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In the bullfrog, two types of slowly adapting (SA) cutaneous mechanoreceptor afferent units have been identified physiologically: irregularly discharging frog type I (Ft I) units in both warty and nonwarty skin, and regularly discharging frog type II (Ft II) units in the nonwarty skin. In the present study, mechanosensitive spots of Ft I units were located around the skin warts in the warty skin. The quinacrine technique (Crowe and Whitear, 1978) revealed that quinacrine-accumulating Merkel cells were present around the skin warts and near the orifice of skin glands that also surrounded the skin warts. Thus, a significant correlation was found between the location of Merkel cells and the receptive fields (RFs) of Ft I units in the warty skin. Direct current (DC) stimulation was applied for 1 sec to the skin inside and outside the mechanical RFs of the two types of SA units. RFs for DC stimulation were located on those for mechanical stimulation in both types of SA units. The current threshold required to produce a single spike was lower in cathodal than in anodal pulses in both types of SA units. Greater current intensity elicited an increased number of spikes, but the effective polarity of currents was anodal for Ft I units and cathodal for Ft II units. The optimal current intensity for producing prolonged discharges ranged from +60 to +100 microA in Ft I units and - from -50 to -80 microA in Ft II units. The sequence of impulses evoked was irregular in Ft I units and regular in Ft II units, as seen in mechanical responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The mechanisms of nerve conduction block induced by direct current (DC) were investigated using a lumped circuit model of the myelinated axon based on Frankenhaeuser–Huxley (FH) model. Four types of nerve conduction block were observed including anodal DC block, cathodal DC block, virtual anodal DC block, and virtual cathodal DC block. The concept of activating function was used to explain the blocking locations and relation between these different types of nerve block. Anodal/cathodal DC blocks occurred at the axonal nodes under the block electrode, while virtual anodal/cathodal DC blocks occurred at the nodes several millimeters away from the block electrode. Anodal or virtual anodal DC block was caused by hyperpolarization of the axon membrane resulting in the failure of activating sodium channels by the arriving action potential. Cathodal or virtual cathodal DC block was caused by depolarization of the axon membrane resulting in inactivation of the sodium channel. The threshold of cathodal DC block was lower than anodal DC block in most conditions. The threshold of virtual anodal/cathodal blocks was about three to five times higher than the threshold of anodal/cathodal blocks. The blocking threshold was decreased with an increase of axonal diameter, a decrease of electrode distance to axon, or an increase of temperature. This simulation study, which revealed four possible mechanisms of nerve conduction block in myelinated axons induced by DC current, can guide future animal experiments as well as optimize the design of electrodes to block nerve conduction in neuroprosthetic applications.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitivity of eel (Anguilla anguilla) neuromasts was measured by the impulse responses of single afferent nerve fibers to mechanical stimuli. It is dependent on the potential across the skin and on the ions in the water outside the apical membrane of the sensory cells. The mechanosensitivity decreases to zero when the skin is polarized by 10-100 mV cathodal DC (skin surface negative); it increases with increasing (10-60 mV) anodal DC and remains remarkably constant with higher polarization (Fig. 1). The mechanosensitivity increases with increasing concentrations of Ca++ outside the apical membrane of the sensory cells. Na+ and K+ have no influence. Addition of La , Co++, Mg++, D 600 and A-QA 39 inhibits the mechanosensitivity; the degree of inhibition varies with the inhibitor and the ratio [Ca++]/[inhibitor], indicating that the inhibition is competitive (Figs. 2, 3). We conclude that the apical membrane is specifically permeable to Ca++ ('late Ca channel') and that the inward receptor current through the apical membrane is carried by Ca++. Streptomycin also inhibits mechanosensitivity by competing with Ca++. With streptomycin, however, anodal polarization reduces, rather than increases, the mechanosensitivity (Fig. 4).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is increasingly being used in human studies as an adjuvant tool to promote recovery of function after stroke. However, its neurobiological effects are still largely unknown. Electric fields are known to influence the migration of various cell types in vitro, but effects in vivo remain to be shown. Hypothesizing that tDCS might elicit the recruitment of cells to the cortex, we here studied the effects of tDCS in the rat brain in vivo. Adult Wistar rats (n = 16) were randomized to either anodal or cathodal stimulation for either 5 or 10 consecutive days (500 µA, 15 min). Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was given systemically to label dividing cells throughout the experiment. Immunohistochemical analyses ex vivo included stainings for activated microglia and endogenous neural stem cells (NSC). Multi-session tDCS with the chosen parameters did not cause a cortical lesion. An innate immune response with early upregulation of Iba1-positive activated microglia occurred after both cathodal and anodal tDCS. The involvement of adaptive immunity as assessed by ICAM1-immunoreactivity was less pronounced. Most interestingly, only cathodal tDCS increased the number of endogenous NSC in the stimulated cortex. After 10 days of cathodal stimulation, proliferating NSC increased by ∼60%, with a significant effect of both polarity and number of tDCS sessions on the recruitment of NSC. We demonstrate a pro-inflammatory effect of both cathodal and anodal tDCS, and a polarity-specific migratory effect on endogenous NSC in vivo. Our data suggest that tDCS in human stroke patients might also elicit NSC activation and modulate neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Given the polarity dependent effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in facilitating or inhibiting neuronal processing, and tDCS effects on pitch perception, we tested the effects of tDCS on temporal aspects of auditory processing. We aimed to change baseline activity of the auditory cortex using tDCS as to modulate temporal aspects of auditory processing in healthy subjects without hearing impairment. Eleven subjects received 2mA bilateral anodal, cathodal and sham tDCS over auditory cortex in a randomized and counterbalanced order. Subjects were evaluated by the Random Gap Detection Test (RGDT), a test measuring temporal processing abilities in the auditory domain, before and during the stimulation. Statistical analysis revealed a significant interaction effect of time vs. tDCS condition for 4000 Hz and for clicks. Post-hoc tests showed significant differences according to stimulation polarity on RGDT performance: anodal improved 22.5% and cathodal decreased 54.5% subjects' performance, as compared to baseline. For clicks, anodal also increased performance in 29.4% when compared to baseline. tDCS presented polarity-dependent effects on the activity of the auditory cortex, which results in a positive or negative impact in a temporal resolution task performance. These results encourage further studies exploring tDCS in central auditory processing disorders.  相似文献   

The echidna Tachyglossus aculeatus, together with the platypus, belongs to the monotremes, a group of mammals with a number of reptilian characteristics. A structure unique to the skin of monotremes is the push rod—a compacted column of epidermal cells that is 20 μm wide and 100 μm long with its tip at the skin surface, and that is able to move relatively independently of adjacent tissue. At the base of each push rod is a cluster of encapsulated nerve endings. Push rods are common in skin of the snout and have been postulated to have a mechanosensory function. Experiments were carried out on four anesthetized echidnas with the aim of determining the function of push rods. Recordings made from the infraorbital nerve, which supplies the skin of the upper jaw, yielded responses from a total of 46 afferents. Two were electroreceptors; the others were mechanoreceptors. Within the group of mechanoreceptors with rapidly adapting responses, three responded to high-frequency vibration and resembled pacinian corpuscles. There were 26 slowly adapting (SA) mechanoreceptors, which, based on the regularity of their discharge, could be divided into two groups: SA I or Merkel type, and SA II or Ruffini type. SA I receptors had very discrete receptive fields with diameters of 100 μm. The receptive fields of two SA I receptors were marked, and after histological processing, one was seen to lie near two push rods. It is concluded that mechanoreceptor responses in the echidna's snout skin resemble those in other mammals in many aspects. We could not unequivocally associate responses to mechanical stimulation with the push rods.  相似文献   

Current knowledge of the functional properties of mammalian cutaneous mechanoreceptors is reviewed with special reference to receptors associated with the glabrous skin of the raccoon and squirrel monkey hand. Four physiologically defined mechanoreceptor types are recognized: Pacinian afferents, rapidly adapting (RA), and slowly adapting type I (SAI), and slowly adapting type II (SAII). The SAI category is divided into moderately slowly adapting and very slowly adapting (VSA) types in terms of the duration of their response to a prolonged mechanical displacement of skin. Although both RA and SA units are capable of signaling displacement ramp velocity, the pattern of discharge during ramp stimulation may vary widely among units. SAI units also code the depth of skin displacement, but there is no best-fitting function describing the relationship. Static discharge is also markedly influenced by prior ramp velocity. Both raccoon and squirrel monkey VSA units show wide variation in the regularity of their discharge during static displacement. The rate of adaptation of SAI units is less when constant force stimuli are applied to the skin than when constant displacement stimuli are applied. This is partly attributable to mechanical properties of the skin. When either constant force or constant displacement stimuli are spaced too closely in time, there is a progressive (trial-to-trial) decrement in response rate, accounted for in part by failure of the skin to recover to its initial resting level.  相似文献   

Resting transmembrane potential (TMP) of primary human fibroblast cells was altered in predictable directions by subjecting cell cultures to specific monophasic and biphasic waveforms. Cells electrically stimulated with an anodal pulse resulted in hyperpolarization while a cathodal waveform depolarized the TMP to below that of non-paced control cells. The biphasic waveform, consisting of an anodal pulse followed immediately by an inverse symmetric cathodal pulse, also lessened the TMP similar to that of the cathodal pulse. The effect of short-term pacing on the TMP can last up to 4 h before the potentials equilibrate back to baseline. While subjecting the cells to this electrical field stimulation did not appear to damage the integrity of the cells, the three paced electrical stimulation waves inhibited expansion of the cultures when compared to non-paced control cells. With longer pacing treatments, elongation of the cells and electrotaxis towards the anodal polarity were observed. Pacing the fibroblasts also resulted in modest, yet very statistically significant (and likely underestimated) changes to cellular adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) levels, and cells undergoing anodal and biphasic (anodal/cathodal) stimulation also exhibited altered mitochondrial morphology. These observations indicate an active role of electrical currents, especially with anodal content, in affecting cellular metabolism and function, and help explain accumulating evidence of cellular alterations and clinical outcomes in pacing of the heart and other tissues in general.  相似文献   

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is commonly used to alter cortical excitability but no experimental study has yet determined whether human participants are able to distinguish between the different types (anodal, cathodal, and sham) of stimulation. If they can then they are not blind to experimental conditions. We determined whether participants could identify different types of stimulation (anodal, cathodal, and sham) and current strengths after experiencing the sensations of stimulation during current onset and offset (which are associated with the most intense sensations) in Experiment 1 and also with a prolonged period of stimulation in Experiment 2. We first familiarized participants with anodal, cathodal, and sham stimulation at both 1 and 2 mA over either primary motor or visual cortex while their sensitivity to small changes in visual stimuli was assessed. The different stimulation types were then applied for a short (Experiment 1) or extended (Experiment 2) period with participants indicating the type and strength of the stimulation on the basis of the evoked sensations. Participants were able to identify the intensity of stimulation with shorter, but not longer periods, of stimulation at better than chance levels but identification of the different stimulation types was at chance levels. This result suggests that even after exposing participants to stimulation, and ensuring they are fully aware of the existence of a sham condition, they are unable to identify the type of stimulation from transient changes in stimulation intensity or from more prolonged stimulation. Thus participants are able to identify intensity of stimulation but not the type of stimulation.  相似文献   

Repeated visual processing of an unfamiliar face suppresses neural activity in face-specific areas of the occipito-temporal cortex. This "repetition suppression" (RS) is a primitive mechanism involved in learning of unfamiliar faces, which can be detected through amplitude reduction of the N170 event-related potential (ERP). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) exerts top-down influence on early visual processing. However, its contribution to N170 RS and learning of unfamiliar faces remains unclear. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) transiently increases or decreases cortical excitability, as a function of polarity. We hypothesized that DLPFC excitability modulation by tDCS would cause polarity-dependent modulations of N170 RS during encoding of unfamiliar faces. tDCS-induced N170 RS enhancement would improve long-term recognition reaction time (RT) and/or accuracy rates, whereas N170 RS impairment would compromise recognition ability. Participants underwent three tDCS conditions in random order at ∼72 hour intervals: right anodal/left cathodal, right cathodal/left anodal and sham. Immediately following tDCS conditions, an EEG was recorded during encoding of unfamiliar faces for assessment of P100 and N170 visual ERPs. The P3a component was analyzed to detect prefrontal function modulation. Recognition tasks were administered ∼72 hours following encoding. Results indicate the right anodal/left cathodal condition facilitated N170 RS and induced larger P3a amplitudes, leading to faster recognition RT. Conversely, the right cathodal/left anodal condition caused N170 amplitude and RTs to increase, and a delay in P3a latency. These data demonstrate that DLPFC excitability modulation can influence early visual encoding of unfamiliar faces, highlighting the importance of DLPFC in basic learning mechanisms.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models of cardiac electrical stimulation or defibrillation predict a complex spatial pattern of transmembrane potential (Vm) around a stimulating electrode, resulting from the formation of virtual electrodes of reversed polarity. The pattern of membrane polarization has been attributed to the anisotropic structure of the tissue. To verify such model predictions experimentally, an optical technique using a fluorescent voltage-sensitive dye was used to map the spatial distribution of Vm around a 150-microns-radius extracellular unipolar electrode. An S1-S2 stimulation protocol was used, and vm was measured during an S2 pulse having an intensity equal to 10x the cathodal diastolic threshold of excitation. The recordings were obtained on the endocardial surface of bullfrog atrium in directions parallel and perpendicular to the cardiac fibers. In the longitudinal fiber direction, the membrane depolarized for cathodal pulses (and hyperpolarized for anodal pulses) but only in a region within 445 +/- 112 microns (and 616 +/- 78 microns for anodal pulses) from the center of the electrode (n = 9). Outside this region, vm reversed polarity and reached a local maximum at 922 +/- 136 microns (and 988 +/- 117 microns for anodal pulses) (n = 9). Beyond this point vm decayed to zero over a distance of 1.5-2 mm. In the transverse fiber direction, the membrane depolarized for cathodal pulses (and hyperpolarized for anodal pulses) at all distances from the electrode. The amplitude of the response decreased with distance from the electrode with an exponential decay constant of 343 +/- 110 microns for cathodal pulses and 253 +/- 91 microns for anodal pulses (n = 7). The results were qualitatively similar in both fiber directions when the atrium was bathed in a solution containing ionic channel blockers. A two-dimensional computer model was formulated for the case of highly anisotropic cardiac tissue and qualitatively accounts for nearly all the observed spatial and temporal behavior of vm in the two fiber directions. The relationships between vm and both the "activating function" and extracellular potential gradient are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity levels of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH) and cytochrome-C-oxidase showed a decrement whereas lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) evinced maximum activity during first 3 days of denervation. Under the impact of cathodal polarity treatment an elevation in the activity levels of these 4 enzymes was relatively more potent when compared to anodal polarity treatment. The role of polarity treatment in the regulation of these oxidative enzymes was discussed.  相似文献   

Physiological recordings were made from 136 slowly adapting (SA) fibers in the median and ulnar nerves that innervate the glabrous skin of the raccoon. It was found that wetting the skin produced large increases in fiber responsiveness and decreases in threshold. Their responses decreased rapidly with slight displacements of the stimulus away from the center of the receptive field. Responses also decreased with increases in the diameter of the tip of the stimulus probe. The length of time that an SA fiber responded to a prolonged indentation was related to the magnitude of the indentation, and was greater after wetting of the skin. The absence of any clear and consistent grouping of fibers into moderately SA (MSA) and very SA (VSA) units argues against the existence of two types of SA receptors differing in this property. However, the distinction between SA I and SA II fibers that has been made in other species was confirmed in the raccoon.  相似文献   

The central nervous system seems to have an important role in fatigue and exercise tolerance. Novel noninvasive techniques of neuromodulation can provide insights on the relationship between brain function and exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on physical performance and physiological and perceptual variables with regard to fatigue and exercise tolerance. Eleven physically active subjects participated in an incremental test on a cycle simulator to define peak power output. During 3 visits, the subjects experienced 3 stimulation conditions (anodal, cathodal, or sham tDCS—with an interval of at least 48 h between conditions) in a randomized, counterbalanced order to measure the effects of tDCS on time to exhaustion at 80% of peak power. Stimulation was administered before each test over 13 min at a current intensity of 2.0 mA. In each session, the Brunel Mood State questionnaire was given twice: after stimulation and after the time-to-exhaustion test. Further, during the tests, the electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis and rectus femoris muscles, perceived exertion, and heart rate were recorded. RM-ANOVA showed that the subjects performed better during anodal primary motor cortex stimulation (491 ± 100 s) compared with cathodal stimulation (443 ± 11 s) and sham (407 ± 69 s). No significant difference was observed between the cathodal and sham conditions. The effect sizes confirmed the greater effect of anodal M1 tDCS (anodal x cathodal = 0.47; anodal x sham = 0.77; and cathodal x sham = 0.29). Magnitude-based inference suggested the anodal condition to be positive versus the cathodal and sham conditions. There were no differences among the three stimulation conditions in RPE (p = 0.07) or heart rate (p = 0.73). However, as hypothesized, RM- ANOVA revealed a main effect of time for the two variables (RPE and HR: p < 0.001). EMG activity also did not differ during the test accross the different conditions. We conclude that anodal tDCS increases exercise tolerance in a cycling-based, constant-load exercise test, performed at 80% of peak power. Performance was enhanced in the absence of changes in physiological and perceptual variables.  相似文献   

Vulnerability and defibrillation are mechanistically dependent upon shock strength, polarity, and timing. We have recently demonstrated that shock-induced virtual electrode polarization (VEP) may induce reentry. However, it remains unclear how the VEP mechanism may explain the vulnerable window and polarity dependence of vulnerability. We used a potentiometric dye and optical mapping to assess the anterior epicardial electrical activity of Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts (n = 7) during monophasic shocks (+/-100 V and +/-200 V, duration of 8 ms) applied from a transvenous defibrillation lead at various coupling intervals. Arrhythmias were induced in a coupling interval and shock polarity dependent manner: (i) anodal and cathodal shocks induced arrhythmias in 33.2 +/- 30.1% and 53.1 +/- 39.3% cases (P < 0.01), respectively, and (ii) the vulnerable window was located near the T-wave. Optical maps revealed that VEP was also modulated by the coupling interval and shock polarity. Recovery of excitability produced by negative polarization, known as de-excitation, and the resulting reentry was more readily achieved during the relative refractory period than the absolute refractory period. Furthermore, anodal shocks produced wavefronts propagating in an inward direction with respect to the electrode, whereas cathodal shocks propagated in an outward direction. Wavefronts produced by anodal shocks were more likely to collide and annihilate each other than those caused by cathodal shocks. The probability of degeneration of the VEP-induced phase singularity into a sustained arrhythmia depends upon the gradient of VEP and the direction of the VEP-induced wavefront. The VEP gradient depends upon the coupling interval, while the direction depends upon shock polarity; these factors explain the vulnerable window and polarity-dependence of vulnerability, respectively.  相似文献   

Computations show that cathodal rheobase increases with temperature from 0 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Anodal rheobase (stimulation at the end of an indefinitely long anodal pulse) also increases with temperature, but goes to infinity at a critical temperature 17.13 degrees C, above which such excitation is impossible. For a stimulus consisting of any step change of current from I0 to I1, a threshold curve of I1 is plotted against I0. As the temperature increases, this curve rises. Its intersection with the horizontal axis, which determines the anodal rheobase, goes to infinity at the critical temperature. This phenomenon is caused by the saturation of the variables m, h, n for strongly hyperpolarized potentials, combined with the relative speeding up of the inhibitory process with increasing temperature. The threshold charge Q in an instantaneous anodal current pulse (of zero duration) goes to infinity at the same temperature, with a similar explanation in terms of threshold curves in the I1 vs. Q plane. The fact that the critical temperature for both cases is the same is generalized by the conjecture that for any anodal current waveform whatever, as its amplitude approaches infinity, the trajectory in the phase space following its cessation approaches the same limiting trajectory. This limiting trajectory changes from suprathreshold to subthreshold at the critical temperature.  相似文献   

The Merkel cell-neurite (MCN) complex generates slowly adapting type 1 (SA1) response when mechanically stimulated. Both serotonin (5-HT) and glutamate have been implicated in the generation of normal SA1 responses, but previous studies have been inconclusive as to what their roles are or how synaptic transmission occurs. In this study, excised dorsal skin patches from common water frogs (Rana ridibunda) were stimulated by von Frey hairs during perfusion in a tissue bath, and single-unit spike activity was recorded from SA1 fibres. Serotonin had no significant effect on the SA1 response at low (10?μM) concentration, significantly increased activity in a force-independent manner at 100?μM, but decreased activity with reduced responsiveness to force at 1?mM. Glutamate showed no effect on the responsiveness to force at 100?μM. MDL 72222 (100?μM), an ionotropic 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, completely abolished the responsiveness to force, suggesting that serotonin is released from Merkel cells as a result of mechanical stimulation, and activated 5-HT3 receptors on the neurite. The metabotropic 5-HT2 receptor antagonist, ketanserin, greatly reduced the SA1 fibre's responsiveness to force, as did the non-specific glutamate receptor antagonist, kynurenic acid. This supports a role for serotonin and glutamate as neuromodulators in the MCN complex, possibly by activation and/or inhibition of signalling cascades in the Merkel cell associated with vesicle release. Additionally, it was observed that SA1 responses contained a force-independent component, similar to a dynamic response observed during mechanical vibrations.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the wall layers and ornamentative features of Scenedesmus pannonicus and S. longus are described using carefully correlated freeze-etched replicas, thin sections and scanning electron micrographs. The two species arc enclosed by different types of ornamented layers, S. pannonicus by the tightly filling, “warty” layer and S. longus by the loosely fitting, “reticulate” layer, held off the coenobium by 2 types of tubular propping spikelets and rosettes. The reticulate layer has an intricate substructure, especially when studied with freeze-etching. Its inner and outer surfaces appear different, as is its attachment to the 2 types of spikelets. Whole cells of S. longus subjected to acetolysis lack the cellulose wall and cytoplasm, but all other surface features survive, including the Trilaminar Sheath (TLS); this ornamentation cannot be “pectic.” The cellulose wall and ornamentation is unaffected by boiling water alone. Boiling in 6n NaOH removes the surface ornamentation, but the TLS and wall remain; the possibility that these features contain silica is discussed. The terminal spines of both species consist of closely packed spikelets enclosed within a skin of hexagonally-packed subunits. Similar subunits are seen in the propping spikelets of S. longus, and in the rows or “combs” of laterally fused spikelets of S. pannonicus. The warty layer of S. pannonicus is tightly appressed to the TLS except close to where the cells are joined, where it is suspended free. It is composed of a layer of globular subunits, and small indentations form the warts. Single, evenly distributed warts characterize the freely suspended sections of the warty layer, and the layer that encloses young coenobia soon after they have been formed: in contrast, the warts are clumped over the surface of older and larger colonies. Some of the single warts form characteristic double rows, but these latter remain single even on older cells. The surface structure of the warty layer, TLS, and plasmalemma are revealed by the freeze-etching process.  相似文献   

In the Type I receptive fields (RFs) changes of the luminance leads to a shift of the curve relating the response and the stimulus area along the abscissa, in the Type II RFs the maximum of a response does not shift with changes of the luminance (Types I and II on classification by Glezer et al., 1971, 1972). The transient responses were observed in the Type I RFs and sustained responses in the Type II RFs. In the Type I RFs variation of the stimulus area and intensity brings about the change in the temporal and spatial frequency characteristics. This is produced by functional reorganization of the RF. In the Type II RFs there is no functional reorganization. The data obtained indicate that the Type I RFs are non-linear. By contrast, the Type II RFs are linear systems. The analysis of the model has shown that the distinctions in the dynamic characteristics of the responses of RFs belonging to different types is mainly due to different time constants for excitation and inhibition as well as inhibition coefficients. Distinctions in the mode of dependence of the RF response on stimulus parameters have been found to result from different relationship between delay time and stimulus parameters as well as different forms of the spatial weighting functions. It is shown that the Type I RFs transmit higher frequency components of the image spectrum, i.e. they emphasise the temporal and spatial contrasts. The Type II RFs transmit low frequency components of the spectrum including information about the intensity of an input stimulus.  相似文献   

Recent neurofunctional studies suggested that lateral prefrontal cortex is a domain-general cognitive control area modulating computation of social information. Neuropsychological evidence reported dissociations between cognitive and affective components of social cognition. Here, we tested whether performance on social cognitive and affective tasks can be modulated by transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). To this aim, we compared the effects of tDCS on explicit recognition of emotional facial expressions (affective task), and on one cognitive task assessing the ability to adopt another person’s visual perspective. In a randomized, cross-over design, male and female healthy participants performed the two experimental tasks after bi-hemispheric tDCS (sham, left anodal/right cathodal, and right anodal/left cathodal) applied over DLPFC. Results showed that only in male participants explicit recognition of fearful facial expressions was significantly faster after anodal right/cathodal left stimulation with respect to anodal left/cathodal right and sham stimulations. In the visual perspective taking task, instead, anodal right/cathodal left stimulation negatively affected both male and female participants’ tendency to adopt another’s point of view. These findings demonstrated that concurrent facilitation of right and inhibition of left lateral prefrontal cortex can speed-up males’ responses to threatening faces whereas it interferes with the ability to adopt another’s viewpoint independently from gender. Thus, stimulation of cognitive control areas can lead to different effects on social cognitive skills depending on the affective vs. cognitive nature of the task, and on the gender-related differences in neural organization of emotion processing.  相似文献   

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