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北京市房山区植被丰富,以暖温带落叶阔叶林为主,并混生温带针叶林,表现出明显的垂直地带性分布。通过对北京市房山区进行野生植物资源调查,统计出共有野生植物80科,259属,409种,同时分析了房山区野生植物资源在园林中的潜在应用价值;另外,通过对比相关濒危植物资料,总结出房山区的濒危植物21种,并就重点保护植物保护策略进行探讨。  相似文献   

The edible wild plants are greatly valued throughout the Himalayan region and serve as an important source of food for indigenous communities. This paper describes the botanical richness, elevational distribution and dietary use of the edible wild plant resources from the Sikkim Himalaya (Eastern Himalaya), many with promising potential. A total of 190 wild plant species have been screened from the Sikkim Himalaya, this derived from 143 genera and 78 families and accounting for nearly 15% of total edible wild plants resources of India. Of the total, 65% were edible for their fruits, 22% for leaves/shoots, 7% for flowers and 3% for roots/ rhizomes. Nearly 91 wild edible species were recorded from low-hills, 70 from mid-hills and 28 species from high-hill areas. Within Sikkim state, the North and East districts represent maximum diversity of edible wild plants due to the wilderness and inaccessibility to most of the habitats. An average rural family annually consumes nearly 8 types of edible wild plants, and a few species provide over five meals in a season. Selected plants also form a source of earning to a few families that sell them in local markets. It is suggested that the high diversity of edible plants needs to be conserved for future use. Some species may be grown in traditional agroforestry systems and on marginal lands of otherwise low agricultural value. Such measures may help protect wild plant resources in their natural habitats.  相似文献   

中国农业野生植物原生境保护现状及建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的农业野生植物十分丰富,约有1.5万种,从2001年开始实施了农业野生植物原生境保护,目前已建成或正在建设的原生境保护区(点)共20个.然而,由于该项研究起步比较晚,势必存在不足之处,就此提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

中国粮食作物的野生近缘植物及其保存概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的主要粮食作物约有20种,它们的多数都有野生近缘植物.目前,中国保存的粮食作物野生近缘植物资源约1.5万份,分别保存在国家作物种质资源库和种质圃内.  相似文献   

三峡库区珍稀濒危植物资源保护对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了三峡库区珍稀濒危植物资源现状。针对三峡库区珍稀濒危植物资源所面临的各种生态和社会问题,提出了相应的保护对策。这些对策包括对部分珍稀濒危植物实行迁地保护,加强种质资源保护,建立珍稀特有植物的专项或综合保护区,建立珍稀特有植物资源的环境监测体系。加强科研和宣教工作,保护珍稀濒危植物的现有生境和恢复植被等。  相似文献   

中国的农业野生植物原生境保护区(点)建设   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
中国的农业野生植物十分丰富,从2001年开始实施了农业野生植物原生境保护区(点)的建设,2001-2003年已经建成或正在建设的原生境保护区(点)共2 0个.本文论述了农业野生植物原生境保护区(点)的选择、实施和管理,并针对目前存在的问题,提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

陇东子午岭林区野生有毒植物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过三年的调查研究,首次报道了子午岭野生有毒维管植物66科127属170种.其中乔木10科 16属19种;灌木11科14属16种;木质藤本4科5属5种;多年生草本32科63属85种;一、二年生草本22科33属37科;草质藤本7科8属8种.并介绍了子午岭林区野生有毒植物的开发利用与保护建议.  相似文献   

福建闽江源自然保护区野生经济植物资源   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
闽江源自然保护区位于福建省建宁县。区内有野生维管束植物168科635属1058种20亚种(或变种),按其经济用途分为11类,即纤维植物、鞣料植物、芳香植物、油脂植物、淀粉植物、观赏植物、蜜源植物、树脂及胶用植物、色素植物、药用植物和国家重点保护的珍稀濒危植物。本文还分析各属的区系成分,并对保护区植物资源的利用提出建议。  相似文献   

重庆市野生重点保护植物资源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重庆市位于中国西南部三峡库区中心地带。境内海拔差异较大 ,北有大巴山 ,东有巫山 ,南有大娄山 ,西部为起伏和缓的丘陵。长江自西向东流贯全境 ,乌江和嘉陵江为重庆市境内长江的两大支流 ,地处热带与温带区系交错渗透的地带 ,气候温和 ,降水充沛 ,加之第四纪冰川时期没有直接受到北方大陆冰川的严重侵袭和破坏 ,为植物提供了良好的生存繁衍条件。因此 ,重庆市境内植物种类异常丰富。据调查统计 ,全市有高等植物 80 0 0余种 ,模式植物 80 0余种 ,保存着较多的珍稀濒危保护植物[1~ 3 ] 。作者对重庆市珍稀濒危植物进行了系统调查 ,旨在为其…  相似文献   

药用植物野生资源的保护正受到学界乃至全社会的广泛关注。本研究通过收集华中地区(包括湖南、湖北和河南三省)的49个国家级自然保护区的科学考察报告、多样性研究报告以及其他相关文献资料, 结合第四次全国中药资源普查数据, 建立了华中地区国家级自然保护区内药用维管植物数据库, 并评估了这些保护区对华中地区药用维管植物的保护成效。研究发现: 华中地区国家级自然保护区内分布有6,071种药用维管植物, 就地保护比例为81.93%; 其中特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为1,479种、224种和448种, 三者受保护比例分别为87.98%、78.87%和91.80%。有32.16%的药用维管植物(2,383种, 特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为644种、119种和69种)仅分布于1-5个自然保护区中。森林生态系统类型的自然保护区对不同类群药用植物的保护效果均最好。神农架、金童山、莽山、星斗山及湖南舜皇山5个保护区是所有、特有以及受威胁药用植物物种多样性的热点地区, 是华中地区药用植物保护的重要区域。总体上, 华中地区现有国家级自然保护区较好地覆盖了该地区的药用维管植物, 但药用维管植物的就地保护仍不容懈怠。建议加强对该区域保护空缺物种的野外动态监测和保护。  相似文献   

西藏墨脱的植物资源调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1990年秋作者对西藏墨脱进行了近3个月的野外考察,现将结果简述如下: 一、墨脱的自然地理环境 墨脱位于西藏东南部,东喜马拉雅南翼,93°44′~96°08′E,27°33′~29°40′N,面积约30000km~2。雅鲁藏布江大拐弯后贯穿境内,南与印度东北部阿萨姆平原热带雨林接壤。地形复杂,流水侵蚀强烈,峡谷深切,地势北高南低,西北部的南迦巴瓦峰海拔7756m,南部海拔仅200~500m,是一个较完整的地貌单元。降水充沛,年降水量2000mm以上,中印边境则在4000mm以上,多集中在7~9月份热带北界伸入境内北纬29°,县城年均温15℃,低海拔地区最热月平均气温22~23℃。  相似文献   

蒋能  宁世江  盘波  沈晓琳 《广西植物》2012,32(4):494-500
为了解广西境内蕴藏的野生阴生观赏植物资源及珍贵种质,采取野外实地考察及标本采集鉴定相结合的方法,对广西全境分布的阴生和半阴生观赏植物资源进行研究。结果表明:广西野生阴生观赏植物有5个基本特点:种类丰富(162科485属1309种)、种质资源珍贵(珍稀植物195种,广西特有植物136种)、生长基质多样(喜钙植物、喜酸植物和中间类型植物)、草本性状比值显著(草本植物约占总种数的66.1%)、野生资源贮藏量的多寡悬殊性。6个主要野生阴生观赏类群为:蕨类植物(43科240种)、兰科(37属126种)、百合科(21属82种)、苦苣苔科(17属63种)、秋海棠科(1属43种)、天南星科(12属30种)。研究结果可为合理开发利用广西野生阴生观赏植物资源提供参考。  相似文献   

Background: Large areas of heathland landscapes in Galicia, north-west Spain, have traditionally been extensively grazed by free-ranging cattle and wild ponies. Recently, a large reduction in the number of these larger herbivores has been observed, with unknown consequences for the habitat.

Aims: To evaluate the effects of grazing and herbivore density on plant diversity, community composition and vegetation structure of the endemic wet heathlands dominated by Erica mackayana in Galicia.

Methods: Field sampling of vascular plants, generalised linear models (GLMs), non-metric multidimensional distance scaling (NMDS).

Results: Grazed sites had significantly higher total and rare species richness and diversity than ungrazed sites. Higher densities of cattle resulted in lower numbers of rare species, while wild pony density had no effect on rare species richness. In grazed sites, vegetation was lower with greater variation in height, resulting in greater heterogeneity of the habitat. Precipitation and summer temperatures were related to plant diversity, mainly beta diversity. Soil organic matter negatively correlated with rare species.

Discussion: Grazing, mostly by wild ponies, was demonstrated to be positively related to plant diversity and vegetation structure. Lack of grazing or high cattle densities resulted in a negative effect on total and rare species richness and diversity. Future climate change may negatively affect heathland plant diversity. Galician wild ponies represent a unique case of sustainable management of a wild species and an invaluable cultural heritage. Moreover, they have a significant role in maintaining the endemic E. mackayana heathlands, what would justify specific conservation actions for these large herbivores.  相似文献   

石松类和蕨类植物是维管植物的第二大类群, 其起源可追溯到4亿年前。在被子植物出现之前, 石松类和蕨类植物在古地球生态系统中占主导地位, 其重要性一直延续到现在。自20世纪40年代开始, 中国石松类和蕨类植物研究就令世界瞩目, 尤其是2017年第19届国际植物学大会在中国深圳召开后的5年时间里, 中国石松类和蕨类植物研究更是面向世界、走向国际, 研究更为广泛的科学问题, 在物种多样性、保护、系统演化和生态适应性等方面取得了一系列重要研究进展。2017-2022年, 多个中国研究团队利用多组学数据构建了世界石松类和蕨类植物科级水平的生命之树并提出了关键性状孢子囊环带演化的新模式; 解决了石松类和蕨类植物中目级、科级、属级和种级众多关键的系统分类学等问题, 发表了106个新分类群; 开展了大量的植物区系调查和研究, 出版了6部中国石松类和蕨类植物多样性专著和1部世界性专著; 对65种国家重点保护的石松类和蕨类植物进行了迁地保护, 同时实现了桫椤科、水蕨属(Ceratopteris)、观音座莲属(Angiopteris)和鹿角蕨(Platycerium wallichii)等重点保护类群的孢子繁殖; 在系统发育框架下, 研究了石松类和蕨类植物的生态修复功能和生态适应性演化。通过对2017-2022年研究成果的总结和思考, 本文对未来石松类和蕨类植物的发展提出以下建议: (1)提高中国寡型科属以及世界性大科大属的关注力度; (2)加强西藏、四川等薄弱地区石松类和蕨类植物的调查研究, 并结合新技术, 如DNA条形码等以提高区系调查中物种鉴别的效率和准确性; (3)运用多学科交叉的研究方法厘清各科、属、种间系统关系的同时, 还应加强系统和生态适应性演化之间的协同研究; (4)关注石松类和蕨类植物系统位置作为陆生维管植物演化起点的共性科学问题; (5)加强石松类和蕨类植物系统分类学与生态学、植物化学、保护生物学等学科间交叉合作研究。  相似文献   

目前我国人均占有的水、土资源少的情况下,既加强水土保持,恢复原有的生态系统,又为山区经济发展创造条件,以达到人与自然的和谐发展的工作中,野生经济植物资源的合理利用有着特别重要的作用。第一,许多好的经济植物是当地的乡土植物,适应当地的气候、土壤条件,稍加人工抚育即可成活、生长和取得较好的效益。第二,实行谁种植、谁管理、谁受益的制度,管理的投入可以从收入中提取,以减少国家对水土流失治理的投入。第三,发展优良的经济植物,也给全社会增加吃、穿、用的各种物质资源,有些可以出口创汇,增加国家财富积累。发展山区野生经济植物,对治理水土流失和增加农民收入都有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Two types of selection operate (and complement each other) in plants under domestication: (a) conscious or intentional selection applied by the growers for traits of interest to them; (b) unconscious or automatic selection brought about by the fact that the plants concerned were taken from their original wild habitats and placed in new (and usually very different) human-made or human-managed environments. The shift in the ecology led automatically to drastic changes in selection pressures. Numerous adaptations vital for survival in the wild environments lost their fitness under the new sets of conditions. New traits were automatically selected, resulting in the build-up of characteristic “domestication syndromes,” each fitting the specific agricultural environment provided by the farmer. The present paper assesses the evolutionary consequences of the introduction of the wild plants into several sets of contrasting farming situations. These include: (a) the type of maintenance applied, whether seed planting or vegetative propagation; (b) the plant organs for which the crop has been grown, whether they are reproductive parts or vegetative parts; (c) the impact of the system of tilling, sowing, and reaping on the evolution of grain crops; (d) the impact of the horticultural environment on fruit crops.  相似文献   

Several Mesoamerican crops constitute wild‐to‐domesticated complexes generated by multiple initial domestication events, and continuous gene flow among crop populations and between these populations and their wild relatives. It has been suggested that the domestication of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) started in the northwest of the Yucatán Peninsula, from where it spread to other regions inside and outside of Mexico. We tested this hypothesis by assembling chloroplast genomes of 23 wild, landraces, and breeding lines (transgene‐introgressed and conventional). The phylogenetic analysis showed that the evolutionary history of cotton in Mexico involves multiple events of introgression and genetic divergence. From this, we conclude that Mexican landraces arose from multiple wild populations. Our results also revealed that their structural and functional chloroplast organizations had been preserved. However, genetic diversity decreases as a consequence of domestication, mainly in transgene‐introgressed (TI) individuals (π = 0.00020, 0.00001, 0.00016, 0, and 0, of wild, TI‐wild, landraces, TI‐landraces, and breeding lines, respectively). We identified homologous regions that differentiate wild from domesticated plants and indicate a relationship among the samples. A decrease in genetic diversity associated with transgene introgression in cotton was identified for the first time, and our outcomes are therefore relevant to both biosecurity and agrobiodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Coffea arabica, the wild ancestor of all commercial Arabica coffee cultivars worldwide, is endemic to the montane rainforests of Ethiopia. These forests, which harbour the most important C. arabica gene pool, are threatened by increasing anthropogenic disturbance, potentially altering the mating patterns, pollen dispersal and maintenance of genetic diversity in C. arabica understorey populations. We genotyped 376 adult coffee shrubs and 418 progenies from three natural unmanaged, and three highly managed coffee populations, using 24 microsatellite markers. Mating system analysis of C. arabica yielded an overall multilocus outcrossing rate of 76%, which contrasts with the common knowledge that C. arabica is a predominantly selfing species. In highly managed coffee populations, paternity could be assigned to 78% of the progenies, whereas in the unmanaged natural coffee populations, only 57% of the progenies could be assigned to a father, indicating reduced long‐distance pollen dispersal in managed forests. Furthermore, the fraction of selfed progenies was significantly higher in managed (23%) than unmanaged (10%) coffee forests. Finally, the lack of spatial genetic structure in all studied populations suggests high seed dispersal in unmanaged populations, and intense berry harvesting and coffee planting in the managed populations. Our results imply that in situ conservation of the wild gene pool of C. arabica must focus on limiting intensification of coffee forest management, as decreased pollen dispersal and increased selfing in C. arabica in intensively managed populations may increase the risk of genetic erosion. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 76–88.  相似文献   

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