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This paper is based on research amongst a community of marginalised Hindu women in the holy city of Vārānas? in North India. It focuses on a case study in which an abandoned baby girl, who was found on the banks of the Ganges by one of these women, subsequently could be created as a living goddess. It describes and analyses the manner in which such a religious belief was generated and sustained in this community but, more importantly, how the complex social and psychological processes through which the generation of such a belief enabled many of these marginalised women to sustain a self‐understanding—assailed by powerful rival status groups—of being imbued with power (?akti) like their goddess. Further, women were described to me, by men and by women, as being in themselves specific kinds of ?aktis. During the course of my field research, it became apparent that the ?akti of Hindu females of all ages is understood, at various levels of consciousness, to be an immense and accessible reservoir of power. Hence, this paper explores how ?akti offers others opportunities, by annexing it, to fulfill various kinds of desires.  相似文献   

The population-specific orientation of two groups of blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla), one from southwest Germany, the other from easternmost Austria, was studied outdoors in Emlen funnels. We investigated whether a seasonal shift in the migratory direction — as expected for the Austrian birds from ringing recoveries — occurs under experimental conditions and in a seasonally constant magnetic field. The West German birds, for which no shift was expected, oriented southwest during the entire season. The Austrian birds oriented southeast in October and southsouthwest in November. The clockwise shift by about 60° occurred within a 10-day period. The results indicate that in this species seasonal changes of migratory direction are probably based on an endogenous program, occur without the birds actually migrating and are independent of changes in the magnetic field. Our results provide further evidence that directional shifts in Sylvia warblers may be controlled by a different mechanism than in pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca).  相似文献   

WIRTH, ALFRED, AND BERIT STEINMETZ. Gender differences in changes in subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat during weight reduction: an ultrasound study. Obes Res. 1998;6:393–399. Objective : In weight-reducing programs, men usually display greater improvement in metabolic risk factors than women. This gender difference may be related to enhanced weight and fat loss due to a greater energy deficit in men. To clarify the relationship between changes in metabolic profile, body fat composition, and weight loss, both sexes were studied under a regimen in which similar amounts of weight were lost. Research Methods and Procedures : A cross-sectional study using anthropometric (body mass index and waist-to-hip ratio), impedance (bioelectrical impedance analysis) and ultrasound measurement methods (thickness of subcutaneous fat layers, intra-abdominal sagittal diameter) were conducted. The metabolic risk profile was determined by measuring lipids, lipoproteins, and blood pressure. The weight loss program lasted 15 weeks: 3 weeks under controlled conditions in the hospital and 12 weeks on an ambulatory basis. Patients were instructed to follow a mixed diet. Calorie intake was restricted to 1500 kcal/day for the men and 1200 kcal/day for the women. Thirty-two subjects with obesity (16 men and 16 women), with a mean body mass index of 35 kg/m2—matched with regard to age, height, and body weight—took part in the study. Results : As expected, weight loss was similar for both sexes (?13.4 kg vs. ?12.8 kg). Also, body fat mass changed to the same extent in absolute and relative terms. The waist-to-hip ratio was identical before and after treatment in both sexes. The men lost more visceral fat than the women. This result is based on changes in intra-abdominal diameter as well as abdominal subcutaneous fat in relation to waist circumference. Changes in abdominal diameter were paralleled by reductions in triglycerides and increases in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. Subcutaneous fat loss was more pronounced in women than in men. Discussion : Where absolute and relative reductions in body weight and body fat are similar, men mobilize more intraabdominal fat than women, whereas women lose more subcutaneous fat. The greater reduction in intra-abdominal fat seen in men is accompanied by a more pronounced improvement in the metabolic risk profile. Therefore, greater improvement of risk factors in men is not only related to a greater negative energy balance, as shown in most studies, but is also sex-specific.  相似文献   

The sample consists of 226 skulls from the Atacame?o cemetery of Coyo Oriente (639-910 AD), associated with the Tiwanaku period. The authors analyzed signs of acute trauma typically associated with violence, and the results were 12% of men and 9.9% of women displaying any type of lesion related to violence. In males, concentration of these non-lethal lesions in the nasal region (10.4%) as opposed to a random distribution over the entire skull (1.6%), suggests that the blows were struck during rituals. The cultural context of this period, with a strong ideological influence from Tiwanaku, supports the ritual hypothesis, since both the ethnographic as well as archeological records point to the existence of non-lethal violent bleeding with ritual beating to the face. Such rituals persist to this day among certain Andean populations. Among women, the most plausible hypothesis for the lesions (3.9% in the skull, 4.9% in the nasal bones, and 0.9% in the face) is domestic conflicts, since they show a random distribution. Previous studies with other Atacame?o samples had indicated the same results for women.  相似文献   

The position of the Moon in relation to the Earth and the Sun gives rise to several predictable cycles, and natural changes in nighttime light intensity are known to cause alterations to physiological processes and behaviors in many animals. The limited research undertaken to date on the physiological responses of animals to the lunar illumination has exclusively focused on the synodic lunar cycle (full moon to full moon, or moon phase) but the moon's orbit—its distance from the Earth—may also be relevant. Every month, the moon moves from apogee, its most distant point from Earth—and then to perigee, its closest point to Earth. Here, we studied wild barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) to investigate the influence of multiple interacting lunar cycles on the physiology of diurnally active animals. Our study, which uses biologging technology to continually monitor body temperature and heart rate for an entire annual cycle, asks whether there is evidence for a physiological response to natural cycles in lunar brightness in wild birds, particularly “supermoon” phenomena, where perigee coincides with a full moon. There was a three‐way interaction between lunar phase, lunar distance, and cloud cover as predictors of nighttime mean body temperature, such that body temperature was highest on clear nights when the full moon coincided with perigee moon. Our study is the first to report the physiological responses of wild birds to “supermoon” events; the wild geese responded to the combination of two independent lunar cycles, by significantly increasing their body temperature at night. That wild birds respond to natural fluctuations in nighttime ambient light levels support the documented responses of many species to anthropogenic sources of artificial light, that birds seem unable to override. As most biological systems are arguably organized foremost by light, this suggests that any interactions between lunar cycles and local weather conditions could have significant impacts on the energy budgets of birds.  相似文献   

Mayr, G. (2011) Cenozoic mystery birds – on the phylogenetic affinities of bony‐toothed birds (Pelagornithidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 448–467. The extinct Cenozoic bony‐toothed birds (Pelagornithidae) are characterized by the occurrence of unique spiky projections of the osseous jaws and are among the most distinctive neornithine taxa. Earlier authors considered these marine birds to be most closely related to ‘Pelecaniformes’ or Procellariiformes, but recent phylogenetic analyses resulted in a sister group relationship to Anseriformes. This latter hypothesis was, however, coupled with a non‐monophyly of galloanserine or even neognathous birds, which is not supported by all other current analyses. The character evidence for anseriform affinities of pelagornithids is thus reassessed, and it is detailed that the alleged apomorphies cannot be upheld. Pelagornithids lack some key apomorphies of galloanserine birds, and analysis of 107 anatomical characters did not support anseriform affinities, but resulted in a sister group relationship between Pelagornithidae and Galloanseres. By retaining a monophyletic Galloanseres, this result is in better accordance with widely acknowledged hypotheses on the higher‐level phylogeny of birds. The (Pelagornithidae + Galloanseres) clade received, however, only weak bootstrap support, and some characters, such as the presence of an open frontoparietal suture, may even support a position of Pelagornithidae outside crown‐group Neognathae.  相似文献   

Following an oil spill from the Treasure off the coast of South Africa in June 2000, about 19 000 oiled African Penguins Spheniscus demersus, including 14 825 from Robben Island, were caught for rehabilitation and subsequent release. A further 19 500 penguins that were not oiled — mostly birds in adult plumage, including 7 000 from Robben Island — were relocated some 700km to the east, to prevent them becoming oiled. Additionally, 3 350 orphaned chicks, including 2 643 from Robben Island — were collected for rearing in captivity and release to the wild. Some four years later — by the end of December 2004 — 70% of rehabilitated adults, 40% of relocated birds and 34% of captive-reared chicks had been seen back at Robben Island. Another 7% of birds relocated from Robben Island had been sighted at other localities. Rates of resighting rehabilitated birds were similar at Robben and Dassen Islands, but a greater proportion of relocated birds was seen at Dassen Island, where birds collected for relocation were mostly from breeding areas. The lower proportion of relocated birds seen at Robben Island is thought to result from this intervention causing some pre-breeding birds to move to other colonies. All three conservation interventions are considered to have been successful, but it is premature to assess their relative contributions to the conservation of the species. Three relocated birds tracked by satellite took 15–21 days to return to their home colonies. This rapid return may have resulted from breeding attempts being interrupted. After remaining at their home islands for 4–5 days, two of the tracked birds then left these islands for 19–36 days. We surmise that, after they had searched unsuccessfully for their mates, they abandoned breeding for the year 2000.  相似文献   

Friendships can help us solve a number of challenges, increasing our welfare and fitness. Across evolutionary time, some of the many challenges that friendships helped to solve may have differed between men and women. By considering the specific and potentially distinct recurrent problems men's and women's friendships helped them solve, we can derive predictions about the qualities that would have made men's and women's same-sex friends ideal partners. This logic leads to several predictions about the specific friend preferences that may be differentially prized by men and women. Across three studies (N = 745) with U.S. participants—assessing ideal hypothetical friends, actual friends, and using a paradigm adapted from behavioral economics—we find that men, compared to women, more highly value same-sex friends who are physically formidable, possess high status, possess wealth, and afford access to potential mates. In contrast, women, compared to men, more highly value friends who provide emotional support, intimacy, and useful social information. Findings suggest that the specific friendship qualities men and women preferred differed by sex in ways consistent with a functional account of friendship.  相似文献   

The issue of whether formal kinship structures and sentiments reflect the reality of social relations was of particular concern to specialists at the height of the kinship debates in the 1960s and 1970s, as it continues to be in some contemporary studies. So too, the classifications ‘patrilineal’ or ‘matrilineal’ have clearly been shown to be problematic given that there are multiple levels of discourse and relational and ideational realities in any given society. For many contemporary kinship specialists in fact no simple correlation can be made between type of descent system and actual social relations, especially relations between men and women. However, some anthropologists continue to argue that patrilineal kinship systems are somehow indicative of control or domination by men or, put inversely, of women's lack of power and authority. It is argued in this paper that even where the formal kinship structures and ideological discourses are dominated by agnation as appears to be the case in south Slav societies generally, and Macedonian in particular, this is not automatically mirrored in gender relations between men and women. In short, there is a long leap from patriliny to patriarchy.  相似文献   

Across cultures, women tend to marry older men. This phenomenon is commonly described as the result of evolved mate choice preferences, which cause men to base reproductive decisions on cues of youth and fertility in women, and women to base such decisions on cues of wealth and status in men. Other researchers have challenged this idea, arguing that husband-older spousal age-gaps might not be consistent with the joint preferences of men and women; age-gaps might instead arise as the result of sexual conflict. In such cases, the realized age-gap could benefit one party at a cost to the other. In practice, large age-gaps may result in negative outcomes for younger women married to older men—e.g., because of power differences in these relationships. Testing for the existence of sexual conflict over the size of the spousal age-gap in Tanzania, researchers found no evidence that large age-gaps are harmful to women. Here, we conceptually replicate this previous work, and assess the relationship between spousal age-gaps, partner preferences, and individual well-being in four communities in Colombia. We extend prior methods by inferring the size of idealized age-gaps using network structured mate-choice games, and measuring the realized age-gap directly among ever-married partners. Our analyses suggest that there is limited evidence of sexual conflict over the size of the spousal age-gap in these communities. First, realized age-gaps are not large on average—around 1–7 years across communities. Second, the age-gaps that do exist are consistent with the preferences of both men and women—at least during their early to middle reproductive periods. And, lastly, large age-gaps are not negatively associated with measures of fertility or well-being for either sex. Our results underscore the importance of appreciating the cultural context within which behavioral practices with potentially negative consequences are situated.  相似文献   

This nationally representative study queried effects of community dwelling older adults’ depression and inflammation at baseline on over-time changes in surrogate markers of their cardiometabolic risk. Data were from the 2005–2006 and 2010–2011 waves of the U.S. National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. Inflammation was indicated by C-reactive protein and depression by the CES-D scale. Cardiometabolic markers included hemoglobin A1c and systolic BP. Lagged dependent variable models were used to examine effects. In none of the models did Wave 1 depression predict residual change in cardiometabolic states (i.e., Wave 2 values net of Wave 1). In contrast, men’s baseline C-reactive protein predicted their Wave 2 hemoglobin A1c (Coeff. = 0.02, p < .05) as well as their systolic BP (Coeff. = 3.22, p < .05). No such effects were found among women. Contrary to a growing clinical literature, depression may not increase cardiometabolic risk among older adults on average. Moderators that may interact with depression to yield such effects in delimited samples remain to be identified. Inflammation, in contrast, does seem linked to increase in physiological risk—but only among men, not women. Clinical research is needed to identify biological factors responsible for this sex difference.  相似文献   

Human brain function is mediated by biochemical processes, many of which can be visualized and quantified by positron emission tomography (PET). PET brain imaging of monoamine oxidase A (MAO A)—an enzyme metabolizing neurotransmitters—revealed that MAO A levels vary widely between healthy men and this variability was not explained by the common MAOA genotype (VNTR genotype), suggesting that environmental factors, through epigenetic modifications, may mediate it. Here, we analyzed MAOA methylation in white blood cells (by bisulphite conversion of genomic DNA and subsequent sequencing of cloned DNA products) and measured brain MAO A levels (using PET and [11C]clorgyline, a radiotracer with specificity for MAO A) in 34 healthy non-smoking male volunteers. We found significant interindividual differences in methylation status and methylation patterns of the core MAOA promoter. The VNTR genotype did not influence the methylation status of the gene or brain MAO A activity. In contrast, we found a robust association of the regional and CpG site-specific methylation of the core MAOA promoter with brain MAO A levels. These results suggest that the methylation status of the MAOA promoter (detected in white blood cells) can reliably predict the brain endophenotype. Therefore, the status of MAOA methylation observed in healthy males merits consideration as a variable contributing to interindividual differences in behavior.  相似文献   

A mouse monoclonal antibody (MAB 9.9) to coagulation factor IX (F.IX) detects a polymorphism in the plasma of normal people. Its epitope has been narrowed down to <6 amino acids in the activation peptide of the X-linked F.IX protein. The activation peptide contains a dimorphism—Thr:Ala—at position 148 of the protein. Using synthetic oligonucleotides, we have demonstrated that (1) the F.IX which reacts with 9.9 has Thr at position 148 and (2) that which does not has Ala. Positive reactors (148thr) are designated Malmö A, and negative reactors (148ala) are designated Malmö B. The plasma levels of AA women are indistinguishable from those of A men, and both B men and BB women are null against MAB 9.9. The plasma level of Malmö A in AB women is approximately half that of AA women, and “lyonization” is clearly operating in the heterozygotes. The dimorphism is in strong linkage disequilibrium with two other intragenic RFLPs, TaqI and XmnI. Furthermore, intragenic crossing-over—including double crossing-over—appears to have occurred between the three sites. Seven of the eight possible haplotypes have been identified, five in men and two others in women. The immunoassay that identifies ~50% of the AB women in the pool of Malmö A females with 95% confidence identifies men unambiguously as A or B. The assay would be very useful for population-genetic studies of the Malmö epitope if the studies were limited to men.  相似文献   

Many birds have ornamental traits that are expressed in both sexes. Wattles—colorful fleshy structures that hang from the lower bill—are frequent among birds, but remain poorly understood and are generally presumed to be under sexual selection. The South Island saddleback (Philesturnus carunculatus) is an endangered bird endemic to New Zealand in which both males and females possess wattles. We used behavioral observations, morphological measures, and a playback experiment to investigate the role of wattles in saddlebacks during territorial encounters. Wattles were monomorphic when controlled for body mass, and became engorged with blood in both sexes during visual displays. In a playback experiment using male song, wattle engorgement was significantly associated with territorial intrusions in males but not in females. However, female wattle engorgement was significantly more likely during playback experiments in the absence of their mate, suggesting wattles are used in territorial defense by both sexes. The markedly similar use of wattles by both males and females in visual displays as a response to territorial intrusions supports the hypothesis that these elaborate structures function in part as armaments.  相似文献   

Rijke, A.M., Jesser, W.A., Evans, S.W & Bouwman, H. 2000. Water repellency and feather structure of the Blue Swallow Hirundo atrocaerulea. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 143–145.

The Blue Swallow is an endangered species in southern Africa and is probably the most endangered passerine. It is restricted to escarpments with grasslands above 1 000 m where mists are frequent. It appears to forage on the wing even in thick mist raising the question of feather wettability in relation to its adaptation. Extensive physical and behaviourial adaptations are known to occur in a wide variety of birds to deal with the problem of shedding water continuously. To study the water repellency and resistance to water penetration of Blue Swallow feathers, we have examined the microscopic structure of head, back, throat, breast and abdominal feathers as well as remiges and tail feathers by transmission light microscopy. The width (2R) and separation (2D) of rami and barbules have been measured and were used to calculate the parameter (R + D)/R that serves as an indicator ofwater shedding potential. For the remiges and tail feathers the values of the (R+D)/R range from 5 to 10 which is comparable to values for other terrestrial birds. However, for body feathers the range is from 10 (head) and 35 (abdomen)-higher than previously observed for any other bird including Swifts, Apodidae. Blue Swallow feathers are thus the most effective feather yet discovered at repelling water drops. The water repellency is highest in those feathers that are relatively shielded From the direct impact of small water drops (throat, breast, abdomen, back). By contrast, the flight feathers must possess a relatively large resistance to water penetration to avoid becoming waterlogged and this is coupled to low (R+D)/R values. Values for the barbules lay between 2 and 6—the same as found for other bird families—supporting an earlier conclusion that they have little direct effect in repelling water.  相似文献   

An important question for tropical forest restoration is whether degraded lands can be actively managed to attract birds. We censused birds and measured vegetation structure at 27 stations in young (6–9‐yr old) actively and passively restored pasture and old growth forest at Las Cruces Biological Station in southern Costa Rica. During 481 10‐min point counts, we detected a high diversity—186 species—of birds using the restoration area. Surprisingly, species richness and detection frequency did not differ among habitats, and proportional similarity of bird assemblages to old growth forest did not differ between restoration treatments. Bird detection frequency was instead explained by exotic grass cover and understory stem density—vegetation structures that were not strongly impacted by active restoration. The similarity of bird assemblages in actively and passively restored forest may be attributed to differential habitat preferences within and among feeding guilds, low structural contrast between treatments, or the effect of nucleation from actively restored plots into passively restored areas. Rapid recovery of vegetation in this recently restored site is likely due to its proximity to old growth forest and the lack of barriers to effective seed dispersal. Previous restoration studies in highly binary environments (i.e., open pasture vs. tree plantation) have found strong differences in bird abundance and richness. Our data contradict this trend, and suggest that tropical restoration ecologists should carefully consider: (1) when the benefits of active restoration outweigh the cost of implementation; and (2) which avian guilds should be used to measure restoration success given differential responses to habitat structure.  相似文献   

Individuals are often restricted to indirect cues when assessing the mate value of a potential partner. Females of some species have been shown to copy each other’s choice; in other words, the probability of a female choosing a particular male increases if he has already been chosen by other females. Recently it has been suggested that mate-choice copying could be an important aspect of human mate choice as well. We tested one of the hypotheses, the so-called wedding ring effect—that women would prefer men who are already engaged or married—in a series of live interactions between men and women. The results show that women do not find men signaling engagement, or being perceived as having a partner, more attractive or higher in socioeconomic status. Furthermore, signs of engagement did not influence the women’s reported willingness to engage in short-term or long-term relationships with the men. Thus, this study casts doubt on some simplified theories of human mate-choice copying, and alternative, more complex scenarios are outlined and discussed. Tobias Uller works on broad issues in evolutionary biology, such as life-history evolution and evolutionary genetics. Christoffer Johansson recently received his Ph.D. with a dissertation on biomechanics of swimming birds. Their collaborative work on humans is focused on mate choice.  相似文献   

A contribution to a special issue on Hormones and Human Competition.A stress perspective is used to illuminate how competitive defeat and victory shape biology and behavior. We report a field study examining how change in cortisol following perceived defeat (vs. victory) in a competition—in this case, a dog agility competition—relates to affiliative behavior. Following competition, we measured cortisol change and the extent to which dog handlers directed affiliative behaviors toward their dogs. We found striking sex differences in affiliation. First, men were more affiliative toward their dogs after victory, whereas women were more affiliative after defeat. Second, the greater a female competitor's increase in cortisol, the more time she spent affiliating with her dog, whereas for men, the pattern was the exact opposite: the greater a male competitor's increase in cortisol, the less time he spent affiliating with his dog. This pattern suggests that, in the wake of competition, men and women's affiliative behavior may serve different functions—shared celebration for men; shared consolation for women. These sex differences show not only that men and women react very differently to victory and defeat, but also that equivalent changes in cortisol across the sexes are associated with strikingly different behavioral consequences for men and women.  相似文献   

We assessed interactions between polymorphisms in the β‐adrenergic receptor genes and longitudinal changes in obesity from childhood to adulthood using longitudinal data collected over a 24‐year period from 1973 to 1996. Sex‐ and age‐stratified analyses using random coefficients models were used to examine gene—gene interaction effects on obesity measures in 1179 African‐American and white men and women (71% white, 57% women). Suggestive evidence for an interaction (p = 0.022) between the β1‐ and β2‐adrenergic receptors was observed in men for longitudinal change in BMI. Men with Gly/Gly genotypes for both the β1 and β2 receptors showed significant increases (~0.6%/yr) in BMI from childhood to adulthood. Women showed suggestive evidence for an interaction (p = 0.035) between the β1‐ and β3‐adrenergic receptors for change over time in BMI. Women with Gly/Gly genotypes at the β1‐receptor and carrying at least one β3‐Arg allele showed notable increases in BMI. The regulation of lipolysis and development of obesity differ markedly between men and women and may be influenced by genetic polymorphisms, which contribute to the efficiency of the β‐adrenergic receptors, and hormonal effects on adrenergic receptor activity.  相似文献   

Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Large‐scale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16–49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controls—an effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scale‐up this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved.  相似文献   

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