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Objectives:Whole-body vibration (WBV) is applied to the sole of the foot, whereas local mechanical vibration (LMV) is applied directly to the muscle or tendon. The time required for the mechanical stimulus to reach the muscle belly is longer for WBV. Therefore, the WBV-induced muscular reflex (WBV-IMR) latency may be longer than the tonic vibration reflex (TVR) latency. The aim of this study was to determine whether the difference between WBV-IMR and TVR latencies is due to the distance between the vibration application point and the target muscle.Methods:Eight volunteers participated in this study. The soleus reflex response was recorded during WBV, LMVs, and tendon tap. LMVs were applied to the Achilles tendon and sole of the foot. The latencies were calculated using the cumulative averaging technique.Results:The latency (33.4±2.8 ms) of the soleus reflex induced by the local foot vibration was similar to the soleus TVR latency (30.9±3.2 ms) and T-reflex (32.0±2.4 ms) but significantly shorter than the latency of the soleus WBV-IMR (42.3±3.4 ms) (F(3,21)=27.46, p=0.0001, partial η2=0.797).Conclusions:The present study points out that the neuronal circuitries of TVR and WBV-IMR are different.  相似文献   

Colonies of Montastrea annularis from Carysfort Reef, Florida, that remained bleached seven months after the 1987 Caribbean bleaching event were studied to determine the long term effects of bleaching on coral physiology. Two types of bleached colonies were found: colonies with low numbers of zooxanthellae with normal pigment content, and a colony with high densities of lowpigment zooxanthellae. In both types, the zooxanthellae had an abnormal distribution within polyp tissues: highest densities were observed in basal endoderm and in mesenteries where zooxanthellae are not normally found. Bleached corals had 30% less tissue carbon and 44% less tissue nitrogen biomass per skeletal surface area, but the same tissue C:N ratio as other colonies that either did not bleach (normal) or that bleached and regained their zooxanthellae (recovered). Bleached corals were not able to complete gametogenesis during the reproductive season following the bleaching, while recovered corals were able to follow a normal gametogenic cycle. It appears that bleached corals were able to survive the prolonged period without nutritional contribution from their zooxanthellae by consuming their own structural materials for maintenance, but then, did not have the resources necessary for reproduction. The recovered corals, on the other hand, must have regained their zooxanthellae soon after the bleaching event since neither their tissue biomass nor their ability to reproduce were impaired.  相似文献   

Despite supporting the highest biodiversity on Earth, tropical rainforests are undergoing intensive economic development. In particular, the island of Borneo has lost over 56 % of original lowland forest to resource extraction, fires, and illegal logging. Its rainforests contain 16 primate species, which serve as excellent ‘umbrella’ taxa for conservation initiatives. The genus Presbytis (Colobinae) is well represented across Borneo by four endemic species (P. chrysomelas; P. frontata; P. hosei, and P. rubicunda), but remains relatively understudied. Using ecological niche modelling, I calculated the distributions of the 12 Bornean Presbytis subspecies; evaluated habitat loss between 2000 and 2010, and examined the current land-use policies across remnant distributions. Subspecies experienced a mean 12.7 % (N = 12 sp.) habitat reduction over the 10 year period. 12.5 % of all habitats were allocated for conversion to oil palm and industrial tree plantations, while logging concessions accounted for a mean 26.3 % across distributions. While the current protected area networks encompassed an average 33.4 % of distributions, most PAs are underfunded, degraded and threatened by logging and mining operations. I therefore recommend priority gazetting of unallocated lands to new PAs within the distribution of Presbytis chrysomelas and Presbytis hosei sabana, which have experienced the highest forest loss in the last 10 years (22–50 %) and are critically endangered. Logging concessions appear to be at least as effective in maintaining forest cover as PAs and have the economic advantage for effective management, but may have detrimental effects to monkey populations. I recommend an urgent assessment of the effects of selective logging practices on species’ persistence, and further recommend population surveys to quantify the populations of critically endangered and data deficient subspecies.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of changing KCl concentration on the secondary structures of -actinins using circular dichroism (CD), 1,1-bis(4-anilino) naphthalene-5,5-disulfonic acid (bisANS) fluorescence and proteolysis experiments. Under near-physiological conditions, divalent cations also were added and changes in conformation were investigated. In 25 mm KH2PO4, pH 7.5, increasing KCl from 0 to 120 mm led to decreases in -helix conformation for brain, platelet and heart -actinins (40.5-30.2%, 65.5-37.8% and 37.5-27.8%, respectively). In buffered 120 mm KCl, 0.65 mm calcium produced small changes in the CD spectra of both brain and platelet -actinin, but had no effect on heart -actinin. bisANS fluorescence of all three -actinins also showed significant changes in conformation with increasing KCl. However, in buffered 120 mm KCl increasing concentrations of Ca2+ or Mg2+ did not have significant effects on the bisANS fluorescence of any -actinin. Digestion of brain, platelet and heart -actinins with -chymotrypsin showed an increase of proteolytic susceptibility in 120 mm KCl. These experiments also showed that increasing the concentration of Ca2+ or Mg2+ led to greater changes in digestion fragment patterns in the absence of KCl than in the presence of 120 mm KCl. The results suggest that -actinins exist in different conformations depending on the ionic strength of the medium, which could explain the differences in calcium and F-actin binding results obtained from different -actinins.  相似文献   

A previously proposed method for the interpretation of the signals in sensory nerve fibres is extended to incorporate activation of muscle spindles. Simulations, based on previous experimental observations, of muscle spondles subjected to ramp and hold stretches are used as input to an interpreter, where the simulated trains of action potentials are reconverted to a length change interpretation. The interpreted signals are compared with the original length change inputs to observe the effects of -stimulation and stochastic variability.  相似文献   

Increased athletic opportunities have been shown to improve educational and labor force outcomes, however few studies have linked athletic participation to health later in life. We use the implementation of Title IX, legislation banning gender discrimination in educational programs in the U.S., to estimate the effect of increased access to high school athletic opportunities on women’s later life health. Our results indicate that increased participation leads to fewer days in poor mental health, reduced BMI and rates of obesity, lower smoking rates, and some evidence of a reduced likelihood of a diabetes diagnosis. However, we find no impact of high school athletic participation on the number of days in poor physical health and current exercise, and a positive relationship between participation and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC) on exploratory behaviour and memory, independent of its locomotor suppressive effects. Dopamine (DA) and noradrenaline (NA) contents were determined in the areas of the brain directly related to such behaviours (hippocampus, striatum and amygdala). An acute dose of delta9-THC led to a decrease in exploratory parameters and motor activity during the holeboard test. The radial arm maze was used to evaluate the effects of this cannabinoid substance on memory. Animals treated with delta9-THC committed more errors in the maze test compared to control, particularly when the retention process was put to test. Furthermore, treatment with delta9-THC led to reduced NA contents in the hippocampus and increased DA contents in the amygdala, without changes in the striatum.  相似文献   

One of the most widely used animal models of Parkinson’s disease (PD) involves injecting 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) directly into the substantia nigra (SN). Some recent reports speculated that dopaminergic drugs may exert brain antioxidant activity, which could explain some of their protective actions. In this way, the aim of the present study was to examine the effects of low-dose pergolide on memory deficits and brain oxidative stress in a 6-OHDA-induced rat model of PD. Right-unilateral lesions of the SN were produced with 6-OHDA. Two weeks after neurosurgery, pergolide (0.3 mg/kg/day) was injected intraperitoneally in the 6-OHDA + pergolide and sham-operated + pergolide groups, while sham-operated and 6-OHDA alone groups received saline. Radial-8-arm maze and Y-maze were used for memory assessment. We also determined some enzymatic antioxidant defenses like superoxide dismutase or glutathione peroxidase and a lipid peroxidation marker [malondialdehyde (MDA)], from the temporal lobe. A reduced number of working/reference memory errors was observed in 6-OHDA + pergolide group, compared to sham-operated rats. Additionally, post hoc analysis showed significant differences between 6-OHDA and 6-OHDA + pergolide groups in both Y-maze and radial-arm-maze tasks. We also noted a significant decrease of MDA level in the 6-OHDA + pergolide group, compared to sham-operated rats. Significant correlations were also found between behavioral parameters and MDA levels. Our data suggest that pergolide facilitates spatial memory and improves brain oxidative balance, after a 6-OHDA-induced model of PD. This could be useful for further investigations and clinical applications of pergolide.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s patients suffer from circadian dysregulation. The aim of this study was to examine the evolution of balance control and gait at different times of the day (11:00, 14:00, 18:00) in order to identify whether Alzheimer’s patients were more likely to fall at certain periods of the day. Spatio-temporal parameters of centre of foot pressure displacements were measured with a force platform and spatio-temporal parameters of walking were evaluated with a gait analysis device. The results highlighted that balance control was worse in the evening and the afternoon than in the morning. Furthermore, the walking speed was faster and support duration, swing duration and cycle duration were shorter in the evening than in the morning and afternoon. The combined analysis of balance control and gait parameters revealed that balance control and walking are concomitantly altered in the evening which increases the fall risk in the evening, in comparison with the morning, for Alzheimer’s patients.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of-irradiation and changes in the macromolecular structure on the water proton resonance spectra observed in frozen and liquid solutions have been compared for the DNA and polynucleotide solutions, using H2O or mixed H2O/D2O solvents. The results indicate that in order to obtain information concerning the role of hydration water in mediating the overall radiation damage, the NMR studies must be performed in the frozen state.Member of the Euratom biology division  相似文献   

Hiccups occurring secondary to high-doses of corticosteroids are a well-recognized problem in the field of neurosurgery. Numerous reports of oral, intravenous and intraarticular corticosteroids inducing hiccups exist in the literature. To date, there is only one case of anabolic steroids inducing hiccups. We now present a case of a patient who underwent a suboccipital craniotomy for resection of a cerebellar pontine angle meningioma. Postoperatively the patient was on high doses of Decadron and Oxandrin, an anabolic-anticatabolic agent used to combat the deleterious effects of corticosteroids. The patient suffered intractable hiccups postoperative day one, resistant to Thorazine. Oxandrin was discontinued to assess the possibility of a anabolic steroid-induced singultus. The hiccups resolved within 24 hours. This report validates the previous report on anabolic steroids inducing hiccups and exemplifies the ability for steroids as a class, due to there backbone structural homology, to induce function even as competitive inhibitors.  相似文献   

The effects of whole body vibration on humans: dangerous or advantageous?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of whole body vibration (WBV) have been studied extensively in occupational medicine. In particular, it has been shown that when the body undergoes chronically to whole body vibrations spinal degeneration is likely to be one of the deleterious outcomes. Low back pain has been shown to be the leading major cause of industrial disability in the population under the age of 45 years and has been linked to whole body vibration exposure encountered in some industrial settings. Whole body vibration has been recently purposed as an exercise intervention suggesting its effectiveness in increasing force-generating capacity in lower limbs and low back. It has also been reported to be an effective non-pharmacological intervention for patients with low back pain. Relatively short exposure to whole body vibration has been also shown to increase the serum levels of testosterone and growth hormone. The combined effects on the neuromuscular system and endocrine system seem to suggest its effectiveness as a therapeutic approach for sarcopenia and possibly osteoporosis. Due to the danger of long-term exposure to whole body vibration, it is important to develop safe exercise protocols in order to determine exercise programs for different populations.  相似文献   

A fishery independent underwater visual census technique was used to assess the effects of fishing on the diversity, biomass and trophic structure of the diurnally active non-cryptic reef-associated fish communities of the Seychelles. One hundred and thirty four species associated with three significantly different types of reef habitat were censused at one unfished ground and in six fishing grounds subject to different fishing intensity and the biomass of several species targeted by the fishery. The diversity of families containing target species (lutjanidae, lethrinidae) was significantly higher at unfished and lightly fished sites as was the total biomass of the fish community and the biomass of piscivorous, piscivorous/invertebrate feeding and herbivorous trophic groups. However, there was no indication that the biomass of non-target species increased in response to the removal of their predators by fishing. The findings of this study are significant for fishery managers because they suggest that the intensive differential cropping of top predators will not necessarily lead to increases in the biomass and productivity of their prey.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of high-intensity locomotor training on knee extensor and flexor muscle activation and adaptability to increased body-weight (BW) support during walking in patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Thirteen male patients with idiopathic PD and eight healthy participants were included. The PD patients completed an 8-week training program on a lower-body, positive-pressure treadmill. Knee extensor and flexor muscles activation during steady treadmill walking (3 km/h) were measured before, at the mid-point, and after training. Increasing BW support decreased knee extensor muscle activation (normalization) and increased knee flexor muscle activation (abnormal) in PD patients when compared to healthy participants. Training improved flexor peak muscle activation adaptability to increased (BW) support during walking in PD patients. During walking without BW support shorter knee extensor muscle off-activation time and increased relative peak muscle activation was observed in PD patients and did not improve with 8 weeks of training. In conclusion, patients with PD walked with excessive activation of the knee extensor and flexor muscles when compared to healthy participants. Specialized locomotor training may facilitate adaptive processes related to motor control of walking in PD patients.  相似文献   

During the peak of an extensive heat wave episode on 23–25 July 2007, simultaneous thermophysiological measurements were made in two non-acclimated healthy adults of different sex in a suburban area of Greater Athens, Greece. Based on experimental measurements of mean skin temperature and metabolic heat production, heat fluxes to and from the human body were calculated, and the biometeorological index heat load (HL) produced was determined according to the heat balance equation. Comparing experimental values with those derived from theoretical estimates revealed a great heat stress for both individuals, especially the male, while theoretical values underestimated heat stress. The study also revealed that thermophysiological factors, such as mean skin temperature and metabolic heat production, play an important role in determining heat fluxes patterns in the heat balance equation. The theoretical values of mean skin temperature as derived from an empirical equation may not be appropriate to describe the changes that take place in a non-acclimated individual. Furthermore, the changes in metabolic heat production were significant even for standard activity.  相似文献   

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