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Improved, human-based packaging cell lines allow the production of high-titer, RCR-free retroviral vectors. The utility of these cell lines for the production of clinical grade vectors critically depends on the definition of optimal conditions for scaled-up cultures. In this work, a clone derived from the TE Fly GALV packaging cell (Duisit et al. Hum. Gene Ther. 1999, 10, 189) that produces high titers of a lacZ containing retroviral vector with a Gibbon Ape Leukemia Virus envelope glycoprotein was used. This clone can produce (2-5) x 10(6) PFU cm(-3) in small scale cultures and has been evaluated for growth and vector production in different reactor systems. The performances of fixed bed reactors [CellCube (Costar) and Celligen (New Brunswick)] and stirred tank reactors [microcarriers and clump cultures] were compared. The cells showed a higher apparent growth rate in the fixed bed reactor systems than in the suspension systems, probably as a result of the fact that aggregation and/or formation of clumps led to a reduced viability and reduced growth of cells in the interior of the clumps. As a consequence, the final cell density and number were in average 3- to 7-fold higher in the fixed bed systems in comparison to the suspension culture systems. The average titers obtained ranged from 0.5 to 2.1 x 10(7) PFU cm(-3) for the fixed bed and microcarrier systems, while the clump cultures produced only (2-5) x 10(5) PFU cm(-3). The differences in titers reflect cell densities as well as specific viral vector production rates, with the immobilization and microcarrier systems exhibiting an at least 10-fold higher production rate in comparison to the clump cultures. A partial optimization of the culture conditions in the Celligen fixed bed reactor, consisting of a 9-fold reduction of the seeding cell density, led to a 5-fold increased vector production rate accompanied by an average titer of 3 x 10(7) PFU cm(-3) (maximum titer (4-5) x 10(7) PFU cm(-3)) in the fixed bed reactor. The performance evaluation results using mathematical models indicated that the fixed bed bioreactor has a higher potential for retroviral vector production because of both the higher reactor productivity and the lower sensitivity of productivity in relation to the changes in final retrovirus titer in the range of 3 x 10(6) to 15 x 10(6) PFU cm(-3).  相似文献   

Targeting of retroviral vectors to specific cells was attempted through modifying the surface protein of the murine leukemia viruses (MLVs), but in many cases the protein function was affected, and it is difficult to achieve the targeted delivery. In this study, we have tried to engineer ecotropic Moloney murine leukemia viruses (MoMLV)-based retroviral vectors to transduce hepatocytes. A chimeric envelope (Env) expression plasmid was constructed containing the hepatitis B virus PreS2 peptide fused to aa +1 at the Nterminus of Env. Following simultaneous transfection of pgag-pol, pLEGFP and chimeric env plasmids into 293T cells, helper-free retrovirus stocks with the titer of approximately 104 infectious units/ml were achieved at 48 h post-transfection. These pseudotype vectors showed the normal host range of retrovirus, infecting host NIH 3T3 cells, although the efficiency was reduced compared with that of virions carrying wild-type ecotropic MoMLV envelope. In addition, the resultant pseudotype viruses could transduce human hepatoma cells mediated by polymerized human serum albumin with relatively high titers in comparison with those transductions without polymerized human serum albumin. This approach can be used to target hepatocytes selectively.  相似文献   

This work investigates to which extent different carbon sources are metabolized and used for lipid biosynthesis in retrovirus producer cells, with the ultimate goal of understanding its importance regarding the stability/productivity of the vectors. For that purpose, isotopically labeled substrates (U-(13)C glucose, U-(13)C galactose, U-(13)C fructose, and U-(13)C glutamine) were used in combination with (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Our results show that glucose plays the major role in lipid biosynthesis, whereas glutamine, fructose and galactose are not significantly incorporated into lipids. Moreover, a correlation between medium osmolality (imposed by the presence of sorbitol) and virus stability and productivity was verified, apparently due to an enhancement in sugar metabolism. Since low stability and short half-life constitute the major bottleneck in process development for retrovirus and other enveloped viral vectors, this work presents useful knowledge for improved process robustness for these essential gene therapy vectors.  相似文献   

We have constructed a series of MLV-based retroviral vectors and packaging components expressed from the CMV promoter and carried on plasmids containing SV40 origins of replication. These two features greatly enhanced retroviral gene expression when introduced into cell lines carrying the SV40 large T antigen. The two packaging components, gag-pol and env, were placed on separate plasmids to reduce helper virus formation. Using a highly transfectable human cell line and sodium butyrate to further increase expression of each component, we achieved helper-free viral stocks of approximately 10(7) infectious units/ml by 48 h after transient co-transfection with the three plasmid components. This system can be used both for the generation of high titer retroviral stocks for transduction and for the rapid screening of a large number of MLV gag-pol or env mutants.  相似文献   

Gene therapy is a novel approach for treating various congenital and acquired genetic disorders, including cancer, heart disease, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Amongst possible gene delivery systems, retroviral vector mediated gene transfer has been the most extensively studied and has been approved for use in over 40 current Phase I/II clinical trials for the treatment of various disorders, primarily cancers. Recent technological improvements include the optimization of vector production by concentration and lyophilization, resulting in high titers of vectors, as well as the large-scale production of vector-produced cells for the treatment of brain cancer. Present clinical protocols require specialized care centers with expertise in molecular biology and cell transplantation. Considerable effort is under way to develop retroviral vectors that can be both injected directly into the body and targeted to specific cell types within the body. Such vectors could be administered to patients by physicians in their offices. Successful development of this new technology would greatly expand the clinical potential of gene therapy.  相似文献   

The use of Moloney murine leukaemia virus (MoMLV) derived retroviral vectors in gene therapy requires the production of high titer preparations. However, obtaining high titers of infective MoMLV retroviral vectors is difficult due to the vector inherent instability. In this work the effect of the cell culture medium osmotic pressure upon the virus stability was studied. The osmolality of standard medium was raised from 335 up to 500 mOsm/kg using either ionic (sodium chloride) or non-ionic osmotic agents (sorbitol and fructose). It was observed that, independently of the osmotic agent used, the infectious vector inactivation rate was inversely correlated with the osmolality used in the production media; therefore, the use of high medium osmolalities enhanced vector stability. For production purposes a balance must be struck between cell yield, cell productivity and retroviral stability. From the conditions tested herein sorbitol addition, ensuring osmolalities between 410 and 450 mOsm/kg, yields the best production conditions; NaCl hampered the viral infectious production while fructose originates lower cell yields. Lipid extractions were performed for cholesterol and phospholipid analyses showing that more stable viral vectors had a 10% reduction in the cholesterol content. A similar reduction in cholesterol was observed in the producer cells. A detailed analysis of the major phospholipids composition, type and fatty acid content, by mass spectrometry did not show significant changes, confirming the decrease in the cholesterol to phospholipids ratio in the viral membrane as the major reason for the increased vector stability.  相似文献   

The production of stable cell lines is an important technique in cell biology, and it is often the rate-limiting step in studies involving the characterization of the function of novel genes or gene mutations. To facilitate this process, a novel family of retroviral vectors, the pE vector family, has been generated. The retroviral sequences in the pE vectors have been taken from the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MMLV) vector pMFG, which has been shown to express cDNA inserts more consistently and at higher levels than earlier generations of MMLV vectors. These vectors contain four different internal ribosome entry site-selectable markers, allowing high-efficiency selection of transductants expressing the desired cDNA. The pE vectors have an episomal design to allow long-term production of high-titer virus without the need for subcloning the producer line. Using a strategy of combinatorial infection followed by combinatorial drug selection, we demonstrate that the pE vectors can be used to generate stable, polyclonal cell lines expressing at least three novel cDNAs in less than 2 weeks. The use of these vectors will thus dramatically accelerate the production of complex stable cell lines.  相似文献   

Q vectors, bicistronic retroviral vectors for gene transfer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have developed a retroviral vector that incorporates unique features of some previously described vectors. This vector includes: 3' long terminal repeats (LTRs) of the self-inactivating class; a 5' LTR that is a hybrid of the cytomegalovirus (CMV) enhancer and the mouse sarcoma virus promoter; an internal CMV immediate early region promoter to drive expression of the transduced gene and the neomycin phosphotransferase selectable marker; an expanded multiple cloning site and an internal ribosome entry site. An SV40 ori was introduced into the vector backbone to promote high copy number replication in packaging cell lines that express the SV40 large T antigen. We demonstrate that these retroviral constructs, designated Q vectors, can be used in applications where high viral titers and high level stable or transient gene expression are desirable.  相似文献   

Gene therapy protocols would be greatly facilitated by the availability of targetable injectable vectors which could deliver genes in vivo to specific target cells or to specific disease sites. Efforts to develop such retroviral vectors are therefore a high priority in gene therapy research. In this review, we describe the current state of our understanding of the structure and function of the retroviral envelope glycoprotein complex. We then discuss the results of the various strategies that have been devised to modify the host range of the retroviral envelope glycoproteins with a view to achieving retroviral vectors capable of delivering their genes in a highly specific manner to selected human target cells. The strengths and limitations of these strategies are examined.  相似文献   

The use of retroviral vectors for human gene therapy requires the production of large quantities of high titer vector stocks. Maintaining high titers during the prolonged culture of packaging cells will require that critical parameters be controlled. The aim of this study was to determine which culture parameters critically affect the production/decay of retroviral vectors produced by the human packaging cell line FLYRD18/LNC-hB7. The stability of retroviral vectors released by this cell line was found to be temperature dependent (half-life of 6.9, 11.0, and 64.3 h when incubated at 37, 32, and 0 degrees C, respectively). Titers increased up to 10-fold when the packaging cells were cultured at 32 degrees C, compared to 37 degrees C, despite a decrease in cell yield (cell-specific titers were 20-fold higher). Virus titers were also over 10-fold higher when the packaging cells were cultured in a reduced serum concentration (1%) compared to 5%. Retrovirus production at a range of pH levels revealed a significant decrease in virus titer at pH levels below 6.8 and above 7.2, optimum titers being achieved in cultures at pH 7.2. Dissolved oxygen levels in the range 20-80% did not significantly affect titers under the conditions tested. Finally, a packed bed system containing the packaging cells immobilized on porous microcarriers was shown to sustain the production of active retroviral vectors for over 1 month, in relatively large volumes.  相似文献   



Retroviral vectors are valuable tools for gene transfer. Particularly convenient are IRES-containing retroviral vectors expressing both the protein of interest and a marker protein from a single bicistronic mRNA. This coupled expression increases the relevance of tracking and/or selection of transduced cells based on the detection of a marker protein. pAP2 is a retroviral vector containing eGFP downstream of a modified IRES element of EMCV origin, and a CMV enhancer-promoter instead of the U3 region of the 5'LTR, which increases its efficiency in transient transfection. However, pAP2 contains a limited multicloning site (MCS) and shows weak eGFP expression, which previously led us to engineer an improved version, termed pPRIG, harboring: i) the wild-type ECMV IRES sequence, thereby restoring its full activity; ii) an optimized MCS flanked by T7 and SP6 sequences; and iii) a HA tag encoding sequence 5' of the MCS (pPRIG HAa/b/c).  相似文献   

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