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The tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) enhanced sensitivity to cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (DPP) in human ovarina carcinoma 2008 cells by a factor of 2.53 +/- 0.74 fold (S.D.). Sensitization was maximum 3 h after a 1-h exposure to TPA and had disappeared completely by 7 h after treatment. An equivalent degree of sensitization was produced in a 2008 variant selected for 10-fold resistance to DDP. TPA neither increased nor decreased cellular accumulation of DDP. Phorbol, a TPA analog which does not activate protein kinase C, did not cause sensitization. This synergistic interaction between TPA and DDP was completely inhibited by pretreatment with staurosporine, a protein kinase C inhibitor. Cellular cAMP was not altered by TPA stimulation. Furthermore, cycloheximide, a potent protein synthesis inhibitor, did not block the TPA-induced enhancement of drug sensitivity. These results strongly suggest that DDP sensitivity can be modulated by protein kinase C and regulated by phosphorylation of a protein kinase C substrate in both intrinsically sensitive and DDP-resistant cells.  相似文献   

Summary Fanconi anaemia (FA) lymphocytes were tested for their susceptibility to chromosomal breakage by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) [cis-Pt(II)] and its stereoisomer trans-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) [trans-Pt(II)]. Unlike trans-Pt(II), which is a rather inefficient clastogen, cis-Pt(II) is very efficient in inducing chromosomal breakage in FA cells at concentrations that hardly affect control cells. As both cis-Pt(II) and trans-Pt(II) are capable of inducing DNA interstrand crosslinks but only cis-Pt(II) can induce DNA intra-strand crosslinks, this result suggests that FA cells may be specifically sensitive to the intrastrand type of DNA crosslink.  相似文献   

Establishment of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines expressing human glutathione S-transferase-pi (GST-pi) was performed after cotransfection of pSV2-neo and human GST-pi cDNA-carrying plasmid p beta actGPi-2. About 30 G418-resistant clones were tested for their expression of GST-pi by Northern blot analysis. Two clones, beta 2-3 and beta 2-5, expressed a significant amount of GST-pi mRNA; and one clone, beta 1-1, that did not was also used for further study. Western blot analysis with anti-GST-pi antibody showed significant increases of GST-pi in beta 2-3 and beta 2-5, but not in beta 1-1. Northern blot analysis with the human GST-pi cDNA probe showed that the increase in the expression of GST-pi-mRNA in beta 2-3 and beta 2-5 was respectively 2- and 4-fold higher than that in beta 1-1. Southern blotting analysis showed that beta 1-1, beta 2-3 and beta 2-5 contained about one copy of the human GST-pi cDNA sequence. beta 2-3 and beta 2-5 were resistant to 1.4- and 3.0-fold higher doses of CDDP than CHO, respectively, but beta 1-1 was not. Increased expression of GST-pi might be associated with CDDP-resistance in CHO cells.  相似文献   

The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay can be combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) methodology to investigate the localization of specific gene domains within an individual cell. The position of the fluorescent hybridization spots in the comet head or tail indicates whether the sequence of interest lies within or in the vicinity of a damaged region of DNA. In this study, we used the comet-FISH assay to examine initial DNA damage and subsequent repair in the TP53 gene region of RT4 and RT112 bladder carcinoma cells after 5 Gy gamma irradiation. In addition to standard comet parameter measurements, the number and location of TP53 hybridization spots within each comet was recorded at each repair time. The results indicate that the rate of repair of the TP53 gene region was fastest during the first 15 min after damage in both cell lines. When compared to overall genomic repair, the repair of the TP53 gene region was observed to be significantly faster during the first 15 min and thereafter followed a rate similar to that for the overall genome. The data indicate that the TP53 domain in RT4 and RT112 cells is repaired rapidly after gamma irradiation. Furthermore, this repair may be preferential compared to the repair of overall genomic DNA, which gives a measure of the average DNA repair response of the whole genome. We suggest that the comet-FISH assay has considerable potential in the study of gene-specific repair after DNA damage.  相似文献   

Three cell surface protein-specific methods were used to radiolabel the major glycoproteins of four human bladder carcinoma cell lines: The well-differentiated lines RT112 and TR4 and more anaplastic lines T24 and EJ. Five acidic glycoproteins iodinated in all lines by the lactoperoxidase/125I method were designated CP-175/5.8-6.0 (apparent molecular weight X 10(-3)/pl of iodoprotein), GP-155/5.0-5.3, GP-145/4.9-5.2, GP-130/4.8-5.5 and GP-110/4.9-5.3. Another iodinated glycoprotein, GP-200/5.5-6.0, was prominently labelled in RT112 and RT4 but was not detected in T24 or EJ. GP-200 as well as GP-175, GP-155 and GP-145 were not detected by the galactose oxidase/NaB(3H)4 method and were poorly labelled by the neuraminidase-galactose oxidase/NaB(3H)4 and NaIO4/NaB(3H)4 labelling methods. The major sialogalactoproteins identified in the four lines by the neuraminidase-galactose oxidase/NaB(3H)4 and NaIO4/NaB(3H)4 methods were GP-130, and a duplet of GP-90 and GP-80 which were poorly iodinated by lactoperoxidase/125I. The galactose oxidase/NaB(3H)4 reaction was increased by between 4- and 10-fold and many additional glycoproteins were labelled after neuraminidase treatment, indicating that the cell surface galactose and N-acetylgalactosamine residues of glycoproteins are highly sialylated. In cell lines RT112 and RT4 there was prominent labelling of very high molecular weight sialogalactoconjugates that was not present in extracts of T24 and EJ.  相似文献   

The expression of activated RAS oncogenes has been shown to increase radioresistance in a number of cell lines. The pathways by which RAS leads to radioresistance, however, are unknown. RAS activates several signal transduction pathways, with the RAF-MAP2K-MAP kinase pathway perhaps the best studied. MAP kinase has also been shown to be activated by radiation through this pathway. Given the important role of MAP kinase in multiple signaling events, we asked if radioresistance induced by RAS was mediated through the activation of MAPK. Cells of two human bladder carcinoma cell lines were used, one with a mutated oncogenic HRAS (T24) and other with a wild-type HRAS (RT4). The surviving fraction after exposure to 2 Gy of radiation (SF2) for the T24 cell lines was found to be 0.62, whereas that for RT4 cells was 0.40. Treatment with the farnesyl transferase inhibitor (FTI) L744,832, which inhibits RAS processing and activity, decreased the SF2 of T24 cells to 0.29, whereas the SF2 of RT4 cells remained unchanged after FTI treatment, thus demonstrating the importance of RAS activation to the radiosensitivity of cells with mutated RAS. MAP kinase activation was found to be constitutive and dependent on RAS in T24 cells, while it was inducible by radiation and was independent of RAS in RT4 cells. Treatment of both cell lines with the MAP2K inhibitor PD98059 inhibited MAPK activation; however, inhibiting MAPK activation had no effect on radiation survival of T24 or RT4 cells. These data indicate that MAPK activation does not contribute to RAS-induced radioresistance in this system.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator (PA) activity was identified in the conditioned medium of two human renal carcinoma cell lines, Cur and Caki-1. PA activity of medium, following chromatography on Con A-Sepharose, was divided into effluent and eluate fractions, the latter obtained after elution with methyl mannoside. The ratio of PA activity in effluent:eluate was 90:10 for Caki-1 and 60:40 for Cur. The PA of both effluent fractions and the Caki-1 eluate fraction was of the urokinase (UK) type. Identification rested on molecular weight determination by zymography (major component with Mr 52,000 and a less prominent component of 93,000), lack of binding to fibrin, inhibition by anti-UK antibodies, and lack of inhibitory effect of anti-tissue type PA (TPA) antibodies or the Erythrina trypsin inhibitor, which inhibits TPA but not UK. PA of the Cur eluate fraction gave a more complex pattern in that it bound significantly to fibrin (like TPA), was completely inhibited by both anti-UK and anti-TPA antibodies, but was unaffected by Erythrina trypsin inhibitor. These results raise the possibility of an unusual PA-like enzyme that immunologically cross reacts with anti-UK and anti-TPA. Most of the PA of both cell lines was secreted in a latent form that could be activated by trypsin treatment. The latency appears to result largely from secretion of urokinase proenzyme, which is consistent with the Mr 52,000 of the major PA species and the insensitivity to diisopropyl fluorophosphate inhibition prior to trypsin activation. However, in addition, a UK binding component was found in the conditioned medium, which produced an Mr 93,000 component by reaction with UK.  相似文献   

The antisera specific for dehistonized Hela cell chromatin were obtained by injecting rabbits or goats. Treatment of chromatin with cis-DDP crosslinked the active proteins to DNA thus preventing dissociation of the proteins in a high salt environment.Immunochemical staining of electrophoretically separated chromosomal proteins transferred to nitrocellulose sheets revealed that cis-DDP among others crosslinked the protein with m.w. of about 81 000. This protein is the only major protein antigen presented in several human tumors and absent in normal human tissues.  相似文献   

A chromosomal analysis was carried out on two colorectal carcinoma cell lines (WiDr and COLO 205), which were established 15-20 years ago in the US and were collected by the Cell Bank of the Veterans General Hospital in Taipei. Among the 200 cells counted, 65.5% of WiDr (male) had 68-73 chromosomes, while 74% of the COLO 205 (female) had 70-76 chromosomes per cell. The Y chromosome was absent in the 30 WiDr metaphases analyzed. None of the other chromosomes, including X and the autosomes of both WiDr and COLO 205, revealed such a numerical deficiency. Over half of the autosomes had an average number per cell above 2.0. The existence of 5 or 6 normal homologues for certain autosomes was not rare in either line. Numerous structural abnormal marker chromosomes were present in the cells. As compared with the original chromosome findings which were done over 10 years ago, we noted that the range of chromosome counts was wider and the number of marker chromosomes increased in these long-term cultivated cell lines.  相似文献   

Spontaneously arising, TGFβ1-resistant colonies were isolated directly from the soft agarose plates of MOSER human colon carcinoma cells grown in the presence of TGFβ1 but in the absence of serum. The colonies were cloned by limiting dilution and screened in a monolayer proliferation assay for sensitivity to TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 isoforms. Cell clones selectively sensitive or resistant to these isoforms in the growth inhibition assay displayed similar differential sensitivities to TGFβ isoforms for production of the extracellular matrix proteins laminin and fibronectin, as well as for the expression of the colon cell differentiation marker carcinoembryonic antigen. Differential receptor binding profiles for TGFβ1 and TGFβ2 were observed among the clones. The isolation of cell clones selectively resistant or sensitive to TGFβ isoforms as well as the identification of differential receptor binding profiles among the clones indicate the heterogeneity of TGFβ responsiveness that exists naturally in human colon tumor cells and stress the importance of defining mechanisms underlying differential responsiveness to TGFβ isoforms. © 1995 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) during DNA replication is frequently used for cell cycle analysis. The flow cytometric BrdU/Hoechst quenching technique is conducive to high-resolution assessment of cell cycle kinetics, but requires continuous BrdU treatment, which may have cytostatic or cytotoxic effects. Here, we have examined the impact of BrdU on the proliferation of BT474 and SK-BR-3 breast cancer cell lines and compared the observed effects with cell proliferation of RT4 and J82 bladder carcinoma cells, previously described to be sensitive and insensitive to BrdU, respectively. Both uni- and bi-parametric DNA measurements were performed to identify BrdU-induced alterations in the S-phase fraction and in cell cycle progression. An annexinV/propidium iodide (PI) assay was used to identify potential induction of apoptosis by BrdU. Proliferative activity in BT474, SK-BR-3, and RT4 cultures was reduced in different cell cycle phases due to continuous treatment with 60, 5.0, and 3.5 micro m BrdU. This effect, which was not found in J82 cultures, was dependent on exposure time (96 versus 48 h) and was also dose-dependent for RT4 and SK-BR-3. BrdU application does not induce apoptosis or necrosis as revealed with the annexin V/PI assay. We concluded that continuous BrdU treatment did not affect cell viability, but essentially alters cell cycle progression in three out of four cell lines tested. Cell-type specific validation of the feasibility of the powerful BrdU/Hoechst quenching technique is required and recommended.  相似文献   

cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (cis-Pt) was reacted with four homodinucleotides (GpG, ApA, CpC, and UpU) and six heterodinucleotides (GpC, CpG, GpU, UpG, GpA, and ApG) at pH 6, and the reaction products were purified by HPLC. The most important products were characterized by 1H-NMR spectra. In all the heterodinucleotides except the ones containing uridine the main Pt-adduct was an intramolecular cross-link, but monofunctional adducts and intermolecular cross-links were also detected. Intramolecular cross-links were also formed with GpU and UpG but the amounts of them were about the same as the amounts of intermolecular cross-links. In the case of homodinucleotides GpG gave almost entirely intramolecular cross-links, in which cis-Pt was chelated between the N-7 atoms of two guanines. cis-Pt reacted also with ApA forming both monofunctional and bifunctional Pt-adducts. The main adducts were intramolecular cross-links. cis-Pt reacted equally well with all guanosine-containing dinucleotides, while the reaction with ApA was much slower. With CpC and UpU no reaction products were formed.  相似文献   

The present report deals with the alterations produced by cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (DDP), and 2 of its analogs: cis-Pt(II)(tranylcypromine)2Cl2 and cis-Pt(II)(benzothiazole)2Cl2 in cultured epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi. Studies have been performed at the ultrastructural level and the inhibitory effect of these complexes on macromolecule synthesis, evaluated by 3H-thymidine, 3H-uridine, and 3H-leucine incorporation, has been investigated. DDP at concentrations of 50 and 100 micrograms/ml does not inhibit significantly the incorporation of radioactive precursors, but a clear decrease was observed with the 2 analogs. Eight hours of treatment at a concentration of 10 micrograms/ml rendered in all 3 cases an increase in autophagic vacuoles and lipids as well as an abnormal condensation of the nucleus chromatin.  相似文献   

Summary Sera from 144 healthy blood donors were screened for the presence of antibody against the bladder carcinoma cell line RT4 by means of an immune adherence assay. Only one serum (9241) demonstrated high activity with a titer of 1/124. Qualitative and quantitative absorption analyses were carried out with a wide variety of cells to characterize the specificity of the reaction. Cells used for absorption were both cultured and non-cultured and normal and malignant. The reactivity was absorbed by the bladder cancer cell lines RT4 and 5637 and the lung cancer cell line SK-LC-LL. In addition, surgically obtained urothelium from a patient with transitional cell carcinoma abrogated reactivity. No other absorbing cells removed the reactivity of serum 9241 for RT4. The antigen defined by this serologic reaction is heat-stable and trypsin-resistant, as demonstrated by using heated or trypsinized RT4 cells for absorption.This study shows that naturally occurring antibody directed toward cell surface antigens of tumor cells is present in some normal individuals. This finding is important in the evaluation of a possible causal relationship between the presence of antibody specific for tumor cell antigens and the development of neoplasia.  相似文献   

Nickel(II) is a human carcinogen causing respiratory cancers. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Ni(II) may induce microsatellite mutations in human cells. We transfected the three human lung tumor cell lines A427, HCC15 and NCI-H2009 with a mammalian expression vector containing a (CA)(13) repeat in the coding sequences of the reporter hygromycin gene (hyg). A total of 33 clones carrying the integrated vector derived from the three cell lines was investigated for spontaneous and Ni(II)-induced hygromycin-resistant (hyg(r)) reversion mutants. Significantly higher frequencies of hyg(r) reversion mutations were observed in Ni(II)-treated cells (NCI-H2009 and HCC-15) than control cells. In the majority of the colonies hyg(r) phenotype was due to mutations within the integrated (CA) repeat sequence. The type of mutations consisted of both contraction and expansion of the (CA) repeat unit. The finding that Ni(II) promotes microsatellite mutations raises the possibility that genetic instability may be a mechanism involved in nickel carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to address the question of whether acquired paclitaxel resistance is dependent upon whether it is given as a single brief exposure or as a long-term exposure. PX2 and PX24 were established from 2008 human ovarian cancer cells by 2-h single exposure or 24-h continuous exposure to paclitaxel. PX2 acquired paclitaxel resistance faster than PX24 by twofold. Drug resistant pattern was exposure-time dependent. In 2-h exposure, PX2 showed 53.86 ± 4.96 (mean ± standard deviation [SD]) fold paclitaxel resistance while PX24 showed 9.51 ± 1.01 fold resistance (P = 0.002). In 24-h exposure, PX2 showed 2.31 ± 0.3 fold paclitaxel resistance while PX24 showed 28.17 ± 0.98 fold resistance (P = 0.040). PX2 and PX24 acquired cross-resistance to docetaxel and SN38 and the resistance degrees were significantly higher in PX2 than PX24. They displayed approximately twofold cisplatin collateral sensitivity. PX24 also displayed sensitivity to other platinum drugs, oxaliplatin and ZD0473, whereas PX2 acquired significant resistance to both of them. Although differential tubulin-isotype expressions were noted among 2008, PX2 and PX24, they were not significant. In electron microscopy, prominent, densely stained lysosomes were observed more in the resistant cells than 2008. Two independent, exposure-time dependent paclitaxel-resistant human ovarian carcinoma cell lines were established. Understanding the characteristics of the differential resistance pattern could be clinically beneficial for the selection of second line chemotherapy for relapsed ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Induced migration of tumor cells is generally considered to be one critical step in cancer progression to the invasive and metastatic stage. The implicit caveat of studies that show this is that other, unknown, signaling pathways and biophysical events are actually the operative rate-limiting steps, and not motility per se. Thus, to examine the hypothesis that motility is a single, but overall rate-limiting function required for invasion, disparate motility processes need be blocked with concordant effects on tumor invasion. Recently, we and others have described two signaling pathways that are critical to growth factor-induced motility but not mitogenesis. The key molecular switches are phospholipase C-gamma (PLCgamma) and calpain for cytoskeletal reorganization and rear detachment, respectively. We examined this hypothesis in a highly invasive tumor, bladder carcinoma. Three different human tumor cell lines, 253J-B-V, UMUC and T-24, were tested for invasiveness in vitro by transmigration of a Matrigel barrier. Inhibiting PLCgamma with the pharmacologic agent U73122 or the molecular dominant-negative PLCz construct reduced both invasiveness and motility. The same was noted when calpain was blocked using calpain inhibitor I (ALLN). These results demonstrate that one interventional target for limiting invasion is not necessarily an individual motility pathway but rather cell migration per se.  相似文献   

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