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Sarcocysts of Sarcocystis sp. were found in 26 (50%) of 52 raccoons (Procyon lotor) from Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Maryland. Although only 4 (7.7%) of 52 cardiac muscles specimens were found to contain sarcocysts, 25% to 36.5% of tongue, diaphragm, masseter muscle, and esophagus specimens were found infected. By light microscopy, sarcocyst walls were less than 3 micron thick and had no conspicuous projections; interior septa were indistinct. By transmission electron microscopy, sarcocyst walls had short (mean = 2.7 micron), villus-like protrusions; thin septa were seen within the sarcocysts. The raccoon may be an intermediate host for a Sarcocystis sp. that completes its life cycle in an unidentified, wild carnivore.  相似文献   

Raccoons can be found almost everywhere in Germany since their first successful introduction in 1934. Although the animal is a well-known reservoir species for rabies in the USA, during the last European fox rabies epizootic, only a few rabid raccoons were reported from Germany. In recent years, the raccoon population density has increased tremendously, especially in (semi) urban settings. Presently, Germany is free of terrestrial wildlife rabies. To assess the potential risk that the raccoon population in Germany could act as a reservoir species upon reemergence of rabies, the susceptibility of the local raccoon population was investigated. Wild-caught animals were inoculated with the most likely lyssavirus variants to infect the local population. It was shown that the raccoons were fully susceptible for a dog and raccoon rabies virus isolate. Also, five of six raccoons inoculated with a fox rabies virus isolate showed clinical signs. However, none of the raccoons infected with European Bat Lyssavirus type 1 succumbed to rabies; meanwhile, all these raccoons seroconverted. It is concluded that the highest risk for the raccoon population in Germany to become infected with lyssaviruses is through the importation of rabies infected dogs.  相似文献   

Congenital ocular and related anomalies were studied in two unrelated young raccoons. One animal was anophthalmic and had severe anomalies of the central nervous system, consisting of meningoencephalocele, pachygyria, hydranencephaly, cerebellar cavitation, syringomyelia, and other defects. A second animal was microphthalmic with congenital defects of the nose, maxilla and teeth. Ocular lesions were severe and included chorioretinal coloboma, retinal folds, disorganized neuroectodermal cell layers, spherophakia, cataract and other defects. The nose had unilateral abnormal epithelium, hair follicles, sweat glands and sebaceous glands, and a lack of parietal cartilage on the affected side.  相似文献   

The effects of raccoon (Procyon lotor) rehabilitation on postrelease survivorship are unknown. Raccoon rehabilitation success was measured as differences in prewinter body condition, home range size, distance to manmade structures, and during-winter survival between raccoons in the wild and those who have been rehabilitated. Prewinter body condition did not differ between wild and rehabilitated raccoons, but there was a trend for rehabilitated raccoons to have better body conditions. There was no difference between wild and rehabilitated raccoon adaptive kernel (AK) home range for 95% and 90% AK home ranges, or for core (50% AK) use areas. There was no sex difference in distance traveled from the release site within rehabilitated raccoons. However, rehabilitated raccoons were found significantly closer (49.4 ± 4.7 m) to manmade structures than wild raccoons (92.2 ± 14.4 m), and female raccoons were found significantly closer (64.8 ± 4.5 m) to manmade structures than male raccoons (72.3 ± 17.6 m). The results of this study indicate that raccoons can be successfully rehabilitated, but they may occupy habitat closer to manmade structures than wild raccoons.  相似文献   

Eimeria nuttalli oocysts were found in 58% (21/36) and E. procyonis oocysts in 25% (9/36) of raccoons Procyon lotor in Illinois, and sporocysts of Sarcocystis sp. in 17% (2/12) of other raccoons in Illinois. The oocysts of E. nuttalli were ellipsoidal to ovoid. 15–21 × 12–17 μm, with a one-layered, smooth, colorless wall. The oocysts of E. procyonis were 22–28 × 18–22 μm, with a rough, striated, brownish, two-layered wall. The sporulated sporocysts of Sarcocystis sp. were 11–13 × 8–10 μm. Attempts to infect baby pigs by feeding them sporocysts of Sarcocystis sp. from the raccoon failed.  相似文献   

Biological invasions provide excellent study systems to understand evolutionary, genetic and ecological processes during range expansions. There is strong evidence for positive effects of high propagule pressure and the associated higher genetic diversity on invasion success, but some species have become invasive despite small founder numbers. The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is often considered as a typical example for such a successful invasion resulting from a small number of founders. The species’ largest non-native population in Germany is commonly assumed to stem from a small number of founders and two separate founding events in the 1930s and 1940s. In the present study we analyzed 407 raccoons at 20 microsatellite loci sampled from the invasive range in Western Europe to test if these assumptions are correct. Contrary to the expectations, different genetic clustering methods detected evidence for at least four independent introduction events that gave rise to genetically differentiated subpopulations. Further smaller clusters were either artifacts or resulted from founder events at the range margin and recent release of captive individuals. We also found genetic evidence for on-going introductions of individuals. Furthermore a novel randomization process was used to determine the potential range of founder population size that would suffice to capture all the alleles present in a cluster. Our results falsify the assumption that this species has become widespread and abundant despite being genetically depauperate and show that historical records of species introductions may be misleading.  相似文献   

Clinical coccidiosis was diagnosed in wild-caught and captive raccoons. Eimeria procyonis-like oocysts were seen in 15 of 15 captive raccoons. In 6 of 6 juvenile wild-caught raccoons examined at necropsy, endogenous coccidian stages were seen in the small intestine. Two types of schizonts (large and small) were identified. Large schizonts were up to 110 microm long, contained 10-microm-long merozoites, and were in crypt glandular epithelial cells. Smaller schizonts were 10 microm long, contained 5-microm-long merozoites, and were at the tips of the villi. Only a few gamonts and no oocysts were seen in sections. These stages were thought to be of E. procyonis.  相似文献   

The structure and function of the masticatory apparatus of raccoons resemble those found in carnivores. In this study, the architecture of the skull, dentition, and masticatory apparatus is described, and a model is proposed that suggests a mechanism used by raccoons to reduce different foods. The model suggests that jaw movements are similar to those of cats, the posterior regions of the superficial and deep parts of the temporalis and the anterior region of the medial pterygoid generate horizontal jaw movements, and the anterior portions of the superficial and deep temporalis as well as portions of the masseteric complex generate vertical closing movement. The distributions of slow, fast fatigable, and fast fatigue-resistant fibers for the temporalis and masseteric complex are related to the possible actions of these muscles during mastication, as are the regional cross-sectional areas of the masticatory muscles.  相似文献   

Sarcocystis neurona causes encephalomyelitis in many species of mammals and is the most important cause of neurologic disease in the horse. Its complete life cycle is unknown, particularly its development and localization in the intermediate host. Recently, the raccoon (Procyon lotor) was recognized as a natural intermediate host of S. neurona. In the present study, migration and development of S. neurona was studied in 10 raccoons that were fed S. neurona sporocysts from experimentally infected opossums; 4 raccoons served as controls. Raccoons were examined at necropsy 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 22, 37, and 77 days after feeding on sporocysts (DAFS). Tissue sections of most of the organs were studied histologically and reacted with anti-S. neurona-specific polyclonal rabbit serum in an immunohistochemical test. Parasitemia was demonstrated in peripheral blood of raccoons 3 and 5 DAFS. Individual zoites were seen in histologic sections of intestines of raccoons euthanized 1, 3, and 5 DAFS. Schizonts and merozoites were seen in many tissues 7 to 22 DAFS, particularly in the brain. Sarcocysts were seen in raccoons killed 22 DAFS. Sarcocysts at 22 DAFS were immature and seen only in skeletal muscle. Mature sarcocysts were seen in all skeletal samples, particularly in the tongue of the raccoon 77 DAFS; these sarcocysts were infective to laboratory-raised opossums. This is the first report of the complete development of S. neurona schizonts and sarcocysts in a natural intermediate host.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is the most important protozoan disease of horses in North America and is usually caused by Sarcocystis neurona. Natural and experimentally induced cases of encephalitis caused by S. neurona have been reported in raccoons (Procyon lotor) and raccoons are an intermediate host for this parasite. A 3-yr-long serological survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to S. neurona in raccoons collected from Fairfax County, Virginia, a suburban-urban area outside Washington, D.C. Samples from 469 raccoons were examined, and agglutinating antibodies (> or = 1:50 dilution) were found in 433 (92.3%) of the raccoons. This study indicates that exposure to S. neurona is high in this metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Four hemoparasite species (Babesia lotori, Trypanosoma cruzi, Dirofilaria tenuis and Mansonella llewellyni) were found in raccoons (Procyon lotor) collected from 1972 to 1974 in Duval (n = 14) and Collier (n = 170) counties, Florida (USA). Trypanosoma cruzi was found in thin blood smears from one raccoon at each locality. The prevalence of B. lotori was 79% and 80% in samples taken in December 1973 in Collier and Duval counties, respectively. No patent infections by B. lotori were detected in raccoons collected in Collier County in December 1972, but 42% of the raccoons examined in September 1973 were infected. In Collier County there were no significant differences in the prevalence of B. lotori by host sex or age. In Duval County, overall D. tenuis prevalence was 7%, whereas that of M. llewellyni was 14%; the latter species was not found in Collier County. Adult raccoons had a significantly greater prevalence of D. tenuis (32%) than did subadults and juveniles (7%), and male raccoons showed a significantly greater prevalence (51%) than did females (8%).  相似文献   

A single juvenile male raccoon (Procyon lotor) was found naturally infected with Dirofilaria immitis. Two immature female worms were found in the heart of this raccoon at necropsy. Lesions attributable to the presence of these parasites were not found. Histopathologic examination of various tissues did not reveal any microfilariae. The raccoon may serve as an aberrant definitive host for this parasite, however, patent infections have not been reported.  相似文献   

Seventy raccoons (Procyon lotor) from western Kentucky were examined for helminths from December 1985 through May 1986. Twenty-three species of helminths were collected including 10 species of Trematoda (Brachylaima virginiana, Euryhelmis squamula, Eurytrema procyonis, Fibricola cratera, Gyrosoma singulare, Maritreminoides nettae, Mesostephanus appendiculatoides, Metagonimoides oregonensis, Paragonimus kellicotti, Pharyngostomoides procyonis), 2 species of Cestoda (Atriotaenia procyonis, Mesocestoides variabilis), 10 species of Nematoda (Arthrocephalus lotoris, Baylisascaris procyonis, Capillaria putorii, C. plica, Crenosoma goblei, Dracunculus insignis, Gnathostoma procyonis, Molineus barbatus, Physaloptera rara, Trichinella spiralis), and 1 species of Acanthocephala (Macracanthorhynchus ingens). A mean of 6.4 (3-11) helminth species per host was recorded. Fibricola cratera, Atriotaenia procyonis, Mesocestoides variabilis, Arthrocephalus lotoris, Capillaria plica, Dracunculus insignis, Molineus barbatus, and Physaloptera rara were ubiquitous parasites of the raccoon, whereas specific nidi were observed for Eurytrema procyonis, Gyrosoma singulare, Paragonimus kellicotti, Baylisascaris procyonis, Trichinella spiralis, and Macracanthorhyncus ingens. With an overall prevalence of 10% or higher, 15 of the 23 helminth species were considered common parasites of the raccoon in western Kentucky. When the 10% prevalence rate was applied within geographical quadrants to correct for the presence of nidi it was found that 18 of the 23 helminth species were common and 5 were regarded as rare parasites of the raccoon. Two species of nematodes, T. spiralis and B. procyonis, displayed a markedly higher prevalence in male raccoons.  相似文献   

A raccoon (Procyon lotor) with signs of weakness was captured in upstate New York (USA). Despite attempted care in a rehabilitation facility, the animal died and was examined because of suspected infectious neurologic disease. The cerebrum had a marked, locally extensive, neutrophilic, necrotizing encephalitis with numerous associated intralesional protozoal organisms, and a moderate to marked multifocal perivascular nonsuppurative meningoencephalitis. Based on morphology and immunohistochemical staining, the organism was a Sarcocystis sp.-like protozoan. Rabies antigen and canine distemper virus (CDV) inclusions were not detected. However, the animal was positive for canine distemper virus based on peroxidase anti-peroxidase staining.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial resistance is a global threat to livestock, human and environmental health. Although resistant bacteria have been detected in wildlife, their role in the epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance is not clear. Our objective was to investigate demographic, temporal and climatic factors associated with carriage of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli in raccoons and the environment. We collected samples from raccoon paws and feces and from soil, manure pit and dumpsters on five swine farms and five conservation areas in Ontario, Canada once every five weeks from May to November, 2011–2013 and tested them for E. coli and susceptibility to 15 antimicrobials. Of samples testing positive for E. coli, resistance to ≥ 1 antimicrobials was detected in 7.4% (77/1044; 95% CI, 5.9–9.1) of raccoon fecal samples, 6.3% (23/365; 95% CI, 4.0–9.3) of paw samples, 9.6% (121/1260; 8.0–11.4) of soil samples, 57.4% (31/54; 95% CI, 43.2–70.8) of manure pit samples, and 13.8% (4/29; 95% CI, 3.9–31.7) of dumpster samples. Using univariable logistic regression, there was no significant difference in the occurrence of resistant E. coli in raccoon feces on conservation areas versus farms; however, E. coli isolates resistant to ≥ 1 antimicrobials were significantly less likely to be detected from raccoon paw samples on swine farms than conservation areas and significantly more likely to be detected in soil samples from swine farms than conservation areas. Resistant phenotypes and genotypes that were absent from the swine farm environment were detected in raccoons from conservation areas, suggesting that conservation areas and swine farms may have different exposures to resistant bacteria. However, the similar resistance patterns and genes in E. coli from raccoon fecal and environmental samples from the same location types suggest that resistant bacteria may be exchanged between raccoons and their environment.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is the most important protozoan disease of horses in North America and is usually caused by Sarcocystis neurona. Natural cases of encephalitis caused by S. neurona have been reported in skunks (Mephitis mephitis) and raccoons (Procyon lotor). Opossums (Didelphis spp.) are the only known definitive host. Sera from 24 striped skunks, 12 raccoons, and 7 opossums (D. virginiana) from Connecticut were examined for agglutinating antibodies to S. neurona using the S. neurona agglutination test (SAT) employing formalin-fixed merozoites as antigen. The SAT was validated for skunk sera using pre- and postinfection serum samples from 2 experimentally infected skunks. Of the 24 (46%) skunks 11 were positive, and all 12 raccoons were positive for S. neurona antibodies. None of the 7 opossums was positive for antibodies to S. neurona. These results suggest that exposure to sporocysts of S. neurona by intermediate hosts is high in Connecticut. The absence of antibodies in opossums collected from the same areas is most likely because of the absence of systemic infection in the definitive host.  相似文献   

Six adult raccoons (Procyon lotor) were sedated with a combination of ketamine hydrochloride (KH) at 10 mg/kg body weight and xylazine hydrochloride (XH) at 2 mg/kg body weight intramuscularly (i.m.). Twenty min after the KH-XH combination was given, yohimbine hydrochloride (YH) at either 0.1 mg/kg (Trial 1) or 0.2 mg/kg (Trial 2) body weight or a saline control (Trial 3) was administered intravenously (i.v.). The time to arousal, time to sternal recumbency and time to walking were recorded. These times were significantly shortened after YH administration [e.g., mean time to walking (MTW) at 0.2 mg/kg YH = 23.7 min] as compared to the saline controls (MTW = 108.8 min). Heart and respiratory rates both increased after YH administration, while body temperature remained constant. A fourth trial was performed using a higher ratio of KH to XH (45:1 rather than 5:1) to mimic sedation as performed in the field. The mean time to arousal (MTA) and MTW in this trial (1.3 and 23.7 min, respectively) were significantly shorter than controls and similar to YH trials performed after immobilization with 5:1 KH-XH. Yohimbine hydrochloride may be useful in field studies that require sedation of raccoons using KH-XH combinations.  相似文献   

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