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Individuals within a population often differ considerably in size or resource status as a result of environmental variation. In these circumstances natural selection would favour organisms not with a single, genetically determined allocation, but with a genetically determined allocation rule specifying allocation in relation to size or environment. Based on a graphical analysis of a simple evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model for herbaceous perennial plants, we aim to determine how cosexual plants within a population should simultaneously adjust their reproductive allocation and sex allocation to their size. We find that if female fitness gain is a linear function of resource investment, then a fixed amount of resources should be allocated to male function, and to post‐breeding survival as well, for individuals above a certain size threshold. The ESS resource allocation to male function, female function, and post‐breeding survival positively correlate if both male and female fitness gains are a saturating function of resource investment. Plants smaller than the size threshold are expected to be either nonreproductive or functionally male only.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that cosexual plants should adjust their resource investment in male and female functions according to their size if female and male fitness are differentially affected by size.However,few empirical studies have been carried out at both the flowering and fruiting stages to adequately address size-dependent sex allocation in cosexual plants.In this paper,we investigated resource investment between female and male reproduction,and their size-dependence in a perennial andromonoecious herb,Veratrum nigrum L.We sampled 192 flowering plants,estimated their standardized phenotypic gender,and assessed the resource investment in male and female functions in terms of absolute dry biomass.At the flowering stage,male investment increased with plant size more rapidly than female investment,and the standardized phenotypic femaleness (ranging from 0.267 to 0.776) was negatively correlated with plant size.By contrast,female biased allocation was found at the fruiting stage,although both flower biomass and fruit biomass were positively correlated with plant size.We propose that increased maleness with plant size at the flowering stage may represent an adaptive strategy for andromonoecious plants,because male flowers promote both male and female fertility by increasing pollinator attraction without aggravating pollen discounting.  相似文献   

Summary An evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) on pre-copulatory mate-guarding duration is separately obtained for males and females, by assuming that either the male or female can control perfectly the timing of guarding. A difference between sexes in an ESS brings on an intersexual conflict, in particular when the ESS of the actively searching sex (usually male) is longer than that of the other. We analyse two extreme situations, in which the female mating stages are either perfectly synchronized or uniformly distributed. The analysis reveals that (1) the male ESS for guarding duration is longer than the female ESS in the synchronized case if the sex ratio is male-biased, (2) the difference in ESSs is higher for a more male-biased sex ratio, less guarding costs or a higher encounter rate, and (3) an asynchronous female mating cycle extends the conflict region towards female-biased sex ratios. We show by including conflict costs in fitnesses of both sexes that intersexual conflict may be resolved by a compromised solution, where the starting time of mate guarding is an intermediate value between the ESSs of the two sexes. This compromised strategy depends on both fitness increments of winning the conflict and physical power in controlling the opponent and tends to approach the ESS of the commoner sex in highly biased sex ratios. If both actors engaged in a conflict have enough information on each other, a compromise without an overt struggle may be reached.  相似文献   

Toshihiko Sato 《Oikos》2000,88(2):309-318
The effects of two phenological constraints in resource investment to reproduction – resource limitation at the flowering stage and unpredictability of resources gained after flowering – on the resource allocation between male and female functions in monocarpic plants are considered using the ESS (evolutionarily stable strategy) approach. The model predicts that the sex allocation including the seed maturation stage has a female bias, when the quantity of reproductive resources available at flowering is small compared with that which is obtained after flowering, or when the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production is low. The fluctuation of the quantity of resources available for seed maturation favors overproduction of ovules. As a result, more resources are allocated to female function and less to male function at flowering. The ESS allocation depends on the variability of resources and the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production. The probability that total resource allocation has a female bias becomes higher than 0.5, and it depends on the cost of seed maturation relative to ovule production rather than resource variability. On the other hand, the probability that resource allocation has a female bias decreases with resource variability if we assume that the floral sex ratio is fixed. Future studies of plant sex allocation would profit by taking account of the phenological process of reproduction such as ovule production or seed maturation.  相似文献   

We analyzed sexual allocation in cosexual plants while taking the trade-off between growth and reproduction into consideration and showed that this trade-off does not select for female-biased sexual allocation. There are two problems in sexual allocation: optimizing the amount of resources allocated to reproduction in a growing season and equalizing the resources allocated to the male and the female functions. If these two are possible at the same time, equal resource allocation to the male and the female functions is the evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS; given that the fitness gains through the male and the female functions are proportional to the amount of the resources allocated to these functions). Biased sexual allocation only occurs when constraints make it impossible to simultaneously optimize allocation to reproduction and allocation to male and female functions. However, even if female-biased sexual allocation occurs due to the addition of other constraints, the trade-off between growth and reproduction itself is not an important factor that selects for female-biased sexual allocation.  相似文献   

The ESS sex allocation when male/female fitnesses vary with patch type is a set of values which either equalizes the marginal values of the male/female fitness tradeoffs, or are pure sexes. This is shown for a hermaphrodite; the result is then generalized to other sex allocation cases.  相似文献   

Bateman’s principle states that male fitness is usually limited by the number of matings achieved, while female fitness is usually limited by the resources available for reproduction. When applied to flowering plants this principle leads to the expectation that pollen limitation of fruit and seed set will be uncommon. However, if male searching for mates (including pollen dissemination via external agents) is not sufficiently successful, then the reproductive success of both sexes (or both sex functions in hermaphroditic plants) will be limited by number of matings rather than by resources, and Bateman’s principle cannot be expected to apply. Limitation of female success due to inadequate pollen receipt appears to be a common phenomenon in plants. Using published data on 258 species in which fecundity was reported for natural pollination and hand pollination with outcross pollen, I found significant pollen limitation at some times or in some sites in 159 of the 258 species (62%). When experiments were performed multiple times within a growing season, or in multiple sites or years, the statistical significance of pollen limitation commonly varied among times, sites or years, indicating that the pollination environment is not constant. There is some indication that, across species, supplemental pollen leads to increased fruit set more often than increased seed set within fruits, pointing to the importance of gamete packaging strategies in plant reproduction. Species that are highly self-incompatible obtain a greater benefit relative to natural pollination from artificial application of excess outcross pollen than do self-compatible species. This suggests that inadequate pollen receipt is a primary cause of low fecundity rates in perennial plants, which are often self-incompatible. Because flowering plants often allocate considerable resources to pollinator attraction, both export and receipt of pollen could be limited primarily by resource investment in floral advertisement and rewards. But whatever investment is made is attraction, pollinator behavioral stochasticity usually produces wide variation among flowers in reproductive success through both male and female functions. In such circumstances the optimal deployment of resources among megaspores, microspores, and pollinator attraction may often require more flowers or more ovules per flower than will usually be fertilized, in order to benefit from chance fluctuations that bring in large number of pollen grains. Maximizing seed set for the entire plant in a stochastic pollination environment might thus entail a packaging strategy for flower number or ovule number per flower that makes pollen limitation of fruit or seed set likely. Pollen availability may limit female success in individual flowers, entire plants (in a season or over a lifetime), or populations. The appropriate level must be distinguished depending on the nature of the question being addressed.  相似文献   

A new hypothesis for the evolution of overproduction of ovules within flowers is proposed: overproduction is a counter-strategy of female seed production in the conflict with males and/or offspring. It is advantageous for females to produce a uniform size of seeds, whereas it is advantageous for fertilized ovules to absorb more resources than this size. If there is a variance in resource absorption ability among fertilized ovules, nonuniform seeds are produced. Then, by overproducing ovules, females should select fertilized ovules with similar resource absorption rates, resulting in seeds of uniform size. A model analysis confirmed that this hypothesis works. In the model, the fertilized ovules of a plant consist of two genotypes that differ in resource absorption rate. I found that overproduction of ovules and selective abortion is advantageous if the difference in the resource absorption rates of the genotypes is large. The new hypothesis is different from the selective abortion hypothesis in that selecting ovules is advantageous even if there are no differences in the genetic quality of resulting seeds.  相似文献   

Allocation of resources to male and female functions in hermaphrodites   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The question of"how a self-fertile hermaphrodite will distribute the resources that it allocates to reproduction is studied by means of the ESS approach. Different models of the relations between allocation to male function, the male and female fertilities, and the selfing rate, yield different conclusions about how much resource should be allocated to male function. Values below a half are obtained with one model, while another can give values greater than a half. Even with no selfing, values other than a half are usually obtained; with both models studied, the values decrease with increasing selling. If the selfing rate is assumed to be independent of the fraction of resources allocated to male function, it can be shown that the ESS allocation to male function always decreases as selling increases. The types of relations that might be expected in species with different types of breeding biology, and some data on allocation to male function, are reviewed.
The implications for the fitness of male- and female-sterility mutations are discussed. It is argued that the concavity or convexity of the curve relating female fertility to male fertility is not a good guide to when hermaphroditism should exist when there is some selfing. Even with a concave relation, male-sterility mutants can have a higher fitness than hermaphrodites, if there is some selling and inbreeding depression. Also, when the selfing rate depends on allocation to male I unction, an hermaphrodite ESS does not always exist when the function is concave (as it does when there is no selfing), and such an ESS may exist when the relation is convex. The fitness of male- or female-sterility mutants may also depend on the existence of 'fixed costs'. It is shown that these do not ailed the ESS allocation of resources.  相似文献   

Green dragon (Arisaema dracontium; Araceae) is a perennial woodland herb capable of switching gender from year to year. Small flowering plants produce only male flowers but when larger they produce male and female flowers simultaneously. Distinct male and monoecious phenotypes (referred to hereafter as plants) share a single underlying cosexual genotype. Four populations in southern Louisiana were sampled to determine frequencies and size distributions of male and monoecious plants, and to determine the relationship of plant size with male and female flower production in monoecious plants. Male plants were significantly smaller than monoecious plants and made up 34%–78% of flowering plants within populations. Flower number (average = 120) was weakly positively correlated with size. Monoecious plants produced an average of 169 flowers (90 female) and had 100% fruit set, with individual berries containing an average of 2.5 ovules and 1.3 filled seeds. Male flower number was negatively correlated, and female flower number positively correlated, with basal stem diameter. Extrapolation of regression slopes suggested that green dragon should become completely female at a size 20% larger than the largest plant observed in this study. A simple model of inflorescence development is presented to illustrate how the reproductive system of green dragon is related to that of jack-in-the-pulpit (A. tnphyllum), which exhibits a more distinct switch between male and female phenotypes.  相似文献   

The paternal fitness of a sexual individual is equated with the fitness of those eggs of its potential mates which it is able to fertilize. This property enables the total sexual fitness of individuals to be expressed in terms of female gamete contributions in separate equations for a cosex (an individual in a population composed of a single sexual class which combines male and female functions) and for parents in a dioecious population. The general equations are used in phenotypic models of selection which examine conditions maximizing the fitness advantage of one phenotype over another with a different sex ratio or allocation. As an example, it is shown that finite population size confers full stability on the sexual allocations in a cosexual population and on the sex ratio in a dioecious population.The use of fitness advantages provides the outcome of selection for all frequencies of contrasted phenotypes. It is therefore possible to redefine an ESS to allow for persistent variability in a population. A phenotype is an ESS in a population if, from any initial frequency, it is protected from loss by its fitness advantage. The conditions for a rare mutant to spread invariably coincide with those for its fixation only if an individual of any phenotype affects the fitness of other individuals of all phenotypes in identical ways.  相似文献   

Models for sex allocation assume that increased expenditure of resources on male function decreases the resources available for female function. Under some circumstances, a negative genetic correlation between investment in stamens and investment in ovules or seeds is expected. Moreover, if fitness returns for investment in male and female function are different with respect to size, sex allocation theory predicts size‐specific gender changes. We studied sex allocation and genetic variation for investment in stamens, ovules and seeds at both the flower and the plant level in a Dutch population of the wind‐pollinated and predominantly outcrossing Plantago coronopus. Data on biomass of floral structures, stamens, ovules, seedset and seedweight were used to calculate the average proportion of reproductive allocation invested in male function. Genetic variation and (genetic) correlations were estimated from the greenhouse‐grown progeny of maternal families, raised at two nutrient levels. The proportion of reproductive biomass invested in male function was high at flowering (0.86 at both nutrient levels) and much lower at fruiting (0.30 and 0.40 for the high and low nutrient treatment, respectively). Androecium and gynoecium mass exhibited moderately high levels of genetic variance, with broad‐sense heritabilities varying from 0.35 to 0.56. For seedweight no genetic variation was detected. Significant among‐family variation was also detected for the proportion of resources invested in male function at flowering, but not at fruiting. Phenotypic and broad‐sense genetic correlations between androecium and gynoecium mass were positive. Even after adjusting for plant size, as a measure of resource acquisition, maternal families that invested more biomass in the androecium also invested more in the gynoecium. This is consistent with the hypothesis that genetic variation for resource acquisition may in part be responsible for the overall lack of a negative correlation between male and female function. Larger plants had a more female‐biased allocation pattern, brought about by an increase in seedset and seedweight, whereas stamen biomass did not differ between small and large plants. These results are discussed in relation to size‐dependent sex allocation theory (SDS). Our results indicate that the studied population harboured substantial genetic variation for reproductive characters.  相似文献   

This article develops a simple evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model of resource allocation in partially selfing plants, which incorporates reproductive and sex allocation into a single framework. The analysis shows that, if female fitness gain increases linearly with resource investment, total reproductive allocation is not affected by sex allocation, defined as the fraction of reproductive resources allocated to male function. All else being equal, the ESS total reproductive allocation increases with increasing selfing rate if the fitness of selfed progeny is more than half that of outcrossed progeny, while the ESS sex allocation is always a decreasing function of the selfing rate. Self-fertilization is much more common in annual than in perennial plants, and this association has been commonly interpreted in terms of an effect of life history on mating system. The model in this article shows that self-fertilization can itself cause the evolution of the annual habit. Incorporating the effects of pollen discounting may not have any influence on total reproductive allocation if female fitness gain is a linear function of resource investment, although the evolutionarily stable sex allocation is altered. Evolution of the selfing rate is found to be independent of reproductive and sex allocation under the mass-action assumption that self- and outcross pollen are deposited simultaneously on receptive stigmas and compete for access to ovules.  相似文献   

Summary In order to quantify female and male fitness values of clones in a Pinus sylvestris L. seed orchard, multilocus-genotypes of parental clones were compared with those of open pollinated seeds in the bulked orchard crop. Female and male contributions to individual seeds were distinguished by observing enzyme gene loci active in both endosperm and embryo tissue. Seed probes from two successive flowering periods were surveyed. The female and male fitnesses of five parental clones measured relative to the population mean were derived. The contributions of four clones were found to be sexually asymmetric. One clone, for instance, made exclusively female contributions in one flowering period. Variations existed in fitness values between clones. Deviations in sex specificity occurred between flowering periods: one clone contributed asymmetrically in both periods, but in sexually reversed proportions. A method to comprehensively quantify and illustrate the observed phenomena is proposed.  相似文献   

J. Silertown 《Oecologia》1987,72(1):157-159
Summary Most plants are hermaphrodite (cosexual). Charnov et al. (1976) advanced the hypothesis that cosexuality is favoured in plants because a convex fitness set is generated by a non-additive relationship between male and female resource costs. In the first experimental test of this hypothesis, reproductive costs were measured in a male x female factorial design using male, female, cosexual, and neuter cucumber plants. Costs were measured by plant's vegetative growth response to treatments. The results show that male costs in the system used have negligible effect upon plant growth and female function, and imply a convex fitness set, in accordance with Charnov et al.'s model. Female function (fruit set) has an inhibitory effect upon vegetative growth and male flower production, favouring protandry.  相似文献   

We have reanalyzed models of the breakdown of dioecy involving modified males to investigate female frequencies in the resulting gynodioecious populations. We extend and simplify previous treatments to deal with biologically relevant factors including pollen limitation, partial selfing of modified males, and inbreeding depression, to highlight the different empirically detectable advantages that may be gained by modified males that can reproduce as cosexes (i.e., can produce some seeds); these include “inconstant males,” which can sometimes display some female function. Males reproducing wholly or occasionally as cosexual phenotypes can gain the transmission advantage of selfing, if partial self‐fertilization is possible, and from reproductive assurance when pollen is limiting. If, because of resource limitation, such cosexual phenotypes produce fewer ovules than females, their nonselfed ovules will require a lower pollen pool size for full seed‐set, compared with females. We investigate the conditions for these benefits to allow modified males to invade dioecious populations. Sometimes, such invasion leads to replacement of dioecy by the cosexual type, but sometimes the breakdown populations remain sexually polymorphic. When competition occurs between genotypes in the pollen load on a flower, high female frequencies can arise when Y chromosome‐bearing pollen competes poorly with X pollen.  相似文献   

Females of the bivoltine thrips Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood) (Insecta: Thysanoptera) produce broods of either all males (by viviparity) or all females (by oviparity). Measurements of the sex-allocation ratio, ecological and physiological conditions affecting male and female offspring body size, and correlates of the relative fitnesses of adult males and females in relation to size indicate that female parents tend to be viviparous (produce males) if their offspring will become relatively large adults, and that males gain more in fitness from large size than do females. However, the conditions that link sex allocation with offspring fitness differ between the spring and summer generations. In spring, when breeding is synchronous, 1) oviparous and viviparous females do not differ in body size, 2) females tend to be viviparous where the fungus upon which they feed is relatively dense and where their offspring will become relatively large adults, and 3) fungus density is highly correlated with male and female offspring size. In summer, when breeding is relatively asynchronous, 1) viviparous females are much larger than oviparous females early (but not late) in the season, 2) large viviparous females begin breeding earlier than smaller ones, 3) offspring developing earlier in the season become larger adults, and 4) a higher proportion of females are viviparous earlier than later. Field experiments and field collections show that the covariation among sex allocation, conditions, and fitness is not caused by differential mortality by size or sex. Differences between the spring and summer generations in the cues used by females to adjust offspring sex ratio may be caused by seasonal variation in the factors that affect offspring size. However, in both generations, females tend to produce sons only when their offspring will become relatively large adults, whereas daughters are produced regardless of offspring size. These data suggest that females of E. tuberculatus avoid production of males (the sex with higher variance in expected fitness) when the size of their offspring is relatively uncertain.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory assumes that a shift in allocation of resources to male function both increases male fitness and decreases female fitness. Moreover, the shapes of these fitness gain functions determine whether hermaphroditism or another breeding system is evolutionarily stable. In this article, I first outline information needed to measure these functions in flowering plants. I then use paternity analysis to describe the shapes of the fitness gain functions in natural populations of the hermaphroditic herb Ipomopsis aggregata. I also explore the relationships of male fitness (number of seeds sired) and female fitness (number of seeds produced) to the number of flowers produced by a plant. Plants with greater investment of biomass in the androecium, compared to the gynoecium and seeds, showed increased success at siring seeds, assumed by the models. That sex allocation trait, however, explained only 9% of the variance in estimates of male fitness. The shapes of the fitness gain functions were consistent with theoretical expectations for a hermaphroditic plant, but the model predicted a more female-biased evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) allocation than was observed. These results lend only partial support the classical sex allocation model.  相似文献   

One of the major evolutionary trends in flowering plants is the evolution of unisexual flowers (male or female) from perfect flowers. This transition has occurred repeatedly in many taxa and has generated a wonderful array of variation in sexual expression among species. Theoretical studies have proposed a number of mechanisms to explain how this level of variation could be maintained in natural systems. One possible mechanism is the female compensation hypothesis, which predicts that female mutants require an increase in their seed fitness in order to invade a hermaphroditic system. Using Geranium maculatum, I tested this hypothesis and showed that female mothers produced more and larger seeds than hermaphroditic mothers even though they were indistinguishable in their vegetative traits and the flower production. Seeds from females were also more likely to germinate and produced seedlings with larger above- and belowground biomass. These seedlings were more likely to flower than those from hermaphrodites in at least one of the two populations studied. Combined, these results indicated that females in G. maculatum did compensate for their loss of male function by producing more and better seeds than hermaphrodites. This provides a mechanism for the maintenance of female plants in this species.  相似文献   

Evolutionary selective forces, like predator satiation and pollination efficiency, are acknowledged to be major causes of masting (the variable, periodic and synchronic production of seeds in a population). However, a number of recent studies indicate that resources might also play an important role on shaping masting patterns. Dioecious masting species offer a privileged framework to study the role of resources on masting variation, since male and female plants often experience different reproductive costs and selective pressures. We followed masting and reproductive investment (RI) of the dioecious tree Juniperus thurifera in two populations along 10 years and studied the different response of males and females to experimentally increased water and nutrient availability in a third population. Juniperus thurifera females invested in reproduction three times more resources than males. Such disparity generated different resource‐use strategies in male and female trees. Tree‐ring growth and water use efficiency (WUE) confirmed that sexes differed in their resource investment temporal pattern, with males using current resources for reproduction and females using resources accumulated during longer periods. Watered and fertilized female trees presented significantly higher flowering reproductive investments than males and experienced an extraordinary mast‐flowering event. However, seeding RI and mast seeding were not affected by the treatment. This suggests that although resource availability affects the reproductive output of this species, there are other major forces regulating masting on J. thurifera. During 10 years, J. thurifera male and female trees presented high and low flowering years more or less synchronously. However, not all mast flowering episodes resulted in mast seeding, leading to masting uncoupling between flowering and seeding. Since flowering costs represent only 1% of females’ total reproductive investments, masting uncoupling could be a beneficial bet‐hedging strategy to maximize reproductive output in spite of unpredictable catastrophic events.  相似文献   

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