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Burkitt's lymphoma (BL), an EBV-associated tumour, occurs at high incidence in populations where malaria is holoendemic. Previous studies in one such population suggested that acute P.falciparum infection impairs EBV-specific T-cell surveillance, allowing expansion of EBV infected B-cells from which BL derives. We re-examined the situation in the same area, The Gambia, after a reduction in malaria endemicity. Cellular immune responses to EBV were measured in children with uncomplicated malaria before (day 0) and after treatment (day 28), comparing EBV genome loads in blood and EBV-specific CD8(+) T-cell numbers (assayed by MHC Class I tetramers and IFNγ ELISPOTS) with those seen in age- and sex-matched healthy controls. No significant changes were seen in EBV genome loads, percentage of EBV-specific CD8(+) T-cells and IFNγ producing T-cells in acute versus convalescent samples, nor any difference versus controls. Regression assays performed also no longer detected any impairment of EBV-specific T-cell surveillance. Acute uncomplicated malaria infection no longer alters EBV-specific immune responses in children in The Gambia. Given the recent decline in malaria incidence in that country, we hypothesise that gross disturbance of the EBV-host balance may be a specific effect of acute malaria only in children with a history of chronic/recurrent malaria challenge.  相似文献   

Patients with acute Plasmodium falciparum malaria have defective cell-mediated immune responses to malaria-specific Ag (MA). This immunologic defect may partially explain the difficulty with which natural immunity to falciparum malaria develops and may have important implications for the efficacy of potential malaria vaccines in endemic areas. To investigate the basis of this immune defect, we have examined the capacity of PBMC from patients with acute falciparum malaria to produce IL-2 and to express I1-2R in response to Ag stimulation. The effect of exogenous IL-1 and IL-2 on lymphocyte proliferation was studied. Soluble IL-2R levels were measured in acute and convalescent sera. Our results showed that no detectable IL-2 was produced and no IL-2R were expressed by PBMC in response to MA during the acute infection. IL-2 production and IL-2R expression were also depressed when PBMC were exposed to streptococcal Ag. The specific immune defect was not reconstituted by the addition of graded doses of purified human IL-1 or IL-2 and could not be attributed to suppressor adherent cells. In contrast to the absence of IL-2 and cell-bound IL-2R, circulating soluble IL-2R was elevated in acute sera. These findings suggest that the lack of IL-2, through either a defect in its production or inhibition of its activity, may be the basis of the Ag-specific immune unresponsiveness in acute P. falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

In the past few years, methods have been developed which allow the introduction of exogenous DNA into the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. This important technical advance known as parasite transfection, provides powerful new tools to study the function of Plasmodium proteins and their roles in biology and disease. Already it has allowed the analysis of promoter function and has been successfully applied to establish the role of particular molecules and/or mutations in the biology of this parasite. This review summarises the current state of the technology and how it has been applied to dissect the function of the P. falciparum genome.  相似文献   

Recent advances have provided a working interactome map for the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The aforementioned map, generated from genome-scale analyses, has provided a basis for proteomic studies of the parasite; however, such large-scale approaches commonly suffer from undersampling and lack of coverage. The current map bears no exception, containing only one-quarter of the organism's proteins. Inspired by the needs of the current map and the wealth of bioinformatics data, we assembled a map of 19 979 interactions among 2321 proteins in P. falciparum. The resultant map was generated by computationally inferring protein-protein interactions from evolutionarily conserved protein interactions, underlying domain interactions, and experimental observations. To compile this information into a repository of meaningful data, we assessed interaction quality by applying a logistic regression method, which correlated the presence of an interaction with relevant cellular parameters. Interestingly, it was found that sub-networks from different sources are quite dissimilar in their topologies and overlap to a very small extent. Applying Markov clustering, we observe a typical cluster composition, featuring common cellular functions that were previously reported absent, making this map a valuable resource for understanding the biology of this organism.  相似文献   

Co-infection with HIV and P. falciparum worsens the prognosis of both infections; however, the mechanisms driving this adverse interaction are not fully delineated. To evaluate this, we studied HIV-1 and P. falciparum interactions in vitro using peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from human malaria na?ve volunteers experimentally infected with P. falciparum in a malaria challenge trial. PBMCs collected before the malaria challenge and at several time points post-infection were infected with HIV-1 and co-cultured with either P. falciparum infected (iRBCs) or uninfected (uRBCs) red blood cells. HIV p24Ag and TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, and MIP-1α were quantified in the co-culture supernatants. In general, iRBCs stimulated more HIV p24Ag production by PBMCs than did uRBCs. HIV p24Ag production by PBMCs in the presence of iRBCs (but not uRBCs) further increased during convalescence (days 35, 56, and 90 post-challenge). In parallel, iRBCs induced higher secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IFN-γ, and MIP-1α) than uRBCs, and production increased further during convalescence. Because the increase in p24Ag production occurred after parasitemia and generalized immune activation had resolved, our results suggest that enhanced HIV production is related to the development of anti-malaria immunity and may be mediated by pro-inflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

We augmented existing computationally predicted and experimentally determined interactions with evolutionarily conserved interactions between proteins of the malaria parasite, P. falciparum, and the human host. In a validation step, we found that conserved interacting host-parasite protein pairs were specifically expressed in host tissues where both the parasite and host proteins are known to be active. We compared host-parasite interactions with experimentally verified interactions between human host proteins and a very different pathogen, HIV-1. Both pathogens were found to use their protein repertoire in a combinatorial manner, providing a broad connection to host cellular processes. Specifically, the two biologically distinct pathogens predominately target central proteins to take control of a human host cell, effectively reaching into diversified cellular host cellular functions. Interacting signaling pathways and a small set of regulatory and signaling proteins were prime targets of both pathogens, suggesting remarkably similar patterns of host-pathogen interactions despite the vast biological differences of both pathogens. Such an identification of shared molecular strategies by the virus HIV-1 and the eukaryotic intracellular pathogen P. falciparum may allow us to illuminate new avenues of disease intervention.  相似文献   

Successful malaria control depends heavily on efficacious anti-malarial drugs for the treatment of malaria. Artesunate-containing Combination Treatments (ACT) are increasingly recommended as first line malaria treatment in endemic countries, but implementation of this recommendation is limited by the small number of available and affordable co-formulated anti-malarial drugs. In recent years Intermittent Preventive Treatment has been recommended for malaria control in pregnancy and has been shown to be of potential public health importance in the prevention of malaria and anaemia in children. The use of drugs for malaria treatment or prevention is associated with the development of resistance and recent advances in molecular biology facilitate the evaluation of the impact on drug resistance of new drug-based strategies. This review concentrates on the challenges surrounding the use of ACT, the current understanding of IPT in infants and the use of molecular approaches to enhance our understanding of the effects of interventions on the spread of drug resistance.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine kinases (PTKs) are believed to be implicated in the parasite growth, maturation and differentiation functions. Protein tyrosine kinase activity was found to be distributed in all the stages of P. falciparum parasite maturation. Membrane bound PTK activity was found to be increased during maturation process (ring stage to trophozoite stage) in chloroquine sensitive strains. In vivo conversion of the schizont stage to ring stage via release of merozoites was associated with a decrease in PTK activity. Chloroquine inhibited the membrane bound PTK activity in a dose dependent manner (IC50 = 45 microM). Kinetic studies show that chloroquine is a competitive inhibitor of PTK with respect to peptide substrate and noncompetitive with respect to ATP indicating that chloroquine inhibits PTK activity by binding with protein substrate binding site. The results suggest that maturation of malaria parasite is related to PTK and inhibition of this activity by chloroquine could provide a hypothesis to explain the mechanism of action of chloroquine.  相似文献   

Malaria is caused by intraerythrocytic protozoan parasites belonging to Plasmodium spp. (phylum Apicomplexa) that produce significant morbidity and mortality, mostly in developing countries. Plasmodium parasites have a complex life cycle that includes multiple stages in anopheline mosquito vectors and vertebrate hosts. During the life cycle, the parasites undergo several cycles of extreme population growth within a brief span, and this is critical for their continued transmission and a contributing factor for their pathogenesis in the host. As with other eukaryotes, successful mitosis is an essential requirement for Plasmodium reproduction; however, some aspects of Plasmodium mitosis are quite distinct and not fully understood. In this review, we will discuss the current understanding of the architecture and key events of mitosis in Plasmodium falciparum and related parasites and compare them with the traditional mitotic events described for other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many developing countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa. A susceptibility locus for mild malaria has been mapped to the MHC region, and TNF polymorphisms have been associated with mild malaria. The Natural Cytotoxicity-triggering Receptor 3 (NCR3) gene is located in the peak region of linkage, and is 15kb distal to TNF. In this study, we considered NCR3 as a candidate gene, and we genotyped ten NCR3 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Here, we report evidence of an association between mild malaria and NCR3 -412G>C polymorphism located within the promoter. Population-based association analysis showed that NCR3 -412C carriers had more frequent mild malaria attacks than NCR3 -412GG individuals (P=0.001). Using the family-based association test (FBAT) program and its phenotype (PBAT) option, we further found that NCR3 -412C (P=0.0009) and a haplotype containing NCR3 -412C (P=0.008) were significantly associated with increased risk of mild malaria, and that the association was not due to the association of TNF with mild malaria. These observations suggest that there are at least two genes located on the central region of MHC involved in genetic control of human malaria. The association of NCR3 with malaria should provide new insights into the role of Natural Killer cells in this common disease.  相似文献   

Cryo transmission X-ray microscopy in the “water window” of photon energies has recently been introduced as a method that exploits the natural contrast of biological samples. We have used cryo tomographic X-ray imaging of the intra-erythrocytic malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to undertake a survey of the cellular features of this important human pathogen. We examined whole hydrated cells at different stages of growth and defined some of the structures with different X-ray density, including the parasite nucleus, cytoplasm, digestive vacuole and the hemoglobin degradation product, hemozoin. As the parasite develops from an early cup-shaped morphology to a more rounded shape, puncta of hemozoin are formed; these coalesce in the mature trophozoite into a central compartment. In some trophozoite stage parasites we observed invaginations of the parasite surface and, using a selective permeabilization process, showed that these remain connected to the RBC cytoplasm. Some of these invaginations have large openings consistent with phagocytic structures and we observed independent endocytic vesicles in the parasite cytoplasm which appear to play a role in hemoglobin uptake. In schizont stage parasites staggered mitosis was observed and X-ray-dense lipid-rich structures were evident at their apical ends of the developing daughter cells. Treatment of parasites with the antimalarial drug artemisinin appears to affect parasite development and their ability to produce the hemoglobin breakdown product, hemozoin.  相似文献   

Abstract Present understanding of the development of sexual stages of the human malaria parasites Plasmodium vivax and P.falciparum in the Anopheles vector is reviewed, with particular reference to the role of the mosquito midgut in establishing an infection. The sexual stages of the parasite, the gametocytes, are formed in human erythrocytes. The changes in temperature and pH encountered by the gametocyte induce gametogenesis in the lumen of the midgut. Macromolecules derived from mosquito tissue and second messenger pathways regulate events leading to fertilization. In An.tessellatus the movement of the ookinete from the lumen to the midgut epithelium is linked to the release of trypsin in the midgut and the peritrophic matrix is not a firm barrier to this movement. The passage of the P. vivax ookinete through the peritrophic matrix may take place before the latter is fully formed. The late ookinete development in P.falciparum requires chitinase to facilitate penetration of the peritrophic matrix. Recognition sites for the ookinetes are present on the midgut epithelial cells. N-acetyl glucosamine residues in the oligosaccharide side chains of An.tessellatus midgut glycoproteins and peritrophic matrix proteoglycan may function as recognition sites for P.vivax and P.falciparum ookinetes. It is possible that ookinetes penetrating epithelial cells produce stress in the vector. Mosquito molecules may be involved in oocyst development in the basal lamina, and encapsulation of the parasite occurs in vectors that are refractory to the parasite. Detailed knowledge of vector-parasite interactions, particularly in the midgut and the identification of critical mosquito molecules offers prospects for manipulating the vector for the control of malaria.  相似文献   

Genetic mapping in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence has boosted hopes for a new era of malaria research and for the application of comprehensive molecular knowledge to disease control, but formidable obstacles remain: approximately 60% of the predicted P. falciparum proteins have no known functions or homologues, and most life cycle stages of this haploid eukaryotic parasite are relatively intractable to cultivation and biochemical manipulation. Genetic mapping based on high-resolution maps saturated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms or microsatellites is now providing effective strategies for discovering candidate genes determining important parasite phenotypes. Here we review classical linkage studies using laboratory crosses and population associations that are now amenable to genome-wide approaches and are revealing multiple candidate genes involved in complex drug responses. Moreover, mapping by linkage disequilibrium is practicable in cases where chromosomal segments flanking drug-selected genes have been preserved in populations during relatively recent P. falciparum evolution. We discuss the advantages and limitations of these various genetic mapping strategies, results from which offer complementary insights to those emerging from gene knockout experiments and/or high-throughput genomic technologies.  相似文献   

The lethal species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, continues to exact a huge toll of mortality and morbidity, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Completion of the genome sequence of this organism and advances in proteomics and mass spectrometry have opened up unprecedented opportunities for understanding the complex biology of this parasite and how it responds to drug challenge and other interventions. This review describes recent progress that has been made in applying proteomics technology to this important pathogen and provides a look forward to likely future developments.  相似文献   

May J  Meyer CG 《Trends in parasitology》2003,19(10):432-5; discussion 435-6

The population genetics and structure of P. falciparum determine the rate at which malaria evolves in response to interventions such as drugs and vaccines. This has been the source of considerable recent controversy, but here we demonstrate the organism to be essentially sexual, in an area of moderately high transmission in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. Seven thousand mosquitoes were collected and dissected, and genetic data were obtained on 190 oocysts from 56 infected midguts. The oocysts were genotyped at three microsatellite loci and the MSP1 locus. Selfing rate was estimated as 50% and there was significant genotypic linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the pooled oocysts. A more appropriate analysis searching for genotypic LD in outcrossed oocysts and/or haplotypic LD in the selfed oocysts found no evidence for LD, indicating that the population was effectively sexual. Inbreeding estimates at MSP1 were higher than at the microsatellites, possibly indicative of immune action against MSP1, but the effect was confounded by the probable presence of null mutations. Mating appeared to occur at random in mosquitoes and evidence regarding whether malaria clones in the same host were related (presumably through simultaneous inoculation in the same mosquito bite) was ambiguous. This is the most detailed genetic analysis yet of P. falciparum sexual stages, and shows P. falciparum to be a sexual organism whose genomes are in linkage equilibrium, which acts to slow the emergence of drug resistance and vaccine insensitivity, extending the likely useful therapeutic lifespan of drugs and vaccines.  相似文献   

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