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The ability to use multiple cues in assessing predation risk is especially important to prey animals exposed to multiple predators. Wall lizards, Podarcis muralis, respond to predatory attacks from birds in the open by hiding inside rock crevices, where they may encounter saurophagous ambush smooth snakes. Lizards should avoid refuges with these snakes, but in refuges lizards can also find non‐saurophagous viperine snakes, which lizards do not need to avoid. We investigated in the laboratory whether wall lizards used different predator cues to detect and discriminate between snake species within refuges. We simulated predatory attacks in the open to lizards, and compared their refuge use, and the variation in the responses after a repeated attack, between predator‐free refuges and refuges containing visual, chemical, or visual and chemical cues of saurophagous or non‐saurophagous snakes. Time to enter a refuge was not influenced by potential risk inside the refuge. In contrast, in a successive second attack, lizards sought cover faster and tended to increase time spent hidden in the refuge. This suggests a case of predator facilitation because persistent predators in the open may force lizards to hide faster and for longer in hazardous refuges. However, after hiding, lizards spent less time in refuges with both chemical and visual cues of snakes, or with chemical cues alone, than in predator‐free refuges or in refuges with snake visual cues alone, but there were no differences in response to the two snake species. Therefore, lizards could be overestimating predation risk inside refuges. We discuss which selection pressures might explain this lack of discrimination of predatory from similar non‐predatory snakes.  相似文献   

Introduced species have contributed significantly to the extinction of endemic species on islands. They also create new selection pressures on their prey that may result in modified life history strategies. Introduced viperine snakes (Natrix maura) have been implicated in the decline of the endemic midwife toad of Mallorca (Alytes muletensis). A comparison of A. muletensis tadpoles in natural pools with and without snakes showed that those populations subject to snake predation possessed longer tails with narrower tail fins but deeper tail muscles. Field and laboratory experiments showed that these changes in tail morphology could be induced by chemical and tactile cues from snakes. Populations of tadpoles that were subject to snake predation also displayed clear bimodal size-frequency distributions, with intermediate-sized tadpoles missing from the pools completely. Tadpoles in pools frequented by snakes developed faster in relation to their body size than those in pools without snakes. Variation in morphology between toad populations may therefore be caused by a combination of size-selective predation and tadpole plasticity. The results of this study indicate that the introduction of alien species can result in selection for induced defences, which may facilitate coexistence between predator and prey under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Predation involves costs and benefits, so predators should employ tactics that reduce their risk of injury or death and that increase their success at capturing prey. One potential way that predators could decrease risk and increase benefits is by attacking prey at night when risks may be reduced and prey more vulnerable. Because some snakes are facultatively nocturnal and prey on bird nests during the day and night, they are ideal for assessing the costs and benefits of diurnal vs. nocturnal predation. We used automated radiotelemetry and cameras to investigate predation on nesting birds by two species of snakes, one diurnal and the other facultatively nocturnal. We predicted that snakes preying on nests at night should experience less parental nest defence and capture more adults and nestlings. Rat snakes (Pantherophis obsoletus) were relatively inactive at night (23–36% activity) but nearly always preyed on nests after dark (80% of nest predations). Conversely, racers (Coluber constrictor) were exclusively diurnal and preyed on nests during the times of day they were most active. These results are consistent with rat snakes strategically using their capacity for facultative nocturnal activity to prey on nests at night. The likely benefit is reduced nest defence because birds defended their nests less vigourously at night. Consistent with nocturnal predation being safer, rat snake predation events lasted three times longer at night than during the day (26 vs. 8 min). Nocturnal nest predation did not make nests more profitable by increasing the likelihood of capturing adults or removing premature fledging of nestlings. The disconnect between rat snake activity and timing of nest predation seems most consistent with rat snakes locating prey during the day using visual cues but waiting until dark to prey on nests when predation is safer, although designing a direct test of this hypothesis will be challenging.  相似文献   

Many groups of tropical cnidarians including scleractinian corals, octocorals, corallimorphs, and anemones contain the tertiary sulfonium compound dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). It is not known if the compound is synthesized by the animals, their microalgal symbionts, or derived through their diet. We determined the source of the DMSP in several species of tropical and temperate anemones using three approaches: (1) conducting comparative measurements of DMSP in aposymbiotic and zooxanthellate anemones of three species that harbor zooxanthellae, and similar measurements in one species that can harbor both zooxanthellae and zoochlorellae, (2) manipulating the presence or absence of zooxanthellae by inoculating juvenile aposymbiotic anemones (Aiptasia pallida) with their symbiont, Symbiodinium bermudense, and (3) manipulating the numbers of S. bermudense by growing aposymbiotic and zooxanthellate A. pallida in the light and the dark. DMSP was present in zooxanthellate anemones in concentrations of 3.4–15 μmol g−1 fresh mass (FM). In aposymbiotic Aiptasia spp. and Anthopleura elegantissima that lacked large numbers of zooxanthellae, concentrations ranged from being undetectable to 0.43 μmol g−1 FM. When aposymbiotic A. pallida were inoculated with zooxanthellae, concentrations of DMSP were an average of 4.24 μmol g−1 FM after 5 weeks; DMSP was undetectable in uninoculated control animals. Aposymbiotic anemones maintained in the light or the dark for 6 weeks contained no DMSP or zooxanthellae. Zooxanthellate anemones in the light contained five times as many zooxanthellae and approximately 7.5 times as much DMSP as zooxanthellate anemones maintained in the dark. Taken together, these data show that the zooxanthellae are the sole source of DMSP in A. pallida. The trends in DMSP concentrations in other species of zooxanthellate anemones suggest that this phenomenon is not limited to A. pallida but may be more generally true for other anemones or even other cnidarians hosting species of Symbiodinium. Communicated by Biology Editor Dr. Michael Lesser  相似文献   

Antipredator behaviours and the ability to appropriately assess predation risk contribute to increased fitness. Predator avoidance can be costly; however, so we expect prey to most strongly avoid predators that pose the greatest risk (i.e., prey should show threat sensitivity). For invasive species, effectively assessing the relative risk posed by predators in the new environment may help them establish in new environments. We examined the antipredator behaviour of introduced Asian house geckos, Hemidactylus frenatus (Schlegel), by determining if they avoided shelters scented with the chemical cues of native predatory snakes (spotted pythons, Antaresia maculosa [Peters]; brown tree snakes, Boiga irregularis [Merrem]; common tree snakes, Dendrelaphis punctulata [Grey]; and carpet pythons, Morelia spilota [Lacépède]). We also tested if Asian house geckos collected from vegetation vs. anthropogenic substrates (buildings) responded differently to the chemical cues of predatory snakes. Asian house geckos did not show a generalised antipredator response, that is, they did not respond to the chemical cues of all snakes in the same way. Asian house geckos avoided the chemical cues of carpet pythons more strongly than those of other snake species, providing some support for the threat‐sensitivity hypothesis. There was no difference in the antipredator behaviour of Asian house geckos collected from buildings vs. natural vegetation, suggesting that individuals that have invaded natural habitats have not changed their antipredator behaviour compared to urban individuals. Overall, we found some evidence indicating Asian house geckos are threat‐sensitive to some Australian predacious snakes.  相似文献   

Speed of emergence of juveniles from cysts in potato root diffusate (PRD) in vitro differed between Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida and between populations within each species. Early emergence in vitro was slower in most populations of G. pallida than in most populations of G. rostochiensis. Fewer G. rostochiensis juveniles emerged from 4 or 6 month old than from 4 yr old cysts. More G. rostochiensis emerged in solutions of sodium metavanadate at concentrations of 10-2 and 10-3 M than in PRD and as many G. pallida emerged in the same solutions as in PRD. In plots of bare fallowed sandy loam, emergence of G. pallida was stimulated by 10--3 M sodium metavanadate. The emergence of two populations of C. pallida in PRD was stimulated by the addition of benomyl at 0.1 ppm (3.4 × 10--7 m). In microplots, cv. Cara potatoes grown for 8 wk decreased four populations of G. pallida by up to 93%. During a 4 wk period in PRD, more than 20 juveniles per gravid female emerged from five of 25 populations of G. pallida. In root observation boxes in which cv. Désirée was grown, oxamyl applied to the top 15 cm of a peaty loam soil greatly increased G. pallida in soil 1545 cm deep. In another peaty loam, but not in a sandy loam, the same treatment appeared to increase the nematode in soil 15–30 cm deep. Oxamyl incorporated in the uninfested top 15 cm of all three soils largely prevented nematode increase from juveniles migrating upwards from untreated heavily infested soil 15–30 cm deep. These experiments suggest that inadequate control of G. pallida increase on susceptible potatoes by an oximecarbamate nematicide of short persistence, such as oxamyl, is primarily due to the slow rate of juvenile emergence in most populations of G. pallida, with a second generation and the upward migration of juveniles from deeper untreated soil later in the growing season as potential contributory factors.  相似文献   

Adult California newts, Taricha torosa (Caudata: Salamandridae), prey on both conspecific egg masses and larvae. We used both laboratory and field experiments to determine if newt larvae use conspecific chemical cues to avoid adult intraspecific predators. Larvae showed significant hiding responses when exposed to adult cues in both the field and the laboratory. Larvae did not exhibit significant hiding responses to chemical cues from invertebrate predators.  相似文献   

Specialist predators may respond strongly to sensory cues from preferred prey, but responses by generalist predators, although predicted to be less specific, are poorly known. Among squamate reptiles, diet and strength of response to chemical prey cues covary geographically in snakes that are specialist predators. There have been no previous studies of correspondence between diet and chemosensory response in lizards that are prey generalists. Actively foraging lizards discriminate between prey chemicals and control substances. It has been speculated that differential responses among prey species are unlikely in typical species that are dietary generalists. We examined this relationship in Podarcis lilfordi, an omnivorous lacertid that consumes a wide variety of animal prey. In experiments in which chemical stimuli were presented on cotton swabs, lizards responded more strongly to chemicals from a broad spectrum of prey types than to deionized water, an odorless control. These findings plus previous data showing that P. lilfordi is capable of prey chemical discrimination suggest that P. lilfordi can identify a wide range of potential prey using chemical cues. However, there was no evidence of differential response to stimuli among prey species, even in comparisons of prey included in the natural diet and potential prey not in the diet. The results, although limited to a single species, are consistent with the hypothesis that lizard species that are prey generalists do not exhibit the differential response strengths to chemical prey cues observed in snakes that have more specialized diets. Received in revised form: 17 July 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Stonefly nymphs use hydrodynamic cues to discriminate between prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Playback experiments conducted in a Rocky Mountain, USA, stream determined whether predatory stonefly nymphs (Kogotus modestus; Plecoptera: PerlodiMae) used hydrodynamic cues to discriminate prey species from nonprey species. In the laboratory we recorded pressure wave patterns associated with swimming escape behavior of Baetis bicaudatus (Baetidae), the favored mayfly prey species, and those of a nonprey mayfly, Ephemerella infrequens (Ephemerellidae). We video taped the responses of 24-h starved Kogotus to Baetis playbacks, Ephemerella playbacks or no playbacks made by oscillating (or not) live mayflies (Ephemerella) or clear plastic models placed within in situ flow-through observation boxes. The probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks was highest and independent of the model type used, but Kogotus also showed an unexpected high probability of attacks per encounter when Ephemerella playbacks were made through live Ephemerella. Thus, Kogotus discriminated between Baetis and Ephemerella swimming patterns but only when playbacks were made through the plastic model. Kogotus never attacked motionless mayflies or motionless plastic models. We allowed some Kogotus to successfully capture one small Baetis immediately before playbacks, which resulted in a much higher probability of attacks per encounter with Baetis playbacks on either model and a heightened discrimination of prey versus nonprey playbacks. The probability of attacks per encounter by Kogotus with live Baetis swimming under similar experimental conditions was strikingly similar to its response to Baetis playbacks made by oscillating the plastic model after a successful capture. Order of playback presentation (Baetis first or Ephemerella first) did not influence predatory responses to mayfly swimming patterns. This study is the first to document the use of hydrodynamic cues by stream-dwelling predators for discrimination of prey from nonprey and provides a mechanism to explain selective predation by stoneflies on Baetis in nature.  相似文献   

A small genomic library from DNA of G. pallida population Delmsen (pathotype 3) was constructed. A number of clones were tested as hybridization probes with 21 G. pallida and 6 G. rostochiensis populations. The two species were easily distinguished by their hybridization patterns. A total of 32 RFLP markers were identified which permitted the differentiation of all G. pallida populations. By means of cluster analysis of the RFLP data the genetic distances between the 21,G. pallida populations were calculated and a dendrogram was constructed. The arrangement of the 21 G. pallida populations in the dendrogram suggests a partial correlation between genetic distance and virulence according to biological pathotyping.  相似文献   

Small mammals have a number of means to detect and avoid predators, including visual, auditory and olfactory cues. Olfactory cues are particularly important for nocturnal or fossorial species where visual cues would not be as reliable. The Cape ground squirrel (Xerus inauris) is a semi‐fossorial, diurnal mammal from southern Africa. Cape ground squirrels encounter multiple species of predatory snake that pursue individuals underground where visual and social cues are limited. We assessed whether Cape ground squirrels use odours to discriminate between snakes by presenting a non‐venomous snake, a venomous snake and a control odour collected on polyethylene cubes to 11 adult female squirrels from 11 different social groups. Cape ground squirrels responded by inspecting the cube, displaying snake harassment–associated behaviours and decreasing time spent in close proximity to snake odours when compared with a control. They also displayed discrimination between two snake species by increasing the frequency of cube inspection and increasing harassment behaviours with venomous snake odours when compared with non‐venomous snake odours. We conclude that Cape ground squirrels respond with snake‐specific antipredator behaviours when presented olfactory cues alone. Olfactory discrimination may be maintained by the decreased utility of other methods of predator detection: sight and group detection, in below‐ground encounters.  相似文献   

Colours influence numerous aspects of an animal's ecology. One possibility is that colour helps make an animal cryptic against the background on which it is resting. We test this hypothesis for two different, geographically separated colour forms (dark forms and light forms) of the Western Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis elegans. We quantified crypsis of snakes, in terms of colour (chromatic crypsis) and brightness (achromatic crypsis), by using objective measures of spectral reflectance of snakes and the surrounding habitat. These data were visually modelled from the perspective of potential snake predators and human researchers. Overall, snakes of both colour forms selected basking sites that increased chromatic crypsis over that which would have been achievable on random backgrounds. Both colour forms of T. elegans appear to exhibit similar achromatic and chromatic crypsis when viewed by potential predators, such as mammals and birds. From the perspective of the human visual model, dark T. elegans were generally more chromatically cryptic than light T. elegans, contrary to our a priori subjective impression. The main contribution of the present study is that we provide one of the first objective comparisons of snakes and their backgrounds as a measure of crypsis. Although we found some evidence for crypsis as a factor in choice of basking sites for snakes, other factors (e.g. thermoregulatory opportunities) undoubtedly play important roles as well. We also have not addressed whether snakes involved in other activities are cryptic or whether there are differences between the sexes or between reproductive and nonreproductive females. The adaptive significance of colour variation has been studied in diverse taxonomic groups. Although the mechanisms are not straightforward, the opportunities to carry out further work in this area are enhanced by the availability of objective approaches. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London,  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes an assessment of the effect of exposure to fire‐related cues (heat shock, smoke and nitrate) and the interactions between the cues on seed dormancy release of tropical savanna legumes in north‐eastern Australia. Ten legume species were tested, comprising both native and exotic species. The ten species responded variously to the treatments. Brief exposure to temperatures between 80 and 100°C was found to break the seed dormancy of the native ephemeral herbs Chamaecrista mimosoides, Crotalaria calycina, Crotalaria montana, Indigofera hirsuta and Tephrosia juncea, as well as the exotic ephemeral herb Crotalaria lanceolata. Exposure to 80°C combined with treatment with a nitrate solution produced an additive effect on the germination of Chamaecrista mimosoides and Crotalaria lanceolata. However, the four species with the heaviest seeds, two exotic ephemeral herbs (Chamaecrista absus and Crotalaria pallida) and two native perennials (Galactia tenuiflora and Glycine tomentella) displayed no significant increase in germination with exposure to fire‐related cues. Exposure to 120°C for 5 min produced seed mortality in all species tested. Two of the largest seeded species, Crotalaria pallida and Galactia tenuiflora, displayed the lowest tolerance to heat shock, with seed mortality after exposure to 100°C for 5 min. These data indicate that fire can promote the germination of some tropical savanna legumes. As a proportion of seeds of each species displayed no innate dormancy, some germination may occur in the absence of fire, especially of exotic species.  相似文献   

Locating potential hosts for egg laying is a critical challenge in the life history of many insects. Female insects in several orders have evolved mechanisms to find hosts by using olfactory and visual signals derived from their hosts. We describe visual and chemical cues used by the dipteran parasitoid Apocephalus paraponerae (Diptera: Phoridae) in the location and acceptance of its host ant Paraponera clavata (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae). Our results show that A. paraponerae uses the visual cue of ant body size when locating hosts at short range and that these flies lay more eggs in ants that retain their surface chemicals than in ants with these chemicals removed. We compare the cues used by A. paraponerae with cues used by tephritid fruit flies in location and acceptance of their hosts, and we suggest further avenues for the study of host location, acceptance, and host discrimination of A. paraponerae and other parasitoids of ants.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):804-814
Two experiments examined the responses of red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) to stimulus properties of rodent prey. In experiment 1 cobras exhibited elevated rates of tongue flicking (RTF) and trail-following behaviour after striking mice and after 15-s presentations of visual-chemical-thermal cues arising from mice held just out of striking range. Disturbance with a clean snake hook did not produce similar effects. In experiment 2 these cobras were compared with prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis). All snakes were exposed to five stimulus conditions in their home cages: (1) 3 s of disturbance (D) with a clean snake hook; (2) 15 s of D; (3) 3 s inspection of a live mouse held out of striking range (NS); (4) 15 s of NS; and (5) a presentation of a live mouse inside striking range (S). The snakes always struck in the latter condition, usually within 3 s. Rattlesnakes exhibited elevated RTF only after S, whereas cobras did so after 15 s of both NS and S. The performance of rattlesnakes was consistent with the assumption that these animals are ambushers; that of cobras was consistent with the assumption that these animals are active hunters which will chase and catch visually detected prey.  相似文献   

Although snakes traditionally have been regarded as asocial animals, recent studies have revealed complex interactions among neonatal snakes and their mothers. We noticed frequent aggregation by captive neonatal Australian elapids (tiger snakes, Notechis scutatus), and conducted simple experiments to clarify the proximate causation of, and potential consequences of, aggregative behaviour. Litters of neonates exhibited statistically significant aggregation (clustering) in empty containers, especially if the test area was subjected to rapid cooling. Aggregation was most pronounced inside shelter‐sites, and familiar shelters (i.e. containing scent cues from the litter) attracted snakes more than did novel (unscented) shelters. Snakes in larger aggregations cooled more slowly (reflecting their higher combined mass and thus, thermal inertia) and higher body temperatures facilitated neonatal locomotor performance, retreat‐site location and anti‐predator tactics. Plausibly, aggregation in neonatal tiger snakes (and other reptiles) functions to retard cooling rates, with the result that the young snakes are better able to evade or repel attacks by predators.  相似文献   

Luisa Amo 《Animal behaviour》2004,67(4):647-653
The threat sensitivity hypothesis assumes that multiple cues from a predator should contribute in an additive way to determine the degree of risk-sensitive behaviour. The ability to use multiple cues in assessing the current level of predation risk should be especially important to prey exposed to multiple predators. Wall lizards, Podarcis muralis, respond to predatory attacks from birds or mammals by hiding inside rock crevices, where they may encounter another predator, the smooth snake, Coronella austriaca. We investigated in the laboratory whether chemical cues may be important to wall lizards for detection of snakes. The greater tongue-flick rate and shorter latency to first tongue-flick in response to predator scents indicated that lizards were able to detect the snakes' chemical cues. We also investigated the use of different predatory cues by lizards when detecting the presence of snakes within refuges. We simulated successive predator attacks and compared the propensity of lizards to enter the refuge and time spent within it for predator-free refuges, refuges containing either only visual or chemical cues of a snake, or a combination of these. The antipredatory response of lizards was greater when they were exposed to both visual and chemical cues than when only one cue was presented, supporting the threat sensitivity hypothesis. This ability may improve the accuracy of assessments of the current level of predation risk inside the refuge. It could be especially important in allowing lizards to cope with threats posed by two types of predators requiring conflicting prey defences.  相似文献   

The predator-prey relationship between California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) is a useful system for exploring conflict and assessment. Rattlesnakes are major predators of ground squirrel pups, but pose a less significant threat to adult squirrels. Adults approach, harass, and even attack rattlesnakes in defense of their pups. Two factors that may influence risk to both squirrel and snake during encounters are the size and body temperature of the rattlesnake. We used high-speed video to analyze the strikes of rattlesnakes of various sizes tested at different body temperatures. Results indicate that warmer snakes are more dangerous because they strike with higher velocity, greater accuracy, and less hesitation. Similarly, larger snakes are more dangerous because they can strike farther and at higher speeds, and keep their fangs embedded longer. Thus, ground squirrels would benefit from extracting information about a rattlesnake's size and temperature. The converse of our results is that cooler, smaller rattlesnakes may be more vulnerable. These snakes could mitigate their risk by avoiding dangerous adversaries and minimizing cues that divulge their weaknesses. Such tactics might explain the active probing that squirrels direct at rattlesnakes, which may function to overcome a snake's resistance to disclosing its vulnerability.  相似文献   

An animal's response to predatory attack may depend upon which part of its body is the focus of that attack, because of differential vulnerability to injury. Many avian and mammalian predators direct attacks preferentially toward the prey's head, so simulated attacks that do not have this focus may elicit non‐natural responses. We ‘pecked’ 152 free‐ranging adult male garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) in Manitoba either on the head or the midbody, and recorded their responses. The snakes’ antipredator tactics were affected not only by body size (larger snakes performed threat displays more often) and body temperature (hotter snakes were more likely to flee), but also by location of the attack. Pecks to the head generally resulted in snakes coiling and hiding their heads, often simultaneously elevating and wriggling their tails in an apparent distraction display. In contrast, pecks to the midbody stimulated either escape responses, or (in snakes that did not flee) open‐mouthed threat displays. More generally, antipredator tactics may respond in flexible ways to details of the predator–prey encounter (including attributes of the habitat as well as the morphology and behavior of both participants) and hence, experimental studies need to carefully simulate such details. The part of the body under attack may be an important factor in this respect.  相似文献   

Edible dormice Glis glis Linnaeus, 1766 were monitored from 1996–2008 inclusive. This has been the first population study of this non-native species since its introduction to Britain in 1902. Dormice were present in nest boxes from May or June until October or November. Numbers recorded varied greatly from year to year, and breeding failure occurred in 6 of the 13 years, apparently in response to environmental cues such as food availability. Litter sizes declined with growth of the young but some of the largest litters resulted from females aggregating their offspring. Males used more nest boxes than females, some of whom showed clear site fidelity from year to year. Survival rates were high and some individual lifespans exceeded 9 years. Longevity, compensating for periodic reproductive failure, and an extremely short active season, make the life history of edible dormice exceptional among small rodents, perhaps unique. Population density, rate of population increase and evidence for local emigration in non-breeding years are discussed, issues of particular significance in populations of recently-established introduced species such as this.  相似文献   

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