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F Dubois  A Belzile 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43697
The social environment of animals strongly influences the mating preferences of both the choosing and the observing individuals. Notably, there is recent evidence that polygamous males decrease their selectivity when being observed by competitors in order to direct their rivals' attention away from their true interest and, consequently, reduce sperm competition risk. Yet, other mechanisms, whose importance remains unexplored, could induce similar effects. In monogamous species with mutual choice, particularly, if males adjust their selectivity according to the risk of being rejected by their preferred mate, they should as well become less selective when potential rivals are present. Here, we investigated whether the presence of bystanders modifies male mating preferences when the risk of sperm competition is low, by carrying out mate-choice experiments with male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) whose preferences for two females were measured twice: with and without an audience. We found that the presence of potential rivals had no effect on the males' choosiness. However, with an audience, they spent more time with the female that was considered as the less attractive one in the control condition. These findings support the hypothesis that monogamous males alter their mate choice decisions in the presence of a male audience to reduce the risk of remaining unpaired. Thus, our results indicate that several explanations can account for the changes in male preferences due to the presence of competitors and highlight the importance of assessing the relative role of each mechanism potentially involved, to be able to make conclusions about the effect of an audience on signal evolution.  相似文献   



Birdsong and human vocal communication are both complex behaviours which show striking similarities mainly thought to be present in the area of development and learning. Recent studies, however, suggest that there are also parallels in vocal production mechanisms. While it has been long thought that vocal tract filtering, as it occurs in human speech, only plays a minor role in birdsong there is an increasing number of studies indicating the presence of sound filtering mechanisms in bird vocalizations as well.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Correlating high-speed X-ray cinematographic imaging of singing zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) to song structures we identified beak gape and the expansion of the oropharyngeal-esophageal cavity (OEC) as potential articulators. We subsequently manipulated both structures in an experiment in which we played sound through the vocal tract of dead birds. Comparing acoustic input with acoustic output showed that OEC expansion causes an energy shift towards lower frequencies and an amplitude increase whereas a wide beak gape emphasizes frequencies around 5 kilohertz and above.


These findings confirm that birds can modulate their song by using vocal tract filtering and demonstrate how OEC and beak gape contribute to this modulation.  相似文献   

Male Bengalese finches, Lonchura striata var. domestica, learn their song from an adult male conspecific with whom they can interact at 35 to 70 days of age and normally-raised males fail to reproduce song which they have only heard before or after this time. Birds which have been raised by their mother alone and those which have been deprived of a song tutor during the learning phase produce abnormal songs with indistinct elements and little or no phrase structure; this is typical of males which fail to hear adult song during their development. These songs are unstable and are replaced by normal songs, if there is an opportunity to learn from an adult male conspecific. Presumably, this flexibility in the time when young males learn acts as a safeguard to ensure that normal conspecific song is produced. These results bear striking similarity to those on zebra finch song development. Differences between the two species, especially in the learning of call notes by female zebra finches, are discussed.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behaviour of animals, that is, personalities, are both widespread and widely studied, but very few studies also include cognitive traits in this context. Animal personality has recently been integrated into the pace‐of‐life‐syndrome hypothesis, relating individual behavioural traits to life history. Variation in cognitive traits could be explained well by this theoretical framework. A risk‐reward trade‐off might lead to different cognitive types: Active birds that learn fast, take risks and probably have a fast lifestyle and less active, slow learning birds that are risk averse but thereby perform better in reversal learning as they probably pay more attention to external cues. We investigated the performance of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in a cognitively challenging reversal learning task and linked this to two personality traits: activity and fearfulness. Male birds were better in reversal learning than females. While no personality‐related differences occurred in the initial learning of our task, more active and fearful birds relearned the cue–reward association faster. While birds of different sex might have revealed different risk‐taking strategies in the training, our findings do not reveal the expected direction of a risk‐reward trade‐off in the reversal learning. It seems likely that a more general and personality‐related cognitive ability might improve performance across different tasks. The linkage between personality and cognition documented here could hence suggest that cognitive traits are indeed part of an overall pace‐of‐life syndrome.  相似文献   

Traits used in mate choice are often costly to produce or maintain, and thus can reflect an individual’s current condition. Mate choice, however, might not only be influenced by the current condition of a potential partner, but also by the condition it had experienced during its early development which can have strong and long‐lasting effects on various traits. Here we studied the effects of different early developmental conditions, imposed by brood size manipulations (small, medium and large broods), on male attractiveness as measured by female choice experiments in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In three different experiments, we allowed females to choose between males that had been raised in different experimental brood sizes. In none of the experiments, females showed a significant preference for males which had experienced better developmental conditions, i.e. were raised in the relatively smaller experimental broods. Song rate was higher in males coming from small than large broods, but females did not prefer males that sang more. These results suggest that sexual attractiveness either was not affected by our experimental treatment or that males subsequently had compensated in their overall attractiveness for negative effects of early developmental conditions.  相似文献   

Telomeres are repetitive non coding DNA sequences located at the end of eukaryotic chromosomes, which maintain the integrity of the genome by hiding the chromosome ends from being recognised as double stranded breaks. Telomeres are emerging as biomarkers for ageing and survival, and are susceptible to reflect different individual life history trajectories. In particular, the telomere length with which one starts in life has been shown to be linked with individual life-long survival, suggesting that telomere dynamics can be a proxy for individual fitness and thereby be implicated in evolutionary trade-offs. As a consequence, an increasing number of studies were conducted on telomeres in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology, in which telomere length was almost exclusively measured from blood samples. However, not only do the number of repeats of the telomeric sequences vary among species, but also within species with great inter-individual telomere lengths variability with age, tissues, and chromosomes. This raises the issue of the exact biological meaning of telomere measurement in blood cells and stimulated the study of the correlation of telomere lengths among tissues over age. By measuring telomere length in adult zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) in different somatic tissues displaying variable cell turnovers (bone marrow, brain, spleen, pectoral muscle, heart, liver and in red blood cells), we checked that the measure of telomere length in red blood cells is related to telomere lengths in the other tissues. Here we show significant relationships between the telomere lengths of red blood cells and several somatic tissues at adulthood. As red blood cells are easily accessible and suitable for the longitudinal monitoring of the individual rate of telomere loss, our study confirms that telomere length measured in red blood cells could serve as a surrogate for telomere length in the whole avian organism.  相似文献   

Speech impairment is one of the most intriguing and least understood effects of alcohol on cognitive function, largely due to the lack of data on alcohol effects on vocalizations in the context of an appropriate experimental model organism. Zebra finches, a representative songbird and a premier model for understanding the neurobiology of vocal production and learning, learn song in a manner analogous to how humans learn speech. Here we show that when allowed access, finches readily drink alcohol, increase their blood ethanol concentrations (BEC) significantly, and sing a song with altered acoustic structure. The most pronounced effects were decreased amplitude and increased entropy, the latter likely reflecting a disruption in the birds’ ability to maintain the spectral structure of song under alcohol. Furthermore, specific syllables, which have distinct acoustic structures, were differentially influenced by alcohol, likely reflecting a diversity in the neural mechanisms required for their production. Remarkably, these effects on vocalizations occurred without overt effects on general behavioral measures, and importantly, they occurred within a range of BEC that can be considered risky for humans. Our results suggest that the variable effects of alcohol on finch song reflect differential alcohol sensitivity of the brain circuitry elements that control different aspects of song production. They also point to finches as an informative model for understanding how alcohol affects the neuronal circuits that control the production of learned motor behaviors.  相似文献   

RICHARD ZANN 《Ibis》1985,127(2):184-196
Moult of the remiges was studied over eight years in a population of Zebra Finches from southeast Australia. In first-year birds the first primary was lost at mean age of 80 days in both sexes; moult took 204 days to complete in males and 223 in females. Birds hatched in autumn postponed the start of their primary moult until spring. Primaries were replaced slowly in a rigid, non-overlapping, ascending order from #1 to #9 but the secondaries did not display a rigid sequence.
Adult Zebra Finches moulted remiges throughout the year. Primary moult was initiated in any month. Primary moult had a mean duration of 229 days for males and 240 days for females. Primaries moulted in continuous waves: the interval between successive moults in males was –16 days and +6 days in females. Limited food, low temperatures and breeding slowed, but did not stop, wing-moult. Birds caring for eggs and young actively replaced remiges.
The pattern of wing-moult displayed here by Zebra Finches is exceptional for passerines and may be related to the opportunistic breeding strategy necessary in an arid, unpredictable environment. Its presence in the Victorian birds may be non-adaptive.  相似文献   

鸣声是鸟类重要的生物学特征和分类特征。由于生理结构和神经控制方面的差异,不同种群和同一种群的不同个体都有自己特有的鸣声特征,正是利用这些特征,鸟类才能在集群、取食、迁徙、喂雏、御敌和求偶等行为中进行通讯。作为一种能够利用语音信息进行交流的高等脊椎动物,斑胸草雀的鸣声特别是鸣啭能力获得,需要有一个适宜的学习对象,并在一段特定的时间内,经历复杂的学习过程才能实现。  相似文献   

Food color can be indicative of specific nutrients, and thus discrimination based on color can be a valuable foraging behavior. Several bird and fish species with carotenoid-based body ornamentation show color preferences for presumably carotenoid-rich red and orange foods. However, little is known within species about whether or not individuals with (or growing) more colorful ornaments show stronger food-color preferences than those with drabber coloration. Here, we examine food color preferences in house finches ( Carpodacus mexicanus ) – a species with sexually dichromatic and selected carotenoid coloration – as a function of sex and plumage coloration during molt. We captured wild, molting juvenile house finches over 4 wk in late summer/early fall, quantified the color and size of plumage ornaments being developed in males, and determined food color preference in captivity by presenting individuals with dyed sunflower chips (red, orange, yellow, and green). On average, finches showed an aversion to yellow-dyed chips and a preference for red- and green-colored chips. We found no significant difference between male and female preferences for specific food colors, and food color preference was not significantly related to male plumage ornamentation. However, we did find that redder birds demonstrated a higher degree of food selectivity, measured as the proportion of their preferred food color consumed. These results suggest that food color is not a major factor determining food choice in molting house finches, but that there still may be aspects of foraging behavior that are linked to the development of colorful plumage.  相似文献   

Animals observing conspecifics during mate choice can gain additional information about potential mates. However, the presence of an observer, if detected by the observed individuals, can influence the nature of the behavior of the observed individuals, called audience effect. In zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis), domesticated males show an audience effect during mate choice. However, whether male and female descendants of the wild form show an audience effect during mate choice is unknown. Therefore, we conducted an experiment where male and female focal birds could choose between two distinctive phenotypes of the opposite sex, an artificially adorned stimulus bird with a red feather on the forehead and an unadorned stimulus bird, two times consecutively, once without an audience and once with an audience bird (same sex as test bird). Males showed an audience effect when an audience male was present and spent more time with adorned and less time with unadorned females compared to when there was no audience present. The change in time spent with the respective stimulus females was positively correlated with the time that the audience male spent in front of its cage close to the focal male. Females showed no change in mate choice when an audience female was present, but their motivation to associate with both stimulus males decreased. In a control for mate-choice consistency there was no audience in either test. Here, both focal females and focal males chose consistently without a change in choosing motivation. Our results showed that there is an audience effect on mate choice in zebra finches and that the response to a same-sex audience was sex-specific.  相似文献   

Large-scale brain activity patterns can be visualized by optical imaging of intrinsic signals (OIS) based on activity-dependent changes in the blood oxygenation level. Another method, flavoprotein autofluorescence imaging (AFI), exploits the mitochondrial flavoprotein autofluorescence, which is enhanced during neuronal activity. In birds, topographic mapping of visual space has been shown in the visual wulst, the avian homologue of the mammalian visual cortex by using OIS. We here applied the AFI method to visualize topographic maps in the visual wulst because with OIS, which depends on blood flow changes, blood vessel artifacts often obscure brain activity maps. We then compared both techniques quantitatively in zebra finches and in C57Bl/6J mice using the same setup and stimulation conditions. In addition to experiments with craniotomized animals, we also examined mice with intact skull (in zebra finches, intact skull imaging is not feasible probably due to the skull construction). In craniotomized animals, retinotopic maps were obtained by both methods in both species. Using AFI, artifacts caused by blood vessels were generally reduced, the magnitude of neuronal activity significantly higher and the retinotopic map quality better than that obtained by OIS in both zebra finches and mice. In contrast, our measurements in non-craniotomized mice did not reveal any quantitative differences between the two methods. Our results thus suggest that AFI is the method of choice for investigations of visual processing in zebra finches. In mice, however, if researchers decide to use the advantages of imaging through the intact skull, they will not be able to exploit the higher signals obtainable by the AFI-method.  相似文献   

We investigated song development in the pre‐independent zebra finch (aged 15–35 d), a period when neural pathways for song learning and production are forming and social influences outside the family are limited. Expt 1 investigated the onset and the minimum duration of tutoring needed for song learning in fledglings. We found most begin to learn song from 25 d of age and need about 10 d contact with the father tutor to make accurate copies. This onset corresponds with major developments in the formation of the neural circuitry implicated in song acquisition. Subsong also begins on day 25 suggesting that the sensory and motor phases of song learning fully overlap in the zebra finch. Our findings support the hypothesis that the song circuitry is fully functional by 35 d of age and the sensitive phase for zebra finches extends therefore from about days 25–65. However, only the first 10 d of this period are necessary to learn a tutor's song with fair accuracy. Expt 2 investigated the role of the paternal bond, spatial proximity and mating status in a fledgling's choice of song tutor where the father was the sole parent. Young chose the father over single unrelated males (expt 2a) or unrelated males in company with their female partners (expt 2b). Given the close spatial proximity of both potential tutors to the fledglings it is probably the filial bond, established via paternal care that is the cause of this preference. Zebra finches sing the same song phrase in two contrasting contexts: female‐directed song during pre‐copulatory courtship and undirected song where no female or display is involved. In expt 3 we tested the song learning preference of pre‐independent young for two categories of non‐paternal tutors: those singing predominantly female‐directed song and those singing exclusively undirected song. There was a small, but significant, preference for fledgling zebra finches to copy songs from males that sang female‐directed song. This preference is consistent with the hypothesis that young males not only learn the acoustic features of their tutor's song but also the visual and dynamic movements that constitute the courtship display.  相似文献   

Reciprocity is apparently uncommon in animal societies because it requires, to evolve, specialized cognitive abilities that most species would not possess. In particular, memory would be important because cooperation can emerge and be maintained only if the same opponents interact repeatedly and adjust their decisions to their opponent’s previous move. To investigate how these constraints influence reciprocity, we first conducted a preliminary foraging experiment with zebra finches (Taeniapygia guttata) to insure that corticosterone elevations impaired the birds’ event memory capabilities. Then, we performed a reciprocity experiment with established pairs that were tested in a two‐choice apparatus under two different conditions: once with an empty implant and once with an implant of corticosterone. We found that the birds were capable of sustained cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma treatment but only when they had an empty implant. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that limitations in event memory constraint the frequency of reciprocity and hence would make this form of cooperation difficult for non‐human animals. In addition, as levels of stress hormones can differ greatly among individuals, our findings might also contribute explaining individual variation in the propensity to cooperate.  相似文献   

Transepidermal water loss was studied in nestlings, fledglings and adults of the xerophylic Zebra Finch Poephila guttata. Nestlings lose little water (2–4 ppm/0–5 cm2/h) through the skin as compared to adults (60–70 ppm/0–5 cm2/h). Light and electron microscopic examination of the skin sections of both age classes revealed an abundance of lipids in the form of vacuoles and large multigranular bodies in the epidermis of nestlings, but few such lipid bodies in the epidermis of adults. Some of the disc-like contents of granular bodies appear to be extruded into the intercellular spaces. Based on earlier studies with mammals and reptiles, it is concluded that epidermal lipids are the basis of the integumentary permeability barrier in nestlings.  相似文献   

Based on studies from the poultry literature, all birds are hypothesized to require at least 4 weeks to develop circulating mature B-cell lineages that express functionally different immunoglobulin specificities. However, many altricial passerines fledge at adult size less than four weeks after the start of embryonic development, and therefore may experience a period of susceptibility during the nestling and post-fledging periods. We present the first study, to our knowledge, to detail the age-related changes in adaptive antibody response in an altricial passerine. Using repeated vaccinations with non-infectious keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) antigen, we studied the ontogeny of specific adaptive immune response in altricial zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata. Nestling zebra finches were first injected at 7 days (7d), 14 days (14d), or 21 days post-hatch (21d) with KLH-adjuvant emulsions, and boosted 7 days later. Adults were vaccinated in the same manner. Induced KLH-specific IgY antibodies were measured using ELISA. Comparisons within age groups revealed no significant increase in KLH-specific antibody levels between vaccination and boost in 7d birds, yet significant increases between vaccination and boost were observed in 14d, 21d, and adult groups. There was no significant difference among age groups in KLH antibody response to priming vaccination, yet KLH antibody response post-boost significantly increased with age among groups. Post-boost antibody response in all nestling age groups was significantly lower than in adults, indicating that mature adult secondary antibody response level was not achieved in zebra finches prior to fledging (21 days post-hatch in zebra finches). Findings from this study contribute fundamental knowledge to the fields of developmental immunology and ecological immunology and strengthen the utility of zebra finches as a model organism for future studies of immune ontogeny.  相似文献   

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