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Summary Investigations into iron deficiency have been hindered by the lack of a satisfactory diagnostic tissue test, which in turn results from the total iron content of plant tissue commonly being an unreliable index of the iron status. Our measurements of chlorotic and normal leaves of field grown groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) showed that total iron was unsatisfactory as the measure of iron status of plant tissue. It was found that iron status was better assessed from an estimate of the ferrous iron content of fresh leaf materials obtained by extraction with o-phenanthroline. Extractable iron content increased with leaf age. Chlorotic buds or the first fully opened leaf always contained less than 6μg extractable-Fe/g fresh tissue. Approved for publication as ICRISAT Journal Article No. 307.  相似文献   

Seventeen Bradyrhizobium sp. strains and one Azorhizobium strain were compared on the basis of five genetic and phenetic features: (i) partial sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA), (ii) randomly amplified DNA polymorphisms (RAPD) using three oligonucleotide primers, (iii) total cellular protein profiles, (iv) utilization of 21 aliphatic and 22 aromatic substrates, and (v) intrinsic resistances to seven antibiotics. Partial 16S rDNA analysis revealed the presence of only two rDNA homology (i.e., identity) groups among the 17 Bradyrhizobium strains. The partial 16S rDNA sequences of Bradyrhizobium sp. strains form a tight similarity (> 95%) cluster with Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Nitrobacter species, Afipia species, and Blastobacter denitrificans but were less similar to other members of the alpha-Proteobacteria, including other members of the Rhizobiaceae family. Clustering the Bradyrhizobium sp. strains for their RAPD profiles, protein profiles, and substrate utilization data revealed more diversity than rDNA analysis. Intrinsic antibiotic resistance yielded strain-specific patterns that could not be clustered. High rDNA similarity appeared to be a prerequisite, but it did not necessarily lead to high similarity values between RAPD profiles, protein profiles, and substrate utilization. The various relationship structures, coming forth from each of the studied features, had low compatibilities, casting doubt on the usefulness of a polyphasic approach in rhizobial taxonomy.  相似文献   

Summary An 8 × 8 full diallel experiment based on 4 bunch plus 4 spreading types of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) was conducted over three environments. For both number of pods and pod yield, additive, nonadditive and reciprocal cross effects were detected and these were also influenced by changes in environments. For number of pods additive genetic variance was predominant whereas it was approximately equal to non-additive genetic variance for pod yield. Graphical analysis revealed the presence of strong non-allelic interaction for number of pods whereas for pod yield absence of dominance and/or presence of non-allelic interaction was evident.Part of Ph.D. Thesis of the first author  相似文献   

EighteenBradyrhizobium spp. strains, fourRhizobium spp. strains and oneAzorhizobium caulinodans strain were grown under Fe limitation and assayed for siderophore production. It was further assessed if Fe accumulation in two groundnut cultivars was influenced by inoculant strain or nitrate fertilisation. Growth ofBradyrhizobium spp. strains nodulating groundnut was slow with mean generation times from 11–24 h. All strains, except MAR 967, showed a reduced growth rate when deprived of Fe; none of the strains showed starvation at 1 M Fe. In the CAS (chrome azurol S)-agar assay, all strains, which formed colonies, produced siderophores as visualised by orange halos around the colonies on blue plates.Bradyrhizobium strains produced much smaller halos than the referenceRhizobium meliloti strain. In the CAS-supernatant assay, all strains, except MAR 967, gave positive responses (measured as absorbance at 630 nm) when supernatants of Fe-depleted cultures were assayed with CAS-indicator complex in comparison with Fe-supplemented cultures. Responses of all fourRhizobium spp. strains were large, while responses of allBradyrhizobium strains, exceptB. japonicum MAR 1491 (USDA 110), were small and mostly insignificant. A small response, i.e. a low Fe-scavenging ability, implies either the production of small quantities of siderophores or the production of low affinity siderophores. Among theBradyrhizobium strains, MAR 1574 and MAR 1587 gave the largest responses taken over the two assays. Fe accumulation in groundnut cultivar Falcon was seven times larger than in cultivar Natal Common. No correlation was found between the quantity of nodule tissue and Fe accumulation, making it unlikely that bacteroids are involved in Fe acquisition by groundnuts. Nitrate-fertilised plants accumulated significantly more Fe, suggesting involvement of nitrate reductase in Fe assimilation in groundnut. The two most successful Fe-scavengingBradyrhizobium spp. strains were also the most effective in nodulating groundnut, the reverse also being true. Strain MAR 967, with the lowest Fe requirement, produced the largest nodule dry weight. These data indicate that improved Fe scavenging properties and/or reduced Fe requirement improve rhizospheric growth and with that nodulation effectiveness.  相似文献   

A method of field screening groundnut seedlings for resistance to groundnut rosette virus (GRV), by means of which over 97% incidence was induced in rows of susceptible test plants, was developed at Chitedze Research Station in Malawi. Two GRV-resistant Virginia cultivars (RG 1 and RMP 40) were crossed with three susceptible cultivars, one from each of the Spanish (JL 24), Valencia (ICGM 48) and Virginia (Mani Pintar) botanical groups. Twelve F1 reciprocal crosses and their F2 and backcross generations were produced and the material screened in nurseries in 1985/86 and 1986/87. Seedlings raised from plants which did not become infected in the field were inoculated in the glasshouse in order to eliminate susceptible escapees. The numbers of diseased and healthy individuals in each population were subjected to χ2 tests. In the majority of the F2 populations a good fit was obtained for a ratio of one resistant to 15 susceptible plants, a ratio to be expected if resistance to GRV were determined by a pair of independent complementary recessive genes. This was further supported by data from backcross generations.  相似文献   

Seasonal pattern of acetylene reduction (AR) and shoot nitrogen accumulation was studied in nine groundnut cultivars. Shoot N accumulation by all the cultivars was maintained until shortly before maturity and it occurred faster over the reproductíve growth phase than over the earlier phases. In all cultivars plant AR (PAR) did not reflect this pattern of N accumulation, being greater over the vegetative and pod initiation phases. This suggests that the commonly observed low PAR values for groundnut over the reproductive growth phase may be the result of factors other than sink competition. There were significant interactions of cultivar with stage of crop growth for PAR, nodule mass, and specific nitrogenase activity (SNA). Virginia types generally showed better nodulation, higher N2-fixing capacity (both PAR and SNA) than valencias, and significant differences were observed between cultivars within a botanical type.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced mutants of groundnut cv. Spanish Improved showing distinct morphological differences and the parent were screened for RAPD variability. The analysis revealed characteristic band differences among the 12 mutants and the parent. The polymorphic RAPD bands were dominant in the F1 and segregated in a Mendelian fashion in the F2. The RAPD technique brought out greater genome variability than RFLP.  相似文献   

Five groundnut cultivars were grown in transparent tubes of pasteurized loam compost in growth-chamber conditions. Weekly tracings were made of all the roots visible through the walls of the tubes. White roots were assessed as living, and brown or decayed roots as dead; this correlated with microscopical assessments of root viability based on cytoplasmic staining with neutral red followed by plasmolysis.For all five cultivars, root laterals began to die 3–4 weeks after plants were sown. Death of root laterals progressed down the soil profile with time, while new roots were produced successively deeper from the extending taproot. The half-life of individual roots was calculated as 3.7–4.4 weeks for all cultivars, based on assessments of the roots that died up to plant maturity (14–20 weeks, depending on cultivar). At maturity, 73–83% of the cumulative length of root systems had died. The onset and rate of root death were not related to onset of flowering or pod-filling; instead, the peak times of root death at different distances down the root system were related to earlier (3–5 week) peak times of root production in those regions. The net result of root turnover was that, despite continued new root production, the maximum length of living (white) roots of each cultivar was recorded at 2–4 weeks after sowing. Death of the earliest formed root laterals was also observed in the first five weeks after sowing of groundnut in an experimental field plot in Malawi. Progressive root turnover is considered to be a normal feature of groundnut, perhaps representing an energy-economy strategy.  相似文献   

Zharare  G. E.  Asher  C. J.  Blamey  F. P. C.  Dart  P. J. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):355-358
Normal pods (containing seed) of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) (cv. TMV-2) were successfully raised in darkened, aerated, nutrient solution, but not in the light. The onset of podding was evident 7 to 8 d after gynophores were submerged in the darkened nutrient solution. An examination of pods and submerged portions of gynophore surfaces by scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of two distinctly different protuberances: unicellular root-hair-like structures that first developed from epidermal cells of the gynophores and developing pods; and branched septate hairs that developed later from cells below the epidermal layer. The septate hairs became visible only after the epidermal and associated unicellular structures had been shed by the expanding gynophore and pods. Omission of Mn and Mg from the podding environment increased pod and seed weight, whilst omission of Zn reduced pod and seed weight.  相似文献   

The competitive ability of effective and ineffective isolates of Bradyrhizobium to form nodules on four peanut (Arachis hypogaea) genotypes from which they were originally isolated was investigated in a greenhouse study. Pregerminated seeds of each genotype were inoculated with five ratios of ineffective effective bradyrhizobia: 104:0, 104:102 104:104 102:104 and 0:104. Plants were harvested 35 days after planting and nitrogenase activity, total nodule number per plant, plant shoot dry weight and the proportion of nodules formed by each Bradyrhizobium isolate were determined. Nodulation suppression occurred on plants inoculated with the mixed cultures, especially on those inoculated with the 104:102 ineffective effective inoculum ratio. More than 85% of the nodules on plants inoculated with the 104:104 and 102:104 ineffective effective Bradyrhizobium mixtures were formed by the effective isolates. The number of effective nodules per plant, nitrogenase activity and plant shoot dry matter production all increased with the proportion of the effective bradyrhizobia in the inocula.  相似文献   

Groundnut productivity is low in the semi‐arid tropics mainly because of drought caused by low and erratic rainfall. Genotypes that have ability to use limited available water efficiently are required to enhance productivity of the crop. In groundnut, water use efficiency (WUE) is correlated with specific leaf area (SLA). The latter can be used as a surrogate trait for selecting for WUE. Partitioning of assimilates as measured by the harvest index (HI) has the greatest effect on pod yield. In order to improve SLA and in turn WUE and HI, a good knowledge of genetic systems controlling the expression of these traits is essential for the choice of an efficient breeding procedure. This study was conducted to investigate inheritance of SLA and HI in three crosses involving Chico, TMV 2 NLM, and ICGV 86031 groundnut genotypes. The study included parents, F1, F2, and backcross generations. Generation means analysis indicated that the additive effects were more important than the dominance effects in the expression of SLA and HI. In addition to additive and dominance effects, additive × additive type of epistasis, which can be fixed in groundnut (a self pollinated crop), was also significant for SLA in all the three and for HI, in two crosses. The selection for SLA and HI can be effective in early generations in some crosses and to exploit the additive × additive type of interaction, it can be done in large populations of later generations.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic pathway of sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol (SQDG) was investigated using groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) leaf discs and 35S-labeled precursors. [35S]SO4(2-) was actively taken up by the leaf discs and rapidly incorporated into SQDG. After 2 h, 1.5% of the [35S]SO4(2-) added to the incubation medium was taken up, of which 28% was incorporated into SQDG. The methanol-water phases of the lipid extracts of the leaf discs were analyzed for the 35S-labeled intermediates. Up to 2 h of incubation, cysteic acid, 3-sulfopyruvate, 3-sulfolactate, 3-sulfolactaldehyde, and sulfoquinovose (SQ) which have been proposed as intermediates [Davies et al. (1966) Biochem. J. 98, 369-373] were not labeled. Only a negligible amount of radioactivity was observed in these compounds after incubation for 4 h and more. Addition of sodium molybdate inhibited the uptake of [35S]SO4(2-) as well as its incorporation into SQDG by the leaf discs, suggesting that 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate may be involved in the biosynthesis of SQDG. Addition of unlabeled cysteic acid to the incubation medium enhanced the uptake of [35S]SO4(2-) but did not affect its incorporation into SQDG. 35S-labeled cysteic acid was taken up by the leaf discs and metabolized to sulfoacetic acid but not incorporated into SQ or SQDG. These results show that cysteic acid is not an intermediate in SQDG biosynthesis. [35S]SQ was taken up by the leaf discs and incorporated into SQDG in a time-dependent manner. [35S]Sulfoquinovosylglycerol was also taken up by the leaf discs but not incorporated into SQDG. It is concluded that SQDG is not biosynthesized by the proposed sulfoglycolytic pathway in higher plants. Though [35S]SQ was converted to SQDG, the rates are much lower compared to [35S]SO4(2-) incorporation, which suggests that a more direct pathway involving sulfonation of a lipid precursor may exist in higher plants.  相似文献   

Rhizobia are used exclusively in agricultural systems for enhancing the ability of legumes to fix atmospheric nitrogen. Knowledge about the indigenous population is necessary for the selection and application of inoculant strains. In this study, we have assessed the genetic diversity of Bradyrhizobium strains isolated from the host plant, Arachis hypogaea along the coastline of Tamil Nadu. Different populations collected from varying environmental conditions were analysed for salt and pH tolerance. Genetic diversity among the strains was studied using RAPD markers and PCR-RFLP of 16S rDNA and nifD genes. The approaches used in this study yielded consistent results, which revealed a high degree of heterogeneity among strains and detection of two distinct genetic groups.  相似文献   

花生根瘤菌群体遗传多样性和系统发育研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨江科  谢福莉  周俊初 《遗传学报》2002,29(12):1118-1125
利用16S rRNA RFLP,16S rRNA序列分析和16S-23S IGS PCR RFLP技术对43株花生根瘤菌和来自其他种属的15个参比菌株进行了群体遗传多样性和系统分析。16S rRNA PCR RFLP分析结果表明,所有供试花生根瘤菌均属于慢生根瘤菌属,在系统发育上与B.japonicum的亲缘关系最近,具有相同的16S rRNA RFLP基因型,而与B.elkanii相对较远。16S rRNA 序列分析结果表明,供试花生根瘤菌在系统发育上更接近于B.liaoningense,序列间差异小于1%,而B.liaoningense在系统发育上与B.japonicum相距很近,其序列间差异小于1%,16S-23S rRNA IGS RFLP分析结果表明,尽管花生根瘤菌与B.japonicum和B.elkanii的亲缘关系很近,但在71%的相似性水平上供试花生根瘤菌仍各自聚为一群,并可进一步分为A、B、C和D4个亚群,该分群还明显反映了地理因素对群体遗传多样性和系统发育的影响。  相似文献   

Summary Seeds of 4 crosses of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), Robut 33-1 x Chico, Robut 33-1 x NC Ac 17090, Robut 33-1 x PI 298115 and MK 374 x GAUG 1, were irradiated with 30 kR. In the F1, some branches of each plant were intermated with other plants at random and others selfed in each cross to produce S2 and F2 seeds. They were evaluated for pod yield, shelling percentage and 100-kernel weight. The frequency of plants superior to F[in1] was much higher in S2 than in F2, which was, in general, true for the values of yield and its components. The S2 and F2 were advanced to third generation by selfing. The families descending from S2 showed clear superiority over those from F2. The reason for such superiority was suggested to be the recombination of genes from the upper and lower ends of the genotypic distribution under intermating.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in the arachin polypeptides of groundnut genotypes was observed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Three regions could be observed on the electropherogram. Region 1, corresponding to conarachin, did not show any variation; region 2, consisting of arachin acidic subunits, showed variation; region 3, containing the arachin basic subunits, did not show any variation. There are four varietal classes of arachin polypeptide patterns: class A comprised three acidic subunits of arachin of molecular weights 47.5, 45.1 and 42.6 kd and a basic subunit of 21.4 kd; class B, with three acidic subunits of molecular weights 47.5, 45.1 and 41.2 kd and a basic subunit of 21.4 kd; class C of an additive pattern of class A and class B; class D, of two acidic polypeptides of 47.5, 45.1 kd and the basic 21.4 kd subunit. Of the 90 genotypes studied, 73% belong to class A, 15% to class B and 6% each to class C and D. Analysis of F2 seeds from a cross between class A and class B genotypes showed that the two polypeptides (42.6 kd and 41.2 kd) are coded by nonallelic genes and also revealed that class C and class D patterns arose as a result of hybridisation between class A and class B. A. monticola, the progenitor of A. hypogaea, showed a pattern similar to the additive pattern of class A and class B while some diploid Arachis species had the 41.2 kd polypeptide. Based on arachin polypeptide patterns the probable origin of A. hypogaea has been suggested.  相似文献   

Gynophore elongation and pod formation were studied in peanut plants (Arachis hypogaea L.) under light and dark conditions in vivo. The gynophores elongated until pod formation was initiated. Pod (3–20 mm length) development could be totally controlled by alternating dark (switched on) and light (switched off) conditions, repeatedly. Gynophore elongation responded conversely to light/dark conditions, compared to pods. In this study we aimed to correlate the light/dark effects with endogenous growth substances. The levels of endogenous growth substances were determined in the different stags of pod development. Gynophores shortly after penetration into the soil, ‘white’ gynophores, released twice the amount of ethylene as compared to the aerial green ones, or to gynophores bearing pods. Ethylene inhibitors had no effect on the percent of gynophores that developed pods, but affected pod size which were smaller compared to the control. A similar level of IAA was extracted from gynophore tips of green gynophores, ‘white’ gynophores and pods. ABA levels differed between the three stages and were highest in the green gynophores and lowest in the pods.  相似文献   

Gynophore elongation and pod formation were studied in peanut plants (Arachis hypogaea L.) under light and dark conditions in vivo. The gynophores elongated until pod formation was initiated. Pod (3–20 mm length) development could be totally controlled by alternating dark (switched on) and light (switched off) conditions, repeatedly. Gynophore elongation responded conversely to light/dark conditions, compared to pods. In this study we aimed to correlate the light/dark effects with endogenous growth substances. The levels of endogenous growth substances were determined in the different stags of pod development. Gynophores shortly after penetration into the soil, white gynophores, released twice the amount of ethylene as compared to the aerial green ones, or to gynophores bearing pods. Ethylene inhibitors had no effect on the percent of gynophores that developed pods, but affected pod size which were smaller compared to the control. A similar level of IAA was extracted from gynophore tips of green gynophores, white gynophores and pods. ABA levels differed between the three stages and were highest in the green gynophores and lowest in the pods.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - AOA aminooxyacetic acid - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - Ethrel 2-chloroethanephosphonic acid - GC gas chromatography - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - RIA radioimmunoassay - STS silver thiosulfhate - TIBA 2,3,6-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Rust is a serious and the most prevalent groundnut disease in tropical and subtropical growing regions of the world. A total of 164 recombinant inbred lines derived from resistant (VG 9514) and susceptible (TAG 24) cultivated groundnut parents were screened for rust resistance in five environments. Subsequent genotyping of these lines with 109 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers generated a genetic linkage map with 24 linkage groups. The total length of the linkage map was 882.9 cM with an average of 9.0 cM between neighbouring markers. The markers pPGPseq4A05 and gi56931710 flanked the rust resistance gene at map distances of 4.7 cM and 4.3 cM, respectively, in linkage group 2. The significant association of these two markers with the rust reaction was also confirmed by discriminant analysis. The informative SSR markers classified rust-resistant and susceptible groups with 99.97% correctness. The SSR markers pPGPseq4A05 and gi56931710 were able to identify all the susceptible genotypes from a set of 20 cultivated genotypes differing in rust reaction. Tagging of the rust resistance locus with linked SSR markers will be useful in selecting the rust resistant genotypes from segregating populations and in introgressing the rust resistance genes from diploid wild species.  相似文献   

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