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The folate receptor has been identified as a marker for ovarian carcinomas and is also up-regulated in many other types of cancer. Folate-conjugation has been successfully applied in the tumor cell-selective targeting of liposomes. A long polyethyleneglycol (PEG) spacer between the targeting ligand (i.e. folic acid) and the liposome surface is required for receptor recognition. Ligand binding is compatible with the PEG-coating of the liposomes needed for prolonged systemic circulation. Folate-targeted liposomes have been shown to enhance the in vitro cytotoxicity of liposome-entrapped doxorubicin and antisense oligodeoxynucleotides to receptor-bearing tumor cells. Folate, as a targeting ligand, offers unique advantages over immunoliposomes, i.e., easy liposomal incorporation, low cost, high receptor affinity and tumor specificity, extended stability, and potential lack of immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Propylene glycol (PG)-phospholipid vesicles have been advocated as flexible lipid vesicles for enhanced skin delivery of drugs. To further characterize the performance of these vesicles and to address some relevant pharmaceutical issues, miconazole nitrate(MN)-loaded PG nanoliposomes were prepared and characterized for vesicle size, entrapment efficiency, in vitro release, and vesicle stability. An issue of pharmaceutical importance is the time-dependent, dilution-driven diffusion of propylene glycol out of the vesicles. This was addressed by assessing propylene glycol using gas chromatography in the separated vesicles and monitoring its buildup in the medium after repeated dispersion of separated vesicles in fresh medium. Further, the antifungal activity of liposomal formulations under study was assessed using Candida albicans, and their in vitro skin permeation and retention were studied using human skin. At all instances, blank and drug-loaded conventional liposomes were included for comparison. The results provided evidence of controlled MN delivery, constant percent PG uptake in the vesicles (≈45.5%) in the PG concentration range 2.5 to 10%, improved vesicle stability, and enhanced skin deposition of MN with minimum skin permeation. These are key issues for different formulation and performance aspects of propylene glycol-phospholipid vesicles.  相似文献   

The lysozyme (LZ)-entrapped mannosylated liposomes were prepared in this study by the use of N-octadecyl-D-mannopyranosylamine (SAMAN), which had been synthesized in-house and confirmed by characterization with FTIR and NMR. The reactant residues of synthesized SAMAN were found to be less than 1%. The mean sizes, zeta potentials, drug entrapment efficiencies, and loading capacities of all liposomal formulations were in the ranges of 234.7 to 431.0 nm, -10.97 to -25.80 mV, 7.52 to 14.10%, and 1.44 to 2.77%, respectively. The permeability of mannosylated LZ liposomes across Caco-2 cell monolayers was significantly enhanced to about 2.5- and 7-folds over those of conventional liposomes and solution, respectively, which might be due to the role of mannose receptor or mannose-binding protein on the intestinal enterocytes.  相似文献   


A novel lipophilic conjugate of folate, folate-PEG-Chol, was synthesized and evaluated for receptor-mediated targeting of liposomes to tumor cells. Liposomes composed of DSPC/Chol/PEG-DSPE/folate-PEG-Chol (60/ 34/5/1, m/m) were taken up by cultured folate receptor-bearing KB cells via a saturable mechanism. Cellular binding of these liposomes could be competitively inhibited by free folic acid with an IC50 of 0.39 mM, indicating an extraordinarily high binding affinity. Fluorescence micrographs of KB cells treated with targeted liposomes encapsulating calcein showed that they were distributed both on the cell surface and in intracellular vesicular compartments. Targeted liposomes carrying doxorubicin were shown to be 38 times more toxic to KB cells than non-targeted control liposomes. A biodistribution study in receptor-positive tumor-bearing C57BL/6 mice showed no significant differences between the tumor uptake of folate-PEG-liposomes and non-targeted control liposomes. This study has demonstrated that cholesterol could be used as an alternative to phospholipids as an effective anchor for incorporation of a targeting ligand into liposomes.  相似文献   

癌症,是现今威胁人类健康的一大杀手,目前常规的治疗手段之一是予以大剂量的化疗药物进行治疗。但大多数抗癌药物因具有广泛而强烈的细胞毒性,在杀伤癌细胞的同时也无选择性的杀伤了正常人体细胞,使得患者在接受治疗的同时承受了较大的痛苦,降低了癌症患者的生存质量。因而在药剂学研究中,须以提高药效、增强靶向性及降低毒副作用等为目标,合理地选择和开发抗癌药物给药系统。自脂质体作为新型药物传递技术引入癌症治疗以来,因其独特的理化性质和递药机理,高效低毒地递送抗癌药物至病灶,因而成为现今抗癌药物给药系统研究中的热点。本文结合国内外的相关资料和最新报道,综述了脂质体抗癌药物的递药优势、研究进展与存在的问题,并在分析了产业化现状的基础上,对这一新型给药系统在抗癌药物递送领域中的发展做一展望。  相似文献   


This presentation is divided into three parts: long-circulating liposomes, immunoliposomes and gene transfer with liposomes. The mechanism of action for the poly(ethylene glycol)-phospholipid conjugates to prolong the circulation time of liposomes can be understood on the basis of steric barrier activity imposed by the flexible PEG chains on the liposome surface. The action of ganglioside GM1, on the other hand, probably involves specific interactions with serum protein(s). Immunoliposomes can efficiently bind with the target only if the target is readily accessible and the liposomes stay in the circulation for a relatively long period of time. Coating the liposome surface with PEG chains or GM1 enhances the target binding of immunoliposomes, except when PEG of greater than 5000 dalton is used. In this case, immunoliposome binding to the target is sterically hindered by the long PEG chains. To overcome the problem, antibody molecule is conjugated to the distal end of the PEG chain. This approach works well except that the liver uptake of immunoliposomes is somewhat enhanced. For the delivery of DNA into cells, a novel cationic amphiphile (DC-chol) is synthesized and is now used in clinical trials of gene therapy for melanoma. Current effort is concentrated on the means to enhance the level and duration of transgene expression.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial research is presently one of the fastest growing disciplines in biomedicine. Since the early 1990s, it has become increasingly evident that mitochondrial dysfunction contributes to a large variety of human disorders, ranging from neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases, obesity, and diabetes to ischemia-reperfusion injury and cancer. Most remarkably, mitochondria, the “power house” of the cell, have also become accepted as the “motor of cell death” reflecting their recognized key role during apoptosis. Based on these recent exciting developments in mitochondrial research, increasing pharmacological efforts have been made leading to the emergence of “Mitochondrial Medicine” as a whole new field of biomedical research. The identification of molecular mitochondrial drug targets in combination with the development of methods for selectively delivering biologically active molecules to the site of mitochondria will eventually launch a multitude of new therapies for the treatment of mitochondria-related diseases, which are based either on the selective protection, repair, or eradication of cells. Yet, while tremendous efforts are being undertaken to identify new mitochondrial drugs and drug targets, the development of mitochondria-specific drug carrier systems is lagging behind. To ensure a high efficiency of current and future mitochondrial therapeutics, colloidal vectors, i.e., delivery systems, need to be developed able to selectively transport biologically active molecules to and into mitochondria within living human cells. Here we review ongoing efforts in our laboratory directed toward the development of different phospholipid- and non-phospholipid-based mitochondriotropic drug carrier systems.  相似文献   


Long-circulating liposomes can be prepared by coating liposome surface with a hydrophilic layer of oligosaccharides, glycoproteins, polysaccharides and synthetic polymers in order to make liposomes “invisible” for scavenger cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Incorporation of lipid-anchored poly(ethylene glycol) in liposome bilayer allows to prolong its circulation at least tenfold. Various designs of glycolipid- and polymer-based liposomes are presented, possible mechanisms of action are discussed; potential of these liposomes for drug targeting is presented.  相似文献   

Up to date, there are two types of drugs approved to treat hepatitis B interferons and nucleos (t) ide analogues. However, the therapies are limited in the clinical context because of the negative side effects of interferon-α and the development of substantial viral resistance to nucleos (t) idic inhibitors. Therefore, new drugs with novel structures and mechanisms are needed. In this article, the drugs approved by FDA or the European Commission for treating chronic hepatitis B virus infection, as well as those under clinical trials, and several compounds in preclinical studies are reviewed. Additionally, some potential targets and strategies to combat chronic hepatitis B virus infection are discussed.  相似文献   



Ever since the liposome has been proposed as an antigen carrier or vaccine adjuvant to enhance immune responses of various vaccines (1), a great deal of effort has been made to understand the physical and chemical properties of the liposome membranes that modulate the potency of liposomal adjuvants [for review, see (2)]. While no generally consistent conclusion can be drawn for all vaccine antigens, the role of lipid fluidity in liposome adjuvanticity has been investigated extensively. Kinsky (3) showed that trinitrophenyl (TNP)-sensitized liposomes composed primarily of gelphased lipids [defined by a gel-to-liquid phase-transition temperature (Tc) higher than 37°C] were more potent in eliciting B cell response. In this study, TNP is a lipid membrane-bound antigen. However, membrane fluidity does not appear to play a role in adjuvanticity with a water-soluble antigen. Six et al. (4) showed, using the water-soluble adenovirus type 5 hexon, that liposomes made of gel-phased lipids – distearoyl phosphatidylcholines (PC) (Tc = 57°C) and dipalmitoyl PC (Tc = 41 °C) - produced similar adjuvant effects in responders compared to liposomes made of liquid-phased lipids – dimyristoyl PC (Tc = 23°C) and dioleoyl PC (Tc = -22°C). Other experimental results regarding membrane fluidity and the adjuvanticity of various lipid compositions and protein antigens (5-8) yielded conflicting conclusions. These inconsistent results may have arisen from the differences in the studied protein antigen and from the unique interaction between the antigen and lipid membrane. Overall, liposome adjuvant studies to date have concentrated on the role of the physical characteristics of liposome membranes in potentiating immune interactions and paid limited attention to the physiological constraint and immune recognition and interaction at the cellular and molecular levels. With the recent advances in our understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of immune regulation, one can now rationally design strategies to deliver antigen and cytokines to selective sites or cells involved in immune potentiation. In the following sections, we will present our observations about such strategies for the delivery of antigens with antigen-presenting liposomes (APLs) targeted to macrophages and the use of liposomes to deliver cytokines for the enhancement of antigen-dependent T and B cell growth.  相似文献   


The narrow link between skin and liposomes comes from the observation that, contrary to the medical field, which presumes a parenteral introduction, in the dermatological field liposomes are applied directly on the part where they are destined and with which there is a strong affinity. At first liposomes have been used in the dermo-cosmetological field because of their restoring and moisturizing action. Furthermore the capability of liposomes to deliver active principles into the skin, releasing them in the deep layers, has consistently widened its action. Liposomes are presently used in antiaging, anti stretch marks, moisturizing and anticellulitis products; further use of liposomes can be envisaged as regards solar products, microcirculatory supply and cutanoeus imperfections characterized by erythrosis or capillary alterations. Liposomes have proven to be very useful for the therapy of certain dermatoses, such as atopic dermatoses or psoriasis. The advantage of incorporating a pharmaceutical substance (antibiotic, cortisone, immunomodulator, antimycotic, antiviral) can be observed in more effective and shorter therapy together with a decrease of side effects both local and linked to the systemic assimilation. Studies with acyclovir, interferon and topic steroids (triamcinolone and hydrocortisone) have been carried out experimentally. It is certain that a substance will have a different destiny when delivered by a liposome rather than by a normal eccipient.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) is a major opportunistic infection that affects patients with human immunodeficiency virus. Although orally administered dapsone leads to high hepatic metabolism, decreasing the therapeutic index and causing severe side effects, this drug is an effective alternative for the treatment of PCP. In this context, microencapsulation for pulmonary administration can offer an alternative to increase the bioavailability of dapsone, reducing its adverse effects. The aim of this work was to develop novel dapsone-loaded chitosan microcapsules intended for deep-lung aerosolized drug delivery. The geometric particle size (D4,3) was approximately 7 μm, the calculated aerodynamic diameter (daero) was approximately 4.5 μm, and the mass median aerodynamic diameter from an Andersen cascade impactor was 4.7 μm. The in vitro dissolution profile showed an efficient dapsone encapsulation, demonstrating the sustained release of the drug. The in vitro deposition (measured by the Andersen cascade impactor) showed an adequate distribution and a high fine particles fraction (FPF = 50%). Scanning electron microscopy of the pulmonary tissues demonstrated an adequate deposition of these particles in the deepest part of the lung. An in vivo toxicity experiment showed the low toxicity of the drug-loaded microcapsules, indicating a protective effect of the microencapsulation process when the particles are microencapsulated. In conclusion, the pulmonary administration of the novel dapsone-loaded microcapsules could be a promising alternative for PCP treatment.KEY WORDS: dapsone, dry powders inhalers, in vivo toxicity, microparticles, pulmonary drug delivery  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - New uncharged gemini-amphiphiles have been synthesized. A series of cationic liposomes based on the polycationic amphiphile...  相似文献   

在当前药物研发中,蛋白/多肽类药物占据着重要地位。然而,此类药物大多需进入细胞内才能发挥作用,故细胞摄取率低的问 题成为制约其发展的关键因素。细胞穿膜肽是一类富含精氨酸的短肽,自身具有较强的生物膜穿透能力,可携带多种大分子甚至是纳米 粒入胞。因此,穿膜肽被广泛应用于药物输送,且基于穿膜肽介导药物胞内输送,成为解决蛋白/多肽类药物入胞问题的优选策略。主 要综述穿膜肽介导蛋白/多肽类药物输送用于不同疾病治疗的研究进展。  相似文献   


Long-circulating liposomes containing amphipathic polyethyleneglycol (PEG) or ganglioside GM1 (GM1) have been tested for their utility as enhanced delivery system of doxorubicin (DXR) in vivo. DXR was entrapped into liposomes by pH gradient method.

The long-circulating LUV (200 nm in size) composed of DSPC/CH (1:1, m/m) and either 6 mol% of DSPE-PEG1000 or GM1 entrapped DXR with >95% in trapping efficiency. DXR-long-circulating LUVs were administered to leukemic (LI210) mice via the tail vein at a dose of 5mg DXR/kg. The high blood concentration was kept for long time, and significantly increased survival time was observed as compared with free DXR and DXR-LUV. The data indicated that DXR was slowly released from long-circulating LUV during that stayed in bloodstream for long time. Administration of DXR-long-circulating SUV (100 nm) to the colon 26 bearing mice produced the increased DXR level in tumor compared with bear SUV or free drug did, respectively, and resulted in effective tumor growth retardation and increased survival time. DXR was delivered to tumor by accumulation of SUVs themselves.

Long-circulating thermosensitive liposomes (TSL) were prepared from DPPC /DSPC (9:1, m/m) and 3-6 mol% of PEG1000 or GM1. DXR was entrapped with >95% in trapping efficiency. Accumulation of DXR into tumor tissue by local hyperthermia after injection of DXR-long-circulating TSL to colon 26 bearing mice was significantly higher man that of DXR-bare TSL or free DXR, and resulted in effective tumor growth retardation and increased survival time. It was suggested that the entrapped DXR was efficiently released from long-circulating TSL by hyperthermia at the tumor site and entered the tumor tissue by simple diffusion.  相似文献   


Cationic liposomes are non-viral gene transfer vectors for in vitro and in vivo experiments. In the present studies, we investigated whether a disulfide linkage in a cationic lipid was reducible by cell lysate resulting in the release of plasmid DNA and enhanced gene transfection. We also investigated if the differences in transgene production were from differences in total amount of cellular associated plasmid DNA. We systematically compared the gene transfection of disulfide bond containing-cationic lipid, 1', 2'-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3'-succinyl-2-hydroxyethyl disulfide ornithine conjugate (DOGSDSO), its non-disulfide-containing analog, 1', 2'-dioleyl-sn-glycero-3'-succinyl-1, 6-hexanediol ornithine conjugate (DOGSHDO), 1, 2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP). Two transgene reporter systems (i.e., luciferase and green fluorescent protein (GFP)) were used to address transgene transgene expression and transgene efficiency. Experiments with the luciferase expression plasmid resulted in transgene activity up to 11 times greater transgene production for the disulfide containing lipid in at least two different cell lines, COS 1 and CHO cells. When transgene expression was determined by GFP activity, DOGSDSO liposomes were four times greater than the non-disulfide lipid or positive control (DOTAP) liposomes. By quantifying nucleic acid uptake by flow cytometry it was also demonstrated that increase expression was not solely from an increase in cellular plasmid DNA accumulation. These results demonstrate that cationic lipids containing a disulfide linkage are a promising method for gene transfer.  相似文献   

Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is potent and highly specific for gene silencing and there is currently a lot of enthusiasm for developing siRNA into a drug. However, for most therapeutic applications of siRNA, delivery systems are needed. These delivery systems have multiple requirements and should on one hand ideally be stable carriers protecting the siRNA from degradation and on the other hand assist the siRNA in overcoming membrane barriers for intracellular delivery to the cytosol. Long-circulating liposomes, which are sensitive to secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) are feasible delivery systems for systemic administration of drugs due to their passive targeting to pathological tissue via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect and their site-specific, enzyme-triggered release of encapsulated drug in response to sPLA2 which exists locally at elevated levels at, e.g,. sites of inflammation. However, recent data suggest that endosomal membrane destabilizing approaches could be addressed to design sPLA2-sensitive liposomes as successful delivery systems for siRNA to the RNA interference pathway in the cytoplasm upon systemic administration.  相似文献   

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