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Phytoplankton counts and supporting physical and chemical data were taken on Lake Valencia, Venezuela, over a five-year interval. The data are used to test the validity of a successional paradigm for class-level taxa. According to the paradigm, formulated from previous studies of Lake Lanao, Philippines, and from data on temperate lakes, the order of taxa from early to late succession is: diatoms, chlorophytes, blue-green algae, dinoflagellates. A successional episode is considered to begin when stability of a water column is restored after deep mixing. As the episode progresses, there is a steady decrease in concentration of the limiting macronutrient (in this case, N). In a test of the validity of the paradigm for Lake Valencia, dates of exceptional population increase or decrease were obtained for each taxon. Since nitrate concentration declines steadily as succession progresses, the entry of a given taxon into the successional sequence is indicated quantitatively by the mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional increase in population density, and exit from the successional sequence is indicated by mean nitrate concentration on dates of exceptional population declines. The successional position of each major taxon, bounded by its entry and exit in the sequence, can be mapped on the complete spectrum of nitrate concentrations observed in the lake. For Lake Valencia, the nitrate mapping procedure agrees exactly with the predictions based on the successional paradigm. Conformance of Lake Valencia phytoplankton with predictions made a priori suggests that there is a generalized pattern in the phytoplankton succession of the mixed layers of temperate and tropical lakes.  相似文献   

The composition and temporal abundance patterns of planktonicherbivores in Lake Valencia, Venezuela, were studied over a5-year period. The herbivore community was typically composedof only 9 or 10 species, of which four (Notodiapromus deeveyorus,Mesocyclops decipiens, Brachionus calyciflorus, Ceriodaphniacornuta) accounted for more than 90% of community biornass (67µg l–1 mean dry mass). Annual average biomass variedby a factor of three over the 5-year study and this is comparableto interannual variation observed in lakes of the temperatezone. Lake Valencia has a pronounced seasonal cycle based onan annual mixing period and an annual stratification period.Herbivores were usually more abundant during the mixing seasonthan the stratification season. Proximate control of herbivoreabundance patterns could be ascribed largely to predation byChaoborus. Predation pressure was diminished during the circulationseason because the Chaoborus population was reduced by two mortalitymechanisms: catastrophic losses due to chemical changes at overturn,and increased predation by fish coincident with loss of thehypolimnetic refuge. Chaoborus fed on all herbivore speciesin Lake Valencia, but electivities for specific herbivores variedgreatly. The early developmental stages of both copepod speciesexperienced low predation pressure; Notodiaptomus nauphi escapedpredation entirely. Adult copepods, on the other hand, werehighly vulnerable to predation. A statistical analysis of temporalpatterns of abundance and production for the major herbivorespecies suggests that closely related species responded differentlyto growth control mechanisms; the two species with similar responses(M.decipiens and B.calyciflorus) also had coincident abundancepatterns. Despite statistical differences in responses to growthcontrol mechanisms, there was remarkable dietary similarityamong the species. There was no obvious dietary specializationand no statistical evidence of strong selectivity for or aversionto particular algal species. Zooplankton species compositionis very simple in Lake Valencia in contrast to the high speciesrichness of many other kinds of tropical communities. Herbivorecommunity abundance is highly seasonal in Lake Valencia; theamplitudes of abundance fluctuation exceed those of other largetropical lakes and are comparable to those in lakes of the temperatezone. Herbivore production in Lake Valencia, and in tropicallakes in general, is not necessarily higher than that in temperatelakes, but production per unit biomass probably is higher.  相似文献   

Lake Valencia in north central Venezuela, one of the largest natural inland bodies of water north of the equator, is undergoing a very rapid deterioration process as a consequence of anthropogenically induced changes. At the Ichthyology Laboratory of Instituto de Zoología Tropical, we have been studying the fishes of the northern tributaries of Lake Valencia since the early 1990's. As a result of collections made in seven northern tributaries of the basin from 1990 to 1993, we have identified 15 species of fish in 6 families. Comparison of our results with those of several authors who have collected in the area since the 1920's, indicate a 59.5%decrease in fish diversity in a 30 year span. The Lake Valencia region has undergone a rapid, considerable industrial and urban growth in recent years. This rapid increment in population size has produced a vast contamination of the lake and its tributaries by activities associated with a growing population. This study will contribute to the understanding of the biodiversity of the region by recording changes in the characteristics of the ichthyofauna in a highly modified environment.  相似文献   

Lake Valencia is heavily polluted by waste water of domestic, agricultural and industrial origin. The high organic load may have produced important changes in the limnological properties. Cyanobacteria dominated in numbers and biomass (over 90% throughout the year). Chlorophyll-a content averaged 37.7 + 15 μg · 1−1. Maximum concentrations of 50–80 μg · 1−1 were found near the inflows affected by organically polluted affluents. There has been a 50% reduction in the euphotic zone in only 13 years. The maximum rate of gross photosynthesis per hour at light saturation was determined within the uppermost 1-meter layer. The highest value was 16,290 mg O2 · m−3 · h−1. Lake Valencia is among the most productive lakes in the world, with areal net photosynthesis averaging 7.5 g C · m−2 · d−1.  相似文献   

The effect which Cyanophyta have upon the zooplankton varies according to the form of the alga (mucilaginous colonies or filaments) and its abundance. Periodical blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa were not detrimental for the zooplankton, in spite of the fact that copepods, cladocerans and rotifers consume small colonies. High concentrations of Lyngbya limnetica and Oscillatoria limnetica in Lake Valencia, Venezuela, proved to be inhibitory for cladocerans. A total absence of cladocerans was detected when filaments increased.  相似文献   

Adult male and female Sarotherodon mossambicus in Lake Valencia, Venezuala select different littoral habitats. Males prefer areas with soft bottoms and high turbidity, while females favour areas with hard bottoms and low turbidity. Soft bottoms provide suitable sediment for male breeding site construction and high turbidity helps protect territorial males from visionally orientated predators, but the food available in this habitat is of poor quality and males feed relatively little. The hard bottom littoral provides food of superior quality and females feed in these areas. Condition factors are highest for subadult males, intermediate for adult females and lowest for adult males. Differential habitat utilization by sexes of S. mossambicus in Lake Valencia appears to contribute to individual fitness by providing males and females with specific requirements for reproduction.  相似文献   

Petenia kraussii Steindachner (Pisces: Cichlidae) was collected from Lake Valencia, Venezuela from April 1973 to April 1974. A total of 457 specimens were examined for stomach contents, and 471 were analyzed for length-weight relationship, sexual condition including fecundity and parasitism. P. kraussii is primarily a plankton feeder when small and utilizes benthic invertebrates after attaining about 10 cm standard length. The larvae of a benthic ephemeropteran, Campsurus sp. (Hexigenidae) was the most important single food item with gastropods and fish eggs also being found consistently in stomachs. No mature male fish were found, and only 17 of 471 fish could be identified as males, while 157 were females. Gravid females contained an estimated mean of 6266 eggs and matured at about 18 cm standard length and 100 g live weight. It was not possible to determine age from either scale or otoliths.  相似文献   

Time to pregnancy--a model and its application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological fertility is poorly measured by the number of children born in industrially advanced societies. The time elapsing from when a couple decides to have a child to clinically recognizable pregnancy is a useful alternative. Time to pregnancy can be collected in broad categories in large samples. A model for condensing important information from such data is presented, which fits several large samples of reported waiting times. It is shown that multiparous women conceive more quickly than primiparous women.  相似文献   

It is well-known that functionally related genes occur in a physically clustered form, especially operons in bacteria. By leveraging on this fact, there has recently been an interesting problem formulation known as gene team model, which searches for a set of genes that co-occur in a pair of closely related genomes. However, many gene teams, even experimentally verified operons, frequently scatter within other genomes. Thus, the gene team model should be refined to reflect this observation. In this paper, we generalized the gene team model, that looks for gene clusters in a physically clustered form, to multiple genome cases with relaxed constraints. We propose a novel hybrid pattern model that combines the set and the sequential pattern models. Our model searches for gene clusters with and/or without physical proximity constraint. This model is implemented and tested with 97 genomes (120 replicons). The result was analyzed to show the usefulness of our model. We also compared the result from our hybrid model to those from the traditional gene team model. We also show that predicted gene teams can be used for various genome analysis: operon prediction, phylogenetic analysis of organisms, contextual sequence analysis and genome annotation. Our program is fast enough to provide a service on the web at http://platcom.informatics.indiana.edu/platcom/. Users can select any combination of 97 genomes to predict gene teams.  相似文献   

Transport of phosphorus,nitrogen, and carbon by the Apure River,Venezuela   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The concentrations and transport of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were studied in the Apure River, Venezuela, over a period of 21 months. The drainage basin, which is in western Venezuela, encompasses 167,000 kM2, most of which has low relief and supports tropical savanna vegetation. Average runoff for the period of study was 361 mm/year. Discharge-weighted mean concentrations were 188 ug/l for total P, 957 ug/l for total N, and 9.8 mg/l for organic C. Annual transport was 0.68 kg· ha-1· year-1 for total P, 3.45 kg · ha-1· year-1 for total N, and 35.4 kg · ha-1 · year-1 for organic C. Particulate matter accounted for 68% of P, 54% of N, and 37% of C transport. The yield of carbon from the Apure watershed agrees well with empirical predictions, based mostly on the temperate zone, for watersheds of similar size and water yield.Seasonal patterns in chemistry are tied strongly to the hydrologic cycle. When the wet season begins, rising water flushes organic matter from side channels and produces a sharp increase in particulate C and N. Particulate P, which is associated more with mineral material, also increases during rising water. All dissolved constituents except inorganic C also increase over the rising-water phase. As the river inundates the floodplain, the concentration of nitrate declines, whereas the concentrations of dissolved organic C and N continue to rise. At high water the floodplain appears to store sediments that are later remobilized. During low water, all fractions except dissolved inorganic C tend to be at minimum concentration.Soluble reactive P, total dissolved P, dissolved inorganic C, and dissolved organic C were successfully modelled as hyperbolic functions of discharge. No significant relationships were found between concentration and discharge for any particulate fraction because the flushing and storage mechanisms affecting these fractions occurred within specific hydrologic phases, rather than as a smooth function of discharge. No significant relationships were found for any nitrogen fraction. For nitrate, and thus for total dissolved N, of which nitrate is a major component, poor conformance to standard models is explained by association of key mechanisms (e.g. uptake) with specific hydrologic phases. Particulate components and nitrate in this sense violate the continuity assumptions implicit in the standard models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two metrics to compare DNA and protein sequences based on a Poisson model of word occurrences. Instead of comparing the frequencies of all fixed-length words in two sequences, we consider (1) the probability of ‘generating’ one sequence under the Poisson model estimated from the other; (2) their different expression levels of words. Phylogenetic trees of 25 viruses including SARS-CoVs are constructed to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

刘俊宏  李春 《生物信息学》2013,11(2):142-145
借助DNA序列中k-字的频数,将序列转化成一个340维向量,进而计算物种间的进化距离。作为应用:分别以15个物种的β球蛋白基因、13种汉坦病毒的S片段以及26个闭壳龟线粒体基因为例,构建系统发生树,所得结果与前人的结论一致,说明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

A numerical method to model excitable cells   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
We have extended a fast, stable, and accurate method for the numerical solution of cable equations to include changes in geometry and membrane properties in order to model a single excitable cell realistically. In addition, by including the provision that the radius may be a function of distance along an axis, we have achieved a general and powerful method for simulating a cell with any number of branched processes, any or all of which may be nonuniform in diameter, and with no restriction on the branching pattern.  相似文献   

The mechanical behaviour of solid biological tissues has long been described using models based on classical continuum mechanics. However, the classical continuum theories of elasticity and viscoelasticity cannot easily capture the continual remodelling and associated structural changes in biological tissues. Furthermore, models drawn from plasticity theory are difficult to apply and interpret in this context, where there is no equivalent of a yield stress or flow rule. In this work, we describe a novel one-dimensional mathematical model of tissue remodelling based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient. We express the mechanical effects of remodelling as an evolution equation for the effective strain, a measure of the difference between the current state and a hypothetical mechanically relaxed state of the tissue. This morphoelastic model combines the simplicity and interpretability of classical viscoelastic models with the versatility of plasticity theory. A novel feature of our model is that while most models describe growth as a continuous quantity, here we begin with discrete cells and develop a continuum representation of lattice remodelling based on an appropriate limit of the behaviour of discrete cells. To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we use this framework to capture qualitative aspects of the continual remodelling observed in fibroblast-populated collagen lattices, in particular its contraction and its subsequent sudden re-expansion when remodelling is interrupted.  相似文献   

A model for slow axonal transport is developed in which the essential features are reversible binding of cytoskeletal elements and of soluble cytosolic proteins to each other and to motile elements such as actin microfilaments. Computer simulation of the equations of the model demonstrate that the model can account for many of the features of the SCa and SCb waves observed in pulse experiments. The model also provides a unified explanation for the increase and decrease of neurofilament transport rates observed in various toxicant-induced neuropathies.  相似文献   

A subject-specific three-dimensional finite element (FE) pelvic bone model has been developed and applied to the study of bone–cement interfacial response in cemented acetabular replacements. The pelvic bone model was developed from CT scan images of a cadaveric pelvis and validated against the experiment data obtained from the same specimen at a simulated single-legged stance. The model was then implanted with a cemented acetabular cup at selected positions to simulate some typical implant conditions due to the misplacement of the cup as well as a standard cup condition. For comparison purposes, a simplified FE model with homogeneous trabecular bone material properties was also generated and similar implant conditions were examined.The results from the homogeneous model are found to underestimate significantly both the peak von Mises stress and the area of the highly stressed region in the cement near the bone–cement interface, compared with those from the subject-specific model. Non-uniform cement thickness and non-standard cup orientation seem to elevate the highly stressed region as well as the peak stress near the bone–cement interface.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初在污泥处理系统中发现了氮素形态转化的新途径--厌气铵氧化过程.厌气铵氧化过程是铵以亚硝酸根为电子受体在自养细菌参数下氧化成氮气的过程.但目前尚无土壤、河、湖、海底泥等自然系统中是否存在厌气铵氧化过程的报道.由于该过程无需外加有机碳,耗氧和处理产生污泥少,用于污泥脱氮成本较低,具有很大潜力.  相似文献   

A constitutive relation proposed by Shoemaker (Ph.D. dissertation, 1984) to model the mechanical behavior of membraneous or two-dimensional soft tissues is described. Experiments by Schneider (Ph.D. dissertation, 1982) on human skin and Lee et al. (Am. J. Physiol., 249, H222-H230, 1985) on canine pericardium, and the application of the constitutive model to biaxial stress-strain data from these experiments, are discussed. Some experimental data and predictions of the model obtained by curvefitting are presented for comparison. Values of material parameters are also presented. It is concluded that the constitutive model is well able to fit results of individual tests, and that its generality (judged by consistency of parameters from test to test of the same specimen), though not complete, does compare favorably with some other results presented in the literature.  相似文献   

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