer injection. The average fraction of intact tracer in these organs was approximately 87%, 76%, 69%, and 87%, respectively, indicating high in vivo stability of the radiolabeled glycopeptide. The expected radiation dose to humans after injection of [18F]Galacto-RGD has been estimated on the basis of dynamic PET studies with New Zealand white rabbits. According to the residence times in these animals the effective dose was calculated using the MIRDOSE 3.0 program as 2.2 x 10(-2) mGy/MBq. In conclusion, [18F]Galacto-RGD can be synthesized in high radiochemical yields and radiochemical purity. Despite the time-consuming synthesis of the prosthetic group 185 MBq of [18F]Galacto-RGD, a sufficient dose for patient studies, can be produced starting with approximately 2.2 GBq of [18F]flouride. Moreover, the fast excretion, the suitable metabolic stability and the low estimated radiation dose allow to evaluate this tracer in human studies.  相似文献   



Lung function and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have been associated with short-term exposure to air pollution. However, the effect of long-term exposure to particulate matter from industry and traffic on COPD as defined by lung function has not been evaluated so far. Our study was designed to investigate the influence of long-term exposure to air pollution on respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function in 55-year-old women. We especially focused on COPD as defined by GOLD criteria and additionally compared the effects of air pollution on respiratory symptoms by questionnaire data and by lung function measurements.


In consecutive cross sectional studies conducted between 1985–1994, we investigated 4757 women living in the Rhine-Ruhr Basin of Germany. NO2 and PM10 exposure was assessed by measurements done in an 8 km grid, and traffic exposure by distance from the residential address to the nearest major road using Geographic Information System data. Lung function was determined and COPD was defined by using the GOLD criteria. Chronic respiratory symptoms and possible confounders were defined by questionnaire data. Linear and logistic regressions, including random effects were used to account for confounding and clustering on city level.


The prevalence of COPD (GOLD stages 1–4) was 4.5%. COPD and pulmonary function were strongest affected by PM10 and traffic related exposure. A 7 μg/m3 increase in five year means of PM10 (interquartile range) was associated with a 5.1% (95% CI 2.5%–7.7%) decrease in FEV1, a 3.7% (95% CI 1.8%–5.5%) decrease in FVC and an odds ratio (OR) of 1.33 (95% CI 1.03–1.72) for COPD. Women living less than 100 m from a busy road also had a significantly decreased lung function and COPD was 1.79 times more likely (95% CI 1.06–3.02) than for those living farther away. Chronic symptoms as based on questionnaire information showed effects in the same direction, but less pronounced.


Chronic exposure to PM10, NO2 and living near a major road might increase the risk of developing COPD and can have a detrimental effect on lung function.  相似文献   

Effective dose (E) has been developed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) as a dose quantity with a link to risks of health detriment, mainly cancer. It is based on reference phantoms representing average individuals, but this is often forgotten in its application to medical exposures, for which its use sometimes goes beyond the intended purpose. There has been much debate about issues involved in the use of E in medicine and ICRP is preparing a publication with more information on this application. This article aims to describe the development of E and explain how it should be used in medicine. It discusses some of the issues that arise when E is applied to medical exposures and provides information on how its use might evolve in the future. The article concludes with responses to some frequently asked questions about uses of E that are in line with the forthcoming ICRP publication. The main use of E in medicine is in meaningful comparison of doses from different types of procedure not possible with measurable dose quantities. However, it can be used, with appropriate care, as a measure of possible cancer risks. When considering E to individual patients, it is important to note that the dose received will differ from that assessed for reference phantoms, and the risk per Sv is likely to be greater on average in children and less in older adults. Newer techniques allow the calculation of patient-specific E which should be distinguished from the reference quantity.  相似文献   

Physical and cytogenetic estimates of the whole-body radiation doses have been compared in 11 patients receiving large doses of iodine-131 for the treatment of thyroid carcinoma. The physical estimate was based on the measurement of thyroid uptake, of the plasma activity variation, and of urinary activity. The cytogenetic estimate was obtained from the analysis of chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Good agreement between the estimates was observed in patients whose thyroid glands had previously been ablated by radioiodine. In patients who had varying degrees of thyroid function, there were considerable differences between the estimates with the cytogenetic value always being higher. It is suggested that these differences might be due in part to non-uniform irradiation of lymphocytes by local sources of activity in the thyroid and in the liver.  相似文献   

An updated version of external dose modeling is presented with reference to the population in Russian areas contaminated due to the Chernobyl accident. An earlier version has been modified by applying a study time interval with a starting point immediately after radionuclide deposition (rather than 4 years after the accident as applied earlier) and by introducing an estimate of individual dose distributions. New input data to the model are the nuclide-specific composition of the deposit, additional data about migration of caesium in soil, time dependence of location factors and uncertainty distributions of all input parameters. Model results (i.e. effective dose-rates and accumulated effective doses) from external exposure for the rural and urban populations in contaminated areas of Russia during 100 years after the accident are presented. Radionuclide contributions to the dose during various time intervals after the accident have been estimated. The model has been validated by measurements of absorbed dose-rate in air during the first 30 days after the accident and by TLD measurements of individual external doses among inhabitants of contaminated rural settlements in the year 1993. Both the measurements and model show that the geometric mean of individual external doses is about 10% lower than the arithmetic mean and the upper bound of the 95% confidence range is larger by a factor of about 2.  相似文献   

The data collected in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the past 40 years on the children of survivors of the atomic bombings and on the children of a suitable control population are analyzed on the basis of the newly revised estimates of radiation doses. No statistically significant effects emerge with respect to eight different indicators. Since, however, it may confidently be assumed some mutations were induced, we have taken the data at face value and calculated the minimal gametic doubling doses of acute radiation for the individual indicators at various probability levels. An effort has also been made to calculate the most probable doubling dose for the indicators combined. The latter value is between 1.7 and 2.2 Sv. It is suggested the appropriate figure for chronic radiation would be between 3.4 and 4.5 Sv. These estimates suggest humans are less sensitive to the genetic effects of radiation than has been assumed on the basis of past extrapolations from experiments with mice.  相似文献   

Because biological responses to radiation are complex processes that depend on both irradiation time and total dose, consideration of both dose and dose rate is necessary to predict the risk from long-term irradiations at low dose rates. Here we mathematically and statistically analyzed the quantitative relationships between dose, dose rate and irradiation time using micronucleus formation and inhibition of proliferation of human osteosarcoma cells as indicators of biological response. While the dose-response curves did not change with exposure times of less than 20 h, at a given dose, both biological responses clearly were reduced as exposure time increased to more than 8 days. These responses became dependent on dose rate rather than on total dose when cells were irradiated for 20 to 27 days. Mathematical analysis demonstrates that the relationship between effective dose and dose rate is well described by an exponential function when the logarithm of effective dose is plotted as a function of the logarithm of dose rate. These results suggest that our model, the modified exponential (ME) model, can be applied to predict the risk from exposure to low-dose/low-dose-rate radiation.  相似文献   

We report the results of a study of chromosome translocations in 126 Russian subjects who participated in the cleanup activities at Chernobyl and another 53 subjects, from other places in Russia, who were not exposed at Chernobyl. In agreement with our earlier study, we find increased translocation frequencies among the exposed compared to Russian controls. We describe statistical methods for estimating the dose of ionizing radiation determined by scoring chromosome translocations found in circulating lymphocytes sampled several years after exposure. Two statistical models were fitted to the data. One model assumed that translocation frequencies followed an overdispersed Poisson distribution. The second model assumed that translocation frequencies followed a negative binomial distribution. In addition, the effects of radiation exposure were modeled as additive or as multiplicative to the effects of age and smoking history. We found that the negative binomial model fit the data better than the overdispersed Poisson model. We could not distinguish between the additive and the multiplicative model with our data. Individual dose estimates ranged from 0 (for 43 subjects) to 0.56 Gy (mean 0.14 Gy) under the multiplicative model and from 0 to 0.95 Gy (mean 0.15 Gy) under the additive model. Dose estimates were similar under the two models when the number of translocations was less than 4 per 100 cells. The additive model tended to estimate larger doses when the number of translocations was greater than 4 per 100 cells. We also describe a method for estimating upper 95% tolerance bounds for numbers of translocations in unexposed individuals. We found that inclusion of data on age and smoking history was important for dose estimation. Ignoring these factors could result in gross overestimation of exposures, particularly in older subjects who smoke.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is a retrospective estimation of the influence of dose and dose rate of the red bone marrow chronic radiation exposure in combination with various modifying factors (gender, age, comorbidity) on the frequency of deviations from normal values of the results of peripheral blood investigation in humans exposed on the Techa River. The results of investigation show that humans chronically exposed to radiation can develop marked changes in the cellular composition of peripheral blood characterized by a tendency to cytopenia (signs of the decompensation of hemopoiesis). The tendency to cytopenia can be identified earlier in the lymphoid germ, and later in platelet and erythroid lines. A high lability of granulocytes under the influence of various, often infectious, factors is the cause of the lack of statistically significant differences in terms of frequency of neutropenia. Several non-radiation factors (gender, age, health status) in combination with radiation exposure could have a modifying influence on hematopoiesis, which contributed to the disruption of adaptation processes and the development of conditions characterized by a tendency to cytopenias in exposed individuals. The red bone marrow dose rate reduction resulted in a gradual decrease in the frequency of erythrocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and lymphocytopenia in the group of exposed population. Increased frequencies of erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, lymphocytosis, monocytosis and neutrophilia were observed when the median dose rate was reduced to the level of 0.024 Gy/year (in the year 1956), which could be regarded as activation of regenerative processes in hematopoiesis.  相似文献   


In the present study, radiation doses and cancer risks resulting from abdominopelvic radiotherapy planning computed tomography (RP-CT) and abdominopelvic diagnostic CT (DG-CT) examinations are compared. Two groups of patients who underwent abdominopelvic CT scans with RP-CT (n = 50) and DG-CT (n = 50) voluntarily participated in this study. The two groups of patients had approximately similar demographic features including mass, height, body mass index, sex, and age. Radiation dose parameters included CTDIvol, dose–length product, scan length, effective tube current, and pitch factor, all taken from the CT scanner console. The ImPACT software was used to calculate the patient-specific radiation doses. The risks of cancer incidence and mortality were estimated based on the BEIR VII report of the US National Research Council. In the RP-CT group, the mean ± standard deviation of cancer incidence risk for all cancers, leukemia, and all solid cancers was 621.58 ± 214.76, 101.59 ± 27.15, and 516.60 ± 189.01 cancers per 100,000 individuals, respectively, for male patients. For female patients, the corresponding risks were 742.71 ± 292.35, 74.26 ± 20.26, and 667.03 ± 275.67 cancers per 100,000 individuals, respectively. In contrast, for DG-CT cancer incidence risks were 470.22 ± 170.07, 78.23 ± 18.22, and 390.25 ± 152.82 cancers per 100,000 individuals for male patients, while they were 638.65 ± 232.93, 62.14 ± 13.74, and 575.73 ± 221.21 cancers per 100,000 individuals for female patients. Cancer incidence and mortality risks were greater for RP-CT than for DG-CT scans. It is concluded that the various protocols of abdominopelvic CT scans, especially the RP-CT scans, should be optimized with respect to the radiation doses associated with these scans.


Evolutionarily-based theories predict that people should adopt a faster life history strategy when their mortality risk is high. However, this raises the question of what cues evolved psychological mechanisms rely on when forming their estimates of personal mortality risk. In a sample of 600 North Americans, we examined associations between ideal or actual reproductive timing and two possible cues to mortality risk: 1) the total number of people a person knew who had died (death exposure); and 2) the number of those people to whom they felt close (bereavement). We also took a measure of financial future discounting, in order to establish whether experiences of death or bereavement are associated with a more general shortening of time horizons. We found that a greater number of bereavements were robustly associated with a lower ideal age at first birth, or an increased hazard of an actual first birth at any given age and with steeper future discounting. We did not find significant associations between any of these outcomes and overall death exposure. This suggests that the deaths of people with whom one is close may be a more salient cue for the calibration of reproductive and financial time horizons than the deaths of more distant acquaintances.  相似文献   

This study sought to estimate the relative contribution of exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields experienced at home, at work/school, or elsewhere to the total exposure over 24 hr. Personal exposure meters were carried by 97 adults and children in the Stockholm area. About half of the subjects lived close (<50 m) to a transmission line and half far (>100 m) away. Spot measurements and calculations for the residential exposure were also made. For subjects living<50 m from the line, the exposure at home contributed about 80% of the total magnetic field exposure, measured in mT-hours. Adults living far away experienced only 38% of the total exposure at home, but children still received 55%. Subjects with low time-weighted average (TWA) exposure both at home and at work spent 84% of their time in fields <0.1 microT, and those with high TWA at both locations spent 69% of their time in fields > or = 0.2 microT. This contrast was diluted if only exposure at one location was considered. For spot measurements and calculations of the residential exposure, both sensitivity and specificity was good. However, the intermediate field exposure category (0.1-0.19 microT) showed poor correlation to the 24 hr personal measurements.  相似文献   

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