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Effects of niche shift in ecological time scale on the population dynamics of competing species were studied in the experimental populations of two parasitoid wasp species, Anisopteromalus calandrae and Heterospilus prosopidis (both are solitary parasites), on a host, the azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis. Four resource conditions were set up with combination of kind of bean (azuki or black eye), and host distribution (uniform or clumped). In each resource condition, four developmental stages of hosts were provided as a resource spectrum for parasitoid wasps. Population dynamics of the two wasp populations were investigated in each resource condition in Multi-Generation Competitive Systems (MGCS), in which fresh hosts of four developmental stages were periodically introduced and were parasitized competitively by the two wasp species. Competitive coexistence of both wasps occurred in the azuki-clumped condition, where the peaks of the resource utilization curves separated in the two species; pupae in A. calandrae and the early or late fourth instar in H. prosopidis, A. calandrae was eliminated in the azuki-uniform condition and H. prosopidis went extinct in two black eye conditions irrespective of host distributions. The degrees of overlap of the resource utilization patterns of the two wasp species during population dynamics were not significantly different among resource conditions irrespective of the results of coexistence or extinction. Even in the azuki-clumped condition, however, extinction of A. calandrae was observed when resource partitioning could not be realized with only the late fourth instar larvae available to wasps. Further analytical experiments showed that parasitizing ability of A. calandrae increased with host density per bean with azuki beans, but A. calandrae could express higher parasitizing ability with black eye beans than H. prosopidis irrespective of host density per bean. The flexibility in parasitizing ability by A. calandrae for various host stages under different resource conditions was thought to be the major factor in determining the competitive coexistence or the extinction of either species under different resource conditions. The present experiments also suggested that different second-best host stages between competitors could be a major contributing factor to competitive coexistence.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a stage-structured competitive population model with two life stages, immature and mature, with a mature population of harvesting. We obtain conditions for the existence of a globally asymptotically stable positive equilibrium and a threshold of harvesting for the mature population. The optimal harvesting of the mature population is also considered.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi from the genera Beauveria and Metarhizium, were isolated from soil using the Galleria mellonella baiting method, and from infected white grub larvae from a diversity of cropping systems in Puebla and Guanajuato, Mexico. Isolates were identified to species level using Bloc and Elongation Factor 1-α sequence information. Although widespread, Beauveria bassiana (41 isolates) was only isolated from soil and not from infected white grubs. In contrast, Beauveria pseudobassiana (six isolates) was predominantly isolated from white grub larvae (only one isolate from soil). Haplotype analysis of B. bassiana Bloc sequences identified 25 haplotypes indicating substantial genetic diversity; neither geographical origin nor crop type explained this genetic variation. Metarhizium brunneum (three isolates) and Metarhizium robertsii (17 isolates) were also only isolated from soil, while Metarhizium anisopliae (six isolates) and Metarhizium pingshaense (four isolates) were only isolated from white grub larvae. M. anisopliae was only found infecting Paranomala species while M. pingshaense was only found infecting Phyllophaga species. Species diversity in Metarhizium was influenced by crop type. Our results showed that entomopathogenic fungi species could co-exist in the same soil ecosystem but in separate niches. The potential ecological roles of these species are discussed.  相似文献   

Dibrachys boarmiae was recently found as a parasitoid of the pistachio twig borer moth, Kermania pistaciella, an important pistachio pest in Iran. Several biological and behavioural aspects of the wasp were studied under controlled conditions using three different lepidopterous host species, K. pistaciella, Sitotroga cerealella and Galleria mellonella. Development time from egg to adult decreases from 54 days at 15°C to 12.6 days at 32.5°C. The thermal constant was estimated 270°D, and the lower development threshold was at 9.9°C. Longevity of females that had the opportunity to oviposit and access to food (honey) was on average 23 days, and 134 offspring were produced during 13 days of oviposition. Ninety percent of ovipositions occur during the first 10 days of the parasitoid's life, although no pre-oviposition period was found. If females were deprived of food, longevity as well as fecundity, were drastically reduced to 8 days and only 79 offspring respectively. Females were able to mate immediately after emergence and the sex ratio of the progeny was strongly female biased on all examined hosts, especially on the largest host G. mellonella (0.08 male). When females were kept with a male throughout their life, the total number of progeny decreased to 92 wasps on average but the sex ratio was unaffected. The parasitoid significantly preferred to attack the pre-pupal stage, and this influenced the size of clutches allocated to different host stages. The parasitoid laid larger clutches on bigger hosts.  相似文献   

Some paleonanthropologists invoke the competitive exclusion principle programmatically in support of a single-species (or lineage) hypothesis of hominid evolution. Others apparently accept the association between competitive exclusion and a single species view, and develop multi-species interpretations using only taxonomic concepts. This paper demonstrates that the competitive exclusion principle itself is too assumption-bound to be appropriate for analyzing questions of hominid coexistence. Especially, the principle does not establish the ecological validity of the single-species hypothesis. Contrary to its immediate appearances, the principle has developed historically and analytically to predict and explain the evolution and maintenance of diversity in communities. Used in this manner it constitutes an important basis for the study of hominid paleoecology. Niche concepts necessary to demonstrate this are introduced, and competition and other factors that may have influenced the realized niches of sympatric hominid species are discussed. Nearly all modifications of the competitive exclusion principle that make it more realistic also illuminate factors that generate stable coexistence among competing species. These factors and their organizing theory establish the relevance of a broad data base to the analysis of hominid paleoecology; they should help to guide research on the ecology of early homonid species and their interrelationships.  相似文献   

Summary The classical Volterra equations modelling three species predatorprey interactions are considered with the intention of developing global properties of their solutions. Thirty-four different cases are exhibited. Global asymptotic stability is established for all non-loop cases. Global boundedness is established for all but one kind of loop case, and a condition is exhibited which insures boundedness for that case also. Finally a particular case is shown to have unbounded solutions.  相似文献   

以白桦、日阴菅及其它主要草本植物的个体数量为指标,分析了各植物种群在土壤有机质,速效P和pH值3个资源维上的生态位宽度和生态位重叠及其在不同海拔条件下的变化规律。日阴菅生态位宽度随海拔升高而增大,其余植物种类在有机质资源维上的生态位宽度,大都是以中等海拔(800m)的样带最宽,而在速效P资源维上,又以中等海拔的样带为最窄,由于高海拔及相应低气温在某种程度上限制了植物种群在土壤有机质和速效P的利用,主要植物种对之间在这两个资源维上的生态位重叠以高海拔(950m)样带为最小,在土壤pH值资源维上,溪荪与其它主要植物种间的生态位重叠皆以低海拔(650m)样带为最小,可能是其特殊的环境组合迫使溪荪发生了生态位移动,大多数种对在土壤有机质,速效P和pH值3个资源维上都以海拔800m的样带生态位重叠最大。  相似文献   

气候变化是影响物种分布和多样性的主要原因之一,越来越受到人们的关注。本研究从世界气候网站下载了19个气候因子数据,通过网上查阅和实地考察获取檫木(Sassafras tzumu Hemsl.)分布数据共233个,使用ArcGIS 10.2和MaxEnt 3.3.2对檫木不同时期分布格局进行模拟,推测檫木末次冰期和2070年分布格局。研究结果显示,檫木当前分布主要受最干季度降水量、最湿月降水量、温度季节变化和最湿季度平均温度影响。此外,横断山脉、武夷山、天目山和大巴山周边是檫木末次冰期的4个主要分布地区。对当前和2070年模拟结果表明,檫木的适生区整体缩小并向北方移动。表明随着当前气候变化及工业快速发展,在短短几十年时间内对檫木分布格局的影响与过去两万年的相当。  相似文献   

基于对山西陵川县境内野生南方红豆杉群落的样地调查,采用总体相关性VR检验、Pearson相关系数、Spearman秩相关系数和生态位测度方法,在群落尺度上对南方红豆杉群落的种间联结性和生态位特征进行了研究。结果显示:(1)南方红豆杉(Taxus chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.var.mairei(Lemee et Levl.)Cheng et L.K.Fu)、荆条(Vitex negundo L.var.heterophylla(Franch.)Rehd.)、鹅耳枥(Carpinus turczaninowii Hance)、连翘(Forsythia suspensa(Thunb.)Vahl)和三裂绣线菊(Spiraea trilobata L.)的重要值和生态位宽度较大,为群落中的建群种和优势种;(2)物种间生态位重叠指数总体偏高,种间竞争较强,尤其是南方红豆杉与其他物种之间;(3)群落总体呈显著负联结,大多数种对间呈中性关联(χ23.84,P0.05);(4)群落中物种间的Pearson相关系数、Spearman秩相关系数与生态位重叠指数之间表现为极显著的正相关(P0.01),而生态位宽度与生态位重叠指数之间未表现出线性关系,即物种间的竞争关系随种间关联性的增大而增强,而与生态位宽度没有直接关系。本研究可为保护和利用本区现有野生南方红豆杉资源提供合理的理论支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract. Several factors may define the cause and pattern of variation in competitive ability among individuals within a plant community. Variation may be a consequence of genetic or environmental variability. These two sources of variation may vary in their relative magnitudes. The relevant scale of genetic variation may occur at the individual genotype level or at the species level. The relevant scale of environmental variation may occur at the individual plant level or at the neighbourhood (or community) level. Relative competitive abilities may be effected by genotype-environment interaction or by genotype-genotype (or species-species) interaction. The complex relationship among these factors reveals the mechanistic basis for establishing a clear distinction among five specific hypotheses for species coexistence and diversity that are all variations of the general hypothesis that competitive abilities do not differ sufficiently among coexisting species to cause any competitive exclusion at the community level. These hypotheses are compared in terms of the degree to which they are restricted by assumptions and supported by existing data, and in the extent to which they involve evolutionary consequences of competition.  相似文献   

荒漠草原蝗虫营养生态位及种间食物竞争模型的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以宁夏荒漠草原 1 2种蝗虫为对象 ,对荒漠草原蝗虫的营养生态位和种间食物竞争模型进行了研究 .采用嗉囊内含物分析技术分析了 1 2种蝗虫的取食特性和食物利用谱 ,并根据嗉囊内含物的分析结果 ,定量研究了蝗虫的营养生态位重叠和宽度 .依据生态位分化的特点 ,1 2种蝗虫可划分为 4个不同营养需求类群 :杂草取食者、杂草 禾草取食者、禾草 杂草取食者、禾草取食者 .通过蝗虫的取食频率、生物量以及种群密度 ,提出了蝗虫种间食物竞争力评估模型 ,对 1 2种蝗虫种间食物竞争的作用力进行了讨论 .  相似文献   

We evaluated herbivory tolerance and competitive ability within twodominant : subordinate pairs of C4, perennial grasses at each of twosites to determine the contribution of these processes to herbivore-inducedspecies replacement. Herbivory tolerance was assessed by cumulative regrowthfrom defoliated plants of each species and competitive ability was evaluated byrelative uptake of a 15N isotope placed into the soil between pairedspecies in the field. Herbivory tolerance was similar for the dominant andsubordinate species in both plant pairs and defoliation intensity had a greaterinfluence on herbivory tolerance than did defoliation pattern. Both specieswithin the Sorghastrum nutans : Schizachyriumscoparium pairs exhibited comparable nitrogen acquisition from a15N enriched pulse with or without defoliation. In contrast,S. scoparium acquired more 15N than did itssubordinate neighbor, Bothriochloa laguroides when thisspecies pair was undefoliated. Uniform defoliation of this species pair at adefoliation intensity removing 70% of the shoot mass accentuated this responsefurther demonstrating the greater competitive ability of the dominant comparedto the subordinate species. Although the 90% defoliation intensity reducednitrogen acquisition by the dominant relative to the subordinate species,B. laguroides, it did not reduce nitrogen acquisition bythe dominant below that of the subordinate neighbor. The occurrence of similarherbivory tolerance among dominant and subordinate species indicates thatselective herbivory suppressed the greater competitive ability, rather than thegreater herbivory tolerance, of the dominant grasses in this experimentaldesign. These data suggest that interspecific competitive ability may be ofequal or greater importance than herbivory tolerance in mediatingherbivore-induced species replacement in mesic grasslands and savannas.  相似文献   

James W. Haefner 《Oecologia》1988,77(1):107-117
Summary Using published data, a Monte Carlo approach was used to determine if niche shifts in communities of Anolis lizards have occurred within two islands in the Greater Antilles. Communities at 4 sites on Puerto Rico and 4 sites on Jamaica were randomly assembled using resource-use data from any of the 4 sites with the constraint that the species list of the random community was identical to that observed for each site. The observed niche structure and that of the randomly assembled community were compared at each site. The null hypothesis tested was that one of several functions of niche overlap did not produce lower values in the observed communities compared to those randomly assembled. The sensitivity of this method to details of the analysis was investigated by using 5 variations on the procedure for quantifying the niche structure of the communities. I investigated the effects of (1) using Pianka's versus Levins' metric of niche overlap, (2) using complete resource-use data versus the marginals of the distributions, (3) asymmetric responses to overlap due to size differences between overlapping species, (4) using estimated electivities versus the observed proportional use of resource states, and (5) methods of niche analysis based on different degrees of biological resolution (e.g., community-wide statistics versus individual species responses). The results of the simulations and statistical comparisons did not provide a clear, unambiguous answer to the question of the occurrence of niche shifts. Statistical evidence for niche shifts was more frequently detected using Levins' metric compared to Pianka's, and shifts were easier to detect using high biological resolution (examination of individual species) compared to community-wide measures of niche structure response.  相似文献   

竞争能够塑造自然群落并由其给出可用备择模型检验的一般性聚集规则。关于多种动物集合的竞争结构证据至今还非常少见,我们给出了一个备择模型分析用于检验印度西部热带干旱森林中当地5种大型食草类动物(花鹿Axisaxis,印度大蓝羚Boselaphustragocamelus,水鹿Cervusunicolor,印度瞪羚Gazellabennetti,野猪Susscrofa)是否符合一般性集合规则。使用蒙特卡罗模拟分析了动物的生态位重叠和身体大小比率的类似性,结果表明当地这些种的集合不是竞争结构决定的,其内部阶元结构处于亚最适种丰富度。另外2种有蹄类(印度黑羚Antilopecervicapra,四角羚羊Tetracerusquadricornis)属于地域性种库的组成部分,但缺失于这种集合;身体大小组合在地域性物种集合中不是随机的,然而在当地集合中能够通过随机性机会获得。对于观察到的类型,我们认为由于灭绝留下的统计学空缺似乎最能解释现存集合。由于天敌(大型食肉类)能够减少猎物物种的种间竞争,使得这种无规则生态位配置具有成立的可能性。由于对四角羚羊(T.quadricornis)的生物学和保护现状知之甚少,未将该种包括在该聚集中。我认为对这类较少被人类了解的物种其保护问题被忽视了,今后获得这些稀少的地方特有物种的生态学资料是一项紧急课题.  相似文献   

The life cycle and host range of Charidotis pygmaea Klug were investigated to assess its suitability for release as a biological control agent for Lantana camara L. and L. montevidensis (Sprengel) Briquet. Adults fed and deposited eggs on the underside of leaves of both species. They generally laid fewer eggs in the dry winter months when lantana yellows or drops its leaves. Larvae fed on the upper leaf surface and pupation occurred on the leaves or stems. Development from egg to adult took approximately 50 days. Survival to the adult stage was greater, and the development time was shorter on L. montevidensis than on all varieties of L. camara tested, suggesting that the agent would be ineffective against L. camara. Forty-two plant species were tested to determine host specificity in choice oviposition and larval feeding trials. These demonstrated that C. pygmaea did not pose a threat to non-target species. Consequently, C. pygmaea was approved for release in Australia and through its ability to survive the dry season, should assist in the control of L. montevidensis.  相似文献   

The genus Heterobasidion includes some of the most important pathogens of conifers in the world, and as such it is one of the most intensely studied genera of fungi. Because of the remarkable paucity of distinguishing morphological traits, the taxonomy of species within this genus has always been problematic. A partial resolution of the taxonomic issues regarding this genus was achieved by defining the most important and first described species within it, Heterobasidion annosum, as a species complex containing at least two partially intersterile biological species defined as intersterility groups (ISGs). With time, the number of ISGs has increased to include at least two distinct North American and three distinct Eurasian ISGs. Two additional, yet unnamed, taxonomic groups within Heterobasidion have been recently described in Japan. ISGs are distinguishable either by minor morphological differences, by partial intersterility, by ecological traits including host preference, and/or by their geographic range. Several studies employing a variety of molecular tools and analyses have confirmed the distinct genetic divergence among ISGs, identifying each of them as a monophyletic group. Using genetic markers, genotypes can always be unambiguously assigned to one ISG, and very few inter-ISG hybrids have been identified. In this paper, we summarize the available information, both genetic and ecological, that differentiates the two North American ISGs from each other and from other taxonomic units within the genus. We demonstrate that morphometric characteristics such as pore density and pore shape differentiate the two ISGs. Based on the cumulative genetic, ecological, and morphological evidence, we propose a disposition of ISGs of the North American H. annosum by replacing the P ISG with Heterobasidion irregulare, and the S ISG with Heterobasidion occidentale.  相似文献   

大黄花虾脊兰生境特征及生存群落物种生态位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大黄花虾脊兰(Calanthe sieboldii Decne.)已被列入《全国极小种群野生植物拯救保护工程规划》,是亟待拯救的极小种群物种之一。为弄明其生境特征及生存群落中的种间关系,对分布于安徽泾县的大黄花虾脊兰进行全面调查,以18个样地内22个样方数据为基础,应用Levins和Hurlbert生态位宽度公式和生态位重叠公式,对其生存群落内草本层主要物种的生态位及其生境特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)大黄花虾脊兰分布于泾县桃岭村地带,呈聚集分布,主要分布于靠近河边的陡崖下,分布地点较为空旷,且没有强光直射。(2)在大黄花虾脊兰生存小群落内,其优势地位明显,草本层主要物种之间普遍存在生态位重叠,但重叠程度较低,物种之间竞争并不强烈,资源可以较充分共享,群落草本层处于稳定状态。  相似文献   

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