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Animal pollinators are thought to shape floral evolution, yet the tempo of this process has seldom been measured. I used the prediction equation of quantitative genetics, R = h2S , to predict the rate at which a change in pollinator abundance may have caused divergence in floral morphology of the alpine skypilot, Polemonium viscosum. A selection experiment determined the rate at which such divergence can actually proceed. Corolla flare in this species increases by 12% from populations pollinated by a wide assemblage of insect visitors to those pollinated only by bumblebees. To simulate the evolutionary process giving rise to this change, I used a pollinator selection experiment. Plants with broad flowers set significantly more seeds than plants with narrow flowers under bumblebee pollination but had equivalent fecundity when visited by other insects or hand-pollinated. Bumblebee-mediated selection for broad corolla flare intensified from 0.07 at seed set to 0.17 at progeny establishment. Maternal parent-offspring regression yielded a confidence interval of 0.22–1.00 for trait heritability. Given these parameter estimates, the prediction equation shows that broadly flared flowers of bumblebee-pollinated P. viscosum could have evolved from narrower ones in a single generation. This prediction is matched by an observed 9% increase in offspring corolla flare after a single bout of bumblebee-mediated selection, relative to offspring of unselected controls. Findings show that plant populations can adapt rapidly to abrupt changes in pollinator assemblages.  相似文献   

Sweet-flowered plants of Polemonium viscosum in Colorado are visited by a fly-dominated pollinator fauna at timberline (krummholz), but almost exclusively by bumblebees in higher-elevation tundra habitats. Significant increases in flower size and height are associated with increasing elevation along this habitat gradient. This paper presents the results of an experiment designed to test whether bumblebees exert sufficient selection on morphometric floral phenotypes to account for the clinal shifts seen in natural populations. Two populations of sweet-flowered plants of krummholz origin were established: one randomly pollinated, the other solely bumblebee-pollinated. I tested the effects of two independent axes of floral variation, obtained by principal-components analysis, on mean seed set per flower of plants in each population. PC1, with strong correlations to corolla diameter, corolla length, and stem height, explained a significant amount of variance in seed set for bumblebee-pollinated plants but had no bearing on that of randomly pollinated plants. PC2, with strong correlation to flower number, did not influence seed set in either population. Bumblebee behavior was correlated with variation in PC1 scores of the selected population, yielding positive directional selection on morphometric floral traits associated with PC1. Selection coefficients for PC1, corolla length, corolla diameter, and inflorescence height were estimated, respectively, as 0.11, 0.09, 0.07, and 0.06 (P < 0.025 in all cases). These results support the hypothesis that pollinator-mediated selection can bring about changes in floral form, and can explain shifts in floral morphology of P. viscosum along natural habitat gradients.  相似文献   

Pollen dispersal success in entomophilous plants is influenced by the amount of pollen produced per flower, the fraction of pollen that is exported to other flowers during a pollinator visit, visitation frequency, and the complementarity between pollen donor and recipients. For bumble bee-pollinated Polemonium viscosum the first three determinants of male function are correlated with morphometric floral traits. Pollen production is positively related to corolla and style length, whereas pollen removal per visit by bumble bee pollinators is a positive function of corolla flare. Larger-flowered plants receive more bumble bee visits than small-flowered individuals. We found no evidence of tradeoffs between pollen export efficiency and per visit accumulation of outcross pollen; each was influenced by unique aspects of flower morphology. Individual queen bumble bees of the principal pollinator species, Bombus kirbyellus, were similar in male, female, and absolute measures of pollination effectiveness. An estimated 2.9% of the pollen that bumble bees removed from flowers during a foraging bout was, on average, deposited on stigmas of compatible recipients. Significant plant-to-plant differences in pollen production, pollen export per visit, and outcross pollen receipt were found for co-occurring individuals of P. viscosum indicating that variation in these fitness related traits can be seen by pollinator-mediated selection.  相似文献   

I measured the effect of early reproduction on subsequent growth and survival in the alpine perennial wildflower, Polemonium viscosum. Measurements were made over 4 yr on 34 maternal sibships under natural conditions. A significant phenotypic cost of early reproduction characterized the study population. Plants that flowered after only one year's growth had twice as many leaves and 25% more shoots than nonflowering individuals of equal age. However, early flowering decreased leaf number by 18% in the subsequent year and survivorship by 20% after two years relative to changes in leaf number and survival of nonflowering plants. For such trade-offs to shape the further evolution of reproductive schedules, flowering probability and those age-specific components of plant size that represent the energetic currency for reproductive costs must be heritable. Although families showed significant heterogeneity in the probability of early flowering, most (62%) entirely failed to flower. Moreover, phenotypic variation in vegetative size components at ages 1 and 2 had little genetic basis. Only at ages 3 and 4, after vegetative and demographic costs of early reproduction had been incurred, did vegetative size components (leaf length and number, and shoot number) vary significantly among families. Results of this study provide little evidence of a genetically based trade-off between early reproduction and subsequent survival in P. viscosum.  相似文献   

Plants of Polemonium viscosum are strongly self-incompatible, yet have floral features that enforce spatial and temporal separation of pollen and stigma presentation. In this study, we address the widely held view that such barriers to selfing are maintained because they reduce interference by self pollen in performance of outcross grains. In the first year of the study we found that 24 hr precedence of self pollen on the stigma (24S), reduced outcross pollen germination by 32%, and seed set by 40% in flowers of P. viscosum. In the second year significant negative effects of self pollen on compatible pollen germination were seen when self pollen was applied four hours before (4S) or immediately prior (S×) to outcross pollen. Surprisingly, however, in the second year of study, seed set was not reduced with as much as 50% inhibition of compatible pollen germination. Results suggest that by interfering with normal functioning of outcross grains, incompatible self pollen can increase pollen limitation in P. viscosum. Reduction in seed production as a result of this phenomenon should select for displacement of pollen presentation from stigma receptivity.  相似文献   

The pollination of red, pink, and white color morphs of Ipomopsis aggregata was evaluated to assess whether ethological isolation based on pollinator color discrimination may occur. We observed animal visitors, assessed pollen delivery, seed set per fruit, percentage of flowers setting fruit, nectar production, and timing of flower opening for different color morphs in the Front Range of Colorado. Based on traditional zoophilous flower classifications, we expected hummingbirds to pollinate red-flowered I. aggregata subsp. collina and hawkmoths to pollinate white-flowered I. aggregata subsp. Candida. However, ethological isolation does not appear to occur among color morphs of I. aggregata in the Front Range. Hummingbirds visited red-flowered plants in excess overall, and, to a lesser extent, so did hawkmoths. Both hummingbirds and hawkmoths visited all color morphs and probably transferred pollen among them. Pollen delivery data and a day-night bagging experiment also suggest that pollinators do not necessarily behave as predicted by flower classifications. In addition, there is little evidence for major differences between red, white, and pink flowers in any aspects of reproductive biology. Indeed, most variation occurs within a given color morph.  相似文献   

Abstract We address how a conflict between pollinator attraction and avoidance of flower predation influences the evolution of flower shape in Polemonium viscosum. Flower shape in P. viscosum is the product of an isometric relationship between genetically correlated (rA= 0.70) corolla flare and length. Bumblebee pollinators preferentially visit flowers that are more flared and have longer tubes, selecting for a funnel‐shaped corolla. However, flower shape also influences nectar‐foraging ants that sever the style at its point of attachment to the ovary. Surveys of ant damage show that plants having flowers with flared, short corollas are most vulnerable to ant predation. Consistent with this result, the ratio of corolla length to flare is significantly greater in a krummholz (high predation risk) population than in a tundra (low predation risk) population. To explicitly test whether the evolution of a better defended flower would exact a cost in pollination, we created tubular flowers by constricting the corolla during development. Performance of tubular flowers and natural controls was compared for defensive and attractive functions. In choice trials, ants entered control flowers significantly more often than tubular ones, confirming that the evolution of tubular flowers would reduce the risk of predation. However, in a bumblebee‐pollinated population, tubular flowers received significantly less pollen and set fewer seeds than controls. A fitness model incorporating these data predicts that in the absence of the genetic correlation between corolla length and flare, intermittent selection for defense could allow tubular flowers to spread in the krummholz population. However, in the tundra, where bumblebees account for nearly all pollination, the model predicts that tubular flowers should always confer a fitness disadvantage.  相似文献   

小慈姑的开花状态、传粉机制与交配系统   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
在自然种群中对沼生植物小慈姑(Sagittaria potamogetifolia Merr.)的开花状态和传粉过程作了观测,并用同工酶遗传标记法定量估测了其3个种群中5个样本的异交率。该种为中心媒传粉为主的虫/风 媒兼性传粉机制,访花昆虫的飞行距离多在0-2m范围内,并与花序密度呈不显著的正相关。异交率(-/^/t)为50.0%-92.8%,表明该种为异交为主的混合交配系统(ixed mating system)。对雌雄同株的小慈姑而言,异交率与各种群花期植株密度无关,异交水平取决于种群中开花花序的两个或两个以上的植株所占比例。  相似文献   

Patterns of floral nectar production and standing crop were measured in four populations of the herbaceous perennial plant species Polemonium foliosissimum. Contrary to prediction (Pleasants, 1983), individual flowers in this mass-flowering species were found to produce equivalent nectar volumes every day of their lives. Alternative methods of increasing the reward variability presented to pollinators are evaluated for P. foliosissimum and the relationship between that variability and risk-aversive foraging by pollinators is discussed. Significant spatial and temporal variability in rate of nectar production was found. Populations separated by approximately 200 m exhibited different rates. Nectar production declined significantly as a function of time of the flowering season in two populations but not in a third. In spite of such variability, individual plants showed consistency in production both within a single blooming season and across successive seasons. Because of the variability found in the present study, care should be taken to design appropriate sampling protocols in future nectar studies. Patterns of standing nectar crop were consistent with those expected if pollinators were using an area-restricted searching pattern.  相似文献   

Although fitness typically increases with body size and selection gradients on size are generally positive, much of this information comes from terrestrial taxa. In the early life history of fish, there is evidence of selection both for and against larger size, leaving open the question of whether the general pattern for terrestrial taxa is valid for fish. We reviewed studies of size‐dependent survival in the early life history of fish and obtained estimates of standardized selection differentials from 40 studies. We found that 77% of estimated selection differentials favored larger size and that the strength of selection was more than five times that seen in terrestrial taxa. Selection decreased with study period duration and initial length, and disruptive selection occurred significantly more frequently than stabilizing selection. Contrary to expectations from Bergmann's rule, selection on size did not increase with latitude.  相似文献   

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