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We have used single-unit recording techniques to map the spatial distribution of the primary somatosensory (SI) cortical influences on thalamic somatosensory relay nuclei in the rat. A total of 193 microelectrode penetrations were made to record single neurons in tracks through the medial and lateral ventroposterior (VPL and VPM), ventrolateral (VL), posterior (Po), and reticular (nRt) thalamic nuclei. Single units were classified according to their (1) location within the nuclei, (2) receptive fields, and (3) response to standardized microstimulation in deep layers of the SI cortical forepaw areas. The SI stimulation produced short-latency (1- to 7-msec) excitatory responses in different percentages of neurons recorded in the following thalamic nuclei: VPL, 42.0%; Po, 25.0%; nRt, 16.4%; VL, 13.6%; and VPM, 9.9%. Within the VPL, the highest proportion of responsive neurons was found in the anterior region. Although most of the VL region was unresponsive, the caudal subregion bordering the rostral VPL showed some responsiveness (13.6% of neurons). In general, the spatial pattern of corticothalamic influences appeared to reciprocate the known thalamocortical connection patterns, but with a heterogeneity that was unpredicted.

The same parameters of SI cortical stimulation were used in studies of corticofugal modulation of afferent transmission through the VPL thalamus. A condition—test (C-T) paradigm was implemented in which the cortical stimulation (C) was delivered at a range of time intervals before test (T) mechanical vibratory stimulation was applied to digit 4 of the contralateral forepaw. The time course of cortical effects was analyzed by measuring the averaged evoked unit responses of thalamic neurons to the T stimuli, and plotting them as a function of C-T intervals from 5 to 50 msec. Of the 20 VPL neurons tested during SI stimulation, the average response to T stimulation was decreased a mean of 36%, with the suppression peaking (at 49% inhibition of the afferent response) about 15 msec after the C stimulus. Considerable rostrocaudal variation was observed, however. Whereas neurons in the rostral VPL (near VL) were strongly inhibited (-69%), neurons in the middle and caudal VPL exhibited facilitations at long and short C-T intervals, respectively. This study establishes a specific projection system from the forepaw region of SI cortex to different subregions of the VPL thalamus, producing specific temporal patterns of sensory modulation.  相似文献   

Painful heat produced an increase in the perceived magnitude of an innocuous electrical stimulus applied either to the sural nerve or to the skin of the dorsum of the foot. The increased sensitivity was observed when the painful heat was spatially coincident with the electrical stimulus, and when it was not coincident but adjacent within the same dermatome. Painful heat had no effect when it was applied to the contralateral foot, which makes it unlikely that attention or arousal played any role in the increased electrical sensitivity produced by ipsilateral heat. The painful heat also produced an increase in the amplitude of the sural nerve compound action potential (CAP). The heat-pain-related changes in the CAP and subjective magnitude ratings were in the same direction, which suggests that the latter were due at least in part to a temperature-dependent change in the electrical sensitivity of the peripheral afferents  相似文献   

孤啡肽受体是继经典的mu阿片受体、kappa阿片受体和delta阿片受体之后发现的又一类新型阿片受体,不仅在结构上具有同上述阿片受体相类似的特征,而且可介导相同或相似的细胞内生物学反应.孤啡肽受体对痛觉反应具有独特的调控模式.一方面,在背根神经节以及脊髓水平,孤啡肽受体主要介导镇痛效应,并且在脊髓水平还与其他阿片受体有协同效应以增强镇痛效果.另一方面,在脊髓上水平,孤啡肽受体往往产生痛敏而拮抗了其他阿片受体的镇痛效应.此外孤啡肽受体对痛觉的调控在不同物种间也表现一定的差异性.这为进一步阐明内源性阿片系统的痛觉调控作用提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

Transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheatgerm agglutinin (HRP:WGA) entrapped in hypoallergenic polyacrylamide gel was used to study the patterns of termination of primary afferents that innervate the upper and lower tooth pulps within the trigeminal sensory nuclear complex (TSNC) of the monkey. HRP:WGA injections were also made into the lower incisors and molars, in order to examine the topographic arrangement of pulpal afferent projections. HRP-labeled pulpal afferents innervating lower and upper teeth projected ipsilaterally to the rostral subnucleus dorsalis (Vpd) and caudal subnucleus ventralis (Vpv) of the nucleus principalis (Vp); the rostrodorsomedial (Vo.r) and dorsomedial (Vo.dm) subdivisions of the nucleus oralis (Vo); the dorsomedial subdivision of the nucleus interpolaris (Vi); and laminae I—II and/or V of the nucleus caudalis (Vc) at its rostralmost level. The HRP-labeled terminals from upper and lower pulpal afferents formed a rostrocaudal column from the midlevel of Vp to the rostral tip of Vc. The label in Vp and Vo was considerably dense, but the column of terminals was interrupted at the Vpd-Vpv transition. The label in Vi and Vc was much less dense compared to that in the rostral nuclei, and the column of terminals was interrupted frequently. The representation of the upper and lower teeth in TSNC was organized in a somatotopic fashion that varied from one subdivision to the next, though their terminal zones overlapped within Vpd. The upper and lower teeth were represented in Vpv, Vo.r, Vo.dm, Vi, and Vc in a ventrodorsal, dorsoventral, lateromedial, lateromedial, and lateromedial sequence, respectively. Topographic arrangement was also noticed for the projections of pulpal afferents from the lower incisors and molars: The representations of the lower incisors and molars in Vpv, Vo.r, Vo.dm, Vi, and Vc were organized in a lateromedial, dorsoventral, ventrodorsal, ventrodorsal, and lateromedial sequence, respectively. The present results indicating sparse projections from pulpal afferents in the monkey's Vc are in good correspondence with a clinical report that trigeminal tractotomy just rostral to the obex has no significant effect on dental pain perception in patients. Furthermore, the present study indicates that projection patterns of pulpal afferents—which include the termination sites, the density of terminations between nuclei, and topographic arrangement—differ among animal species.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the sensory and affective components of pain may be differentially associated with various acute and chronic diseases, and that some treatment regimens are best directed toward certain aspects of the pain experience. In addition, experimental animal models have been described that presume to assess either the sensory-discriminative aspects of phasic pain or the affective responses associated with tonic pain. The present psychophysical experiment directly compares the perceived intensity and unpleasantness of sensations evoked by four types of experimental noxious stimuli: contact heat, electric shock, ischemic exercise, and cold-pressor pain. A novel pain measurement technique is described that incorporates unbounded magnitude-estimation/category scales; this technique allows precise ratio responses, while minimizing within- and between- subject variability. We observe that, relative to the perceived intensity of the individual stimuli, subjects consistently differentiate among the degrees of unpleasantness evoked by the four stimulus modalities. Ischemic exercise and cold-pressor pain evoke higher estimates of unpleasantness, and thus may better mimic the pain of chronic disease. The relative unpleasantness produced by contact heat is significantly less than that of the other modalities tested, and therefore contact heat stimuli may be ideally suited for assessing sensory-discriminative aspects of pain perception. Possible neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the observed differences in perceived unpleasantness are discussed in relation to the growing body of literature concerning tonic and phasic pain stimuli.  相似文献   

C N Chen A 《生理学报》2008,60(5):677-685
In the past two decades, pain perception in the human brain has been studied with EEG/MEG brain topography and PET/ fMRI neuroimaging techniques. A host of cortical and subeortical loci can be activated by various nociceptive conditions. The activation in pain perception can be induced by physical (electrical, thermal, mechanical), chemical (capsacin, ascoric acid), psychological (anxiety, stress, nocebo) means, and pathological (e.g. migraine, neuropathic) diseases. This article deals mainly on the activation, but not modulation, of human pain in the brain. The brain areas identified are named pain representation, matrix, neuraxis, or signature. The sites are not uniformly isolated across various studies, but largely include a set of cores sites: thalamus and primary somatic area (SI), second somatic area (SII), insular cortex (IC), prefrontal cortex (PFC), cingnlate, and parietal cortices. Other areas less reported and considered important in pain perception include brainstem, hippocampus, amygdala and supplementary motor area (SMA). The issues of pain perception basically encompass both the site and the mode of brain function. Although the site issue is delineared to a large degree, the mode issue has been much less explored. From the temporal dynamics, IC can be considered as the initial stage in genesis of pain perception as conscious suffering, the unique aversion in the human brain.  相似文献   

Psychophysical measurements were made of the sensory effects of l-menthol applied topically to the forearm under controlled thermal conditions. In the first experiment, subjects judged the intensity and quality of sensations produced by warming or cooling the skin in the presence of menthol or the vehicle. During cooling, menthol intensified cutaneous sensations and increased reports of burning. During warming, menthol intensified sensations transiently at low temperatures and weakened them lastingly at higher temperatures; the frequency of reports of burning varied with intensity. A second experiment tested the hypothesis that menthol would lower the threshold for warmth and raise the threshold for heat pain. No change in either threshold was observed. The primary sensory effects of l-menthol on hairy skin are therefore to heighten the perception of cooling and to attenuate the perception of moderate warming. In contrast with other common chemical irritants, menthol's pungent qualities appear to be enhanced by cooling and suppressed by warming; this suggests that its sensory irritancy may be attributable to the stimulation of a population of high-threshold cold fibers or cold-sensitive nociceptors.  相似文献   

Thirty-two healthy human subjects provided thresholds for the perception of slight and moderate heat pain. Four body sites were tested bilaterally: thenar eminence of the hand, plantar surface of the foot, dorsolateral forearm, and lateral calf. Thresholds for the glabrous skin of the hand and foot were significantly greater than thresholds for the hairy skin of the arm and leg, the average difference being 1.3°c. Laterality was not a statistically significant factor. Thresholds increased progressively over 2–4 weeks of repeated testing, resulting in values averaging 0.6°c higher in the later sessions. The difference between moderate and slight pain thresholds averaged 1.1°c, and was consistent across body sites and with repeated testing.

The threshold values were normally distributed across subjects. Considerable intersubject variability was observed for both slight and moderate pain thresholds, more so on glabrous than on hairy skin sites. In comparison, the distribution of right-left difference values was narrower, demonstrating less intrasubject versus intersubject variability.

The highly significant difference in thresholds between glabrous and hairy skin sites demonstrates the importance of skin type for heat pain sensitivity. In contrast, there was no significant difference in heat pain sensitivity between comparable sites on the upper versus lower extremities, or between left and right sides.  相似文献   

导水管周围灰质(periaqueductal gray,PAG)在疼痛的调控过程中处于一个不可或缺的位置.其不仅是痛觉信息上行传递的重要部位,还是疼痛抑制系统的重要组成部分.在PAG,包括γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)、5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)和谷氨酸(glutamate,Glu)在内的神经递质以及内源性阿片肽(endogenous opioid peptides,EOP)和内源性大麻素(endocannabinoid,e CB)为代表的神经调质都参与了PAG对疼痛的信息传递以及调节.本文重点综述GABA、5-HT、Glu、EOP和eCB在PAG参与疼痛生理调控机制的研究进展,以期为中枢神经系统的镇痛研究提供一定的理论基础.  相似文献   

目的:研究orexin在隔核对大鼠胃传入信息的调控作用。方法:选取健康成年雄性Wistar大鼠138只(体质量250-300 g),记录神经元放电活动,鉴定隔核胃牵张(GD)敏感性神经元;隔核微量注射orexin-A或orexin-A受体拮抗剂SB334867,观察隔核GD敏感性神经元放电活动变化;隔核微量注射不同浓度的orexin-A,观察大鼠胃运动的变化。结果:隔核微量注射orexin-A的大鼠胃运动幅度和频率显著增加,并呈剂量依赖关系(P0.05-0.01),微量注射SB-334867可完全阻断orexin-A对胃运动的影响。隔核微量注射orexin-A后,有36个GD-E神经元兴奋(P0.01),16个GD-I神经元抑制。Orexin-A受体拮抗剂SB334867可完全阻断orexin-A对GD敏感神经元的作用。结论:隔核注射orexin能促进大鼠胃运动,并影响胃牵张敏感神经元的放电活动。  相似文献   

Psychophysical measurements of itch and itchy skin (“alloknesis”—itch produced by innocuous mechanical stimulation) were obtained in human volunteers following intracutaneous or subcutaneous injections of histamine or papain into the volar forearm. Histamine and papain were given in doses of 0.1, 1, or 10 μg in 10 μl of saline. The effects of the depth of injection and of skin temperature on the latency, magnitude, and duration of itch were examined. Also, dose-response functions were obtained for the area of alloknesis produced by intracutaneous injections of histamine. Finally, the neural mechanisms underlying the spread of alloknesis were investigated via local anesthesia of the skin.

Intracutaneous and subcutaneous injections of histamine, but not papain, produced a sensation of itch without pain. The latency of itch was shorter after an intracutanous than after a subcutaneous injection of histamine. The mean latencies of itch produced by a 1-μg dose were 9.5 and 23.0 sec for intracutaneous and subcutaneous injections, respectively. No differences were observed in the magnitude or duration of itch. Similarly, the latency of itch was increased when the skin temperature at injection site was lowered to 15°C, whereas the magnitude and duration of itch were unaffected.

Intracutaneous and subcutaneous injections of histamine produced similar areas of alloknesis. However, the magnitude and duration of alloknesis were dependent on dose. The mean maximum areas of alloknesis produced by intracutaneous injections of 0.1, 1, and 10 μg of histamine were 28.3, 47.2, and 43.8 cm2, respectively. Alloknesis was present at 2 min after injection, increased to a maximum area without 10 min, and then gradually decreased during the next 25-40 min. Once developed, the area was typically abolished when the injection site was cooled to 1-4°C. Rewarming the injection site to 38°C returned the area to its original size. Also, when histamine was injected into a small area of skin anesthetized with Xylocaine, alloknesis failed to develop until the anesthetic wore off. In addition, when histamine was injected 5 mm distal to a thin mediolateral anesthetic barrier, alloknesis did not develop on the proximal side of the barrier.

These results demonstrate that histamine is effective in producing itch and alloknesis, and should be useful in correlative neurophysiological studies of the underlying mechanisms. It is suggested that both peripheral and central neural mechanisms are involved in the development of alloknesis.  相似文献   

We studied evoked potentials (EP) and responses of single neurons in fields 24 and 25 of the cingulate gyrus of the cat brain cortex. The responses were elicited by stimulations of a parasympathetic, a sympathetic, and a somatic nerve (the pelvic, splanchnic, and sciatic nerves). The configuration and amplitude/temporal characteristics of both EP and neuronal responses showed that the organization of the visceral and somatic afferent inputs to the cortical fields under study is to a great extent similar. Localization of the foci of maximum activity for EP within field 24 and their overlapping, the higher responsiveness of the neurons of this field to afferent volleys as compared with that in field 25, the dominance of short-latency neuronal responses in field 24, and the presence of polysensory neurons with modally specific opposite responses in this field allow us to conclude that field 24 (compared with field 25) plays a more significant role in the perception and analysis of viscerosomatic afferent information. Taking into account earlier published data that the zones of concentration of the efferent neurons (forming a descending limbico-sympathetic discharge in the L2-L3 white connective branches and a limbico-parasympathetic discharge in the pelvic nerve) are localized within field 25 and overlap each other, we discuss the functional roles of fields 24 and 25 of the cingulate gyrus in viscerosensory and visceromotor control.  相似文献   

当今社会日益增长的吗啡等阿片类药物的非法滥用已经严重威胁到人类的健康。然而,迄今为止尚没有找到能够较为有效的防治阿片成瘾的方法。目前研究已知,阿片成瘾的形成所涉及的脑区及核团包括中脑腹侧被盖区(VTA)、伏隔核(NAc)、海马等,其成瘾涉及的神经递质系统包括多巴胺、5-羟色胺等。本文将就多巴胺及海马在痛觉调制及药物成瘾过程中的作用进行综述,为吗啡的成瘾与戒断的进一研究及治疗提供线索。  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that causes marked physical and emotional distress in lives of women, resulting in dysmenorrhea, pain, or both throughout the menstrual cycle in over 96% of cases. A multiple case study design (N = 5) was employed to investigate the use of thermal biofeedback in the treatment of pain associated with endometriosis. The majority of participants (4 out of 5) were able to demonstrate mastery over hand temperature through thermal biofeedback. Of those participants, significant reductions in various aspects of pain were observed by the end of the study; one had a significant increase in Life Control; two had reductions in Pain Severity; three had a decrease in Affective Distress; and all 4 demonstrated reduction in Life Interference, as measured by the West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory. This is a preliminary study with a small sample size and without a control sample; hence, the results are considered only as suggestive of the potential use of biofeedback therapy in alleviating pain and associated symptomatology related to endometriosis. Further research is warranted.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(20):3935-3944.e7
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内脏痛是内脏器官受到机械性牵拉、炎症、痉挛、应激和缺血等刺激所致的疼痛,是一种临床上常见病症。与躯体痛相比,内脏痛的产生、维持和调控机制更为复杂,因此是目前疼痛基础研究领域中的重点和难点之一。建立符合临床内脏疾病病理生理学特征的实验动物模型对研究内脏痛的产生、维持、调控机制及筛选相关内脏疾病的治疗药物具有重要意义。目前内脏痛动物模型主要按照造模刺激方式进行分类,分为炎性内脏痛模型、电刺激性内脏痛模型、机械扩张性内脏痛模型及缺血性内脏痛模型等,且每种动物模型具有不同特点。本文就近年来内脏痛基础研究中常用的实验动物模型的制备及特点做一简要综述,以期为研究者选择合适的内脏痛动物模型提供参考,为更深入研究内脏痛的复杂机制及筛选相关治疗药物奠定基础。  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(23):4631-4642.e6
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