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Population Ecology - The distribution of nests of the swallows was investigated in 1957, 1962 and 1963 at Koriyama, Nara Prefecture. Roughly speaking, the nest ofHirundo rustica was located in the...  相似文献   

The mating system of the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus, was analyzed precisely. As a result, it was found that male adults of this species establish a small territory for mating on the stem of host plant which harbors females. These males abandoned their territories soon after the disappearance of monopolized females. Thus it was confirned that the cue for the territorial establishment of males is the presence of females per se on the host plant. Moreover, most aggregations of adults observed on the host plant contained only a single male. This one-male unit in the mating was named a harem. Harem holding males were usually big in body-size and had a high chance of copulations. The defence behaviors of harem holding males, the mating disparity among males, and the oviposition habit of females in relation to the mating system, were observed. The results obtained were discussed in relation to the sexual selection theories.  相似文献   

Hatching success is a potentially important fitness component for avian species. Previous studies of hatching success in natural populations have primarily focused on effects of inbreeding but a general understanding of variation in hatching success is lacking. We analyse data on hatching success in a population of great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus in Lake Kvismaren in south central Sweden. The effects of a range of covariates, including three measures of inbreeding as well as effects of classifications in the data (such as identities of individuals), on hatching success are analysed simultaneously. This is done by means of fitting Bayesian binomial mixed models using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Using random effects for each individual parent we check for unexplained variation in hatching success among male and female individuals and compare it to effects of covariates such as degree of inbreeding. Model selection showed that there was a significant amount of unexplained variation in hatching probability between females. This was manifested by a few females laying eggs with a substantially lower hatching success than the majority of the females. The deviations were of the same order of magnitude as the significant effect of parent relatedness on hatching success. Whereas the negative effect of parent relatedness on hatchability is an expression of inbreeding, the female individual effect is not due to inbreeding and could reflect maternal effects, that females differ in fertilisation and/or incubation ability, or an over representation of genetic components from the female acting on the early developing embryo.  相似文献   

The role of social behavior on the population regulation of the Japanese wood mouse, Apodemus speciosus, was studied in the Ashu Experimental Forest of Kyoto University by monthly trapping and direct observation on the social behavior at the artificial feeding site. The census was carried out from May to October in 1974 and 1975, and the direct observation in June, August and October, 1975. In the study area, the Japanese wood mouse has two breeding seasons in a year: in spring and in autumn. Minimum survival rate was high in the non-breeding season and low in the breeding season. It was negatively correlated to the number of sexually active adults in both sexes. Home ranges of females tended to be mutually exclusive, and female residents prevented the settlement of female immigrants. On the other hand, home ranges of males overlapped largely and males had a straight social hierarchy. Subordinate males tended to disappear more often than dominant males did, but male residents did not hinder the settlement of male immigrants. Males may regulate their number by driving out the subordinate males, while females by spacing behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of caterpillar food supply on the breeding performance of a population of the Japanese great tit Parus major minor were investigated. Since more than 90% of the food items in our study site were caterpillars living on trees, we estimated the food availability using 20 frass traps per hectare. The sampling error of this method was about 10% on average, which was accurate enough to detect differences between territories. Food abundance at laying in each territory affected the timing of egg laying. However, food amount after hatching was correlated with clutch size. No relationship was found between fledgling quality and food availability, probably because the effects of local variation in food abundance could be canceled out by parental effort such as extending the foraging area. There was a significant negative correlation between the length of the nestling period and food availability. We suggest that parent tits decide the timing of fledging at the point where two factors, predation risk before fledging and additional improvement of nestling quality, are balanced. Food availability just after fledging affected the length of post-fledging parental care; it seems that fledglings in “poor” territories would have had difficulty in finding food and hence needed to depend on their parents longer than those in “rich” territories. Received: 10 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

We carried out DNA fingerprinting on 553 young (130 broods)great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundnaceus) in 1987–1991.In the study population, where 40% of the males become polygynous,there was a low frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPF).When data from all five years were pooled, 3.1% of the youngwere sired by extrapair males (EPF-males) and 5.4% of the broodscontained extrapair young. We found no cases of extrapair maternity;young with 6–17 mismatched DNA bands (n= 17) had highband sharing with their putative mothers (range = 0.52–0.72)but low band sharing with their putative fathers (range = 0.24–0.40).In broods exposed to EPF, on average 53% of the young were siredby EPF-males. We found the genetic father to each of the illegitimateyoung. In all cases the same EPF-male sired all extrapair youngin a brood. Broods containing EPF-young tended to be initiatedlate during the breeding season. Breeding attempts were ratherevenly distributed over two months, thus this breeding asynchronywould have facilitated EPFs. There was no difference in EPFfrequency between broods where the pair males had left theirfemales unguarded during parts of their fertile periods andbroods where males guarded throughout the fertile periods. Nestswith extrapair young had significantly shorter mean distanceto the closest male neighbor and more male neighbors within100 m than nests without extrapair young. We found no indicationthat females engaged in EPF to get parental care from the EPF-males,or because they were forced to copulate with extrapair males.The low frequency of EPF suggested that females did not seekgenetic diversity to their brood. We cannot rule out the possibilitythat females engaged in EPF to insure fertility. However, datasupporting this hypothesis were weak. Instead, our data supportthe conclusion that females engaged in EPF to increase the geneticquality of their offspring, and that females may have used malesong repertoire size as a cue when choosing EPF partners.  相似文献   

Foraging habitat selection of breeding great reed warblers was studied at a shore of Lake Biwa. The foraging grounds of parent warblers during the nesting period were not restricted to the breeding territory of the reed marsh, their nestling habitat. The paddy field outside the reed marsh was used communally by them throughout the breeding season. Females with early stage nestlings did not visit the paddy field whereas when nestlings were older than 3 days, more than half of their total food was collected there. Females with nests adjacent to the paddy field tended to exploit the paddy field more often than those with nests distant from it. Monogamously mated females tended to exploit the paddy field more often than polygynously mated females. Food collected in the paddy field was larger than that in the reed marsh and parent birds were prepared to travel longer distances to exploit the rich source of food in the paddy field. The importance of the communal foraging ground outside the reed marsh as a background of the polygynous mating system of this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Settlement of male great reed warblers in the breeding ground was highly asynchronous at Lake Biwa in Japan. It took over 1 month from the appearance of the first male to a saturation in number of males. In resource-defense-polygyny, males are expected to try to defend as large an area as possible in the optimal habitat. In fact, a small number of the earliest settling males divided up the breeding ground almost completely as territories among themselves and these were later reduced in size with the addition of later settlers. The reduction was not due to a seasonal decline of aggressiveness on the part of the owners but to a higher level of intrusion pressure by later arriving males. The neighbor-neighbor relationship, once established, was rather stable. Home range overlap was small and territorial contacts were few between neighbors. Territorial boundaries seem not to shift despite the addition of new males as long as the neighbors were the same. The stable relationships between neighbors are expected to help the earlier resident to maintain his large and good territories throughout the breeding season and hence polygyny is favored in this species.  相似文献   

While avian eggshell colouration has attracted biologists for decades, little is known about its variation within individuals. The main goal of this study was to explore within‐ and between‐season repeatability of eggshell appearance in the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. To achieve this, we measured eggshell reflectance of first and replacement clutches of individual females within one breeding season, and the reflectance of their first clutches in two following breeding seasons. As environmental conditions may affect egg colouration, repeatability was estimated from linear mixed‐effects models where we initially included temperature and rainfall during egg laying, as well as year, clutch order and egg‐laying date as fixed effects, and clutch identity nested in females as random effects. Eggshell appearance within clutches showed moderate repeatability, while both within‐ and between‐season repeatability in clutch colouration for individual females was low. Our findings indicate that low intra‐clutch variation may have a function within the context of brood parasitism, i.e. in facilitating host recognition of alien eggs. With variable eggs between successive clutches, however, host females may need to relearn the appearance of their eggs with every clutch they lay. This could represent a significant constraint for host egg‐discrimination abilities. Yet, whether environmental or intrinsic physiological factors are responsible for the variation in eggshell colouration between successive clutches of the same females still remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of forest fragmentation on the ability of parent birds to provide their young with an adequate food supply. To examine whether prey population densities of the great tit (Parus major L.) and the blue tit (P. caeruleus L.) vary between study areas in different forest size classes we compared provisioning rates and chick diet and related these parameters to breeding success. We filmed 217 nests over two breeding seasons and collected data on frass fall as a general estimate of caterpillar availability. Nests which were attended by none or one parent only during filming (n = 46) were excluded from the analyses. In both years and for both species feeding rates were highest in the smallest fragments and lowest in the large forest. There was also a suggestion that differences in feeding rates between areas vary between years. We found no consistent tendency for prey size to change with forest size, although both species brought slightly smaller prey items to the nest in the smallest forest fragments and feeding rates correlated negatively with prey size. Caterpillars were the main item fed to nestlings, in both species. We found no evidence to suggest that either frass fall or the proportion of caterpillars in the diet varied with forest size. There was also no correlation between mean frass fall and the total number of caterpillars brought to the nests, in either species. Breeding success, as measured by clutch size, brood size, fledging weight and fledging success, did not differ between the small fragments and the large forest, in either species. There was also no relationship between provisioning rate (as concerns volume of prey fed to nestlings and the quality of chick diet) and breeding success parameters. In conclusion, this study does not suggest suboptimal foraging or breeding conditions in small fragments compared to a nearby large forest, for either species. Received: 23 June 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Little is known about the development of infection of malaria parasites of the genus Plasmodium in wild birds. We used qPCR, targeting specific mitochondrial lineages of Plasmodium ashfordi (GRW2) and Plasmodium relictum (GRW4), to monitor changes in intensities of parasitemia in captive great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus from summer to spring. The study involved both naturally infected adults and experimentally infected juveniles. The experiment demonstrated that P. ashfordi and P. relictum lineages differ substantially in several life-history traits (e.g. prepatent period and dynamics of parasitemia) and that individual hosts show substantial differences in responses to these infections. The intensity of parasitemia of lineages in mixed infections co-varied positively, suggesting a control mechanism by the host that is general across the parasite lineages. The intensity of parasitemia for individual hosts was highly repeatable suggesting variation between the host individuals in their genetic or acquired control of the infections. In future studies, care must be taken to avoid mixed infections in wild caught donors, and when possible use mosquitoes for the experiments as inoculation of infectious blood ignores important initial stages of the contact between the bird and the parasite.  相似文献   

为研究近缘物种之间繁育系统分化对传粉环境的适应性意义,本文针对湖北地区的3种紫堇属植物(紫堇Corydalis edulis Maxim.、尖距紫堇C.shearer S.Moore.和小花黄堇C.racemosa(Thunb.) Pers.)进行了传粉生态学研究,对比分析了它们在花部特征、分布模式、花期、交配系统、传粉系统等方面的差异。3种紫堇属植物常见伴生现象,花期有一定重叠;花色、距长、花蜜量等方面均有显著差异;尖距紫堇交配系统为自交不亲和、依靠传粉者异花授粉;而紫堇和小花黄堇交配系统为自交亲和,兼有自交和异交的混合交配系统。3个物种均由蜂类传粉,且花部性器官与传粉者的接触部位一致,但访花频率差异较大。在混合群落中,传粉者访花具有较高的忠实性,花部特征差异可能是传粉者选择性访花的原因。对于紫堇属3个物种,花部特征和交配系统的分化有助于其避免传粉过程的相互干扰,交配系统与传粉环境具有一定相关性,混合交配系统可能有利于提高植物对不同生境和气候的适应性。  相似文献   

The risk of cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism for great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus nests was evaluated in respect to nest and nest site structure in the reedbeds along canals in central Hungary, In total 90 nests were analysed, from which 31 remained unparasitised. 37 were single parasitised and 22 multiple parasitised. Multiple discriminant analysis, based on eight structural variables, separated well the unparasitised clutches from the cases of single and multiple parasitism, but the latter two categories also showed a weaker separation. Nests close to cuckoo vantage points are most vulnerable to parasitism. The variable "distance from nest to closest available cuckoo perch site" (tree or electric wire) played the most important role in the risk of parasitism. It showed highly significant differences among the groups: lowest distances were found in the case of multiple parasitism, and the highest distances were measured when nests remained unparasitised. Additionally, "nest visibility" also showed significant differences among the three groups: a more visible nest is more likely to be parasitised. Risk of parasitism affects on the host on two levels: 1) female cuckoos search for nest-building hosts from a perch site, but 2) when they are in the act of parasitism, they can find more visible nests in the reed. Besides the robust effects of the variables "distance to cuckoo perch site" and "nest visibility", the variable "distance from nest to open water" may reduce, but "nest volume" increases the risk of multiple parasitism. Differences between cases of single and multiple parasitism are weak, mainly affected by chance. We explain it by the high abundance of the cuckoo, the parasitism rate was 65.6% (59/90), Cuckoos parasitised almost all of the available nests in the close vicinity of potential perch sites. There was no evidence that great reed warblers nested closer to each other when risk of parasitism was high.  相似文献   

大鸨繁殖期活动时间预算和日节律   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
赵匠  高玮  万冬梅  王海涛 《应用生态学报》2003,14(10):1705-1709
2000和2001年的4~7月连续两年,在内蒙古自治区科尔沁右翼前旗东南部的草原上,采用野外直接观察法对野生大鸨的活动时间预算和日节律进行了研究。结果表明,大鸨繁殖期的各种行为活动具有一定的时间分配,其时间预算存在着性别间的差异,同时随活动空间大小、食物条件以及繁殖阶段的不同而变化,在繁殖前期,大鸨的时间预算以取食、休息、行走、观察为主要行为,雄鸨和雌鸨的这4种行为分别占全部行为的87%和93%;到繁殖后期,雌鸨各种行为的时间和强度发生较大变化。大鸨在取食、休息和炫耀等行为上都存在不同程度的日节律,取食和炫耀出现两次高峰,中午大部分时间大鸨处于静栖休息状态。  相似文献   

We examined long-term responses in the breeding performance of the Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus to climate change. The study took place in various years from 1970 to 2007. During the study period, mean temperatures in the breeding season of the species increased and precipitation decreased significantly. We found evidence for the significant advancement in both earliest and annual median first-egg-laying dates. This advancement correlated with temperature increases early in the season. The latest first-egg laying dates, however, remained unchanged. Other breeding statistics: clutch size, nest losses, and production of young per nest, did not change significantly over the study period. Precipitation did not affect any of the analysed measures. It is important to note, though, that during dry seasons, the production of young per successful nest was higher. In contrast to some woodland species, the Great Reed Warbler seems to adapt well to climate change by shifting laying dates. The reason for this is probably to optimise food resources.  相似文献   

The behavior of females of the damselflyMnais pruinosa was observed in the breeding season. Males consisted of both territorial (esakii) and non-territorial (strigata) types in the study area. Females sometimes arrived at a stream for mating and oviposition. The staying time of females in the stream was 1–3 hours, while that of males was 5–8 hours. The proportion of the males that copulated with the females did not differ between the two male forms present in the stream. In the Calopterygidae, of which the females usually perform multiple copulation, oviposition without subsequent recopulation is considered to be advantageous for a mated male in order to avoid the risk of sperm displacement. From such a viewpoint, the time spent for oviposition was measured for females that arrived at the stream after copulation with different male forms. The ratio was 69.1: 11.5–30.9 betweenesakii andstrigata males. Assuming that the oviposition time is proportional to the number of fertilized eggs laid, this ratio would represent the relative reproductive success of the two male forms. In fact, the relative abundance of the two male forms was also biased in favor ofesakii males (61.7:38.3) in this population. The mechanism of coexistence of the two male forms is discussed in relation to their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Egg rejection behaviour towards parasitic eggs was studied in a great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus population in central Hungary, which was heavily (about 65%) parasitised by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus . Clutches were experimentally parasitised during the egg-laying period with artificial, moderately mimetic cuckoo eggs or with conspecific eggs that were good mimics of the hosts' eggs. Great reed warblers rejected 76.2% of the artificial cuckoo eggs, mainly by ejection, but accepted most of the conspecific eggs (87.5%). Cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were rejected at a lower rate (32%). When, in addition to the egg mimicry experiments, a stuffed cuckoo was placed near the nest, accompanied by the recording of a female cuckoo call, hosts' rejection rate of the artificial cuckoo egg increased from 76% to 96%. The sight of the cuckoo, on the other hand, did not influence host's rejection behaviour when a conspecific egg was used in the experiment. A stuffed collared dove Streptopelia decaocto , accompanied by its call, was used as a control, and did not cause any increased rejection. Great reed warblers were more aggressive towards the cuckoo than to the dove dummy. When the cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were exchanged with artificial cuckoo eggs, we observed no increase in the rejection rate. We conclude that great reed warblers in our heavily parasitised population are capable of detecting brood parasitism in their clutch by identifying the parasitic egg. The efficiency of this identification depends mainly on the mimicry of the foreign egg. The sight of the cuckoo at the nest may increase rejection rate by stimulus summation, and this conditional effect is mainly affected by the degree of mimicry of the parasitic egg.  相似文献   

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